) .'1. W FARMERS I3. 181111613011 now i.-. il..'.- time In fe d HARDIABE MERCHANT, Ferrelon F ails, THE 1P;X)I()L S begs to call attention to his, Tl I()I§Ial'l\' lllllSl 81 llllll llllll. The only cuutne at Ellis’s Drug Store, I'ESIJJIS I .l. I.I.~.. LEGAL &c. ItlzXll .Xttornr-y -.rt-l..'iw'~ K~.-1.'.>'Ir'~:r .â€"-_____.__ 0.... .. .\IAIII‘ I.\’ 1v IIUI KIA Batrrrrsrrza' $111.11'1r~.111<..11<-.11..- A. l’ AtrtrtsTEIr. in Illrunm-ry. Solicitor ' I,lIvI:.1:\'.. ncy' to Loan at I; per cent. U.l.cc. Kentatrrct. Lindsay, Uni. I’.S..\Irurr1_\' (1'. I1’.IIor'r;1.~:s. I", II. .\It'llilll'l, I ).IIIIIS'I‘I'Z’ ., .\T'IIIItXI'lX', .lt' SOLICI'I'I'. and .\'otary Public, .XIont-y‘ Ollice, Kent strt:~'t.l.lr:d;.1v. Ill-‘II; I I"I II k .I .\I‘ I\'>I).\', Altltthl'ZIlS, >10I.lt.llol:>j. .1... 01'- fice,XX'rIll.1rn nll'L'el, Lindsay. A. "cost-1.111. ()‘Irl'lAlIY .\' I)'I.I'I.\llY, I .\IIIIISTI'IIIS, ATTIJIKNI'IX'S-A'f-LAXX‘, Solicitors 111 Chancery, .kc. Dobeny' Block. hentstrr-r-t. lands'ay. Arr'rncu U'lrmuv. IIr'nlr I)‘Lr:.11:r. .Xlel. "I‘ X'll ll 1X. "l")! \X' .\ll'l‘ I ARIN-SPECS. .\'l""lItIl§I-IX'.' Solicitors ln (.‘1111111'1.~r_v..I.'l'., Uflir'e over Untnrio llank K1 rrt stt'r 11. .Xlo- 111-y to Loan ut spur cent. on real estate CCIII'IIIIII. I). J .\Iclsrvtrr; lIerlllIIN 1k SXII'I'II, .XRIIIS'I'I'IIIS', .\'(JI.II.‘I'I'IJII\, kc, Lind I; nay. .\Iuney to Loan on security ol' mort- gages, promissory notts. .'.'c. Jens‘ .X. Baron». J. Ii. $111111. $6)" Ilne or‘ the tlrrn will b»- ttl tl.1-l1'l"1.-n elen l'trlls ofl'rcc r-vvr'y ‘I'lllll'rllllX'. Ii. A. J11l11).\.\'. MEDICAL. A. \X'..I. ItLIlll.\S>‘I,.XI. 0., I'llUNl'lll, I'lry sii'ian, Strrgr-orr,.cr-,_, kt j Residence, llrlcl. Cottage, street. Lindsay. IIIIS. \X‘Il..\'().\‘ a WILSON, )IIYSIIIIA .\'S. SURIII'II'IXS .\' .\IIIIIIII- chi-rs. I.llli1't',I"r ' "i~ Street I'Irtst, k'ctl- Qlou Falls. ‘ _ ILS, “11.505, 11 11 ,.\r. 11., 1:41.. ‘1.1-.i'. .1 s, I'Irrt Ur. .\. “'11-1111s.?“ 11., >1. c. 1'. .1 s., Uut. .I/rrnrlyar. N I111. J. II. l.(,)\\'l'l, )IIX'SICIAN .‘v SI‘IlIiI'IIJ_\'. Ilnr'onl'r for the Provisional I'ounty or‘ IIrrliburton. Ilfllcc I11'.\t door Io the .ch.\rlhur' House. Residence. the house l.1tclyor'crr- pir d by IJr. Ilr'y'son, on .Xl.1_\' street, I"cuelon Falls. DlL‘ Ill ltllIIXX'S .v IthII X. \I )IIX'SII.‘ -I.-\.\'.\', Sl'll I‘ FIINS. kc. nud resrdt 1111' dir'l'c'tly opposite t"11r1‘s hotel, XX'llllarn SI ,I.inrl.~:r,\' country promptly ltllt'lldt'tl to. I‘. Pawn-:11Ilnrnrows, II. II. Ilr:.\n.\>1, .\1 11, 11. 11,, 1:. 11., 11.1'. 1-. .v 1211, lztlc Soho Ill..- 11. o. Graduate .\I‘Illll , pltal, l.nndr.1n.1'.t-'.s ‘I'ltos. 5113121111: , Illllm" l111"'e stock of AXES, well \v'ortby the attention ol lurnber'meu. ' Ahead of anv’ Cro oss- -C11t Saws, the best 111 the market. Paints, ()lls, Glass and Puttv , '11 general stock of lI11rdware,I II) Loan. . 1 Pllllllll 8| llllllll Sillll8,i and c'll'wlltel" and Other {001,5 l intention of inteniew'iug Illel and his by the best rnauul'acturers. 1884. November 7th, Cl c I c rtlJa I 11005113201: 1 - ' Saturday, April 18th, 1885. England and Russia. XX‘ar has not yet been declared be- ‘ tween England and Russia, but we ex- A. .I .\1'1;.-..1.\ ‘ poet that ir will be within a very f'ew days. Thursday's news is to the ctfcct , that lllch: is "a more peacel'ul l'cellng," Ulllcc, ‘ but. it is not likely to last. Russia still pretends that she does uut want to fl 'ht, but Irtr protestations are believed ‘ onl 'to be for the sake of gaining time, -.\ \T-er XX', ' hind-11y. i ' Iiilcllldsl, I‘.1ll:~l"1o111ll|r' '. College, .Xlo111., 11101;. | 11.,11.11. 1'.s., England a SURVL ‘YORS. ..I\.Xll'.S lllI‘ l\>l)\, ) I..Survevor. Ilnnr I]l.\'*lllll(‘r in tlrr' Q. ll., . Cornw't'yanu'rflkc. Ivtsrdtuce..rud.11- Ilrcss,I"enclou Falls. MISCELLANEOUS. l! ‘XX. "'l‘! 51).‘1 l".~i().\', Accountant, Commission and Real Estate Agent- Loans Negotiated. Wellington I - I-‘arnrs, llonsr's and Lots t'or' .\'alc or to llrnt. " .XI.1nev Io Loan .\l. :la' lowest culr'cn’. r.'.:'.'.\- .Xlul'lykztgl'i ttllIl .\'Itll .'i IIr'gulldIr'rl. I'ullrtf lions Inrulc expeditiously .rurl returns tau:- \'nled .\I. oncr'. X‘ul'|l\‘| ol tit-org“ and .\'1111- tor' .\'lrecls uvcr " China Ilall. ' I‘t'lt,'t'l nio- 1'13 Al{(rl \l\.'=i rltlI ho. tile ptcpar 1tionsare being push- crl I'orwat'd iu England \\‘itl1 unabated 11.:tlvlty. The war, il' once commenced, XXIII be 11 tremendous onc,a11d a tele- glam has been received by the military authorities ol Canada, asking whether llru volunteers who uflcrcd to g0 to Egypt are willing to serve against Iiu::lu. ' Ricks Rebellion. Owing t0 the cutting of telegraph wires and the consequent stoppage ol eotnmuuicaIioII between the scene ol' trouble in the N111‘tl1-XX"I:st and the towns along the C. P. IL, there is l'r'c- qucutly a long delay in the transmission ol'rrows; and, therefore, the massacre at Frog Lake which took place on the ‘loll inst, and ol' which all our readers lravr' by this time heard, was not known 1o Ihrtar'io until Friday ol last week. l"1og Lake is 11 small place about I30 miles 1101ll1\\t'.