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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 Oct 1885, p. 3

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Wai-W’Ag’iéihâ€"scfiigh Prices. ‘A POINTER FOR THE PEOPLE. has a large stock of WAGGONS AND BUGGIESiw. w on hand, all guaranteed to be first class, which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER. You can save 50 per Cen.. by buying at . BLOTT’S OASH STORE. NEW LIST OF CASH PRICES. DRESS MATERIALS. investigate our new line or Smsonmhlv l‘r- ~~ PM? a. u Aslrachan Manlles in Sacks and Newmarkels. Are the best. mwt dumble and comforulxlc linrment n lady can prorniclwrsull with. They are apt-rulll’ialc for any and All Itfk‘l:lUllS.l)c5l\lt‘S living: the most t-cunumit‘al and only fur coal you buy. We do not risk you not to inuk n: «‘15.. _~:. men-Iv Flik us .-\ flavour to us and :1; n duty you one )0 . . .. .4-......._.....__.. __ h ......_......_--.h_..-..__.._....-m._._-v_.. RS‘ 1 fixtflzii “lirllnnltp St‘xsnprlyllll‘lliry; until an entin-liv fret; fm’m h I r l” m n ‘ m h" n ‘m 1 w ‘, ~ - § 1 . -, - ~ . ,â€" ‘ f t u is. . n in! islsnt mg l l ‘ 2TH“ Hutu t-r u.r-:l- \' \ ‘li \‘ . M‘ t! _'t : l‘ Sn't' t t q. t!!~. Be sure “I’d see his Ft‘flk “f is "lit EEfinul sud“; for f. - :l ilfnluiih AfniclrllcT-‘uTallnon, l u: “l”, sold in this Iucnlil). the prowl intlimiiuiisiaiv llml [I]; tlcrimnil Um'h INT" ill“ l‘fm's “1‘ 5W“ “Turn” “’ 3““ '- l ‘ 7 u B {aliu "fie Tim“ or - l WI“ 1le l lh t'ini3 - E - - . 1.1m- Will be larger [Inn ever this sen-m, and as : modtmtclv guml l‘ircumflam-es invest it dollar “lllhml tir<t ~m‘ .‘ t: - P H L I “g ‘augar or i . lStirliii3(Frcnch)qqu~\rtcr: lino. Astmclmn .“flllllt‘ will last a hulv from eight to twelrc \‘rurs Attractions. Wr do not {our criticism or cumpu’ m UH ve-e l I ' Y R U l~ ‘ u T. ' ‘ 3' - T .L ' ordinnrv we .r. even- intendin v m'r -h <.- E] .- 11 d. - 't a imint ct-nlmn‘ we iuvitr it. We can better lll.lI\x \ in; ‘ .0. mil l‘K‘ ° do do. halves ~ - Inc. ‘ . a “l ‘ "‘ r‘ 1‘ " ‘ m“ ' l - . - . . . . _. . . . . , ' . lb.‘-I'.s s -; ~,.. â€".. .. ~,~ r-.- n ;--...y.~ .;-.-..~ Farmers. requiring a barrow Will do Well to inspect his Sprln 3 gallons Golden for - - - $1 10 Ton;atoes.l’ls)llr_. his, â€" - - - - pic. “:1, ,f,‘|‘,'i,.r”‘l""l‘_“n“i‘i3:13“):",‘Jjfllej'gjgl ii}iiiii.-liniiiiiel‘:iiiliitiruiihi “iii. .,1\..t.i.l,,i.‘~u - - . .3 .ts. -~»-- to. ~- ‘ ;‘~ ‘~‘- , ‘ . ‘ ’ - . Tooth Barrows, “'lllCll are Just ll“: tlllllfl' ll)? rough land. He illsllfjflche: 3Tb- pms _ _ - . 25C. Tlp‘ llllll illrth. 1: \'l\!‘“' ..t [In- lnrgu .lt-nmml for (nil-Vlh‘h‘s lulk: bu. the trnih‘u: nighpum w!“ ("\ll‘l‘lltl'r )‘v'ii ixwl .:i-:n..~. ‘ ’ V . '. .' " I h . ‘ _ . . . . .O - .’ _ Q“, . V ' h _ _ _ n- m I t‘ gum 5. ms (:1 "en 1 IL‘ llrt't‘alllllun to provide unly t w ms! "Wills In “\‘W “m 5U '5‘ Km“ -“ “U‘ I “‘ “" “"V‘W'lm‘ill 1“ ll.th hccps tile lOllO“ lllg ldl‘fll Illdl,lllIlC.‘9 . Specml mm m Jup’m‘lufl armed‘ firms" Pm‘al'l'l‘“ n" "H" “:0 nlI-Imnd-nmdr : rvn-xv St'uul well in |(‘\l nnd lint-ll with strong prices. Allrzu'linllfl tun Humorous lu lllx'n'lt'll ' mm ~ Yt‘u !.