.5 I A.) 41“ 1’]! ICE? ' I‘lS’tmEE Cards. lllllll lflllllUliHl CHEAP.‘ PICTURE BOOKS. PLUSH GOODS. TOY BOOKS. ALBUMS, and .. nit-v: nesurunent cl POCKET BlBLES, f».- ('iiristrna: Presents. ‘1' all prices. E'lilnllli‘ LOVV 1’}: ICJI‘IS to I-zit lll“ Lord tirms. V L-ix‘ ll.le early and often at the Drug ml hook Store. W. I}. ELLIS. Funelon Falls, llw'r lnth, l‘do‘ï¬. LEGAL &c. A. v. iucvmx, ).\l‘.lll.".TF.ll. Attornt-y-iit-lmw. Solicitor. ) in i'lmncvry, Kent :itreet, Lindauy. MARTIN 6:. HOPKINS, - _).\l'llil>‘.TH {5, SULIUITUR“. kc ) nry to Loon nt t; per cent. Kent street, Lind-lily, Unt. l'.S. .\lAnrm. 1", ll. MOORE, )l.lllllSTl-ll:, A'l"l‘(ll’..\’H‘t’, r’e SOLICITR l) vlllll .‘i'otury Public. Money to Loan. Odirv, Kt'ill itreet. hindsuy. M--_...r____.__.__o_.._~_. lililli‘l’l'i'l‘ll k JACKSON, ).\Etl:l<'l‘lilth‘, Silhllil'l‘tlllS, kc. ) tin-r. Willinm street, Lindsay. A. llrnsrcrn. A. JAcKsoN ..._.._.__, _ _ ______..._..â€"_.___._ (TLEARY 8; O'LEARY, [)ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, xi Solirlturs in Chancery, kc. Ofï¬ce, will: ltlork. Kentotrect, Lindsay. mil-i. il'hnnv. llt'un O'anv. _ _____._._.â€"a-â€"â€" Mo- ()tlice, (i. ll. HOPKINS. 0 f- ...V.,. . .\li'lN'l‘YRl'} ll; .QTEWART, i) \ltltlS'l‘l-IltS, A'I‘TOltNEYS-AT-I.A“', ) Solo-lion in (llinncerv. 3:0,, Lindsay. i» ovor Untnrin Bunk, Kent street. .\lo- li- lmnll nt 8 per cent. on rcul estate lillra. 'r .l .‘dlervnz. 'l‘nos.Srnw1m-r. BARRON & SMITH, ) \lililS'l‘i-Illb‘. SULllZl'l‘OllS, kc, Lind ll .\lom-y to Lorin on security of mortâ€" uronlisrory notes, .‘ic. . \ .\. “Annoy. J. ll. Slum, l :" Hm,- of the lirm will he at their Fen it bulls ollit'c every Thursday. (l. A. JURDAN, .llvmuger. A. W. J. ’ “INNER, l’hysicinn,Surgcon,kc, kc. i r ltvahh-nt-c, llrick Cottngc, Wellington .Irvet. Lindsny. ,_.g ,_..._ ..____________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" lll‘iS. WILSON d: WILSON, ‘)lli'SlClA.\'S. SURGEONS dt ACCOU- l chi-r3. (mice. Francis Street East, Feu- iiv-n Falls. U" l3. S. \\'n.ao.v,.n. n .M.n., (7.31., were 5., Ont Dr. A. WILHON, u. n., u. c. r. a s., Ont. hllS'. RllltROWS tit GRAHAM, lilti'sltflAXS, SURGEONS, kc. Oflicc t .id residence directly opposite Oltrr’s l. \l'illium St.,l.indsny. Gulls from tlle =;!llt‘}' promptly attended to. II. ll. GRAHAM, M. n, c. )l.. lute Soho llos- pitul, London, i‘. i‘. s. w, .\i. n. 0.5., Englund 1' l‘..i.‘.inn llonnuwu, .l'. .\(.. \t. (1. I'. a . lil‘dllfllllf.‘ M'Ciill 1‘ il. .\lout., 186.3. SURVEYOREI “mines DICKSUN, l) l..Snrvcyor. Com iiissioncrin the Q. 13., i . t‘onvoynnccr, .kc. Residencc,nud nil- ir-w‘s, ‘cni-lon l-‘nlls. MISCELLANEOUS. W. H. GROSS, DI-IN'I‘IS’P. I..11\‘DSA.1'. “Vt‘l’ 2.1 yrurs' experience. The general-l ‘v .irknnwli-dgml hend quarters for goodl i-‘llll-‘ll‘y. A stock of about 10.000 uniti-I '..\i teeth to Select from. A written guur-l ltt‘i‘l‘ given. if desired. with every set of ,: mil tt‘t‘lll. III-[4111261 .li'r yit'en, 3U-1y. H I’l'ZCITJXC.’ L199. ~________.__._â€"â€"-â€"â€" __ A full Stork ol‘ Lnnrnncc's fumous Spoc- Lisle; nt llllie'i Drug Store. Every pnir gilJrJuli'i‘il. (.‘nll und see them. M-ly. , . 53.1 {G A IN . l-‘ivc good Building Lots for sole chenp in Fi‘lli'lntl l-‘nlls \\'e~'t. .\ppl)’ to ,- J.\ lli'lr‘v .k Mi'lilt‘ll'li ALL. l‘i-ucinu l-‘ulls, Juni- l.“.h, iFs‘t. lT-t l. J. NEELANDS, , 1) HN’L‘IS'X‘, LlNl)5.-\‘Y. Ono ofthv tirm Will be lit the :‘li‘.\lil‘lll'tt llui’viz. l’lzxtzwx l".\i.l.s.: on lllr‘ third .\lnnili} nfvuu‘h month. Teeth i-vtmi‘trd by lauglan; g.“ “nth-wt puiu m inurv. or n \ char.†'»\ :il in‘ mode. in," Nth-5.: Pill-\llli5lli'll to Lindsay nearly ni‘tvi-u yours. "llt‘. t‘lTl' iIt‘ l.it\'l‘it.\' HRH INSUR- Jivcx t‘o (‘apiul £’.‘.""\.oilt‘ sterling. "1mm.- 1 “tlil the Dominion Government. ‘, . . .' .5 lloi'u. turnâ€: (‘0 or Excuseâ€"l “til. Sl".â€-.)" "*0 Deposited Witb DL“, :z-m Huvrrtintrtil nod otherwise vcatcd' i t‘auuvlu. $'i-"l_'â€'U. I‘m ‘VILH‘SAID tunnel Co. or Cum» I‘apital and Assets, $1,637,553. ! J. n suirn, Amt, Fenclon Falls. Jun‘y 22.4. N“. 4S. l swimmer}, GEORGE curmuiatuu, . til-wral Insurance And Loan Again. PENELON FALLS. our" .Azm the following ï¬n! clus compo» .-‘.i lotions an be uncut-ted he It: is. Ajuctugcoul terms. .