~t oI Uulllt'linll, l‘, 1:1‘ 011 “'Ilrulsday, the ‘311d, the Sloney Indians cl. the neighbouring reserve, who are said to be a bad lot, invited the agent and others to a conference in their crmp and shot thenr as soon as they entered it. The first. report said that the killed were Agent Quinn, Fathers It'arlord and .XIarclraud, Instructor De- laney, .Xlr. 11nd .Xll's. John Cowanlnck, John XX'llliscraI't, Charles Couin and others. 11111l.'ing eleven in all, and that .Xlrs. Lh'l ancy had been made prisoner by the Indians and carried away. It has sir. cc bcr' '11 ascertained that one of l the victims was .Xlr'. XX llllam Campbell eldest sou ol' .Xlr. J. C. Gil- christ, purlllrllblul' at XX'oodvillc, 0101.; and 11 person who knows the place and the savages around it, l'ears that all the whites at the post, about ‘1)0 in number, l1u\e lrcclt killed. About thirty miles l'ronr Frog Lake. on the road to Battle- l'ord, is Port. Pitt, which consists oI' several log buildings lu 11 hollow square, and was formerly enclosed by a. stockade with bastious at the corners; but. this was removed some year's ago, and it now lies completely’ Unprotected in the midst ot'some cultivated ficldssurround- ed by common rail fences. llow many whites there are at the I'ort we do not know, but amongst them are twenty- Il\'t‘ mounted poltcc, under the eomrrrrnrd ol' luspcctor lllckcns, the youngest son )IiIlH? great novelist. 'i'lro place is in such imminent danger that an attack ul on it is daily expected , indeed, 11 re~ ‘ port that it had bcr'u captured and all the residents massacred was received early this week. but it was promptly‘ contradicted. Uu Monday, the 13111, the country north ol' Ilattlef'ord was , burned l'or miles by Indians travelling I'ivc good llnililiuT Lot.» tor s-rlr: r'lrr'ap' III Fellr'ion ball.‘ \X'r st. AFN,‘ to J .\11 \ I1‘. .v .\Irnol' 1'. ..\I I. Icur'lon I Ills. .I . :11' will, I.\‘; l.â€"I.I. J. NEELANDS, D l'lN'l‘Iri’l', 1.1x l):.~'.-\\’. Unr' ot'tirc lirrn \~.;ll be ul the \Ic.-\r.rnr11 llor'sv. I"1..\1;1.o,\ l".\1.1.s, on the third .\Iou l 1y ot c 1. l. month. Terri: extravtrd l1_\'l11.,, .11; ' _t< “11101.1 p.1l11 or injurv, or 11o elr 1."..{-' u rll be n1 1dr. my‘ Ith'rl-v'estalrlmlrcll1:1I.'.ad.~.1_\'rrcar'ly liflceu y'urs. 'XIIH I'ITX' (‘F II'XI'IIN I'llll I.\‘Sl'| .1- ;_\r_‘$ (‘it I'.rpzl'a'. .L'L'l '1'.l""' Filillv-g. 11.-p11.itr'.l with the Iternarloa licnt'rttlzlv'ltl. $100,011“, T111; Rout Inverse: Po .o' Hun n11- Capital $l"""""-"" II “mired “:11. It... min-on ‘IUXCFIIIHV 11X ‘I lh L“‘lalf1\l:t’ \ts':'\\l in I ‘gonads. ..' ""f' -'l Tun XX'rsrxm I\-t'u\\1': t'o or \‘nnu. Capital and .\ .\scts, :l,1?.'~?_.'..’~.1 J. I) .\XII'I'II, _ Fruclou Falls.Jar1'y '.'.'ud.t1~.~‘1. "1. rssrrrgsc E. ozone: cunnmsuau, General Insurance and Loan Agent. FENBLON FALLS. ONT,, rrprcnnn the following tint cl“! comra- urro, Iilh winch bra. an: can Le tranutetvd \luon the mo“ .1 \arrtagvotu terms. The l- ‘and: I'lrrmt. 11'111 Loon .\' Saving: Lo The Imperial Ionuuc: Company ut Lou don, Raglan-l I I'bt Paul". d4. ‘rm-1.1" I'...‘ " ‘"5" l.lr(\‘1.'\' l- 'l."11‘lat;l. ., '...'\ U". .. '2 wc-tward, and all the Iarms on the north side ol' the river were raided and i tllc livc stock drlvcu away. but no mur- Idcrs of‘ the settlers are yet reported. ..- Indra-‘cf Centauy, elk-813:1" I .\'wllt Current alter 11 lbur' ’ _ from Clark's Crossing. Signal tires were seen ail around, but the 2;II‘I'I.‘IHI was powerless to do any- thlng but hold itsell' in readiness to re- pt'l any attack that might be made .\‘cxt morning I". .\. Smart and ll. C. .chliornrld arrived at Battlclord I'rorn Lilly's‘ I'I'Ir.‘_ and Ir'pttllctl that the trail was good and that they saw no Indians. llay' by day the published reports ol' the various battalions Itt.\;tl\l.\ tl.c set-11c oi‘ the rebellion are the progress ol' l 1 l . .._g, .. 1' . .7 sour: one of' the points where tire trail 5 passes through clumps of woods f'avour- . This opinion is ' able to an ambush. obviously r1 reasonable one, 11nd we . think it may be taken for granted that. it‘ the volunteers and mounted police' now on their tray to Prince .\lbcrt and , other threatened points are not molested until they reach their destination, the, ' will soon collapse, though 5 it may take some corr~idcrable time toi " rebellion ' punish the perpetrators of‘ the‘ 1111" de plorable murders and restore peace and, quietness in the \ortlr XX est. \X'lrat the rc-ult of the insurrection is t0 be ls‘ 11 sub)‘ cc! of‘ much conjecture. some thinking that it will be at an cud .as soon as the troops reach the disaf-l l'ccted territory, while the peop ple of C11l"ary' are of‘ the opinion that the ‘campaign will lust-.1 year. UI course the rebellion can be put down sooner or later by force oI arms; but the Gov- ernment, afraid of' the consequences oI' a prolonged struggle, have apparently determined not only to adopt a policy ol'r'oucillatlmr as far as the simply dis- laffcctl'd are concerned which is rl'vlrt l l i 1 l l 1 rcad with the 11111.o.