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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 19 Dec 1885, p. 3

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CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, N0. 9 KEENAN’S BLOCK, KENT STREET, LINDSAY, ONT. W “15'. SANDFORD" 9 Prices to Suit the Tm” ‘ es. nave van Felt aisnmnqnanec“ l ha: a large stud: of ‘ i I have on hand, as usual, at full stock of ' It is shaking the Town and County from centre to circutnt‘erenco. and completely Pulvwising I F R H G R O C E R I E s and pm‘alysing all competition in Dry Goods, Millinery. Clothing. Carpets and Furs. on hand, all guaranttmd to be first. class, which he will sell I ’ 0'â€"â€"‘ COSS‘ST‘NG 0” The Mammoth Sale 011 a Gigantic Scale C H E A P E R T H A N E v E R- Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccocs, Rice, Raisins, BCS“"C=""1"““”=' flock 0’" Currants, Starch, Soaps, Teas and Cofi‘ees, Spices, &c. Still continues at the CITY STORE until the lst of February next, when the term of our partnership and lease of premises expires by the efiluxion of time. We have marked every line right down to actual amt. Please take the following quo- tations to bed with you and dream over them, and if satisfactory we invite a fish from you without delay, as we are determined to reduce our stock very materially before the l>l ut’ February. 8 yards Scarlet Flannel, all wool, for 51 ml. worth $1 50 . , - _- (r . n . .' - , . ‘ - - , . . n 6 it GI... Fl‘uuel‘ union. for 1 00' t. A 50 Farm”! “quill”? {i hJHO“~“.m do.“ (5“ to Inspect his Spring * SPeCIal Lines in Japan Tea, 00c. per lb., or 4 lbs, for $1.00. 5 u Grit; Flannel, all wool, for 1 ml, “ 1 35 Tooth Harrow-s, which are Just the thing for rough land. He n ‘ Q 00 H Dress Goods for _ - 1 00. h 2 00 also keeps the following farm machines: .3 gallons Golden Syrup for 91.00, $2, ,, Dr” Goods: for ._ , 1 00‘ .. 1 “0 10“ N Dress Gonds,for - r 1 "0, " 1 5" BEAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, crockery. Glassware. Earthenware, 30 u Fm, ,0, I . 1 ,0. u 1 so 12:} “ Canton Flannel, for v - l 00, “ 1 50 SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES, Brooms» Pails, Washfubsr Brushes, AND THRESHING MACHINES, Clothespins, Matches, Bedcords, Etc. nudislmuml not to be utidersold by any one. CANNED FISH, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Of the Clioicest Iiind. MILLINERY exactly half price. LadiBB' Cloth Mantles, 20 per cent. off. Fur-lined (.‘irculars, $5, 86, $7, $8 and $10. Ready-made Clothing, ‘20 per cent. oII'. Carpets, :30 per cent. oil'. 16" All kinds of l’l..\.\‘l.\‘li done at short notice. Various patterns ol MOULD- & ';_ '0) I [1, ml, and u,“ :1 l', In:er [rt-CC . HORSE-Sill £1 ' ‘ t d J B .' ' ' ‘ 15:13:31:in All lltzumts (lull: in ca. firstcllass uianncr and on :ltoil'l.