CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, No. 9 KEENAN’S g *‘pri‘c‘es toiiisiiit tie Tlm’ ughâ€"Hare. You Peltâ€"the Earthquake l I have on hand, as usual, :1 full stock of . . . ... .. . _ . _ . W AND ‘ .. _ . . . It is shaking the Town and County from centre to circumference, and completely pulverising i F R E S H G R o C E R I E S and paralysing all competition in Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Carpets and Furs. ’ on hand, all guaranteed to be first class, which he will sell 0 c H E A p E R 1' H A N E V E R. The Mammoth Sale on a Gigantic Scale Still continues at the CITY STORE until the lst of February next, when the term of our partnership and lease of premises ' â€" . s 1 Be sure and m 1‘15 “00“ 0f Currants, Starch, Soaps, Teas and 8 yards Scarlet Flannel, all wool, for $1 00, worth $1 50 "Fire-'5 b)’ lhe omuxmn of time. We have marked every line right down to actual 00>L Please, take. the following quit. . I ‘ - ‘ S AN D Coffee's, Spices, die. 3 " Grey Flannel, union. for l 00, " 1 50 tations to bed with you and dream over them; and if satisfactory we invite a visit from you without delay, as we are determined to reduce our stock very materially before the let of February. Fume†ruin-Hing ii hanow.wiu do w?“ to inspect his Spring Spécial Lines in Japan Ten, 30c. per lb. or 4 lbs. for $1.00. 5 u Gâ€. 1:. "M, an wool f r 1 on u 1 gr, Tooth Barrows, which are Just the thing for rough land. He ’ 20 “ Dre; aids?†., o 1 00. l‘ 2 M r. SANDFORDM has a large stock of CONSISTIXG 0F Sugars. Syrups. Tobaccocs, Rice, Raisins, . . . '8 - also keeps the followmg farm machines: 3 gallons Come“ S.‘ mp for ill-“0‘ 112g; " Dim Goods, for - - t 00, “ 1 60 0 " Dress Goods, for - - 1 Oil, †1 50 Crockery, Glassware, Earthenware, 8,, ., me 0mm“. rm, . . 1 (,0. .. 1 50 1 00, †1 50 WEEKS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, B'EEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is bound not to be undersold by any one. 124.} “ Canton. Flannel, for . _l\1;ll.l.12\;ERY exactly half price. Ladies’ Cloth Mantles, ‘20 per cent. off. Fur-lined Circulars, $4), S6, 3i, SS and $10. Ready-made Clothing, 20 per cent. oï¬'. Carpets, ‘20 per cent. oll‘. SOOTHERAN, OATHRO & MARK, CITY DRAPERS AND CLOTIIIEIZS‘, 2 Doors West of the Post Ofï¬ce. - - Kent Street, Iindsny. Brooms, Pails, Iashtubs, Brushes, Clothespins, Matches, Bedcords, Eto. CANNED FISH, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 0f the Choicest Kind. 8' All kinds of PLANINH done at short notice. Various patterns of MOULD- h d, d . ld h l l m i‘ . House-Sunnis} . d JOBBI.' - . . inea lifst-cllxscenianner and on “lot; (like. Fruit, Fish and Oysters Always Fresh. No. 2 Dobsun’s Block, - - cheap second-hand lll'llGIl'IS for sale. Ho returns sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the GOODS DELIVERED- ‘V’. ‘V. BIJOTT- rnritnnsrinir initiator. Mrs. KEELEY line just received and opened up a large stock of NEW GOODS, including FANCY DRY 60003, -â€"i\ndâ€"- ALL KINDS OF WOOL. till ol‘ Whit-h will be sold M LESS THAN LIXllSAY l’llll‘ES, A nit-e lot of WALL PAPERS rind Wixtmw llmslus just opened out, Toys in great variety. Toilet Sets, Vases, l-‘uncy China-Wiircnnd various other articles, to which the attention or intending purcliiuora is respectfully invited. MRS. KEELEY . Feneloii Fill“. May 7th. uses. Patterns ! Patterns l w put. 14 years, and will spare no pains to merit. a continuance of it in the future. NEW FURNITURE FAGTGRY. 