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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Feb 1885, p. 2

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I i T i, t I i 1 )i , : blbved in amendment by Mr. T’lp‘om- I I RL‘NAwars â€"There have bEen loo: , I I! ‘ mu, RCOIICIQLI by .‘dr Swanton, hat = ess than four runaways. m €139 00 l a\ 0 IV o I‘ is O o, J. J. Punter be appointed assessor for 1 Falls since our last issue. The first andl , the year 1885 â€"Carried. l longest was on Sunday afternoon, when HARDWARE HERCHANT, By-law read in committee of the , a horse from one oi the Lindsay livery! 1 ‘ , whole as amended. By-law readathird , stables suddenly set 08' at full gallop ii enelon P ails, ---FORâ€" CHRISTMAS near the school house and came down the main street “ at the rate of a hunt." The driver, doubting his ability to get time and posed. Moved by Mr. Swanton. seconded by Mr. Thomson. That the fire engines be mThQ’BQiiâ€"iery'aoné}. ‘: TO BE COSBISCATED TO THE USE OF TEE PROVINCE. At. Monday afternoon's session of the local legislature, Hon. C. F. Fraser in-i trodueed a bill calculated to set at rest A a much vexed question. It will be reâ€"l l .. , . . . . . . _.___ “‘0 “Yokohama advices state that the gun- RI .1le RI B31). powder works near (.‘anion, which ex- Ne‘l‘aoonrâ€"MmaLâ€"Atthe Mensch»- ‘ , , o.) - elon Falls. by the Rev. “‘11:. Lochead. on Er:s:_d°:n§)ific§:i:;pi;::’ hHEd mo loudav, February 2nd, Mr. Peter McTag- , _ . . gart, of Victoria Road. to Janet, daughter A white robin was killed in South of “know,” Nurnhotsomufiuc‘ Carolina the other day. It had the usqu red breast, but the rest of the DIED. _, , feathers were white. Mountâ€"At Penelon Falls. or? Snndav, The indictment against Bunting, February 8th, Mary, wife of Mr. Wm. unfit, ‘ aged 25 years. CARDS, PICTURE BOOKSAND llllllllllli insult of all kinds at Ellis’s Drug Store, PENELUN FA LLS. B LEGAL dcc. .i. l'. m-;vi.i.\', ARIIISTEIZ, Attorney-.tt-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent fitrcel, Lindsay. MARTIN ii; IIOPKI. s, ; BAltItIS'i‘l-iits'. SOLICI'I‘HIH, .kc Bio-l ney to Loan ut 0} pi-r cunt. Oliicefij Kent street. Lindsay. Ont. KS. .“AIITIM. (. . II. liorxiss. " r, 0.31001”), IIRItISTE t, ATTORNEY, & SOLICITR sud Notary Public. Money to Loun.= Odiee, Kent street, Lindsay. ! IlUDSI’E'l‘ll d: JACKSON, ARnIs'Tl-IRS, SOLICITORS, .kc. on! lice, William strcct, Lindsay. A. Ilumlrizru. A. Jacxsox ()'LE.~\IIY dz (J'LEARY, AIIRISTEIIS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, .kc. Uflice, Duheny Illoek, Kcntatrcet, Lindsay. ' Aaruuu (I'Litxnv. Ilcou O'Lmnv. )lclN'l'YliE & STEWART, A RIUS'I‘ERS, A ’l"l‘t I ItN Ii YS-A T-LA“', Solicitors in Chancery. k0,, Lindsay. Office over Ontario lhtnk. KI'III. strt-ct. .\Io- ncy to Loan nt 8 per cent. on real estate couritit-s. D. J. )IclvrvuiL 'I‘nos. Sriuvan'r. l cannon m I'l‘iI, ARRIS'I‘EIIS, SOLICITORS, the, Mud say. Mom-y to Loan on security of niort- gages, promissory notes, kc. Joux A. llaultnx. 'J. It. SMITH. fl‘ One of the firm will be at their Fen e‘lon Falls ofiice every Thursday. (i. A. JORDAN, did/Inger. _ htrlDICAL: A. W. J. DHOIIASSI, .‘I. I)., {‘ORONER, Physician,Siirgeoii,kc., kc. , Residence, llrick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. ~â€" DRS. WILSON .k WILSON, IlYSIi‘.I.\.\'S. SURGEONS k ACCOI'- ehers. Ollii-c. Fr ' "is Street East, I-‘eii- rlou l-‘alls. E. S. Wins-ix, u u.. .\t. n.. c. .u., M. c. I‘, .t a. Ont Dr. A. Wimox, a. IL. it. c. I'. .t 3., Out. Du. J. ll. LOWE. IIYSICIAN k SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of Ilnlihurton. [8‘ Office. next door to the McArthur House. Residence, the house lately occu- pied hy Dr. Iii'ysou, on May street, Feiiclon Falls. DRS. BliltllOWS .k G RAIIAM, IIYSIGIANS, SI’RGEONS, kc. Office and residence directly opposite Carr‘s liotel. William St .I.itid.<a.v. Calls from the country promptly attended to. P. PALMER Boniiowa, II. II. GHANA“, .\I. n., It. 0., C. .\t., \I. c. I'. .t r. .\I., lute Soho llos- ‘ a. 0. Graduate Il'tlill , pital, London, r. r. 9.1 College, .\Iont., limit. I 3L, .n. it. c.s., England l SURVEYORS. l JAMES IIICKSON. I) L.3urvcyor, Coin iiissioner in the Q. IL, . Convcyanccr, «kc. ltcsiilmicc,iiitd ud- drcas. I-‘cnclun Falls. â€"â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"__ _MISCEI_.LANEOUS. ,7 ,...MA. New Tailoring Establishment. Tim undersigned. having i'niiiiucured the Tailoring business in rooms over the post- ollice, respectfully solicits a share of public patrouugi'. Garments .iladc In the Latest Style. and t‘lls’liilllt‘rs‘ niiy rely on gelling a good i ‘il. ('li'rrynrnimnilhf». A. CLARK: Fcncloii I-‘alls. Dvc'r litli. ISM. 43. i l -» l n.“ u r. A i N . I’lve good liuildiug Lots for sale cheap In Fem-Ion I-‘alls West. Apply to J.