‘V. 1-". SANDE‘GRD GREAT AL'I.‘ )I. AL. IIEGJLN‘S to lilt.~ {i lzti'ij‘,‘ rtttl‘ix’ Hi. WAGGONS AND BUGGIESUHE Pita Dli‘t tans Sittit, itiiiti -__ ;_ on hand, all L'uat‘atttt-cd to lH: ï¬rst class. which lit,‘ will scll I hare decided to clear out all my l C H E A P E RjflA N E V E R. Winter Dry Goods at 005" Prices 422:1:- ;.;; greater inducemcuts than cvor before. This - of our ins : Xivs.!t_1t‘en‘oj‘.‘: Ami tcttcr value than can he ul " ' ‘t we can cope \v.th large quantit ift‘lll t‘nr cnnr'ncinz argument is sol“ ' : warrants us In -'.~'rll '1"! (‘L‘Hliw caasc ot’al \ m and make provision accordingly. Whether Unicrcd or is the corn‘cl Again we grep! vott with a full house. Evcry corner it' our rtrm- store is packci full to tine itr:tn. and :o ids ttcvcr wrtc Linds; »- llt.lllll{:u‘lllr\‘r< to lowing it H a tun-at ( tar wc arc making " . . to make room for large rin: ,Urchases to arrive in a short time. , _ _. . ) I i H p t i . I“: “in: and Hi“ in“ ftm‘ik “1 ‘ m 3 it hold strokc to donlde our husutcss. and it good stunt .|:|ri.':|lti.~ ‘ I “ l \x ~ ar- any indncvtncnt wc are sure to succeed: and wc know from . , . . , » ; ,' ' , _ t s' s . ' ‘ - . : . .s . PL ' Y ‘ ' v “ ) 'r l i innel‘ Jt (O‘t ‘ Dre; GUUd in CO t i experience that good solid tnducetncnts are a tncaas to the cod the money ntundt d. - i A," 'A" ' 1 ‘ ' i ' V Mantle ClOtllS at C(b‘t. . we have in yicw We invite along with our rcgular patrons as a'partncrand n lhttrou manv new ours as desire the best value to he had nttywhcrc. llc- his undtridcd am noon I ity nt'tritnmtngs we n i wont stitmtt at Cost. wool Clouds at Cost. Farmers requiring a harrow will do wr-ll to inspect his SprinLr Blankets at Cost. Tooth Narrows. which arc just the thing for rough land. It;- i Twocds at (.‘ost. also kceps tin: i'ollowin'; t'arm machines: “[001 Shirts at (30% ‘ W001 Drawers at COSt. Cotton Shirts at Cost. i Prints at Cost. ' REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS. MOWERS, SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is hound not to in: undcrâ€"old try any one. B6?“ All kinds of l’t..\\‘i\'d Ilr-Hl' at ~hrvr' tonic-n Variou‘s pattern: of .‘lt-Y‘Ht- t] 15o! kept on hand. and soul at the low. a ,u-i'ms. llottsiz-Suortxi; and .lonmxo I upecialty. All lil.l'\ti:~ duo-,- in a lit‘st-riars umnncr and on short noticc. Sonic Ex?“ NOW 15 THE TIME TO BUY “<31! and Dunims. as the prices have bccn advanced bv the mills. All llNEY [itlllllS it] it tltllltll Al BUST. till] ltSSt cheap wound-hand Bl 'l i'ill'iï¬' t'or r'tlv‘. goods be sold so cheap. 1 Call and lï¬xuruine the Goods. lie. returns sincere thank- for tln- lihwrai patronage ll"~t‘ll\'ti‘l on him durin: the pat-114 ycar-l, and will ~pari: no pains, to lht'I'it a continuancc of it in the l'uturc. The Cheap Dry Goods Store. Fenclon Falls, January 27th, 1885. E SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. FRANBS ETREET Eag'i'. Partics'iu want of Dry Goods,tiltitltittgtt Millittcnj ; should (ft ll and scc tho NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS it New $pring Goods in Great Variety. I have returned from the city, where 1 made large purchases of Baltimore and St. (.