0 Fenclon Falls, October 22nd, 1883. The undersigned respectfully informs the public that his new Factory on rmuvcrs s'rnmrr, PBNELON FALLS, Hardware? Tinware OVBS. is now in full running order, and is ï¬tted up with all machinery necessary to turn out work at short notice, in the best possible manner and at moderate prices. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS Specialties of Seasonable Goo (ls UNDERTAKING {SPECIALTm Nickle and Brass Electro Lamps. A large number of Collins to select from. and a handsome tlcarsc furnished when And the most marked change that has taken place this season is the big come down in the prices of Dry Goods, and where it is most visible is at the Dimer: DRY Goons AND CLOTHING HOUSE. Being wide awake‘ as to the state of the country, as well as to the wants of my patrons and the public generally, I have de- cided to lower my percentage by half, and that, along with my facilities for buying goods cheap. I can say that better value can be giVen by me in all lines of Dry Goods than anywhere else in the county. This is big talk, but I MEAN IT, and will convince any one who will wisely give me a call, and if my goods do not turn out exactly as represented will refund the money for them. Note the following special lines at job prices : 6% lb. White Blankets at $3.25 per air; Fine Double Breasted Overcoats for $6; Ileavy Cliieck Full-cloth Overcoats for $7; one No. 1 Comforter, full size, for $1 ; Ladies’ Mantlcs at less than cost ; 100 pieces Scotch tweed fall suitings at less than manu- iacturcrs’ prices. I am bound to make a thorough cle'aring out in these goods. A line lot. of Soul, Per- sian Lamb and Astrachan Caps, at hard pan prices. Remember, I keep the largest and best stock of goods in town, and mean business. HUGH llIoDoUGALL. Ellie {Julius Btu @eohs $3 t'llotliiug 1.301159. A thorough test proves this Lamp to be the best. It gives a required. 0rder suli'ri'rril uml stlft'ffllch'nn guaranteed. Sash and Doors made to Rure Steady light equal to sixty sperm candlesâ€"the strongest order on short notice and of the best. materials. light ever produced by any burner usmg 011. Glass Lamps of WILLIAM MCKEOWN_ all shades and colors. Ornamental Lamp at rock bottom prices. SILVERWAREï¬A SPLENDID LOT GR 0 C E & direct from the manufacturers. All of these goods warranted nancnurr TAILORS, 7 and stamped. am" To the Front again Stoves, 100 to choose from. 0 N S“ "uh mm "cw “"‘l we" "35mm Stock °f Cook-Stoves with all the latest improvements for cooking anti __ 8, heat1ng._ Fancy ornamental wood and coal Parlour Stoves. J. MCFARLAND I THE MAPLE LEAF chess-cur SAWS, h" now on ham, 3 sphmdid stuck “I- The Lowest Prlces- that have proved themselves, beyond dispute, far ahead of all ï¬ne fresh They have No (inn S'rot‘it lying on their other Stuvs yet Produced. 