~t eagerness all over ' the Ihiuriaiou. Licucral .XIi-ldlr'ton. \vitl. a lotcc ol aboutT.‘10111.'11,1caeir<'d Ilutn- b11111 on .\Ion-lay and remained there I dtfl-ly'. until Thursdry waiting l'or supplies to: overrakr' him. l'ronr Qu'Appcllc, or a little more than Humboldt is HI miles l half~ way to Prince .\lbcrr, an-l 1'15 mllesi ' the war from Swill Current, and Col. . Strange is detained at Calgary on ac- 1 ‘coutrtr'I' his inability to obtain trum- , stcrs and scouts. trurlo'ully or not we do not know that ' he is uopupulal‘ m consequence of luv q in, - but“ inn-rested tn laud Speculations , and colouiLtliou schemes. and that rlrcn-t'om, men are not willing to $4:th under him. Col. Otter is on z ' f'rom an exchan~e and have ‘,enough but to actually purchase the isubmission of the chief rebels .XIr. Ivoyal who went to the .\orth- XX' est several days aye with the well known "cabinet," has returned, but what Ire did while away has not yet bccu made public. That some sort cf' negotiation disgraceful to the Government and the Dominion has been 01' is to be entered mto is strongly suspected, and a. re- markable article iu last 'I'uesday's .lluil gives ground f'or the sasplclou. In a word, it is believed that Riel will be bribed to end his second rcbtlliou as he was to leave the country al'ter the sup- pr'esslorr nI' his first, and the ur'uey' paid to him will come out of' Canadian pock- ets; but even if he should prove mean enough to desert his dupes I'or a cash consideration, Gabriel Dumout, Iris right-hand man, \vould probably want a bonus likewise, and perhaps half‘ a dozen others. Besides which, such a policy will be putting a premium 011 rebellious, and we shall have one wheu- ever an influential half-breed or Indian is afllicted with a grievance or happens to be short ol f'unds. The Scott Act. Public attention is so nearly monopo- lized by the rebellion in the .\‘orth-XX'est and the threatened war between Eng- land and Ilussia that the Scott .'Xct agitation is almost forgotten, and some ol' its most. ardent advocates scarcely noticed the announcement, a few day's ago, that it had been carried in XX‘cl- llugtou by a majority ol' over 1,200. Every victory like this stimulates and encourages the supporters ol' tlre Act in the counties in which it is yet to be submitted, and, consequently. ought, .1 be recorded in all publications opposed to the liquor traffic. l'“‘.riis village the work of obtainir' “J, :'.1u|es to the pc- tithrh'ncrr' Lravely 011, and those who wish to attach their names to it can do so by calling at. .Xr'r'. .XIcI'111'1’lrud s gro- cery, where one ot' the lists will be lound. Ilow many signatures l1 IX'I,‘ been got in other places wc lluVr: not heard ; but there are already 112 in Ferrelou Falls alone, and as 95 are a majority ol' the largest number of Votes ever polled 111 the villagt r ', the rc 'snlt so f'ar is very saris lactot'y. XXe arc also plt' arsed to learn that amongst those who have enrolled their names as supporters oI' the Act are not a lbw who we thought would oppose it, and there is 110 longer any doubt, as there was some time ago. that a 111:1jor'l11y of‘ the electors will vote for it. The question as to what is to become ol' the hotels and the hotel-keep- ers al'tcr' the .'Xct shall have been passed, is one which many ol the temperance advocates do not think themselves bound to consider; but such of' them as would regret to see their opponents suf- l'ct' will be coml'orted,11ud so will the owner's and occupants of' hotels, by readiu'r the following, wlrlch we clipped had in our drawer f'ot some little time past' .- ' A correspondent writing the daily press l'rom Port I'Iopc states that Ire has just visited some important places in the couuty', which has so recently given such a large unrjority' for the Scott Act, to Iind that several of the hotel keepers have signified their intention to kccp temperance hotels af'rer the .\ct comes into l'ntce, and in view ol' this several have taken out licenses f'or' only six mouths. These men are now receiving the support of' the temperance people, and it is claimed by many that there will not be that. decrease in valuation ot' property in consequence ul' the pass- ing of' the Act that the memorialists trlcd to trrakc out there would be at their late meeting at Ottawa. .XIauy' propcrty-ownct's in close proximity to ..1loor1s11nd hotels cl rim that their pro- pctties are now worth 20 pcr cr' ut. mote.- as the .\et. will do away with the rul lianl-m around these places, thereby making the locality muclr more dusira ble l'o'r' residence." A Pcrrlous Leap. The following account of the exploit of either .1. lunatic or a would-be suicide is from a letter written to the Peterbo- rough [.'rr'r'r 11.1 by .'r volunteer on his way to the .