OARPETS AXD OIL-CLOTHS, No. 9 KEEXAN’S BLOCK, KENT STREET, LINDSAY, ONT. †PI SANDPOR'D gWar Against High Prices.g ‘ CLOTHING Seaside or Jersey F With all the Modern Improvements Flannel “u um Fave a†Per OCH“ 1)} I’ll-‘11â€?! at To be had onlv at tha- L‘it.‘ Tailoring ‘l 12150 of l “its-t)". Large ' ‘ is tho latest craze mum; I‘m rI.-I«- “ '1‘.» 1 ' stock of the latest norclties in Tow and >2. to ch‘msr I I I II I I ~ ’ 1' front. Scientiï¬c and Artistic t‘ut. Sim .. \l'urkmzi.._. .p. llurublr “'Nit'hus' i‘1=|I\‘*“' PW“: l‘t‘UHI‘l‘ "T" I- 3' 4 i‘ '- 1 ‘ ‘ ’ I 'l Trimmings, and a perfect tit iu thv latest and uohbwst stylrs. "'il1'~‘l"‘1‘l‘«i liIlV‘ -" RI“! :M‘ f‘il-l “I†$914.7} "1‘=“‘~ ~I3 -«' V‘ I I I . t’n|>lil|n('5 mm pnnIc-xlurly 1713.: 1mm; luwpn'», .t~ :- \ .t-r ~i has a large stock of . l I t r ~ \"~ \“ ' n t I a. I I . . \ I on hand, all gunrnntccd to be ï¬rst (31:55, which he “‘1†sell 3 I TO THE L.»\I)Il<33. inf-m lx‘xtIurIvâ€"tht‘ patterns tit-TI now-.3 1.3 In.I.\I.\I...‘1I_ ,\r. < t I we you†35k to†m “commend your thmm friends and ~kd0t‘l; out ItIor linI.:nIo.imuIs Lt‘lll )..l.‘\lttI\.II tIi. It ..I- .i “It , . I - I . ,. V I . | I ik‘t‘. to aurllu>> :ttHlttltlg hithrrtu will... u .-I\ Lit. it x . -.,-. ~ . c H E A P ___.__..â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" lacqumntanccs to bug (ltt‘ll' clotmngat the (It) Numt‘or tm umn ,IIIIh “,II t III,I- II .II-IIIIIII IIIIIII ,III,I 'I I . . I II “III â€"â€"â€"â€" ' é BUGâ€"ARE 1 CANNED Goons. 1no;21:33:21:3!mu3.213.121:1:21;;:1: : ‘ , > ~ - . L ) , CHI.“ .[ml M... hi; ‘thvk “f ‘ lf'll)E.R{-tl!1cd Sugar for - - $1 00 :British American Salmon, 1 lb. tius, l5c. pipes new, '5‘“) on g “dis I-IIIIIInI join a dIIbI go down m IaIII “a,†,0 Lu). v6 “.1†w"sum u a plt-murv 1.., 1m. ,I,,I,II, I, I n h I I . I . i l i U “ “Nilululed 5‘13“? {VT ‘ 1 "0 anlr’Sl‘h“ 1 I“ ll“ - ’ ' ' ' ’ 15"‘3- post-ofï¬ce After supper, ahd will always hurt the kindling in ) 'Y “i \ \' I I X17) s 12' -‘ Bright Sugiu‘ for - - 1 ‘30 Mackerel. l lb. tins, - - p p r 15c. i readiness for the mm,ng {ier ' _ ‘ ‘ . ISurdines French . narters. ' - 13:. I , I ‘ fl ' ); ]‘_\§()I‘I§<_ I b * " " 4* ' l l - ' ' SYRU 39- 1 do. ‘( do. ) isms - . 25c. l GEIVL LLAIEN II XI ‘ I o - - ‘ - â€" ‘ ' Q I s ' - ‘ - . ~, . x . a v ; ‘1‘. . ‘S: ' "l . 1 “ENE xlt‘ L" i ‘- F trmers rat-quirin-r a horror; Will do well to Inspect 1115 Spring: 3 55mm“ ("Men ’0? ' ' ’ ~l 1" tTW*=10°I3231b_-““=: - - - - e 100- 5 who ‘luty their Ctottnng.>1nns. Lullnrs.T1t-s. mun- and 1 ndor~ ,‘ui‘II'IIIi‘III'uS‘IIIfII’I-L‘II‘“If: “I II‘I‘III I II I I‘II I ' ‘1 1‘ , . I I I ' ‘ . . , l 1 HA TEAS TAl’l’les- 3' lb- “‘5‘ . ' ' ' ' ' “JC- wenr here will live longer. make mort- money. \rvre licttt-r tilotlws. in“ k. “III B :1. will; ',.,',.,‘,.' .,. u , ‘ , . 