\ l‘cnnacutLouu t Savings Co; l: ._ .’.\‘. lauruu Company." L... don. England. l : Vtt.l.‘l|ll3l.f1lf! Couplzy, otCnuI-f .lai. I'iw Jud Armin-l. l‘lf l.a.n(l9hirc lacunae: Co..d Squad. :u t.‘ontcd0~'i.)c Litt- Auccmtoa.o¢Cn-' ado .hmindnri ‘, th it they rt‘nuuts as to when- no. llMlllllll ll__ll lllUlllllll. The Excelsior Panning .\till. In introducing thi- mill to farmers i hate the pit a-urr if r.fl'~~riii'_v to them 3‘ mill llml l..1« nrver been b. at for clean- ing and rep-noting mixed grain. And other“ in Want of a good light llUliSl‘i-l'tilll’ldll for rowing wood. running grain Cl’u:ltl‘l' or straw cutlcr. should call :and See them. For strength and durability they have no equal. .__â€" l’ow an .\.‘iD H AND S T B. A. W CUTTERS. This straw cutter is particulurly suited to thme having a small form. or for stable use. No one should be without, one. W Look out for Robson's z-gang Plough, the strongest and best in the market. THOMAS ROBSON. Ellcfencion fella (Basalt: aturday, February 6th. 1886. Coroner's Inquest. Mr. John l’czr'.lnun li\'l3"1lll4'ut two miles from thi~ vi. Il'J“ on the, Verulnnl side of [be lmil'uiur} br-(ui‘urn that town- ship and I’enelou, :ind “curly opposite his farm is one owned by the late Jus- eph Tidy, who died on the 26th of No vember last. soon after which his widow and children moved to Fenelon Falls, and the house on the farm has since been unoccupied. Several weeks ago Mr. Perryman lost. some of his hens. which he believed had been stolen ; and when, about 10 o'clock on the morning of Friday of last week. he saw Mrs Udy and some other woman or girl pass his gate on their way to the Falls. he thought of his hens. and derided to go up the road a short distance and see whether there was any connection be- tween the disappearance of the poultry and the appearance of the women. He could not. follow the luttcr's footstep~, as Mr. Thomas Roberts just then drove past and obliterated them; but after walking about :1 quarter of a mile he saw the trucks of two lit‘l'hflllï¬ leading from the road to :i piece of bush on the Udy farm and then buck to tho road again. He went to the bush and found -â€"not his fowls, butâ€"a small rough box, partly covered with stones and snow. The lid of the box Was formed of two pieces of Sltlb nailed down, and when he raised it there was disclosed the body of a new-born female child, with a piece of dirty cotton cloth wrapped around it. He called to Mr. Edward Chambers, who was passing. and showed him what he had found. and then come to the Falls and reported the circumstances to Constnble Nevison, who went out and took possession of the body and box, together with a piece of piper felt that had been laid over the latter. On Saturday an inquest was opened in Jordno's ball by Coroner Nnylor and a jury of fourteen, who elected Mr. J. J. Footer as foreman, and the only witneSses examined were the constable and Mr. I’erryman. who deposed as above stated. An adjourn- ment then took place to allow a pos! morlcm examination to be held by Dr Graham ; who. upon the inquest biting resumed in the hall at l0 o’clo-k o- Monduy, stiited that he had opened the body (which bore no in irks oi VllllL'llCt?) and examined the vital organs; that they were all in a normal condition; that the child hiid breathed and his impression was that it had been born alive ; and that he did not know what had caused its death. The hall was then cleared. and the jury, after a short consultation, brought in a verdict to the effect that the child had been born alive, and that it had come to its death through culpable neglect on the part of some persons unknown. As the result of the inquest. failed to satisfy the general public, and then- wnso strong suspicion ml to who was. the mother of the child. and who plucol the body where it Was found, the com- ncr and Cnlhlflbli‘ huh went to liinvlmv on Tuesday and interviewed the county attorney. nud by hi~ advice the inquest \Vlli rc-openi-d on “'i-duesiliiv. and \l rs lidy and her daughters Mary. Annie, Sophia and Lucy were all summoned. andâ€"with the exception of the la~t [LIIHML who was not called uponâ€"swore positively that they knew nothing of thc child alive or dead. and Could give no evidence " touching the matter in question." Mr~ lblv and her t-lde-‘t daughter told the ‘Jlllt' slruight Story, ri':. that they went not to their old home on l’iidav morning to get :i suit of clothes that Mr lidy had on when he died. but found the snow along the farm fence so deep that they did nut attempt to force their way throu vh it ; that they went and returned along the ....l .i v with them buta lli~krl in \\:.ii“, to carry the clothes ; and that lit-.