' F. Simon» Em Against High Prices-1 NEW SPRING itiiiiiiitir tr our. has a large stock of nioiiev market have lessened the de- ' -; 5; :o to; woe-11.. bv "uvint‘; “it . . ,- , . - \UU k m “L J l 1' t . " . s: ‘ Freaks ot the weather and a chronic sttiugettt) in the 5 ‘ maiid for Millinerv. cotiseqtienilr we have decided to treat tlte ladies to a pie~tiie in low prices I w. I . bv selling all our Trinitiied Millinery at cost, and when we say eost we mean it. l‘.\'(‘l‘}’ ll‘tllt- . -liied Hat and Bonnet in our )lillitterv rooms will he sold at aetttal eost tor spot cash only. attd iIlU deviatien. “'e therefore invite everv lady iii Lindsay and every lady visiting Lindsay CASH PRICES. ' _ NEW LIST or l to Come to our pic-nic attd set their Spring Hat or Bonnet at \\ holesale Prices. ANNED GOODS- " .\lllt' ‘t.mon. '1 lb. tins, 33c. ; ' lf-e z I 3 lie. % Fellow citizens and taxpayers. do no 2â€â€œ l No suelt good luck for tlte iiohle at‘tiiy ot on hand, all guaranteed to be tirst class, which he will sell CHEAPERJï¬AN EVERJ “35â€â€ “"‘l l“"’"""‘"" : 3. 3...: i .' CARPETS AND 11013“; '15171‘:N1.:~‘11.1=.\ (3: ’) ' "V t " _ 7 " _) ) i V â€â€˜ ' i7 "‘5‘" N“ i " t run away with the. idea tltat Sprite:r is over. I. r l y lletiediets. who have been dunking iii their boots ‘ ‘ ' - - ~’ - ' . ' ' -' . 3 Hil- :;s ' '3" l . _ . l'dl'lllcl'r rmpttriiij.r :i harrow'wtll do \i ell to iitspeir his hpttitgt .â€" J 1 0n {ht approach Ut lmuscwl,‘.,mmg “mu _ TWA“ Il“""â€"'7‘- "‘hml‘ “'5“ “H Ill" Hm“; 1'â€. "'“gh llmd‘ “C 5 37"" ' Be brcp'ired theretiire. when called upon to replace the old eal‘l‘et With a new one. and :Id- -i..:.,.'_., N. _ ‘ ' , . ill-W l“Tlâ€? ill" i‘dw‘i“ Hi: taint lll-U lititu . t7:-. Ev’ise the good lady oi the house to tltat etleet. _ ‘ ‘ ‘7} l You will be surprised what a soothing etl'eet it will have. atid the unexpected eotntorts you REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is bound not to he outlet-sold by any otie. tetra ; will derive in return tor your cottsideiatton. ‘?5‘"~l Whether voii are wealthy. iiiedtiiiit or poo tilt-:1 a ten cent lietti'p to the best body Brussels wt: l that go between. _ _ . Our 35 cent Tapestrv Carpet With border to match is a regular pic-nie. Hm“ "‘"t’m'i 1‘“ “’5' 1"†‘ ' 5‘ ("l r. we have carpets to meet Your every want. from l“l"“““ 1’ “‘5’ 1" l.“ f†l li borders to match, and all the various tltltlllilcs I ~ 3 Evaporated $.le lo lint. tor â€" l e†la I .H O or; i i. Put. 1 kins. " g i. ('1 (Thin. pi: ll). -‘ â€" : l l . . . -‘ Vegetables llb.pac"a<'e l5 ' r. , _ H __ . .. n ‘ ‘. ' . my- All kind.: of PLANXNH done at. ~hort notice. it :triou2 patterns of .