The Necessity of War. I hm: il. l hue no pride in vicmry. Bu when mu: do nuke In: they, ought to I» la amen. Their weapon: uhonld be nu dudUe-t Qhey an um, their blow- !ho had.» any on deal. To uy thus the] my nuke In. lndood, bu! that Lhcy am not nah {I too attacunly ; that In kill a nun with I lolid ball“ in lngltlnute, but to wound him with In uplcdvo can LI wooden; an: to blow you: «may to fragment: with gunpowder h clvillsed wu- lu'o, bug†ergo, alum. {or the tuna xurpou w y y 0! units. l- n detbomol welds-m: wk 3 "13mm! gun. {at king- uld noblol. and “Hulk! with“ under ml. that m t ram 3 too than“)!!! or W to than. Domestlraung the .lndlnn. On» rt rho upaamwtn m (in: cn'ilm- £10130! tho Indian under-rah!) at Hamp- ton. Man, this yrnr in hiring auroral mung murdrd couple: {mm dilrrrcnt nd'mn tubal sud teaching them how to make u burno. I: ha been very auccw- ful, lnd tho dnwning gandcneu o! the man to their wife- mdlchildrun. the new undercut And pride of the women. their eagerness to learn how to new and their plenum In cfunlineu um euconngimz In every In]. It in funny, nud ye: Nuching to m the men with their children. their quIudncu in bundling them trad yet their determiullou to carry tha heavy yocnptrn and Ihlra the cured them with their rquan. And then no not 0:. Creek: ud Chamkeu, but. the wu- liko Sioux tad Oath». Red Pheasant. This Indian Chief is the head of a band Orecs, shout. one hundred and forty in number of whom sixty-nine are men end women able to work. who have for some time been settled upon a reservation s- uburb distance to the south-east. of Battle- ford. While that post was the Indian headquarters for the North-West, this band received agreat deal of attention, but while they were encouraged to break up land, given implements and tools and were provided with houses,‘ they sppenr to have become stcuully pauperized. They Are spoken of in the lust reports as being “apathetic," and as having made but little progress. In all thev had Lwnn- ty horses and about fourteen oxen . The ï¬rst oti'uusive act of this band was the breaking in upon their ins‘ructor, Mr George Applcgetth, and their pursuit of him and his wife as they escaped over the plains toward the snuth. Poor Pa} no. the instructor upon the adjoining reservr. was not so fr-rtunete, having been killed. The two bands, which in all would amount to about 450 souls, then appear to have ebandoned their reserve and gene north» west to juin Poundnxsker the lender-of the Indian rising: west of Baitiei'urd, as when Col. ()Lter's column reached the reserve. it was entireiy domrted, and as our corres- pondent stsied in his dispatch. the dearl- body of the murdered nun was discover- od end hes since been buried at Battle- ford. " Second “ind." The reader nisy not be aware that in or- dinary respiration we only us( a portion of our lungs. the cells at the extremity not being brought into play. This is tho rea- son why these who are not “ in training.†and who try to run any distance, soon he- gin to gasp, and, unless they are courage- ous enough to perzcvere in spite of the choking sensation, are {UlCLd to stop But if they x ill persevere, the choking goes off, and the result is what is techni- cally known as “ second wind.†When the second wind is fully established, the runner does not become out of breath. but goes on runningss 101g“! his legs will ear- ry him. this by experience, have ing been nrestcwed for some years to run threw- n :Irs every morning over a very inl-y romi. The fact is, that on starting, the fsrliiuzt portions of the lungs are choked with (lime air and the remainder do nut supply air enough to meet the in- creased cueuiuticn caused by cxercise. By degrees, however, the neglected cells CLUE!) into play, and whm the entire lung is in working order the circulation and res- piration again balance each other. and the "second wind" is the rueult. New, in: the reader repent his experiment of hold- ing his breath against time, but iirst let him force out of his lungs every psrtie‘e of air that he can expel, and then draw as deep breath as his lungs will hold. If this be repeated smno seventy or eighty times, by way of imitation of the whale, the ex- perimenter will iind that he can hold his breath for a minute and ahslf without in- convenience. Should he be a swimmer, he should always take this precaution be- fore “ taking a header,†and he will ï¬nd that he csn swim for n considerable dis- tance before he needs to rise for breath. about half wty. in nail)" the pipe a :mall quantity of the opium pu‘ e is rrllcd up into a pellet 1nd placed on a wire, the pend of which is imerted in one of the hciea in the bow of the pipe. The smoker stretches his urhtrform on tiws floor or ‘a low divan, an the cam may be, and ignites 'ihe cpium by applyin" the bml of the pipe to the flame mom a charcml ‘nrazicrp if it be hiaiirat attempt the initial whiil' will be aufllcicnt to partially a- rengla him, as the fumes of burning opium are exceedingiy pungent nrd dietaniuiul. V uy such he becomes accustomed to the peculiar Mate, and graduzliy auccumbs to its influence: am one does in takinn an a! u ithetic, and anally drops oil" intoadecp deep. I tried it once and that proved wiiicicnt for me. 1 had the most delightful dreams, and imsgined that I owned the earth, and hai a chattel mortgage on the other plan.