I I'. SANDI'ORD .i r, , has a large stock of WAGGONS AND BUGGIES on hand, all guaranteed to he first class, which he will sell CHEAPERJi-[AN EVER. it: sure and :t't: his stock of PLO‘WS AND HARROlVS, Farmers requiring a liai-rotvv'ill do well to inspect his bprm Tooth Harrows, which are Just the thing loi' rough land. He also keeps the followup.r lartn machines: REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is hound not to he undersold by any one. ߠAll kinds of' l’t..\.\‘l.\’ti done at short notice. Various patterns oi Mott“)- tsus kept on hand. and sold at. the Imnxt pm‘rm. lloitsiz-Siroizisu and Joiiinsti , I rpecialt . All “mums done in a first-class. manner and on elmâ€. notice. Some chenp second-hand Bl'UUll‘IS for sale. Ho returns sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the past. 14 years, and will rpare no pains to merit it continuance of it in the future. NEW FURNITURE FAOTORY. 0 The undersigned respectfully informs the public that his new factory ON FRANCIS STREET, I'BNELON IE'AIriIJS,E in now in full running order. and is fitted up with all machinery necessary to turn om work at short notice. in the best possible manner and at moderate prices. FURNITURE ()F ALL KINDSl kept constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKINE A SPECIALTY. A larrvc number of Collins to select from. and a handsome Hearse furnished when ’- . . . . ., Orv/I'm: .‘illlil'lrll, um] stills/urinal {Illlll'tlltfl'l'lL Rush and Doors made [0 ‘ required. ' order on short. notice and ol the best. materials. WIELIAM MCKEOWN. l.‘ long-Felt Want Supplied. A. (Hark 8c Son, MERCHANT TAILORS. â€"â€"â€"(II" THEâ€"â€" I I County of Victoria. FALL... _ have nineli pleasure in announcingr that they have just put iii uti entirely New and lwell-selectwl stock of Scotch, English uud Feiielou Falls In,“ Fflundw and Mach,"B Shflp'lCANADIAN TWEEDS AND UTIIER ttonlis, which they are prepared to made up in the hogs to tall the intention of the thinners to must Fashionable. Styles. l’nrties t'nruish~, his eelehrated itâ€: their own material, with or without ‘ trimming. (‘K'l be accommodated. Boss Plgugk, .u. won.- that. is giving so much stitisliietioii. Farm- ith'ders for (flitting purietuully attended to. ers in want of good To the Farmers {0'5" .1 Trial Sulirilml, Fetielou Hills, April lith, lRSS. H A R R O W S “ï¬dï¬ii’i‘ï¬h’aâ€" n complete assortment of ï¬rst-class CARRIAGE ll HEAVY HARNESS. would do well to inspect his large stock of, Steel "'tl'l’anS, lron llarrows and Wooden llarrows. all at PRICES TO MEET THE TlllES. Agent for the Massey .\hinul‘:ietnrin;: (‘ojs TORONTO ltismzn. the Massey ll.\irvi:-"ri:ri. the celebrated 'l‘ouosro .