‘niouticcfJ I High-93 Prlce Paid for Butter and CIT}? DRAPERS AND CLOTIIII‘II‘5~ Frult, Fish and Oysters Always Fresh. No, 2 Benson’s Kent Street. Lindsay. cheap second-hand lil‘l‘ilil HS. for sale. lie returns :ltit'Urc thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the past. 14 years, and “ill spare no pains to merit a continuance of it in the future, GOODS r V n r _ r 7 WV. xv. BLOTT. . _, M I L I NEW FURNITURE FAOTUBY W“ . ,. . . ' â€" o J And the most marked change that has 'taken place Mrs, KEELEY The “debitâ€"fined rmmuuuy informs me Fume um his new fmry this season is the big come down in the prices of Dry Husvjpst received no.3 opened up a large 5‘00 ' 0 Goods, and where it is most visible is at the PALACE E Dar Goons AND CLOTHING House. Being wide awake 4 as to the state of the country, as well as to the wants N of my patrons and the public generally, I 111w:1 dc- . cided to lower my percentage by half, and that, . ong . with my facilities for buying goods cheap, I can say that better value can be given by me in all lines of Dry Goods than anywhere else in the county. This ALL KINDS OF WOOL. is big talk, but I MEAN IT, and will convince any one all or which will he sold at who will wisely give me a call, and if my goods do , LESS THAN LINDSAY muons not turn out exactly as represented will refund the money for them. Note the following special lines at - A nice lot or job prices : .6; lb, thitc Blankets at $3.25 per pair; ' w P Fine Double Breasted Overcoats for $6; Heavy «Check ON FRANCIS STREET, PBNELON FALLS, is now in full running order, and is fitted up with all machinery necessary to turn out work at short notice, in the best posetblc manner and at moderate prices. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS kept constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKINC? A SPECIALTY. A large number of Collins to select from. and a handsome Hearse furnished when required. Orr/I'm sol/vital uml WINE/italic" guaranteed. Sash and Doors made to order-on silent-notice and of the best materials. WILLIAM MCKEOWN.’ Hardware, Tinware d Stoves. Specialties of Seasonable Goods. including .â€"an tlâ€"r Nickle and. Brass Electra Lamps. A thorough ttest proves this Lamp to be the best. It gives a pure steady light equatl to sperm candlesâ€"the strongest lightcver produced by any burner using oil. Glass Lamps of all shades and colors. Ornamental Lamp at rock bottom prices. ; l ~ . d‘l’.‘) 'll xi." ‘ w r. . 0'" CL & S , Full-cloth Overcoats for $57; one No. 1 Comforter, full 22mm iiiSilly-flhisit:tddtlinitillg,Tiritiiit . . - _ - 7 , ( 1 . I Chink l l ‘t tl 't' ties. 1' G O C E S 7 direct from the manufacturers. All of these goods warranted, size’ R”: 31 ’ Ladies Mantle? at 18881 tlnlh005t’ ’ 100 ' which dtlritt‘tiiintiiiiiii:tfutiitig‘iinllnum: MERCHANT "MRS, .. and Stamped- Eifeii's'imllcileei Elli liliilgiftmiii .‘“§i.ol’o‘§§i{ ’3 mm mm: â€"â€"â€";\I\'l)â€" I ‘ u' p ' ‘- V , 1 f " 1 P * ‘Fcne‘lon Falls \la ' 'tl 188.5 . 0 e clearing out in these goods. A fine at o bee , .erâ€" . y . i, _ Stoves, 100 to choose from- Cook-Stoves with all the latest improvements for cooking and heatinrr. {F.anc ornamental wood and coal Parlour Stoves. .D . THE MAPLE LEAF GROSS-GUT SAWS, that have proved themselves, beyond dispute, far {the/ml of other saws yet produced. ‘ AXES FOR TI~IIS It‘AIaL. I have expressly hand-made Axes, the ‘best in the Dominion. Cow Ties, Rope, 820. Head quarters for Machine Oils, Patent Oil and Putty, and a full line of general Hardware. i F enclon Falls, October '1st, 1885. - sian Lamb and Astrachan Caps, at hard pan prices. Remember, I keep the largest and best stock of goods in town, and mean business. HUGH McDoUGALL. sibe palace illrn Qfioo‘ho 85 Qilothittg fiance. ) _ ‘ and as! Interesting to Everybody. 