now in since; all itigii‘linnsf I. GEOGRAI’IIIE GI’AMMAI SPELLING BOOKS, COPY BOOKS. SCRIBBLERS, Pens, Ink, and every article: needed in schools. .,. v. D. . rv Just received, a full stock of FRESH DYE STUFFS at the Drug Store. W. H. ELLIS. September 1st, 1885. A. l) Alll‘tlSTElt. Attorney-at-Latv, Solicitor B in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. ARRISTERS, SOLlCl’l‘Ul‘A'. kc B my to Loan at 0; per L‘t'tll. Kent nlflf'fl, Lindsay, (int. 1’. MARTIN. P. n. MOORE, l lllllZlSTllR, ATTl'llle‘IY, .k SOLICITRl and Notary l'uhlil'. Money to Loau.‘ Office, Kent street, Lindsay. , l i MARTIN & llUl’KINS, Mov Office. (2. ll. llOl‘F-TINP. HUDSI’ 1"†iv JACKSON, ARRISTERS, St)th:lT(iRS, kc. or- fice, William street, Lindsay. A. llt‘osi'mn. A. JACKSON ()'l:l‘l;\lll' & O'Ll‘lARY, ARRISTBRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA‘V, Solicitors in ClianCery, .L'e. Office, Doheny Block, Kent street, lnndsay.‘ Anrucii O'Luiiv. "can 0 Lunv. ARRISTERS, ATTORNI‘lYS-AT-LAW, B Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Lindsay. Ofï¬ce over Ontario Bank, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate 'ecurities. D. J. Moist-van. BARRON .k SMITH. AltlllSTl-IRS. StilllffthlltS. (to. Lind ) any. Moth-y to Loan on security of fill)“. gages, protnismry notes, .tc. Joux .\. llaunoy. J. ll. Suirii. 163’ One of the firm will he at their Fen elon Falls oflice every 'l‘hursllay. (i. A. .ll)lll).~\.\'. Homo/“r. MCI N'I‘YRE & STEWART, Tiios. Srnwam. MEDICAL.“ ._‘....__._.__A.r__._..._ †. _ A w.»- A. W. .1. Dillll’ASSI, M. 1)., ,ORONBR, Physician, Surgeon, kc, .kc. j Residence, Brick Cottage. \Vellington street, Lindsay. DRS. WILSON 6'; WILSON, ll‘t'SlClANS, SURGEONS & ACCOU- ehers. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street East, Feu- ulon Falls. E.S. Witsos, n. a.,u.n.,, n.c.r. .5 6., Ont Dr. A. \Vll.SON, a. 8., M. c. r. a 5., Out. TBS. Bonitows .t GRAHAM, llYSlClANS, SURGEONS, 61c. Office and residence directly opposite Carr’s hotel, William St, Lindsay. Calls from the country promptly attended to. l’. PALMER Boititows, H. 11. GRAHAM, 3t. 0., M. n., c. a, 3t. 0. l'. .t c. 31.. late Soho flos- n. 0. Graduate M‘Gill pital, London, v. r‘. s. Guilt-go, Mt)ltl., ldfltl. .\l.,.\l. it. (1.3., England SUBVEYORS. ,‘_._,, JAMES DICKSON, 1.. Surveyor. Coin iiissioner in the Q. It, . (Ionveyiineer, kc. ltcsiileiicemud ad- dress, Penelou l-‘alls. †MISCELLANEOUS. mx’i'7"7" ’â€" ""'.‘“’T" ‘ ’ i " I. H. GROSS, DENTIST. LINDSA‘Y. Over '27- years' experience. The general- lv acknowledged lll‘llll quartch for good dentistry. A stock of about inamn artiï¬- cial teeth to select from. A written guar- antee given, if desired. with every set of good tct‘th. Vilnlt'vd .li'r given, 30-ly. SI’I‘ZC1‘1\CELI‘JJ°. A full stuck of Laurance's famous Spec- lai‘lvs at Ellis's Drug Store. livery pair guaranteed. Call and see them. lit-1y. ,._.__..____._.__â€"..._. .._.._ .._......,. . I31Ll{.(~x‘r 23. IN S. l-‘ivc good Bull-ling Lots for sale cheap in ant‘ltlll Falls \Vt'st. Apply to ClMEllflll fill llllllllllll. The Excelsior Fanning .llill. In introducing this mill to farmers I have the plea~ure of offering to them a mill that has nuver been beat for cleau- ‘ ing and separating mired grain. FARMERS And others in want of a good light llUl’vSl‘l‘l'OWl‘ll’. for sawing woo-1.1 running grain crusher or straw cutter, should call and see them. For Strength and durability they have no equal. Powca no “AND S T R A W CUTTERS. This straw cutter is particularly suited to those having a small farm. or, for stable use. No one should be without one. THOMAS ROBSON. ti lie Q5u3tttc , ESaturilay, Nbv’r 7th, 1885. ' Will Riel be Hanged? The above quastion is being eagerly l asked from one end of the Dominion to the other. but no one can answer itl either in the afï¬rmative or negative. A l few days ago Iliel's late depended upon the deei~iou of Sir John Macdonaid ; but a medical commission has been ap- pointed to prorrtnce upon the convict'a mental Condition, and if he be declared l insane the Premier will no doubt thank his stars at being relieved from his dangerous quandary. Should the emo- mission decide that lliel was responsible for his acts in connnerioo with the late rebellion, he will again be thrown upon Sir John's hands. who will then have to quickly make up his mind whether it will pay him best to quarrel with the Bleus of Quebec or the Orangeuien of the whole dominion We have long been of the opinion. which we still hold, that Riel will no! be hanged. Diphtheria. On Friday of last week Mr. J. J. Power‘s son John, a lad about 15 years of age, complained of a sore throatï¬ which gradually grew worse, and on Monday he was taken to Dr. E. S Wilson, who, pronounced it a case of diphtheria. The news soon spread and caused some little sensation