\lo\\i:ii :unl Strands “ARI-D â€"-ne equal, all :ll reduced prices. THOMAS IltlllSUN, Wlii is. Sun n; Currvroinhs. liruslies l l r . . r lTRUNKS 8L VALISES. and vnrious other articles, at .108. Nevisoii‘s lltll‘llt‘SS Shop, t‘olhoi'ne Street. Fem-Inn Falls. I'llmrron /.vll\'r l-lnm It'll. Fcuelon Falls, Mart-h lztli, ls‘s‘ï¬. It-ly 1'33)" (inllars warranted tepairing done with rn-atirt-ss and dispatch. :tl-ly. ‘ if 'i †' ‘SEE’RT‘RA‘M a co GR 0 C E R I E S ""‘r5 “’ “""W'H‘" “"‘liwlh‘l" have purchased *A-‘NDâ€" llAltlHVAltE Bt'srxnss formerly eirried on by Mir. (litiinrir Asmar- sox. It is their intention to continue the I business under the maungeinetit of Mr. J. i Mitchell, keeping a J. Mtdi‘AllLAND l(’}().\ll’Ll‘l'l‘l<} STOCK [us now on hand a cplpndm “(wk of Hi all kinds of Hardware, and selling at tilâ€, “.04, the very lowest TEAS, COFFEES; WHOLESALE PRiCE, living determined to secure the trade of all who desire to buy wherever they can pur- Sugars, Syrups, 'l‘ohaecns. llive. liaisins l‘lnts‘r' Cheapest. Currants, Starch, Soap; and all other groceries. whirl: he will sell BERTRAM d; Co. Fetieluii Falls, Aug. lst. HRS, ‘.‘.’--t.f. Cheap ['01- 0:: s11. 1nd to which he invites the attention ol'tlie public. I (.‘notiktzitv, nip.tsswxxiirc. BARRETT BROTHERS Earthenware. llronins. l‘ails. “'ashtuhs, v - . . s l Blacklttg-hruslws, Clothespins. Matches respeeitnlly inform the r.-.~;.loiits of 1' enelon ; and other nrtirlcs in great variety. il’alls tlllll its vit-ivxiry that they have rectum; , ly I‘lln'llél.‘l“l Mr. John .\loll‘ut‘s l Banned Fish, lruil & Vegetables BAKE RY of the very best brands and at the lMF- __;\Nl)__ est prirslblc pt'lt‘t‘s‘. ll “ 7‘ r GROCLRl. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs Ehnsinrss. and will continue to supply ens-i l l 1nd other farm produce. *9†Flour and teed kept constantly °" hm" .rosi-zrii 3r.-i-'.-\ru..\.\'r\. CHOICE BREAD Fenclou Falls. May 22nd, 1555. tonters with tlio- :l'or which the old ~linp has always been i Hotel. and that. Emma; secured the ser- ‘ vicva my. 13,411,â€, . : Merchants amt other; An. ;,,._...i,.- “Mam ‘1' from and after this date l “ill llril he , ' V irwousible for snv dch contraczwl in on “"1" “ti: lw‘ prep-ml to sell all the staple . aunt-.bv any person \I’liotnstwvvr. “about “’Wlf‘é m Utes;- line: or the but quality. e, : wring-n order from nu. The} mil am» lat-up .l guild stock or lllt'llAlli‘ Tl’l.\|‘.l'l§ R Fenla- FAlls. Sept. lat, tss‘I. .‘tm- _ , m "iiâ€"-ï¬ all of “Math I'ill he sold at the \vfylo'c31 Home 6: Lot for Sale or to Rent. l 'j‘i†“‘“m‘ That. in“ Itan roomy hour “3 mitten! sued. Ftuelon falls. on an! by Mr, (34...; Inn, will be sold st or great bugâ€. or rent-g kept continually on hand ; the War Against High Prices. You can save 50 per cen.. by buying at W. W. BLOTT’S OASH STORE. NEW LIST OF CASH PRICES. and “ell azsorted stock in Liinisav to make your :t‘ir-Clwlis trotn as is now \"llliu tare as lull ol bargains as the Hub tit-us p- itieian is trill of votes on election day. W-‘Jllull. llc‘rilaliuu or mental resolution ol' an) Ihind preeud lo - ' words pour some wisdom into \our car. 