‘roix Shirtinujs, White and (ircy Cottotts, Crotonncs, Prints, B A G A I lint-us. 'l‘owcllings. Linings. . ' . "- ICltccked. Spot and Mullcd Muslims. Brussels Net, Victoria Lawns. l‘ltulu‘oidcrics, Frillings, (,‘rochct & Knitting Cotton, Mott‘s Umlcr-clotlting, Carriage Utulirollas, (icnts‘ Scarf and Litton Collars, Ladics' Linen Collars and Hose, lnl'auts’ Hilts, &c., &c. oli'crcd at this'cstalilishmcnt. SOME :iXmllltA. CHEAP LINES in Uudcr-clt)thiug, Clouds. Shawls. Mitts, &c., goods itt grout dcmaud at this season. J GEN S‘. LAWRENCE, IV! AL'N .1( 1 1'43] 3 .g itE‘iit Fiiï¬tiiiï¬j PM? :5. HAllï¬itttiiE iiiEi? Specialties For \l'elland \'alc ()\\'n )Ianul'acturcd F R J Maplc la‘al' LAN CE} T U 9TH SAWS; .\.\'c llandlcs, (‘ow 'l‘ics. (,‘hain, PAHN’E‘S§. 493 3.9% AND E’HJ'E‘TYa and a largo and wcll assortcd STOCK OF GENERAL HARDWARE. .-\n unusually choicc lot of gar“ You will ï¬nd my Spriw.r Stock complete, and bought to the best advant~ (1'10, and ('ttllï¬l‘qllt‘llll)’ it will he sold cheap. Please give me a call, compare prices, and judge for yourscchs. F. GEï¬RGE. . RY. The undersigned respectlully informs the public that his new factory a?! ON PRANGES STREET, PENELON PALE-S, Fcnclou Falls, March lSth, 18853. .___.___-_.._ -_. is now in full running; ordcr. and is littcd tip with all tnat-hinm-y "(16055us m tttrn ottt work at short uoticc, in the bust possiblc manner and at moderate priccs. ‘ “ ' ; FURYI'JTURE OF ALL KINDS kept constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKENG A $PECiALTY. :\ laruc numiicr ol' (lollins to sch-ct from. and a handsome llcarse t'nrnishcd wltcn rpquil-ad. ()I'4]('I'.\‘ N1)/l'l‘I-/I'I, um/ saris/'th‘ion gIIUI'tlllft‘Ul. Sash and Doors made to ordcr on short. noticc and ot‘ the bust. materials. WILLIAM MCKEOWN. ' The Oltl Statitl.‘GROCERlES‘ Emmaâ€"air “'“D‘ M. iPRUVESE __ a a 7 __ Gï¬geï¬bï¬lï¬ï¬' J. MCFARLAND )[OIJ‘IJ‘4\»'F ,has now on happierprglllcndid stock of hog; to int'orm his custontcrs and tho pnh-i l ic tlta1.\\‘ltilc (marryingr on HIV linking husi- r 1 r ) teas, Collects, l rcprcscnttnj: tho ln-st tit-.ttttilacturcs. i i ncss as usual, and turning out daily Chanieliers t: 0219:, Lamps uni Limp Trimmings, ; - itt all shadcs and pattcrns; and always in stock. a largo assort.i , sum“. Syrups. TMWCM Rice Rum“. Currants. Starch, Soaps and all othcr groceries, which ho will rUil tncnt ot"!'inw’ar«-. Stow-Pitta and lilltons. i'arll tor >lxittr‘. Xv Fonultiu ih‘lnlu‘l‘ 32nd. ll“; ‘ l'akt-s, lluns .‘cc. he has just opcnt-d out a, Iticc Slut'ii oi" oi' the public. ii! Iil E .F J i ail ofï¬'llit‘li will he sold at an: vervlowc'st: living protit. , t . . . l The Finest Flour . v v y l l l A\ -l .