‘lfitftiu l prim AFN†[5, lbs. {U} . _ '_‘ " 1 0,, ,I.tic=t it f?thian â€" him kept on hand. and sold at the [turn-t [trier-s. lloitriz-Sitiixtxo and Jotzntsii : t" Jain per lh. - - - - - â€" in: _, it“:Lit'k,:;l21;‘,,"°_ ': Z : : 1b: I C Y t‘ n specialty. All REPAIRS done in a ilr3l-‘Zlufls manner and on :ll’th. notice. Sonic- : UH“ l‘ “S JMU 1M “1. - I- - - l" ’ 7, ,° 1 ‘L 5 i; k L , A. . 9 p _ sâ€, d} “l pppnnxe 1', r “1,. g . - t I" and Choice assortment of Also ciit Martian; Tobaccos of the best ‘ ' ‘ c "up ‘U’ m . mx ‘ 1 i “i . . ' Oranges, Len: :, Dates, Figs. Nuts, Cau- , brands. and the tluL‘Sl brands ofL‘igars and Clrrx' 1)1}__\1)1.)1{S ile) (‘I‘()’.l‘IIIl'.l\-§, He returns sincere thanks; tor the itl)-'l‘;|l patronage bestowed on him during the ; rights, 314.155, Pitmupplcgl Bananas M; IL‘ig-trettes. l K t qt L. d ' " 3"â€. ‘I -. . . l ! - - '9 111811. past 14 years, and “in part, no lam! to iinrit ’\ c iitiuuattcc of It iii the future E 5.8.9, A lame nswmncm (A (rocker-v, (’huqmrc’ Milk Pang preserve Jars and 1 No, 2 Dobson 5 Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post; Ofï¬ce. 811 ~ 1 8t. y Butter Creeks, all of which will be sold at rm-I: but/um prion: BUSVIL‘TEYA {A FenelonFalls,Apt'il231id,lSSï¬. xv. ‘V' 1314(yrrr' & I L L _ *1“- lInterestingjo Everybodydln the Inhabitants of lenelnn Falls and Sunountllng Country; ms. 1E}:an "as just received and opened up it large I : F i. . E N E L O N A L L S I l I havcjust received the largest, stock of Fancy Hoods ever offered in the village Hivinw )urchrw‘3d the qtook etc of All. “mm x Ruis and, stock oi 0fl"eiie10n Falls, consisting of ‘ a l _"' ’ ~ ' ,~ -9 - t . _ A - _ ~ - I l T j W q tmade large additions thereto, we beg: to solicit a Cullllttlltltlt'czâ€"L 4. i (I k , {Hf mm“ mm m B[ 30â€] [m H Um MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. or the support to 1m... Wm i in l y ... i ' n .â€", .‘...._'.‘.. .. ,, 1 rt 1,; ' such as Violins, Banjoes, Accordeons, Concertitias, Mouthâ€"organs & 'l‘uuibourines. ; imam“ mu" ‘lt‘ “11 “"1"†t9 m‘ll“ .lâ€â€œ L“ t““*‘““ [01) t†m†‘u_“ .- , _ 'all who may favour us with their patronage. Our stock Will 5 'W 2.11 Papers and W indow Blinds, be round complete in _...,.t_ ’ having decided to retire from business, will sell the whole of the stock of new . v . , and fashionable “HY U‘ H llt.< at cost. in order to ell.- ct. it quick sale. The stock , and a very INSâ€"'0 “00k 0‘ pull†Brushe“: V “"1511â€; Jâ€l‘"~"-“x l is: all new, and Consists of 8‘0. V ‘ ‘ all ot‘trhielt willlie sold'iit ‘ ‘ ‘ Try our TEAS, they will please voii botlt itt prices “555 Tun “glib-u “m abs Dress Goods. 'I’rints. 'l'weeds. Sltirtiiie‘s. Sheetings, ’F()“'Cllllg5,t Table Linens. Flaunt-ls, t'i'etotines. Quilts, Table Covers, _ r _V y . 1, _. ‘1 _I ’ ‘ 7 .1. V x .1. ‘ 1. WI . ‘ Grass. Linens. thielis. (.'ottoiiailes. )Itisliits, and a I’ictures and 1’ictlu-(3 1vl'allles, fllld (111111“). In 11th lltlollllto alto: L1“ of tau .1 so .1 met A .m- lot or and a fine stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags, Valiscs and Ltidies' Satchels; also, in“ “C NV H U > UL \ 0 . . . J 3 . ~ . . . A Great Varlety 0f PIPES, Glgars and Tabacco, S & and“ txnow lti.i.