throughout the village, especially as Mr. Power's residence (which was at once placardetl) is on the next lot to that on which the school house stands, and next day many of the pupils were kept at home by their parents. No doubt. the fear ex- cited was intensiï¬ed by the knowledge that diphtheria has for some months been raging in and around Minllcn, where upwards of thirty fatal cases have oc- curred, the great. majority of the vic- tims being children, who are peculiarly liable to the fell disease. But, though it. is right to take all reasonable pre- cautions, there are no grounds for a panic, as when there was a bad case of diphtheria in this village some time ago no one took the infection, and the patient recovered. We have heard it stated that. there appears to be some- thing in certain localitiesâ€"whether in the air, the position or the surround- ings is not knownâ€"that is favourable to the spread of the disease, and as the cases in It‘euclon Falls have been few and far between there is reason to believe that the mysterious influence does not exist here. As said above. young persons are much more liable to diphtheria than adults, who, if possessed of good constitutions, are seldom at‘ tacked by it ; but the majority of paâ€" rents are fully as solicitous for the safety of their children as they are for their own, and will therefore be anxious to avail themselves of all the preven- tives of the disease at their command. As to what is best to do they can no doubt obtain advice gratis from the resident doctors. who will probably tell them among other things that the fumes of burning brinistone are good to take. We are glad to learn from Mr. l’owcr that his son is considered out of danger. and is progressing so favorably that he will probably be quite well in a few days. A First-Glass Entertainment. Although the Melting of Thursday last. the 51h «.f NUVCIIlbt'l‘, wa~ dark, act and clsti'y, there was a very large attendance at the soircc and inu~ical entertainment under the HUSplCt‘S nfl 1.. (i). l.. No. 1190. iii Ingrain's half? JARVIS .k .‘erHt'liALIH: which we so eiowdcd that some of} Forlle lidll‘. Jim" i'»"-â€~ 15-â€- li“ l- , those present were unable to obtain I " ww†‘ V “ “M†T M‘nt- (SC-cpl. by borrowing them for a J. few minutes .‘..nn good natured ac- . DI'ZN'I‘IS'I‘, LlNl)S.&\'. ‘ qualulzttit‘t'i. The tomâ€"us it was called, 7 Ont- ofihe firm will be at the McAnrin'n Hot-sit. Fascias Fans. on the third Monday Ufl'-|Cll month. Teeth extracted by laughing go»: without pain or injury. or no charge wil. be made. '9‘ Ofï¬ce established in Lindsay nearly ï¬fteen years. _â€"â€"-â€"â€" ....__.._â€"_.â€"â€"â€"â€"- ' Vila (‘lTY OF LONDON Flltl-I lh'a'lill- .ucc Co. Capital £:,o~\o,o.m sterling; Deposited with the Dominion Government. 3 l mono. _ Tit: Rom. lxat‘lucl Co. or Emmanâ€" Capital, shin-moon. Deposited with 00., minion Government and otherwise vented: in Canada. SIEWJ‘M). 1 Tu: “‘nrxn lssnucu Co. or Cantu. c.-.,«sui and .tmu, 51,53,553. l J. o. sairu, Age-.2? Penelon Falls, Jan’y 32nd. H80. «5. insmgtNEE BEDRBE GUSIINGHAI, General Insurance and Loam Agent. FENELON FALLS. 0NT., represents the following ï¬rst class campa- Iiu. with which bani-vest can be trnnuvted upon the mutt afmntagtous terms. The Canada Perms 1611'. Loan 3 Sump t‘o, Tb. Imperial insurance Company, at Lon don. Ragland. The Cltixelu' insurance Company, oft‘aaa- d1, Pin .91! Jordan. The Lent-attain Insurance (‘0..of England. The (loatcdn~'ion Lite‘:atiea.of0|n- Ida. though it better deserved the mine of a banquetâ€"«lasted from ï¬ve until eight o'clock, and after it was over Dr. E. S. Wilson was appointed chairman and the ratertainmen: eniiiuieneed. The vocal and instrumentil music was fur- nished by Mr. S: Mrs John D. Smith. Mr. A; Mrs. Findle. McD-ugah. Dr & Mrs. A. Wilma, Mr & Mn. W. E Elll‘. Mrs Joseph MeArtl-ur. Mrs E, S. Wilson, and Messrs. MeKeoa-n. Luz. dy, Podger. Wood and Cliattan During the evening Bro. John A. Barron gave an interesting and amusing accaunt of his experiences in the North-West as war correspondent of the Globe, and brief addresses were delivered by the 3 Reva. Lona, Lochead and Watch. l The entertainment was said by all pre~ :2 cut to have been one of the best of the l . kind they ever attended, and we "Mfr! that in woscquence of its having taken ‘ ,placc'so late in the week we cannot give it a notice more commensurate, “itl‘t its merits. A social to dispose til 1 the surplus rambles i~ to be Luz-l on» (Friday) evening. and as the Gun!" wiii be printed by that time we Cannot announce the receipts until next wax-k r I a" Special bargain: in Fitters and l'lstcr Flt-tbs at the Che 17 Store, Sign at Red Flag. fl Pall Goods. Ruins. Gloves. Clouds , kc. to, at to" than manufacturen’ prion _f at live! Ichot'atu'a l lington territory, leaving Charley, to = nnimo they went one day to visit a coal _ shalt, which was 1650 feet deep. all of . site. 5 ' the school house 5 nuth of the river.