\u\'l.~: ,t .\IrD(il'G.\l.l.. 3 Four-Ion Falls, Juno litth, 18:44. 17-! i. l J. NEELANDS, ,1) I'IN'L‘IH'I‘. 1.41 NDSzXX'. One of the firm Will be at the McAnrni-it IIot‘sE. Frxrtox FALLS, ; on the third Monday ofrarh month. Teeth I extracted by laughing gas without pain or ‘ Injury, or no charge will be made. a. Otlice established in Lindsav nearlv fifteen yeart. I I '- IIE (‘ITY OF LONDON I-‘IIKE INSI'R- a!" (‘o. t‘apital £1.1‘woguio sterling. Deposited with the Dominion Government. slitvififlfl. Tun Roi-ii. I\IL'R.\!C£ t‘o. or Evacuaâ€" Capital, simoonpeo. Deposited with Do. minion Government and otherwise vested In (.‘gnada, sonomn Tun Wants: Ixst‘mxrs ('o. or Cant-A. ‘ Capital and Aaseta, ii,fi.€7.553. .I. n. sntru. only. P Fenclon Falls, Jan‘y 22nd. 1886. 43. INSUILANCEJ GEORGE CUNNINGHAI, annual Insurance and Loan Agent.‘ WIT FALLS, ONT” represents the following tier class eompa. tiles, with aim-h hit-inc“ can be transacted upon the most afitanlagectu terms. fie Canada Putnam-tit Luau k Savings Co The Imperial Insurance Company, uI Lon don. England. the Citzrrav Inviranw Corny-1:}, oft.‘a:ia- da. Pin c: 1' .‘C"i {vii}. The Lana-inn Instance Co, of Englan I, The Contact-"Ito: Lac AisM‘utinLDI Cur, I 38.. begs to call attention to his large stock of AXES, removed from H. Dcyman's to the cn-‘ ; gine house li-rthwitli.â€"Carried. well Worthy the attention of; luiiibcrincii. " Ahead of any " Cross-Cut Saws, the best in the market. fPaints, Oils, Glass and Puttyai a general stock of Ilardwarc, 3Pllllllll it lllllll SillllS. and carpeiitcrs’ and other tools. by the best manufacturers. November 7th, 1684. El; efcuclau falls Q5a3cttc aturday, Feb’y 14th, 1885. The War in Egypt. A despatcli from England, dated Fob- ruary 10th, says that General Gordon was fatally stabbed in the back on the day that the )Iahdi's force entered Khartoum, and that a fearful massacre oftho garrison followed, the scenes of slaughter surpassing the Bulgarian atrocities and rii'alling the worst hor- rors ol' the Scpt’iy mutiny. The panic- strickun ,l‘lgyptiansâ€"mcn. women and childrenâ€"wore captured and put to death with the. most. fiendish tortures, and after the slaughter Aruba were seen rushing about the streets with tho heads of their victims impaled upon spears. The account at Gordon's death is still discredited by many. but. there is reason to believe that it. is true. Fighting still goes on, and Gen. Earle and Lieut.-Col. Eyre have been killed, t0gctlier with two or three ofiicers of inferior rank and from forty to fifty men. There is talk of increasing the army in Egypt to 20,000, (which ought to have been done long ago) as the Cnglisli people insist that. the Mahdi shall be put down at. any cost. The action of France, in supplying the rcb~ cls with arms and ammunition, is ex- citing tnucli bitter comment in England. Fenelon Pulls Races. The eighth annual meeting of tlic Fcnelou Falls Trotting Association was advertist to take place on Tuesday and Weddesdny of this week, but had to be postponed until Thursday and Friday on account of the weather. which was not only terribly cold but so stormy that. it was impossible to kcop the track clt‘ul' of snow, although the managers did their best. Even as late as Thursday noon it was uncertain whether there would be any racing that day; but by dint ol'cniploying a strong force of men with shovels and attaching no less than nine teams of horses to the snow-plough, the track was got into fair order by about three o'clock, and before dark the first day's pregramnn: was got through with, all but. the last heat in the green race, which had to be trotted next morning. Friday, thouin still cold, was line and clear, and as an early start was made and only three heats were trotted in each race, the sport Was over before four o'clock. Thc attendance of spectators on the. first day was very small, as but' few knew that .‘Iovvd by .‘Ir. Swanton. seconded by 2 .‘Ir. Thomson, That I“. D. .‘Ionre be instructed to retain G. T. Blackstmk,_ E-q.. of Toronto, to assist him in the- suit. of II. C. Smith re streets in this corporationâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by .‘Ir. Nevison, That the following new counts be paid and the reeve give his orders for the some: Mrs. Fox. clcan~ : ing hall, 81 25; George Cunningham, l l registering births, deaths and marriages, $3 til) ; (10., election expenses, 822; D. “and, T. V. C. 87 ; do. storing fire engines for 1883 and 1384. SS â€"Carried. Moved by Mr, Swuuton, seconded by .‘Ir Nei’ison, That the council do now adjourn. to meet at the call of the reeve. : ~Curricd. DENTAL Nortonâ€"Mr. J. Neelnnds, dentist. of Lindsay, or his assistant, will be at the McArthur House, Fenc- loii Falls, on Monday and Tuesday next, the liith and 17th inst. ' Excusxonii.