‘Y \aw till one either gomg or coming vxc-pi \lr. P--r rymau and Mr R b r‘~ 'l'w'ir :m w-‘n‘ l'wl i; .’|' they do .\fh't‘ ill-y ',I!: Muir \uie-il a :nod deal. but out a. ti j-Llru H and its object. 'l'hurwu .- nu ~..r.,- d nit mourn Is to evidence [Int tutu it“ x -t t i prove that they did not ted lllt‘ trutll ; but until it is produced in court the Gd:!fl( declines to notice it. the daughters. Sophia. who is aid to be sufl'criug from a diwuc of the lungs presented to delicate an appuraucu h 'ilu; tbnt the coroner thought ï¬t to Order r to be I‘lelllt‘d by Dr. (indium; but when the doctor timed her no, l ~ _ . 1 Thursday morning for the purpo-ebl 1 be, m, rm. 4;, currying out his Inflfflttmn‘. she in lu- ; l nautly refused to submit; and in her present clue of health the most serious , miusrquences might result from any at. tempt It compulsion. supposing it to be allowable. which we very much doubt. The inquest therefore lands adjourned sin: dir. And the county attorney bu been written to for further inuructionl, until the nrrinl of which nothing can i appurcutly be done. One of Not Buried Alive. The directions sometimes lclt in a death. his heart shall be pierced or something else done to make sure that 5 life is extinct before his body is com- mitth to the grave. show (b‘ll such per- son believed that cases of premature interment occasionally occur; and all who hold that belief must haVc had it. ~ircngihened by a horrifying paragraph (if they saw it) that appeared in the HIqu of the 18th ult., and they will consequently be greatly relieved by the following flat contradiction, which was published a few days later : To the Editor of the Globe : StR,â€"In the Globe of the 18th inst. an item of news is mentioned to the ef- fect that recent discovery had revealed that a little girl named Collings. who dltd here last summer. had been buried alive. I ofï¬ciated at her funeral, and her parents are members of Knox Church. The whole story is a piece of the most heartless fabrication, without even a shadow of ground to rest on. No removal of the body to another burying ground, our opening of the grave nor ex-iminuiioo of any kind has ever taken place. The scnxation circulated. to the intense pain of the family. is without a pretext of excuse. Letters of enquiry from iln- States and Canada have come Ill \l'oodstock. Stllut‘ to myself and about lilty in the Pil~ttnn~tcr, asking for the zu-ul lftch'. “on nothing be done to fer- 'e out and punish the origimtors of such horrifying >cnsntions? In a letter which I love reel-ived from the editor of the NM“ Y‘Ilk Ollfll’l'lll", it is stated that for years thnt journal has made carel'ul'investiguti m and found in every invtancc such reports false. It is but fair to add that before the item ap- peared in the Globe the rumour had been circulating in town, but how it originated in n mvstcry. W. T. MCMULLEN, Minister of Knox Church. Woodstock, Jun. 27th. l i l | l l i‘V illage Council. Fenclon Falls, Feb. 1<t. 1886 The council uiet pursuant to adjourn- ment. Members present. Mean-s. Wil- son, Sandford and Austin, and the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The com mittee appointed to report on the en- gagement of a. hall for village purposes. reported that Mr. Jordan agrees to rent hi< hall for $50 per unnum. A cool- municntion was read from the secretary of local cvunuiittee at. l’iuerborough, re- qu sting the appointment. of at delegate to attend a meeting at l’cterborough on the 10th inst. in the matter of further- ing the advszcttlenl. of the T. V. C. Moved by Dr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Suodford, Thut Rev. Mr. Logan and the reevc be a deputuiiou l0 attend the mass meeting in l’on-i-lim-ougli on the 10th inst. re '1’. V. C.