t l . I FRESII. â€"â€"â€"Oâ€"â€"-â€" A large supply of all kinds just received at the DRUG STORE, i Fenelon Falls. WM. E. ELLIS. May 27th, 1885. _____._â€"â€"â€"._.. .._.__.. n..- ._.._. I A. P. Ill-ZVLIN, , ARRISTER, Attorney-nt-an, Solicitor! in Chancery, Kent :‘treet, Lindsey. ‘ MARTIN .e thl’KI- ARMSTEHS, somCtTons, kc .‘Io- B my to Loan at '3 per cent. Otlice., Kenutrect,Llndsuy, Ont. , P. S. alums. G. H. Hornixs. : BARRISTER. ATTORNEY, .lt' SOLICITP. and Notary Public. Money to Learn. Otï¬ce, Kent street, Lindsuy. B A. Ilcnsrnrn. l I t F, l). 3100?. I, ‘ II UDSP iTII & JACKSON, ARIZISTERS, SOLICITORS. kc. lice, Willium street, Lindsny. A. JAcxsos Of- O'Ll'lAllY .v ()‘LEAHY, ARRISTI-JIIS, A’I‘Tt)IlNI‘IYS-A'Ifll'h'lW, Solicitors in UhnuCury, kc. Utlice, Doheny Block, Kt'tttrttrcct, Liudmy. Anrnt'n ()‘Lennv. Ilt‘ou O‘Lnnnv. MCINT YItl-I iv. I) W ART, ARRISTEIIS, A'I‘TOltNE‘t'S-AT-LAW,l Solicitors in Chuncery. kc, Lindsuy. Oliica Over Ontario Bunk, Kent street. .‘Io-i ncy t0 Lonn at 8 per cent. on t'cul estntc ‘ccuritit's. 1 S'rnwnnr. . D. J. hlclsrrnn. BARRON d; SMITH, BARIlIS’I‘I-IRS. SI'JIJCITORS', kn, Lind suy. Money to Lonu on security of mort- gages, promiswry notes, lire. dons A. BAIIIIï¬N. J. ll. SMITH. @0116 of the ï¬rm will be at their l’cn elou Falls oflicc every 'I'hursduy. I'v. A. JORDAN, .llunrtger. MEDICALT A. W. J. ltnl‘vllASSI, M. D., OIIONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc, kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington retract, Lindsuy. DRS. WILSON & WILSON, )IIYSICIANS, SURGEONS 5.- ACCOU- 1 chcrs. Ollicc. Fr v nip Street East, Fen- rlon Falls. 8.8. WILSON, n. n, .u. 0., C..\I., inc. r. a 5., Ont Dr. A. WILSON, u. u., u. C. r. .t 5., Out. Ilu. J. H. LOWE, ‘- )IIYSICIAN Jr SURGEON. Coroner for, I, the Provisional County of Ilnlihurtou. W Onicc ncxt door to the .‘ll‘.\l‘lllllt' House. llesideuee, the house lutcly occu-i pied by Dr. llryson, on .\Iny strect, It‘euclon Pulls. DIIS. IlllltIIOWS & GRAHAM. IIYSICIANR, SI'RGEONS, kc. mill-c nud residence dirrctly opposite (‘urr's hotel, Willium St, Lind-any. Gulls from the country promptly ntteuded to. I’. I’Atstrn Bonnows, II. II. GRAHAM, 3t. 1)., u. o, 0. )I., .u. c. r. .t c. u. lute Soho llosol ti. 0. Graduate .\I'Gill pitnl, London. r. F. s. College, Mom, ISM. I 3L, st. n. C. 5., England sunvnvcus. .» w.4w_h__ - - JAMES DICKSON, I) L. Surveyor. Com nissioncr in the Q. 8., . Convcyuncer, .lt'c. Residence,nnd ud- drcss. I-‘enelon Falls. WisCELLKNEcusT‘ ‘â€" iETRQ'. réi’fagï¬Ã©dx, . Accountant. Commissioner. Real Estate and General Finnnclal Agent. No. l Market lllock. corner of George and Siu2coc Streets. ‘ P E 'I‘ E R B O R O’. , g8" connrsrtvsnsxcr. .‘lILIClI'kJI’L ‘18:: l Bxk]{ (iEuXINS. l Fire good Buildin: Lots for sale chomp in I-‘enelou I-‘nlls West. Apply to J.\I’.\'l5'- k .‘IcDUI‘GAI.I.. I‘enelon Pulls. June I‘Jlll, ISM. tT-t :. J. ll DENTIST. EELANDS, LANDsAY. One ot'tILe tirm will be u: the l McAnrm'u llot‘stt. Faker.va I“.\l,t..<,‘ on the third Sloud: 'nl‘vuel: month. chtl'. ‘ extrnctcll by In: in: gt: \vitlzo'it p.tiu or injury. or no clung" w ill be m l-lt‘. , In? Olliec established in Liuxlsuy nearly " ï¬fteen yurs ' ‘HE CITY OF LUNINW I‘EIIII l luv: (‘0 (‘tylutl £1.†. I’Ppu‘ilcl with the Dominion Government. St “4 99". Tu: Ron: Ivsrmxr: t'n. Ar Ev Canal, St II posilwi ‘. minion (lovernimnt .tnd utltcrw::x‘ m ‘i . ‘I cull-I u v . , . in t'aundn. 5'1“ I N Tn: “intern l.\.$"“ t‘n. ..' Plum, Capiul mle Assets, :13; 5,333. J. D S‘Ill‘il. .Iyauzu a Petition Falls, Jau‘y . in. i, ISM. lNSURANCE,; GEORGE CUNNINGHAI, General Insurance end Loan Agent.‘ PENELON FALLS. ONTâ€. "prevents the following tint class comm. nm. with which bit-inns! cu: be taunt-ted noon the most mountainous terms. The Fund: Permanent Lush .l Savings Co; The Ira-«rial Insernnce \‘eztynny. ut Lou_ dun, England. The Cittunn‘ Ins snare Cor. puny, of tin»: do, Fm: .mt' .tr he I..\€\€.\Il.th“ ltunmnce t‘n , ct' Hagi;:d.l Ibi- L‘u‘.t!rd‘-’"..“~‘ Lite.\l.x.:c;1:‘.ea.etfm- , ads. . :1 f‘t‘tf. TURNIP SEED, l ‘ Franchise llill really is." ‘so. we say unto them, “ llou't." ‘ WIN :ltrllll: lip-UH : mined to tight to the last crisp. G. Anderson. FENELON FALLS, now calls attention to his stock of Building & General Hardware. our“ Locks. 