\'orth-XX'cst: " XX'e then proceeded onward without \X'hcn rrcar X'cuve station a most peculiar thing occurred. Private Keeley, oi~ the -I.'11h battalion, from Bowm. rnvirlc. c one into the ofiicvr's car, .\'tyiu'g ' be wanted ‘o se" the doctor. He .15811 111 [III-‘1.155321: in the centre of' the car lbr 1r f'cw minute-'4. when suddenly, , without any Warning. he took a header It is said, but whether . With the exception of the , ti; bt at Duck lake which It“ entirely I disappearing through the window. out ot' the window opposite him. break- would slip out of your closed i.11nd..\o one happened to be looking at him at ~' the time, although the oï¬iccrs were air l ting all around him. so the ï¬rst notice we got was the breaking glass, and ou looking up a pair oI' heels were seen I‘ lhe uuprcmedrrartd there has a yet becir I train 111 the time was going very ï¬rst. on actual cont] ct between I Govern-l urcar t'l-rce and [be rebels: but it id we didn't ex between 30 and 401110011 an hour, so peer. to see him alive again, ;.-:1.r1'..y l:.ii1'\'cd that, it' Riel :mcans' but Iricnt Brennan, who was sitting in 11:11:00.1; !U"l'r' than mu stratl. n, .Xlirldlet-uu'u cu-rtv demon- cotnurac d will be app' l 1: tla- »-'r.1.~:lu:, \'i' 1.211 LI a". the ~11: nr-rt to rl'c one he jumped 1",10111 31.1 l.l<l1cadout ot' the window ‘i ILII' hie: bl“. 11.1qu oklm ‘.‘sXX' 1.21.4"11 ‘th to the retreating train. The train was stopped as soon as possible, and backed up to the spot where he lit in the snow. when it was found by his tracks that. he had evidently lit on his shoulder. taken a l'rom the spot he ï¬rst touched ; he had then, evidently, by the tracks. starred ofl' through the woods to the north. It would have delayed the battalion too long to have sent after him, so we start- ? ed again, instructions having been Icfl with some slrantymeu ll' iu_-__ -' ucar to llook him up 11nd take care oI'him. Tire ; man had been acting strangely for some , time past, but nothing serious was au- ltic'rpated He must have been out ol his mind to jump out of the 11",iudow lfor if' be wanted to escape plenty of' chances were offered to lriar at stations, and anyway he could have jumped ofi the steps much easier than tbrou-dr the window. His hands were evidently cut a little, from blood marks found in the snow, but otherwise he could not have been much injured." Made Tbcii'Bscape. In the account of the Fort Pitt and l Frog Lake lllzt>saere published in the 1 Ilru'l oi .XIonday, April I3tl1,we ï¬nd the following 'â€" “ Instructor Geo. G. .Xlaun and his wif'e and children, and the Ilev. Chas . Quinney', the Church nI' England mis~ slonzrry, with his f'amily', got. safely into Fort Pitt, from Onion Lake." .XIrs. Mann is a daughter of rXIr. I)a- vid Browne, Collector of'Customs, Lind- say, and also a niece oi‘ 1Xlr. John Browne, of Peterborough. 5Q“ For rt nohby Stilt go to the Cheap Store-sign of the Iled, White .k Blue Flag. DENTAL No'r'rcu.â€"-.Xlr-. J. .\‘eclands, dentist, Lindsay, or his assistant, will be at the MeArthur House, Fem-Ion Falls. on Monday and Tuesday next, the 2001 and 21st inst. X31181.‘ Hat's-The Roscoe and the Gor-. don, at Ilcou .\IcDocnarafs. Busrzvr-lss NOTICE.â€"'.XII‘. John )Iolfur has sold his bakery and grocery business in this village to the Barrett Brothers, of‘ Lindsay. lXI r. David Barrett lived several years at the Falls with his uncle, 1XIr'. Wm. Marshall, and is well and f'a- vunrably known I'or miles around. New PIIINTS.â€"500 patterns nt' .\'cw Prints to choose from. llt'ctr .\chouc.rr.1.. Accmus'r.â€"La.s-t Monday a little boy about. three and a hall'y'cars old, son oi' .XIr. Robert. Creswell, oI' Fenelou Falls, I'ell and broke ltis left leg between the knee and ankle while playing. in a barn at .XIr. XVrn. Martin'sndr'jula111, where he was visitimrï¬urn his mother. Dr. E. S. Wil, set the limb, and the child is de'i. g well. B0011 111 Dnuss Goons-The ï¬nest Goods in the county, ut Huou .XIcDouoauls. T111: New Scuoonllomn-Tlrem was 11 trustees‘ meeting on Thursday evening Ior the purpose ol' letting the contract for the new school-house south of the river; but when the tenders were opened they were all found to be so high that not. one 0f them Was accepted. Our local contractors say that it is quite impossible to put up such a building in accordance with the plans and speciï¬ca- tions f'or the amount the trustees are willing to expend, and it is lherel'orc possible that 11 less costly style of archi- tecture will have to be adopted. 3%“ A good crop of‘ Babies never falls. Go to IIertrd's, and buy a Carriage for the last new onc.â€"8--I. A II.11.111urr'ros X’1cr1.\r.â€"'l‘lre lXIiu- den Echo says: " .'Xt the light at Duck Lake on the 25th or Blith of‘ .XIarclr be- tween lliel's rebels and the .Xlounted Police and civilians, one ol' the latzer killed was named Alexander Fisher. Ile was the sou ol' 1Xlr. .'Xll'red Fisher, of‘ the Bobc.ty'geou road. Snowdon town- ship. The young man lel't f'or the Nut"- XX'est about two years ago." Sl'ruso St'rrrsos.