0 bands, and can therefore offer to their cus- l - s l t r‘ *< < I ,. , ‘Umu none]; AXES FOR TIâ€"IIS FAIJL' I have just received the largest stock of Fancy Goods ever oil'ered in the village 9"..." syrup, Tobacco. Rice Ram", T ‘0 xe‘ust and em Gum's, I have expressly hand-made Axes, the best in the Dominion. 0f Fenelon FIIUB, “misting 0" . i which they select frnm the most rc'mblc Cow Ties, ROPe, Ste. Head quarters for Machine Oils, EIUSICAL IN.STRU1\[ENVFS, Curnutu. Starch, Soaps and all other imponing house, in “,0 Dominiom Patent 011 and Putty. and a full line of general Hardware. . . . . . . ' such as Violins, Banjoos, Aceordeons, Concertinas, Mouth-organs d: 'l‘anibnnrines. groceric’“ wmeh h†“in "c" [8" All Tweeds at and above 75 cents Fenelon Falls, October lst, 1885. - 'W all Papers and Window Blinds, Cll(‘.ll) tbl. Czlï¬ll per yard will be ciit free of charge. v' ’ â€" 9 and a very large stool: of Paint Brushes, Varnisbos, anans, Fenclon l-‘nlls, November 25th, 1885. and to which be invites the attention PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY’ sent by mail post pro-(l of the public. You on receipt of price, by G L a complete assortment of first-class Earthenware. Brooms. Pails, Washtubs, Kl Wm. Campbell. Fenelon Falls, April dill, 183:3. which they are prepared to om-r at A full assortment ot McCall's Bazaar glove- ï¬tting Patterns always on hand, and will be Blacklugbriuhes, Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. tanned Fish, Fruit ti Vegetables “9.35.8... ff...§’.£.'.:,'.S.ES' of the very best brands and :it the low- J03. Neï¬s0n's “apnpSS Shop, est possible prices. Mixed Paints of all shades of colours, ready for the brush, Pictures and Picture Frnntes, and a fine stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags, Valises and Ladies' Satchels; also, A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, Stationery, Perlumery and Toilet articles, and a very ï¬ne iis~ortmcnt of Watches, Watch Chains. Rings, Brooches and Other Jewelry, Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. Cull Ilntl inspect the slur/i. STEPHEN NEVIBON. ‘ OPPOHITH THE POST-OFFICE. Whips, Snaps, Cnrryeoinbs, llruslies, (‘olboriii- Street, Feueloii Falls. l'OI' E'r‘rSl 3‘5)" Collars warranted, lit-pairing done 2Ԡiwitli iieittui-ss and dispatch. Ill-l '. and other farm produce. 3 3 8‘ Hour and hid lttptionetnml)‘ & CO! on bond. _ . r _ . _ I JOSEPH MUFA R LAND. i beg to announce that they have purchased ii [i ‘L l “10 - ‘ <15) 1]" ‘ l ! LF Fenclou Falls, May 22nd, 1585. * HARDWARE Bl'SINESS l i | : formerly c-irried on by .