â€"â€" 3 Chad-lay Podger’s Advmtures. Charley Podger, who was born in the old Clifton House. Fenelon Falls. about 26 years 22:0. and with whom ' most of our local readers are. well ac. quainted. is back on a visit to his birth. place after an absence of over two. .‘years, during about half of which period he travelled through the Western States, where his adventures would ï¬ll a book which. ifwrittcn in his own original style, would prove very amusing read- ing. ‘ In April of 15.84 he left Lindsay, where he kept a restaurant for Some time. for Victoria, British Columbia. and there got employment in a wholev sale grocery house, where he remained about ï¬ve months. He then joined an impecunious theatrical company at a salary of ten dollars a week and ex- penses, and went to the coal ï¬elds to give the miners a tasre of the legiti- mate drama. At the end of four months. when they were at Nanaiuio, the manager skipped to Seattle, Wash- whom he owed $40, and the rest of the company in rather a bad ï¬x. At Na- niine, but when they looked down the them refused to descend except C. I’.. who, though he admits that he felt rather nervous, was determined not to show the. white feather. It is custom- ary to ring a bell when strangers are going down. as. a signal that the descunt is to be made slowly; but as Charley was the only stranger and a hardy looking young fellow, they played a practical joke on him by lt-tiing him down in the usual time. eleven seconds which scared him so that. he almost. ex- pected to ï¬nd himself dead when he reached the bottom. After the manager absquatulated with the funds the com- pany gave an entertainment for their joint beneï¬t. and with the proceeds got back to Victoria all dead broke. Here the thirteen kept. house for about a Incl‘lfl), the married actors' wives doing the cooking, and, after a few perform- ances, gave a ï¬nal one for Charley Podger's beneï¬t and then broke u . Soon afterwards he and three others wentvia the Paciï¬c ocean to San Fran- cisco, making the trip of 800 miles in four days, during nearly the whole of which he was so awfully sens-ink that even “'t'lh'tt'r "3:1?er "t’l falls to llll'r ., hish W0t“l~ lljlll .wl-q- nl «crib! lil~i Fitnsalifllla l': ‘ l9" . ' f"\'ii‘i<~'.' itu‘l his hos llll iz’i- :iv l'mf. ll'tl'l‘_'.' ll: illl, the pin in i-l cotiipany latter i,-v'r lli‘ Iir‘l! I':il . .., H,,..‘ t‘i‘illlllll“ Kl until :i theatre. in ll-lii'lll‘l xix. lElill'> limo San lfl'dllffi-C". :iuil :ti lll" v'ml of fin:- tiiontlis was mnpluyvd on Ill" flag“. as scene-shifter, tkc. Leaving this employ- ment be invested his last 31 50 iii a ticket to Sacramento. and got amongst a lot of Spanish and Portuguese ranchâ€" men, who couldn't understand a word he said, though he tried them with both English and Irish. Starting back on foot, he walked the whole ninety miles (except ï¬ve which he rode in a box car) and returned to Oakland after an absence of three days and three nights, during which he solemnly dc- clares he hadn't a bite to eat and nothing to drink but water. His only pair of boots were minus the soles, and he was so hungry that when he reached the free lunch counter of a. man he knew he devoured enough to make six ordinary meals before he was satisfied. Soon after this futile attempt to obtain employment he left for Canada, and on his way home saw the gold mines of Nevada, which are not now being worked. and spent two days among the Mormons at Salt Lake. While acting in British Columbia he took the char- acter of Miles on Copiilecn in “ The Colleen Bawn," and one of the Victoria papers gave him a favourable notice which lie exhibits with pardonable pride. About four years ago he sud- denly started off for Winnipeg and the NortlaWest, where he spent. several months. and, as he has an irresistible propensity to ramble. his erratic genius will probably send him in pursuit of innumerable adventures before he shakes off this mortal coil. unless be shitch it ofl'a great many years sooner thanâ€"judging from his present robust and healthy appearanceâ€"«lie is at all likely to do. School Board. Penelon Falls. Oct. 20th, 1835. School Board met. Members all pres- ent except Messrs Greene and Swanton The chairman in the chair. I32ap- plications for positions as teachers were received. and after r1}:|{ii'(!:lbâ€ut half of them the Board adjourned, _..___. October 30th, 1934'). Board met. Members all present (1 ei-pt Mes~rd Cunningham and Greene. The chairman in the chair. Moved by Mr. Sitâ€"anion. seconded by Mr. Martin. That the following ap- plications for teachers. for the year 139?: be accepted : Mr. Goo. Wilson. prineiv ml. at a salary of 8550; Miss Agnes W Newton. first assistant. at 8300; Min.. Bella 1.. Ill-Ivar, ~eeond assistant. n 5250: Miss McDiarmid, third “Kids an! at 82"“) ; .