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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Apr 1885, p. 3

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ECONOMY IS THE KEYSYONE To SUCCESS, And the Golden Motto is practically illustrated by those. who patronize '1‘ II 13 C I '1‘ ‘1' S '1‘ (3 1} IE. II;\'I‘S. The :‘tli of April. gx‘ntlctncn. it is time you scttlcd on the style oi‘liat you weir. terestéo ' veo.“ I . m ha.- a luqu flock of :‘ I harcjust. rccaived the lamest sto:k nl' Faucv tiaods uvcr oil-rel in the village 7 WAGGONS AND BUGGIESZ ‘“ ‘ such as Violins, Baujoes, Accordcons, Conccrtinas, Mouth-organ l LJKDIICS. : Fashions may come and go. but lilacli Silks remain essentially ‘i a lady's dress..especiall_v when you get the Simon t‘ttl’c. wa:raui- l V ed to neither cut nor gloss: and in thc i-rciit of its being other i than reprcscnted. you will he furnished gratis with enough cxtra l ,1“... 1m}- pm m“ but u i, not 5.. “m, “pr-WM” lc a thing as the fashion of it lmt may make of mar : a n U U ' to make waist and slccvcs. Tlirre is no doubt that a hint“ ~tnc } h u l lilatk Silk brings 0”" 3 13".“.3' “ilnm‘Lm’ “5 n“ "Hui" 1"! c 0'1“ tuazt l‘t‘. lt is wcll. tltcrt‘t'oh‘. to take tlic \‘liancca when l , v . ~ ,; , . . . .i. - t . ~ . .' . . . Ti‘l‘e ‘4 "‘09 d“)! 3 PM? Of l‘nllll IN“ “‘1‘1 lull“) ‘ 'l‘~ “l” “ - nut can t‘.\:tlt‘.‘l destiny hy promptly purcl using the lair-st styles, sisti at: 1““ “mil-rid " iil'; oi~ which :tt\‘ now in. While thinking oi‘ hats, don‘t )IUSICALL INS'I‘RTJDIE N'I‘S. s 3" 'l‘auibourincs. , .. . . it may he a niattcr ot indith‘rt-nee to sonic what thzlltllt‘f ofhcad on hand, all guarantccd to he first class, which he will sell CHEAPERjflAN EVER. 1 Black Silk Suit, and the combination is irre City Szore: or, better still. purchase and a very large stock at Paint Brushes, Varnisltcs, Jupans, form-t that \H‘ arc tlic t'arttin‘rs' ~ ‘ t . l \ - s .4 x ~ ' ‘ _ P" "“ “l "* V ' PAINTS OILS GLASS AND PUTTY 'v '7 V" ’ ‘ ' " g 3 3 first and reticct afterwards. ll ladies only knew how intcnscly l V _ ‘ t ‘ V _ \ ‘ N ‘ y n C _ . _ . _V S \ S l . 3 . , l becoming a fine Silk Dress' handsomely made is. very few oi them i “‘N‘E‘M“ “"h‘” “' I“““““-" “h‘ r" ‘l “m 5"“ "3!“ m ‘\ “"l‘h' _ J . l A L. . . I . i . l , i )ltxed Paints of all shades of colours. ready for the brush, i “Wm be “Mom um fascimmnu mth , acnmuwn' “kc mm. by mt. (“Muck “my on," hm“, spun): . ' .' . . .. - -' - . ' ~ ~ . ' i ' - L. ~ . . “a . i can ’E‘t‘s -a it» i‘ t 3 r i rum- stick,\rlii'li iswi-ll a Sun i‘urumizh. Ilmvr srml A 1”" «Mlm m a suit N rm‘vul F‘lmlncr“ “ginning ‘1 haul)“ v' in (1” “ to “lhljel‘t Ins Sprlngl I’lctlll‘es alld Piet‘ll e 1‘4 l alllos’ worthvhfi'cotéidcrriiotilittflio‘if:tiitrlil Soiiic pdop'ie sat“ lllt‘\' arc Colds tltatt niatty dollars in physio to tuakc it well. l too twior to buy a new Garrick 0mm “51"”! say that mum” af- l \t';iit~rt~mui‘.~. .\'o cunt-n. irn‘sticctirc ol lmlitiCS. \\ ho valuci should he without a wnlcriiroof coitt. It . . . I a - r ‘ y ' . . . . ., JU‘I 11'" film-‘7 1m ruueh laud‘ He and a fine stock of Trunks, Travelling Bugs, ‘ altscs and Ladies' batchcls; also, _ . _ V _ ‘ l ford it. Utiiers again look upon it t arpct its 2| luxury: but all l 1H5 health and comfort _ i adtuit that economy is the golden motto ot success. 