\lit. Gitnititr ANDER- ‘ I lanai. it is their intention to continue the "‘â€" iiiiisiness under the management of Mr. J. The undersigned hen-by inform: his cits-j Mitchell, keeping bl. lumen and the public that lll‘ is w ‘ y of all kinds of lliirdwitre, niid selling at R. M. BUTLER’S â€"-I‘ORâ€"-â€"- I)u.ily A l'l'i ‘Villr-i -â€"-â€"llI"â€"‘â€"" GHRISTMAS 60003 at (l. A. lintliet'i-ll'a BRANDON a: Ronsorf BOOK error-1E in he Inhabitants of lenelin Falls and Silimunding Country. MUSIC WIW‘IUM' ' Come Onel Come All ll IIflVillg'pllI‘Cllfltled the stock, (Flew 0f DIV. Jtlllll and ï¬nd examine goods birforo purchasing clito- niatlc large additions thereto, we beg to solicit thanttilultlllcc “"“m†of the support extended to him, and we will use our utmost endeavours at all times to make prices satisfactory to one. and “'Nâ€'_'._, :1: l’jlu‘l‘lu'“ all who may favour us with their patronage. Our stock will gummy, “mi,†37,“, W, ‘ be found complete in GENERAL GBOGEBIES AND PROVISIDNS, GROCKERY. GLASSWARE, &c. ‘ ' r w' l lease '0" both in irit'csl w r) our “my 11 . . , _ s The udh‘r-rliu-i i‘r preporwi to Herald. and quality. In addition to the about “0 law =1 H) ll lllg‘iliiii omen mu. who-h hi may i... fut'oiirod, nInd “will selected ï¬tUCk "f ll'miii but?!" l'tviili'nrh to tilt: :ll’iltlil‘rl job, i my 5".“ and vim-r4 ot iill Llfllio made on l dbort notice 1 till -! good lll.‘.l"ilill§. Mens’ and Women’s Boots 8: Shoes†Bulimi- . l'lI-nri- on “and Flier-l Hal-l. which Will be sold ns'low as the lowest. ‘ l l Fenelon Falls, April 9th, 1885. ‘of all kinds, at Rock-Bottom Prices, For Cash. {or cash only. hi»: stock of lion's. “'nmeii's and Children's n-ndydnade Boots and Shoes" WHOLESALE PRICE, l. l ‘ ~ , % M‘ H “Hem MW t ‘ being determined to secure the trade of all of w “H " m H 3‘ r "MI ‘ who desire to buy wherever they can pur- t‘rom and after this date l chm†chmpflh N0 CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN.§ BERTRAM (in Co. Pent-ion Falls, Aug. lst. [8:15, iii-hf. I! he is determined to do illls‘illl‘ii oii 1|; strictly rash bush. “5" All person! against \ili-iiii lie ilil§i past due ueeiiuiiu lllll‘l pay them before the in u! November lie“. or llii)‘ \iill he I placed in ('ourt fur \‘Ilill't‘ilull. t. \lz‘i'.\l.l.l'.\l. Fem-Ion Falla, lli'l. ljtli, list, 123.3. J, irespi-ellull} inform llu.‘ rwidvnle of lit-union, _ . il’all- .llltl its \‘l"iilil:i' that they have TI‘CEHI." ' “ \Viiy‘. \\ but" lill' unlit-rip" : l_\‘ p'll‘t'llJN'll Mr. John llnllltl's leyâ€"( Willi Ctri‘ riivrlupril in :\ roll ilI‘ hot cloths)â€"-" I'll? IN "My with that. B E4‘ ‘7 Nournlgin that eunliiiirtlly troubles me." , Falls, and get a bottle of Fluid Lightning“? ’liiisiness, and will continue to supply cus~ " Well, how foulidif Why don't yoiil \V I) It cured me in let: than than one minnled com 2'5 cents." l Iomers with the (be very lowest 11']. it A; WV, CAItPICN'i'icit .t ni'iiaihtit, FENELON FALLS. EDWARD HAW. hours rcspei-tlully, _ _ , . l’t-iu-lniil (in. April l' Ill, inns. Ll. Sr 1R BET BRANDON nonsON._ Fenelon Falls,‘Feliruary 18th, 1885. ’ .‘Ii'r-s. \Vui-(l. .- -..-. . .7 v- - -- Dress & Mantle Halter, tin prrparv I! You“: a “nod rim» of work at her I Residence on Bond St. West. iii-ti. lit-me in \lr 'l'uv iiii-_\"ii, Mid Will in lili_-:tll"ll nilli ill-,- lat: nl Hhflllll‘l Port: and l0 L hill“ '6. DI‘IIi' SI: n‘ lumen," "l t ' t 3‘ ‘ll‘l$§ k9?" R! “I ‘ III "M I) )u a ll Ollll' . . _ -_...