~â€"l.‘:irriwl. Moved by Dr. \Vilson, seconded by Attorney-General. suhmilt'n; the Cluimr of this village to his C)ll‘ltlt_‘l‘.liltlll w chancellor's decision in the mutter of strutsâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Szinllford. anew-mind by Dr. Wilson. That. Bv-lnw No. â€". entitled a by-law appointing an amass-r, be now introduced and rend a first lionâ€"Carried. By-law rend it second and third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Sundford. That the following ac- cmnts be paid : W Jordan. attending school arbitration, 32 ; S. chiuou, two mouths' salary as sanitary inspector, $26 â€"â€"-C:irricd. Dr. \Vilsin gives notice that he will now introduce a by-Iuw to appoint a solicitor. By-law introduced. read three times and passed. The council then adjourned, to meet at. the call of the rcevc. W School Board. Fcnelou Falls, Feb. 3rd, 1886. School Hoard met. Members all pres- ent, and the chairman in the chair. Moved by Mr. Ellie, Seconded by Dr. Wilson. That J. Cuucounon's tou- der for 45 cords of twofoot wood be acceptedâ€"C irricd. Moved by Dr. Wilson. seconded by 311'. Ellis. That the following accuuntq he paid and the chairman give his or- lit!†for the same . E. I). lland. print in: ballots and tenders for wood. 84; Mr Wilson. one month's salary. 845 50; Barron & Smith. drawing agreement between Inkpin and schoolbourd, $5.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Ellis. seconded by Mr. 1 Martin, That Mr. .\lnlfut get six chain fur the school house south of the riVer. *Cvll'l‘ll'tl .\lovv-d by Mr. Martin, seconded by l Mr. Molfut. That Wm. McKendry be lpai-l $4 for keeping on ï¬res in new I ~ehnnl hon~e in November Ian, and for cleaning the. sameâ€"Carried. ~\lnvml by Dr. Wilmn seconded by Mr. .\I ~flit. That Mr. Brokenshire be i inatruetcd by tho ~i,‘(‘rl‘t try to take up i the pumpi belonging to the public schools and put them into prop-tr work- ing orderâ€"Curried Moved by Mr. E lix. seconded by Mr. Mutfat. That th' ~-cru'urv be in» nt'ucto-l to write to t I" viii-1 i'i-p 'etv-r \l‘ll to ‘Wllll i vi~~w t» r.--org- m-J. ti.~. ~i .. - l‘ll’l’li‘d l Moved by Mr Eiliv, wounded by Mr. Modal. That the mover employ some per-mo to make the neocsury im- prmemenm on the wutcr closets ll each school home â€"â€"Carri--d. ~n~~m~ n i~ 4- w .- z. 7â€": i' ofnttcodaoci- for the month ofJununry: 4th I)ivi~ion, Mr Wilvon‘n. Number : on ruiuv-r 60. Average 47. 3rd Din-ion. .\Ilsfl Newton's. .\YI"I'.'9. 2nd “Jinan. Mi« .\lcNIwn't. .‘ium . bar on mi. 47. Avcruc 36 ._...¢. ..-..._.....-..-,. .\‘um- l 18: Divigiou. Miss \chiarmid's. NJ. ‘ on roll, â€". avenge 53. Fcocloo I". ~ I Regular mectio.‘ -..: .. ; lecnt, the president, mercury, sud Mr. Austin, Tth the. wow write (hi-- Jud r-ipio-t rim to v -,,.- .;.- It}: , v The following id Mr. \Vilmn'n report ‘ ,Mrssrs. Junkin, Nie, Kerr, Twumey l and Ellis. i Moved by account< :-â€"Johu Martin. ï¬ve cnrd~ of woo-l.$l‘2.50; Dickenson & 00.. $.39 69; Bobcaygeon Iiulrpcndent, SI ; Dilly : Globe. $7.â€"â€"Carried. l Moved bv Mr. Junkio, seconded by 5 Mr. Nie, Tim Richard A. Rookcs br- é,rtnd is hereby appointed a director of l this institute.â€"â€"Cnrricd. _____â€"â€"â€" A COLD SNAP.â€"\\'cdue~day and Thursday of this week wore frightfully cold. and it is said that Wednesday was one of the Coldest days recorded at the Toronto Observatory in 45 years. Toâ€" day (Friday) the temperature is a trifle - higher and the sun is shining; but curs and noses still require a good deal of attention when taken out of doors Tuesday last was Candlemns Day. and its it was the reverse of " bright and clear," there is r0350" to hopeâ€"if there is any truth in the old and Well known couplctâ€"that the winter will not be an , unusually long one. Ba. 0ver~0outs from S4 50 up at Fair weather‘s Cheap Store. METHODlST MISSIONARY MEETING. â€"'l‘hc annual services in connection with this society were held in the Meth- odist church in this village on Sabbath and \Vcdncsduv lust. Sermons were preached on Sabbath by Rev. J F. Mean: of Lindsay and RM. W. F. Bcr- den of Bcuvorlon. An interesting and instructive lecture Was delivered on \Vedncsduy evening by the Rev. A. E Green, missionary to the Indians on the Nazis River. British Columbia. Mr. Groi-n has been very successful in his work among the tribes on the Paciï¬c coast for the past thirteen years. He had with him numerous curious relics. which attracted much attention. Mr. James Dickson was the chairman of the meeting. The collections for mis- sions: in the village church on Sabbath and Wednesday amounted to 837. 