5'“: â€"tarrcd, oiled and dry; Ili Latches, Bolts. «kc. GARDEN TOOLS, ,Spndes, Shovels. Rakes. Spudiuzz, Ma- nure and Hay Forks of the very best description, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Oakum, 'and other boating requisites. Sledge,f Chipping and Null Hummers, Fork and Other Handles, “'ick and Iiubbcr Packing, Pure White and Red Lead, Paints. Oils, &c., &c. May col, 153.3. Glut-"curtail falls Lï¬ascttit Nearly Ended. The trouble in the North-West is nearly at an end. I’oundmukcr and several other chief have surrendered to Middleton at. Ilztttlcford and given up their arms, over '20!) in number, besides a good many rifles, and the Indians who killed Payne and Fremont have eoufessml their guilt. I’ouudmukcr’s prisoners have been released and the captured \vuguons rcturucd. will, it IS believed, soon give himself up. liicl, who is in jltil at Ilcuinn, thinks that there will be no more fighting, and Archbishop Tachc expresses the same opinion. IThe Franchise Bill. Sir John A. Mncdounld does not deny having said that a session of I’urliumcut ought not to last longer than three months; neither does he deny having said that a Franchise Iiill ought to oc- cupy it whole session , and yet when thi- present session was more than three months old, he lIIlI'OdUCL‘Ll the Franchise liill which is now before the House. and which is not only being opposed with such pruiscworthy determination by the Reform members, but is opposed by all Conscr 'ntivcs who umlcrstuud its nature and are not directly or indirectly paid to defend it. The ostensible ob ject of the Bill is to extend and equal- ize the franchise ; its renl object is to perpetuate the reign oI Sir John by on- nbliug him to control the elections. Its worst features are, lirstly, that it will give votes to ignorunt Iudinns, who will be driven to the polls like Ilocks of Sheep and vote just us the representatives of the Government tell them ; and second» ‘ ly, that the voters' lists will be entirely at the mercy of revising barristers, who will be appointed by the Government, hold oflicc until dismissed, and whose powers will be such that they can con- fer the right to vote or withhold it, lit- erally at their own .will nud pleasure. Nearly all parliamentary and legal doe- umeuts, especially if of considerable length, are somewhat hard to “ see through,†and especial pains appear to have been taken to make the Frnucbisc Bill as opaque as possible. with the. view of hiding its insidious designs mid nll‘ordiug ground for dispute as to its provisions. In spite of this its inclining is all ton plain. and is so monstrous that, us we have suid. tlmusnnds of Conserv- atives ure as strongly oppoxed to it as the grittiest of Grits, us is evidenced by the. fact that ouch of the petitions u- gniust its becoming law which were cir- culated throughout the Province bore a considerable number of Conservative signatures. wu (,lovl.‘rument have lnSUCtI :1 counter document, Which we have not seen. but a copy of which is in the lllllltl> of )Ir. ll. )lucdonzild, continent, who bus managed to obtain the names of at lczist mine oI those who signed the petition, Big: L’onr ‘ Alarmed by this. the ()tt:i-' Limb Ill! :â€" .‘Ir. .‘-Iill~.-<\\'hat we are anxious to on the know is whether the hon. gentleman l ' have the uceennry property qualitieu-. propose: to give other than ent'ranchised Indians votes. Sir John )Incdoualdâ€"Yes. .‘Ir. Millsâ€"Indians residing on a -‘:'"rvntion 7 Sir John .‘Inc~.lorl.'ildâ€"â€"Yus, if they tion. .‘lr. .‘lilleâ€"An Indian who cannot I I [5sz n contract for himself, who can ' u~:i:ln.-r buy nor sell without the consent 4 of ILt: Supefluteudcnt-cheralâ€"au Iu~ dinu who is not enfrunchised ? l l l i l l i l l l . i The purport ofthc document. is, we arc' tultl. to the t‘llitltfl. Iltltl, " “‘1‘, tllt‘ IIII~ dersizncd. were bemused null gunmmn- ed and ‘lt‘ltlllt'd by false ttrl'lt'lltn's ititw appending our \'.‘|lU§lll‘.L‘ autographs to tilt: [It‘llllttlt I‘Il‘t‘t'ltlllrly ltrt'rt'tillq'il, and that. now our eyes are. opened. and We ’ ' s-‘e what :1 good and prl ciuus thin: the If any of our renders who have not fllI":1tl_\' signed .‘lr. .‘lncduunld‘s paper are :i~kel to do llill is ‘.t~ vile and tyrnnnicul us it can possibly IN. and thniuh recently sli;ht}y 1mudllb ll. you can u v in :tnntlwrl' llu'nn 'wlzut tlzc ‘I'nmntw .\3 «l <. which is mi:l.- fer Iirit nor Tory. tliltllh of it still. The nt wauml nor mind for; it the Iltlllri.