â€"The Rev. Mr. Logan and the llcv. Mr. Cooper, of Cunibrzly, have exchanged pulpits for Sunday next, and the preach in St. Jumes's Church. Fciicion l Falls, both morning and evening. ACCIDENT.â€"On Saturday of last week )1 r. Thomas Lane, of Fcnelon Falls. met. with a very serious accident while chopping for Mr. James Butler, of Sam- erville. It appears that a tree that had been fcllcd lodged in another, and. while attempts were being made to lib- eratc it. the butt slipped from the stump and caught .‘Ir. Lane's foot, which was so terribly crushed that it. will probably have to be amputated. THE T. V. C.â€"â€"We are glad to see that the Pitcrborougli county council, at its late meeting, adopted a resolution asking for the united influence of seve- ral municipalities and other interested parties, in urging on the Dominion Gov- ernment n more vigorous prosecution of the construction of the Trent Valley Canal, and that. circulars to that effect have already been issued. That's right â€"keep the ball rolling. ATTACKED or a IiA.\t.â€"Yesterday (Friday) as the wife of Mr. Thomas Moyues, of Fcnelon. was stooping in tlic burn-yard, she was attacked by a vicious rain, which struck her on the head and knocked her down, and then assailed her so furiously that her shoulders and breast were much bruised and one arm was broken. Thouin badly hurt she is likely to recover, unless the blow on her head should prove more serious than Dr. Wilson. who is attending but, at present thinks it is. l’iiitsox.\i..â€"Mr. Ilobcrt Chambers, who was on the staff of the Gamma soon after it. wax-i established, called to see us on Wednesday last and left. his card, having lately commenced business in Lindsay as a dealer in and manufactur- er ol'grauitc and marble headstones, at which he has had ten years’ experience. As Mr. Chambers is a steady, reliable young man, and we have seen several very creditable specimens of his work, we can recommend him to such of our readers as may need anything in his line. ACCIDENT.â€"The many friends of Mr. James J. Power, of this village, will be sorry to learn that last Thurs- day morning he slipped and fell with such violence that one of the small bones of his right leg was broken and the ankle dislocated. The accident. is the more to be regretted as Mr. Power had barely recovered from the lameness caused, several months ago, by injuries inflicted on his left. foot by one of the saws iii the red mill. lie is under the safely over the canal, turned the animal i membered that the money given BIcKim . down Francis street east. and it tore and other: for the purpose of bribing. along for nearly a mile until it overtook them to vote against the government, ; a sleigh-load of people, when a collision I was by them placed in the hands of the ; ioccurred. Nobody was hurt; but the! speaker. Shortly _zlterwnrds serum 3 loccupant of the cutter was thrown out, creditors of McKim. to Wit. Messrs. ; land the horse continued his career un- Stewart 5:. McPherson, of Hamilton. l l til he got to the plains, where a fallen garnislieed this money, and are, it is; Early on Tuesday understood. taking legal action to re- tree stopped him. . _ cover it. M r. Fraser introduced a hill morning Dr. E. S. Wilson's black mare, ' Meek, Wilkinson, and the others in tho 1 and the accused will be put on trial. ‘Victor, eldest son of the PrinCe of bribery plot case has been sustained, A marriage has been arranged be tween the Princess Clementine, daugh- ter of King Leopold, and Prince Albert Wales. Duncan C. Ross and Tom Cannon have signed articles to Compete for the Macuoxamâ€"At Beveridge Bay. on Sun- day, February 8th, from injuries caused by the dynamite explosion on the 37th of Jun nary, George P., fourth son of A. P. “lb donald, Esq., of Toronto, aged 28 years. Humanismâ€"At Stratl‘oni. on Tuerday, February 10th, after a painful illness of three years, Lois Amelia, wife of Mr. M. W. Minthorne, formerly of Fenclon Falls, aged 33 years and I] months. E. ; printing, $7; liq Deyman, coliin for late Miss Sinclair,‘ latter will. tliuiclorc.i the trotting was to take place; but. next ‘ cure Of Dr' 3;)“:th:elji?mni?;:u8k,ij£?l day ‘3“0utâ€"7l‘ Villagers and farmers to "Qatle-m M p u , p, ik u make a good crowd were present. Tl",- beiug laid up or some one s. . rcmarkably g ml trotting. ‘ Stevens”; Keen llotlist‘liilvl V T. Atlanta’s Lucy S. ~ . F. .‘ltllan's Hypocrite. . .\I. Ogdcn's “nor the long delay ii'as no doubt a draw- back and three or l'uurhorsi's were taken l the 'council proceedings in this issue. home, there were more and better ones on the ice than ever before met on Cam~ oroii lake, and, iiothwithstanding tlic IIt‘ltVIUCa‘a‘ of the ll'll"I\'. there was some The follow- ing arc the results: FIllS'l‘ DA Y. (iikl’il‘iN RACE. Geo. (‘iirtis's Highland Iiuy Lute-â€" .i-tsw-L: 'l'iiiic,1l:'.