- eta. “ hen I regained crnscicuanezs my head {Fit 3:: large an a Saratoga tr link, and for two day a at least 0'. cry bone iii my body acheds as badly as if I had been punished with aclub. yI had no desire to fly it again. Iu Dru-«nu "can. Although qui'e common in than: til the lug. emu in the Wen, this pomldons hub“ of opium smoking or “ biting the pipe," I! I: called, ilquite nah-man in none diudcu. The opium used by the Chinese 15 of an luferlor'quality, and is brought. to this cnunlry m the form of 3 pasta, put up in mull round foil-lined b21163 similar to theme used for pills. The pipe La scar- ious-looking contrivance, and might be taken for n cnmmon walking stick were it not. for the little metallic bowl placed mldway between the mouthpiece and {he and of the stem. The stem [23:15 is con- ILrncted of bambso, one end being plug- ged, the other ï¬tted with an amter or metallic tip. In the bottom of 1he bowl Ire two small holes. one of which lead: thronghlmo the stem, the char only About half wny. This labia bu grown to in flaming event. an the Puiï¬c dope Ind in 111 atherloalltiea when Chinese no to be found in my great numben. I lava visited may of the Chinue opium joinu, mLh'in New York lad San Frwc'uco, 1nd (n all n . gknoe whether: per- son in addicted baths mot the deadly drug or not. I [an had Itnngen come into my "are who“ facial lppearance indicat- ed 211;: they were the nhves of the habit, and no In 3.1 know there in no lure cure for it except to than the drug u can wrmid a viper. DISTRAGEOCS 0?! LI. ,.¢<.q- ~.o to marry am to Good-bye. Thi street." ander HAI’H‘F. hf (:5 litkï¬iki‘. 5 J . i5 3! A Hatch for '110 English woman wh ,c bmin is {cram in up»? Sparrow' die-1:25. Sim muiv up ha? mind s'mrdy! after her 1:: mug.) no: to azand u-y‘ Amung the {amazed mignnh now loi- "Rodga" n. Intense fnru her husband. wring around our hedged- n fox-colored With Mm Harvey 10 re: he was equiv- little pugilm. who in fully u much {or the alert (u us‘?y.r‘.: ~.u‘ ham-«1w 3.3. And i: ‘ Enzllzh sparrow. B!- color gives him a. - n With: 2) pm :1». r. M: Harvey re- : his name, and the {ox marrow in one of maimd. any from his !~\.I .e-ncm nightjtha hmdwmea: bird! mung the any the? night. He remAEn-n at hump :w- ' that fly northward during April and May. cause he rm phyaiufly unable to go out, Not qzx‘to twice the in of the Eu lhh bu: the cause of his dial-Jim)- he did not; 5pm; x, he seems fully at randy or ;‘ hum unm Inter. Fum'xiy he discovered: ï¬ght, or bi: u importlnent. And qnlu‘ that Mu Harvey I.“ in the habit of n -!u fund 0 dhreprding the lights of plying cram!) oi! to.» the imide of car-tun E other; He builds his nutln the Hudson of his garments, and thu malt was s 3 by country. The Indo And ferrule no number of crupmna on his limbs, whichfoqully rich in coloring. but the female «and him gm). ptin. Furtnlremomhsl b k.- randy to quad. For ad†or he In aubjsc: 3: odd time; to these ? t'on couple of them have been observed captions, sud than :‘ro cause wu ex. ' hunting the feeding phea- d tome Eng- pmned i: may be rmiiiy' undontow that. E 11111 npurowl. And, a the latter ban for ha mzhe amides: mm in NewJemy. A . friends. it h via-mat roguu lhu they rpuuic-n rock risen, And upon Mn ' 1m: been-ecu to nut!" nmrom malts. Envoyâ€: uppiicnion for dim 411 the ln~ 5 In on. immo- the altitude) “ken by tho ‘umd hubuui rand» All fun public. two birds mutual put of munch, he can exam you. minimum, Ind but that tho ï¬r“ blowxlu Bound: chm. hibhhkounkunmulabn. plan fled. day. When I was eighteen 1 commenced to make my way down Mr», and that was twenty years a; 0." “ Wim )our know- ledge of the sub“.- why énn’ cyou atay and speculate? “No air. my son 'ahe laid with a axuila. "I am not a. fuol. I hnvo my pile and out I go. I have seen thu ric': .3an poor. I Lave gmw cold rich, and u shot her marriage no: to mind my "lodges“ n: meme item be: huabnnd. With Mrs Harvey 20 gos‘lve was eqqu- The Weird Bird of the South “nude. Alumni: balk-long in the South Annual: 3 new world mm to open on tha rangers. The con-Won of the Southern emu has “real become h- m‘Jm to him before he to see usi- mal, or ntber bird, “$531ng new to him. (Due of :be greatest ncveliiel of this kind aha: Can ever impreu itself on the mind of mm is the albatross. Some mcming the loungzr will reach the deck and. eating his eye in the wake of the Izhip :0 judgc henpeed. will see a speck iju: nbuve the hnnzon far uteri}. Grow- ing large:- audlnrger as i; approaches, 1: ï¬nally develops into a. gigami: bird, and the old uilor, counlng the helm, will grczfly euggn: Lhe fact that i: is proper for ma :y m to we: in: ï¬rst introductirm to unaiba'mze. 1hera is something inex- ' preuzbiy wierd abut: the bird iueLf, u «alluml‘a manner of ï¬ght, and itlb matter of lizzlu wonder to those who have seen It that a. brain such an Coleridge'a should havehi: spun it for the text of his Lay of the Ancirn'. Mzriuer. “'ithout a beat. of wing, 'Fithout motion cf the body, the bird vii], by long, may-going 'A Retired Beggar. An old woman whrsc flaw had been familiar for years about the attacks as a beggar, had been missing fur some “mo, and kind‘hcartcd young fellows cf the Oil Board, who had known her well, remark- ed her abwnco. After 3 while 3110 map- peared, lookingmuch younger, and free from my crook in her back. Her rugs had given place tolaticly drew: of neaï¬ black cloth, mm] aha nodded pleasantly to hot oldfriuuls, who hardly dared to bo- lievo they mw “Old Mag" before them. She k xplalned. hnwover, that aha bad beg- ged fur twenty years, and had saved per- slutcntly. When going lwm allies to (‘lï¬ce aho lc-nrncd tho cnndizion of the market, and she had proï¬ted by mking turns on hot OWn account. “ But Mag. you can’t have enough to live on «law, 3, can you â€I" naked 11 brr liCX’ whom mouth was opon with mtunislzmczzt. Mag: laughef~ quietly. “ Why no: 2 my iricnd.