\’t»s_]ust opened ottt,’loys iii M'. A. 1:11; G A. N , )lixed l’aints of all shades of colours, ready for the brush, large and well-selected‘ stock of Ladies" Jlosiei‘y and (iloves. great variety. 'l‘oilet Sets. Vases, Fancy Chitin-wareititd various other articles, to & Stationery, l’erlutiiet‘y and Toilet articles. and a very fine assortment of which will be sold as low as the lowest. ,- I u u l_ i“ ‘ 1‘ | \“ llt' l I“ :I ("I H)" (I H] l‘“\ in}: pure IHSUr‘ Watches, Watch Chains, Rings, Brooches and Other Jewelry, Yours respectfully, ,5 ,.c,,,..c,,~,,â€}. MM Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. Cu†and inspect flu: slat-7:. BRANDON & RUBSON. MRS. KEELEY. STEPIIEN NEVISON, Feiielon Falls, February 18th, 1885. “mm†ml" N“ 37â€" W?" OPPOSITE TI] 1'} POST-OFFICE. to be sold out at cost. Grey and White Cottons at Less than Mill Prices. Now is the tiiiic to buy Dry (loads, when you can get them at wholesale prices. Fendon qu Mn.“ rm, qur’) . .,_ . , e .. COME ALONG WITH YOUR MUNEY, ltlllJ Bil BARGAINS. . ' ... 1 WAR 5% “WE ï¬ï¬gTHWEST THE Ptlttl [till ElltlllS till) EllllHlllli llllllSl. 32.3-- 'ttit-, whole Stock mus-t be sold out in a short timeâ€"1m reserve. . , , . T )6' ' l ‘ 'l M‘A' mm and a†Fans in Bill of Specialties TltlS W 00k. (tilt/“15! lQQTS AN SHGES. ' Carpets and House-Furnishing Goods, A full assortment oi we are just “CCClVlâ€? 0"" String St‘wk- and When com ileted will Show the . u - t, 5 , , , ,, - ,- v 131.3055 and be“? 115501’UUCM23133;“poElinghpgssctiyer sliowiti in Fenelon Falls, & T‘ICCJll b lad/41in Blo‘ Li- Cretonnes, Dress Goods, and an Endless. Variety- Of Mantle on hand, and Will be sent by mail post jut/(Z “New Remember that we liCO') a full as- - . i .- H m . ‘ ‘ l ‘ 011 H.901th ol l)11(.,(,,,l)y sortment of Fresh and beasonablc Goods, and W :11. Campbell. have done away with old time, prices. We "an SllOW you the best value iii the above Goods FunclmiFullwAin'il 411M334- Call and see our large stock of Boots and Shoes, 182555. airtime. 1885. JGSEPr-r HEARD, HtR.iii%?LitiNgtoirs. 1 am now iii a position to otl'er SPECIAL INDUOEMENTS and good bargains. (‘itt and Wrought Nails, Hinges, Latches, 'l‘arri-d Felting; and llt‘v Lining Felt. Manure and [lay Forks, Spades and Shovels, :tltil a very full liiie of general llardware lolly]; Y . . r v J - - ’ . .. J 7 A great atnl long-felt. want supplied! ï¬tting Patterns always Cheap for Cash. Cash is our Motto, and for cash we will not. be undersold by any person iii the county. MU. Eï¬RL‘i’ AND MAKE A SELEGTEBN before the stock is: too much broken. We are also showing a iii the county. Come and see for yourselves. ‘"j")‘,",}’f;;"A;.,’.;VJ,,,H " N0 trouble to Show Goods. , to o. .t. Melltcri-ll's M BOOK STORE Feiielon Falls, May 1st), 1885. __U “ til" ottntsriï¬ GOODS and a splendid lot of new patterns in B A B Y C A R R i A G E $, ; CRQCIHBRY & Gâ€"LASS‘WARE, . . . . 