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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Sep 1885, p. 2

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w. _... i, ‘ ) new" I DUNDAS & FLAVELLE BROTHERS, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, MILLINERT, I have erected a huge stone pier between thick cedar pianks, on which the clay , l & co', the crib: for the swing to turn on ; but and stones will be piled. beg to announce that they have purchlsed ' they have been relieved of that part of A RAM Av,_,,.__1,, from or up, grist A human rariqu nxocxnn on W: their contract in consequence of a difi- , mi“. we 0"," day. 3 number of Eng. 1 mm as an. , - ‘ culty that Ila! II'ISCH between the 60“ i spirfows were hoppian about In ' o 1 HARD“ ARI" BUSINESS Nome“ and Mr- R- 0 Sum“ about search of scattered grain, anad amongst i formerlv cirriml czi 3...:- _\I:z. Gitnza‘r 33353., lower”? “"3 "am" Fl‘f‘SIllni-i Elle fm' them we noticed one that looked asif; If is their inlet: in to Cutiliriuc the trance l0 the 61011_ W” bi} “CHISI' i it had been inside and taken a bath in 1 ll‘i:lu’::5 and»: the maungvmcnt of Mr. J. I work, as the water will rush in its sonn ‘ flour; but the miller said that that wasl “lithe”: I“ng ‘ 35 It can, and 'llC‘ObijC‘ IS _10_ keep I! , its natural colour, and that he had seen ; out as l0n'_'. as possible ; and it is therc~ ‘ it several limes & day for some time ' Another Blow to English Farmers.l _ mfrli’fiom- l Dollar upon dollar is frequently sport! on ’ m ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ~ - e faith of h‘t‘t‘mmt‘lliifllluns for articles - is Q t g . I ~ ‘ The a 3"" maL‘ m‘bh‘ “of “Inch I entirely worthless. .\ui so “‘llh NCliR‘fi“?! have I003 hoe" quifllf blow“ 3“ gum!“ I Speedy Cure. You at“ not asked to pur- ~ ‘I . â€"A great blow has fallen upon LUQIISII 5 chasi- ii until its merits are proven. Call at BELTIEVIH-E. AWN" 315¢~â€"‘ "I'm I agricultural industry in the destruction I Wm- 1‘3- HHSS'S “rut! SWW- Ft‘urb‘n Pulls. Archibald. a farmer living in the town- l of the pmfit hmmno named from the and get a. tree bottle, and if not convinced ship of Iqutiiigdon, near Gamers lio- mmuraaure or high quality chew“ that it Wt" cure you of the must form of I I Iqu w i‘ia I ivrr l‘oiu iln‘ _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . iii . it matter tel. went to Madoc on Saturday. and Amenmu mmrmmon has. M hm mum, 3 UP 1 uric , u l l l A Woman Dofbnds Herself. NOW IN STOCK, it full supply of IIIII Slllllllll IIIIIIIIIS. -â€"-i|l.'-U‘â€" ARITIIAIETIL‘S, :15. > v . ‘ of how Ion standin '. it costs \‘ou tiothin . "Blame"! about “70 O'CIOCk 0“ Sum“) ‘~ the prospects of the. skilled and tudtk g i ' g i I. II * l - 5"” in 5‘-'F~ and Si bottles. Scc testimo- mnmmg ‘he worse fl" 'qum‘ " g fatigablc dairy farmers. of Cheshire, uials from persons in your own town. GEOGRAPIIIES, G lAMMAI’vS, SPELLIXG BOOKS, COPY BOOKS, SCRIBBLERS, Penis, Ink, and every article needed in schools. Just received, a full stock of FRESH DYE STUFFSi at the Drug Store. I W. E. ELLIS. September 'lst, 188:3. n LEGAL 8:0. A. i’. l)l‘l\'l.l.\', ARIIISTER, Attorney-at-Imw, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. MARTIN A: HOPKINS, AI’J‘JSTI‘I IS, SOLICITORS, he ) ney to Loan at ‘7 per cent. Kent street. Lindsay, Ont. I’. Mums. C. II. Ilorxiss. 19.1).)IOORE, ARRISTER. ATTORNEY, a SULICITR and .‘v’otary Public. Money to Loan. ()iliec, Kent street, Lindsay. IIIIDSI’ETII d: JACKSON, ARIIIS'I‘EIIS, SOLICITORS, are. I lice, William atrcet,Liitdsay. A. IIIIItHI’L‘TII. A. JACKSON ()‘LICARY .k O'LEARY, .\ItItlSTI-IRS, ATTOIISEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, .kc. Office, Dolicuy Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Aiiriit'a O‘Lniiv. Ilcou U'Lzaav. .\Io- Office, Of- Mcl STYRE «it STEWART, ARRIS'I‘EIIS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery. no, Lindsay. Odie» over Ontario Bank, Kent street. Alo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate 'ccuritir-s. I). J. .‘ICISTYIII-l. BARRON A: SMITH, ARIIISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc, Lind any. Money to Loan on security of mori- gages, promissory notes, kc. Jous A. BARRON. J. B. SMITH. 565” One of the firm will be at their Fen clon Falls office every Thursday. G. A. JORDAN, Manager. Tiios. STEWART. ' ' iiiâ€"E’nIcAii.w A. W. J. DEGIIASSI, )I. D., ORONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc, kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. DRS. WILSON .k WILSON, ll't'SICIANS, SURGEONS k ACCOU- chcrs. Ollicc. l-‘r ' “is Street East, Fen- clon Falls. E.S. “‘il.él¢).\',3l. I.,.\f. n., c. .\I., u.c.r. a 5., Ont Dr. A. WILSON, .\I. n., u. c. P. a 5., Ont. Dit. J. II. LOWE, IIYSICIAN it SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County ofllalibiirtou. Office next door to the .