†aha aAi-l. “I nil for Eurupe, Saturday, and I propose to spend $12,000 during the year, and‘ that is no: (mo-third of my income. l †How old are ymï¬.‘ Y» u ‘05:}: Lwenfly years] 51 ungcr " “ l was thirty-ulna last birth-1 day. When I “an eighteen 1 commenced‘ It may be iniexcztiug to the marine antiquary ta know that the Sirius, which W85 built in 18345, was stupidly last a few years after she had made two trips to New York, (11 the Smi'h’s “din. to the east of Cork lvarbnr, and that tho Great. Western, which was built in ‘ 1838, was broken up in 1858. ch, nfle‘ all thin crilargei size and this incrcgmgd speed, it is: only the great, ocean steamers carryinu hum-,0 numbers of 5310qu passengers that are :z.‘ present, on account of the great Lucie dcpreasion thg world over, makiugmonuy. Cnmgmziig these with the dimensions of the lira: atcamahipa that crossed the Atlantic by use nfat cam during the entire v '3, ' L’O. 1 111 it will be seen what amazing pr. {53 22:: 5 been made in increasing the u ofzs ‘4 140mg steamshipa. The dimen- 11.01111 of the Sirius which left. Cork on the «1612 of Apml, 18? 8, and arrived at New York 111 Mm 221. d of that month, were, ‘ L??':"?b, 1723 ' fer-t; breadth, 25 feet 8 incm; ; diva-22h, 18 feet 3 inches ; tonnage, nut, 45-0 ; horse-power. 270. The dimen- Sit -) is i r the Great V\'1s.un, 1‘. hlch Lafv Ihi. tci EunlO (lsgnlnter than the Sirius and a11i‘af_2w hours ia'er 1 n the day nf than: ' 15E iii-J it! tor Vrsanl, were. ' L1..- Nth, .. wt ; brc ndih, 35 feet 4 mclus; (1-1;, 0{Heat3111c.1e:1;i:.u11m.1go, 1,310; luv; :3 D m Jr. 100. J'he ditf21€zzcc2iu H212 speed of the two classes ht :hips 112 aim X: may as great as tho uiiiurunce in tonnage. Tlxu‘, the Great Western’ a bean iimu was 12.88 mims, while that of thu L“ :21 15 la expected :0 ho twenty am miles [In- honr. On 1191- 1.13: tripf: om Q- «cemtmzn the Umhria, the nix: (1' chip â€'1' L319 Etmiii, for: iwenty four hours made twenty nauticfl miles per 111.1112 Increasing Size of Ocean Steamers. The Etruria, the Luca: addition to the Cunard that, has made her trial trip. She is mid to be the moat powuzful steamship in [1:0 world. Her dinmmicnu are: Lanyth, 520 feet ;taeadth,57feet3inchea; depzh, Lo hyper deck, 41 feet ; to promen ado deck, 49 feet ; tonnage, 8,000 ; horne- p., "for, 10,00’0. ship, made as if to see what manner of b :nt this was that had c :1; e to botheri, “1011511 5" .ilura are over prone toguper. stitiun, they seem not to be very partlc~ ula: as to {In aacndnc-zs of the albatross dud will alwaya assist in a capbare in spite of tho curse Coleridge aaaocmtse with its killing. ml! min Pa manner MAL-r of link: “vomit been It that a. 1min ahauld have hi: awn lay of the Ancient a. beat of wing, viz! body, the bird win, 1 body, the bird tacks. swoop up within easy wa ahipi: chooses “lay tau†3.: than t after taking charm: that has invaded i Ipparem Mint. a pm: or harboagd pm: or a “bond, as the case may be, pass it by as \ural cable len gtha and then, laying t- m on the ( ppoaite bind to l 8 ML vm- c-“ :low the at. p to pass it and will then one†mare {take up izs pout as rear guard uf the urcccssion. Nothing can be mam gh- '51- like than the action of the Al untruas in thus papamg or being passed. Nu stake of the mug occurs and all the motion apparent, exupc that of the al~ most unintelligible cleavlng of the air, la the half tum of the bird’s head towards w by ' hungry to bocnms huh live well. And. if , ail )ou bu): will want protec. me. I aupxmw. , in my Lu: day in Wall [mm aazem until ingeu toting distance from the w fuliuw. It will then v. rcepccsful distance, ‘nd ‘;:ug1'.l'stock of the “range: 1 in domï¬n ï¬ll. with no avrrsop pan: the ship to 411, 3.3 {ha cane ngay be, pnrp M m d 1: Mr lervey re ‘ :oâ€"rrcxn night. m 3‘. huma 0‘.)