~\\ 1.- value in Canada, Equal to any 50 cent tawPenrs. 2 In. tins, - . S - S - Inc. “M” “mm hi m did u H“ hm “I h H.” l k d km ;,- 1,. y, n, n. m Hi. “‘1”, “Id mum, .m n“ , ' i p- l r > .~ Us 2 « , _ _ _ â€"._ ' g ' ..‘ \v ‘ to )5 ll l'-I:\C c 5 s \ ‘ "i I. ‘ H r ‘ > t : .. ~ _t..~»\‘v -Et‘ .|l .zu-i m [be alarke‘, 30 “ems 9” lb. giflghfrfi:Liinsn‘gnlbi _ _ ~ _ Et‘llllllll‘ London I)'\t‘ nsld ill the manufacture of these gnrnn-nte, null sumrn‘nl rrusuns why you Should we nu: wot-1. :tl “mm. N E U IT. 100;“...{3}, ii". i _ _ _ g _ _ I”); liy funsluu! Cun- at Al :1 thorough knunlt-tlgc nt- lnn'r uninrtl u “ hilr \vc advertise to indurc you In \‘tllllt‘ \\\‘ do our .til\~'lli~§'|g C ’ ’ Finest Currants l8lhs for - - Si 00 l1».n_.’-)-nk.(m;' ‘ _ - _ _ ~ 11'; rvpumtinn t'ur Aslrgu'lml Month-s lhnt “c cuuuul ntl'nrd to “lll>ltl\’ tlu-sture. (‘n<tunn~rs or \‘i~ilur~' “Ill lzul h HEM-.l ml.» ,, vnlemiatflnisins- 10 lbs fur l 00 t “:8...‘-fl lb “H; _ - - - - - Hit. ; juulllll‘lllrr': and thug.» “lm \\‘;|lll it good n-Iiulilr l-‘iu- (unnumâ€" buying, “'m, “ml-.1; we “.3. m hum”, y,“ m “um, . u m. NW“ AND ’ - I - N 1-â€" } w, - . :2- ' the Int-pest stuck in lln- .‘lltlllllttl Ilielrlct to (house from. without and lllrllllV wi- slmll induct- you in ltnv. ’l‘cn \\ -12;:; z t' z~lt~llli‘l'i , Evaporaied Apples’ in lbs' for - l 00 [Pumlq‘lus' ‘2 lb" “"5 ‘ T - . ‘ Like [In rm‘ihilitv vi puuht‘in" t l id In l Illll Cine to lllt. hill in lltt‘t nd in L. "" ' r "' ll ll to llll I l\\ x rl l l '. ... .. - u ' _ _ o}- ‘ ‘ ‘ v , t " -> -: u t t'â€"~>‘n l l 2 ‘ ~‘ ~ “m- ,:.;=...: I‘ r .2 I‘ll_\ .l gum in u and l: lX)llll(l llUt to be undtlfiUld ll} till} 0119- “ Chernes' Per lb' ' ' (‘l'l‘Y STORE without unv Inth udu. \\'c lnu'c n musl completi- making purchases. We want you to llt‘ muslin-l \\'.v \\ tut \nu Corn per Ib. - - - l3 . . - . . ~ _ . « vegekames 1 1b. package 15 I . _ ' . range 0! [Il‘lCL‘S. \0 Come again, and to this \‘llll we look to ullx' pin-om" lillt'li‘.‘i>. 58“ All kinda, of Pmstsn done at short notice. Various patterns of Mormo- Dried App)“ 151,15. fu’r _ _ _ x 00 Finest Prince ot “zoos fjhr-mng - .ptc. lh . g [ms kept on hand. and sold at. the lmrrxtpri'rm. llolLSE-Smirzlxt; and Joumso . Fig Jun) per lb. - - - - - - IO grlflgll:::i;f:"g b S ' . ‘ ll C A n npecialt . All REPAIRS rlnnc in a first-class manner and on short notice. Sonic liliclberry alum per h- ‘- - - l5 r M n S k, E 1: I" ' I" ' i i 3 1 - ‘ ¢ 9 ' ‘ ~ m - . s tment 0 . so cut Cnm'mg 0 news o'f tie on , _ . , cheat! “WON'th 1" "mm ’0' “‘9' o o " urge an e o'ci- “530i - ~ - CIT) DR »\1’1"IR~‘ \\1) (:LOT) 11bit» . _ , run res. Lemons Dates 1-: ‘. huts (130- brands. and the huc't hrund‘ of L‘i rnr‘ uud ‘ ‘ “' " ‘ ' ' ‘ He returns sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the dicsvgpples’ pinéupplesy’mfgnns kc’. ° ° 5 a , . ' No, 2 Dobson s Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post Office. ~ - Kent Street. Lindsay. past 14 years, and will spare no pains to merit a continuance of it in the future. NEW FURNITURE FAOTORY. 