‘liss McNevau, for south division, at 83UO.-â€"Carried. November 4th. 1885. Board met. Members all present ex- m‘pt Mr Greene. .‘I'H‘v'tl h) “r Sw- Mr M -r i 3 ' b" pii l fur ,1... tr‘nr l by ~ . t ‘ :34.“ l. 5. heart. :‘: .7‘ ~ ‘: \Im‘-'~ "i "- w - i is. Mr. t‘nw ' ' V ' L-n-l‘r far ; outbuildings. 3.1 blinds as per «rape is that a «are and wood tw pr-curul for .l A" 3| 3‘ MI' Z'i:‘~?;_ Carried. l Moved by Mr. Martin seconded by l Suri'Jtiixiihy :li‘ll l' ‘-'~'lllt'l; ‘ at"? piei; al-o I Mechanics’ Institute. I l of the Mechanics' Institute was held on 3 Tuesday evening, the 3rd inst. Present, 3 Mr. Tlios. Robson, vice-president, Mr. Uattleuien in Conclave. The moutblv meeting of the directors mu xxcmsirr vou paorxcriox vuoa C051 AGEOUS DISEASES. Stun FE, N. 31.. Oct. 3lst.â€"At a ' II. Devman, treasurer. Mr. J. B. Dun- , meeting of the Territorial Stock Grnw- ' I Kc rr. l Moved by Mr. Twomey, seconded promptaud decisive action. lby Mr. Kerr, That the Board apply i for $200 of Government grant.â€" Car'd. } Moved by Mr. W. Dcyman, seconded ‘, by Mr. Kerr, That the Board purchase l to the gulf. . l sixteen volumes from Diekensou .5; Co.. ' Which no animal can TOCOVL‘I‘. and b0- i ‘ Woodstockâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Juakin. seconded by Mr. Twomey, That Messrs. Brandon & Robson's account of $7 97 be paid. â€"Carried. BEHIND Tinaâ€"Last Tuesday even- ing the train from Lind~ay was about two hours behind time, from what cause we have been unable to learn. but as it is a long while since such an irregulari- ty occurred, there was not much grum- bling thereat. W Remember the Great Dry Goods Sale at Hcon McDurcALL‘s. Jounax‘s BLOCK â€"â€"â€"Mr. Jordan is putting a wooden addition with a leanâ€" to roof at the rear of his block on the corner of Colborne and Francis streets. It will be very conveiftent for the ten- ants to pile their fuel, empty boxes &c. in, instead of leaving them out of doors. as they have hitherto been compelled to do. W Great Sale of Canadian and Scotch Tweeds at Econ McDot‘oAtL's. C()tt[tECTION.â€"â€"In our account last week of the accident: to Mrs. Ellis, there was a mistake which she wishes as to correct. Instead of keeping house for Dr. Graham, as was stated, Mrs. Ellis rents the house from Mr. McAr thur, the owner, and Dr. Graham boards with her, which is a very difl‘er- ent thing. 36’ Live and Learn! Read and Learn! Read Huon McDoquLt‘s new advertisement this week. 'I‘ns SKATING Runeâ€"Mr. John Finn’s new skating rink in the gully behind his lot. on Bond street is fast. approaching completion and will be l"'i|‘ly for use by the time winter sets Mr. Finn is determined to spare neither pains nor expense to make it a on and we hope his enterprise will -, l~- nppi'v-i-ini.~-vl and rewarded. in. i' (Toll at the Cheap Store and see 151' 1.ii~;~ stock of new and fashionable Hinds, for fullnud winter. I’riCes :tl‘v" C. 1’. tool. a [w -ilioi: :t~ vlm lit"l‘il'l .zl " 1;‘EN.â€"â€"'l‘lie boys of the vil- lztgt- apparently took the advice offered them in la~t week's Gaze/(o, and (lid very little harm on hallowu’en. A few gates and other articles were carried short distances and some other mis- chievous acts indulged in, but nothing, as far as we have heard, was destroyed or broken, which is greatly to the credit of the juvenile midnight marauders. Oxnx m Bananaâ€"Mr. Thomas Dewell, of Fenelon, has a pair of fine large oxen, six years old and over 3,000 lbs. in weight, which. work either in a yoke or a set of ordinary farm harness, us may happen to be convenient to their owner. Last Wednesday they came into the village harnessed to a waggou, and of course attracted a good deal of notice. Mr. Dewcll says that in win- ter be frequently hitches the off one to his cutter and sometimes drives him a distance of several miles. The other one will work alone also, but not so well as his mate. They don't make very fast time, of course, but go much better when returning home than when leaving. Pitmirr I’..\v.\ti:NT.â€"â€"2\Ir. R. A. Ilam- ilton, travelling agent for the Sun Life S; Accident Insurance 00., of Montreal. has been doing business in this vicinity for some months past, and amongst those who took out accident policies in the said company tvere Mr. George Wliissile and Mr. Geo. McGee, both of I’euelou Falls. Mr. Whissile cut. his hand while butchering, and for a time was unable to use it, and Mr. McGee was twice laid up in consequence of cutting one of his legs with an axe. The claims were sent in (both of Mr. McGee’s at the same time) and were all paid in less than it week after pres- cntatiou. Such proniptness is worthy of notice and approval. Now TEAClll-IRS.