'l'hr grczlt l rains alike on llll‘ just and on tho utyiist. and thc t‘hristiait with . . . A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ , ; question then is. \\‘lictltcr it is more economical to hu)‘ :\ Lnrl‘f‘l ‘ it lilantclc-ss rrt‘ot‘d is Just as likcly to gct rlicuitizitistu and things Perlumery and Tailet articles. and a very fine assortment of ' Miami the tioor out scrubbing, besidrs cutlmuzvrmi: \ as the anti-Scott agitators. Tooth Narrows, which arc also keeps tlit: following litrni titacliincs: REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is bound 1101 to lie ttiitlcrsiiltl by any one. Stationery, = or wear your: “‘0 “V” or “‘9 f‘m‘il.“ “'“l‘ Tl“‘““"‘“ I ‘ We hat c thcn-fnrc provided it most t‘Vlt‘tlSth‘ and varied stock 1-“ “3”” l“ I'll." “‘0 l "We" of \\'atcrproof (‘lotliitig and l'inlirellas. and would t‘itritt‘stly rc- Watches, Watch Chains, Rings, Brooches and Other Jewelry, 1;... an “mm... mu m... um i. . Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. Cu” and inspi‘t‘l I)“: slnt‘k. Pnnicul‘ul-V “5 you m" buy one ranging in put" {mm “ l” 0' m l couitticitd tlic purchasing puhlic to tn.tltr itn ittsprctiou. \\':itcrproof Coats and l‘nihrcllits arc not a luxury : they are it St 50 Wilton. including all tlic diil'crcut grades that STI‘IPIII’ZN NI‘JVISON, conic lu'twccn. such as Brussels, \‘clt'ct. Tapistry. Sll‘tlll}'. .\ll- “PPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. 1 Wool. Thrcc Fly and Two l‘ly, and the solid line l'ly Dutch and l l'iiions. kc . 11!.Tll0 City Store. liadics. \\'ll.tlt'\‘|‘t‘ you do in the l matter of Carpets. don‘t forget its when you want to buy. _ > English Uil t‘loths and Linolcuiiis cut to any desired size with- l collar and Mr. out cxtra charge for cutting. the t It,\' Nun‘. SOO’E‘HERAN, EATER“ & MA RR, l l l Cl'l‘X’ l)l§.â€"\1’l‘21x‘tfi JXNl) (‘I..()’.l.‘lIlltll{S. l l cs, colds and things. \\'c be- llrtnp to a. iicressity. llalicrdashcry. (‘otnpare your chauccs with the other young man if you do tint \vcitt‘ :\ good tilting shirt. thc latest chic itt Thu proper place to procuri- tlirse itrticlcs is at Fenelon Falls, April 9th, 1885. gas- All kinds of l‘t..\.\‘t.\'o Alon..- at short notice. Various patterns of MotrLD- 'â€"â€""‘â€"" txus kept on hand. and sold at. the [ii/rm! Iii-(rm. lloitsi:-Sttot;iso and Joutitsu I : flpccialty. All lit.l'.\ll’.:~' dnw- in a first-class; manner and on short. notice. Sonic l _ cheap i-ccond-liatid lil'litillifi for sale. and War at. the Falls in for the liberal patronage lit-stowed on him during: the plot 14 years, and will spar-.- no pains; to nicrit a continuance of it iii the future. 1885i. SfiflfiG. 1885. Ho returns siucicro: thanks No. 2 Dobson’s Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post Ofiice. - - Kent Street. Lindsay. BOOTS AND SHCES. w e. i BRANDflN & RGBSGN. J 0 H \Ve are just receiving our Spring Stock. and when completed will show the ____..___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . 3 largest and best assortment of lioots and Shoes ct'er shown in Feticlou Falls, , I E t , DEALER IN We“ w 50" lo the lnliahilanls [ll lenelnn Falls and Surinunding nun iy.