‘ witirut tl.c attention of the lliii “not. turning, while ‘\“'IIIIII‘:.' wu- direct~ ll to the North-West. - and its sole and only object i~ to on dole the (luau-z. tim‘crnmcut to laugh zit uud ‘ defy public opinion. Sir John ~1lj..~'!ll;\l no tthcr [ailintn‘ntnry‘ llllilllt‘.‘ .-i..i3l be attended to until the Franchiw “Ill gas-es, and the Uppisition, Ii‘vliu; that the people, are with them. are deter- If. in Sir John )lacdouuldâ€"thther he is - . cufrnuebiwd or not. Mr. Millsâ€"This will include Indians in Manitoba and British Columbia '.’ Sir John .‘Iucdoualdâ€"Yes. .‘lr. .‘Iillsâ€"I’oundmnker and Bit; Bear ? Sir John .‘Incdonaldâ€"ch. )Ir. Millsâ€"So that they can go from a sculpiug party to the polls. The Salvation Army Picnic. The steamer Slum left the Pulp Mill Co.'s new wharf nt Fem-loo Fells about It! a. m. lint Monday morning with a scowlond of passengers and in due course reached the Bast-dale swing, bridge, close to which she Iuy during; the day. the Sulvatiouists walking thro’ the grove and crossing the mniu street of the village in order to reach the pic- nic ground. The morning was ï¬ne but rather windy, and later in the day the wind increased, and, just as a salva- tiouist bud commenced a prayer with “ O Lord," ruin came down so suddenly that he was forced to say “ amen " and run to shelter. The wind increased to a gale, and n prominent member of the lujuh losses out in :t skill, got dumped into the lnkc with his full‘ companions; _ but. as the water was quite .shnllow at the spot they scrambled to shore amidst rours of laughter, and the dumsels hung their outer gnrmcuts on n woodpilc to dry. During the day two of our villzt~ ; gcrs who went to I’u'»:~:cd:tlc in a sailboat .got twice upset, once in the lake and once in the river, and on the second oc~ cusiou were in Some little danger, but were prmuptly aided by the occupants of another bout that. was fortunately vr-ry ncnr them. During the return trip in the evening a combination of circumstuuccs nearly cuuscd a mishap that might possibly have rcsultod‘ in loss of life. The locks and lloscdulc are about a mile apart, and but. much nearer the former than the latter, the river Inukcs so sudden :1 curve that. a boat in roundingr it bends for the dam null has to hug, the shore to get into the hick“. It‘rnm some cause or causesâ€"no doubt chiefly on account of the high windâ€"tho Smut didn’t hug, and was hurt] against the boom, which, being old uud rotten, broke; and, to make matters worse, the scow swung around and probably would have gone brond- side over the dam, but was fortunately stopped by two piers that were not far enough apart. for her to puss between them. For n time there was a genuine p:inicâ€"-womcn screamed and fainted, children cried, and men acted with vu- rious degrees of heroism; one full-grown sulvutiouist springing to his feet amidst all the hubbub, stretching his hands skywnrd and declaring that he was “ ready to die l " It‘ortunntcly nobody was hurt, and all the party got home sufcly on the Swan, which made two trips to the Falls. Next mornith the snow was hauled and foremost. over the dum and did not- ship a. drop of water, as she is eighty-live feet long- and the dam not six feet high; but had she gone over sideways with a load of pus- scugcrs the consequences might have been serious. )Ir. McArthur, the own- er of the Swan, greatly regrets the mis- hap ; but. as he took the sulvutionists at their own request and charged them nothing, it seems hardly fair to blame him. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Comt'r or Ill-:\'tsm.\'.â€"Thc Fenelon Falls Court of Revision is to be held today, and will probably not last long, us there are only about half It dozen appeals. A Conuncrmxâ€"In noticing, lust week, that )1r.>'t. Lzuvrcuec bud leased the " Summer House " for a term of yours. our perverse pen mid thnt it was >llllflchl on the shore of llnlsnm, instead of Cameron, Luke, and we did not no- ticc the mistake until too late to rec- tify it. _\ Rum: l,‘tl.\Nr'i:.~â€"Dy nu advertise- ment in this weeks (111:: Mr it will be soon that Mr. It. 1'}. lilnurlllt- wishes to dispose of his well-known and beauti- I'ul.y situated furm on the shore of (hunrron Lake. This is :1 rnre chance for some one to get a lirstcluss farm :cbenp. us the owner runlly wishes to sell: _ it and will accept anything like a fair : Offer. The ' spite of their ell-arts to defeat it. tin" bill should bee-one law. the prnb‘lbility is that something very like a rebellion will be the result. who have aimed the pater sutmdtttd to them by .