0â€".â€" The undersigned respectfully informs the public that. his new factory ON FRANCIS STREET, FENELON FALLS, JOSEPH HEARD’§ is now in full running order, and is fitted up with all machinery necessary to turn out work at Short notice, in the best po=siblc wannerand at moderate prices. & FURNITURE OF ALL KIN DS Special kept. constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKINC. A SPECIALTY. Nickle and Brass Electro Lamps. A thorough test proves this Lump to be the best. It gives a. A large numbcr of Collins to Ft‘lucl from, and a handsome llcnrsc furnished when n- nirctl. Ol'rlrrx .wlil-ih-tl mu] sun's/‘m-(im: guaranteed. Sash and Doors made to , . q pure steady light equal to Slxty Sperm candlesâ€"the strongeSt light ever produced by any burner using oil. Glass Lamps of order on short. notice and ol' the best. materials. all shades and colors. Ornamental Lamp at rock bottom priccS. WILLIAM MCKEOWN. SILVERWARE-A SPLENDID LOT A U c T I O N S A. L I: A Long-Felt Want Supplied. S A' Clark & 8011’ direct from the manufacturers. All of these goods warranted and stamped. r‘ " J 'l l1; l. lALU‘U II I u MERCHANT TAILORS. Stoves, 100 to choose from. l.\' THE TUWSN'IIH'E 0F . v ~ . FENELON FALL.“ Mllll‘illllldil‘i .\.\Il \lilillLAll, . , 5’ Imvc much pleasure Ill nnnounemg tlmt Cock-Stoves with all the latest improvements for cooking and heating. Fancy ornamental wood and coal Parlour Stoves. Them Wm ,m amt“, for MIC by public they have just put in an entirely New and THE MAPLE LEAF GROSS-OUT SAWS ’ Mlmiun m we well-selected stock of Scotch, English and . , , that have proved themselves, beyond dispute, far ahead of all 'McArthur House,’ Fenelon Falls, 0 A N A D I A N T w E E D S other saws yet produced. â€"-onâ€" AND OTHER GOODS, TUESDAY, oc1-_ 20th, 1885, which they are prepared to mndc up in the AXES FOR ’L‘Iâ€"IIS IVAIJL. I have expressly hand-made Axes, the best in the Dominion. ‘ nmst Fashionable Styles. Purties furnish- nt one o clock, p. m , by ing their own material, with or without J'_ Jr. 11")“.c‘.’ [tuctionoor’ trimming. can he ncconnnodnted. {flu}; Cow Ties, Rope, &c.â€" Head quartch for Machine OilS, Potent Oil and Putty, and a. full line of general Ilzu'dwurc. Fenelou Falls, October lot, 1880. W A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Mill: Pans, Preserve Jars and Butter Crooks, all of which will be sold at Mr]: boltom prirrs. ’ ‘V’. ‘V. BIE()'1"P. Feneion Falls, April 22nd, 1885. GREAT BARGAINS MILLlpERY} WHILE THE GOODS LAST l IN THE FOLLOWING LINE.-., l Mrs. KEELEY "us just received uud I'lll‘lll'll up u IlllL‘!‘ Much of NEW GOODS, 11i1‘1,i11gs.lFANl.iY mu GOODS, â€"nndâ€" : ALL KINDS OF WOOL. .ull of which will he sold til i l Cigarettes. i l i Odd Lengths in Dress Goods. Remnants of Twccds. Remnants of Cotton & Woolen S Rcmnm‘i'ts of Prints. Broken Lots of Men’s. Ready-made Clolhilm‘. Broken Lots ol'Boy’S licmlvâ€"nmd-c Clothing, . , . H W Black n Cold Felt Harts From 4.00. to “M “m, “‘“l’” WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. WALL PAPERS nnd thnow limsns jun upt‘llt'll will. 