‘“. 32-; lelz'i, 3:13. (‘OI'NTY TIIOT. R. D. llill's Idaho .I. Simpson's Lapidist (‘liicf - Chas. Ilarth-tt's .\I;in~l llirtlett Time, 3.15. il:l.'-. 3:30. J-LJIQ" “Lila?” bits!â€" Lil;â€" um»- SECOND DAY. COLT turn. JM. Emily‘s Lady Tariff D. t'arniirliael's Queen ~ Capt llottutn's ifliarlie Forest D. .‘Ir‘llac's Flower of the North Robert I'Idivarils's )Iinuie A. Ul'l’IN TIIUT. R, Itcadc's Harry ll. - It. I). IIlii 3 Idaho I". K. I.‘.iiiipl»rll s lilark Diamond l-‘. “i. )lvll: " I; ytl iiv-‘r - .. . 5; '._v l‘arkt‘r Tim». 3 L"Jâ€"(.;lv"‘ 12'5Ltiliaâ€" ,'_lJ-{~‘I;'-‘ 3; .. IG'... 5.“- 05 I.) -‘ i..: we- | l , . . on, 3:00, 2:.»3. “Tillage Council: I’cnelon Falls, Feb. 7th, 13.95 The council nit-t pursuant to adjourn- ment. Members all present, and the recite in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. .‘Imlrt‘ and II. B. Dean were laid before the council. by Mr. Nevin-n, That Ily-iaw No. â€"-. clititlcd a by-law to appoint an assessor for the current year, be now introduced and read 1 first time.~â€"(,'arri:d. Moved by .‘Ir. Sandford. wean ic-l by Mr. Sexism. Thu John Alistiu he assessor for 15%. l l l l Ax OIt.lHC'lIO.\’.â€";\s will be seen by . instructions have been given for the re- nioval of the small fire-engine, hitherto in Mr. II. lh'yiiinn’s charge, to the building on the market square in which tho largo engine is kept. An objection to this is raised by some of the property owners who live near .‘Ir. Dcymau, on the ground that is not advisable to have . a both engines so far from the business lccutre oi' the village; and as there is something in this, and the small engine has always been kept. in good order at a nominal expense. perhaps the council will rc-cmisider their determination. 'I‘iiv. Cxi‘iiomc Coxcmtr.â€"'I‘lm con- cert under the au~picc~ of the I{. C. choir came off. as avit‘ortzwl Thursday in Ingiainl hail . but. the U- tenduncc was not as i;ir.-i~ as it ought ('1 _ have been. perhaps on account of the. very unfavorable weather. Thosp pros . out were greatly pleased, as the innsic, .botli vocal and instrumental, was ex- ,cccdiugly good. nearly all the singers ! repeatedly root-iving the honour of an‘ v‘ltt' Ift‘. .‘Ir. T. McNaughton was much admired, r and the entertainment. as a whole, was ‘ mvrs and others have dispensed with. ‘ the law , .alquS no action was taken. one of the most pleasing ever given in ‘ Foiielon Falls. A were extended notice 4 of it will appear next week. l-‘ixitii.~ This winter not a few far- bells on their horses, which is against but as they generally drive however, ti number of trotting horses . came to the Falls. and were driven up 3 and doth the main street at nearly full Coniuin- ' :nications from .‘lessrs. F. I). speed it became dangerous, and on Wednesday the drivers of horses un- provided with hells were informed that : . they must procure them. Some did so. . but uthcrs didn't ; and one of the latter Moved by Mr. Saudford, seconded ' was summoned before James Dickson. . .l. I’.. who on Thursday morning lined him a dollar and costs. At the same court W. H. Simpson was fined 82 and . own for ~triking George .‘Iaybevs. and Robert White. ot Pctcrbirough, was tined S‘.’ and costs for using profane ,‘ and ot~2cne language. last ‘ The Indian club swinging by ‘ When.e . . . - tents of this journal are eminently fero- j lwhile being driven by a boy, took a short but spirited run, in the course of l which she demolished the cutter ; and l about. 10 o'clock Dexter, a Port. Hope ‘ trotter, bolted at Simpson’s corner. and, after nearly going through )Ir. Cooper’s shop window, rau between that building and Ingrnm's hull ; and, some time du- ring the forcnoon, a horse attached to a cutter ran away for some reason, but did no damage worth mentioning. Bannv ScottCllED.â€"Zebedce Smith, aged about 15. one of the multitudinotis sons of the widow Smith, of this village, appears to have an iiisufliciently devel- oped organ of cautiousuess. Summer before last. while allowing some other boys to draw him up with a rope and pulley behind Jordan's block, he fell and broke one of his legs, and for sev~ exal months had to go upon crutches. , But. by degrees he got. all right. again and ready for another mishap, which . lwli'll him hi<t ’l‘ui-sday. On the even- - ing of that day it occurred to him that i tobacco and gunpowder would make a good smoking mixture, so he tried the experiment. It was eminently satisfac- tory ; but one of the ingredients burned so much faster than the other that it. was necessary .to add more. So he raised the bottle which did duty as a powder flask, and carefully poured some of its contents into the bowl of his pipe, while be sucked away at the stem. There wasa flash and a loud report, the house was filled with smoke and Zcb’s mind was filled with astonish- ment. Fortunately lic'was not injured by the broken glass, but his hands and lace were badly scorched and blackened, his eyelashes and eyebrows burned off, and his hair a good deal singed. IInd there been much powder in the bottle he might have been killed; lint as there was less than an ounce he was not badly hurt, though he will probably look for some time as if he had been tattooed. 