-â€"As will be seen by the proceedings of the school board none of the old teachers have been re- engaged except Miss McDiarniid, who, in consequence of the erection of the l new school house. will teach the 2nd as [well as the lat book to children who i live north of the rin-r. The total sal- ’ aries paid will be $2.600, the same as llast year, some having been slightly i raised and others slightly lowered. Mr. 1 l l I l l l Wil~on, who is to be lit-ad master, is a oniisia of our two doctors, and is well and favorably known to many residents of the village, but the other new tench- ers are entire strangers. The trustees had hard Work to decide which applica- tion to accept, as tbs-re were no less than lli‘Zâ€"one of theta all the we from Dublin, Irelandâ€"and more than ï¬fty per cent. were for the head mas- tership. A safe that is pronounced a marvel of mechanism has just been ï¬nished for the National Bank of Scotland by a London ï¬rm. This immense mone l box. which is wholly of hard steel, and E weighs close upon 100 tons. consumed .. wen months' time in building and has lr-sd than forty-eight locks. Each ,l l l | . ham. secretary. and Messrs. Xic. Nevi 2 ct!‘ Association yesterday I'm-silent ism], Twomev, Devuian, Juckiu andl Dwyer said that the subject of protec- tion against contagious disease demands Ile char- acterized pleura pneumonia as a spectre which threatens the entire range of the 3 l l cattle business, from British America : side which so-ealled Texan fever is in- signiï¬eant; hence an efï¬cient quaran- tine should bc maintained against it all the year round. He also referred to the importance of measures to prevent assistocking of ranges. The committee on resolutions was instructed to report a plan for the organization of a national association embracing all the cattle ranges west of the Mississippi river. This is looking to secession from the National Drovers‘ association. Yankee Pot Hunters. IIOW CANADA IS ROBBED OF GAME T0 SUPPLY THE UNITED STATES MARKETS. Chief of Police Williams arrived home on Monday night after a three weeks‘ holiday spent in the district of Haliburton, back of Pcterboro', llllnl.‘ iug. He reports that partridges and other game are abundant up there, and that he had a splendid time knocking them over. He gives some idea of the manner in which Canadian deer are being slaughtered to supply the Ameri- can markets. He met a hunting party up there from Buffalo, among whom were two butchers, who had secured 2T deer. and were carrying them off to the Buffalo market. The process they fol- low for slaughtering deer is as follows: â€"â€"-'l.‘licre are in Haliburton district many settlers who depend mostly on hunting for a living. If anybody wants to secure any game he must hire one or more of these settlers, who know the country thoroughly. They charge 85 a day and upwards. A “ sportsman †secures game in proportion to what he pays the hunter for his own services and those of his dogs. The hunter posted the parties in this case near a small lake to which a deer-run led. He then beat the bush with his dogs, and when the deer were all driven down the “ run †into the water, they were incr- cilessly shot. down, bucks, does and fziwns being slaughtered without dis- tinction. The party the Chief iiiet had secured 27, all of which were shipped off to Buffalo. To ship game out of the country is unlawful, but: as the Customs officials are generally watching for those who are smuggling contraband goods into the country, they pay very little attention to those who are taking them out of it. and this sort of thing has become a regular business. In the case of this party, however, the Gas- toms authorities did wake up, and seized and conï¬scated four deer. The remainder, however, seemed to have been successfully smuggled out of the country, and before this, no doubt, arc in fat upon the Buffalonians. A short time before the Chief got there another party had bugged eighteen and taken them off to the States to sell. By this means they pay the expenses of their trip and make a little money besides.â€" Lontlon Advertiser. The Manitoba Wheat Crop. The Manitoba Commercial gives the following account of the state of the wheat crop just garnered :â€" †It. is now certain that-considerably over half of the acreage of grain in the country this year has escaped damage, and the samples to be had from these favoured districts are for superior in quality to any produced since 1881. We have tested some dozens of samples. of sound hard wheat, and it is impossi- ble to get one under 62 pounds to the bushel, while several have gone over 65. Even some of the samples pronounced touched with frost turned the scale at 62 pounds, and scores of them can be had that will test over 00. It can then be seen that much which we may con. sider frozen wheat will make prime flour, and some of it we should consider equal to the best produced last year, when frost. was unknown. That there is some of the wheat crop dain- aged must be admitted, but the propor- tion unï¬t for milling purposes will probably not exceed ten per cent., and may not reach that. We have thus over fifty per cent. of our crop free from dutiiagc, twenty per cent. more capable of being used for making high grades It is a fatal disease from i l l i l l l l Giong Irish fortsâ€"Against ESE lish Vessels. Loxoox. Nov. 3.