â€".XI_v stock ofSprlng Sult- lugs is complete. Order early and get the choicest patterns. Good ï¬ts guaranteed. Hunt .\IcDot'oarrt. IIALIBURTON VILLAGE Cowman- The f'ollowing is a list ol' the names of' those who have volunteered 111 Captain Cleo S. Thompson‘ s Compzmnv oI .XIount- ed Sharpshooters for service in the Xor'th-XX'est rebellion :â€"Gen. S. Thomp- son, Captain; XI. XX‘. Brandon, I). I} Dover, XX'. .XIcKclvey', J. Langdnn, J. Carton, XX'. ShadwellI 1". Crawford. ‘I. .Xlaguire, I). Groom, XX‘. Yull, II. Pat tcr'sou, E. I’. Hoxic. C. Austin, XX'. .XIiller, XV. Dunlap, I’. Mailer, .\'. S Lunao, Wm. Flint. P. Conway, J. ltob- erts, C. Roberts, Ii. Patterson, L. .\Ic- .\‘eily, I". Dart, It‘. Spilsbury, I'}. ll. ' .XIay. J. Briggs, I). .XIltohell. XX'. Ersk- ine, J. Gould, E. Lcith, C. Glover, XX‘. .XIartiu, IL .XIiller. , 52F‘ For cheap Prints and Dress Goods‘ go to the Cheap Storcâ€"sign oI‘ the Red l \X"I1ite and Blue Flag. 1 A Canadian Al'iny scandal. (From (lu' .X'clr' I'urlr Tclryrum,) OTTAWA, April IOIII.â€"CI)n:iIIUI'0blc excitement has been created over certain grave charges which have been made against Caron, Corruption in connection with_tl1e ad- ministration ol'his department. Ir'ldl- ectcur of‘ Quebec states on good author- ' lty that in consideration of‘ having given the use of' his own household, with large quantities of‘ stores by these contractors I'ree of‘ charge. IIc with having rtceived large money con- and have the 'ehzrgcs investigated. The afl'air I135 :can~cd a great sensation in political , circles. S not likely to go further . a‘ Xlflu‘ Tweed Suits for $1; 11L l F. Goolus's. l g‘ A great. variety of Spring Goods, l I very chap, at F. Gnome]. a‘ Lndic1‘Rubber Circula. 1 for SI ‘.'f» at. l". Gibson‘ s. l w‘ Gent». Wim.“ 7-1: f- “I 1 .‘1..4..'.- bound and lit again 34 t'eet: minister of' militia, of' a contract for supplies I'or provisions t'or 1 troops Caron has been furnished. f'or 1 is also charged: sidcrations f'rorn the Grand Trunk rzril- ' way company f'or using his influence in . ;.~ecuriug the purchase oI' 11 portion of, ' in,_ ' the heavy gla-s and going through a ' the road by the Dominion government. 1 with apparently rrs much case as 1111 1." 'I - 1 Caron repudiate: the chsrg en, but. he is ' The London Dviiauli ters. ‘BAYARlJ-S REPLY ‘X'U TIIE SECIDITUIY U!‘ TIIB \ATIUAAL L.\_\I) LLXULL. .\'11w YORK, .'Xpril 11.-Following is Su'rctary 51)!"le letter ill . the l'uimh'. sent him to IltbL‘ appr'opr'ratc action regarding the cases o." Iand Cunningham, who are awaiting trial in London f'or courpriclty in the . dynamite explosions 'â€" _ " \X'.\s111.\oro.\‘. .\ptil llltl1.-â€".Ian1es lkdyuu, corresponding .\cUR'IIII'y' j national league ol' .\'ew X'ork city. Sir. I I I have received 11nd given due consider- l atiou to your letter of the 251l1ult.,and l the resolution therein communicated. l This department is ready to lend prompt- lly all lawlul aid 111 its power to secure l‘just and lair trial to 1|ll_X.'\IIIt‘I'IC;1IX 'clrlzw , whether nrtlve or iraturalizcd. ' criminally charged 1n loreign countries l and triable 111 such jurisdlttion. l There is,how'1-\er,no provision by l existing law to dcfr'ay expenses of enr- é ploying legal counsel I'or' the defense oI 1,ci1izcus :u accuwd and l1 'ld for trial or: , l'or' the employment of‘ 11' ents to :rt'cnd 1 and report the PII)L'L'1‘\iIII'_ 's. I trust. l how'r.c\c and that congress. will provide a reason- : uble and adequate sum of' money in or- , der that carcl'nl suptlvi. ion oI such inr- ,por'tant. trials 11s may inv'ol\e the lives or liberties of American citizens may r ' l be had and 1111 iuIcIIl-H'nt report of the l procecdlnes be made, especially wl'rcrc l the charge ts serious. and the accused isdcstitute of 1111 ans and withoutlr lends. This department will take .r scdulnus interest in the treatment of' law-abiding American eltlzcns whilst in foreign countries, and do whatever lies in its power to secure for Lllcltt the f'nllest protection of the laws, and when charg- ed with offences all their rights to lair and public trial and all legal defence. 1\'o other information ol' the citizenship oI' the parties charged or oi' the crlu'c alleged than is contained in your com- munication has been received at, this department. Ilue inquiry will be made and all propel‘ steps takcu. " I am, sir, your obt. servt., " (Signed) '1‘. I". 15111211111. .‘o-_._ ._- Conservative Opinion of Dewdney. The Winnipeg XII/‘tings is a Tory paper. 11. has stood by SlrJohu and .Xlr. Norquay in all their hours of need, and is never slow to express its cou- tempt f'or the (Ir-its as people who have not sense enough to rule and hardly loyalty enough to serve. But the Sift- iuqs cannot staad Dewdncy. Ilim and his I'actotum, Ilay'tcr Ileid, it holds “ largely responsible for the present trouble." 