- In the ante-telegraph days, Hon. Horace Greeley, whose handwriting was atroci- ouely bad, wrote to a country correspon- dent in relation to a lecture engagement : “ Will be with you on Tuesdayâ€"or, if I can't, will rep." Such, at least, was pre soared to he the tenor of the communica- tion. At this day the “ autograph," pre- served as a curosity, may be read in that way, so well as in any other. The “ ran†hardly needs explanation, but there may be here and there a. person who does not understand that“raps†were once on a time the only received method hy which the asembodied “ apiritu†communicated with the living. Perhaps Mr. Greeley thought. or pretended to think, that he could induce some of those impondorablee to throw their mysterious weight into the hminees. He did not in this instance try. Indeed the famous “founder ' of The T1 ibumz, himself eminently a practical man, found the “ spirite’ impracticable for any sensible purpose. Always ready to listen to anybody or to test any new proposition, Mr. Greeley having attended a “seance†offered a handsome engage» ment to the “ medium." “ if," he (said, “you will give me, daily, the London Mark Line reports, I will pay for the exclusive intelligence such a. price as will make it Worth your while." The reports were not to be paid for until veriï¬ed by the thanslowiy transmitted foreign mail. The “ medium" declined the offer, end Mr. Greeley turned away from him and called “ next," on the rull of eccentric mettera in which he loved to experiment. VERTJB Cambridge: When I got to the toll- bar I saw a spring-van standing at it, and two blue-coats bc side the horse’s head. I began t0l ee I mightbe in a trap now. You know a guilty man is rowel-my, but Ifamdup and was a-paealng ’om when one of ‘exu shouts, " Hlllo, aid yo 599 any- body on the road .1’ Well, I Wandercd if the telegraph had been a-telln g tales, l but an I had only defended myself, I tells ‘ ’em lhad met a chap, and how he had cove. ted Ihy bit a ’0 things, 'nw I declined parting v ith old friends as might he use- ful; and as we could not agree, we differ- ed and they might ï¬nd him taking an involuntary snooze two or three miles on the way. They henjoyod my yarn, and aaya they, “ Now, see here, 'ave you any 11:; ,jcctiona to go back and show us tho follow 7" “ Oh no,†says I, “ prowiding you drive me back to town.†So as 1 drives with them they tells me ’ow a gent had got a bundle of Bank of Eng- land m-tcs taken off. him out here by a fellowm came outof the wood. I then began to see 'ow I had hescaped a regular xghwayman. We gets up to him; there he lay as I left. him. The bundle of notes was found on him. We pitched him into the van ;nnd in due course he was pun- ished. Not long since there moved to Chests - tone middle-Lg ed man and his gether witth 3 lug e family of children. They ume from \‘gew England, and pur- chued a place on which stood one of the oldest and best known house to be found in the whole country. They moved in early spring, end when May came. nstnr. slly began to explore the place more fully. One day Mrs. Charles, 3 large, whole- souled woman. with e strong religions temperament almost verging upon super stition, came upon en old bakeoven which ' ad been used in early times, bu: long ego abandoned. As Mrs. Chnrles' family was large, the determined to make use of the oven, for the next Saturday's baking. She hated it. put in her dough, and the result was six magniï¬cent loaves of very temptlrghread. But on the bot- tom of one of the loaves appeared the statement : “Died June 15,“ in old fash- ioned but well deï¬ned text. The fact disconcertezl the family. and their feeling amounted to consternation, when week after week the same statement appeared on the breadâ€"“Died June 15.†Mrs. Charles. with her slightly superstitious turn, thought it meant her, and as the date approached gradually grew ill. 50 strong was the power (f imagination, in 1act,that the day before the fatal one named found her in bed a very ill woman, and ï¬rmly convinced that the next day would be her last. The news of Mrs. Charles' illness spread abroad and ï¬nally reached the ears of an old reeidenter, who lost no time in getting to the home of the sitk woman. He found her in what she thought her last hours, but q1.icklyox- plained that, many yesrs before, he had help ed to build that bake- -oven, and had used for one of the bottom slabs a part of am 1d tombstone that had been up oil: in the cutting. Everybody in the neigh- borhood| he said, knew about this petu- liarity of old Hannah Kendrick's bake- oven and should have told the newcom- ers. It only remains to add that Mrs. Charles' superstition rapidly gave way, and her hea1th as rapidly Improv ed. I was “ on the tramp,†ï¬nding my way to Cambridge by the turnpike road. \Vhen about lhl‘CB miles from the end (-f my journey I saw a. chap drop slowly out of the wood that lined one side of the road. I pushed on with my wallet over my shoulder, dreading nothing. As I came up he met me in front. I expected to have his “ good morning," sslutation, but he silently and sullenly put his hand on my bundle and said, " 1 want this." Well, I did feel he was a cool chap, but I answered him by saying, "Now. it’s a pity that you wants my wallet, as I wants it; tooâ€"my working toga is in it." He made 1.0 reply, but. simply put his hand ï¬rm on my bundle to take it til my stick. I began to think I must lock sharp to hold my own. So 1 slips out my rung and lmves my old toga in his hands and without a word I brought it down on his head with such a. thud that he fell, and set the old tngs at liberty. I picks ’em up and adjusted my bundle over my shoulder, and thought I should part kind- ly with him ; so I lifted my right foot, heavily laden with a. shod clog, and drove it into his rlbs, saying, “ goodr‘iay friend I 'opes you're comfortable." I left. him lying there wry quiet, and tin ‘ged on to- The Warning from the Bake Oven. Greeley and the Mediums. A Highway Tale. The marriage at Mount Sterling. 