\IcArtIiiir Ifoiisc. Residence, the house lately occu- pied by Dr. Brysou, on May street, Fenclon Full . DRS. lililtllOWS & GRAHAM, IIYSICIANS. SITRGEONS. kc. Office and residence directly opposite Carr‘s hotel. William St.. Lindsay. Calls from the country promptly attended to. I‘. PALMER Boiuiows, II. II. GRAHAM, M. n, it. n., c. u., u. c. v. A c. \t., lute Soho [los- 21. 0. Graduate M'Gill pitiil, London, r. r. s.‘ College. .\loni., 1866. 51., M. it. c.r., England SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON. L. Surveyor. Comnissioncr iii the Q. 8., . Convcyuneer, .L'c. Ilvsidcncemnd ud- drcss, Feuolon I-‘alls. A full stock of Lauratice's famous Spec- tacles ut I-Illi-l's Drug Store. livciy pair guaranteed. Call and see. them. ltS-ly. BARG‘rAINS. Five gnod Building Lots for sale cheap in Fruclou Falls West. Apply to JARVIS J: MCDOI'GALL. Fenclon Falls, June lath, 1584. l'.’~t.f. J. NEELANDS, ' DEN'I‘IS'I, L1NDS;\X’. One ofthe firm will be at the McAaTtira llocsr, Frxrmx FALLs, on the third “outlay ofench month. Teeth extracted by laughing gas without pain or Injury. or no charge will be made. fi- Otficc established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. ~â€"__________â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"- ‘IIB t‘ITY UP LONDON i‘lllB INSUR- uca t‘o. t‘apitiil £:_u~*o.m)x) sterling. Deposited with the Dominion Government. s | [\Otidi‘, Tu: Rout Ivar-attic: Co. or Barium.â€" Capllal. Sl"'.t‘00."m). Deposited with Do- minion Gorrrnmrnt and otherwise rested In Canada. Silofla’wd. Tul \Vatran’ Income: (‘0. or Cantu. Capital and Assets, $1,437,553. 1. n sutrn. .Iyi'nf. Pcnclon Fails, Jan'y 22ml. ln’s‘t. 4.5. insoigncn. GEORGE CUIIIIGHAI, I General Insurance and Loan Agent.‘ PENELON FALLS. 0NT., represents the following first class compa- nies, with which bonnet: can be innuctcd 5 upon the most ar‘vautagcona lentil. The Canada Pertinent Loon A Savings Co The Imperial Insurauct Company, of Lon I don. England. I The (Yitiuni‘ Insurance Company. of Cuu- I do, I'm at! dreamt. The Lancaahin: late-narc- (‘o . 0! England. the Conic-.hn'ioc Lite .uoociau'c-nofCan- ado. 6 COMPLETE STOCK u: all kinds of IIardvmrc, and selling at the very lowest WHOLESALE PRICE, being determined to Satan: the trade of all who desire to buy wherever they can pur- chase cheapest. BERTRAM (h 00. 2:341. Fenelon Falls, Aug. lst. 1:93, Elicfcitclou falls @outtc Saturday, Sept’r 5th. lane. Will Prohibition Prohibit? For some time after the Scott Act was passed in this county there was a good deal of argument as to whether. when the time should come f-ir its GIIfOI‘CcIllCIlf, it could be culiorcml or not; its oppo- nents vehemently declaring, and quoting alleged facts to prove, that prnllibiiion, whether partial or total, had been :1 failure wherever tried. The facts so quoted were, however. in nine cases out of ten, either purely imaginary or great- ly distorted. as all reliable evidence that can be obtained indisputably shows that prohibition docs prohibit, and that its advocates have good reason to con- gratulute themselves upon the success that has so far crowned their efforts. On this question there are few better authorities than ex-Gov. St John. who was a candidate in the late Presidential election in the States, not becau-e he had any hope or chance of being elected, btit simply to test the strength of the teiiipernucc sentiment, which lie repre- sented. On Tuesday last he delivered an address in Lorne park, near Scan. borough, a few miles east of Toronto, and a synopsis of it was published next morning in the Toronto News. Mr. St. John spoke for an hour and it half, and his whole address was so replete with logic, facts and sentiment that. some- times his hearers were all laughing and at other times there was not a dry eye in the pavilion. The err-Governor is in favour of prohibition pure and simple, and thinks that. the whole system of regulating the traffic in liquor always has been and will be a gigantic swindle and is a disgrace to any government. Wherever he went he. saw the same beneficial effects resulting from prohi- bition, and whore local option had pro- nounced in its favour those effects soon became so marked that the people would fight the traflic by any means in their power. The Cherokee Indian nation bad the strictest prohibition law in the United States. For the first offence they imprisoned the culprit six months and fined him 850. and for the second handed him over to the mercy of the people, who might hang him if they chose, and usually did I Below we give one of the mauystrikiug passages in the cx-Goveriior's address 2 “I can travel 4.000 miles in Kansas,” said St. John, “and not pass a single saloon. And I can pass a saloon when Imeet one, too. Don’t think I can‘t get past a saloon." (Laughter) Con- tinuing, he