‘ "its just rcccit'cd nag opcucd up it lingo stoc' of Cheap for cash' caSh Is our M0110, Having purchased the stock, ctc., of Mr. John A, Ellis. aiidl T 1 T N - df .‘h ' -'ll t.h do 5 ldb ' ' tl t. , . {Hy-x; " s m , w l n; t 5 1'3]; - titllltlllt‘F, , " an or cts we wt no 0 an r o y an) pcr on in to coun 5' tit tdt. lilac tddlttott tlictcto “c )L‘ o it itt 1 ton (I of the support extended to hint. and we. will usc otir tttntos including A lendeavours at. all times to maltc prices satisliictory to mic and . Our stock will ! Mrs. KEELEY atit now iii a position to offer ' . I all who may favour its with tllClt‘ patronage. before the stock is too much broken. _ . v' be lound complete, in -â€"itndâ€"- I ‘l)1i,â€" l i y __ O____ bl . we GENERAL GROEEREES nun PROVISIONS, ALL KINDS OF WOOL. and good bargains. Cut and \V rouglit Bails, Hinges, Latches, AS, GRQCKERY, GLASSWARE’ 8‘0. n” ul-whh... mm“. sum u, Tarrcd l’cltin;r and Dry Lining h‘clt, Manure and Hit r Forks, . . t .. . . . .. , .3 5 Try our TEAS, they will plcaso you both tit prices LESS THAN lillllSAi l’ltlt‘ES, Spades and Sliovcls, and a very full line of general Hardware Call and see our large stock of Boots and Shoes, , and quality. In addition to the above We have also a largc A “M I“! Ur and well sclcctcd stock (ii A great and long-fclt want supplied! FI‘ATE Jf’ I? y.) _ p r I . H ' . .1 « WALL PAPERS A {I J Y C A R R a A G E CROCIvgdgélidld£l :;PM::;“TA & tllttl“'lNlmWlilJVllfijllsl opc'icd out 'I‘ ' ' J 44 r 7' _ v- “ ,4 s_‘ ,A: _ . . 't‘ca \‘ai'ic \' i' ‘oi c” Sc «I ‘ Hist-s, "“idii-"v “t Cit). Prices, in mm,“ 50.1%” A large stock of - 1 “ ‘6 RE which Wlll be sold as low as the. lowest. i‘llitlttfli'nt-c ‘,;.’,.11\.,,‘,.if,u, Em}, “NJ”. (I, Yours respectful] \v, which thc attention of intending purchase" OOBKENG-SYVES AT EST. BRANDON & ROBSON. ‘5 “'“’°"”i””"’ ““'“‘"" Fcnelon Falls, February 18th, 1885. Fem-Ion ruin. m cm», mat. Pressed Milk-Pans, inanul'acturci'l from steel plate, at give-away â€"-»~-»-~~ prices. .llcad-(luurtct's for . - 7 . C 1 WHITE Lnit‘i), PAINTS, OILS, P‘mm 118' it not nit. Patterns! $213?- Tlic “ Daisy” ()il Stove! Have you seen it? All accounts, notes and outstanding Cull early, and we will do our best to send you away happy. 5%“ Remember the placeâ€"Sign of Tut: LITTLE MAN. 1}. DI. BUTLER. Fcnclon Falls, April 8th, 1885. GREAT CLEARENG SALE A'I‘ 131. A. RlCGAN’S lllll Plllll Dill EllllllS Sllllll, llllllll hill. 1 have decided to clear out all my Winter Dry Goods at Cost Prices to make room for large spring purchases to arrive iii a short time. Flannels at Cost. Blankets at Cost. Wool Shawls at Cost. T weeds at Cost. Fcitclon Falls, April 15th, .1885. The FBANOIS STREET EAST. Parties in want of A. full assm'tincnt of ., 1 , . v McCall’s Bazaar n'lot'câ€" Dress Goodmt Cost debts due to the late hint of Jintia th in Mantle Cloths at Cost. \Vool Clouds at Cost. W'ool Hosiery at Cost. \Vool Shirts at Cost. Wool Drawers at Cost. Cotton Slitrts at Cost. Prints at Cost. W NOW 15 THE TIME To BUY “$11 Grey and White Cottons, Shirtings, Tickings, Cotton Twccds, Shootings, Ducks i; ‘l {t ' ' ' (p ' ' ° ‘7 and Dcniiiis, as the prices have been advanced by the mills. D13 (’OOdSiClOlmnc“111111161l iii no 60008 ll] BE ElElHEU ll inst in lESS, to make room for our new Goods. Never in the history of Fenclon Falls will goods be sold so cheap. Call and Exalnine the Goods. 