'l‘o he;in. trim-s are hard and money is , rich and poor alike to be economical and tiuht ï¬sh-xi. and N «‘Xr‘l’t‘lfl' “'thl 1†NEVER SNCE THE FLOOD l --â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l r . . i When the old man Noah tire-re the animals two by two Into the Ark tor protection have Dry t‘vo ids and Clothing been l so cheap and so lilll'tlH-Ult‘ as tiny are for the hall ot’ 155.). and never since Adam was a be). has there been such a largo l the tour wail: of the (‘itv Store. We “e therefore without the least equiv wire you some unadulterated pistol grip :ul\i“t‘. m in t-tln'r liulit. then-litre it hehoove- erri‘yl‘mlv id foresight iu expending runner to the n llltll :tt‘lscs what are the neural nee \â€" " Actual iieeusxiries are loud to nit and clothing sutlicientl)’ heavy and warm . our hm: (‘anadian winters are always on the alert for victims. are least protected, hence the, necessity that you equip yourself thoroughly wall prices that will knock the hrizranls cord llein'y all wool and Roman Stripes in l‘lushes. Silks, Velvets and Shirtings, serving our patrons with style. lit and 6; MA BK. r STTGARS. 2 CANNED GOODS- . . . . , ,. ..,. .,.,, ‘ . . - . r _ . . . _ 5 best passrble advantaec in piiichiisin: the (lt’lllill necessaiits o it e. u «pinto. 19 lbs. Renned Sugar for - - :l 00 British American Salmon. 1 lb. tins, lac. l K _ {Ha .. l . i l . . . _ . ,3 ,, umnuhwd SUE!“ for _ l “U L“me , 1b. “"5: _ _ _ - _ 15c. ,thes 0 It. wit tout up u :in: in luxuries . i . 17 “ Bright Sugar for - - l on .3lackerel. l lh. tins. - - - - - 15c. } to protect you lrotn lilizzanls and things which \ittt'l'li‘. l l ;>.'ardiucs. (French), quarters. - - 15c. i consequently they are treacherous toes and stab you t ie more sen-re y w ieu you S Y R U I s‘ ‘ i do- ‘10- _ “ï¬lm ‘ ‘ 35¢ 3; lor armor that will protect vou “‘08! the attaeks of Jack l‘l'OSt- 3 gallons Golden for - - - :l I!) (Tomatoes. 3 lb. tins, - - - - - tUc. . . .' . . i . ‘1 ‘9 . , :Apples. 3 lb. tins, - - - - - inc, l “ *3 lllert‘lflre Warn you in time to prepare tor the enemy. am “01m in \IN. TEAS. ‘pie peat-mus. it lb. tins. . - - - 25.3, i and at once in the City Store aecoutreuictits and blizzard protector garments at A Special line in Jupnn.just arrived. finest Pitirupples. 2! lb. tins. - - - - 20c. l and drive you wild with delight. value in Canada, equal to unv 5') cent tea . Penn. ’2 lb. tins. - - - - - - lie. I ,- s , U n - i . .. - i ' _ . . v , - . .~. . ~ 1' - v. \ la :ictna.l\ m l‘ar‘ hununli \ . l : V in the market, 30 cents per lb. :‘Sll’n‘whut‘rlca‘. 2 lb. tins, - - - 170. l I (gill-:9 gist ("igln'wi \: vol,1‘1‘ilnnlcl> m...“ hm“, l‘lmw |qil1:‘,{lill f ,1, . Fri; l-iri‘ri lii‘ulnu i\"l iii-r nu m l “r “Oil 0’ EpllJlb. ': lb. tins, - - - . - - 17¢ E if“. res ullt rents a wee unt ere or nu; is .sinip _\ Home use. i. L ts . t s _ l . NEW FRUIT. gcum’ 3 1b, ï¬ns, _ - . . - 1250: lutou dress goods and ladies cloth suitiuus iii great variety. Finest (\Jurmnts, 18 lbs. forl - ~ SI 00 il’eus. 2 lb. tins, - â€" - - - - li'lc. Salisbury and Gladstone Flannels, the nohhiest ponds ot the are. ' 'iil nti Raisins. lU tis.for l 00 v - <.'