said that the town he lived in had 3,000 of a population. Under the old dispensation there were four saloons, one city itmrslial. four police- men auti a road eniitiuissioucr. The saloons contributed a revenue of $2.000 yearly. They had blotted out the sal- oons, had not had one in eight years. Today they Could not get twenty-live men who considered themselves respect- able to vote for it return to the old sys- tetn. In the last year under the license system they had had {)2 drunkurtls iii- carccrated iii the calaboose. Under the new rule they had not. had :32 in eight years. Formerly they had sold their city debentures at front 60 to 80 cents on the dollar. Now they sold them at 100 cents on the dollar in gold. They had rcc.-ived 82,000 revenue from the liquor truffle. Fifteen hundred dollars of that amount. had been expended upon a court house to try drunknrds in, and for a caluboose to put them in. The latter was now a refuge. for linnieleâ€"s people. At. the present time. with dt‘itl- ble the population. they Illtd a city iiixirsltnll who did :ill the work. iiiclii- i fore probable that a dam will have to ‘ past, A white sparrow is certaiulv a bro“ Into 3 house mupied b." Mrs l prices having fallen from 15 to ‘20 shil- I be built. and the dredge employed. On I the south side of the upper lock there I planed nearly as smooth as glass. on two sides. These are to form two tiers of stop-logs a few inches apart, and with I an upright stick between them. just I above the locks, and grooms for their i re:eption have been cut in the masonry. I'I‘liey are to be used to keep out the l water while the gates and the machinery that works them are put in, and at l other times when circumstances may render it. necessary. The temporary bridge across the locks is likely to be left for the present, although the coun- cil are moving to have a wider one with a footpath substituted for it, its there is no probability of the permanent swing bridge. being built this year. The locks now completed, with the ex- ception of the gates, are splendid speci atoms of mason work, and will compare favourably with any of the saute size in the Dominion. How long a. time will elapse before the chain of pnb':ic works in which they form a link will be finish- ed We cannot undertake to predict. Temperance Convention at Toronto. We have received a circular from Mr. F. S. Spence, secretary of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Tmupei‘ano: Alliance, requesting us to give publicity to the fact that a emiw-ntirni of friends of the good cause is to be held in the Richmond St Methodist Church. Tn- ronto, on Monday and Tuesday. Soptciu her 14th and IDIII; and as those days will be during the week of the great In (lustrial Exhibition. persons who wish to attend the convention will be able to take advantage of the reduced rates of travel, and will also have an opportunity of visiting the exhibition. The present state of the temperance movement. in Canada demands serious consideration, and the call of the Alliance for a meetâ€" ing of all in sympathy with it is neces- sitated by the fact that the advocates of the liquor traffic, beaten so often at the polls. now seek to influence legislation so as to prevent the suceessf'ul Working of the Scott. Act, and will. it is believed, not only i'e-inii-odiice the beer and wine amendments at the next session of Par- liament, but, will rock by every menus in their power to defeat, at next nenerul election. as many as possible of the eighty-six members who voted against the atneiidiiient and for the Act in its entirety. The convention will meet. for organization in the lecture room of the above-named church on Monday, the 14th, at 2 p. m.. and sessions will be held on Monday evening and on Tues- day afternoon and evening The Ex- ecutive realize the gravity of the situa- tion. and, in announcing this call. emi- foss that. their responsibility was never more serious than at present, nor their power to realize their desire for prolii. bition greater. It is expected that the proceedings will be eminently practical, and the hope of the promoters of the convention is that the gathering will have an effect on the future policy of the country. A very large meeting is hoped for, and those in favour of the the temperance cause should make sac- I l are fourteen sticks of pine timber, tliir- brown fem],ch on its back and wings ty-su: feet long. one foot Square and I like those on the upper part of a snow- '.