365’“ In the. Gazelle of Saturday, the 3lst ult., quite a feat, in cros<eut sawing on the farm of .\Ir. J. E. Ellis, of li‘ciiclou, was re- corded. 'I‘lie saw used is the celebrated “ Ahead ofAny,” and is tiiniiufactiired spe- cially for Bertram .i; C0,, of Toronto, by Henry Disston A: Sons, of Philadelphia, Pa., and stands unrivalled in make and quality by any saw in the market. There has been a large number sold in different districts since last full, and they are all that they claim to be. Sold by G. E. Anderson, Fcii- eloii Falls. t . Haitian Wll‘: /' gain. SYDNEY, New South 'Vales, Feb. 7. -â€"Tlic race between llaiihin, the re nowiicd Canadian, and Clifford, who has been winning great aquatic lnui‘cls on this side of the sphere, took place to-day. Both men were in good con- dition. lluiilau had trained on com- own sense principles this time and was ready for hard work. The day was fine and thousands witnessed the race. A good start was obtained and the re- sult was never for a moment in doubt. I-lanlnn came in six lengths ahead, row- ing comfmtably. The distance was three and three-quarter miles less 110 yards, and the stake $2.500 a side. There was no championship at stake. IIanlan won much as he pleased. Both men were in excellent condition. An enormous crowd witnessed the contest. -â€"-o-.-~_ A Terrible Night. Three hundred inhabitants of Jones' island. a desolate strip of land in Lake Michigan, at the mouth of the Milwau- kee river, narrowly escaped destruction on the night. of Monday last, the 9th inst. The island is surrounded by huge piles of ice and snow. A fearful gale raged that. night, and the waves began to wash over the icy barrier. The peo- i plc were aroused by the flood, and many 1 narrowly escaped death tryingr to cross 1 the ice to the mainland. The ice was found broken and they returned, wa- ding throuin slush, ice and water knee deep. and took refuge in the second sto rics of the larger houses, and wherever they could perch out of reach of the water. The sufferings of the people through the night were terrible. the mercury being 18 below zero. Today i the water gradually receded. 3-. t O’Douovau Rossa. 0 Donovan linssn's career is too well- known to require any explanation. The notorious»; blatherskite and apostle of dynamite and assassination was born in county Cork, Ireland, in 1832. 5 father died in March, 1847; and the , eviction of the family in June of that ; year by an alien landlord made him an 3 uncompromising hater of England. For several years he was a shopkeeper, un- til 1859. when he vvas arrested for his ,eonneetion with the Phoenix society, . the parent of the Fenian organization. In ISGS he Was again imprisoned, and was not released until 1870. He then wont to New York. where he kept a ho. i tel until he established the Unit“! Irishman some years ago. The con- 'cious in their nature. Consequently the British government confisealen the United Irishman whenever it finds the opportunity. A feature of its columns is the subscription list recording gifts ; by Irish-Americans for the purpose of 3 working injury to England by the use of dynamite or other efi'ectire secret IDL‘ISUI’ES. .. 7 . aw”-.. - .â€".__.._. A California owl in Sierra valley laid in for his winter supply 80 big mice. several large rats and Chipmunks and some sparrows. lle lodges in a barn ; and looks out for a cheerful living. "is i l i i l l . . i l r i i l y I i i stantly. yesterday, which was read a first time. the purpose of which is to declare the monies known as the bribery monies forfeit to the province, and to protect Mr. Speaker from liability in the mat- tcr. This action will head off McKiui's creditors nicely. The opposition re- ceived the announcement ol the bill in dead silcm.â€"' Toronfo Nun‘s. - A Blazing Torrent. DISASTRO US RESULTS OF COLLISION. A RAILWAY NEw BRUNSWICK, N. Y., Feb. 6.