\ (IV ll!)11A\t i liarthcnwarc. lirdoms, l’ails, Washtnbs’. , , ‘lilack'iu-b shes, "o I'S fits“ a ‘l‘S oars. Btu-xx mom‘s», ....t“.;.t.J.“..noé‘il'git. ..‘.i.‘.i§.'.‘ Fionucniï¬annad kept constantly on hand '. also mt-tnlwr. we guarantee you grow ' ' .' . . . l where at ‘20 pct Ct'lll. hiither trictu 001 IIUMOX) at CO"t' with politcncss and civi‘l-ity. \inlt‘ilIL'l‘ you hay or not. We make a specialty ot cvcry dc a ltvc-uor-l throughout t _\'|\li “inâ€! $l¢t'“'lll‘r\' vV0†arc Sllrk‘ . Then. if this is so. why not com:- 3 HT" surc to get it at tho lowcst pricc'. ‘ t'altsc you do not ltkc to lcare your rcfzular trading placc. wc .tsk Grey and Whitc Cottons, Shirtinus. Tit-kings, Cotton 'l‘wceds. Fltcctings, Ducks you to win-er tut outâ€"c in priccs with those you are a tittd where thc t'ricndship is in husincss. ‘- to customers throo, cansc it is to our mutual advaut and you will ltc wcll salis'licd. and - ~ . . . . . -': l ': :ws' 8‘ ’s. )155 ‘xuot 5. Car nuts. Oil Cloths. .lat- to make room for our new Goods. .\c\'cr tn the history ot I'L‘HL'lOll Falls mil 1 Edistliisflghp“9,1,2,i,|11,i\g5'1ultc_ k l l ' E, I, ‘C.i]l():11) for Cash“ , and to which he invites the attrntion is that you cannot duplicate else- :tnd we will always treat you ntings too good “Dd V “is motto is to give parttucnt iii the Dry Goods line. and it is use the best. even it on he counties that it‘ You cannot get what gin: to tind it at. THE t‘l lY STORE. further guarantee that \lirt't‘l in thc Syntlit‘alt‘. its you iSfilk‘llU“. Our stock ’ if you are wavering: heâ€" Twccds. Snilittil'r“ TW‘ the Midland conntics. our favour and compare our goods and . ' thc cut ct our clolhtn rcustutncd to pay. and you “iii lhcn Unr argument is to talk uh their pocket-hooks and ntakc fricnds. lic- aga‘. Try us for onc good parccl don‘t forget that wc otl’cr spo- out' favour. C0 111 @ï¬ï¬'ï¬â€˜HEERAN, CA’E‘EERG C‘I'P‘L' .1 ) 1€ A 1’ 1‘ - 2 Doors West of the Post Ofï¬ce. - - 153-» No trouble to show them. i ‘1 X REG \Y 3N0. 2 Dobson’s Block. - ’BRarmort a: RoBson. in the Inhabitants [ll lenelnn tails and haunting Bounty. Having purchased the stock, ctc., of Mr. John A. Ellis, and} ‘ SE 0 DOUBE 0"":Btiiiss attd is allowed to hc the huge ohtained elsewhere. which the magnitude i-‘s. no matter how large. pun-Ed. d we can ~ and. in this wt- harc succiedtd. it now rctnaius tor you to inquire the '1‘0 “11 lluyors of Clothing. lie:uly-.\Iadc. the (‘in Tailoring House of spot to ntakc your purchases for the fob Ircasotts :â€"-}titt can get hctter value throughout. whether oat. Suit. Coat. l‘nnts or Yt-st. Each garment is thoroughly well made and trimmed. and cut on sc t‘ntitic and ar- {iggiq principlcs. and ï¬nished with thc most exquisite nutt- by the most scicntiï¬r worktnt‘n. and a tit is guarantecd in all cases or in Ordered Clothing .