\Iary Adams. a widow, who lives on the road. She told him to no home, and warned him that if he came in she would strike him with an axe. but he persisted and broke open the door, and I seizing the woman threw her on the floor. She called to her boy, who seized an axe and struck Archibald, who 1005- l ened his hold of Mrs. Adams. The woman then got. the axe and inflicted seven cuts on Archibald’sliead and five on the shoulder. It. is not probable that he will recover. The injured man is about 50 years old, and has a wife and family. He had hitherto borne a good character. great rarity, and this one would have been pure white but. for a few light; bird. for which it might easily have been mistaken if had grown to twice its natural size. BICYCLINO.â€")Ir. Pritchard, the man- ager of Fuirweatlier 5’. Co '5 business in Penelon Falls, bought a fifty-two inch bicycle in Toronto 3 short time ago, and hopes to be able, after a few week's practice, to ride to Peterborough and back on it. A number of inexperienced villagers had the machine out on Fran- cis street to see what. they could do with it. and it was great. fun to see how hard they found it to get. on and how easy to get off. One or two of them did manage to make the thing go, and the soleiunity of their countenniices as they slowly zigzaggcd along showed that they fully realizz-d the precariousncss of their exalted position. DUCK SIIOOTING.-â€"On the 15th of August duck shooting commenced. and. as the birds appear to be plentiful this c. Horrors of Cholera. A TOWN DEFRIVED OF DOCTORS, BUTCH- ER, BAKER, AND GRAVEDIGGER. Here is a translation from a Valen- ciau paper :â€"“ In the Province of Val- encia the place which has comparatively suffered most is Torres. situated about ten kilometres from Sagunto, containing lings‘ per Iiundredwcight, bringing down the market to figures at which it would not be reinunerative to continue busi-I mess. What effect this may have upon i husbandry and the great checse-nmking centrcsin England cannot be calculated. l but a great reduction in the value ofI dairy forms may be expected. It ran- not be said that superior quality in the products is a remedy for unprofitable cheeseâ€"making, for the overwhelming fall has occurred in the price of the very best “ Cheshire." Farmers are dismayed at the outlook for the very branch of husbandry which has been regarded as thcwmninstay of British ag- riculturists. If dairyitig goes, every resource of our agricultural classes must collapse. â€"6_ An important arrest of counterfeitch has been made in Texas. Russia is reported to be making over- tures to Turkey for an alliance. The Czar of Russia has got a power- ful mastifl' trained as n body-guard. Texas fever is spreading very rapidly FLUID LIGHTNING. There are but few who have never sufl'cr. ed nliiiost intolerany from Toothache, New ralgiu. u.- like acute pains. To them such an instant relief as Fluid Lightning is an untold blessing iii time of trouble. No dis- gusting otfeitsive medicine to IN‘ tttkcn for days. One application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at Wm. B. I-leis‘s Drug Slum, Fencion Falls. WHAT TO DO. If troubled with an unhealthy, slow-heal- ing sore. use )Iciircgor .k Pnrkc's (‘arbolic Ccrate. You will find it invaluable for heal- ing. cleansing. and completely removing your trouble. If the Blood is out of order, take with if ii fr\\‘ doses of .\lr(‘un~gor's Speedy Cure, from W. E. l-Illis's Drug Store. ltlliTIIS. Sinusâ€"Iii the township of Fcnelon, on Saturday. August '.".’iid. the wife of Mr. John Siiiitus of ii daughter. “’arrikâ€"At Peneluii l-‘nlls. on Saturday, August 29th, the wife of Mr. “‘tii. Waffle of ii daughter. Duvu.i.\‘.â€"At Ii‘eiicloit Falls, on Sunday, August with, the wife of .\Ir. Humphrey llcytuiiii ofu sou. =._â€"-â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ season, there is such a tremendous fusi- Iadc every evening along the Feiielon river that the duck that flies from Greene & Ellis's mill to Cameron hike without. getting a taste of lead may con- sider itself lucky. As usual a large quantity of ammunition is wor-e than wasted. as a great many of the eager sportsmen blrize away as if they thought a gun would kill as far as a rifle, and the result. besides the loss of powder and shot, is that the birds bec‘me so alarmed by the incessant firing that very few of them fly within range. A New Houseâ€"In the little pine grove west of Mr. C. \V. Moore’s resi. deuce, his son-in-luw, Mr. II. N. Mc- Diiugall, is erecting a dwelling house which will be ready for use some time this fall. It is n cottage-roofed two- story building, 36 x 33 feet, with a kitchen 16 x 14 feet the same height, the whole on a substantial s'one foun- dation. The frame is of 2x5 inch scantling. and the walls are to be grout- ed to half their thickness, so as to leave a vacant space behind the inside plasâ€" tering. and the outside is to be veneered with white brick. The foundation was built by Mr. Broad, who will probably do the plastering. and the carpenter work is being done by Mr. W. C. Davis. The cast of the house will probably be about 31.500. A VALUABLE Possumâ€"Last Wed- nesday fot‘eiioon