'l‘nx - in grt-ul variety. 'l'uilt-l Sun. Yum-S. Film-v (TIiinu-wnrl- nnd vuriuus ulIu-r :ll'llt'lt'~‘. iii which the intention of intcntlinp llllli'llil>l‘l5 'is respectfully invited. ties of Seasonablc Goods. A fine assortment of everything you wunl in our line ('ltCUj). This is the best chance this season to procure genuine Bargains in such reliable goods. HUGH M’DOUCALL, The ’aluec Dry Goods & Clothing house. MRS. KEELEY. Fem-Ion Frills. May Tth. 1:455». ‘ P: items l P; items! A, full nssorlmcnl o1 Interesting to Everybody. o I huvc'just. received thc'lurgest stock of Fancy Goods ever oll'crcd in the-village ol' Fenclou linlls, consisting of l‘lUSICAL INS'l‘llU)I JEN'JTS. such as Violins, Banjoes, Accordeons, Concert'inns. Mouth-organs & 'I‘amlmm'incs. , Wall Papers and. Window Blinds, and a very large stock of Point. Brushes, Vurnishes, .lupnns, 1&1 l \Vork Guaranteed. (.lrdcrs for Cutting pnnctunlly attended to. .‘l Trill] Solirilvtl. Fenclon Frills, April 15th, l885. You Will Find A complete assortment of first-class CABBAGE 8: HEAVY HARNESS, Whips, Snnps, Cnrrycomhs, Brushes, TRUNKS &. VALISES, nntl various other articles, at. .103. Nevison's llarncss Shop, Colborne Street, Pent-Ion Falls. BEE“ Collnrs wnrmnted. Repairing done with neutness nnd dispatch. 31-ly. the following vnlnnble properties: PARCEL l,â€".\'urlh<t‘usl. pnrt Lot 6, Con- o-S‘iun :2, Somerville; llm xterm-s. l‘Aumrt. '..',-â€"-.\'orth Imll' Lot 4, Concession 2, Sonwrvillv; lut) lu-rt-S. l’.\uci:i. ILâ€"Soulh lntlt' Lot 5, Concession 9, Somervillc; lull «crest. I’Alu‘rzl. Lâ€"Snnth lmlt' Lot. 3, Concession 2. Sunwrvillv; l‘tII ll('l‘l‘:l I'Mu'm. :‘n.-â€"I.ot ll, Concession l2, Somer- Vlllt'; 2‘10 ncrt-S. I’Mlt'm. 6.â€"â€"â€"l.nt ltt, COIlCl‘SSlOIl 13,50nicr- ville; '10” nun-S. l’Altl‘EL 7.â€"â€".\'orth-wo3t qnnrler of Lot 23, Concession T, Verulnm; 5|) urn-s. {Ft-runs :â€"â€"l"rom ten to twenty-five per cent. rux‘h: Imlrtncc in small nnnnnl pnymentst nt seven llt‘l‘ cvnt. interest, ns lnny he nrmngml at time of sole. for further purticulnrs apply to the Auc- tioneer, or to Muss. l-‘alronhrltlgc ll: Ilnrwlck. Mt.:-C."tll'S liar/.uur glowâ€" ,Jilling l’ullcrnS quuyS on hund, and will be .I PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY’QSOIIL by until jms/ Mull Nixed Paints ol'nll shades of colours, ready Ior the brush, on receipt “I. Privv‘ by Pictures and l’i (“tin-e lfi‘x-zunos, ‘ and a line stock of' l‘runks, lravcllmg Bugs, \ uliscs and Ladies Nttchcls; also. m. A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, ‘R. M. BUTLER’S 32-: Toronto. w H; ,.-_. __.-_ .~-______ I & Fem-ll) ti; .‘ -' . ,K. ‘7 Stationery, Perfumery nnd Toilet articles. and u very fine :mstn‘tlnctitof : n J 1”" AI” H H!" I s " ll "t u t u 1 ' . - " I "5 ° “mm” “the my m” purcmcd FOR Watches, Watch Chains, Rings. Brooches and Other J ewelry, - . . ‘ ‘ _ v _ l):ul\' J‘ l'l'lellH . Toys, “Vases and honey Clnun-wnrc. (all and umprrl rlu- s/m'lr. ‘ “y STJQI’IIJCN NJGVIHON. ormmrr. rm: l'UfiTmFlHt‘l-I OHRIST AS OOOS ul Ii. .l. All‘llll'l‘l‘ll‘x‘ Fenelon Falls, April 9th, 1885'). EEKâ€"19531;":â€" 8r. ROBSON. BOOK. ."ronn in he lnhahilanls oi lenelun Falls and Surrounding Cnunlryunume numnuru. Come Onel Come Allll I and t-xnminv L'H'Hli lwt'mt- llllll'll.