0 I havc'just received the largest; stock of Fancy Goods ever ol'fcrcd in the village 4.x assortnlcnt 01. of Fenclon Falls, consisting of DIUSICAL INSTRUDIENTS. McCall’sl3azaa1‘gloyc_ such as Violins, Banjocs, Accordcons, Concertinas, Mouth-organs & Tambourine... PBOVISI 0 N 5- alll'fiiillfitfilllllEllis '1. IJ which they are preprtrell'to other at The Lowest Prlces. ' They h:ch ‘No OLD STOCK lying on their hands, and can therefore .oll'cr to their cus- tomers none but TEAS’ COF‘FEES’ The Newest. and Best Goods; Sugars .Svru )~' 'l‘ohaecos llice 'liaisins . :C . v”.qll .1} Q ‘ “t d ‘H I D which they select from the most reliable “rm” *v ‘ “u 'v ' ("lll‘s ““ “ 0‘ l“ timporting houses in the Dominion. .- ..‘ I yuan” “l'lLl' h“ “’1” “UL W All T.wcuds .at and. above 75 cents, w - ‘ ,_ 1 per yard -will be cut free-afrclmrgc. ’ (' Jlfin‘l) I ()1 (J‘I'rh‘l‘al Fenclon Falls, November 25th, 1885. .nnd ‘to which he invites the attention of the public. You l ER‘: G a complete assortment. of first-class I Elllll tut Hill-l HARNESS, dine mow on hand a splendid stock or line 'i‘t't-sh fitting Patterns always Wall Papers and Window Blind's’ on hand and will he and a very large stock of Paint. Brushes, Varnishca, Japans, 'PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, sent by mail post ymz’fl .lilacking-hrusln-s, Clothespins. Matches _ “I‘d 011'" iml‘lc“ l“ Pill-‘1“ “"1”!- \\'.hips, Sam‘s, Currycombs, Brushes, I I‘llxed Paints (if-“u Shades Of “010"”; read} for “‘0 brush! i 0“ l'l‘l'Cllilt ()f lll‘lCL‘, by r - - - v' - 'TR‘ 'NK ' AL * ' ~ ‘ ' ' '1 aw- Banned Fishdrul & Vegetables “i... not... es and meta... F. “a... I C b 11 l v and a fine stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags, Vallscs and Ladies’ catchcls; also, , m. _ «ol'thu very best lirands and at the low- J03. Nevisonls Harness Shop,‘ est .possiblc pl:i"06. A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, Stationery, Pcrlumery and Toilet articles, and a very ‘fine assortment of 'leclnll l-‘alls, April 4111,1883. Watches, Watch Chains, Rings, Brooches and Other J ewelry,; ] )a my JALITiw,“H l R. M. BUTLER’S . -â€"â€"I‘ORâ€"- EDOTS Milli SiltdES of all kinds, at Rock-Bottom Prices For Cash. ColbornerStrcet,'Fcnclon Falls. filSh l’ttltl for lillllt‘l‘ & W Collars warranted. Repairing done i with ncatncss and dispatch. Bl-ly. l and other farm produce. ! __ w- Flour and feed kept ('01tstallt13','BERTRAM & co- â€"â€"-â€"â€"(IYâ€"â€" GHRIST AS 60093 at (i. A. .‘ilclhcrcll's BRANDON 8: ROBSON. BOOK STORE in the inhabitants of Fenelun Falls and Surrounding Country’MUSlC EMPORIUM- Come Onel Come Allll Having ,purchased the shock, ctc., of Mr. John A. Ellis, and ; and I-‘Xttlninc goods before purchasing u n - n . I. ._ made large additions thereto, we beg to cohort aeontmuancel“ "r" G A METRE EI ;, . . dd 1‘ 1d w'll use our utmostl ' ' R I" - of ‘thc SUPPOY-t 031011 L to “In: a". we .1 _ ‘ | -l)l'l"lfilTL‘ in: Human carat”, endeavours at all tunes make .prtcce satisfactory to one and “cubs,” Lmd’m.