the wooden steps in front of the verandah at the Rectory were replaced by a. set presented to the Rev. Mr. Logan by Mr. Macdonnld, contractor on the canal, who had them Specially prepared for the purpose. The Steps are three in number, five feet long, one foot wide. with a rise of eight ineli- es. and they are all cut out of a solid block of limestone, which must have weighed nearly three tons before it was worked into its present shape. On the front of the top step the inscription “ T. V. Canal ” is neatly cut in bold letters, and below it. on the middle step, is the date, “1885.” The gift was presented simply as a token of friendship and esteem, but there is a peculiar fitness in it. as Mr. Logan has about 800 inhabitants. In the place itself there are neither doctors nor dis- pensary, but medical assistance and medicines were supplied from Algimia, where the cholera was also ragingâ€"very 500') the former also failed them, for of the two dictors one died of the disease, and the other, after losing his wife, was attacked by the terrible epidemic. As these towns and that of Alfara dc Al- gintia were thus deprived of medical aid, the Mayor went to Valencia to lay the State of the case before the Cover. nor and pray for help. On his return lte fell a victim to the scourge. 'l‘lic panic was increasing. The butcher and his family died, and the town remained without the supply of meat. But this wasn't all. The baker and his family suffered the same fate as the butcher, which made things still worse, as the families still in existence were very few of them in a state to make bread. There was still more to come. The gravedigger was struck down, and in a single. day there were eighteen dead bodies with nobody to bury them. The force of the Civil Guard. in barracks there, consisted of four men and a ser- geant ; the wives of three of the guards had died, and the remaining guards were all ill. When assistance arrived, which infused a. little animation into the people, the greater part of tlic houses were found shut up, either in consequence of the death or flight of the owners. Only about forty were in- habited, and these were all occupied by cholera-stricken patients." . North-West Notes. The Fort McLeod Gazette says 2â€"â€" Among the prisoners arrested at Pitt is one Charlebois, a I'Inlfbi'ccd, charged with killing a squnw in Big, Bear's camp. The woman was sickly and talked wildly, her mind being affected, and this led the Indians to look upon her as bewitclied and to desire her death. She used to tell them they would all be killed, as the white soldiers were tnore numerous than mosquitoes; and this talk, the Indians said, fright- ened them. While all were anxious to among the cattle in Erie county, I’n. has been greatly improved by his trip to Norway. has charged $30,000 for his services zit the Grant funeral. show that the crops are ripening fast. and that little or no damage was done by the frost. 000,000 has been expended by members of the Church of England in building and restoring churches. badly disorganized. sprung up amongst them, the. society is disrupted, and their organ Die Zu/riuift has suspended publication, and is not likely to be resurrected. ever made was recently turned out from the factory at Iliou, New York. It. is :1 50,000 candle power, and is expected to light. the town of Seneca Falls from .1 hiin tower. conic ashore at lloekpnrt, Mass., last more than three feet broad. and twenty lip they span eight feet. furnish five million wooden pic plates with crimped edges, exactly like the tin plates. The advantages claimed for the FENI-IIAIX 'r‘ A LLS MARKETS. Mr. Gladstone affirms that his health 13(,,,,,,,.,1 ,,_,, Mdhuwduy. “mull”, Feiicloii l-‘iills, Friday, Sept. 4th, lafifi. Wheat fall per bushel - -~‘itl 00 0 "' t - o o o i I t - s ‘U’ The feeling is growmg in yiuugland “vim”, spring, a - _ . n no 0 75 that Gordon escaped the I\.Ili\l‘l0lllu Barley, pcr buslii-l - - - no no massacre. 0M5, “ “ - - - - :H at. . ) . a a Three thousand pounds of nitro Irlyc- I‘M“! ‘,‘ “ ’ ‘ ' ' 55 M . . “ Itvo, -‘ H - ~ - - 48 an crine have been accidentally exploded .' . Z . . , l otiitocs, “ - - .. - J) 35 in Bradford, Iii. . _ Iiuttcr, per 1b., ~ - - - - H In A Nebraska man claims to have dts- Dressed IIo Vs lt‘l‘ loo lbs. <5 on Q5 7 _ _ L . l , . .. 5 covered the human soul With the aid of “(‘Uf- l‘t‘r “l” “>9. - - - Si (in $1. on a powerful inierosmpc. {5111113, l‘t‘r “010", - - - - to it Undertaker Merritt denies that he "hf" ‘0'" - ' ' ' w 0" NO 00 Advertisements. 7 PUBLIC NOTICE. Merchants and others are III‘I‘f‘IH' littliIile that, from tlllll after this date, I ivill tint be responsible for any iii-bis contracted iii my name. by any person \\'llolii.~iu-ver, without. a written order from "W. Illf‘lIAlll) 'I‘I'lAfllIl'}. Fenclou Falls, Sept. Isl, 1855. 