â€"â€"A collision occurred between a freight and an oil train, on the Iron Bridge of the Penn. R. R. spanning Rnritau river, at 3 o’clock this morning, resulting in the loss of two lives, and the destruction of two locomotives and a great many cars, the partial wreck of one span of the bridge and the burning of two factories, six dwellings, and one hotel. The dam- nge amounts to nearly a million. The collision, as far as ascertained, was due to the carelessness of the conductor of the forward train. This train consisted of freight and oil cars, the latter being in the rear, and was eastward bound. the bridge with the tail end standing cm the shore spans. No Ifagmen were sent back to warn the approaching trains of danger. The result was that the loco- motive of the fast eastbound freight train plunged into the roar of the oil train. The shock was lci't‘iiic‘atid‘c1ttis- ed the explosion of the oil car. Streams of burning oil speedily overspread the bridge and ran down the street, igniting everything combustible in their centric. Two bi'akcuien of the oil train fell through the bridge to the street: wittlr the car in which they were and were burned up. The engineer and lireiiiaii of the rear freight train jumped front the cab at. George stiect crossing, seeing a collision'was inevitable, and saved themselves. The shock of the expio- sion aroused the pooplc of the city from their slunihcrs, and, attracted by the light from the burning curs, hundreds ran to the bridge and attempted to stay the progress of the flames. A Very Old Woman. Mya-wausbol-o-qtie, commonly known as Granny l’ctcrs, died at llama on Tuesday, at. 3 o'clock in the morning. “or name means “ The light before sunrise," and refers to her birth. She enjoyed good health up to within a few days of her death, which resulted from old age, and conversed with friends the evening before. She was born, as near as can be told, about the year 1765, on the reservation, on the shore of Lake Simone, and was consequently about 120 years old. She i‘ecollcctcd vividly inci dents of the war of 1812, in which her husband fought among the Indian allies of the British. Her only daughter, Annie, was born about 1800, 'and mar- ried Simon Peters; and John Peters, who now lives :it. Lougl'nrd, is the issue of the marriage. Granny Peters was converted by the first. missionary who came among them, a Methodist. named Peter Jones, about seventy years ago, when she joined the Methodist church, and has since led a. Christian life, leav- ing her friends secure in the hope that she has left earth for u. better place. She had a high opinion of white people and wished to live on good terms with them. The funeral took place from Rania church to Chief Island, where the remains were interred yesterday.â€" Orilliu News-Letter. .. .. . .. -. .,..._._. Chinese Driven Out. During a riot last. Saturday night be- tween Chinese at Eureka, California, a stray bullet killed David Kendall, a' member of the city council, and another severely wounded a boy. The news created snob intense excitement that a ' mass meeting was called, over a thou- sand citizens responding. Resolutions ol indignation were adopted, and a coin- iiiittcc was appointed to notify’ the Chi- nese that they must all leave. the city. i The citizens visited each Chinese hours:- and compelled them to pack tip their effects, and then marched them to a warehouse, where they imprisoned them awaiting the departure of a steamer for San Francisco. At a seeaiid mass meet.- ing, attended by two thousand, a Hand- ing committee was appointed and em- powered t.o prevent any Chinese locating at Eureka in future. - A Soldier v.â€" A private soldier on guard duty at Woolwich arsenal on the night of the ayonetted. 7th inst. saw a man advancing toward - his post, and commanded him to halt and give the countersign. The stranger neither halted rig-r replied, but. attempt~ ed to walk past thc'gnrird line. The sentinel thereupon plunged the bayonet. into the man‘s body, killing him in- Au account of the occurrence reached London next day, and was exag. geratcd into a M-uutitional report that dynamite-rs had attempted to make an attack. An investigation showed that the man killed was s soldier and a mm- radc of the sentinel, whom he tried. to annoy by a silly practical joke. .. _. - MW .0.â€" Thc word “ Nihilist " is fifteen hun- : dred years old. Bismarck is again ill, and has been ordcred to leave Berlin for rest. England’s supply ol coal will be: ex- handed ill III HAL" pluscut [412' 'Ji‘ consumption. all-round athletic championship of the world, in New Orleans, on Sunday, February 15th. A tremendous snowstorm prevailed in the NortlrWestcrn States last Mon- day. In some localities it. was accom- panied by heavy rain and thunder and l l Postâ€"In the township Friday, February the 36th year of his age. of Fem-Ion, on 13th, Mr. Joseph Poll, in h FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by .VrIIouyaII .j' Brandon. Pension Falls, I-‘riday, Feb'y 13th, was, lightning. Railway traffic is almost Wheat, fall, per bushel - -$o 75 o 75' , completely stopped. Wile“. sl‘l'inlt‘ " - ~ - 0 70 t) 75 l A statement was read in the various {1"‘3‘1‘3 l‘fZ" bl'f‘hi‘l ' ' - 3’50 010 ; Cntliolic churches in blanclie~ter, Eng- P3“; ,, u _' : _‘ ' a? l land, last. Sunday, denouncing dynami- “w, ’ u n _ _ _ : :5 i ters as violatch of the laws of God and i l'htatoes, “ - - . - 30 Q5 i the church, and as neither true patriots Butter, tier lb, - - - - - to 19 E “0,. true Catholics. groper-d Iiro‘gs, per ton lbs, §5 po 55 75 , Mr. Kenneth Caniemn, son of Mr. E;;;“;; 32:92? ‘. '_ ‘. 