\liL (‘ATHRiL being ghly practical man. gives this department We plncc particular stress on the qual- se. Sonic of our workhand: think the trim- xpcnsiye. but Mr. \‘nthro thinks ditl‘rn-nt. sati:f.tction.nnd in ordcr to do that we must r proï¬ts arc part-d down to a smallcr mar. and then again We make all our coats try “It‘ll. which is a our ptrntcnts arc made with a tiny to san- of Enixlish. Scotch. Irish and (‘nnndian tscrinirs. “‘orstcds, ctc. arc all in Muck. st and ltcst assortrd cyt-r shown in Como and sec us. cxaminc our goods and g. and we are sun: the verdict will be in IIatS :1 11d Caps. Our usual large supply of all lhc lalcst and newt-st novelties, hint-d with thc tnodcrn ituprorcntcnts of lilt‘ timcs. 8; MA ERR, 11:5 (\Nl) (‘IJO'L‘I nuns. Kent Street. Lindsay. MlLthlERY. Mrs. KEELEY this just rewind and opcncd up n larg stock of madc large additions thereto, we beg: to solicit a continuance,NEVV i and we will use our utmost“ itctot'y to one and Our stock “tilt of the support extended to him, endeavours at all times to make priccs satist all who may favour us with their patronage. he found complete in GENERAL GRï¬ERiES Mil) PRQVISIGNS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 8L0. Try our TEAS, they will plcasc you both in prices' and quality. In addition to the above we have also a large and wcll sclcctcd stock of l'v'iens’and Women’s Boots 8: Shoes. which will be sold as It w as tho lowcst. Yours rcspcotl‘ully. BRANDON & ROBSONH Fcnclon Falls, February 18th, 1887). SPRENQ @Pï¬ï¬ï¬‚gï¬. lHl Pllttl llill Eitlili iii tllllilltili HlllJSl. Already our stock is opened out for Sprint,r with all The Newest, Choicest. and Best Goods that can possihly he procured for money iii the host Canadian markets. A Sltf‘Citll chort has hccn tnallc hy myself attd an assistant hnycr to got supplied with tho right goods. and from long cxpcricncc itt supplying the public wants, 1 can say that this scnson “'l' arc prt'part-d to supply everybody with the goods thcy want, and u! prim Ilutt will surprise (/n' XIII‘I'H'III'SI ling/or. .NO SHODDY OB. CHEAI’ TRASH? GOODS suhstantial, t‘tcsh, ncw [rotids that will stand kopt to catch the unwary. hut good. solid, howin;,r are Satius attd Silks, hlack & colored the tcst. 'l'hc lcading spccialtics that I ant s I)l'(‘h'.~‘ (é‘ronllHuâ€"(lur stock is largo, containing the latest norcltics and the newest goods that are possible to ho procurcd. l'lvcry lady should sue them. l’l‘illi‘h‘. Crni‘onnos (‘1’(‘.â€"-l cannot hcgin to dcscriho tho t-normoua rungc l have it) these goods, httt would ask all to conic attd inspcct, rcun-tnhcrinpr our old pas:- wot‘d that it. is considered no trouble to show goods, whctht-r you huy or not. Staple (i‘roodhxâ€"(‘vrey and White Coltotls, ’l‘ahlings, Linens, Duck, Dottims, (lottonadcs and Shirtiugs. In these goods we guarantcc you a. saving of trom ton to ï¬fteen per cent. Gout H†Furnishing I)(-p.'u't nu‘nt .â€"-'l‘hi:~: dcpnrtmont is tillt-d up with now goodsâ€"Hats, ltard and soft in dili'crt-nt colours. 