.‘ .t‘ 5. â€" - - - - - 2. x“ . . ,. . . . _ - - - e a ' . ~ rlimn‘ ,‘ lb†m ' - . 105'“ \\ e are the fashionable )lert-liant latlors ol ltnnlsiiv and take special pride in Evaporated Apples, to “’13. tor - i 00 llululth1u3. _ lb. Ulh - - - - - 1-1lc. . _ . .~ . . .. Q - - . ‘- Cherries. per lb. - - 25 ' ‘ ‘ ï¬nish that cannot be dupltcaied, and our block at lol'clgll and Lauailtau lweeds and r titling: is ample and complete. †0,0“: P" “L ' ' ' 1:} l TOBAGCOES- We cordially invite a visit from vou. . ‘ egcmbles" lb'pucm‘ge I“ 'Fiuest Prince of Wales Cliewinr - 400 lb . Dried Apples 1.": lbs. for s - - 1 oo " , . . ,. 5 _ ' ' ~ ‘ T .. ’ A- bright Smoking 0 s - - - .toe. lh. , . hg Jam perlb' - - - - - â€" w “ ('ut Cliewin - - - â€" - *‘iUc lb v‘ l V "1 Blueberry Jam per lb. s - - - 15 ’ g ‘ ‘ ‘ "' ‘L 9 "' Also a large and choice ussurtnient of; Also cut Smoking Tobaccos of the best Oranges. Lemons, Dutes, Figs. Nuts, Can- 5 brands, and the finest hruuds of Cigars and dies, Apples, Pineapples, Bananas kc. Cigarettes. 32:?“ A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Milk Pans, Preserve Jars and Butter Creeks, all of which will be sold at roe/r bottom prices. \V’. “T. BI.4()"I.VI‘. Fenelon Falls, April 22nd. 1885. JOSEPH HEARD’S Hardware, TlllW‘dl‘B it; Stoves. Specialties of Seasonable Goods. Nickle and Brass Electro Lamps. A thorough test proves this Lamp to be the best. It gives a pure steady light. equal to sixty sperm candlesâ€"the strongest light. ever produced by any burner using oil. Glass Lamps of all shades and colors. Ornamental Lamp at rock bottom prices. SlLVERWAREâ€"A SPLENDID LOT direct from the manufacturers. All of these goods warranted and stamped. Stoves, 100 to choose from. Cock-Stoves with all the latest improvements for cooking and heating. Fancy ornament-a1 wood and coal Parlour Stoves. THE MAPLE LEAF GROSS-OUT SAWS, that have proved themselves, beyond dispute, far ahead of all other saws yet produced. AXICS POI}. CPI-11S I‘flAIJL- l have expressly hand-made Axes, the best in the Dominion. Kw? Cow Ties, Rope, Ste. Head quarters for Machine Oils, Patent Oil and Putty, and a full line of general Hardware. Ferrelon Frills, October 1st, .1885. R. M. BUTLER’S â€"-â€"I‘OB.â€"â€" of all kinds, at Rock-Bottom Prices 17‘01‘ Cash. _____.___-_.._.___._. The Bazaar, FRANCIS STREET EAST. Parties in want ol’ Dry Goodsï¬lolliiiigtt Milliuci‘y should call and see the BARGAINS offered at this establishment. CITY DRAPERS AND CLOTI No. 2 Dobson’s Block, ~ - WHILE THE-I GOODS LAST IN THE FOLLOWING- LINES? Odd Lengths in Dress Goods. Remnants of ’l‘weeds. Remnants of Cotton &2 ll'oolen Shirlings. leinnarnts of Prints. Broken Lots of Men‘s Ready-made Clothing. Broken Lots of Boy’s Ready-tirade Clothiiigi‘. Black & Col'd Felt llzits from 400. to WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. A line assortment of everything you want: in our line 071.0(9). This is the l)0.\‘h(5lltlll('0 this season to procure genuine Bargains in such [I 161:5. 