0. recently, of Jerome It. Burton to Mrs. Annie Evans, though a quiet affair, was really the acme of one of the prettiest ro- mances in real life. Mrs. Burton, recent- ly Mrs. Evans, nee Annie Tiptnn, is now but 35, is pretty, petite, and Mr. Burton is her third husband, and yet her ï¬rst. Eighteen years ago Miss Tipton was a stu- dent in :9. Cincinnati school, and while there she met Mr. Burton, then a student in a medical college. Burton was ofa good Kentucky family, a man of ï¬ne ap- pearance and he soon won the young girl’s heart. By the aid of a. mutual friend a license was procured though the girl was not 05 ago, and they were ï¬t cretly married. Both continued in school, giving no out. ward sign of their changed relationship. A few weeks later the young bride was summoned to her home to attend a sick mother. The girl herself was seized with illness, and from letters received during this illness and from the girl's talk in her delirium, the secret of the marriage was obtained. Her parents were greatly anter- ed and set about to discover means to un- tie the nuptial knot, and as the girl was not of age at the time of the marriage, and as her parenta' consent had not been ob- tained, the ï¬rst point was to have her, im- mediately on coming of age, repudiate the contract. This was accomplished partly by coercion and partly by persuasion. The , young man was seen, and the terrors of the law were held up to him. Young, inex- perienced, and fearing the wrath of his parents, who as yet knew nothing of the wedding, he consented to the separation and a suit for a divorce The divorce was quietly obtainedâ€"scarmiy a scare of peo- ple knowing any thing of the nihir. Bur- ! un went West, and in the course of tin].- Mz'ss Tipion married and came to this place. Three years ago her husband died, leaving her a comfortable property. A notice of the event, giving the lady's maid- en name, drifted, quite by accident, into Burton's hands less than Lin months ago. He had lost sight of his former wife and sweetheart alfligetht'l',but had never ceased to love her and had never marrioi. He resolved to ssve it it were the same person and learn. if possible, if she had been a willing party Lu the separation years ago He came at once to see her. Explanations were oilered on both sides and, i‘ndinu that each loved the other, they resolved to marry. The Ceremony was performed quietiyatthe bride's residence, her parents coming a distance to witness it, wi‘houi suspicion u to who Burton was. O;her explanations occurred later in the day, and a» far as is known no ill Will exists among any of tin so who have a right to be inta- eawd. Englmd wnnu Konurofl' to " come ofl', ' In tho boy- ny. She thinks he is lieiLg It' u A bnchelor 'ho duty: known how 3 child Ibou‘ d be brush: up, but he let- gpu l! the: marine. “A humonlonn odor given I feeling (1' repute in the home." an m m journal Tnmforo if you has : ted-headed Vila furninh yunr home in the tune Lint. A (hammock womn mt s Ipeckltd hen onndxiod spplo pigmd 1n 111m vod- ng pg: Wed foam Eight. m '10) blue ribbon: on duh mill: Luau-Lem! ho- llim Icicle. In Dan-ulna. A no. «pain an the Boston Her-1d, relates that on June 4. 1881, the schoon- er R. Bowen, Capt. Thompson, bound to Gloucester from Messing wu pitching about in a long ooem stall in latitude 4:2 deg. 46 min.,longlznie 60. deg. 47 min. “'0 1nd nude 3 good run ah»: far, but. on this particular csy itrnck n dud ulna. There was linle to do, except to watch the vessel And whistle {or wind. and several scheme: were invented by the I mam 7.) pass away the time. Tau second mace of the schooner, Mr. Crulkahmk, had let: anweezheart u, home. and naturally his mind drifted across the watery wute to her high eyes. Noticing his pmoccupled mnner, the captain's mle suggested that be send hi9 low a message from the sea. The idea seemed a gx 0:! one. He wrote a. note, inch-39d it in an envelope,addrezs cd i: to the young lady at Big Brook,Capa Breton, inclosed tha whole in a tunic, Ind throw it. overboard. Their was great :pecnlation at the time an to where the battle would bring up’; but in a few hours a breeza sprung up, and, in working the renal, all thoughts of the bottle and 1:: contents were forgotten. The schooner in due time arrived in Glau- czster, and Mr. Cruikshank started fur Cape Breton. Hi5 arrival was expected. bu: his astonishment. may be imagined when his lady-love broughz, forth the iden- tical bottlc which the mate had thrown into rho sea, and produced the nuke cm- tained Lhereiu. The 5:: ry of the drift was a singular one. It had been picked up on the shores of Little Dover B -y, on thu east end of Nova Scotia, after a driit of forty-one daya’ duratlon, and the ï¬nd- er rent in to this young: lady. Another singular circumstance connected with the ï¬nding of the bottle was the fact 1118.8 the ï¬nder turned cut to be 5 near rehzive of Mr. Cruikshank, although they uev or had seen each ether. A curious inveminn callcd an automat- tic postal bcx is being exhibited by the agents of its inventor. It Is 9. device to supply postal cams or stamped envelopes and papa from a receptacle to ba placul in all public places, streets and xesortn, by means of mechanism operated by the coin which the purchasm urups