100th Ilfln""â€- “Vln‘r'll m". .lll"! t H‘ t “Hg lâ€! long 1 “I†‘ U ' I I I I ' I 11â€}6 1’9301195s3lb‘flï¬5- - r - - 300- pay their pew rent more promptly, go to church mort- rt-gulnrl)‘. II‘IIiihwEil k. _H‘ ‘3'“ im'lllï¬f 11,; ,,:,,-‘,‘,-,5‘,.‘ .. 1-3,. ., I. L“ \ ,. _ “Lu kt‘t'IL‘ {lit- liilltnt'llt‘l lilt‘lll IllitClllllCS: i Sl"";“‘l 1‘“ m Jill'flm 3‘15! flrrlvod, ï¬nest , Plilrtlpplt‘i- lb. tlnS. - - E ' 380- and marry prettier wins than any other class of men. I;‘Io Iii“? "‘ u “ ‘ ‘ “-"“ l'†H ‘ ' ~ ‘ i ‘ i “flue 1.“ P‘mm‘h‘ “inâ€! w {my ‘w cum “Elihuâ€: 3 1h; “"5‘ ’ , ' ' ' ' ’ l‘c‘ l A gentleman writing us from Winnipeg, acknowledging the L ‘L- ‘ ‘ l m we min-kt." 3†mms 1’†lb' ‘Em‘vbcrï¬cszg lb‘ “"5? ' ’ ‘ II“:- reccipt of his new suit. dost-rims his feelings “5 follows :~. " ’ ’ ’ N 1V R “(I [1“5- 3 ’~_“â€5i ' ' ' ' ’ ’ 7‘“ l Dun Sinsâ€"Suit just rt‘NlVL'd perfect tit. satisfactory in every I“ ~ I v. s‘ l - t E F . Ir];- Hjor“: 3 n" “"51 ' " ' ' ' " 1250- , particular. I enclose $15 drnftyin payment. Donut-d suit this 1:1“ IN l i ' ‘ ’ ‘ l Em“ (',“""â€.l':‘ 13, ll‘s' "i’r ' ' $1 ('0 EPWSI '3 “1' WE: ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' “it†1 morning. imagined} \rus \vxtlking on air, and drcutnt that! Md “'0 intro nhont (vim remnants ot Uri-“- timul< nml l':'::'\ u" .. I i t u x “cm†“HEW†1†Il's' fâ€! 3 m.) “““â€5' 2 n" “"i f ' ' ' ' ' lgic- ; a dintnond scorf pin, it sixtv-tive dollar suit purl had just married we are out-ring nl grunt bargainsâ€"now lull ~ 1.. I, 3 Livapomlcd Applos. It. “:5. for - 1 Lu) Ipwtpkins, '2 ll). uns â€" . o p . - 12%.; I “Ch Impossible to get gremcr perfeclim] in a suhI full drl.SSI bu, I,“ “rm. “Huugh M “Him. ‘ .1â€, III II_I I, ~,- “In ‘ ‘ H ' " “Wmâ€- W ' - 35 ' ‘ ~ 1- ‘ - l~ ix I 51'1 n m is ran-<s..u- :. mutt. l>:.--~. 1.1 m- E < t' ' H l ( ‘. I l hour re: suttnllg. t\ t .u t t. 4 nr. 1 ‘1“(1 1' imund “H1 I†L H‘Hhr Ad )5 ‘1â€) “IL 1’ -" Curl.Y per iii. - - - 13 b l[)â€"â€"â€" Jâ€"v. mints lnnt- rt-coivt-d wtirthiug ortlt-rs and “ill strut} Int-w .t! -â€"â€"“â€" _ . chctnhlrs illnpncknge 15 . I . ,I . VI ‘ ,. l T031 5 l , - l' s - t L the )ri“ marked. .8. A†kind†III. PLIIMNII IIHII, II, JIM†"mimI \ n.1,)â€: Pnnemq 0, “mm†I DIIIIIIII AIIIIIIIIII I5 “Ii IFIIIF _ _ I 1 (m FIuIcIst SLIIlIlk.IIIlIe:II(IIhemng - I 0 Brs. Soothemu, Cut "'0 k Mark, 1 llldJL). )n 1 u [Sits kept. on hand. and mid :tl tl.r- lr-w‘m'r [Ir/rm. lltvltStl-FHUEHL; :lllll JUIHHNH I Fit; Jnm .jmr lb. â€" - - - - - 1‘3 ., Giféh‘cwinp- 5. W. : : lb:! _ I ‘ T ï¬ ï¬ a 7 a npncialtv. All llxtutus limit!" in u lit>l~mu$~i tnnnnct' uud on :llOl‘L notice. Sonic “WONT-"I" Jim] P" “I- ‘ I- - - 10 II I ° l I l 9 rs t l I J; I k . h ‘ “I J Blv,.,.llI.‘. I. III ,II 1 Also it 'lnrgc and chmce assortment. of Also cut mucking Tobxtccos of the best I II I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ I c “p “mum ' MW ’ ' " M '1‘ ‘ II d I d I I Oranges, eruns, 133105, Figs. Nuts, Con- hmntls. nnd the tiuvst brands of Cigars and CIT‘Y Dll-;&1)1Clkï¬ x331) L’L!) lllllulm‘, llc l’CLUI'lH sim-erc lltultln thr tlw lib -r;t‘. Pilll’ï¬nfl'lf‘ (“-‘boWeB on iim urInL't 10 g dice. Apples, Piucapples, Hummus kc. Cigarettes. I _ I w v" ~ -- -‘ - - - ' I " ' - ' l I . . No 2 ’ ' - - 2 ors West of the Post Ofï¬ce - - Kent Strret Lmnsa '. past. 14 yturs, uud \.1.l .puu. no pun tn thLllL .1. (,,I1ut.ltluttl)(.c ut it In tho future. m, A huge “gunmen, of CrockeryI GlasswnroI )Mk paanI Preserve Jars and I . DObSOll S :BlOCko D0 . . 3 : Butter Crooks, all of which will be sold at we]: buttnmprir'cs. i 7 ~ ' - ' ‘W. ‘V’. BLOTT: GIVING UP BUSINJnS’S?‘ WI MIDSUMMEVRC (1883M l LHNERY_ ._INâ€" . ‘ O. I ll y - IL .I, I I I I rSI ; I F E N E L 0 N F A L L SI Gout, to Malta Anulhul MOI 6. mt 1111121 .111 [$00118 1111) 11111111 HUHSE.I JUST AS SOON AS I CAN, Great Clearing Midsummer , n I I I , fit-.1 I“, SI" ("mfg/’79 if.“ lHl Wllflll STllull ll] Bl Silll lllll ll Elli†w||_|_ SELL HUT MY STflGK @111 L031; (JDQDQGIFANM my 3933, 3r- 4’3 - I] '5‘, i ‘3 ( ’l 4““ A 9 - «ï¬-NB MAKE TRACKS The following lines to clear out: _.:.wI-- havin'.’ ‘lt'Cllll‘il to rvtirt- l'rnm i1:1.~im-~~. will Nell [ln‘ wholu nl' the FtoCk of new an: as tint“). I: _ ) t ' (NIH is :11 ("-‘l. in I-rtlvr to t-ll' or :1 t nick sale. The stock I I DSI ‘I †' “' Ԡl ‘ » Come for Bargams at Cost: or LeSS- 11031131217 inn GLgvns Dress Goods. Prints. 'l‘wt-wls. Shit-tings. Shootings, "I‘ch-ltngs, LESS THAN “I‘DSIH' PRHIESI 'TlVEEDS AND CLOTI‘HNG‘, I “‘ Tallies Lint-us. ll‘litlllli'lï¬. i‘t'wtoIiIII-s. Quilts, 'l‘ulrlc (lovers, «irons limos. llnt-las. ('otiomult-s. Muslius, nudu ‘vae a .nice cash Business and will sell en ' ..,,... ._<.... \- .- "-‘N’ 7 ‘ »- , ,. ' 1. l.11,.t. dlltl \lt ll .t lu it (l .lorlt ol Lndlo. bloc if: n get a reasonable offer. Ci'hPS. I n I: 151nm 31.1.\n<ju.,1 “h, “HI ,,,,,I '1'â€, lltnsict‘It' :111t‘l Ulnt‘ten. " A Hlt'v' llll of : in grrut \‘Ii!'ivl_\. 'l'nili-t Sl'lï¬, \':w~. I'linl-r men’s overalls†Shins 8‘ undernsh'rtsi 'A Rare Chance for somebOdy' $513? Positive Bargains in good honest Goods. ill?iiii'fi.‘.'.".‘.}2321’..fiii‘2}:‘5;.3:13:13.:13’.‘.i‘."{.j.'