1 \ 1 _ Cali early. and we will do our best to send you away happy. ‘ll ‘1'} l’1 “U1 "‘ “um†*t.‘ L“' ‘ "‘30 “t‘xl‘ “t tray“ ltetiietiiher the placeâ€"Sign 0t 111i: LITTLE MAN. Fettclon Falls“, April Stlt, 1835. 1:. )1. ISTJTLEIF. _ _ fl -_ M ___fl_ _ , V F“ I ‘ J ) ) p Y I Pressed Milli-Pans. tintntitiietnred from steel plate, at give-awn; Uh] Priws' “mulqlmmmis for To the Great Central Show of Come one come r “ r 1 Q1 ' “P, ‘ ), " Tri - t “"""“""“““’“"""‘“"r‘“l"““"“"â€'%°'h“' ll 1.11.1-1. LLAD, 1A1) 18, 011b,; NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS†AND where. G. A. METHERELL, Ttii‘ps and Varnisltes. l ‘II'I'U‘IHL 'HHZ H‘sl-‘IJ‘JN I‘Hl'li' It, . ‘ . ‘ I Iivnl-Hl‘. I indel ' V ,. . H, .9 . . .\. “(sfâ€"- [in 1111.} (M btoxi . Have you sent it. Feneloii l‘alls, April 14th. loo-i. which is now on exhibition at, Lindsay, Helohv-i‘ 271b, MEI MAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT _ , .. AND SHOE STORE, “' “ AW» New Spring Goods in Great Variety. ,...,_ _ ‘1 1""II.V) . ’. s £7335». [have returned front the city, where 1 made lame purchases of 1 1“.†r m1 [1 h I p H“ I†t l 11] w“ in“ .("\]‘I l“\ l 1‘1‘ ‘l' l’l “‘DJ’“) I V p " :ltt(. Cl‘ammet 't t :1 ,Le “a s )t:{ o 3 os (to i ) e _. a, ‘ -l ‘ litlltlmm‘t‘ Mill St. CFOIX t‘llll‘llllflï¬. ever ott‘et‘ed to the j_'j:t'/.e ot'ait adtitit'ittfâ€"T public. l FENEL9E_.FALLS' White and (it'ey (.‘ottons, Cretoniies, Prints. _ , , . ."".â€"“‘i. . . . . . i W mlw-niw pilparv'l n. nit-mu, ' ‘ ‘ p j pinched '1‘,,“~L111i,m5. Lining-5. t.vcnei‘al excellenco is the difttiigiiishtng teiituro which is nutter-d in this Stock % “it Wtâ€. “m. wimp 1,. “M... lâ€. ,~,n.4,,,,,,,,,‘ ; ('11 ._ _I_ ,1 \i , l \I n , 1‘“ .1- _ 'P', “7], \~ . of new goods; nothing there tor the purpose t-t (JillcltlllL'll1‘17(')i:lilll.'v', but good ; floral-at!“ "Milli-His to tmultmt Juli. . .j ) T ..‘ . H‘ .‘r T ) w ‘r ‘ V‘ .‘r ‘ I - let. \ti . . pot, .lllt . [1‘ ti . .tt.‘ l-ttr. )‘lll-‘Tt' > - (it, lhonest Hoods; at. honest prices. which if honestly used will :t'H' hone-.1 H:l'\'l"-' to f 15743 ‘ 11W" 'le'ir it! til 'tii«l~ iimitvnu 1t (‘ I h h 1 1‘ 1:114“ l 1 . \ it'tot~ttt Lawns. lutltlit'ottb-i-it-s. l‘ t'tlltngs, 111m wearer. Make 1, Uh], whip... a,“ “not; is “my, and m.†,hrurwl; Ll“: wimp; “pit; It (livlly'ilill’;'mtui~l1:.“ “alive. 1 I ' -‘ s 1 - . . . V . r . . .- ' , . , _ . , ‘ I l _i l .t!: .4 , lit-(fl ~,g~ ; .- - ‘ (il'ot'llct N l\lltitlttf_" (,‘Hiltlll, )lt-n s mlcr-r-lotlung. are Just bulh’d to the ta-tcs of toy ctt-totiit.i'~'. t,,,,,,,.,_. h“ MM 5,“ H “Iâ€. †'r “' . l.lI\'.'Alil) HAW. It'lli‘i'll‘[‘-|ll1..