2tt-il' Careful investigations in Manitoba During forty years the sum of SZOO,‘ The Socialists in Philadelphia are Jealousies have House dc Lot for Sale or to Rent. That large and rnuiin house on Clifton street, Foiicltiti I’ulls, owned by Mrs. Quin- Iiiii. will he sold Ni it great lnirguiu, or rent- ed on reasonable II'I‘IIH. Apply to William Qiiiiy, 1551].. Port Hope, or to JOHN AUSTIN. FGIICIOII l’nlls, Aug. 'inlll, loss. 28-4. One of the largest single electric lights GROCERIES ~1XN1)~â€" PROVISIONS. J. iicrxTitLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine l'i'csli TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Ifice, Raisins A turtle weighing nearly 000 pounds week. The creature is eight feet long, inches deep. Ills fore flippers are each more than a yard long, and from tip to An accident, in a foundry at. Mel bournc, Australia. has ll'lI to the (IISCOVv cry that the plunging of hot iron c:i~t- iiigs into a mixture of molasses and wu- tor softens the Illl‘till to such a degree. that it can be punched, bored or tapped as easily as wrought. iron. A firm in Delaware has a contract to wooden article are that it will not allow Currants, Starch, Soups and all other been from the vcrylfirst one of the most. rifices, if necessary. in order to attend. School Board. Fcnclon Falls, Sept. 2nd, 1885. School Board met. Members all pres- ent except Mr. Green. Minutes of pre. vious meeting l't'ild and approved. The chairman in the chair. Moved by .‘lr. Cunningham. second- ed by Mr. .‘lo at, That the following accounts he. paid : J. B. Ditnhztm. one moath's salary. duo 31st August. 345 ; A. Inkpin, on account contract, $500 ; T, nag-own. one sheep-Skin for black- boards. 31 50.â€"Carri--d. Resolved by this BOII‘tI, That the sec-treasurer be instructed to notify the municipal Council to m ike provision for the election of school trustees at the same time and iii the same manner as i the municipal elections are held as pro- vided by the school not. of 1885. ardent advocates of the Trent Valley Canal. The steps are said to be worth 8'25 at the very least. Starved for Seventeen Days. About. five weeks ago Mr. A. C. Bar- ker. residing between L’Amable and B :ncrol't, lost :in ox, which was searched for in every direction, and at. last found in an empty burn on a non-resident lot. Some one had carelessly closed and fas- tened the donr without looking inside. and the poor animal was there confined for a period of about seventeen days. At one end of the threshing floor there was a small bedding of pea-straw, where a horse find been stabled the previous year; this was all it had to Gill, and of course it was totally unprovided with W‘IICI‘. When found the ox was a com- plete skeleton and could hardly stand. It was at first sparingly supplied with have her killed none of them cared the pie to bum um. um lower cm“ ,0 groceries, which he WlII bell about taking hold of the job. until final- ly Cliarlcbois said he would do it, and accordingly beat. her brains out with :i stick. He speaks quite coolly of the crime and cannot see that he did any wrong. She threatened to eat. all the Indians and Halfbrceds in the camp before morning. and it was in order to prevent cannibalism and avert this catas- trophe the! be killed her. The Saskatchewan Harald says :â€" An Indian came to town on Monday and reported that. about twenty Indians, one of whom is the Wolverine, son of Big Bear, were encumped at the Nose. one hundred and forty miles south-west of this placeâ€"all well armed and deter- mined noi. to surrender. On his way in he crossed the trail of three bands of animals, one of which he took to consist. of about a dozen buffalo ; the other two to be composed respectively of forty and sixty head of domestic cattle. political barangue in the Ohio coin. gets up a more preposterous lather with years ago, and now there are 2.000000 become sogg . Referring to the author of a recent Cheap for Cash, and to which lie invites the attention of the public. CROCK ICRY, (l I. A SSWA Ii Id, I‘lurtheuwurc. Brooms, I’nilii, Witslitubx, Blackiiigbruvhi-s, Clotlii's pitta. Matches and other articles in great variety. fanned fish, IlUll 8: Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low- , est pimihlc pricca. Cash Paid for Butler & Eggs and other farm produce. Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. puign, the Philadelphia RI‘COI'II says “ he always was a political soup cltower, and the only difference that we notice about him this year is the fact that In: a smaller piece of soup." Ten pairs of Britiin sparrows were let loose in Adelaide, Australia. a few of them clinging to the settled districts and living entirely on fruit and grain, “ 'till," says a colonial paper, “ the pros- pects are that the colony will, in less than twenty years, he reduced to u more sheep-walk.” Here is the breakfast that President Cleveland is accust of eating in the Adirondacks; It begins with iiiuskmel- on, a beefstcuk and an omelcttc, with four hot rolls and two cups of coffee as JOSI'lI’II MUFAIILANI). Feuclou Falls, May 22nd, 1885. ding that of the Street ClllllIIll‘SIIlllt'l". and then did not work ball the time. Formerly they paid $3,200 for police protection, and now only paid .3000 So that. they not only saved the. $2,000 of license revenue but. had 8500 to the good." FIRE AT Marianaâ€"A fire broke out | about 11 o’clock last Monday night in l the most ive~terly shop of the Dolieny I block. occupied by John I’yne as a gro- cery and hardware store. The stock was badly damaged : insurance, 82 500. Tile fire company did gmid service in confining the fire to the shop. l‘tzasoxai. -â€"-.\Ir. and Mrs. David Argue, with their two children, were in I - l l The T. V. Canal. On Thursday forcnr‘on the last stone used in the construction of the locks in _ . this village was put in place in what is n" a “5" M" Arm”! “1'0 T“ ill“ called the breast wall of'the lower luck ; 5 happy "ad fii'mmml 1””k "i ‘1 “m” Jud aft“, it “,3, In“ the mam"; gall“! who pays his llt‘il‘s’itlpcl‘ subscripiiriii tfl‘II up their tools and prepared to~ leave next morning for I’erth. wlicrel "'6'" they are to be employed m the Tar, P _ , (.‘anal. for which .‘Iexsrs. Manning &! u” helium “1"l,’l"“‘k“ “I “‘9 5”“ I" .‘lacdonald have the contract. The luck we ""M “hf-“W "rm" mites are yet to be put in, but that is. to be done by the. Government, and ircl by the last number of tilt: .‘Iin-len [Sc/m during tIi-- past can obtain no information as to when I “'3‘ "'8 lerPrIvtorS. Messrs Brown At? work on them is in be Commenced. At Sun“. In“? dissolved partnership. the um we“ end of the can,“ [he "a," fig; former having sold out his interest to up; am by , w,” nf mop nearly 53‘ the latter. who will continue the busi- feet high and containing about six hun- ,1 "9:5‘ dred cubic feet; but ten or a dozen ; I men an at wmk binfitintz k out, and M ; patronized as far as advertising is con- oue spot they are within twentvfive feet ; “fwd i In“ in I [410% lbe site of Min» of the river. Mr. .‘Iacdnnaid would t d“ we Phlms or I MIMI": business double the force, but there is no fore- ,9 “n 0"le be enough 10 did“ 561th seeing at what moment a leak snficiunt , “'0- to put a temporary stop to the proceed- i A Goon Jon â€"F-rr arc-oral davs part ings may be sprung. and even now the: .‘Ir. Jacket and One or two assistants I horses that draw away the stuE are; have been working at the drain on the {over their fetlocks. and in some plates { west side of Colborce street. and have ~' .ncarly up to their knees. in watchian it u p from a. point about two About twenty feet from the Iongcsti rods south of Francis street to the north span in the railway bridge. on the neat I end of .‘Ir Jordan's new block. in order side. a crib 2?. feet square has been l to video and deepen the channel, which sunk. and a similar crib which is partly was not suficiently large to carry the constructed is tobasnnk the same dis- Iatcr. A gmd job appears to have lance on the other side. These are to I been made of it this time, stone walls rapport the ends of the swing when itI having been built three feet apart and it built, and the count-ion were to. three feet high and covered with wry I l I’mielnn Falls tln- first half of this Week I 1.000 pounds of biscuitS. exclusive of?I by prospective high prices for their pro l l lprnnipily. has Ital prnfirnble employ. Ijztms a d jellies; tinned meats. 6.000 are everywhere being made in cuter- t'lllit lCflr.‘ III‘ I .‘Icssrs. Dodge 3; (.‘o.'s lamb-r yard at l DISSOIA'ED Paarxcasiiir --“'e we : l l l The Evhn. which is a little over “image or th°,whfile '95329' "‘d the: a year all, appears to be fairly walling" may be ‘nrcrm‘l "1 Proponion‘ f l i I . I i i i ~‘c Business Prospects. hay and water. and with diligent nurs- ing slowly recovered. and now appears to be very little the Worse for its long ImpI'ISOD[BOULâ€"I3PUPUUIO Intelligenccr. Our American exchanges speak in a most encouraging strain of the business and industrial prospects on that side of the line, and anticipate a speedy return of prosperity. There is an increased Ocean steamers are provisioned as feeling of confidence in business circles, follows for the passengers and crew :â€" . and operations are being considerably 3.500 pounds of butter. 3,000 hams. I extended. The farmers are encouraged Plenty to Eat. those supplied for the crew; 8.000 dune, and the plenty and cheapness of pounds of grapes, almonds. figS, and , money is greatly stimulating industrial other dessert fruits; 1 500 pounds of and mercantile activity. Investments pounds ; dried beans. 3.000 pounds ; I rie--. 3,000 pounds; onions. 