â€"At the demonstrav tion yesterday at Queenstawn in honor of the arrival of the Danish steamer Constantine. John O‘Connor,» M. P. for 5‘ ï¬t‘ Tipperary. delivered an sldresf. . said aconSpiracy oxide-i among land in'fd< t'o’ hiccup all forms from which tenantshad been evicted for non-pay- ment of unjust rents. and (o >lt‘t‘k them with cattle. He asked the Irish people to assist the Cattle Dealers‘ ussociatim . in making it impossible for cattle raised on emergency farms to be shipped to England from any Irish port. Mr. O'Connor promised on the part of the National Long-e to close every Irish port against landlords. ' hailed these and kindred sentiments with the wildest eutliu~iusm. Similar sentiments were expressed by other speakers. â€"â€"â€"â€"-o.oâ€"â€"â€" Curiosities Unearthed. Kixosrox. Oct. {illâ€"Patrick Black. of Kingston Mills, who is developing a sandstone quarry. has come across sev- eral curiosities. One of these is a huge tombstone. perhaps marking the grave of some departed Indian warrior; the other a well-rounded piilar about four feet in diameter, penetrating the solid rock for ï¬fteen feet. It is of the same material as the main body of the rock. but the veins are circular, precisely like the growth of a tree, the veins in the rock being flat. Near at hand is a circular opening in the bluff out of which another such pillar has fallen. The pillars are just such curiosities as the savants might expect to dig out of the ruins of buried Pompeii. but that they should be found in solid rock is puzzling to many people. -0 Smallpox in Montreal. During the past month there were sixteen hundred deaths from smallpox in Montreal, and last week there were three hundred and ï¬fty-four. As the cold weather has now set in, with no decrease in the virulence of the epidem- ic, the prospects are that Montreal will be terribly afflicted during the winter months. In over twelve hundred houses in the city there are from three to four thousand cases of the disease, with hos- pital accommodation for four hundred patients. The board of health,altlieugli it has done much‘ towards improving the sanitary condition of the city, seems powerless to stay the progress of the disease, which shows a marked increase of late. Nothing apparently remains for the people of Montreal to do, save. to live cleanly, to insist. upon the i~ola- tion of cases, and general vaccination. and to wait for time to heal their “'Ot‘S. o-..â€"â€".â€"__. Who is to Blame ? A curious case is before the tribunal in Paris. A gentleman was getting down from an omnibus in a crowded tliorouglilitrc. when he missed his foot- ing, nearly fell backward, and, to recov- er his footing. ciught hold of another passenger. The latter, taken by sur- prise, also found himself in danger of falling, and, in his turn, caught hold of a woman with a child in her arms, the upshot. being that all four rolled to. gether into the road. A heavy goods van was coming along behind, which, had it not been for the prompt. action of the omnibus conductor, who seized the horse's head, would have run over some of the prostrate forms. As it Was. the gontlonmn who was the original cause. of the accident escaped with a low slight bruises ; the other male pas- senger. falling on him, was not. hurt at »all, and the infant was rqually fnrtu uate; but the mother had her arm broken, and sustained other 5t:\'t'l'(! iii- jliiie~. Which of the two gentlemen should pay daiiingos is the questionâ€" the one who caught held of her or the one who eaiisrd him to do so by catch- ing hold of him ? .._‘.._.â€"..