‘lr. .‘IJClellJl‘l sly Imtl lllt‘ statement previnmly ma-ie to ll.\‘.ll t .2: tribal and noeiviiiied It: in": on» I have votes was normâ€. I‘~*r.:.\t~ “L; be or: t'ZL"'vI lid! '2: ~'.' w ’f‘l" w‘u n Ilu‘)‘ h‘a-l the {elm-ax; ixtuc: tram Some of the per: ins ,' had :i dew-rtvd appeararcc. as there W» the lhustrl (ot‘Er’tl‘ report of the ‘ Frye-slit 5‘ is the Hause (2' (‘ vzuzn‘n‘: SAL}: or l’t'nxwrungâ€"In. Lowe, ' who l.‘ about to lvnVc Feueion bulls for Toronto. will Swil the whole of his liouw- hold furniture, horse, buggy. (TIIIIUI‘ :iud othcrurtichs by auction on 'I'uc~d:1y, .luuc ï¬lth. ;\ glance :it the posters. or the advertisennmt in this and as it is to b.- withnut reserve. cv- l\.\ul'. wili= "l'."'thiu_' will I): knocked down to the ‘ Light"! Inltltl'l. lump tt\'t‘.n.-â€"-Ilu_'h Strong. of Vernlnm. the owner of the revolver ttitlt which Mr. llvarl was :iccirlmnllv wounded. was sumnmuv-l by (.‘omtnbli- l t BAzil BALL CLL‘n â€"â€".\ low Q _. a number of the young; nun [lac vil- lage met together and organized “but is to be known as “ The I'eilelou Falls Uh Base Ball Club," and elected the following “bearerâ€"President, W. E. Ellis ; Vice-president, B. Wills : Secre- tary. J. J. Brandon ; Treasurer. J. J. Butler; Directors. G. Jordan, ll. Coop- er and J. Alcheson '. Captain, J. Tuck- er. The ground selected to play on lies somewhere between Lilld:‘l_\' street and Greene & Ellis's mill, and we are told that :1 than is already at work putting it into ï¬rst-rate order. Tut: Cnops.â€"-\\'c are glad to hear that the lull wheat in this part of the province is looking exceedingly Well, and that if the weather between now ‘ and harvest be favourable a good crop may be expected. Though very little ruin has fallen so far this spring the; average temperature has been high, and grazing is nearly or quite as good us it ' generally is at this time of year. On old ï¬elds clover has been badly winter killed, but the seed sown last year has grown splendidly. The want of rain is beginning to be felt. and unless there is n good shower before long vegetation will begin to suffer. Two or three nights this week have been cold enough to injurioust :llfsct some of the blos- soms on fruit trees, but there has been no actual frost. A Modiï¬ed Outrage. (From (In: Turmzm .Vezrs.) The modiï¬cations proposed by Sir John Mucdouald in the franchise bill, which include a. lowering of some of the quuliIicntious so as to widen its scope, and n provision giving an appeal on questions of fuel: from the decisions of revising,r barristers in cases where the latter are not judges, detract very little from its objectionable character. A measure that is from beginning to end wroerr in principle and corrupt in intent cannot be made acceptable by any amount of such patching and tinkering. It is not a case for compromise. The bill, even with the proposed amend- ments, enacts a dangerous precedent, transfers the electoral lists to men who are appointed by the government, rc- stricts the franchise in several provinces, und puts the ballots in the bands of un- educated and uucivilized Indians. It should be resisted to the utmost by every mun who values his political liberties. There is no obligation resting upon the government to appoint. county court judges as revising barristers. It is merely :1 suggestion on the part of Sir Sohu that. this will be done ; but when once the net is passed what is more likely than that the government will rather 3110030 to nominate active and unscrupulous politiciansâ€"men who trill be only too ready to manipulate the voters’ lists so as to “ revise " the Grit majorities out of existence. The right of appeal will be a very slight drawback to their operations. It. involves an amount of trouble, inconvenience and expense which the average voter will not undermine, and which there is no justice in compelling him to undergo under penalty of losing his franchise. The provision is one which will fall with especial hardship upon working- men to whom every day spent in follow- ing up an appeal means the loss of a dollar or two. They cannot afford it, and the result in most cases will be that the man who is wrongfully left. off the list. will lose his vote just as though the right of appeal did not exist. No doubt. the government shrewdly calcu- late upon this effect, and hope by mak- ing the prOCcss of