‘!':;lllzllyiâ€"N‘. Ll. CPI-unless and "\'ali.~u-H W'ui'y (3110111). L. MA G [I RF. ' . . .‘II'H. \Vui'tl. l\¢-nl 5L. I‘uHINnyL ; Dress & Mantle Maker, , (.Jart'iaee l'iitbrellas. (it-tits’ Scarf and Linen Collars, l Ladies' Linen Collars aiid llose. litfants‘ Bibs. &e. Patties iii want of 561‘?" You will ï¬nd my Sprint: St- ck complete and bought to the best arlvrint- and I‘wft‘ilillf'llllj.‘ it will be sold cheap. l’il‘fltti give inc a call, comparel Di‘)‘ G(toils,Clotlttttg‘it lltllittet'y l i-l'i'l"‘f"l'iâ€â€˜i‘liï¬ â€˜,:'p4;'i1i.t--l;l utuhgllhur F.GEORGE.l At DlllltltlS it Flavello Bros." Ta." tnv’. r. and “All hr: 1 l 1 Fur-loo Falls. .‘litt‘eh lStli. 15:5. ' . . .ii v~ in. Eh. .. . . “WW. ._ Huh . A, W ‘__,,__ ,,,Ww____,____. 1' t tin-i l-Xw'd. li:."1i»i.l'.â€Â§Â«, “,4 \ i \ t a..-“ w--. m . , , , V, x r. , I . It)†t (d dlltl >t t lllt ‘ you can titty for cash relay pl». 2'3 i. win .....nyi'.':.;. Er-t. 45-“ 13 AR (3- AIN s NEW FURNITURE FACTORY. HEAt'iy ALL Wï¬l TWEEDS, in...«tram.1-..tts'mut‘i . . -, . - ‘ y .. t .3. es an - .A. t .. , ig- , ' ., . l _ ._ . - ,â€" .- t‘ " i ""3! SUI-Nd: :t' H"- ~91â€, In One! “(I :11 {11h oï¬tulfllshnulnt' 'Ilii itit lLl' i_n l r {.iitui} inf riii tli. yuo IC (hit his nt'v factory i Usually “m1 A,“ 1†fl‘ 10,. 4,,“ 105,0“. W mm": '1! will p‘. rump†M“le I t ih‘l'flhi lili'TlUV XI KHHK IN UHWVI E, "i " 1 1 '7‘ t 1 t - - .4, _ . .. . . v I E? II ' . v. .1 is now in too running order. and is tittiil tip with all machinery necessary to: B A S i“ 9â€" 'v-‘“nixâ€;‘Llf‘htvhxaoutput?â€â€˜l"5 l'll-b’ turn out. Work at slit-rt notice. iii the best p issibte ltrIUtlli'i and at tnodeutc prices. ; r l Aclvt-rtiuin‘: Butt-u. iii {Hider-clothing. (-‘londs. Shawls. Mitts. the†FURVITURE 0F ,X‘LL goods in griat demand at this season. i ' i A i i L JOHN St. LAWRENCE, ‘ {l3 llcilvy “501111â€:le S" g‘m‘l’ lur " ' l l'rr.f--».v'if..ti ’..' i. t-L'H‘b‘ 'IIY’i‘, 5'1 l‘l‘hlll 'ui'ml Hrlt-Prti-iv-lliIâ€"y.t‘, v ' n- LI-t £1.-v~.'f:oi.,rtit't ‘J nulqvl‘urhl inn"!- }rar Lid! yen! or it"s, hp'fli {CHIHU- H1 hep: constantly on hand and sold as. cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKlNéâ€"A SPECIALTY. These goods have recently been purchased by n.â€": at less. ‘i' “ - . 9 - r than the cost of itiaiitttiicttti'e. ‘ rsT-g “3-2,â€" ~ N I 1 ‘1: r A tar: number of ("u-ftins to seit'ct from, and u. hindsmitr- [l'filféif furnialied Vrhr-n ’J: J“ ‘1'_ LlV'IbrTING ~ "‘1’ “Mr-r: Y‘fldlr': i. Outing 51H {.011 '1 211' 5 It'i'ij-iri‘i'ffl? l; . i.‘ with]. Sash «ind Doors made to ‘ ‘ I ’.x',,y,:‘h',i “raii'v' Mr. >ttbst‘rlbé 101‘ the Fenelon Falls “ (“Gemini Ut‘xlj' i‘l chisr on short notice and of the best materials. & Ros†ii M A n in“. d I) HAW) it year i: paid in advance. WILLIAM MCKEOWN,. Kent Street, Lindsay 1mm)â€, semi-unsung: