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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Jul 1885, p. 4

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Have You Thought About It? them were Greasdlsn. Sorgth Christie. 0‘ Bowmanville, was shot through the wh . _ ‘ _ ' "m .150" [henna getting“, gab wound. y suffer I single momth w hen you b“. md l “n can get immalute relief fmm all interpal gecmfimzrfiv?‘ 'h“k 3, mm or external pain: by the use of Pulscn’s .\er- “ I m in . better position“ (nu-i.“r viliue, the great pain cure. Ncn'iliue has E». ., ~& C. . ORQNTQ , i gave wayand was shot. About ten min- never been known tofail in asingie case; _ " l 7 ' . r 7 ’_ _ V V i. 8‘ i at“ but 1 '“lhOt through. the c‘” 0’ it cannot fail, for it is I combination of the I s . . ‘ l-- u i; . .‘ V . the leg. Iclawlednptothe villsgz, when mo" powerful pain whining "media, , a}. , .q ._ N _ g, . . . V ,V BOILER , ~ _ g; the doctor dressed my leg, sndi wascar- known. Try a ,0 Wm “mph home oil _. FO R _ ALL-QRURPOSE‘S." .; FOR THE FARMER- Farming. If we comider what farming is, or what it ought to be, we will come to the conclu sion that farming ought to be the managing of land so as to keep it in condition to pay for occupancy. There may be some land that will pay for occupation that will not pay for cultivationâ€"that is, some tracts of country which from the nature of the soil, A? horse at least. this ed. A horse broad in the forehead will be generally intelligent and kind. meme orihe Bias bled Soldiers leiafe Their Experiences. W . If the en‘ire NorthWes: had been In- smame Earthqyakfl' . . duatriously searched fora sanitarium no The recent qul‘e ‘0 ‘he (inked better spot cmld have been selected. States, recalls those of a more rerxrara-nph,ea houses (“mg on the p‘rer “met able character. known as Broadway are used for the pur- The most notable and disastrous earth- I We! of the hmpiu}. some Quakes on rec-3rd. it 1111? be war “a I roier sic: AND WOL‘NDED “1009 0‘ 10599"); “be” 1120in Pen?“ ‘ are on the list, the upstairs in two of the Dubbed, Hid 0‘ filcuiill'fill 'hen 00" houses being fully cccupled, a state of dad b‘Ck in ' "gm 1 M In“! work Nerviline. You will find Nerviline a sure cure for neuralgia, loothtt‘he, headache. Buy and try. Large bottles '25 cents, by getting up the bank on account of the firing. Which was pretty hot,l can tell you. After I was shot, Sergeant Wrighten, A from the price of labour, and from its adapt ability to remain in perpetual grass, would 000 lost their lives. According to Gib- bon, toward 542 each year was marked affairs that will become anything but do. eirable when the hot weather sets in, if Company, was shot, and then Corporal Dsly through the hand, when on the top all druggists. Beads of lead and wood are in much favor m ALLODIAL ARGU s, ‘ t, {\JENIS, d. &. d. T “ TORONTO SAFE WORKS. ESTABLISIIKQ 155.5. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE with the repetition of earthquakes of such duration that Constantinople was shaken about forty daysâ€"of such extent that the‘ shock was communicated t‘) the whole surface of the empire. . : Antioch a quar- we ever do have any really hot weather in the Saskatchewan. The upstairs of these houses, as of other houses in the “ town," is formed by utilizing the man- sard portion of the roof, and at present of the bank. Wrightsn, you know, was all through the Afghan war. and the rebels have the credit of wounding him. I am not going to return home but going on tothe front as won as discharged for trimming waists, fronts of skirts, and mantles. The smoker who has not yet tried the “Myrtle Navy" lobacco has a new pleasure pay exceeding well for grazing oi any kind of live stock, dairying or fattening, and for wool growing money could be made. This would be farming; and a system of cultivar Giving valuable informsqu to inlecdinl purchasers of ands Ind housed R. W. Prittie 8: Co. Real Estate Agents. Commissions-I. Vslnsfon. hus- tinn and course of cropping on good, free tor of I million persons are said to have the inside of the expmed pomon of the from hospim. My governor won” ask before him in the use of “the weed." An §$naé|i‘t‘ir_}q:filplm.uents items 0.. Arcade. A“) erl-Ihed. Th1! PerlOd Cf “Yakimake and roof forms the calling Shruqu lines me why the dancel "me homa for Inch investment of twrnty-five cents will furnish me Set. nimploummotthn INZ. m ‘ workng land, which would keep the soil P rich in plant food and allow enough for sell ing tocoverexni uses and pay interest on capi- tal, and also a profit to the occupier, would be farming, and good farming, too. There- fore it is easy to say what farming is; but robbing the land is not farming. It is I running down of the land. Many men have purchased a fine tract of land and accumu. laud a. competency from the abundant crops the new virgin soil produced, but if they continue to take crop after crop without some system of reimbursing it for the drain upon its productive powers, they are not farmers in the strict sense of the word, but real despoilers of the country’s wealth, and all such are deserving of severe censure. Farming. to be worthy of the name, should be conducted so that the manure made on the farm be applied to produce a very heavy quantity of some nutritious food for cattle or sheep; thus the converting of such a heavy growth of vegetable food into dung and urine adds to the richness of the soil, so that a rotation can permit the sale of some valuable crop, and the end of the term will find the land better than before and the man- ure made on the farm will have increased, because the produce from which it has been made has been more, and consequently, on an improving system, the manure will aug~ merit in proportion to the crops. qukct gardening is not farming, fruitlgrowing is not farming, for horticulture and agricul- ture are not one and the Same thing. Near to any great supply of manure from livery stables and other city sources, of course the soil can be compensated, and, indeed, be forced to such a degree of fruitfulncss that it is of no consequence how frequently crops of the most exhaustive character succeed each other. Farming requires to be carried on as all other ways of successful business are. keep such articles as are in demand and that will sell readily ; and if the farmr finds that fine, powerful draught horses are in demand, or good milch cows. or hogs, or sheep, and pay those who raise them, he has only to use common sense to make his llo not go it blind, but keep farm pay. posted and di rcct your efforts toward sure nucccBl. A shopkccptr or business man will‘ plague (542-7) was the period when the superior planets were in perihelion. as they are now. Arabian and Persian chronicles record 111 earthquakes between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, some lasting from forty to seventy days, and nearly all acc0mpanied by winds or floods, or terrible storms of lightening or thunder. Readers of the “Relations des Jesuites" will remember the great earth- quakes of 1603, which shook and tossed the earth for six months from Gaspe to Montreal, the rival of our own earthquake of 1811 on the Mississippi Valley. The severest of the earthquakes felt in this re- gion was that cf November, 1755, an echo of the convulsion that tumbled down Lis- bonâ€"and saved the anba ministry, through the fact that the minister's house was almont the only one left unin- jured, and his family one of the few not bereaved of a member. Hcln, in his interesting opuscule on earthquakes, estimates that on an average two earth uskes aday occur on the earth. In 187%, though there was no severe single shock, 2,225 houses were destroyed or greatly damaged in Italy, 98 persons killed, 223 wounded. The same shock may last for years : instance that of Vlege in the Valais, which endured from July, 1855, to 1857. Al: Cabul 3.l severe shocks have been felt in one day; at Honduras in 1856, 108 were counted in a week, and at Hawaii, in 1808, 2.000 shocks oc- curred ln one month. Hell), it may be said in conclusion, opposes the theory of a connection between earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and considers that of their coincidence with atmorpheric phe- nomena as better supportel by facts ; for they are occasionally preceded or accom- panied by thick and wide-spread fogs as reasons when fogs are not frequent by sudden falls of barometer, and equally sudden changes of temperature. Their occurrence. however, in the majority of cases coincides with normal meteorolog- lcxl conditions. Earthquakes are more frequent after sunset than in the daytime, in autumn and winter than in spring. The influence of the moon is insignificant. The Fastest British Cruiser. are right in saying that she is the fastest full-sized ship afloat. The vessel has at- tained an average of 181: knots, or 21,275 Our fastest cruiser in the lqundron to be concentrated under the command of Admiral Ilornby is the Mercury, and we the sloping bank to the west of the town, and in every way nature has done its share in support of Saskatoon as an enticing place in which to settle. From the sum- mi: of the bank the land extends north, east, and south, in a level unbroken prairie, so that the cuistant summer breezes pass for miles upon miles of a radius, and will carry away any malaria or infection that may hereafter exist with- in the town as a consequence of growth of population. It is in this place that has been properly selected as a sanitarinm for our wounded, and it is generally credited that the SPEEDY urcovnnv or OUR MEN from their dangerous and critical cou- dltlous is to be attributed in no small degree to the health-inducing lccality in which they have been placed. The Rev. Mr. Ball, Chaplain to the 7th, had driven over from Clark's Crossing, and was bold- ing an open-air service as your corres- pondent rcde up. It was a and sight in. deed to see the sick, the lame, and the hall: approach the spot to hear the word spoken that chforts in all cases and under all circumstances. A curious and incongruous lot it was who met in wor- ship. . Men and women and children of all ages came from the surrounding eiuntry, enl conspicuous in the gather- ing were the wounded and convalescent, some with their jaws bandaged, some with their eyes bandaged, many with crutches, others with their limbs in slings, and others again gently assisted by the nurses. Captain Mason related his experi- ence to me as follows: “As you know, I am Captain of No. 2 Company, Gren- adiers, the regiment that makes foot mar- ches. My Company was the first, and don't forget it, to cross the river at Fish creek. We had not any chance there, however, but we made up for it at Ba- tochc. My Company at Batoche, No 2 Company, was leading the regiment in ex- tended order,Compauies No Sand 4 were in support. We extended for some time and formed up 300 or 400 yards north- east in advance of the church. We ex tended for some time in the open space in front, which ended in a ravine. We were there for some time under very poor cover. the saplings were thin and scatter- ed. The guns suddenly began firing, and I heard the rebels shouting over the Ldge of the ravine butashort distance to our front. I at once send my sergeant back to fell the General where the enemy a scratch as I got." Capt. Doncet, A.D.C.,was found in a house by himself. One could not but feel that a little companionship of his fellow: in arms would have been an encourage~ men: to him in his sxcxa‘nss ASD srr‘rnnisns. It is said he treated his wound with too much indifference, and though he is gel:- ting along nicely now, his wound has not healed as it might have done, had he not made so light of it. He told me in his own language 2â€"“ I was wounded at Fish Creek, so had no chance at Batoche. I was going to the right to carry out the or- ders given me by the General when we suddenly came across the enemy not a 100 feet ofi‘ ; they all once fired a volley and I was struck in the elbow. I had pre- viously dismounted. and was_lying down, and when wounded had to drag myself back to the Ambulance Corps. I coulduot attendtomyeelf when bit, because the men were retiring, and I had to stop lo keep them from retiring too far ; the trouble with my wound was that some of my coat sleeve, and shirt. and pieces of bone forc- ed into the wound prevented the heal- ing. 1 was bit about three quarters of an hour after the beginning of the fight. I was on the extreme right and not in the ravine at all ; two others were wounded close by me at the same time. i remained on the field longer than the other wound- 0 ed, which perhaps has been the cause of my not very speedy recovery. The son- sation when I was his was a stinging one, but I fell: quite helpless. I was brought down here by waggon, a distance of 54 miles, and amnow progressing favourably." Lieut. Eeliiweil, of A Company Mid- land Battalion, gives his experience es fa - lows :â€"“ I was wounded in my shoulder on the last day of the charge at Batoche. We were rushing on the pits; we were on the slope of the hill, our Company being divided into two portions; between me and the water was the other portion of my company and “ C " Company cf the Mid- land. I could plainly see Tun MEN WERE FIRING an US. I had to pick up my gun and was just go- ing to shoot when I was struck. 1 drop- ped instantly, 'etrnck all of a heap.’ I waited for about half an hour, but I thought if; was a life time ; the bullets were dropping all about me. and I could hear them pass me with a ‘tleh.’ 1 bold Lient. Grace, of ‘0' Co. to keep his men firing, so as to prevent the enemy's fire on us, and I told Lieut. Luiulaw to keep up him with the means if giving it a fair test. Let us advise him to make the experiment; he will find the tobacco to be all that its thousands of friuds claim for it, sud they are far from sifngy in their praise. Velvet ribbon is used to outline panels, imitate tucks, and finish tabliers. When all so-culled remedies fail, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. He that studies books alone will know how things ought to be ; and he that studies men will know how things are. AJ’ 937. .â€" saais roe. sunâ€"all klndi.â€"lendnforlilt Jonx J. Dsur, Guelph. â€"”"â€"ASK voun'oaocna‘ ro'n' ' IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING URI: REED AYBBHIBEB for sale: two cows. two yearling helium and one bull. Write for descrip- tion. price and podium te_ G. Y. Bantu. Trafalgar. ALUAULE FAR“ FOR SALEâ€"100 acres. 3} miles east of the city of St. Thomas. I-‘or particulars address J. J LEWIS, NewSaruui, Ont. "CBI‘SGUNE! 3" TheBtyaI English Bone and Cattle Linamcnt and Want: for Domestic Animals in t introduced from Enz- land. where is has been in me over 15 years. (hire- Ill sk ndilearcs: heals outs. bruises, and spraiul. Cures mange Ou dogs, and when used in thehsth. (about I teaspoonfui to I hstx ) po-ilively dtstrnys fleas. lice and all iu stats on (has? pouitr , or any oihcr animal Bot. ties 250. 500. an 1.00 can . Circulars free; write to? them. NESS h 00.. 759 Craig Bl... Montreal Agents wanted everywhere. Good inducements to good men. Apply at once for terms and particulars. __'_____ 'â€" I‘OR SAIL-IE] 60,000 acres of improved and unimproved farming lauds. Send for our Real Estate Journal. POSTAL a ORBIT“. Evnri. Michigan. FOR PLEASANT SEWING â€"--â€"UBE ONLYâ€" Clapperton's Spool Coltonl Warranted FUIL Length. audio ruu smoofh on In: lewan machine. Bee that Onsrrrnrox‘s remain or he label. 53‘ For sale by all Dry-Goods Dealers. ’Preveniiun Rabbiâ€"Than (lure. ' Many of the diseases so prevalent in those days are caustd byusing soaps containing impure and in- fectlmm matter. Avoid all risk by using PERFEC- TION laundry soup. which is absolutely puic. Ask your grocer for PERFECTION. Manufactured only 1’) THE Tonoufro__soar Co. The Eagle Steam \l'asln: is the only \stlun: Maebmein. vouinl that IWI-nkly in it woman or years old w than: the use of a w as li- ‘ board, can with elk-e ., wash 50 to 100 piccrs In one lluur. Ann-nu wanted all over Cm» adu. sample semi." trial sndterritnry given. Ladies make good agents; no wear on clothes, and every lady will buy after trying it; warrnmrul to wash calicos in five minim-s. entiuii goods in ‘10, bedclnllu-s silkâ€"Ill; sumac BUY THE srart Willbore 5 million): hole: hand or hmvermwvr: N feet hour. 0s! wmbincd auguv aid Rick Drill I In success. worked by areas: or borspwwul. fiend arOatalucua ‘8 Han Street. Hamilton, Oat. ~' ~ -‘ rd of . .~ _ D r .- I o ., :5 .V - ' I v D vs II ' ‘ 3 ‘ S iâ€" E ‘ ” 0:g* E.â€" R P a: 19.. “i”- ' $34 = a | i illan Line Royal Mail Steamship: Bailing durin; winter from Portland every Thumb and Halifax elery Saturday to Liverpool. and in warn from Quebec every Saturday toleerpool. asllln at H donderry to land mails and passer: on for Scot and s: elsud. Also from Baltimoravls slifsx sud BLJohN . 1.. to Liverpool fortnightly during rummer noulh 'I'hs steamus of the Glasgow iluu sail durius wine to and from usllfax. Portland. Boston and Phlladsl phls: and during summer between Glasgow and Hon tr:sl.weekly' (~lssgow and Bostonnvcekly: and mum and Philadel an. fortnightly. For frei t. aseaxe. or other informatin apply to . Sc umachcr a: (20.. Baltimore: 5 Cunard & Co Halifax; Bhrak 00.. El. John's N. r. x Wm. Thomson a Co.. St. John. is R Allan & 00.. Chicago; Love a: Alden. Nev- York :H. Bourllor. Toronto :Alfsns. Rae it Go. Quebec- Allan, 1‘ Wm. Brockle, Philadelphia; 1!. A urtland. Boston. Montrea . Countrystorokoepcre and others "mulling and Packing Butler will find it to their advantage is use the Burglar Proof Safes, STEEL \‘Al‘l'l'fl. \'A|‘LT lmflltli. l (IMthATlIih BARR LI-t k8, Prison Locks. and all kiblis of Fire and Burglar Proof securities. Patents" and solo manufacturers of Fire-proof Saiesmltii Nou-(‘onduflln ' Sis-1| Flam-v lk‘omwhioh Lave l-cen den unstran ‘_\ aclual tests to N- the best ilrwrxaisilng ash-e now made. A fulfil-er oi lu'olubiiand Pin-proof Safer-row in EU“. at low prints-also Fhe umnd-liaud Burglar-hoof Salsa, suitable for I‘rnai illllkrn‘ or .lcarllus. i-AL‘TURY AND SAIJ-ZSROOM, |l7 &‘ IIQ Fillilll STREET EAST. TBRDNTD. GURNEY .i' lilllE’S STANDARD SCALES Are the lie-sf. Af- lcslcsl by Ilu‘ I-‘lirf thsttnerc are more of our scales in use in the Dominion than of all u'hcr makes combined. llny. Stork aml l‘onl Scales, l-‘nrmern‘ «L: 4â€" ‘1“ - grain and lhuirp smiles. (:roccrn'ni Iiulchrt‘a’ Scale», limits for Domestic Use. Ilousckccpcrs. Consult Your llest .V‘ I iiiorcals By purchasing a scale, nmi in buying one be sure in cat the best. Our scab-n are full) warmnfml in every particular. All Bli‘ri‘ lilillvmui, “'nrclioueo and MillTrm-Iu. Alarm “our, Drawers. For min by the Illqunrn Trnlix-gnlu-rally. ll‘ llistrsml llnialoguu sud I‘rli-c List forwliniui upon lippllcatlou. . llalahrated Walker'Bulter Worker. GURNEY& \VARE Special sizes for use of famicrs. Price list and ob uulars senior: application to JAMES PARK at EON. Alto“ b1”. IA“ III-‘NCE MARBL'I ’IOFCI'JO. "l. HAMILTON- \\'smulnimli~-klonirml and \\'lnrliwc. clings-a Fllllll also? 10, or no sale. Address, i-‘lallltis it (‘U.. l'siPlleI sad hisuu~ lecturers. '18 Jarvis Street. Tolsox'loxauada ONTARIO LADIES‘ COLLEGE, WHITBY, ONT. Will reopen September 3rd. 15:15. The increasing popularity and BliL‘CiSS of this institution may benc- c.untcd for by its pleasant and heulfliful location, its elegant buildings and grounds. its moderate miles an hour, and this surpasses by half a knot the Chillan cruiser Esmeralda, (18 knots,) and the French cruiser Milan, (also 18 knots, launched in 1884,) as well as the Phaeton and the Iris, the latter her sister ship,but lacrxcliod a year before her, (in 1877 ) As the Mercury is 300 feet long and 46 feet in breadth, with a draught cf water of 22 feet, this is an exceedingly the fire across the river with the some object, after which firing was not so hot. The factis we had rushed ahead in the charge so fast that we were without re- inforcements, and so we had to rest in the charge, and Col. Williams went; back for support. I can tell you we out heroded Herod in the cheering. I believe our It Is the only preparation of ilzs kind which contains all ilie nnlriilous,fogethnr wiih Ill eliminating; pro eriloe of beef. and ills ocil one which III i e porter Io supply noun-s meal for brain. and "one. and ulunln. was, and the General came himself to me, and i told him where the enemy was. He then ordered me to bring my , Com- pany as near to open space as poselble and to brgln firing upon the rebels, who just then began to show themselves. As soon as the men got up to move forward Tun REBELS FIRED, Two Enemies of Sheep. ’l'he shepherd should now carefully watch his flock to preserve it from attacks of the green blow files. These pests lay their eggs, or in fact deposit the living larvm, upon the foul spots about the sheepe’ tails, and when, by tho carelessness of the shepherd, who ALBERT COLLEGE! (IN Ai‘l-‘IHATION \\'I’i‘il VIL'I'OILIA levlaluurv, Cum-mm) lll:l.i.svn.l.l:, ()xruun. This Go logo. f ulnar-d in 1874. line Ind in aiiclidsl on our 3030 different lilh'l nits Ii (fl-‘v- u- Hl'l as vi facili- almuld clip the sheep and lamb; in these high Speed for no large a veBEcL She and anflcontmued the“. h‘evwhlch became In“ British cheers scared the rebels more than charms, and its superior facilities {or affording a flux fur",uiurefilculul'u” and for ill-"ILC'llllli m in Arts Law, etc, If. a :- “front clnl. ' 1lu'i':lll‘.ilh'( i nun . ~ as no: 88 W8 cared to have it. Just then anything and “(mineral them in an direc‘ finished education in literary, musical, slid fine art clnliracn-i both. ._n_atnc ilatloa work and st-li-ctul stud cs influence and l lunar-w ), '1 lm And. my ti hluno Places at thm ammo“ and by every means the It“ than “and “nullified, 8’ regard: [noticed that some of n; men were clam films as we secured pit after pin. 1 be, 3mm”, pun pr, “wow. and um may “when” an hall a’u'arr'ed 2‘_h(ilp rmu ui ural'ustlou in Nine years. It was never so popular as _iuiw. 'I‘ln- llmn l'.l collauu keep the... clean, mm, grub, got a lodge. speed by any vessel of file” am, the El. temd together “5,831.13? being x, d d new we made no,“ enough to mm, the specialists in their deaiunents, beeldesatoeadcherpf {L‘E‘ua‘lila‘mffii'ag Li'sgmctglagaagxpit-33d‘grgmmtzzuymmm lulu rim-Io. uh- mm-«1 d An in - . r . C en 8 . walkln r. ridin ' and callsihenlls are pro ar to i o ‘ . ' ' _ = . - ' . monf; immediate efforts should he made to meplda being only 277 £68: m knflh! Knowing the danger of their being so 1 whole North-West. Before the charge thorouigh work, and llii'ut thc'ieasonntlle cxpccta- W A ‘p.(.|slcrul*sc f oc‘urc- (ore-"furrow students of tho hit-tiiliflif. (Invaluiuuti‘li 1h flu Ins ilav' ! '1 h '1'} l h‘ b d Whllatho Freud} “"3501 has a length Of 303 d i f f h ' d was final] finished I wag (“tried back no tier 5 cf the bout patronage. Students are prepared ml". Jvli rb'. lhuiti-v .l. B. Ulavksur . .\l A.. and uth" trim part, “1.1 ln-.ivun mun"; llxr wum-l “minim. “at r“ or t em. 18 )8“ t mg to 6 one feat hilt 8 b03111 OI only 33 feet. All croase over n rout 0 L 8 company an y for teachers and matriculaflon examinations. till: 1%" A mluclion in fri-‘Ilflo ieroent. (ilistoaillfanli-liulic mm a: (nine! 3) iayr. nird ilibilllll'lll! faking Inc or more I)rp|l’lu.l!ull. “All Is its full ucutlcincn admitted. to the river. I suffer a good deal from my wound, but am progressing slowly. I was struck in front of the shoulder, and the bullet glanced up and settled in the secures board, laundry, and tuition ili English and modem languages, mueic. drawing, and calisthenlcs, for one year. Those d. slrlng admission should make ~ arlv and definite application in REY. J. J, HARE, M. A , Principal. arranged them in proper position. I put my hand on one of my men to place him, when a bullet passed through his coat: and flattened in his cartridge box. ‘Now,’ is to mix raw linseed oil and kerosene in equal parts and to add enough carbolic acid to the oil to give it a strong odorâ€"l per authority on these matters says of the English cruisers that they are the first of the new type designed for high speed as'he pro-eminent requisite. All other re- rou "ANNUAL ausuuscsmrmr' A151) cmcumns. liDllifIBS REV. VV. 1). I)YER, M.A., I’ILESII)EN’1‘. cent. is enoughâ€"and smear thc,fly-blowu parts with the mixture. If the wool is too thick this should be clipped off. It is not rare that neglected sheep are literally de- voured alive by these posts, which soon spread all over the sheep and eat it to the bones. Soon will be the season when the sheep will 0 worried with the gadflyâ€" the parent of the grubs which infest the heads of these long~eullering animals. It is easier to pre. vent the attacks of these files than to get rid of the grube. This is done by providing a long, narrow V-shaped trough, so deep and narrow that the sheep cannot reach the bottom with their tongues without pressing their noses to the sides of the trough. Some salt is spread in the bottom of the trough and a mixture of pine tar with I little raw linseed oil to make it softer is brushed on each side of the trough. This adheres to the sheeps’ noses and destroys every egg the flies may deposit. It is necessary to renew this tar mixture, so as to keep it soft, and to keep the trough protected from the sun, which would quickly harden the tar. '1 his is better than cutting through the bone of the icon into the frontal sinus to take out the grube. Sumer Suggestions. A mixture of lard and snuff is the (‘alil forui-i remedy for lice on stock. This oint~ maut does not need to be applied to the whole animal, but a ring of it two or three iihllii‘a wide cmnplctcly around the neck will hm v the ill-aired effect. .-\u easy way to kill plantain, dandelion, and other wrcils in a lawn is to place a lit tlc sulphuric arid with a stick on the crown of each plant, carrying the acid in an open- iuouthed bottle with a long handle. so as not to touch it with fingers or clothes. lloth millet and Hungarian ng's are hot weather plants: the former, rrquiring a rather longer season, should be sewn earlier. In fact, it is better to sow both as early as possible after warm weather begins. linu- garian will ripen if sown July 1, or even later, but it cannot be cured so easily late in the fall as when it can be cut during warm weather. The late sown will be maturing during the droughts which often occur the last of August and the first of September, and which are Just what are meded to dry a crop of succulent thick stems of grass into bay. The breast collar differs from the usual neck collar worn by working horses in bear- ing less on the shoulder. it is more suitable for light work, driving on the road in sin- gle harness. than for bury loads. But it is often handy to have a breast mils: with extra wide twat piece to work horses in should their shoulders begin to be gall- ed with their usual harness. If thisia done great are most beexercised, Is the new cells: wiilbesr on a plane that has pro- bably not been mug-head by use. A horse with a high ridge on the top of his head will be halky unless very carefully trusted. This ridge is located on the. pubis-schagicalbumpolfirmnen, “sum: quiremonts have been subordinated to this important element. They present a sharp bow and long exceptionally clean run, and are altogether admirable specimens of a design for a swift and light- ly spurred vessel. They are special screw despatch ships, and are uiiarmored, of course. The Mercury, which is to join Admiral Homby's squadron, has an arms.- merit of ten 64-pouudcrs. She ll built of steel; and, in proportion to her tonnage. has been one of the most costly vessels afloat. Iier hull and machinery cost alto- gether somewhere about £199,000 or within £10,000 or £15,000 of the Iris, which has been said to be as costly per tones the iron-clad Inflexiblo. Notwith- standing what has been written and said to the contrary the above statement shows that England still stands in the front rank as regards naval construction. W Apt Replies. A long list might be made of men who have won advancement in life by smart answers given at the right moment. One of Napoleon's veterans, who survived his master many years, was wont to recount with great glee how, when he had picked up the Emperor‘s cocked hat at a revluw, the latter, not noticing that he was a private, said carelessly, “ Thank you, captain. ” “ In what regiment, sire? ' instantly asked the ready-wit.er soldier. Napoleon, perceiving his mistake, an- swered with a smile, “In my guard, for I see you know how to be prompt." The newly-made officer received his com- mission next morning. A somewhat sim- ilar anecdote is rel sled cf Marshal SUV”!- ofl‘, who, when receiving a despalch from the hands of a Russian sergeant, who had greatly distinguished himself on the Dan ubo, attcmpted to confuse the nieesclger by I series of whimsical questions. but found him fully equal to the occasion. “liow many fish are there in the sea l" asked Suvon fi'. “ All that are not Calmth yet, " was the answer. "How far is it to the moon l" “Two of your Excellcncy'a forced marches. " “What would you do if you saw your men giving way in batzl. l' “ I'd tell them that there was a waggm» load of whiskey jsst behind the enemy's line." Billle a: all points, the Marshal ended with, “ What is the d.ll‘neuce be- tween your colonel aud myself i" “My cal luel cannot make me a lieu:enant, bu: your Excellency hasonlyio say the w:rd.' "1 say it now, then," auswervd Suvortll‘ Harringe. Themarrisgo ceremonyisthe moninter- eating spectacle social hie exhibits. To seetwo rational beings in the glow ofyonth and hops, which invests life with a halo of happinugappoar together, and acknow- ledge their preiersnce for each other, voluntarily enter into a league of per- petual friendship, and call heaven and earth to witness the sancdty of their van; to think of the endearing relation, and the important consequences which are to lbw from it, as they walk side by side through life, puticipatingin the nine j aye, the shaman of each other's sorrows ; that the smiles which kindle to ecstasy at their union must at lmth be quenched in the tears of the survivor; to consider all this, the (phone of the whole circle ci human sympathi deepest and holiest feelings of the heart. asand interests, awakens the got in front of the village. I said to him, ‘see the danger you were lu.’ I then turned to regain my place with in) Company, bull look but a few steps when I was struck and fell against a tree, and one of my sergeants catching n' e as I fell. The sensation when hit was as lfI had been struck with a club, but I was perfectly sensible, and took ' out my knife and asked the elegant to cut; my cross bell: that I might get my handker- chief to stop the bleeding from thewound. I had purposely selected a silk handker- chief that morning anticipating I might find use for it with some one, bull I did not think I was then caring for myself. Soon a stretcher was brought and I was carried to the church. It was a strange sight in the church. E'ght or ten were already there wounded. Ryersou dressed my wounds, and I can tell you it was a relief to find it was not fatal. The pain, though, was terrible, and I smoked to allay my sufferings. That same night the rebels fired the Wood,and l, with the other wounded, was carried into the zereba, fearing that the rebels might succeed in their intention of burning the church. They fired into our camp, however, and two men were wounded, when the lights, hitherto burning in the hospital tent, were ordered to be put out. I: was ' .\ LONELY TIME then, and it made me think of home. However, I am all right now, and soon will be on the active service list once more.” Captain Mason's tunic contalns two distinct bullet holes at the front and hinl part of his tunic, indicating that the man who shot him fired from a double- barrel shot-gun. Only one bullet entered his thigh, however, the other must have passed him without touching him. This say of “making sure" was a habit of the enemy's. Lleut. Garden. of the Intelligence Corps, says :â€"â€"“Yee. 1 was at Bawche. Our {(UJWI are in every fight, though we get little credit. Dm't you know that nurpirtof the work is the most dangers ull", especially scmting. Yet we don't gain half the kudos that the others do. 1 got my wound when making a rush with six or eight others of different regiments on the blacksmith shop. We reached it and took it as a mattr of course, hutl get my wound than. The rebels were all about us, and one fellow quite close shot me in the shoulder at the moment my .irm was in a horiz iutsl puslthn, : ud the bullet passed out above the elbow. lent. Laidlaw, C Company, Midland thtslion, good-naturcdiy jokes out his experience as follows :â€"'“A and 0 Com- psnles were each divided into half, and I had command of the left hand portion cf C Com y on the extreme left flank of the en' a column. We sdvanaxl along the water's edge towards the village under A l-srrrr no: rial from aortas the river Ia wellas from the pits in front. We sdavnocd in successive charges, resting apparently every fifteen minutes. We took the enemy's plfa straight along, but kept it going. though several of my men were wounded by the hat fin: {um across the river. Affer our first chach the ferry put out from the op- pcslzs shore with ume rebels, but we stcpped'_them, you bet, and they put back. Suihlng more occuxrvd lhst ireâ€" mtmber, except our advancing until we About eight of us were mother all mixed up;_twool shape." into a ragged-cf ged, irregular, diamond shaped form. TEE nirrroum'v or EXTRACTING it must have been very g faring of poor Hellfwall all the while mus have been something intense. the pus the pain is excrutlsting, and some what retards his recovery. A teacher in one of the Altoona school noying her with questions: am engaged.” astonishment, she added : “ Children, away. Delicate Diseases thoroughly and permanently cured. hydrocele, diseases of prostrate gland, kid neys and bladder, piles fistulas and rupture all permanently cured. Staff of twelve ex pert specialists in constant attendance, con etitu'ing the most complete organization 0 medical and surgical skill in America. Soul history of case and address for illustrate: pamphlet of particulars. \Vorld’s Dispcn sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.\'. are wom with ginghams and satieens. Drowsiness in file Day-limo. eating, iss symptom of disease. derangement of the stomach and bowds Dr. l’icrce's “Pleasant l’urgative i’clleia are a sure cure for all ailments of this na ture. They cleanse and purify the blood In: relieve the digestive organs. Our what lies clearly at hand. Latest from Detroit. Many Americans spend the from the other side of the line. price per doses, as we want to get some.’ muscles. Here.look at the bullet,see ils This bullet referred to by Lient. Helliwell, is twisted and tom rear, and the suf- When the doctors lqueeze the wound to discharge recently electrified her pupils who were an- Noticing the general look of “ But not to any fool of a man," and the exaitcmcnt died of either sex, however induced, speedily, (10m- plicatcd and obstinate cases of blood taiuts, ulcers, obstructions, unnatural discharges, exhausted vitality, premature decline, nerv- ous, mental, and organic debility, varicose le, Velvet collars, cuffs, vests, and brotcllre unless caused by lack of sleep or from over- If it be accompanied by general liability, headache, loss of appetite, coat-:d tongue and sallow complexion, you may be sure that you are suffering from biliousness and consequent d business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, butto do summer months in Canada, and being close observ- . ers, and ever on the alert for the best of everything, it is not surprising that the proprietors of that marvelous corn remedy, Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, should be in receipt of numerous letters of enquiry Mrs. W. X. Strong, 71 Adams Ave.. Detroit, had used Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor with the most satisfactory results, and March 30th, 1583, writuzâ€"“Kindly give Hundreds of similar letters support our contention that for a sure, safe, painless, l and never disappointing remedy, Putnam's LOAN a SAVINGS COMPANY Inconi-oitarxn AD. 1885. sunscumnn CAPITAL ...... .... ....fl3,000,[(‘0 PAID UP CAPITAL . . 2.200460 RESERVE FUND.. .. . 1.100,“.0 TOTAL 1838313.... . .. 8,600,060 t STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. may Le desired by the l'OllOWtf. Applicatitus may to mule direct to th- undorslcmd or to the local repn Icuilli'u l i the Company tlncuibout Unlar‘io. As life Comm.) always has furdx on hand no dc." need be bloated s by h tier or ()th wise Expeuru reduced to minimum. Mortgages and Muliiciyal chmlurca )mchaud J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. I cures oievcu the worst cases. the face of this fact. quickly. The medlclncs are cheap, and can pared by any person, or at any drug store. i am un able tosell t two months. letc instructions for sell-treatment sent fru- for u flun- gunrnntecd ormonav refundid. Address, J. R. ’ 1 CHURCH STREET,TOHUNTO' @Aifijiois l l 1 Each Plug of the valYRTiE ilAVY I8 MARKED T- &B. In Bronze Letter-ls: - soils OTHER animus s < 013T T111} OUT 1 The New Co~0peratlve Milli! f â€"â€"ARE THEâ€" Il" ITAIDI I!" nxsrrrnf mu- price only 125 each. mausoleum-hoes plots ' Ida: m is m m CO-OPIRATWI Corn Extractor stands wifiiont a rival. N. C. Poison A. Ca, Kingston, prop". “'hen you cannot do as you like, the but thingistollkewhatyoudo. I assures scorn, mixtures CANT/ins PERMANENT Ol-‘l-‘ICIrlsâ€"Coy'a ltlllz . Toronlo 81.. Toronto. The Ccmpany has a Inigo amount of money talent! or Real Estate sicuritfes If. the lowest current laie of in- t rest repsysblc Lithl-r in one sum or by iniialmeuis II muffins motifâ€"libido}: For a treatment for catarrh, hoarscness, bronchitis sore throat etc. Being both local I dconstitutlonai this treatment always effects quick and permanent Catsth causes half of the cases of consumption. and thus cairiee cflyear- ly thousands of victlme: it is follv lo uuglcct it in If you are a euflcrer send for this treatment and be curedâ€"eurelyâ€"eaioly, and PC pre- as a patth medicine, as it keeps only The three recipes, with full and com- ALLAN, BEST IN THE MARKET. Latest Improueg Attachments Agents price for similarmachlna'illfl sodas-sisal sshiasa‘uumiorthresnarsaad sates minty-1min; Insehlunlldswsutewms is Sewing Machine Co. $10 Reward for the Conviction OfDl h f- 3 f' O'lf‘ t tetanus? McGOLL S The Above Reward LARDINE Md ‘3. E 55’ MACHINE 0112-. Eureka (lylimlcr, ltolt Cutting a: Wool Oils. | For sale by all leading dealers. 'I'ouonio l McCall Bros. N (30.. SAMâ€"UEL l'1’80CH3El'1’Sâ€"‘8;CO.~ â€"â€"MANU|~'IUTI.'ILICIIH “F PEERLESS â€"râ€" AND OTHER “TMAGHINE OISE-23*“ (20H) MliliAls‘i ANID FliL‘iT I'lllllii \i'lll’llllZHZI: i’XlillLlIlIil. Queen City Oil MERl’DEN ‘ -~-BRlTAN__N A r. FINEST leclrn Plate " Examine Théifsuperior Merit ! " Works, Toronto. ' CAUTIoN (l-mdn s‘Mlq-ml Muri- llm Sithil' i'lnln Um. if ‘ mu wnlit rulinbl. “and. 4 1, mint 0!! [gs-i illiij ill')I° 1.} «I9 "0‘ our 1In4ll.f. nude by illl) \mthm lllzl’lAN MA (0., "4:. liamlrrmr, 051'. GURNE'Y’S ; 1.301%. VV 0 O D 'J "IVOD (I K" the Ice! name. Gears. Durable and 7mm: mania nip‘smm m um.“ i and "am; churches. khuls. rnhlfr Buildings, stern and Private urildvmn hwy. in may“; and sadly managed. arable of thin! more best with inscruuwrunn (I i I i use sw I if." W'Wrstul "Absolutely “as TightNt-x Keven aims are made and can 1-: us sl'iuy n. Brick or Posts-Me i‘arrn. Wwewzsdewl sou-ital. THE E. 8: C. You W‘w sud lunhu infurxsuun ville-s. (lURNEY-‘CO. mums.) 7’s; MILTONâ€" I

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