getting on the voters' list as ditlieult and troublesome as posâ€" sible to those not of the Tory stripe, to keep large numbers of their opponents from the polls. The bill is based upon the theory that it is the business of the individqu citizen to 100k after his right. to vote. This is altogether wrong and untenable. The mun who is duly qualiï¬ed has a right to have his vote Secured for him, without unnecessary trouble or expense. The “ :ippeul †provision simply puts :1 premium on purtizau injustice by pro- viding an excuse for thc‘wholcsnlc dis- I'ruuchismneut of citizens opposed to the government of the duy, iu snddliug the responsibility on the individual voter in>tcud of on the revising burristcr. It makes the measure worse rather than better. -â€"â€"-- - “umâ€"o -o~.â€"â€" A School for Thieves. A strange case has just. been devel- oped in London, England. recalling; Dickens's description of Fagiu's school lor thieves. Hertha Dennis, a young woman twentyuvo years old, tiller :1 mysterious disappearance of two months, returns home with an extraordinary story (but >llu was drugged by n woman in u railroad train, taken to n (Jarret in :1 miserable house, where she knows not. The woumu deprived her of her elo- thiug. and tltttdltlt'd her :1 prisoner there for ten ww-ks, and then led licrawuy bliudlblvlcd and allowed her to c,~c:ipit. She walked bout-.1 in .t destitute Condi- tiou, looking ten years older than when she disappeared. house when: shr- wns detained is :1 head- quartch for lirmule thieves. who go out di~;_:ui,-‘c»l by Wi:5 and paint, to deprc- ' date. Ilcr clothts were used by the thieves in some of their expeditions. Thu police are greatly puzzled und mys-i . titled. not knowing qu-ther to hazard Not-Lou for carrying unlawful “'“flpvn‘, 3 rind :ippmr-‘nl b-{nrx‘ James “it‘lth J. l’.. lt‘l .‘Inmlzty. As he was. not or- r-wtcd with the revolver on his person, llt‘ Could not be lined; but he was: bound near to kr‘l‘rl the pace tnwztrdï¬â€˜v all of Her “1thka subjects for six months, and hzrl to pry $3 70 C3313. TIâ€: Qt'tittV's Ilmrnmv.â€"-)Inu:lay lust. the 25th in~t.. was observed as a holidny In I’cm‘ion I“.tlls. and the Streets no ceitbmtiou of any kind. and nnnv lf Her villuvrs icit by the. mornin :â€" w.» ,: :i~-l.ln:. In Lind-if; the .I‘ rlzn- "y a- lurw, b it th.» "' i~ - I. “up mi" It <Ix !.t- “on rim. “(is 3 credit to Illvtll II'U'I vi v.‘ :t~~ i ~< I u w Lit-1 - l-ri'. even from conv lll'tf'd' vEJIxr-a not only from the. .‘liss [tennis 3- the victim of a curious . delmiou or as the subject of a real ex- purieucc. â€"â€"â€"â€"--»â€"â€"~. - >â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" A Child’s Peculiar Death. A remarkable fatality to a child one 3 year and nine months old has just been ; iuvc~timtcrl at Little llcmpston. On Friday the diseased was taken out by a neighbour's child, and ainmst imme- diately was heard to cry, as if in great pain. The mother rushed out. and r-l_|~’«'.-I'\'t,‘~l a large game fowl standing upon the head of her child, who wss‘ It :~ ~e‘3uh‘ tint {in} child hurl pn..::d the tail’ lying upon its book in the road. "it the bird, which he! immediately turned upon it, knocked it down,: struck it snrzgciy three or four time: in succession Willi its spurs. The ' examination shone/l it. l ;(;‘l The statement seems , . . 'llluust incredible, but >lttÂ¥ snvs that the ; show th.it the axle will be a large our. ‘ ' . tun. thc' in length, had . skull behind the left ear, and all efforts to Save its life were unveilingâ€"Liver- pool Journal. Return of the Voyageurs. BIII'I'ID’H GUV I'lIIN .‘1 £5 1'. annnr, .‘Iay 25.â€"-.‘Ir. J. Ilem- : inuton, of Three Iiivt‘rs. returned this ulteruoon by the steamship Huuovcriuu the British government after the death spur of the fowl. which W1: two inchesl pcnctrucd the child’s? MERIT PROVEN. Dollsr upon dollar Q.» t‘nq'iently spent on the faith of r-‘r ' entirely worthless. So! so with Main-goes Speedy Curr. You an: not asde to purv - chose it until its merits are prown. Cull at 3 Wm. E. Elliss Drug Store. Frnelun Falls. TIâ€: MEN LUIERALLY TREATED BY THE v in command of the Canadian voyaccurs, 3 to which position he was appointed by I ; of the lute lamented Colonel Kennedy, . of the voyugeurs from Egypt. Mr. 0u>lii, and came up by the International ahead of Ill: men on board, to make transportation, without stoppage, tor their several homes by mil on the arri- \al in port of the steamer. .