36 Ladies' .\lnntlcs, Coats and Dol- mans for half price nt Fairweather‘s Clzcup Store. 'l‘nr. Sco'rr .\cr IN l’m nnnononon. -â€"\Vhen the Scott Act was carried in this county. its opponents Said it woull certainly be defeated inrpcterborough. because it was :i great. deal less popular there than in Victoria. The result showed that they Were mistaken, and Peterborough not only Carried the net, but appears determined that it shall not b‘comc a dead letter; for at the late meeting of the con ity council Mr. Goo. Coehranc, of Likeï¬cld. was appointed for the ens-it riding, and Mr. Joe. Hum- phries. of Asphodol. for the west riding. at a snlory of 5300 each, as inspectors for the (‘olill‘ci'llh‘llt of the Scott Act. and the Police Magistrate was also up- poinied :it :1 .\zil'ii‘y of $200 to try the county cnzc‘. lit l\ much to be regret- tcd that it did not uni-:li' to the Victoria county council to main: similur appoint- . Illl‘lll“ l ' Err)†A full line of N. w Renders nnd nll kind:- or .\‘v'hunl ."iipplii : now in stock it! 1, the Drug Sore. Titusmii. »â€".\li. .\‘siznuel Wright. for g min» c~nl<idi~rnbln time station mnctcr hero. hu.‘ b -en removed to Stirling, and .\Ir. Sutherland has come from Stirling to the Falls, and is likely to prove :1 popular ofï¬cial. The Stirling Nun'sâ€" Argns saysrâ€"Jlr. Alex. Sutherland, fora long time station agent at this place, left on Wednesday morning lust for Fcnclon Falls, to take charge of the station there. Mr. Sutherland was very populur here. and his departure is re- gretted by all. He cannot fail to make many friends in his new home, and his friends here wish him every success." The Petcrborough Review quotes the paragraph and uddi: " Mr. Sutherland was for some years an employee in the Great North-Western Telegraph Com- pany's ofï¬c: here. and while here was popular in both business and social circles." 323“ Don‘t forget! If you need 11 new School Book, or any other thing for school, you can get it at the Drug Store. A Failure of use... ._._._. A special interest attaches to the case of George Tait, the Brampton tailor who was charged :it the :lSle‘li with en ticing a girl to a house of ill-repute, as being the first trial under the Charlton not for the protection of female virtue. The result illustrates the complete in- adequacy of the measure, owing to the manner in which it was mutilated by Sir John Micdonuld and the senate. There was no doubt as to the facts. The prisoner was admittedly the be- trayer of the girl. the d-‘fencc set. up being that. although he persuaded her to take refuge in a disreputable resort, hcr ruin had not been occotiiplivhcll there. Upon this technicalin o. villain, who would have been rightly served had :in indignant community hanged him to the first lamp post. escapes pun‘ ishincnt. Mr. Charlton's tuc:~urc in its original form would undoubtedly have covered the case. lint its provi- sions ware so weakened. Grit by the ac- tiou of the government. and afterwards by the ~enate, that this niivcrcunt is enabled to go out of court a free man, i l l l , l i will that. after the tastuor's supposed i .\l r. Twomcy, That the president. who 2 l is acting us treasurer, pay the following i l l l l l l l I l l y l I l l l .._.â€"_...____-_â€"__._.-.__ ___..____... . The Chinese Question Mr. Ellis, seconded by 2 A Pin-mos 1'0 PROHIBI‘I‘ utomvrion FOREVER. SAN mectsco. February l.â€"â€"The Knights. of Labour are circulating a pet y titiou addrewcd to the senate and house 5 of representatives which, in behalf "fl, the State of (.‘alilornia, requests con-l gross. either by legislation or change in l, the pri-xent treaty with l‘hiuu. to for-l ever prohibit the. further iuunigrution'l of Chinese to the United States. The petition has been signed by Governor Swnemau, the ex-guVernor of the ~tate and other state ofï¬cers. the mayors of the principal cities, the chief ju~tice of the supreme court. the superior judges. and by municipal and federal ofï¬cers generally. The Knights of Lnbour ex- pect to obtain a quarter of a million signatures on the Paciï¬c coast. â€"â€".._....