1t demands the resignation of' both these men, and failing their resignation their immediate and igno- miuious dismissal, together with all their oflicial creatures and hangers on, who are held in the utmost ablror'reuce by the denizens of' the country, red, white and parti-coloured. Our Winni peg contemporary charges that the .Xletis have received at the hands of' the ollicial gang treatment that. would have driven a corrrrrrurrity oI' whites into rebellion long ago, and that Dcwdacy has sys- tcnurtlcally concealed the true state (.\l' affairs f'r'om his superiors at Ottawa. 'l'hese are serious charges, but they come from a source that cannot. be sus- pected oI political animus against the accused, and they are moreover corrob- orated by the statements of' individuals f'anrillar with the man and his doings. It, is impossible to believe that Sir Joint A. 1Xlacllon1rld could have been ignorant ol' Ilewdncy‘s character bcl'ore appoint- ing him to the responsible position where he has worked so much 111i ehirf' by prostitutiug it to his own scllislr pur- poses. IJoubtlcss he has been careful not to tell tales out of school upon him- scll' and his partners in iniquity, but the Government had other sources of inlurmatlon of‘ which they refused to avail themselves. Therefbr'e it. is a poor excuse to say they have been kept in darkness by him. When an Anglican bishop and a lloman Catholic arch- bishop united in warning thorn oI' the condition of' things in IIewduey's salra- py, they should have no longer trusted to his I'avorable reports of himself. Sir John rXIacdonald may and ought t0 re~ move lrlnr at once, but his removal carr- not. recall to lil'e the poor fellows who have been slaughtered in the struggle 0t‘ his provoking ; it cannot repair the l damaged rep ttatinn of the .\‘Ullll XX est as 11 land of peace and plenty ; it cannot. silence the voice 11f'>c.1111l11l, which says l that this incompetent and unworthy ter- lr-iror'ral governor received his appoint urerrt lor a reason that rtflects honour l neither upon the giver nor the recipient. â€"- ‘ll/run!†.X'r'u'r'. 0-. An Asylum for the Rebels. Bifi'I-‘Atai, April II'I.~â€"â€"'I'he I'll/nus >1Iy‘s :--XX'hy should there be any qtte.~- tion about our treatment nl' Canada's rebels". IIas not Canada hersell'estab~ lishr-d the precedent Ii-r' u: '.' Accord- ing to that. precedent \X't: mu.-t give liel and his men asylum ju~t 11s Canada gave Jake Thompson and his f'ellow villains asylum when they were plotting 5 northern cities; just as Canada gave I! asylum to the raiders who were ur'au izln“ the sack oi St.\ll1.111s.5l.ould single hall- breed rebel we must demand 1 his rcturn on the penalty nI' wzrr ; just - as England demanded the return ol' IXlas-rn and Sllllell when This is international :rnd Canada under- 11 British >reamcr. law, as England . 111 the United Start-s to fail to live up tuuity' may come. Besides, this country ' has never refined, nor hzu England, an l asylum to politic-1| offenders escaping Irom any country. That imcn are political olfcnders irI hardly questionable They demand just what. .thiwbans demanded under Illel'a lead tit'teen years ago, and vrhat Was then; granted them. It is quite probable that the :ulm: L'Uncfl'ssiuu: will now be. made and tlrein-ormdnu: bus brought in. a ('l'-e, with little or no lurthcr ‘.1.' '.-1'.-i.l.~~.l. Sreh .1 ecu-Lawn ta wi' . Lam; u... .1....-.1..'. rcp._v to ' Buztou i the president will recommend ' to plant yellow fever and smallpox in' Canadians cross the line and crpture 11' Commodore Wilkes captured them t'rmu the deck cl 1 stand it, and it would not be courteous i to it in reciprocal fashion when oppor-. llicl and hisl Riel or Dewdney. The Winnipeg Sun says Z~Tbc I'ol- ' lowing resolution w .rs put belore a meek ; lug 1.81.1 at XX olsclcy last week, called 1 to form 11 home guard. It was moved ' by a lending Conservative :-â€"-“ That it is the opinion or the meeting that it is‘ be thatordcrs be issued to hang Riel to the first. rrce when he is caught. but . ll‘ lhcrc must be dciay' that it shall only ‘ It'lsll be long, enough to capture erducy', Q 11nd hang the two together." The chair- ‘ it was seconded he was forced to do so and it was carried. __... .___-.-.~. _. . . Immlgmp-ti' Invited. \X'rssrr'ra.. April l3 â€"-'I‘lrc followin" resolution was passed unanimously iu rl' e local legislature this altcruoou :â€" " Thar whereas it. is believed the pres‘- ; lug immigration to .Xlanlroba, this house desires to place on record the Iact that there is not the slightest disturbance in ,any part ot' Manitoba‘ a,- 1|... prr-enul ltr'ouble is conï¬ned to the districts ol l .'Xlln'rta and Saskatchewan, along the; north br aneh ol the. some hundreds of miles nortltchst ol the settled portion of .Xlauitobrt. therc- tore all who contemplate coming, to .Xlanitoba this spring can do so with the most perl'ect security." 