‘Ir. Remington states that the do» tachmeut numbers 513 men. of whom 2'3 are for Winnipeg, 2 for l’ctcrboro’, I for Three Rivers, 28 for Ottawa, and 3 for Montreal. These complete the bul- ! mice of the Canadian party who went to Egypt last year, with the exception of those who died during the campaign, and some thirty-seven who have re- mniucd behind. Of these lust three are ' hospitul in Egypt, and ï¬ve in sick to hospital in London, the remainder havâ€" ing remained over to visit their relatives and friends or on pri'utc business in the British Isles, France and Norway. When they are ready to return they will be forwarded free of charge, the 1 same as the others, by the British gov- ernment to their homes in Canada. Mr. Remington speaks in the highest terms of praise with regard to the kind nnd liberal treatment of the voyageurs by the government. -. A renewal of the Communist riots is expected in France. ' A broom brigade in South Dakota lately saved a town from destruction by prairie fire. The Earl of Selkirk, who died very rich lately, left a year's salary to all employed on his estate. The improved fog-horns now in use on the Atlantic coast can be heard for a distance of twenty miles. California is to print, and sell zit cost, the text-books used by the quarter of a. million school children in that State. A footunm, :22 years old and 6 feet 10 inches tall, advertises for :t position in a. recent number of the London Times. A Louisville voter had the first, teeth of his grandchild mounted on a gold pin and wears it on his scarf us an ornament. A Georgia man paid a forty dollar Iin imposed upon him for failing to appear as a juror, rather than acknowl- edge that, he was over jury age. A recent invention for the use of electricians is square wire, which is claimed to be not only mechanically, but electrically better than round wire. Two cases of cholera are reported to have appeared on an inward steamer. The patients have been landed at the Grossc Isle quarantine station. A Russian inventor has devised means of so impregnating wood with at certain chemical that. matches from it can be used several times over, thus effecting a saving of at. least 75 per cent. It is said that 90 per cent. of the enormous trade between England and British India passes through the Suez Canal. Two-thirds of the business done through the canal is of Anglo-Indium origin. The British Cabinet have decided that overtime and night work in the Royal Arsenal shall be resumed. Or- ders were also given to expedite the armament. and manning of several occau steamers. The Indian Medical (laxctte records the deuths of seven shepherds in the I‘uujnub district from being struck by hailstoucs of the sine ol coconuuts. A large number of animals were killed by the storm, which, from the accounts, produced missiles quite as dangerous as the Russian CiIllIl()II-ltllll.\‘. a dog, and made this argument nlter paying; license for him :â€"“ lu )llclu- :1 dog. In Tennessee they assess :1 man 50 cents to become a. doctor. ‘huluf a, tollnr’ more to be u do: in Michigan than a doctor in Tennessee. ' Don't be a dog." l.’ouudu.:tko:r, Iled Pheasant, Strike and Little l’iuc, ludiuus now in mind» nowued iu the annals of war, but they ntimcs ol the great gcucruls oi luuropc. FLUID LIGHTNING. cd :IlnM-‘t intolcrlhlg' from Tulzlllztr'lxl‘. NH:- * r:tll.‘i’l, or like :lcutc pains. untold l.Ic==iu: in ï¬rm nflrnulilc. No d5:- l priming: nth-mire medicine to be Minn for ' duy-z Uno- uppiimtirrn nfl’luid Li lllllilIL'. cures. Sold :tt Wm. H. Ellis‘s Drug Store, . , l“t;tlt:lU-'l Flill§. ; WHAT TO DO. l If troubled with on unhealthy. Slow-brail- int: sore. use )lrtlrr-gnr k I’nrkc's ('nrlmlir. Cemtc. You will find it invulunlvlc for Il".tl- your trout-l". . Idit’: with it If the lllmwl is out of or'lvr. n fur Iilll'l‘l IS. 30th. thc wife .1: Mr. William J. fielder of n dunghter. )Iny .b. the mic of In. Archibald ‘VIIOUII ofu son. Lintâ€"In the township of Penelon. on Mark C! n -'lfliJ;,'l‘.i('r. I)Ili1D. H IJZt'quzâ€"In Boonie": May asst. Annie Eizzrlt ". In; and. ‘gwl 25 years. {returnâ€"l: (lacunae on 'v'o‘crimsior. j May 27th. Mary Ann, at .{ ."Ir \Vzliiam J ?.€.lv.‘ z; ‘1 J; you: «1.1 . 1‘]: i illemiugtou left the steamer at Him-- I l I made _ of Winnipeg. on the return to London 1 the necessary arrangements for their' The cditor of 3. Michigan paper liltS‘ gun they assess :1 dog,' for SI for beltth :' It costs 3 and got a the bottle. and if not C.