«. - .7 -7" Smallpox iu Lumber Camps. The danger of the spread of stiiallpox is not. by any means confined to the cities and larger cotiinitiuities. if it. once gains headway in the rural dis- tricts it is likely to prove more destruc- tive and more diflicult to deal with than in the urban Centres, owing to the want of proper institutions and appli- ances for checking its spread. The Slici‘brookc Examiner makes an excel. lent suggedinu in view of the danger of the breaking out ofstn'illpox in luni- bcrcamps. It is that every lumber- man should so: to it that every man . engaged is vaccinated before he is per- i Initted to go into the woods. of flour, twenty per cent. more for use i in medium and lower grades, and not i a icinnte locality in tlm bicltwomla, far more. than ten per cent. which will re« 1 from medical aid and without facilities quire to be used for feed purposes." ~ The Iuebriates’ Home. The Dalrymple Home for Inebriates, near London, which was established in order to give the †Habitual Drunk- ards' act " a fair trial, has been de- clared by the Government inspector to have given very satisfactory results. Forty~uine patients were admitted. All but one were well educated, eight hav- ing passed through college ; twenty-six were married. twen'v single, and three widowers; thirteen wore men of for- tune, sevco were in the civil service, The con- sequences ofan outbreak of smallpox in for proper treatment or isolation, would . be terrible. The lutnbcruien ought not lto neglect their obvious duty in this l matter, the urgency of which is all the greater owing to the large proportion of their employes who are l"rcne|i~Caua- dians, some of whom may hail from infected districts. As a more matter of self-interest they ought to see, that every man is vaccinated before the start for the lumber camps is madeâ€"- Toronto Nears. ._....-.._...-._._...... Detective Work by the Camera. Curious evidence has been obtained four were lawyers, four doctors, four" by nun-ember of the property owners' clerks. one a librarian, and the remain- “mutton. 110* ("121204 "I In tWâ€"‘uipt der in business. In twenty-ï¬ve cases ' to clear vice out. of the mercantile por- Hbs a inn. and the bolts there- , were had been iucbriuty in [be family; I tion of Sixth avenue, New York. Ilc -i a lred pounds apiece. The . to be capable ofholdinz ï¬ve 3‘ i " "l ï¬lly million doll‘“ in l brothers. and in seven the uncles; inl l . Marquis of llartington basis- l l t .o electoral addreu. in which he. I! i< imperttive that the union of. lif'†Britain tamed at any price. He 4.155, however. that he is prepared to support nit-mores looking to an extension of locd self» government. and shall still vote with ~ the Liberal party. He favours an in and Ireland be main-: ; ted. six were unimproved, six were in)- quiry into the subjects of taxation and ; proved, and fourteen were doing well. in six it was in the father or mother ; 3" in ï¬ve in the grandparents, in seven the twenty four castes hereditary drunken- ness was not established , in six cases there was insanity in the progenitors. ; twenty-five were constant. drink-tn. and twenty-four were periodical inebriatm ', forty-three of the forty-nine u-ed tobzc- ‘ co and two chloral. (Joe patient aftrr- . ward became insane, three died. Om: was not heard from. one was readmit- ‘ Mr. Moflat. That the Board purchase education. and says explicitly that be; That is,on6â€"half of the survivors re, the pump now in well at school south of the river from Mr. Inkpiu.â€"Car‘d. meat to Ireland. is prepared to grant local aelf~goveru- t mined the duties of life, and 20 per: ‘_ l i l cents is supposed to have stnppel. :loc ' cent. improved. has used a camera. to some purpose. The rotten neighbourhood is brilliantly lighted at night by electricity. The ‘ city's street. lamps there are electrical, ‘ and the-o are reinforced by that: hung " The interior. aim" of the dance hon-es, concert gatdenu' and Variety PIMP-‘5. are glariugly iliumiw in front of almond. noted. Arm-:d with a prlckvt eimera! Lu take instantaneous \‘lc‘rlp, in; has made over a hundred negatives, the; Driata from which show the characâ€" trr of the uni-laces beyond the pï¬t‘i- bility of Contradiction. the morning, when the sale of intoxi The meeting ' In every case. the camera was u-ed after 1 o'clock in r v“... street scenes, showing throngs of men and girls entering and emergin'.’ from the doorways, Were obtained without difï¬culty. .‘or only a ‘Kt‘t‘oud's exposure , of the lens. likw‘ the flush of a dark lau- i t'er'n', was re. tired hr each case. S-xty of them wcie made withom attracting any attention. Then he undertook the more (It‘ilCJlt‘ job of interior photogrnpli-’ lug. llt‘ amt eighteen covert shots from the galleries and private boxes oftho' 1 ll:i_\‘niarkct. Sans Suut‘i. Prospect. Ab . hanibra, :tnd Cutll-e's, all in the region‘ ' of retail shopping. It is elepected that ljnries will believe the pictures against all dciiials.â€"-I.'.-.:[iiilo L‘xprcss. _..-.a_.