5‘ "1‘; 55 If." . [Iector Cameron, has just obtained a ‘ S,,,_.,:,’,_,k,,,,, _’ _ , - _' 30 'commission in the Argyle and Sntherâ€" titeet‘ltiiles, - - a 4 5:. oo 36 00 5 land Highlanders, on the completion of llflrdWOOd. dry. sawed, - $2 50 $3 on. i his studies at the Royal Military 001- fiafidw'mdy 8N0", sowed. g$2 on $2 50 loge, Kingston, England. "3' p" mn' ‘ ’ ‘ " *9 0° “’5” .0 The Prince of Wales has shown his ; characteristically keen sense-of clie'ne- l cessity for even royalty to cultivate the l democracy in this age by ordering. his l son's first appearance at. a boy's refuge in the most squalid part of London. "he young Prince was as shy and nor- vous as any of liisjuvenilo audience. The steamship ll’i'fnavinglou‘. which , sailed from San Francisco for Victoria, 4 i l ,‘gers and freight, has not. been heard lll‘Olll. She ought; to have made the : voyagcin four days. The steamer Mm- to-night, saw nothing of her, and it is feared she has gone to the bottom. . 'Illlc statcuiciit was cabled homo this l week from Alexandria that the Cuna- l dinn voyageurs arc to return from the - Nilo at the beginning of next month. The Times correspondent announced that 300 ol'tlicm would then start on the lionicward journey. The Duffy News representative, on the other hand, . states that, the whole force will return. Col. Van Straubcnzic favours equip ping a Canadian regiment for service in thc' Shudan. flu advocates choosing l only the most cliicicnt mun picked from 'vnri‘ous volunteer mginients who have served at. least otic full term. These, i gntlicrcdfroni all parts of the Domin- i ion, would, he thinks, make a lino regi- ment. and could be quickly got} togeth- er. Ilc also thinks that. the movement Would be very popular both in Canada and England. Advices from the North of England and Scotland scum to warrant tllt' belief that the trade in Canadian store cattle will witness a cmisidcrablc development in the ensuing season. A writer in a l'CleIll number ol'tlic Live Shut/c Jour- nul gives some interesting particulars as t0 the success which has intended the purchase of these boasts by Scotch farmers, stating that in every instance their keep has been amply rcpoid when l. ,. months after arrival. O‘Donovnn Eossu about three years ago. says the New York Tribune, was a candidate for the position of Customs Inspector. lie was examined under the Civil Service rules, and his percent. age was far below the mean required , Ilc may be consoled, however, with the encouragement given to him by one of the examiners that if he would devote ten hours a day for the next ten years in hard study of the subjects especially inquired into there would be ii bare possibility of his attaining the standard of 6:") per cent. .l‘Ix-Judge Fullerton, of New York. who will defend Mrs. Dudl would-be amissin, says he has no doubt the woman is insane, and he will not attempt to prove that. there was no in- tent to kill. Fullerton attributes her mania to having followed up the dyna- mite wnrfaro, which worked upon her unbalanced mind until sho believed it. was her duty as an Eitglishwoinnn to strike a blow in her country's dcfunoe. ; Fullerton says the only dcfcnco practi- cable is insanity. lle thinks that with a little care and expense she will be acquitted. Frank Abner. fifteen years old, of Cairo, Illinois, has been jailed charged with murdering his grandmother, .‘Irs. ‘ lines. near Rock Crock. lie Went to the woods to play with an older boy, to whom he expressed appro- licnsions that his grandmother would ' whip him for neglecting his work. " If 2 she says anything to you, knock her on i the head.” said his companion. Mn. 3 Ross administered a reprimand, but. did not whip the truant, who went to bed surly and with muttered threats. At midnight he arose and buried an axe in his grandmother's brain, killing her in- stantly. ' cy. Rorsa’n -â€"--<â€"oâ€"~ «o- _.“ Why! What's the matter?" Ladyâ€"(With face enveloped in a roll of ‘ hot eloths)-â€"--- Oh! I'm crazy with that Neurnlgia that continually troubles mo." __ A- Well, how foolish! Why don't you go to Wm. Ii.