‘n\’ll|\'(‘d that it will cure you of the Worst form of Dyspepsia. Liver t‘mnpluiut. etc. no mutter of how lo g standing. it costs you nothing. Sold in f-‘ve. and Si bottles. Sec trstitmr ninls from persons in your own town. FI‘INEIJIN FALLS MARKETS. Report! I by .vt'l’fltlyzlfl d‘ Bran Inn. It‘cuclon Falls, Friday, May '.‘:'th, ISST. Wheat, lull, per bushel - o " I 3;: I. \thut, spring. " - - â€" o :m Hurley, per bushel o . . tzu Unis, " " i u . - 4o I’eusc. " “ - ~ - ~ I‘m lyt‘, ‘: “ - - - - fut I’otnto-cs. -- . - _ - 3;, Ilutter. pcr Ih., - - - - - If» Dressed Hugs. per loo lbs., 5?. on SE» 7.3 liver. per ton lbs, - - - st 5-1 $5 on Hugs. per dozen, - - - - 1n ll Sheepskins, - - - s - 50 7" “Cl‘r IIlIlt'.‘. - â€" - - $5 I") Sti Oil Hardwood. dry. sawed. - S'.’ '30 $3 (HI Hardwood. green, $13 5'1 llny. per ton, - New Advertisements. FARM FOR SALE For snlc, that well known Farm consist- ing of purl of Lots “' -1 ’l‘oxvnslxip 01' I‘cnc‘lon, containing ITS acres, HO cleurcd. This property is in every respect lirst-elnss, Ilt‘llll- tifully situntcd. lnkc ft'onttgc, good build- ings. convenient to market &C. For terms npply to R. E. GLANVILLE, Loxnox, ONT. lS-d' London, .\Iny 27th, 1885. ORPORA'I‘IUN OF THE (lOl'N'I‘Y Ol" VICTORIA. Notice is hereby given thut the Municipal Council of the lttt‘porzlliull of the County ot Victoria will meet in the Council Chamber IN THE COURT HOUSE, â€"in theâ€" TO‘VN 01“ ILINI)S;\\'. on 'I'ucsdny, THE 9th DAY OF JUNE, 1885, nt 1'2 o'clock noon, for the transaction of genernl business, pursuuut to standing rules of council. T. )lA'I‘Clll‘l'l'T. ('otlnly ('Irr/l'. } 1.1-2. ï¬es-ms SALE: FARM PRQPERTV --I.\' 'I‘Illlâ€" Township of Somerville, IN TIII‘. COUNTY OF \'I(‘.TUIIIA. Cot'xrv CIJ-Iltlt's (IEFIHH, Lindsay, .\Iuiy Zloth. 1%‘5. There will he sold 011 Saturday, June the 20th, 1885, lit the Auction Rooms of Messrs. (Ilivcr Coutc & (in , 57 King linst, in the City of Toronto, by virtue of at power of sulc con- tnincd in n ccrlztin Mortgage. which will be produced at the sole, tnc followqur property: Lots Nos. 50 .t' 5| In the Front Ilnnuc 0n (lull Itlvcr, In the Township of Somervllle, County of Vlclm‘lll, contniuiug 23?: acres more or loss, excepting thcrcout lll ucrl-s oil of the west cud oI suid Lot 50, heretofore sold. The following improvements nrc sold to he on the premises: About It) ncrcs elvurwl, huving thereon in. future burn und two sheds. “Reruns :â€"0nc-tcnth of the pliI‘ClltlrL' money to be paid down on the day of sule. For huluncc, terms will be mudc known lit the snlc. For further purtlculurs apply to JONES BROS. & .\I.\()I\'l~2.\'7,ll~}, Solicitors, Nos. .3 k I; (Yunqu I'crumucnt lluildiugs, 'l‘orouto St... Toronto, or to Gm. CI’NNINGIIA", I’truclon l’nlls. Toronto, .\luy 'Jlst,188.'n. 15-1. All(‘l‘.i()ll Halo. Ilmvn hccn instrllrtcd by [In .I. II. Lowt; to sell by public unctiou n! his ic-sidvlm: on Francis Street \\'t-~t, 011 Tuesday, the 9th of June prox., ! ntl p. Ill , the following vul'lublu Household Furniture: 1 Dominion“12111.! lint-“nu. I Shh-hoard. 3 lit-Alstl':ttl~. ‘_‘ (fulï¬l II‘HI' lll"l~l";trl '..’ .‘lul- trusses, 2 'l'npcstry Curio-H. I ltu\‘â€"<Iovc.l “fliw- Stove, l Sol I. L‘ Loung- câ€"', vi I’nrlor Clu:ii.~'.l lbw-Ling I’lriir. l Aim 1- I'm» .-4 ‘ Chair. ‘1 Tall ~.l livinlriun 'l'nhlc, l \Ynt lv llim-ou-tbc-lmck, .\Io>quito, Lucky .‘luu ‘ ‘ l \‘t'ringl-rd l‘lhilr~‘~-l|r.r"'. l lion in the Canadian North-West, Flljy'il “‘14 I‘l‘l'll‘lll'" 1“ 'l'l'm'm l'l‘â€"li“l'.‘-'- llihlr '1 the Chicago Timer, are not names rc-, are names that for simple beauty, case 5 of pronunciation, and grasp upon tlm' human memory, put to the blush the ' _â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"Iâ€"Iâ€" - 'I‘hr‘rc are but {cw who have nI-vcr snfl't-r- ' To thv-m -'ur:b » nu inctnnt rt-licf n< I’luid Lightning: no ‘1 lug. clunâ€"‘ing. nnd cunplctcly numb-ring“ (lust-c (If .‘ICIlrt-gnr'sl 2 Speedy Cure, from W. H. ELL-Y's Drug Store. F:n:r.r:2.â€"In (.‘ul nconk. on Tuc=dny. May . Wuéov â€"ln Fem-Ion rails. on Sunday, ~ on Wednesday, May 27th. the “all: of Mr. Elisha} :TRCNKS ; 'L' '3. 7.†'.'.'.~ ruin-.4 \VII‘II'rllllI'lnl ll-rolzl‘:i~"- (v (..Iltll]l'!, Ill‘lli‘l 5v -.vâ€" Crockery, (ilunwnu: (ma. Furniture “I ltrf.‘ Uillt'i' and n number 'll'nv-xv Stovepipm. .‘llâ€"o, One Brown Mare, 7 years old. I Doggy. with l.tmp~ and top, l I";Il"l'. ‘J‘ I Hulw. Flatbll' l'Iit'-. sr-(s nl' .