|<lllu «Ll-â€" wln‘rc. G. A. METHERELL. Hl'l"'.'lll. 'lllli H\|.l.l-'I I III III ll. Ifil-nl-Jfi'l .. l .iIMlHtI_\‘. ‘llllil'll’v, llclulu-r 'Ji'th, l‘ml of all kinds, at Rock-Bottom Prices 17‘01' Cash. .A. llu'ving pnrchnsed the stock, clc., of Mr. John A. Ellis, and [made lurgc additions thereto, we bug in solicit u continuum-c of the support extended in him.nnd we will use our Ittlnusl endeavours :It all times to make prim-s Sittislitvtory to Ullt‘ and all who may fervour us with tlu-il‘ patronage. Our stock will be found cmnplctc in GENERAL GROOERIES AND PROVISIONS, l CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 8L0. '} 'l'rgl' our TEAS, they will please vnu Imlll in prices. l 1 I cum Minus} JG. .1! ANY. ‘(fAlll’l-IN'I‘ER .v “lumen, FENELON FALLS. . and quality. In addition to the above we have also :1 lul‘wfil Th" =“""'”i""' v run-“'3 in “mm. ' ‘ull nrdvr.‘ “Illl “In: I. '1' nut; in lll‘1'lilll" .lNrnm ItllL" twill.“ ‘~ In 19.4. ~11: «Iw J; I. my" Sid-ll .xntl |lvml»' I I all i .nlf m up on ~lu.rl nuliw' un-l «t gnu-t llml- . ,..: N‘IUI'I.*.“IX“II on Ilrlllll“ .‘linr' luv! 1. l. lll‘lH'I: (m lintul .‘lrm-l lam-l I'ill\\‘,\llll Il.\ \‘i'. l'mwinn linllw. April Il‘th. 1'" -. It and well selected stock of Mens’ and Women’s Boots 8: Shoes, of the very best brands and at the Iow- l ? which will be sold as low us the luwcr‘t. i l est. possible prices. Cash Paid for Butler & Eggs and other farm produce. l ’6‘ Flour and lecd kept constantly l E The Bazaar, FRANCIS STREET EAST. _AND_ HARDWARE BUSINESS formerly carried on by Mn. GILBERT Asmzn- sus. It is their intention to continue the lbusincss under the manngement of Mr. J. II Elite-hull, keeping n. â€" ' r i H T x r, , -, COMPLEIL STOCK J. .ltFARLAhD . . Eol all kinds of Hardware, and selling at has now on hand a splendid stock of; 1h" "J." “We” "Sh WHOLESALE 'PRlCE, ' I'being determined to Secure the tattle «Lull‘ 'who tlcswe to buy wherever tlujyxnn pur- Sugars, Syrups. Tobnecns, Rice. Raisins l elm“ “IMP?” Currants, Starch. Soups and all other BERTRAM db 00- groccrics. which he will sell “"010” Falls. Allfl- 15'. 1335, '35-‘1- Choap for Cash. and to which he invites the attention of the public. .(YRUCKERY, GLASSWARE. BARRETT BROTHERS Earlhf‘"wam- Brnoms- rim-'3' \‘VnShIUbsl respcrtlnllyint‘orm the residents of Penelon Blocking-brushes. Clothes-pins. Matches Falls nnd its vicinity that they lmve recent- nnd other articles in great variety. l)‘ l'urflwt‘d Mr- Jobu Momfl's E thF' V b BAKERY anne IS . ml 8: egala les â€"_-‘L.\'l)â€"- GROCERY h . 1 .n p , l ' i Yours respectfully, ' UElnESS' all! “‘1 con lnllf‘ O Silllp -\' CUS- ' 7 ' ‘I ‘ towns with the “()3 5'. . Fem-Ion Falls. February lSlh, 1833. )1 PH. \V“ "(L inihpIEt‘li mvlli ll." lulu-l Pinyin! -Nvu Yuri l.