‘ O ‘ all who may favour us With their patronage. Our stool: Will, Lindsay, Untoht-r am, am he found complete in Toys, Moses and Fancy 'Cliiua-warc. Call and inspect the slur/r. STEPIIEN NEVISON’. on hand. .Ecncloa Falls, Aprilfllth, 1885. =N’POSITE 'rm-z -P(n~‘T-ul‘t‘lul-: JOSHl‘ll Mt'li‘All LAND. ,bcg to announce that they have purchased J .1116 HARDWARE BUSINESS l l J i'formcrly'carricd on by'Mn. Gthnnr ANDER- ' jsox. It is their intention to continue the . ‘â€"“â€" i . ghusincss under the management of Mr. J. "The undersigned hon-by tutorms his ens-l .llilchcll,keqpiug1. tumors and lln- public that he is { SELLING OFF AT cosr,iCOMPLETE STOCK ot all kinds of Hardware, and selling at the very lowest ‘J’enelon 'I"all~'. .‘lay ‘_"_lnd, 1385. )fur cash only. his stock of Men‘s. Women's and l‘hildrcus rculiy-unulc l ' Boots and Shoes,l WHOLESALE PRICE.- ‘heiug determined to secure the trade of all . who desire to buy wherever they can pub. ‘ chase cheapest. .of which he has an t-Xt'cllt‘nt slsslirllneul.‘ From and after this date. GBEPIWLLBFPWEM I Eâ€" “AW, ns-ln‘ I) deltrmmu to do mums: on u.i I“ " ‘ ’ g ’ strirlly Lia‘t'iugiq 3 t f M“ All per is .tgt‘mst whom he has. I past due accounts nzu~t pay them lwt‘on- A ll tin: lst ul Sou-talu-r uvxl. or they will he; I placed in t'oum tor L‘ullt‘t‘ilt'll. l Fenclou l-‘-.\lit,'ttr\. l‘.'ll:. respectfully inform thee‘cs‘tfienta of Fenclon I i . , . . I. t Falls and its \‘irinily that they have recent- ’ 'H “ h-l ‘ \l h": l m" “liltif'r' l ly purchased Mr. John Mathis Lad) â€"(\\ uh ttc-~ envelop-rd tn 1'. roll at" 5 “hot cl-»ti;~)â€"" “h? l tu urit‘x)‘ with that: T Neuralgia llnit t‘vl'llilll. ill} tru lllll“ me." . ~ Well. l;.~'.\‘ fix-Nd. “my don't you‘ 1:“ tn Wm t3 £11.. ‘ Urn: Store, Fun-long _"ND- I S I rant. and get .\ l‘ntllv- or l‘lm-l l.:.-‘ntntztz?l ‘ ll ruer Hu' m lx-u than than one lllllllll". | . "J almut krep \lgx‘llil’illll.‘1‘il01.$0. it only" _ ___‘..._._, «foil! '13 Villa. :husiness, and will continue to supply cus- J v ' n ‘ x NO ADMISSION PEI: ;llllt"i rape}. L3}..lit‘ii. «days: ‘- rm. 2 ‘ ‘ ' q ' . the tmmuonuls for .‘lx‘irvglrs Speedy ' o I c E diure. and found thatl had not to go to. p m,“ “mm, u, 31, 'r“.,,,,,,.}‘n, .ml w,“ M v ‘ New l'r-r'u‘. l'iul ll Louiwvu vr 'l'ct- ‘0 the Great Central Show or filtlll-llrtl mil. th.~ hum English, mm atle ' . , o '1 a o '1 a m 1-, H. ,1 . . ,» ,u up, 1 . {or which the old shop has always been .. . 1 t -. , ., .n n I], hitre ld‘ihllv‘ullkprl ,. 1 p”, 1,. crux: . noted; and that. hnripg wanted the oer-i I 7 S 0 l l l I T lh‘r?.;rli.i. l‘itilvmjan \' 10nd 1H9; 43 4. ii: merits. i got :I l'uiilc :ui ll helle luv-y “€95 or“ “"141”! 7 D o S A N D ' 1 v v - t - right away l mu ml laid “nth llilions Fe. *...... ....- .. -__-.____.