0-. l l t A Ghastly Experiment. A peculiarly‘ ghastly experiment in furtherance ol' the ends ol' been performed in Paris. A chemist named Kel is charged with having murdered his f'emale servant, who my:- teriously disappeared some months ago, and disposed ol' lrcr body by burning it in a stove. llc says that the stove in question is much too small t0 be put to >UCII a purpose. To prove that 11 is not >0, the prosecution, having had a lire- slnnle made ol' the stove, uskcd l'or 11nd obtalrrcd an order f't'om a June d'ln- str'uctiou, which was sanctioned by the I'l'cI'eUt ol' Police, Ibt‘ :1 dead body‘ Ii'otll one of‘ the hospitals. I11 possession oi‘ this corpse, they proceeded to cut it 11p into nieces, and feed the stove, which they had lighted, with the f'r'agnrcnrs~ The result, so f'ar' as it vvr'nt, was in continuation of' the thorny of' tlre pros- ecutlou. In a surprisingly short. time the whole body was consumed, and no- thing remained but a few ashes. It is obvious, however, that the pronl' thus afforded ol' the pesslbility ul'the disposal ol' a body‘ in the manner alleged by the prosecution c1111 only be material lf' the positive links iu the chain of‘ circum- stantial evidence against the prisoner are all of' them thoroughly strong. justice has .-._____ It is stated that the Prince 0f‘ XX'alcs will visit Ireland yearly hereafter. Lord Duli'criu advises an immediate advance of' British troops into Al'glrau- tsran. Lightning made three attempts in one day recently to demolish the XX'ash- iugton monurnent. and I'ailed. There is 1111 old lliodoo maxim. that he who would hold India must hold AI‘ ghanistan, and that. Ire who holds Ali ghanlslau must also hold Ilerat. There are said to be over two thou- sand post masters in the United States with salaries of‘ less than $IU a year each. At Iledelia, .\'. C., last year the salary was nine cents. Stories ol hard times scome f'r'om P.1- ris. A dentist. advertises r-eeo.1d-l11111d teeth, and will fix the same in position. taking payment in weekly instalments oi hull'a f'rane. The death of the boy Donovan, who won the six-day roller skating contest in .\'ew York a short time ago, is the third that, has occurred as the direct result ol that exhibition. The height of‘ apartment houses in .\‘evv York is preposterous. A house ITS feet high has actually been erected. and cupola 40 I'eet higher, is projected. The richest 1111-11 in the world arc SHIII m be lXIcK'ay ($275,000,000), Rothschild ($200,000,000), Vanderbilt ($175,000,000).11nd the Duke of' XX‘est~ mirrster ($SII_IIIIII,IIIIII). member that .Ia: Ilnuld has only 31-10,- IIIIII_IIIIII, a III?|II‘I£>.~III',_' sense oI' the ine- quality ol' the distribution of' wealth creeps OVcI' us. Junction, county Cork. ol' the Prince and Princess of‘ XX .tlI~ from Ihrblin, on their w: 1y to vl. it the l'larl of Irisiowal at Cavunmnre X large cr'nwd broke through the polic- oI the br':1yonrt. .Xlossrs.llllrir'11, lied- tuond and Ilarrinoton, Irish members of Parliament, were badlv mauled. Ever since tlrt. riot the (rov"rrnnrcut has tnonnpolized | the Iclc"r.1ph wires, and no furtllcr do tails are nbt.1i1111ble.'Ih¢- news of the , dl>turbauce caused intense excitement lu the [louse of Commons. -s-.-_._... CBUELLY MURDEEED. In the Province ol' (Intnrio, every ye'nr, . thousands are Irvin" crnr-Ily murde rr-d by. .‘tnkiug unsuitable, untried .such complaints as (Justin-“v.15, Indiges- tion, Liver ('ornplaint, and 1"utrgv by Care. 11-' lu;,I .\Irtlrw'rn' s Sprcdy' l’rir;1-.".II1;u11-I$l pr'r bottle. ; trials lrnm persons in your own town. T0 THE LADIES. l .XIcGrr'gor .k Parke} Crrrholic Ger-ate will core rrrr_v t'nrv: of Pitllltlti on Ilre truce or tough Skin on either bandit or lace. and , leave tin-m soft 1111 silk. II will also bml any sore when all other pn'purntinrn fail. I Thousands Iran: tun-d i'. Ask your Dru:- . gist for IIrrï¬rl'gor k Parke‘; Curholic Ce- . rate, and do not be ln'rsltrl'lt'd lo tnke uny- I thing rlat' clrrlmrd to In: ~14 good. It l1 but t 2.50. per box at \X'ru. I'I. 11111:. Drug Store, Pcuclun Vulll. FLUID LIGHTNING. > ache, Ileadache, I'Zat'nche 111111 .\'curalg'nl ‘ It dots not take 11 day or an hour to cure it, i be’. In In, than 11 rmnutc lll [min i1 gone. Theda-ads have Intrd rh' merits within the but year Flul'l Lrg'mrlog i1 also :1 porlrlvc 1'21": for I'lbemrrnlrm. The worst can't ban been permAnrtrtIT rurrd 111 Om: Wré't I'm-.- 150»; 8'1'1... l. 212...‘. 9.1,; , .‘-.a.'-, , C.....1.- 1 .-1.;. now time Ior the Govt-rumour to take; decisive action, and that their ï¬rst. shall ‘ man ret'ustd to put the motion, but as l cut troubles in the .\‘orrhwest are alfcct~ i Saskatchewan livrc . . one nf' Ill stories, 1152 feet high, with a , XX'hcu we r"'. There was a terrible row at .Xlallow ' on the .'n".1ivrl . litre, and were driven back at the point i were in the 11",1owd andl nostrurnr for l Kidney Troublrsf .1-11; , who ml"ht t wily grin Inst 11lI'I 11"Ih ' To convince 1111111 that such is the 1 g Quilt, we will give Ilrrtn .'r Trr'l' trial hottII' , rrtXX'111.I". I'IlIi~'.'