3.65“ No trouble to show them. it. .t. REGAN, The Cheap Dry Goods Store. lilting Patterns :tlt‘i'ays McDougnll must be settled at macc. The on hand, and will be books are to be placed in suit for col- lection after the first of May: I trust this will be sufficient notice, and that sent by mail post paid on receipt of price, by Wm. Campbell. l“t.‘ll(‘ltlll ltalls, April 4th, 1884. . all interested will call and settle. llllEl-l M’WOML April 16th, 1885. ] )nily Jkrrivztlist -â€"'(>Pâ€"â€"-â€" clinicians iinons BOOK ("17011.13 AM) NO ADMISSION FEE MUSIC EMPORIUM. To the Great Central Show of Come one ' Come B T S A N 5' S H O }i‘|Â¥l;:l.:;\lllllllll2 goods lu-l'ort- purchasing clue- < > -;. G. A. METHERELL, which is now on exhibition at “WM”“WNH’W "mm" flout-Ht” [Judi-5113‘. MAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT I uni-my.umi...rii-...,a... AND SHQE STORE, E. H AW. ' ,und craiiintcd with a gent-rill stock of tlic most (-uiiipli-tc nature 3 ('Al’tl’l‘IN'l'lill «K lll'llilH'lll, cYcr offered to the from ol'ati admiring public. l FENELON FALLS l should call and see the . B A. R G“ A. I N S oil'crcd at this establishment. SOME EXTRA CHEAP LINES iii lliidcrâ€"cltithing. Clouds, Shawls, Mitts, &c., goods in grout demand at, this season. J OHN St. LAWRENCE, DIANAGPEII. Fenclon Falls, January 27th, 1885. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ll New Spring Goods in Great Variety. I have returned from the city, where 1 made large purchases of The,bidSiaiiii'ftlhoCERIES Baltimore and St. Ct‘oix Sliirtings, ZUlâ€"illi -‘- ; â€".x.\'1)â€" V . ‘ ‘ ‘ _ B up if 6 White and Grey Lottons, (,rrutonncs, Prints, ., , . , . , , , . _ I , i J , . I 0 N S Linens, Tuwcllingfi.‘ Linings, ‘ 0fll:(2:115l'ill§$(30ll1:llzfifnInHS;-(ll‘zllrltl'j:l>:i:xl:fulfil‘l.;lrfll':llllitifl uoi\:ced Ill; ll’llSLSllltfli‘ “Ti..-l;.,i-,-..,:i..,,.‘ h! ,1,“ In”, ,1, 1., “HTML ‘_ . _ ‘ ' ., l ' 3 ‘ V . ~ ‘ I ' , , t: t g 3' i g .- t: i I i .s: '. . 7i ;: it? L‘rl: hti ', Ju "mu lIt' "1.1 tti .i is.,.i.i in “my ,.- I'm-“urn. -\ N 1) ; I CllCCh£(l, by.“ and )Illllttl Althltllb, lilllrscla .\ct, honest goods at honest prions, which it honestly u-i-nl will ;_'l\‘t' honizst Minnie to ,r “"1” “'1'” “"”""‘ i‘ "' lll“ "'“‘“"" 5"l'- ’ V lCtt)t‘ltl Lawns. I‘illllil‘liltlt‘t‘ltlfi, 1‘ l'llllllfjs'. the wearer. Make a rush while the stock is fit-sh and will :h‘lil’lctl; tlic priccsi I)??? i‘,‘“' “w: ‘!;“"' "I' “H kl'f'll" "WW0" _ - \ . v _ . ’ ~ ‘ . v . ~ '1 i'Ir nn .H' ull' 4 g: rrrrr “Llll tiit -. arc Ju..t suttol to tlu. ta 1...: 01 my to “HULL. ! “.Urpmhup “H rm“ H 5m“ Eu“; "1,. Mirna-u.- llll livintl .