__. -- Gentral America. DIABOIJCAI. PLOT lllSL‘OVEllEDâ€"VUL L‘Astc DISTURBANCES .t DESTRUCTION. PANAMA. Feb. 1.-â€"â€"Ooe of the most diabolical plots ever planned to over- thruw n government husjust been dis covered ill Guatemala. It was a >cheme to SP! ï¬re to the Gmnd hotel and then- tre at a time when both Were ï¬lled with people. In the panic that would have emqu the conspirators intended to take posseSsion of the barracks. Pres- ident Birrillas and his family were to be murdered. all foreigners were to be attaiclted,aiiil the city was to be sucked. The plans of the conspirators were re‘ vealed in time to prevent what would havo been a terrible calamity. Fifty persons, including some colonels in the army, were arrested, und they are now undergoing trial. A commission which was recently sent from Guatcmuhl to report on the probability of an outbreak of the Paco- ya, reports the total destruction of the village of San Vicente, l’acuyo. Forty- four tiled-roof houses completely col- lapsed, making such a cloud ofdust as to create the belief that a new crater had opened. The hot springs surround ing Luke Amntillnn emit a larger vol- ume of water at a higher temperature than usual. The crater of l’acayn rc- muins unchanged, while that at Fuego has been very lively. â€"â€"â€"â€"-o-o Mutiny on a. Training Ship. A FIGHT ON THE REFORMA'I‘ORY SHIP AT LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL, Feb. ].â€"â€"A mutiny oc- curred t-v-dny among the lads on tho i'cl'ornmtory ship Clarence, which is lying on the Mersey. At a preconccrt- ed signal the lads in a body attacked the officers with bcluyingr pins. ï¬rearms and other weapons. The ofï¬cers drew their rct’olVers and ï¬red into the llllltlll- ous crowd and tried in vain to force them to lay down their weapons and re- turn to their places. The boys cootin cd thoir assault and at last compelled the ofllcers to seek the shelter of the cabins. The lads then lowered the boats, into which they crowded, and drifted down the stream with the tide. The Clol'cnce's olliccrs, after the depart- urc of the boys, mnde signals to the authorities ashore, and soon scvernl bouts ï¬lled with police put. out. from shore and culled upon the boys to sur- render. The youngsters, (looming thnt resistance would be useless, gave tip and were taken back to the ship. The ring leaders were placed in irons. Eighteen lads and two ofï¬cers received Wounds in the light on board. Two years ngn the hide conï¬ned on the Clarence set lire to the ship. Investigation shows that the mutiny arose out. of a religious -li<putc over certain rules of the ship. as all the mutineers were Cntholics The outbreak bud been planned for several days. The Wounded have all had to be removed to the hospital Thirteen of the lids who lt'll the mutiny have been placed under arrest. 4-. A Miraculous Escape. FOI’II FRENCILCANADIAVS AFLOAT FOR- TY HOURS IN A \VINTEII STORM. QUEHHU. Jun. 3llih â€"M:ipi-leon Coili- i'nu, telegraph operator at Hmlhont River on the north chore of the Gulfof St. Lawrence, his brother, and two of his brothcrsin law named lnibric, all experienced a miraculous escape from dl'iIlll during the terrible storm of ten or twelve days ago. They had gone out. hunting scab nod ducks upon the ice, when .1 seal, which the Lnbric brothers were trying to kill. fiu‘ocioudy attacked them. The Coineuus went to their assistance. All were upon :1 float- ing ï¬eld of ice. which was gradually drifting further out from the shore, and , they soon funnd that they were unable to return. To add to their difï¬culty they had continually to take to their ‘CIHIOC, as the ice broke beneath them The storm which raged around them soon prevented them from seeing the shore. and they wvre- slowly carried out townrd the oppmitc coast. In this po- sition they exi~tod for forty hours, with no other food than two frozen ducks. , and make a b last or a jest of his vii-l Two of their number were so badly fro. laioy. For this failure of justice Sir John ‘l u- lr-m 'l .1le that very large section -~? zl.