-' Drug Stort', Fem-Ion Vallsf, Stri- testimo- ‘ Fluid Lightning tr the cure for Tooth-- 1311'R'DIIS. ' Panama-In the I\\\\‘I1$III‘X of Fouolomou Tuesday. April ch,tt1e wife of .Xlr. John Parrish or'a son. “.\KYIN'r-In Fr'uclou Falls. on Tuesday, April Htlr. the wit'e ct‘ .\lr. Gabriel .Xlartiu of. daughter. Huts-In Fenclou Falls. on Friday, April 17.h, the wife et' Xlr. \X'm. I'Z. I'Illis,1lruggist, o! 11 son. I'I'..\'I'ZI.U.\' FALLS . XI.\i‘KhTS. I.‘rp.-:'.’:.I by .ll.'l!<-u;,'<:.’1.t' Iirrmrt'on. Ferrelou Falls. Friday, April thn, lszr. XX'lrcrrr, fall. per bushel - - $11 s3 0 on Wheat, spring, " - - - n s5 u 90 Ilrrrlcy, per bushel ~ - - In) 50 Unis, " " - - - _ ‘ts 40 Purse, “ “ - - ~ ~ 51'» 58 Rye, “ “ - ~ - - 45 so Potatoes, " - - ~ - 25 30 Rutter, per lb. .. - - - - 16 l8 Dressed Hogs. per loo lbs, $5 no $5 ‘:5 Becf.per100lbs, - - - St 50 $5 00 Eggs, per dozen, ~ - - - l2 18 Sheepskins, ~ - - ~ - .'10 ‘1'0 Ilect' Ilidrs, - - - - IX I10 $6 00 Hardwood, dry. sawed, - $2 {>0 :‘I 00 Hardwood, green, sawed, $3 no $' .'10 , II:1_\',perto11, - - â€" - $16 001.1513 00 New Advertrsements l Lorre-Felt \Iliiit Supplied. 4k. (Clark ‘\r Son, MERCHANT TAILORS, 13153‘ If} I¢() N 1"‘\ LL25 , l have much pleasure in announcing that well-selected stock of Scotch, English and CANADIAN THEEDS AND UTIII'ZII GOODS, which they are prepared to made up in the most Fashionable Styles. Parties furnish- ing their own material, with or without trimming. can be accommodated. ‘\Il ‘Vol-1c Guaranteed. (Irders for Cutting pauctually attended to. BEE}? -I 'l'rl'u! SrJI'r'ilr'J. Feat-Ion I-‘alls, April l.'1th, l885. l I l they lnrve just put in an entirely .\'ew and 1 To the Farmer's -â€"or' run- County of Victoria. THOMAS nonsotv, Ferrelon Falls lmn Foundry and Machine Shop, begs to call the attention of the farmer rs to his celebrated Boss Plough, that 1s giving so much satisfaction. ers ilt want 0f good HARRQWS would do well to inspect his large stock oI‘ Steel IIrtr-r'ows, Iron IIarr'ows and XX'oodl-n IInt'r'ows, all ut PRICES T0 lIII'lI'l'I‘ TIIE TIXIES. Agent f'or the .\Inssr'y .\Ianul'rrcturing (loft! Torroxro Ilrxm-Jr, the .XIasst-y ILurvssrrar, tho celebrated 'I‘o|m,\"ro .XIMHZII runl 5111111": Ilaruc â€"nc equal, all rrt reduced prices. TIIIIXIAS IIIIIISOX, l'nnu'rnn Luke Foundry, I"euclou Falls, .\Iarelr l'.'ll1, It'ISr'r. lI-ly. I" arm- $1’l' (J'thULES. A full slog-k ol‘ Inruruttt'e‘s famous Spec- lut'les‘ at I'IIlls‘s Drug Store. I-Zvcry pair guaranteed. Call and sec them. Ill-l]. ._.__. _. . . ._...___. __. IHE lllllllNll Ill8H 8lllllll ‘XV. ‘V. 1.3I._.()’l."D begs to call tln' attention of the public ta 1 the, I'ollowillg 1X'I'lXX’ LIST 0F CASII PRICES, the lowest ever yet oIIi'l'eII in I-‘r'nelon Fnlh or its vicinity by any dealer in grocerlu. SUGARS. 20 lbs. III-fined Sugar for - - SI 00 IIII " Granulated Sugar for - I 00 I7 " IIrighlSugur fur - - I 00 SYRUPS- 3 gallons Golden I'or - - - $1 00 TEAS. Special-line in J11|ntn,jual arrived, limit. value in Canada, t'qnnl to any .'10 cent Ill in the market, .'III cents per ll). NEW FRUIT. - Finest Currants, III Ills. for - - $I 00 X'all'nlia Ilnlsins, II lbs, for I 00 London I.11_v1'1'.-1,pt'rlh. - - l1'1 " Pigs in I11.II.~,IHII1~I. for - I 00 ‘ " l"lt'nrc Figs in boxes, pr'r ho! I5 l \lso 11 large assortment of Ilrrrngca and i I.1'1nons,(lr.rpe.-1, .\'nls, rkc. l OYSTERS ' in tins 11nd l111lk,11t ulnar-r quotation‘ than l you I';rrr Irhlnlrt in Iln' 'I'oronto market. ‘ CANNED GOODS. llt'itlsh .\rn" rlr'nn Salmon, 1 l . 1 I I 1 l II'XFI I'utt'h - - - I "I. Iinl, 15C. ; \'1,-'vv Imhslr I’.-I ~ - - - " " 15C. - \Ilrrkt rI'l ~ - - " " IZC. Tomatoes - - - .'I " “ 120. -I I'orn - - - - - ‘J ' “ 12 c. PI' ur-I - - - - L’ “ “ ":6. l " Apple-1 - - - - .‘1 “ ‘l lltr, l " Ilcarrs- - - 1'" “ 1246. l TOBACCOES. I'lnr'st Prince of XX‘-11I111 I‘ bowing - 42c. lb. " IIright Srnukingt" - - - 5011."). 1 '1 I.‘ ut (' Ircwing - - - - - 541e, lb. The Irhnvt' ligurt-rr mart convince you that 1]," orrlv w 11y to hrry your goodl chclp II to pay cash. XX’. W. “LOTT. W" (Inter IUmrIIA up-ituirrt. ‘a Fem-Ion P'rrlla, .\'ov'r ‘ï¬lth, I884. g ‘Y1... will rind 11 complete nunrtmrnl of IlflI/I'Illl 11111111111 111111 111111111, \X' hips Snaps, (Jurrycombl, IIrtubel, TRUNKS 8t; VALISES and varioul other nrtlclel, at Jos. .\etlscn' s Harness Shop, Clrllrnrm. Sum Pent-Inn Fllll ‘Ea?’ (Julian warrantwl {cplirlng done With 111-.1111ch and (“\XIIIXCII. Md’. ‘1 If you ulmuld In: no unfortunate u to Burn, Send or XX'ulttrd ymmelfin any way, the prop-Pr rlrlrrg I11 keep etc-or and hul it ,is Ilcfin-gor b: I'urltr'a (,‘arbolrc Cerlv. . Inn-.1 on having, and In 11m- you gel. l6- .' ï¬nger. k I'arkz' '- (inlmlll. (Junie. PM, .'L 1,1,1. Wm L‘ LII. -,1 11.-132.1,1'111111: 1...,’ ‘v.1- ‘114-."5;~;.2L'. o