.iii is rcsprctt'ull)’ iuritt-ti. o In: rillll I t. t L cost. . G d Wh.tn C: ,tI m, lLESS ,han Mill Prices F1. » No 'Trashy Cheap Bankrupt Stock; MRSI HEELEYI T937 an 1 V 05 ans 8'“ l“ ' :sign 0f “Lil Red Fla", but every article guaranteed to be as represented Hum" WI" my 7â€" hi." Ixmv i-t.[ln; time to bu)- [m- Hoods. who,†you run not thcm zit wliolusnlopriccs. 11111111111qu11uuuuu111,111unuuuuuus. mm IN THE NORWWEST WAC““‘S°“"â€Â°";HUGH McDOUGALL_7)nllcm1 W‘ The whole Stock must be sold out in a short timcâ€"no rosin-re. I I I_ I WEI AI REGANII and war at, the Falls Fenclon Frills, July 9th, 1580.. II III I . ' r l 3 o Interesting to Everybody. 0 ~ A Ipv =4 )' ' T ‘t l F We are just receiving our Spring .Stock. and when completed will show the I haveJUSt 1'8“:le thallm‘flcfb “00k ‘09 FMIOYIGIOO‘IS 9V0? Offered in the village A “1†“gm,†“,0,†“I I u largest and host assortment. of Roots and Shoos over shown in Fenelon Falls, -0f1‘e“°l°“ I‘Mlsrcoml-‘mng 0* ‘ "*"id‘“"°“"‘°"d‘°s°†MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. McCall‘s 1;,m;.,â€.g1.,n._ J O H such as Violins, Banjoes, Accordeons, Concertinns, Mouth-organs & 'l‘nmbouriuos. I I) II II III\ II“I H 'orcaSI .\vc.wi no ' 0‘un(CI‘SO( I anv crsonin 10 coun ,. ' " ' i l’ . 'i l : ."\‘ EEALEE IN W“ ‘ †‘b ‘ †“1 -~ 1‘ “ ‘y W -' 'all Papers and Wmdow Bllnds, on ,,.,,,,, .,,,., “in I... EHARDWME Mm “WES-10“†“"Elfli’.lilii.l..§5“°l~'°‘" PA,,§$§jâ€Â§ï¬j§j"§ï¬T-WI m.†O . 'we‘am filï¬O'Sl‘OWlng'“ Mixed Paints of all Shades of colours, ready {or the brush, on recoil ,1 ()l' Privp by :ntu now in n- ]Iosillinu .lo oil'or ll ' “l } i l v ' . I Pictures and I’icture 17‘ 11111054., ii i. II L A GIPIIHEMIJ gï¬BonghOIE A S, and a ï¬ne stodk of Trunks, Travelling Bags, Vuliscs and Ludics' Satchels; nlso, wm. , .. n ’ A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, punch)" FIIHIIII AIIIII, “III IIWII and Wood bargains. (‘nt :md \Vt‘nltg‘llt Nails. Hinnrcs. Latches , _ , , r )v - - r " Torrid Ft'ltlllu‘ :md llrv l .inin;r Volt. Manure and Hay Forks’ Y Stationery, Perfumery und Toilet. articles, and a very ï¬ne Itssortnient of“ __I II I i ï¬nd"?- SPlCI‘did 10‘ 0f nowauernsiin Waztches, Watch Chains, Rings, Brooches and Other Jewelry, ] )n i 13' _,,\ pr; V :I I5. Spades nud Shovols. :mil :1 \‘vry l'ull lino of general Ilitrdwat‘ct A great and long~lblt wont supplied! CR OCIKIERYV & (s’J-JASSWVARE. Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. 'all and/umprrt. 1hr sun-7:. Call early, and we will do our .besMoscnd you away happy. ’STEPIIICi ' NICVIHON. B I k B I C A h E t E a I A G E S an? Remember the placeâ€"Sign of Tm: LITTer Mun. ' 'Fcnélon 'Falls. April 9th,188;'). orrosrri: Till-2 I-tm'r-orru'n II II I II I II I ’ , ,A 1%- DI. BUTLER. ’â€"'“â€"“ ._._â€"â€"-... ..... _ ) a . . rid-3.; ‘ A lair-Ian slook (va 'Fenelon Falls, Aprll 8th, 1881'). - & . I )OO is I ( ) l i) [‘1 -~~-~m -_._. at city prices. in various stylus. ï¬ï¬‚flKlNG-STBVES AT GUST. Pressed Milli-Pains. mmmlhcturml from stool plate, :It give-away prices. llt‘ml-tlttut'tt‘rs liu‘ __.