“ll""ln FI-nulun l'-i2l-.J.t1._\' I’Jnd. Ir“ l'.tt l' lll'l .ou laud. . â€"â€"â€"«-r-~ » - r ' " ' ' ’ Dress 8; M H M :lOBl.Pll ut-i-Ant..-\.\n.i,or “if, m 0M “W W films hm . . I ,i an e akcr, Fcnelon l‘alli. May 2201]. 1535. looted; and that, lmring f‘crnred the ser- N "- pump '1 “H!” “ gm"! rill“ “1 “Uri '11 i" r _.__, . . , --_ - .- MW.-- m... of: first-class ‘ Residence on Bond St W a “u r .v ' ‘ ' ' . ' “St. 1,3. rqu 13: LL, l1 To the Great (,cntrnl Show of u...“ 1.. \Ir Tm"... . m.» -...n )4: .. .. ; Pollyâ€"Bunk and Confection. RK‘I'. lul S! in the Sn! ton of \K-rulnm, near; _ Mu rod of April last. A yearling Bull. The l lb“: "n be anml ‘0 "n “u me “‘we owner an h".- n by , my, . m r“. “Id articles in .lhme lines of thu but quality. psying chumps. ' p k b p Pt ' The: will alm keep a good flock of ALFRED HOPKINS 9 Vernlnm, Sept. 2.1"}, 259.. 32-3. All a! which till he sold at the very loves: living profit, The Finest Flour Dry G00ds,010lhing&Millincry should call and see the BARGAINS offered at. this establishment. 4r»:- BOOTS AND SHOES which is now on exhibition at MAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT, lMBMBIl'THHMllllllll“ “Hutu, I or one cut"! g-tr 211;. will lw mint and crammed with a general bllK,‘l{ ml the lnml mmplu-tc nuturci "‘ “ '“ “W” “"l‘" The " l‘cm'lou hills (Suzette " 3. printml "\4!) bill‘rl‘iv‘l'h n! tin rillur. nn H...- uurn r u! M4,. I. I 14-.1 l l I l g I l . slur, more aims .0? ALL KINDS 4.’ in Int.“ QHEAPEB THAN EVER AT T!!! top: “man; a hand ; m. .0333. BEAN & SHORTS. lfm product ate: in ext-huge for goods, SOME EXTRA CHEAP LINES ' of new gawk; ever oll'crcd tn the gaze nl'nn admiring public. 'I.--ZI'I. l i [\tlvnrllulug Kuhn-t. l I : , v lrnfu-t».u...u hr bunntw Inf-f. 'i, Hm“, (lune-ml rxs-v-ilencc in the di-tingui-Mn; {c.xturc which is noticed in this [~le |""":“" i“ ’ "'~""“' "V-‘W-l “'l‘“ ~'” “ “v M. nothing lint-n: for the purpnr-c bl ranching the eye only. but Liam] a temp. pl! 2:: r h: m 6““ P“ “"9me 5m in Under-clothing, Clouds. Shawls. Mitts, 85c... mm... ma.- at wt..- which n i.........;_.- .m 2.... I”... ......;.... .., ,; 0. I “It We‘re,” )lsk” 3 "“il “I'll” ll'” ‘MCL' l" fl" ‘II Mitl “I‘ll :u-Ul'lu'vl; lltf' ltrICo-n Irwin-r. in; .i rim . --r 3:. u, m ,u. :1 Cabinets. per dozen. $2 50. Card size. per dozen. l 00. All finished m the hlcst style. Call lad Alme :1: wort : I I lead” Pulls, Aprii Zlnl, 1555. 944. R 3. SYLVESTER. k'cncloa Valli. Sept. Nth. "85. 31. l l ICE CREAM- At: lat- Cream: Parlour will bc opened u goon as hot. nuich an in. l ’8‘ A shut of public gaming-o is m- pectlully lolicitad. D. & J. m ends in great demand at this season. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, l D l. DIANAG'EII. arcjukt roiled lu tln- m-tw‘ “2' my «,-u-z..u..-r._ (Drunks and W'ulix-JOH “Very (Din-up. L. MA G UIRE. lie-zit 251., Linduuy ol an” 'wllxn. f JOB PRINTING for all woman. lair.le I‘lrfulnd nun!” "’r' neatly and tcucuablc ram. 1 .. a. um). I 7'14 mar

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