-__, - . r... A recent cyclone in India“ dutreycd' , 500 villages and 10,000 lives. l'ouitict-s of tar applied to the soles ; of the feet are commended in Georgia 1 as a cure for rheumatism. ' The l’tlnce of Wales went to a horse-' race at Iludad‘esth on a Sunday, and- great is the scandal tliercat. ' A dying man in Massachusetts di- rects that his body is to be burned and used as a fertiliter 01] his farm. The Chicago city health authorities are taking extraordinary precautions- ngainst the introduction and spread of smallpox. It is said that William ll. Vander- bilt has not attended church for ten years, and Jay Gould not for even a greater length of time. A partridge flew through a platc‘ glass show window, out-quarter inch thick, at Chiwter. Vt... the other after- noon, and dropped dead inside with a broken neck. At a “ tournament" at Spearfish', an., a steer was given a running start. of seventy yards, and eowb-y Jesse Driscoll overtook him, lassoed and threw liitn, and. disuiouuting, tied his feet, in forty-one seconds. It is stated that a plant has been discovered in South America whiclr possesses strong electrical properties. Un breaking a twig a shock is felt, and a compass is affected at a distance of some feet from the plant. A Texas editor complains of a limit and ladder company recently organized in his neighbourhood. The editor intiâ€" mates that the ladder is used for get- ting into windows after dark, after which the hooking is done. A citizen of Bangor, Me... has been awarded $021 damages by the town, booiuse he lost a pair of horses last winter by the ice breaking while he was crossing the river. The plaintiff held that the river was a public lvlflll‘ way. and the judge so charged the jury. Charles Sund~troni, a Swedish leper living at Stillwater, Miun.. has had a leg, :1 thumb and eight lingers atiipltta-' ted at different. times for the purpose of arresting the progress of the disease. Anaesthetics were not used, as the oper‘ ation of cutting the flesh was painleon The Chicago Board of Education or- ders that the teeth of pupils in the puly lic schools of tho city he eXainined hy‘ the local dental society “ in the interests of science." The. examination in to but made without cost to the children, and without interlirrvm-e with their studies. After fifteen iuonths' litigation the Supreme Appellate lourt of Calcutta» has in a very lengthy judgment, jusb published, pronounced marriage with u deceased wife‘s sister, when contracted by Roman Catholics with the sanction of the Church, to be legal throughout India. At Charleston, W. Va.. last Saturday morning, the Knnnwlia river began to risc rapidly. li‘ilty barges loaded with cool above, the. city were hlh'lflll. away. .\ large fleet of loaded harch lying there shared the some fatc. Half a mil- lion bushels of Coal wr-rc lost. The l destruction of property amounts to nearly 5:130 1100. The l'oitland Urn/onion states that) the trenn-ndous snow storms of last'win- tor, which blocked the railroads in ()re- gun for weeks. laid the foundation for lihe greatest wheat crops ever raised ‘ there. l‘lnougli wheat, it in said, is in ‘sight to furni~li the (lregon llailwny and Navigation Company 100 car-loads a day until spring. The other day a Texas woman gave birth to five children, and on \Vcducsâ€" day a llliode Island woman brought four into the world. The little four died, and the thrifty father, without waiting for a (lovcrnimnt pension, put; the corpora on exhibition at ten cents a view. Mother and father both doing wellâ€"especially the father. The Memoirs of the late Licut.-Col. Williams, M. l’., have been somewhat. delayed by the death of the compiler, i but. it is said they will be published in a few months. It is hinted that tho volume will contain some interesting «loeliincnts relative to the secret history oftho I‘vlmllioti, and the true story of lll‘,‘ hatth in the North-wed campaign. “ Men are but children ofa. larger 'growtli." This is exempliï¬ed in tho I . . . . ; can; of theelopemnnt from Philadelphia of the young coiiple»â€".~\ugustus Claude, lang ii, and Lizzie lrown, aged l3~ i for matrimonial purposes. The boy ' pit-ism».le .‘iUcents and the girl 82. No young lady of Wi'flllll is safe from the pursuit of fortune-hunters in this country. , lo a manuscript entitled “ Descrip- l tion of Barbadm-u," in Trinity College, Dublin, which was written about 10.“, occurs the following passage :~«" The chief fuddlicg they make in the island is lt’um/mlli'on, alias Klil'llcVil, and this is made ofrngar-canes distilled. a hot. hellish, and terrible liquor," Thin is supposed to be the earliest known mention of rum. ISIIC'I‘IIH. Knotâ€"1n FETIVlufl Valli, on Tuuday, 0c,- ' tuber unit, the wire or Mr. Francis J. Kerr ofn non PENELUK FALLS MA "NETS. 1.5,...» I In] 5/. [lorry/1H .t [Iran/Ion. I'cnrlon Falls, Friday, .‘t'ov r “14,1885. I l i l l | Win-cit. fall. prr l.t:(l.':l - ~54) h’) 0 81! What, A;:f|'l‘,{, "‘ - - - U B") 0 {53 ; larlv‘v, 3.11 l. ralli‘l - - - 4" 75 l Huts, - . . - 30 3.1 l‘cair, " “ - - - - 50 6’) 1:. ,.| .i i; . _ ' . an l'u'atlwt, - - - - 2': 31‘ flutter, per “1.. ’ - - - - H I!) Druva Hugh. per 10‘: “ll. 3': it"! 3’: 75 K's-7f. per ton llfl, - o - Si 50 $5 0!) £224. per don-n, - - - . l0 ll if i), ye: ton, . - - 99 (“3 $10 00