____...__â€"â€"-â€" NEw FURNITURE gFAcTuRY' luihu lnha’hflanls ul Penulun Falls and Surrounding Cumin,EM HUN!- 0 ‘Thc‘undersigncd respectfully informs the public that his new factory ‘ . l e g l“ o l l Having purchased the stock, ctc., of Mr. John A. lullis, and l ,.,E9f.n..,,..,p,§,,,f 1.. 717119 I) 1.0N FRANGIS STRFfET’ PFFELO,†FALLS, made large additions thereto, we hog to solicit :I mutiuImm-ol“"1"â€- ' ' ' J ‘ A l ' ‘ A ’ A ' ' “7 7 1 '5 mm m in†running order’ and IS mm "P “m a“ mammary necessary to of the support extended to him, and We will use our utmostl G. A. METIIERELL, I I I ' turnout. work at short notice. in-thc‘bcst possible manner and at. moderate prices. . ~ ~ - ' " 'l nrps :md \nrmsln-s, l endeavours at all tunes to make llt'tt‘cs suttslzu-torv t0 “W? “It'll . ' "H if†""". " - l\¢-nI-.~.l.. llinclsuy. Kc}. The " Unis-Iv" (lil Stun-l llnx‘t- Vuu sutni .it 1‘ all Who may fawn†"5 With moi" lâ€m“_’“".'-:'C- 0â€â€œ “Wk “mi '.tn.1..-.t-.v, mm“ 1- gm 2“ .’ Ft-lit-lon hulls. April l-‘nth. [$85. ‘ I be fom'd Coml’lcw m ' ‘ l I \ “I I kept constantly on hand and sold as cheap as thecbcupest. ' ~"-*â€"-â€"~~*~----â€"â€"-: , . , . GENERAL 111100511153 AND PROVISIONS..,,,..,.,,,,,. , ’ UNDERTAKINC A SPECIALTY. cnocxnnv, GLAssw-Anz, am, I FENELON FALLS ’ h e B a ’ A largo number of Collins to soloct from.and a handsome l‘lcnrsc furnished when Try our thev Wm Plums†W,†but], in Nip“, _ . I z I " rt uirod. Orlll‘l'S gulit'ihvlumIs/Ih'qriu‘lion gunmnhcd. Sash and Doors made to l - , ' r u I , I , . ‘ , , I I _ I I I I» 'l'iu- :ill'.rt' If , 5. .‘ . I. a 0:10, on Show “mice and of [he bur, materials and quohty. III addition to tho .tl)()\(, m, lune Alan .I Loot, I I,“ .,,I.,_,,.. “I.†II I I , II bikini," ""1 4‘ ' ' . ' a. and Well selected stock of 1 ’7' “s ' “yr " " \r 1 ‘47 i V.†AL I 1*. {AB C18 b Plilfllu l. EAbl‘. ,,â€"-â€", w- I , , ,Onij-aï¬irqmm S“ l. I, Mens’ and Women’s Boots 8: Shoes,""u;,: , I Ftll'lllCl‘Sï¬' ' D ___‘ i m) w ' which will he sold as low as the lUWL-sl. .‘MN h†M": J" “I, I, . 4t. Clal'k L" SOII, .Ynlngq l‘c‘QI](h('tt‘I]]]\'. , 134.. lnrt i‘tlj \; {,1 , vI.I , I, , gâ€. -â€"â€"nt‘ THY.â€" I _- I_ . _, . i . MERCHANT TAILOR _ on..thon & nonson _ _ ,I Pull“ " m “ ‘ml “1 : l/l FENELON FALLSIS‘ Fcnelon Falls, February 18th, 1887). l "i ' "‘ ‘\ " "‘1‘ I . ,. Dress & Mantle Maker, ,huvo much pleasure in announcing that . Ni », ï¬â€˜ ‘ . I V’ ' . . '0 I I â€"_â€"_ 'tl..