-A-. . Parties in want of James Brayiey, Hamilton, sari: “1 read, arrears l:::.rcr..-“trtti CH OICE BREAD l New rout, Phil-dolphin. Louisiana or Tex-l To the Great Central Show of n ‘0 “Nd “do: ‘i'n.."'5 or i“ Y‘Im}; we i {O'L‘Fll’iiChd‘hleh 0l‘.‘l "Vim, h: .r‘c‘dnili been . ' . ()a i. I ll, . . I I I > New York "Il‘ltlllll‘ but plenty ot persons right been to pron.- l M .. . In “45%;: iï¬nrgI-z‘sps c Icr- 1y O l y s A N D S H o “MIMI Fun“ JMU Mud. “Iâ€. ‘8." In merits. [got a bottle and it helped rue The " Fciicliiii Falls tiiizellc " Mina-1y. i on u had with Biliou Fe, '1: priiitii! H'Hy Saturday at the affirm, on iuaiwuowlwm°°°°°““iPaSlll-lillfll and infections. 5., it". taken ihm bouioumi In mm. which is now on exhibition at st‘tsuiiriica‘ ti A thin I.\' turner. " , , r d n d†. should call and see the , biennium" “I "' “ 0‘ “‘i. 3 er i- e 4 e: 233253.132: new .23; i $3.123lhi‘IL'Ilfm'JZi‘ i: emit: I N .S MAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT b‘olllcl ll Win. 8. Ellis) Drug Store, Furl nâ€! 'm “I†k"? ‘ Md "Mi "r B A G A _ . . Ion Polio. ' p ‘ I r ' . ' Or one century;7:1:tl::ll;:a:dddad u long If too should be so unfortunate as tol 1 . and crammed With fl general Of a“: most complete RAUL"! Advvl'u’dnx “Qt?â€- ( l Buru'ï¬mld 0' WWW ""ln'†"1 “"3 ‘4."- all or which will be sold It the very lomt . ' ° ' b ‘ ' - n ' , I I ll lC. ' ‘ ~ ~ . l ‘ , I ‘ ever Oï¬bred :0 the gal†of an r “g p l 5 [’roft‘ninnal or I]HY)'II"II tardy, 50 rrnu “ ‘°"“" ‘ M“ “"0†' T ' ‘ ~'()\ E EXTRA CHFA P LIle ‘ mm M mum-W N he Finest Flour *b t I . . J L «: i (be r thin; to ilflp cit-n and heat it “‘3â€; ph‘h . ' ‘ . . . , ' - . . ., - . o . t, ; palm: pr: ILLIHXI. (Julia! “rerun-menâ€. ) ‘ ‘ ii I i. i if“. i I. W F Ti (irncn‘ cxmfl‘mc? ‘3'“: dunw'uwmng natuuvfhidi '5 “M'cc'l In .LiiH ML I ‘3 "‘h‘na‘ii1'1'llul‘ In! the Brit tournamund .' “new k [gm :1: 'b t h; v t: L g I "r ""w "(Mkii'w‘li‘r’u‘uwre fl" "'0 Fm???†(If ca. Cltlll'J the (a!!! only. but good "on [at lint.â€" fur entry subsequent mur- :5 coats. to . margin. . estate. - Falls, has the genuine. which if brazenly uml sill give hunt-st N'rtlffl! io ', nun, Honour. by Hi" )rnr. La†you at f . v . ' t ‘ _ ._ ' , .. . , ,, I t. . in I.'iitlei'-clotliintr. Clouds. Shimlr. Mill-r, Sui-a ‘ “"0"†“iiiiiiriuliiicdhie thortoclt is {ml-mewla-wrwd: .‘Mtlriwlwm'l'WW‘W'" ’*"'““°"""°"' , the went-r. chi» icruu. hv'p! Cu‘usunfly or: LAW! aim OATS. liltAN .x: Sllnltvrs, 1 . t 1 [ fl . , dun, t 1 H“ m I . ___, ....- T ‘ g V . . . g . i .v - 3- . amjusl gun, ..-: I" C 2 It)“ . Home M b , 1 H _ ‘ _ ,,,,.,.n.d,,¢, my, ,.. ,, immannmd, _ 80bit b lll giOd ( Clllilllt, .l 115 Std , , ' I ' ~ W V i ,1, . “I W : mun “We on y ayear in trance; A h, 0, am , ., r, F l ' ‘ ‘ ' v ' ' luwy wattnnvzi-ldmmtrl. ' For ,eorrect local new: take theirnmtlr t:l:;rd. P“ in "Ms ’ "b! St- LIA- .. L. “Es i S- D. "A ND. 1). & J. BARREI'T. . )IZLN ‘&_(3}E1{ .2 Kent at, Linttmiy. V ['I'drlm ’ I local paper. Furies Fail: .\i_~.'.l 2‘:.‘., 155‘. . ___.._ LL _. .. ,,, l _ W , -_, ,,