-- ri‘pi‘v‘~t.‘lll.'tln'c.~ at Ottawa who i .ci: i-ntinctive .iympathy with lib- t‘l‘lltIl-lll are directly responsible. They l lmt't' Mviun after M'.\'~intl been appealed ‘, to to allow the pa<sage of stringent and ,t-fl'cctivc led-lation to punith the ne- lducer. and so far the only result ha.“ ‘3 been the mutilated Charlton act, in which liability for even the heinous of- fence of consigniog young girls to a life of shame i: so hedged about with .limitations thut in so clcur a case as i conviction. Political corruption iu bad enough. but that our government should . eucounm licentiuuvnem by refusing to l punish villainous social nï¬'encrc such :4 : rim. or which this man Tait win guilty is inï¬'liz- iy 'virx-v" -- Tornnm New. ...w_. ._ ....-.-.. - ;~- 7: '.'.-t‘: Roman l». 2'. D'chll, -4... was burned I by on Friday. I l l l l that of Tait it is impovible to obtain a ' :cn that they would probably have per- ished but for Napoleon Conicau. They were ï¬nally enabled to land on the south shore near Anne Des Mondays, whenciz they were driVen to Metin. I distance of 28 miles, and thence by I C. R. to this city. During the time they were on the ice the party drifted nearly ninety miles, mind their cue-pal was nothing short of miraculout. They will return home by the north shore. a distance of about 240 mile“, driving 10!, Smit-Au-Cochon Ind walking the hr maiuing SI! miles on snowshoes. “Aâ€-.. .. ._- . On Friday last : robin was seen about nave-n miles from Peterborougb. Six hooves oollupoed in London, Hog, -; on Saturday, instantly killing ï¬ve pu- scrs-by. 5 It is outed that 800 gallons of whidty were consumed in Butte, M. T., on New Year's day. A Chicago church set an example of; plain apiaking when it recently ocn.‘ nured one of its membcrl for “ gencnl cantmkcrousncw." l ‘ We have A right smart bunch of braim, lol‘n paper at once. Surprising Surgical Operation. NEW YORK Fob. l.-â€"«Iohn James. a colored man. 57 years of age, want to his home on the night. of Deceit-her 2" and found a stalwart negro named Thomas in conversation with his wife. He called upon Thumu for :in expluvi- ation of lll.‘ presence. and the :III‘WM†he. received was a poWi-rful blow on the head The two men grapple-l Thonuu got James underneath. wired :i dun-â€" maker's kiiile and sunk it to Illt' hill in- his nbdonn-n. and then slashed down. wards. Jun)!“ stopped struggling. and 'l'hnmuï¬, thinking he had killed him. fled. Jflllh‘." was removed to St. Vin root's hospital. An cxnrniuattou shout-l (hut James had been diwlnbowi-leii i and that there were two \‘lllh in the Dr -, lestinea The dot-ton decided on tin-i, dangerous opt-intinn i-l ri‘>‘L‘llI‘ll. .\' piece of illlt'~lllltt live inches inn; \\:i nccordiiigl)‘ cut out. .l‘lll' int- ~ltw \n-n- wound, and :l .Ill'_'i‘ lll‘t' ti,“ lilimil t;ll\‘t‘l| out “i Illl' ln-il'. Ji’ luh entirely neutered. 'l'ni~ i~ l.l tin case of the kind on record \\‘ll\‘l‘i' til» puticnt‘s life has been raved. .. __. - ï¬vw.._. A family of iii-grows in 'l‘rxw have: been polroned by rating the flesh til it ‘ stolen bug that hull been dosed “‘1! :l atrychnine. l The single town of Brsnucou, iul Sivitzerlmd, employs over 1.1mm pi-r-i sons in \i‘aichmziking. and the unnuuli product approaches tilllldltlll watches A Government horologicul school is maintained there. i b The smallest tin-arm in the. world is a. gold watch-chain in the form of :i re- volver about on inch long. Cnrlridges l on: [undo for it, and it is claimed that ‘ it. could do serious damage at short range. A Berlin inventor has got up a mini- cul sewing machine, which turns out tunes as fast as work. This is it cour I, binution as novel as it is agreeable, and l it suggests besides endless cases where the din of machinery may thus be made pleasant. A uillkmiin slipped and fell in New London, Conn., the other day, in such it way that he went hcnd lill‘tlllmat. into a can from which he had removed the. cover, and, us it His it tight. lit, n tin- stnith'u services were required to extri- cate him. At the noon-day prayer meeting in the old church in John-street, New} York, one day lust week, the engineci l of the Long Branch Railroad trnin "I- , titled that. it. was God who told lull what to do. the doing ot which pruvuuh cd an uppalling accident on the bridge ut. Matuwun recently. A mam living in Los .