into Ihema- chine. The inventor of this contzivauce is an Engliehman, and he made a auc- csaaful experimnnt in iutloiucing is in his own country. Tno apparatus consists of a box, some- what larger than an ordinary lump post lettu‘ box. In it are two compartments», one containing postal cards, :he other, stamped envelopes with sheets of paper enolcaed in it. Behind these isucoxn- pertinent enclosing the machinery. In the lid on the top of the bi x isa blib over each crmparuuent. When acoin of the denomination (involving a certain size, thickness and weigh') for which the ma- chinery has been constructed, in drcpped into the slit, the luck of a. drawer in the bottom of the bfx la relcascd, Mid on the drawer being pulled oub a. posfal cad or stamped envelope is found in it. Any other than nproper coin willnct release the luck, but, innning through tho ma- chine, is expelled upon a. board at its base. 1f the coin is bad, it. is retained in the machine and thelock is kept f;.etened. When all the cards or envelopes have been sold a plate time over the silt marked “empty," and no more coins can be pm; in. The machinexy of the brx may be ad- apted to t‘: e Gel-very (If as u may u‘ :u-t- icles, such as thezmp tickets, fury ï¬rk- 0:3, prrza pa..kdglzxs m- fzzncy caxda, and itis upzcu-d 11.2:t» is mil be employed by mary cf the lag: shcps and houiu fur this kind of dclncly. .___~‘oo< â€DOOMâ€"~â€" Third Marriage. First Husband Postal Cards and Envelopes on Gost‘a milk ought to mks good butter. The most popuhr backâ€"Tho pocket- STORY 0? A BOTTLE. ‘aw. To gain the public conï¬dence is essential to business success, and it can only he gain- ed by a steady course of faithful dealing with them. It is by this course that Messrs licks-tr, ii: Son have secured the great suc- ‘cess of their “ M) rtle Navy†tobacco. This ‘contidenco is not only u source of business to the ï¬rm. but also a source of economy whiv'h the consumers get the beneï¬t of. The merchant never looses a moment oi time in examining the quality of the tobacco. The name ï¬res the quality us absolutely us the mint stump ï¬xes the value of the guinea. It is not even necessary for the commercial traveller’s trunk to bo burdened with a sum- plo of â€Myrtle Navy,†all his custozr era know what it is, and know in an instant‘ when it has been supplied. There is no room for any dispute about it. Nu waste of time or postage in writing complaints about it. These may look like triiles to the uninitiated, but they save money, and enable merrhsnts to perform the work of iliptrihu~ tiJn at the smallest possible cost. They are part of («â€6 reasons why the tint-:11: quslity of DOhJCCO grown can be told at so cheap 3 “Ice. The ï¬rst thing in a boat is the last, Young Llier; xâ€"uona 111:4. The Voltaic Belt 0... of Marahnll. Mal: ofl’er to send their ch-l‘rstcd Electra Voltalc 73:11; and dirt Electric Appuence: on trial for thitty days, tr. ism (young or .10) afflict-ed wun nervous tie‘zidg'. Ice: 0." Vitality, rm! all kibflrl-tl tn’vnhlm. All" 1' rheumatism, neuralgia paralysis. um tinny other .liscmm. Couplers â€1'0! stir): to health. \‘!g(ll’ Ind manhood muam :- . .i. No risk is incurred as thirty day: :rnl in unloved. ‘v‘v’rz‘l: them It 02:56 :or illustrstt (i pamphlet (we. A short time up Sumo}. Ass, snd Joe Hollids . (f Snppagse, took I trip over to :he uiston flux- in order to look into the magmas oi thst region. They f: ugd i: n mos: beamiful country. snd one shot ofl'drs runny inducements ho settlers Thepnrt visited lies off in the direclion of Mount St. Helene, and is composed of bath timber land und ï¬ne open tact: which abmud 1n gums, lsrge and smnll While encamped on the rinr they discov. cred an obj 3c: thx: was as novel and in- :eres'zing as h“. was beautiful nud striking. In thtir rambles through the pine wood: they suddenly came upon a fallen tree across the patthch, on inspection, thu‘y found to ba holluw. Through a that hole theyconld see something which, and as once began to investigate. They saw- ed into the l: g and were surprised to ï¬nd that the whole uterior cf the log was ï¬ll- ed solidly with hunky. They in once brought. from their camp some of their vessels to ï¬ll with this sweetest of All na- ture’s producfig-na. Their buckets and pms were smn ï¬llud. Then thay sawed ofl' sco:herlength of tha log and found it atill solid with the honey. This they re pasted and took from in honey uniil they opened up ten feet of pure, lovely honey. which yiugded a comb .hat was in many plucca four inches thick. Of this ï¬nd they carried away 180 pounds, which they declarsd was the ï¬nest they evor tasted. being far rlcher than the tame honey which Lheyraisa. Jothnm Johnson, or Durham, Mex, rad n nnwapnpu without the an} of gluaea on hi.- ona hundred;h birthday. Cmmnâ€"t. new net-meal m... m" "f Shim}: 'mijam' of use." ""ba'n.‘ I‘m ' W‘- ‘ Elna-«nu '31. Tomb. Och-Ida. Ind analog. gun» m M: M on Mâ€"W “rained b; :hc Dam: 1&4“. on: v.’ (aznrrb. im: of 20:0 $.z‘flb? 'rmun (2".212" the p.11 51: mnnï¬aa, all: mnety it: can. we Lena sand at this stubborn mud]. This In none um gu WMLW Ir. ranambmd mat not w: ya: can Men Imam themselve- to the min prwquwn an wand. while we pawn: meclcinm mo otherA-dw_cqm pqrcr record n ugh; M xi Burning mm the clam now genamlr be lined by the most Momma men that mmuduw the mm of mag undue In tho lama. Ur. Dix- mummMMMnmmc-J mum: mu madam m want 23 tactically Mud the pummel mun. nun-aloud. I: cum attested by nm (on: yam museum-um. Romania-never» taunted no can: Wt bu "at cnnd aunt. 