‘ Ellls's Drug Store, I’enelon Falls, and get a bottle of Fluid Lightning? It ('url'd me in less, ii. a than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only costs '13 cents." Jamel Braych Hamilton, says: “ I read the testimonial; for McGregor's Speedy Core, and found that I had qqt to 'q to New York. Philadelphia, Lpuiuans or ex- as to find living witncnel of its value; we have plenty of persons right here to p19.” no in merits. I got a bottle and i} holpe right away. I was as had ith Biliona Pe- ver and indigestion a! I twill any one could be. t have taken three bolt es and am nearâ€" ly well, and can out any kind of food with. out it hurting me. I may say that I an: heir ter than I ever expected to be. Plegittilsl bottles at Wm. H. Kllis'a Drug Store, 3590- qu Falls. to If you xhnuid be so unfortunate u linrn. Enid or Wound funnel! in any way, the prupfl' thing to Iterp clean and heal it ins-it! on having. and he note you get, Mc- (in-go! A I'nth'e Carbolir Cerate. PrSCt. Wm. L” Ellis, IJr'iggi-ii. Feuclun .'.;t-. (he genuine. .~, sold in the fat market four or five ' Newfi Advertisements. ’ t ’1‘ 143 N I) It] If: 9L. â€"_ Tenders nddt't'sxcd to the uiidcrsignrd'nt! For some ream" the train stopped on B. C., on January 26th, with passcn. this Dl‘l‘fll‘lmelll(lnnrkt‘tl “Tender for Timo' her") will be received until noon on- Saturday, 213i. of February. 1885}- Iu're, which arrived' from San Francisco {0“ ""3 Suppl." 0‘ ""3 folIOWillgtlllfllllilicl 0f- IHITE PINE TIMBER, to be delivered where directedl ON TIIE LOCK GROUNDS, LINDSAY, not later than the lat ofOctoben next. I,5(l0 lineal feet of 12 x I2! square, as fol- lows :â€" 20 pieces iii 40 fret lengths. 20 ll u 35 it n 5411' liiieal' feet of I'.’ x I-t' Stfltlll‘t‘,-ifl' W fcct lengths. 9,302 lineal feet of l'.’ x-l2 square, as foll~ lows :â€" 10 pieces iii 40 feet lengths.- 12 H H II II‘ 170 II it 30 it II 5‘ H (I ll 1" t. it 3", it it 3|) .I II 23 t. u ‘3” It It 20 I. n V 3.600 lineal feet of 10 x l'.’ square, in W: lcct lengths. 1,000 lineal Icct ol'o' x-U'sqtnire in"..'0 fact} lengths. ‘7') a- I-‘s‘d feet II. .\I. M planking, as follows .'-‘ 584 pieces II x In in 1': Met léngllui: II x in “ IL! u The timber furnished must be of~ good- qunlity, free from unsound knots and-db" feels, and subject to culling. All timher six inches in thickness or'iltrv dcr to bc suivn, and the lenders to mention whether the rciiiaindt-r' will he hewn or snwu, and give n' sopurnto'pviixv pen lint-roll foot for timber and per thomntnd feet II. I. for planking, delivemdlas stalk". o 397 “ It If the timber is lleit'n'ii.'niust he'inadé as sufficient size to admit of the stle being: counter-how» to the full aims specified. Eiicli tondcr mus-U “are the bum: fide sixâ€"r natures of two persons In! suretiu fob thn' due fulfilment of the contract. The lowest or any tender will not neces- sarily be accepted. ItOII'I‘. .\IcCALLU.\I',. Engineer I 'ulali'r Work}, lhzi-Anvmzx‘r or Print": Wmuts, Toronto, 6th I Sl’lflC'FACLlu "chrunry, HINT: A full stock of Lnnrnnce'a famous Specâ€" trich at Ellie's Drug Store. guaranteed. Call and see them. Every pal! 4G-ly. IIeIfcr S trrtyctl. â€". Stmyed from the subscriber, about the beâ€" ginning of November |nst,n dark red Heifer rising two yenraold; shows Dom breed; On Monday , has the shell of one from broken 0”. Wu. LOGAN. Feiielon Falls, Jan'y litth, I885. 'th lEllllll G_CASH Slilllil 47. ‘V. ‘V. :1 £In()'1‘T begs to call the attention of the public to the following NEW LIST OF CASII PRICES, the lowest ever yet offered in Fenelon Falls or its vicinity by any dealer in groceries. SUGARS- 20 lbs. Refined Sugar for - - $1 00 In} “ Granulated Sugar for - I 00 1'1 ” BrlghtSngar for - . too SYRUPS. 3 gallons Golden for - - - 3| on It TEAS. Special line in Japan, just arrived, finest value in Canada, equal to any 50 cent In in the market, 30 cents per lh. ' NEW FRUIT. Finest Currants, IO lhl. for - slM Valentin Raisins, ll lbs, for I 00 “ London Layers. per lb. - - l5 “ Pigs in mate, 18 lbs. for - l M ',‘ Elem: Pigs in boxer, per box is Also a large aunrtment of Orange; and Lemons, Grapes, .‘uta, to. OYSTERS In tins and bulk, at closer quotations than you can obtain In the Toronto market. CANNED GOODS. British American Salmon, HIM patch . - - I Ih. tins, 15c. lieu Lobster- . ,- - - H " Ibe. “ Mackerel v . g “ " 12¢. “ Tomato“ , . . 3 U “ we. " Corr, - - ~ - - 2 ‘I 'l I! c. “ Fun - - - 1 2 " t! I? c. “ Apples - - ,- 2 a " It Inc. ” penal - 9' - - ; 3ft 9‘. 12):. TOEAGGQES. Finest Priqpe or Wales Chewing - 42c. lb. " Brig itermking G's - - - 50c. lb. ” Cut Chewing - - - - - 50c. lb. The above figures must convince you that ii Ilctirrcor it I'arke'a Carbolie Ceratt.‘ lb” “‘1 "'5' w my -"'“" “00‘” the‘l‘ " ‘° W. W. BLOTT. ‘y ,rm l cub. fl Oyster Ilrmma tip-stain. ‘a Penelon I’nlls, Sm": 26th, IFIIH. l “w

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