__________,,_ : lastly-End and intentional, should can and see the We, ,, 0,, “who, ,, pin u Fcnclon nun Gazette ~ .1”. I tr..." ta‘un three bottles and an; (10.11", is printrd err-ry Saturday at the nfiiux, o: .!r well. and can mt any kind of toe-l that», . ‘ o'ut il hurting me. 1 any say llut I am het- i u“? "H b‘ P"l“,"d w "n ‘n “"5 “591° ’ l the corner of May A: Francis llfljtla. k, u,“ x H” “Wu” ,0 p”: pr" "M articles to tlmse lines of the best quality. I D I s brflsu‘lrlno‘ " A YEAng “(HAW r hottlu at Win. 5. Mia's Drug Store, l-‘cue-E Th”. "H.150 1"? ‘ 3M "0“ or I I k .u ' .d‘, l i, don Kills. ’ lot om. crntprr on in re: eduloag . ' . s z u it remain; unpaid. if you ihOl. .l to m unfortunate .u to, y , _ . ». .» r 2 ' . . m if} CD'tilll'L'f , , liuflh SUM “Y “INN NW“! ’ i" “I “‘F- i all or which ‘1” be cold at the very lorcs‘ i at: thlb and crammed “8th: gillrdl BtOCkaf “1:; Milliet ‘ -' J‘dvcruhhlg Rate”. ever 0 ere it: gaze 0 an a H1 v I - i 1'n.!v,a-.intul er hminru rardi 3’) no”. the proper thin; t‘o kn? «in; pot heel it; living profit. ‘ u Mel-trio. .\ larhv ~. l Arr-om: (trait. Ediâ€"105 '1.orlzm~ prr nnwun (‘ne'aal advertirvmuztr. 3"“ "“ i"‘~"““" “"1 l” “7" 3““ g” 3“" E General excellence is the distinguishing feature which is noticed in this stock ,, mm “,1,” M 14,, gm, ;,,,, mm, ,W, «_, r - I, cnocxnmr, GLASSWARE, 8L0. ‘ FENELON FALLS, ‘ _ .' . ‘. . v ‘ :(‘Lrs @ Try 01“ they “111 plbasc 30" boih 1” p“ Thr- ndw-rti-w-r is. prepared 10 ext:th and quality. In addition to the above we have also a largcum (trdcnuitll whit-h in maybe mound, , - . - . i i . v r tit-rm largo contracts lo the r-umllv-rtjdl. and l‘ belccu’d btu’k or i W Sa-h and Ilnurti ofnll kinds made on plmri unlit": and of good nmtr-tiulu. & Work-shop on i’runt'in St.er Hurt; frai- 'dt:nce on llund b‘m'ct East. which will be sold as low {to the lowest. I . ' EDWARD “Am Yours respect/filmy, lvnrrlon Pulls, April 10th, ldfiu, Ll. BRANDON & ROBSON.‘ Fcnclon Falls, February 18th, 1885. I t _____.â€"...â€"_ 311's. VVurd, Dress & Mantle Maker, is prepared lad!) a good claw of work til. ltl'r Residence on Bond St. West. .4 any: ‘ “Uh ‘ “UM”. “but PM“: i’ road ' othin there for the purpose of catchin: the eva- ouly. but L'hbd (rut. 1.. x .v f ,- -v~,. .r . up...“ 3”...“ :5 “n”- “lii‘ E 5m“- Dmr'iidb “Mil-"‘3 krpt conetantlr on bond ; Also , o r n , - ° new h l ' n g .' .I . ' ._ ~l _- '1. . ,, ‘3”. 1,, , 2-,. , ,,, , I H ,. , . , , i ‘I -' l ' ' ~ ‘ ' ~ ‘ ' t r Y t goods um flees. which if honestly used '1 I Live mmu r r l p x . ...l ,...r .r y‘ui' L“ we i, “Wt. ITOATS. 3'. In L “(161.-010th‘ng‘ (.1011d>. ls, 8,0" li'lfgtearor. Nah: tuttih while the stack is fresh and well lnaufu‘di the [NC-‘1 ’i ""V‘ i f i i. H “l ‘ ' “3"? Q ,, 5,1, . Q’gé‘gfilnmMum»...nummnrgunggoods in great demand at this season. arejtm sum! puritans of mxfurwmm» ‘ JG ,3 ,1 v, J 3,, _. ‘ l kwall)?‘ K - l a ‘ud can (or Bu‘w Kg“ i {llld 0"..." ('ll“+=‘l" 43’ x-? .,.‘.l.r ..'. . .‘ ~ 4' '.--. 1.; a .'- Sit/3'. on V I’ ll Yt‘flr HI I“ vancc. . r. u. ‘ . -" .v - - . . - a” A than of MC patronage u re:- 1 m U R Lt, : ant. lt..vul It [a v... I For correct local news take the ; pecath touched. n t: n ' l- . g L. A G l E l g, 9,111,”), local vet ' 'mm ' ‘ ' 'V . Kent 8n Lin say. 'ruprmr Pfil ~ 9 recite: nus. April 23:4, ms. m1. f 3IA- AGEB‘ , ’

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