'l‘ics. llrcss Shirts, llracos d’c. The stock of imported and Canadian 'l‘wcctls I not showing is pronouncwl to hc lllt' lllfa‘l ever shown in this county. A No. l cuttcr kcpt, and good tits guarantccd or no salo. 1:0:u1y-3hulo C7101 hing.â€"I haw- a trctncndous stock which must he sold. Prices reduced, and a saving of from 20 to 2'.†pcr ccnt. guarantccd. I mean cxuctly what, is containcd itt this ndrertiscmcnt, and to show my customers am] the public gcncrally that I do. i will ask them to call and he conviuccd that the prices have hccn rcducctl to the last nick for cash. 5&3“ Return fare allowed to our customch from the ttortlt. IIugh I‘IeDougall. Fcnclon Falls, March 18th, 1885. N0 ADMES§E®N FEE To the Grcat Ccut 'al Show of 031% AN $HOES which is now on cxhihition at AND SHOE STORE, ‘ and crammed with a gottct'al stock of thc most complctc naturt: cycr oil'crcd to thc 5_ra'/.c ot' an adtuiriny.r puhlic. Nilâ€"ii): (icncral ext-tallcnco is the distinguishing l'caturt: which is noticcd in this stock ol‘ ncw goods; nothing thcrc for tho purposc t-l' catchin'.t the ow: only, but good Make a rush whilc the stock is fresh and \i‘oll assorted; the priccs arc jut-t. bllltutl to tht: tastcs of my customers. “Trunks and ‘Vulisos W'en-y (11103)). L. MAGUIRE, thc wearcr. I | , . V , , , , v , , , , v . , taken itt cxcltangc for goods. and .\ U ll [.5 [ll]: [Lilla '10 1']! U l. 1'. oitht-patrun- (‘aslt ’aitl for lluttcr 8; Eggs ~ of the very best brands and at. the low- N0 “1" “' iâ€"""“ll-“ “gullâ€: “n him during and other farm ll'UdUCC‘, the past tirc ycars. I ‘ i ' L("ash Paid for Buttcr & Lacs. I . ' ‘ “ t cst posstblc [)Ylk'ct‘. L JOHN “OF-FAT W Flour and iccd l;ch continua). lnl‘ all ;_"t‘:\tlt‘.~ :tlttl Stylus Hi ‘ (m “and. Fcztt-lon tails. Jam 12th. bra. lT-ly. .lOFl-Il’il .‘lcl’.\lil..\.\'l). BOOTS AND SHOES. "at... will findâ€" ssortnu-nt of first-class (‘.\l‘.l’li.\"l'l‘lll .\' lll'lldllill. FENELON FALLS. illl ltllllll, Bill lliD illltPtSl lSSfllllitltlil I, cumin 3. Han Hitting, Extra t-ll'orts ll;l\\‘ lit-cu ntadc in my sclcctiou to have a cottipli-tc “Your: t1. .::;.~, Strata. {‘tzrryccrtjw. Erwin-- t“.'\'i‘ .‘“\'ll ill Ft‘lll‘liiil l‘ktllm ,, MY GROCERY AND CROCKERY mums a. moses, Ifll-n t, Ht, Ilhuluuy. Killâ€"iiitiiiiéwtwliliitélto"Bias.†you can hit}; for cash t i l HEAVY All. Wfltli. TWEEDS, usually sold Tilt: to $1, for 43c. to 63c. MAGURE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT honcst goods at honest. prices, which if honestly uscd will git't: homo ,t-rvim u, ‘ in cluding‘ FANGY DRY GOODS, -â€"itndâ€"- ALL KINDS OF WOOL. all of which will he sold at. LESS Til.“ LINDSAY PRICES, A nice lot of Holiday Presents, such as llolls of all sorts and slat-s. 'l‘oys itt grout \‘aricty, ’l'oilcl Scts, Vast-s. Fancy China-wart-attd various otht-r urticlcs, to which tln- uttcntion ot‘ intcnding purchasers is t'cspcclllllly inritcd. MRS. KEELEY Font-loo Falls Nov 137th, 1351. Patterns 1 Patterns ! A full assortment of McCall‘s Bazaar glove- litting Patterns always on hand, and will be sent by mail post paid on receipt of price, hy Wm. Campbell. it‘cnclon lt‘alls, April 4th, 1384. may â€"â€"-ti|‘â€"â€"-â€" 'GHRISTli‘idS GOODS at (i. A. Mthcrcll's BOOK STORE â€"A.'