'nu Inflation cl um My 1.- simple Man: In clone 1.: home. an mxwmm no u no my“ 710:} ope-d1 god Another stranga thing which they ob- served was the taking of salmon by the bears, which me abundant there. The bear: go down tn the river at night, catch the rim, bite (if their hctdl, eat them. and leave the bodies untouched. Their climate for the body seems strange, and their preferenco for the heads has never been explained, even by the Indiana. A ten shikeâ€"A blow with both flats. Will 3 on Try Nerviline For all kinds of pain. Pulson‘s Nam: LIN}: in the most efï¬cient and prompt. re- medy ln (xiatence for neuralglaJumbAgo, and headache. For intcrnal use it has no equal. Rain-f in ï¬ve minutes may be oblaxued from Nervilmo in any of the f l- lowing complaints, viz : Cramps in the stnmach, chills, llatulenn pdns, Buy a 10 cent sample hauls of Nerviliuo at any drug store and tcs: the great remedy. Large bum»: ‘25 cents. Speak well and little if you wish to be considered as possessing merit. Personal. This piper makes a. practice toexqmlno closely and lejec‘. all matters of such a characxer as cluld be in any way obiec- t unable to our l‘é‘fdfl‘s, bu; the fol'or hr, du wing as it does no your notice the nann- of an article of sterling merlt, known thrnvglu-ut the land a! the only sure and non-puisuuouu remedy for coma, is wol- cume to aplaco m ourculumua. Putnum'e l’ainloaa Cum Extractor now ï¬nds its way 1:0 neaxly wary part; of the world, which la in i:self a. guarantee of its merit. Wc advise our readers to buy it, and also to make Hll'a when purchasing to gut Putnam’s Pniulaaa Com Extrema. Pul- aon & 00., Kingston, proprs. The beat education in the world is that got by struggling to get; alivmg. Don's hawk, and blow, and spit, but use Dr. Sage'u Catarrh RJdey. Many a. dandy before marriage becomes subdued after It. when neglected or improperiy treated of- ten degcuemle into cancer. By our new and improwd treatment wltlmut; kmfe, cam-tic, or aalyo, wo cure the womb cases Beryl green comes with a bluish metallic lustre among the sprmggreens in millincry gueds. It should be 'Genemlly Known that the multitude of dlsenscs of s scrofu- lous nature generally proceed from a ter- pid condition of the liver. The blood becomvs impure because the liver does not act properly and work elf the poison from the system, and the certain results are blotclws, pimples, eruptions, swell- ings, tumors, ulcers, and. kiudud sll'ec- tlons, or settling upon the lungs Md poisoning thier duliclte tissues, until ul- cerutlou, brcaking down, and consump- tion is established. Dr. Pierce-’5 “ Gold- dcn Medical Discovery" will, by acLing upon the liver and purifying the blood, cure all these disensus. The ï¬rst newsdeuler was Joseph. Pha- raoh made a. ruler out: of him, nuu he be‘ came stationary. in tux to thir‘ty days. Pdmphlet, refer- encm and terms. three lezter stamps. \Vorid's Dispensary Medical Aasrciatiou, 661' Main Szrceh, Uufl'ulo, N. Y. Perhaps the m: an ban ach'ov An Exploit of Oregon Bees. Pile Tumors ms th 3: Electra Plate “1‘! LI) “11"! I DIP 2 2" (T at run u “an r DIP.) and 13 Sui-k3} w__c<- 1373. Inna! .‘utd‘ muddy POI.)- ll roaring hrilm and one NHL “'3" l‘l' d- W nun. p. is: 913‘! radiate 2579 773‘!!!" Tut-law ‘ u... _â€" -".â€"â€" ...-w. ...__.- w... w- . 31.13.. N l‘uan'n': (nu nu. Fun And lb 1:: that». what an aunt. bonus or abut: dumm- - vlmu udxw: nl~o lane a on u‘uu'n. vim ud men “that h? circus: sud pdeex Ind ut- huimom- u tuna» $.15. C.thl'.‘e. “hm: Nmauw. 75..†ler_fll- glouuul. Alena “'mud. (bod mum- item. v Enei {h min} ï¬g; ASK You; onocnn F03 ’ IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKIXG dale". MFRIBEN For general lubriuting purpooca, h unexccllod, Ind their (3\' â€NM-11:31"! othvi 1 hue no equul. Highest. Awndl nu! Modal- Ihcrevar "mm. â€For us). by (hula!- BELTING umum‘mmn ol Sm Rh- et, Lenka: Belling. Luge double Driuug Brita n qwciany. â€Send to: Price um sud Disc-(mun. F. E. DIXON 85 00.. (‘ON’ IN.‘ I CARRIAGE TOPS are Ihc heal and cheap": In the Marla-l. (ï¬rm-r nnc from )ourtntrl-(e linker. Tale no (other kind. (‘ommlssloncn \‘ulnntor Truslco .% l‘lnnu} Hal .5 gent. Roam l‘., Arcade, Yonge Street, Tomato. Money to Low. Estates Managed. Pmpcniea Exchanged. )hm iwha and L‘niu-d sum lauds uken in pun payment. '°{¢%F:' PmPP‘f‘L- R. w. PRITTIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Will lorr 5 an 25 inch bola: hlnd or harm pawn: 90 ten: [or hour. 0.: Mulblmd am. “a men n I.) . stand menu. Wuhd by Hun. ox hone-pant. Baud L! Camus-Ive AUGURS u WELE’AS‘ANT ' SEWINTa lxcum-uuunu A I). 1555 FUnRCRIPliD GAP-TAL ......... 3 000.000 PAID m- CAPITAL youwu “FERRY?! FUAD ...... l,10u.-uu TOT“ L A5512 [IS .............. . . .. 5,000,“;0 ol‘i‘fl‘ ‘ â€"L‘oy'u Indus. Turonlo 31.. Toronto. Lu. Jim-tn. it! Jnnii Khulna d ‘ inn wish: . 1mm Poul-ad um Thundu mt! Ell-'1. u: 1:: HMun‘ .5: Lu deurpaol. And In BBL-n.2- (mm Qua Lo uvuyflsturday tuLivulpool. csllln n I l 1: 1mm)"; â€.Jhmd mailnud puuuï¬il [air boo‘ Ind Ind UMIHJ. A eotromlznlumumuu llhx Ind 8:. Juh I, :x'. E. .. to Lin-woollunnlcmay uurlna numm-r month. I‘m: zleamm of flu- 15â€:th In.