-t- l;.l\'€ 'u~t mt in an ontirclv New and v“â€" u y milâ€"â€" V J ’-'>‘V-r~-l “up .I '11 '1 n ~I. w "'1' Dl‘l ( Illllllh llt 11l1111u l. lllll 11101 I . morass 13.93501“, N0 ADMISSION FEE a, * ’ B- v , ' I ,. U - - V II - ‘V A ‘ k'lllflfln n s I , I r ' “r 5" i h 'c A u A n I A N T w E E D 8 T0 the Great Control Show 0f "film-CIHYfiilgni 0'11" 1 “it .....;.1.--.1-t, a 1w 1 In: , i should call and we the lion laundry and Machine Shop, I f which they are prepared to made up in the I _ , ,I I I, V, I II I I I I I ' NS.“- m Ct“ Ill“ “hr-“0" "l ‘he 135M510 must thi-lliunaitlc Styles. Parties furnish-3 B o O s A N D S H o ' PM“ ""‘ l “" J†.- --“'1 1"“:- l -x' mmmmpcm he wwmmm'lw‘ l which is now on exhibition at. ITllt' “ l'l‘llt'lflll l'ulls lizm'llr " {\ll \Vnrk (huu'nnteod. t . -r is: I. . nu oli'crrd :11 this establishment. pm... pm... “'I-’;7“‘f'1'15“TW‘U‘WMMW’iMAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT 5" <' . m #n “WOW-"d é ' "" ‘ ‘ h’l'llht 111mm x: ttw: M on m r ‘ 1 v, ‘v - I V . u j I . v A, I kcaoloupazis, April 15th, 1:3,. ‘ 'I IIIIII IIII III II .I I ,I 'I I ]§‘\ ‘X III‘J‘XI I H A R R o w You Will Find crammed with a general stock of the most (-nmplvti: nature I 1"" " v in Under-clothing. Clouds~ Shawls. Mitts. do, :I;=I:-153I:::Ii;:;r535:I155;33;: amt-meumnmmrsm-m†I ever offered to the W! of 3" "(Mum's 1111M!"- goodsnu grout demand at Ihts season. """“‘“"‘“‘ gt Gwen‘mcllcnc‘? *5 “1° d‘*"*"'~'“i=“i“: WU": “W1 “W?†in “it-"Wk . .' k I w . of new goods; nothing there for the purpose of catching the l;'\l: gm); but gurui II-I I I I I I III I 1139‘ 5-H?!- r‘lrffc’flmlriv “Y‘Hh'fl- " honest goods at honest PrlCcS, which if lmnr‘ttly uecvl wiil :iw: lmmwt u-rriw': to aâ€, r vv . .L I ,. , ._ v .. . i the wearer. Make I rush while the Hm‘k is fre-lt and wl-ll nullity]; Itâ€; prime :,-....-::-r a}... J .. , I. .' St. I Ages. :11: ...- hungry his. . tutuâ€"4;; Lo. 5 &o "e in“ mimd m the nuts of my cumumtrm III. .., ,. v. . a\Il\‘¢'l'liniIig Rule-H. l't’rd-‘v-JHHJ «.3 1 :.I.i,. ' TILâ€"1’): South. EItt;:t;-:)the‘IM:;.ry lirrT’snb't: ind urioui other nuclei, I! I k d 1. _‘_ Jrvr: 7:) , I Iâ€, Win.“ rw r F, ‘ 4 I 1 -'~ ‘4 . v... rut... )I ‘30-: “:2; > A s “A I I T un s an ‘7 a ‘88“ z e]. v ‘08 -). \Jiil .. :1‘4.‘ ..-. . .‘ 1'1 AJ' .42 «gut, ml :2 red-ltd racy: J05, NEVISODE Harness S1101), r 3 n.’ :tzi v : 1 - : , L. M A GUIRE. Kent 5L, Linllbflj'.i 1' , .-. .1 “E subscrilw tor the l-‘enelon Falls. “ Gazette." 01113131 THO-‘53»: 9-0350). Calbcrnn Enter. Penelnn Poll]. I ) flzvrz'. Loni-t Brain. '6- Ccliars warranted Repairing dose 1 I yell! H Pm‘l In advance. I Fezelo: $12.5, 3hr: lizb. 1553.. 3-1] v.2}. :enncu lad dispntch. 3134. I I