2 Doors West; of the Post Oï¬ice. - ~ Kent Street. Lindsay. “GREAT ARGAINS .MILLlleRY- Mrs. KEELEY “as just ret'vivetl and opened up n large. stock of NEthlOODS, FANOY DRY GOODS. â€"â€"nndâ€"- ALL KINDS OF WOOL. all otwhieh will he sold lll ‘l.ESS TIL-U LINDSAY PRICES, A nit-e lol (if WALL PAPERS rind Wtsnow litmus just opened out. 'l‘o_\‘s in great variety. 'l‘oi‘et Sets. \'iisrs. li‘aney (Winn-wore and \':ll‘ll|ll\ other articles, to which the attention ot‘ intending purchasers is respectfully invited. runs. KEELEY. l’enclon Frills. May 7th. Hal». reliable goods. HUGH M’DOUGALL, The ‘alace Dry Goods & Clothing lloiisc. Interesting to Evénybody. ()-â€"-â€"- I have just. received the largest stock ol' Fancy Goods ever offered iii the village of lt‘cticlon Falls. consisting of "MUSICAL IN‘S'l‘R.UL\IICNr1-‘Sq such as Violins, Banjoes, Accordoons, Concertinas. )Ioutli-oreans (\2 'l‘ainhnurines. I Wall Papers and. Window Blinds, and a very large stock of l’aitit Brushes, Varnislies, Japans, Patterns l i l’ullcrrrs l A. l'ull :issoi'lnient ol’ llc(.‘all’s Bazaar gloveâ€" illiiig l’nltcrns always on hand, and will he. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, 50'†l’)’ “1â€â€ WW .IW/(l Mixed Paints of all shades of‘ colours, ready for the brush, on receipt, 01' price, by Pictures and I’iotul-O l‘H‘nnrOQ. and it ï¬ne stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags, Valises and Ladies’ Satchels; also. A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, Stationery, l’erluniei'y and Toilet. articles. and a. very fine. assortment. of Wm. Campbell. li‘enelon Falls, April 'llll, lSt'll'i. Watches, Watch Chains, Rings. Brooches and Other Jewelry, )1. {‘17,} H M Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. ('ull rnul i'nxprrt Ilrl‘ sine/r. HEI‘I‘II’IIJCN N I‘ZVIH()7\'. Fenelon Falls. April 9th, 1885’). til’l‘tis‘l’l'li Tut: i-os'rmiri'ir'n RANDON a: meson." in the lnlrahllanls ul lenelun Falls and Surrounding Country. Havingr purchased the stock, elm, of" Mr. John A. Ellis, and: made large additions thereto, we he}; to solicit a continuance ol‘ the support extended to him. and we will use our utmost endeavours at all times to make prices satisl'aetouv to one and all who may l'avonr us with their patronage. Our stock will he l'ound complete in GENERAL GROOERIES AND PROVISIONS. { GROCKERY. GLASSWARE, 840. Try our TEAS, they will please run both in prim-s land quality. In addition to the above “'lf-llltVt,’ also a large l and well selected stock ol' lMens’ and Women’s Boots 8: Shoes; l which will he sold its low as the lowest. Yours i‘r_-speetl‘-.ill,\'. lili.\Nl)t).\' (v HUDSON. Feiielon Falls, February lStli, 1997». Wine ADMIESIoN FEE To the (in-at (it‘llll‘fll Show of BOOTS AND SHOES i whit-h is now on exhibition at EWIAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT 3 AND SHOE STORE, i and crammed with a general stun-k ol' the inost complete naturi- ever olli-retl to the car/m ot'an :tllllill'llt'.’ public. at on mmnbre urn-s may to “‘im“=r=o.-\'t‘s. BIL-Di iv SHORTS. .;,.nmi mun...†a. the tirqmdll-iï¬ii» “tin-h r. rmtiwri in err. Quay, 351.. Port “opt. or m JOHN Al‘STlK Farm produce ukrn in “clung; fur goods, F.3d“, p.113, Au: mm 33‘) :5... and Cast; in} for Butter And Eggs. - ,1“:ij fâ€: F . ICE CREAM- 5“ ‘u or t h en- .Kn loo Chm: porlour will be opened I: 2101’) falls Gazelle. Ol'll)~ fl 5702: u Lu! tenth" sets :3 vear if paid in advance. It‘ vou , I?! A “m it while rum-“we u m' ~ ‘ “ct-22$: y “innit .~ want correct local new-R Wk?†D.&J. Fuels: F¢222.Ap:;133rd. :FH 34 I ,- the local paper. in Under-clothing. (.‘louds. Shawls. Mitts, &c., goods in great demand at this season. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, )I;LNAGPEB. of new goods ; , honest uooda at honest prim-s, uhn'n ii i the wearer. Make a ru-h “hiw the ~im~ are jii~t suited to tlm t:t-!-'~ ul In; athl'dlu r-. “Trunks 2111(l":lliHPr-' W'or’y (flu-up. L. MAG UIRE. I£ent St, Lindsay. finite-(Ev tin-«l utri _~l‘.v it'lll' -L r-‘ttii'v in l. l~ lnwh anti uni :i~-u.':v:vi_ ti.“ pricu- p .._-_... nothing then.- t‘rtr tho- purine A-l wan-trio: tl.~- c-y- only. but :w‘vi -â€"â€"ut'â€"â€"- OHRIST AS GOODS ul (l. A. Alriherell’s BOOK Sll‘OllE Ahli~â€" llUSlU EM l.’()ltl"ll‘.\l. I Come One lâ€"Oomc A11 ll ntnl exitniine goo-ls lil‘lull‘ putt-hinting l’lnC- \v lit-re. G. A. METHERELL, ‘Il'l‘llrllti ‘ltllrl KEV-Lint! l'ï¬l'lll'll, ‘Kr-nlâ€"Hlu Lindy-tiny. '.irirl-:iy, llt‘ltiln-r ::'.‘rh, lust r JG. .1! A‘V, Et‘Altl’l‘lN'l'l-ll’. .t- rrr'rrun-Iri, ; FENELON FALLS. ; 'l‘l)“ nilverti v-t t-- [atl‘lllilt'l to era-run, ,nll Ivl'll'r~ \\|lll“ltt1'lllt" trrti)‘ ll" ltit'nlt'o'd' ilrum l.It’,{" "'r|lll.|t'l- to the ~rnnllc-nt Juli. “<17â€f‘rI-linitrltlvmtvuiitllltlttvlfltiiittleotl l~lll4ll ll'tlit'l‘ llll‘l it L’trml Ulrllt’flfll" ; “'orhuiop on 1 mm :« Flier-t lint-t; twi- l'lt‘lliir 'tll lilllltl Flt: cl hurl. l lilH'i‘Allll “Alv. I l'tvttl'lnti lillll‘, Ai'tll l‘Illt, lr/f». Ll. . .‘l I'H. \Vurd. ; Dress & Mantle Maker, ‘Ii-, 1'l1‘ll'ir- ll toll†rt trot-Ii "lull [Ir work :11 lu-r } Residence on Bond St. West. ;lr“x'. hon-v to Sir. ,l'fl'tlll'j'h. and will he i»‘.:r;.l:- s! “no Ill» lntrut llriuliul, Putin and .‘I': w Yuri. lrlrll.‘ril' ‘ l“: lll'ltil) l'nil‘. Jan y lJrirl, l'i‘l. 4d-4' ;Tlie ~‘ l‘eiielon Falls ltuzelte " is pmitwl rvv-rr Saturday at the oflira, MI Il.' ¢ ‘I:IH‘Y wt Mr.) A l'manh pin-cu. ltil'la'tat ltll’TlOV SI .l llHK l.‘t' lDl’ANt'l, 3,.r unc- that ‘rrf u-u-l; it ill tw midrtl u long :i- 2'. rennin†unpaid, Ach 4-t-t thing; lath-H. l'rnewsl r‘rsi or Linilu‘i!‘ rardt, 'm nuts I» .â€" a-r J\!.l. 2H: “.nunl ll'lV'IYUM’HH'HlA, n v 4r itlrv'l'n’ll."lit-l..tln"!l;'1ll,nltd2 .A !.r Ih‘t)‘ w,.l,ywqu“til in.â€- l’al'l- 14f HA. :u-flf. Lilli )“itf 'If .u: a col .tnn or lrn, upon renun- nhle “.1 :tuz. JOB Plill‘TTING of all airliner; Ludo. urrntwl neatly, rur- v:--:::ly and rtu‘wuablc I‘lCn. i 3. n. HAND. Prrqrrulof I . J. llti’; I! “tin .. l l