“ nu durlnu ulmm :0 and (um Hum“. Po thud. Bolton And Phil- del- 9111;: a! d dunuu :. m mr r bun/nan Olrzolv Ind Mon. .r ai mum- mguwnnd Huston, weal): 3nd uluml And Ium‘x phll lutnightu. er (mum. mymaagn. or other inform-um Apply :0 uumchor 6:. 00.. Baltimore: 8. Cunard 8".“ Co, Halifax; 81101382. 60.. 8|. Johan. N. 3‘ â€Mn. Than-non '(c 00.. BL John. N. B. ; alum a: L’c.. (hicnuo; Love a: Aidan. New 7 ‘;orv H. ï¬rm-ii or. 'l‘rrontn: Allnnn. Hue 8 C0,. QuLbc \\_ m. Freckle. P_hl' ado phla; B. A. The men mnvunleu! meat (or human In Ihilr Eu â€non Thaw n- no onoimd Ind read lo: oz» ‘30}; ngf‘lfgl.‘ rah tlngE-plnjcn._ Eu: in! me CANADA PERMANENT The C. mpnny Me n. Imuv um um. u! runny to load on Res! 141mm; ucun'mz at. [bu Iowa: cu'rum. um: (11L- '6- rut xepsynbiv mthar in um: tum u! by imtn'moulu u may My u ircd Ly My: Longwg. ADII'I_\\H n: [my bu mu (Duct. to treuuda'vu'ued I, ldtu' or ullh min. or u. thu lucnl mwueumtlvru I! (ha Gummy thwuuhmr Umuiu‘ As the CJuptny always 11.5 fun (11 on hand no delay Lud bu oneclc . law [â€112 r. chul to II inimum. .‘Ilurlyug/rs and Municipal Dibv'nluros purchased. J. HHRIH'ZIH' MAHON. vaminv Dimnmv. Sfï¬ï¬gEi) SAUSAGES Wnrnnzed FULLLLnnh. Ind lo mu rmooth on In. sewi: ~ machine. Hue um Ourrlnwx'annme In a- h» I: v-2 3â€"? Porn!» hr nll Dry-Omar Dru!"- ‘30†by 5mm. lth' h the Dominion. ‘.o W. CLARK. P. 0. ‘0: M2 Monorail I GAIL Foruiihd. iiddib'ï¬. Ménï¬ai - â€" USE ONLYâ€"â€" QIappertcn’s Spool Cotton M-nrlng :\ rat [in tag; that Inrlumd'r “use Lenrfluucm; Um: Inrulnrd‘n "uvy A‘IlnplnzIde (In! lnrlllurd'a â€mum ml :va dumbest. uuullt)’ coualdumd.’ the u an and 0! l uh‘mLun urnngnm (an. 'l‘\\' 0 BOTTLE FR 3. to- A1 1830 W.“ nundmzl In n: 0111‘ ï¬x n: hlprrll and n. . “mun. anmma ’23; Gaï¬ï¬awï¬ï¬ï¬sï¬‚ï¬ ARMS F08 BALLâ€"All XMLâ€"sand to!!!» Jon! J DAL". One’ph. :m aAiim-u a. 03.. macs. Iowa. 8m 0-! p: we Warned sham: In“ “gait at rig in» .u Luann: a a.- .m; x10 an. my "£1 3114.1 9330.: Ed“ §LUEHI_H“ 1p; =3COLL’S CELEBRATED OILS. Farmers, Mill Men and allflfl Consumers $1 RAIGHT LOANS. 01: CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. GOMPAW. FINEST LOAN" J SH'iNGl (‘0.Vll Kâ€˜ï¬ .“nry strm I. ll:lglrlllal\.70nt._ §mi.C.Ee [1554.“qu “LARDINE.†a 0 n; lap"!!! and 1'. 0. mana. his. ’1‘. A. SLOCL'M. m l‘umlflL.Now!ork, McCOlL Buns. & 09.. TMWXTâ€. THAT Lorillzu'd's Climax » Plug hum. LUNTUALUMM R. U. AWARE BUY THE STAR. \V’ELL BORING WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING KING 5'!“ EAST. TORONTU. A. '1‘. LANE, Montreal. No thmlnlm-s tn mine 1M. liuy m: mm rd .fl-un. “'0 km; qu‘ilu'. gun-mam. Mun») «I rd: 4 I! an 'hl‘u: o 3' did I (Air um). PLL'K‘. 61c unlum con: mi bndlu. DEVVEI’ &, C()., Bunnlnx in connection with the (lnad‘hual B-u‘.’ n! at Dan-AAA mum from Quubaumum mum" Amt.“ the ammo! munt'm. Ind from \‘uulmd cun Thanh. Jul-In; the flaw magnum Sunni duct trim qunuu‘. K EARNINâ€"Msy m Juno ‘22. Aug. 8. S-n‘; 19 vuwuvuu~nlu 3 -, July 11. ‘n.. m 0RE(ILN.-Jum~13. mu, 2",. cup! 5. pm. 3“!!! of palm: Unhzu. qumun 5; Lu :2; ‘ HML “I .03. w. “mum. M SKIS, 81". pm smut-"a, N name! And berm, hum-meal": $31.“ moo u:.- u love“ nu. The “loan: Ind summon" In ' mm mute‘ \hm: ' un- nznldmi , ‘hurr but '1' ‘ : Kali. Ind no CAM“ or sham u oIMeJ vu ‘21-»an X - t" nut autumn: LVN! tn up; Guud Tm.“ lu 1r... “on. 0: 1001] "out: or the u mnay. on . UAW: ‘X‘lleth<.ré 1': I fl Goleman's Improved Plough Harness Dominion Line. of Steamsmpm Behave buy'uz arm! m minâ€, (arr nlph um um“:- u.’ n Wu u If Muhlmr. gnu-nu- (I! Hhu Iliul. Any Indy Iumlm '3 within: MI’ Agents price for similarmmhine 860 Our price only $25 each. SEWUM3Wi3SÂ¥ Latest Improved Attachments Sewing Machine Co. JOHNSME’M " BEST IN THE MALKET. II in the cm!~ prewrntla‘ rcnmn- Ml & rm [HAL-r Iumuhun . :npcrmr, L! can chh II "1!: â€we: mom ")1 bun. Mm III‘r. . In Bronze Letter“. HOHE_ rm“ “WV" ‘ CUT lllh GUT! BAKEâ€? I“! 2?"??? I MYRTLE MW 1 Ftnndnrrl Amhnrily Court. lhwunnww‘ Sclumlu' '5“ mm: -: THE? BEST? hia c. MERmAm & co.. and ll"url\’ 3 mm a H An invnhmh [2| mm; a! uvnrv hr in‘: --.~<'1 3‘Imnld in» in 1 \r} 22 JAMES ST. SOUTH. MAI-HIJIHN . \i’Ql)§«tL>x;-v 1 GE“. :me I-Zm “a 1 D17 .17! The New Co-Operative RIZW STAND!Nl2\",‘l'llt\l1'llâ€?! ,ln Sh‘T‘iL-E ldnplrd to (Irrlmrd “ml. THE CO-OPBRATIVE THE STAKDM‘: . Bach Plug of the .IS MARKED OULDOR‘N'K UNT‘ :IIHN) llngrux illgzu. mui u h'rw Bin-'r: sphh 41 .11 ummv. m turd m (.'m' ‘ i Inuit u lhl‘n' . “001) vol h ~.~1 H II". xuh'lnxuu‘kunTawny BUM, Ila-h) l: ‘4! Jilliï¬ll}; “111.5 ARE '1'] l 1‘} 50 had hm! mama MA ioyelu ‘- 8 Sand mr “It Sundae ahmnbghrrwi an no“. not issued 1:- unad- mums." RCDHE. awn-r cumin. mm m. . KL muzuo .‘A FFTY. H! a“ m." )Hu I d :1“th I GMJ: lumped Merl- dbn HUM! “no 00., into not our male. I! [you wwt tblIlblt' good: 1min on getting than) made by tho B “$11.10!, HERIDEN BRITAN aniTurMyB' ()1 CAUTION lhg'l‘m' IA MN l'ub'l. Gilli-nu};â€" ‘ti “sum MA co., .‘+.::f:;m'zn â€â€œ483 mm DLNISUN S ‘If‘ ._. INDEX. "Am" I" nrdu, nu clu'nnt :1 Mo mlh’ {n‘m : .- :4“ "0‘1. ‘ - W'HUO . H. Mum 'vfu Sup‘! ullv 'n l'rt- 011m" 0H- ml. by all H \ IN, UL". n'num p'h nt' 'u' my, L‘ m