‘itt' 1:1 Hunt. Crochet & Knitting,r Cotton, Men’s: Under-clothing, Carriage Umbrellas, Gents" Scarf and Litton Collars, G “937" ERY‘ J. Montâ€"limbo .. - ' . l - o . FltlA'l‘ “‘9 no" 0“ l‘“2gc}r:splllwd'd “ML 0‘ Ladics' Ltticn 'Colla‘rs and 11050, . . ., _ Infants Bths. ho. ho. ‘K’Ki to intorni hi. i it‘ltettlt‘rs and the pnh- v lit-1115!" IJiIIC‘HIID'. . , . r “5 he 1;.lfi‘llliliphfl- l 363‘“ You will find my Spring Stock complete and bought to the host allt‘ant- , - . ( l, 7 'l 7 ' age, and consequently it will be sold cheap. Please give [110 a call, cotnparc "flu-“mm I i I 1 Dress & mantle maker . ' v I ‘ l l " y ' ‘ \‘ut‘a ~' Q -ru 0 It) 0: ‘ 9 “mg v o ' ) - / I.» i“... ,;,p, “H!” u “I”, ,. M“, “I” ,1” I” L‘u‘ir;iiii;."sii:i~li: :tiaiisnnlt‘): ilihdiile} «J If [)1'08- Reiiidtincc OI: Biorid (it. ideal. l l “Trunks: and \Htlisus “Very (Shoal). n. Ethiopian. I lIl|\\'.\lll) HA‘V. Ivni-loii l‘.ill~. April llitb= lr‘fiH. LI. 31 PH. \V'ur'd. : prices, and judge lor yoursclrcs. grtcertcs, which he Wlll sell HM, ,“mq, m “r TM “"1”. "ml M” M Witt can bur for rich "““l"""' M" ‘3‘“ “tr-4 "illzlinl'. hm run! HEAVY All. WOOL TWEEDS, usually Sliltl TOP. (031, for -l 3". ti) Urn: Fcneloii Falls, March 19th. 1985. ._____L.-.__ .....__ . lNcw ‘i'nih !.i- nu‘ {incl-4| i..lll",J1lf‘l'Yl’-l'ld. lF‘i. 4’3". l l (Mkrs. lliins so . he has ju~t opcttcil out a‘ ~ ‘ . â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- â€"~~â€"â€" (.hcap 101‘ Cash“ and to which he invites the attentionl I g of the public. I o The undersigned respectfully informs the public that his new factory oil of uhich \\Ilil‘l;:";t:i«rl~‘:y:'tl;c mi- lowcst' l The Finest Flour ' ON rmuvcxs s'rnnn-r, PBNELON ranns,i k t z I u l x ‘ Blac'sittg-brudics. Clothes pins. Matches t: is: a t t i ’ ' ' “t * ‘ ‘ . “l “ “ ‘° = and other articles in great variety. 2:13}§2:32;lann8dlish,liullKilegelalileleURNITUBE OF ALL KINDS rain: in exchange {or “an. and line -' l‘citclon Falls Gazette" ii print!!! - 'wi‘. Fat titty at the “flirr, on thv turn: i' of May A Fiaucm ntrrrte, Etil L‘Sl'llll‘TlllN 8| \H'SUK IN Milli.“ K. l (or one ci-tit pi r wuh will he added .u long is now in full running order. and is titted up with all machinery tit-ccsmry tol .u i: ii tii.i.:ii unpaid, , turn out work at short notice. in the best pOssihlu manner and at moderate prices. l l l i l l J‘kdvvrtlulnu Rutcu. : l'mfiniunal or bin-inn” rurlll, In” "all I? pI-r litit‘ prr annuin [:3‘lllll udn rtiumrntl, ‘- war-palm.» for the (int HIIA’HIUILDI'H‘: I “a,” per llll" tur cvrry in.liirqiiriit inur- .i,.,-;. l'uzitriru by iii" _|l‘lt,lmlf y” of Those goods; haw: rccciitly been purchased by [13 at less ’I‘W'H’i “i” “'"W’" "I “I”. “W” rwwn- " “hilt (than. than the cost of lllttllllfztl‘ltll‘t'. , JOB PIQJIIV'TING i of all Iii'IHiu} kinda rumutrd ntatly, CO!- lickliy‘ 4:.- ! tanmzniilc tab 3.. 31.!) "AND, I‘M/M [or as heavy as ordinary $6 goods for “f m" ‘9'.“ be“ bramls "‘1 5‘ ll“? l0" i kept constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. _ I. . ‘ est plutblc prices. ______ Cash Paid tor Butter x lungs. push paid for Bufier & Eggs, A and other farm produce. , ‘ i A large number of (.offins to Select From. and a hand-nine Hearse. furnished when * age w in: .' l W mm" "H1 {Ed kcp‘ “Mun”: required. 0rd!“ wlfrtlrilitiiil wliajiidi'nn yiiumnlu‘il. Sub and Dimra made 10! & h " '5 the f: ‘ i I r h d. ; . _ N“ n» ycln l W a“ » order an abort DOUG: and of the best maturinJ. Kent Street, Lindsay nun: fails .-.~.: :32‘: .esi -._v_ ' Fcneloa Falls, May 22nd, 1884. _.â€"- ‘njgbs‘fim' M‘ a. , . 4m mm wâ€"smsâ€"iâ€"Lâ€"y-Afi ll l‘

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