5.000 lbs. ; . pnzamos, fortv tons; flour. 300 barrels; I II'HI eggs. 1.200 dozen. Fresh vegetn- welcome news to the Canadian people. blvs. dead mat and live bollocks. sheep, , Despite the artificial barriers to our pigs. grew, turkeys. ducks. fouls. fish. commercial intercourse there is always and casual game are. generally supplied , a strong sympathy between the condi- at each port. so that it is difiicult to csâ€"' tion of trade here and in the suites. No tiinate them. Probably two dozen bul- depression can arise there without our locks and sixty sheep would be a fair, speedily feeling its effecu in a corresr ponding stagnation here, and as soon as , itho difficulty has been overcome and During the summer months. when trav- , prosperity restored in the great com- ellin: is heavy. twenty-five fowls are} mereial contra of the United States. often used in soup for a Single dinner. I the impulse is communicated to our Icommerec. We may reasonably hope. . , . / therefore. that the approaching fall will The 0‘1"" 5 1"‘e' ""3 2"“ "ch witness a much needed revival in boni- r.“lmb‘iid°"' “I” '0" a". ye" b.’ ' I nesa, and that the depression is now incolnsliire firmer. an ex‘blackamithq - u , T l V Last year a country barber won it. pmum ’ "LLâ€" omn 0 ' cw" The Earl of Devon but offered to sell his tenants their holdings under the Severe and repeated shock of earth- prorisions of the land purchase bill, and . quake: have been experienced at Kind- thq tenants will hold a meeting to oon- é bcrz. in the Styrian Alps. The boom sider the ofl’cr. toppled and the inhabitants fled. Agrarian outrages are increasing fear-g The confederate colonists who went fully in Kerry county, Ireland. Every . to Brazil in 1865, fearing that life in day cases of moonlight work, of incendb i arism and hamstringing cattle are rc-g ported. No arrests made. ’ prises which promise to be remunera- tive, and there is a general resumption of activity all along the line. This is -0... l l l their native land wanld be made noon. The mummies ""3 0* unusual 8314.; pcclfvllly minim-l. durable for them, are multiplying and thriving in 1 most encouraging manner. an accompaniment. It proceeds with broiled ham and spring chicken and more coffee. It. continues with lamb chops, fried potatoes and hot rolls, and ends with ice water. The fattest man that ever lived in Ohio died recently at Mansfield, in that State. Ills name was Norris. IIn weigh- ed 452') pounds at the time of his death. [list coffin was made to order, itan in (lit incnsionii was six feet one inch in length, twenty-eight. inches wide and twenty- two inches high, inside measurement. The casket Wait two inches wider than the largest hearse in the city, and his remains were drawn to the cemetery on i a spring waggon. , While we habitually speak for con-l venience of the cholera epidemic-t off 1832. Iii-£8. 1873. and so on, an if these 3 were the only year.H of their continuance, the uniform rule is that they have . raged from three to five years sauces-l ! l sivcly, and occasionally much longch The first epidemic in America did not I subside until the laps-to of five years ;= and two years after its first appearance I it. raged furiously. Sonic Illlllltflllual have declared that in New York city; there Was scarcely a year from 1?le to 1954 without well-defined cases ofl cholera. ‘ A terrible hail norm paused over Bel- mont county, Ohio. last. )Ionday even. log. The path of the storm Via-i turn; miles wide. and travelled from the north- 1 west to the southeast. The alarm only lasted fii‘o niinutcio, but raged with great fury. A flooring mill was blown l down, onethird of the corn crop was; destroyed, and fruit. was much injured. j The tobacco Crop suffered severely,‘ many fields being completely ruined. l l I being over six inches in circumfeicnce, ‘- and a few measuring tr-n lllCIicn. I liliffflflusmas. BARRETT BROTHERS respectfully inform llu- rt'sld'mlv of I’ciielnn Falls and iL-l vicinity that they Illl\"' recent- Iy purchased Mr John .‘lluffut'd BAKERY â€"ALNI)- GROCERY. business, and will continue to supply rin- font"!!! with the. CHOICE BREAD for which the old .hlmp Inn nlwnyii been noted; and that. IMF-d”: M‘I'UIWI the ser- vicw ofa “rift-flu“! Pally-ful and lunlecliunei, they will he prepared in H'II all the atupln UTIIV‘II‘! in find" lint-u of the heat quality. They will alert: kH-p a good Hunk of FRESH GHOGEIIIES, all of which will be mid lit the Very Invent living profit. The Finest Flour hpt C(Imtlantly on hand : aim OATS, BI’AN & SHORTS. Farm produce taltrn in ravhangl- fur zoodl, and Cain paid for Iiullcr and Piggy. ICE CREAM. An In: Cream Parlour will be owned as i won at but until.” 21:” in. ‘1)“ A All“!!! or public patronage it ru- D. 6: J. BARREI'I‘. rm it,“ r..;i. .t, ,1: .» mi 1-.” .u,’

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