~'l) MUSIC l<l.\ll’(-)l’tlU.ll. Come One! Come Alli! and exantiut: goods iti'iltrlf purrhurtng clac- win-rc. G. A. METHERELL, I'l'l'twllll ltll. ll‘vhl.l,~ll ('lli'ltlfll, 1(1-ul-H‘l .. IJIHh-tuy. t 'iindsay, lit-tulivr 27th, lr‘rl ’INTEREert-te TO ALL.‘ ; lln- under-trot d lnr j‘i‘i tm-r-iywl a good itnnt'tn' Hi of il’lt‘Tl’llliS, l’il'l‘t'lll‘} FRAMES J\ll‘l .‘lnulding‘H. t i I which arc \H‘ll worthy of inspection and III], Le In, ( l'ludlt, l i | FRAMES MADE TO ORDER 1 l i in any Mylo at tlw trill-[ll -t [I'llrlbllt nut'Nr. [ï¬f‘ Painting. Knlmtnitning and Paper Hanging doom: mt u-onl. A good flock of l i fl‘AlN‘l‘S, nus, mass no poi-n- kcpl constantly on hand. i S. KEYWON. l Fn-nrlon Falls, l’th'y 71h, lrnl. Ito-t {, 'uml'Ell. i’cnulon Falls. Workvhnp on 1 lllyot rttrrl. war Sir. F'amlford. Car- .Yillé-""“'I'l"l"'," l'ri"‘! rl'tlromthlt. l ‘1’. DIHsu-z't‘u‘m, Tltc -' l‘cnclon Falls Gazelle " it prinl'd Hwy Saturday at tho “Hither; titt- mtna r of May .t Franco. gum-u. bl'LM HH’TIUN 8| 1 l5â€! IN Autistl, 'or one, cvnt I rr w-v-i. mil hv- added u long i Dcparltucnt is also full. llrcat Bargains will in: giycu and >ati~tltctiott guarantvcd. GIVE US A CALL AND EXAHIHE OUR STOCK. It is no trouldc to show goods. i't-aeloa Falls. April 1‘ 23:. "DH. t..'. """" :y 3;: i§:*;.;;;i;“ Dress & flantle Baker, «5'? l liaV" ialt‘vhasa-d in} flock in tho lit-st markets itt Canada. and l dct‘y compt-tition lid' (ash in thc county. Besmence on Bond St» WCSt. 1:. 3L 1;;L'TLEB. .......t.... New Ych .shzeul Fender. E'Aiis In.) 222.1. léii. +54“ Fenelon Falls. :‘eptctuhcr 18th, lS‘Vl. EDWARD “AW. :3 prep:th soda 3 good class of work at. her out have to Sir. Twomrys and mil be "a the lucst Enginb. Pam and and various “tin-r ttrticlr-s, at J05. Xctison's Harness Shop, ~~-â€"â€" ('ulh-irzit- Street. F"ll"l"i: Faiiz. W t'ollar: It or: with tit-atoms and. midi. 31-: r. One Dollar “time next year. Try it. rtied ilt‘palring-lonc itt advance will pay for the: " Gazette " from now until thisi as ltcavy as ordinary S": FLANNELS VERY Low. mod:- litt‘ $3} 75. 0 These goods have rcccutly liccn purchascd by us at. loss than tht: cost of manufacturc. l DUNDAS 8!. FLAVELLE 8308., Kent. Street, Lindsay : M i'. t‘ mania unpaid. f Advc-rtlnlng flute». t l'rva'r-aluvta! or lat-inn; rants, .50 centl rprr lua- pvt annotu. (Initial ndvrrtinrmrnu :rl tents per Lno- tor titt- tint .nsrrlton,-nd3' rune: pv-r ill." [of tiny gut/uqotul imcrn llllll. Unntmtt- ivy thlt ymtr, half year or Quartâ€, In! a colon." or Lru, upon renou- nhh: in this; JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kin-.14 txrrutrd neatly, cor- rectly and tumour-id: ram. 53. D. "AND, ["7134'107 .».‘___._‘._.. _. A V