‘iilt‘glt' ll.’ ‘ur '4. mimic. und atrium: other nrlil'lcs too uninv- - rim; to nu-utiou. 'l‘v'l'nIP-i :-â€"~:\ll sum: of kill hr “what 3 cttb: will be given by Iurnlshiug :Ilvllrtl'n’wl {1.x i ovv-r [but nnmont ~ix mouths" error}: notes. .IA .‘llfï¬ .l. l‘ltl'f ill, ll.l"'":. I L"): I"(‘ll"lf.li I‘.Ill‘. .‘iluy it... w iI-inprove_Â¥_»o_ur Stock. 'l‘iw ~~ ny' if," ' but? no i: :‘2 rvgbio-wl z'WIZ‘JTI". I fl: Li~ I..H:l vim: 'l') ;:\r<.â€"I tar “Nil/tr r'rt lb 3': ml: t'lr'v. .IHIIK A. lIl.l.I"‘. I’vn-lml. .‘vl ir'“; [up A {ll Fum- l:::'l-'~ 7i. : , .I’ gunrzut- r l. ' "Emilie-111' rind" a complain ï¬liiufllhl'l't! u! ï¬fel-I’lu-l i'..-, tj-v, Curr} womb; llrftelt'k, ). .... '49 ntlmr LtflltJi'fb, at .105. Nevisou's IIarm-ss Shop. 7 (‘ nur'v :HIâ€"U :r::- r. ram w ..'.’.\.'. I ’. '4,†. I. l'-\c>.‘.: 'II‘Hllt’. . 3,; .. tunicnvlsuuns for .trtirlcs. (v 2'5, Con. 8, in the l Iv\'|',z llllll ll HEAVY HARNESS.“ lCOURT OF REVISION.- thtirc is hen-Ivy given tint! the Court of Revision fer the cut; oration uf ;lhe Village of lenelon lalls will be held in the Council Chamber in Jordan's Block. in the said village. On Saturday, 30th of Muyinst., at the hour of to o'clock a. in. All parties interested will take notice uzzd govern lht‘tt:st‘i\‘cs accordingly. til-2U. t‘l’.\'.\'l.\'tlll.\.\l. l'illayr Clerk. Fenclon Pulls. .‘Iay Isl, I335. ltkll. GROCERIES â€"-.\Nl)â€" PROVISIONS. } J.)Ic1<‘.-\llL.\.\'D l has now on hand :I splendid stock of line fresh ‘l‘cz q l l r , L /( (f ‘ 7 7 Sugars. Syrups. Tohuceos. llice, Raisins Currants. Starch, Soups and oil other groceries, which he will sell Chen 1) for Cash, and to whicli he invites the. attention of the public. EBDEKIRI, lillllllllll, I‘lurlbcnwnre, Brooms. I’uils, “'nshtubs, lllackingvbrushcs, Clothes pins, Matches and other articles in great variety. Canned lish, Hull ll Vegetables of the very bust brands und at the low- t'SI ptlrslblc pl‘lt‘t‘S. (‘ash 'nitl I'or Ilutler & Eggs and other form produce. 115;“ Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH .‘It‘l’;\lll..\.\'l?. I’cnelou I’ulls, .‘luy L’llud, 1385. To the Fri-1111ch â€"(>l" THEâ€"â€" County of Victoria. THOMAS ROBSON, l-‘rnclon l"nlls .lmn Foundry'and Machine Shop, hch to cull the lIIII‘IIIiOI] of the furthers Id his celebrnlvd Boss Floug‘h, that is giviinr so much sullsfucliml. t-rs in mint of good HARROWS would do well to inspect his lurgc stock of Steel ll:lI'l'U\\‘S, Iron Ilurrows nnd Wooded Ilnri'mvs, :Ill ut l’lllCliS T0 MEET THE TIMES; A gent for IlIt' ,\lu~‘<cy Alzttltil'uctllring “of! 'l'unov'ro lllNIlllll. the )l;t<~ey llAnvks'rnn, tho celulmitml 'l'tutoVTo .\Iowi:u und Sonny’s Ilium -â€"-nc equul, :tll nt reduch prim-s. THOMAS HUDSON, l'mmrnu lulla- Iv'uumlry': Iv‘euelou Iv‘nlls, .‘Inrch I‘.‘th, IHSS. :t-Iy. F'nrm-' lllllllï¬l Ill BUSINESS. BARRETï¬itOTHEES t‘cspt‘t‘lllllly inform the residents of I-‘cnelon' I’ulls nnd its vicinity that they bnvc recent-I l_v ltlll'tfllllrl‘ll Mr. John Alltllitl'n ' reticular â€"â€"A N l)â€" G Elï¬bé) ERY. l.x1=iuc,~s. nud will t‘tilllllltlt‘, to supply on“ toms-ls with the fCHOlCE BREAD for which the old ~hop but nlwuys bet-n' nutml: nod lltul. huviuv; :v-curt-d the uer-‘ \‘ll‘t~ul~1tIll‘rlntltlrrl Pallyâ€"Bull and Conleclluner. they will he prepan d to u-Il till the «Inpln' ’,.c~' in Ilnm- |ine~ oi the IN'E‘I qnnlily. They will uluo lump :1 good clock of . FRESH GRDGERIES, oil of which Will I.» «old ill the vervlowcutl livinr hrnhl. The Finest Fl'our' kwpl frillnlltltllj' on bond : nlso ()A'I‘S. llll.\.\' 3: SHORTS. llnm I'lrv'llll'“ Lilll'n in rw-hunw- for goods,- nu'l I'llin [mill for lluttl-r nod Hugs. , â€"-~â€"â€" I ICE or) TEAM. 5 .‘..'i l'-' a A" l, l'tvnm l‘.irlmtr will be opened M v)! 15' illiM‘.’ .‘I'l‘ III. .‘l - ,‘pl ‘ 'i l D. & J. BARBEITv l'wrll'lun l‘tll ..\p.’il rd, With. 94!. I 1â€; -‘ ire of public patronage is roll “Iii‘llr-l, w. .;.I Long-Felt \I’aiit supplied. j ck. (Ilzu'k A: Son, ,MERCHANT TAILORS, l-‘l-ZN 1': I..().\' 1'21 I‘LH' owl. pl-amm- in announcing lbd‘ , ‘ Jl-t put in an entirely New and «ML --;r!'twi stork 1.! Scotch, Engliab unq ADIAN TWEEDS A 5i! (ATIIILII “HOME, “l (Li-y '1†pH : and M made up in “W minoritst v' :13er Parties fernilbv 13;: 1mm trmlrnnl. with or withou! trlzzlr...r,;v can m- nicommtodlltd. 3 A II “'urh (.‘usu'nnteed. (lr‘f: 71f.;('l:'..:.'f p‘mrtunlly attended ‘0. .l'. ,cnn 4:\|‘.'l ‘â€" . ‘..