\ngclcs County, who was bothered by trumps, decided to have the beggars dig at ccllnr for him, and accordingly to every applicant lor vicluuls he proposed to charge an. hour's work for a square meal. At the end of at week he found that he had hud 97 nppli'uuts, and had bcClll'utl three houra' work. It took 2,7!)0 men to post up lhel electoral placards on the dcaid walls ol l l’uris previous to the recent election, and it cost the Government $5,000 In Wash oil. the wulls after the election The old Bourbms point to this fact us no argument against a licpuhlicnn l'orm : of government. Under n king or an emperor all this would have been no- neces~nry. A lireinun, employed by the llchigh Valley Railroad Company, whim: ca patcity for drinking enormous ipinntitic~ of cold water mudc him lulllilun along 1 the line. hns died .il'tcr a mom llllltlon ascribed to his inordinate nbsurpilou i It is said that, he often drink it two-3 ipmrt pitchcrful without inking the vessel from his lip’:, nod he had been 5 known to drink as much as eight got i lons of wuter in one dry. l An unu~ua| Spl'tilllcu: was presenivdl at a wedding in Birmingham. l‘lugllud, 1‘ l l the other day. The bridegroom \Vll.‘ M) drunk that the bride lm-l to lend him to the altar, and the idlii-iuiiug clergy i mau Wan so disgusted with lllu unriF uppenrunce that he refused to ll‘llill'll. , the ceremony, dcxpitc tile entr~mn-.~ n: the bride, \vho swoom-d into one of the bridevmnid's arms when (in! writ.) in i:. ordered the le‘ly out of the euuie‘. A Yleou (’Mi-siï¬ippi) lii -- .z' I. come to grief in N -w Url 'nh ll ; .x ndcd about. the streets fur ~ -..- with a line dog at his heel~ and . viii H ' silver ocrtilicutc pinned to the iipp l his coat, to show his Mlli’l) .lll utter illdilfercucc to thc kn ivory l ir~;' v ed in that city. He kept ini~ up i 'r I Week, and then ln' awukvni-l unit in il .- iog to liild tlmt his c-mt. ‘l|\"l' I,‘ l.’ li cute. diunlond pins, and n roll or c'filI-l hud ili~npp~ured. The do: our l' H The editor of Neil-nee, who i- :in my touiologiot, learns that the city of .\lvx ic» hurl latily been ufllicted with u scourge of tllnaquilnefl to .~ui:h .in extent that they have in inzinycun-n c.nu.~u:d illness, or, it is Huid, own death, by their poisonous bites. The ~p-4t-i.:< i- n large one, not hitherto clumilivd. and I Dr. l’cnalicl, the lhrvctor of Stuti~tic~, i llfltt ironed official circulle stimulating inquiry into it: habits, and Hll,::('hllllllfl , as to relief. The pest is an entirely" novel one. I l l A ghastly table is to be shown at a New York exhibition next year, lent from the l’itti l’alncc. Florence. [t in made from petriï¬ed human corpsen, [lie 1 claws and pedestal being composed of‘; hearts, lungs and iutcï¬lillcl, and the top i of the table of the larger muscle» artist. ically arranged in patterns. All orna- mentation a border of petriï¬ed eyes end i can runs about this cheerful piece of, I furniture. which was constructed by In i Italian ï¬lly years ago on an illustration l of his system ofgurtrifaciioo. 5 An Arizonu paper of recent date hurt the following paragraph :â€"-ll our piper , doeuu't seem is bright u uaual thin week our readers will pit-air: OVitrlfwk' the fact. Sime durn lool came in on , Monday, while we were over to Al, Blodgett'n, and npilii‘d all our muciluge l Now we can do without ink, hut tlu: Rip pnortcr must have mucilagw if it SA to hold its plice in the Community.- but we don't pretend to COVM‘ four v-idev t P. Pixâ€"qu hue: bought a new bottle of mucillgc. and; warn the ornery elm who Iplllcd the i lost bottle thut he will have to pay lot i it or get a licking." who ‘ cntuciy during“. Bangor,- Mix. has inst shim-ed 980 skunk skins to Bilsltvll. Bears are unusually numerous in ther Rocky BIOUIIlfliI‘m this \iintvr. Alaska is said to h.i\.- in in fnriw'ts‘. ‘31 the ll\\\’|'.\l ‘vqiunug. {vtlutullltltllbl ' lee! nl~ luuilu-r. Mr. (iii-'st-mi‘ li‘h formed :i no! (‘ulb incl, “lizt'h thr- English papers imunei- 3 Very stir-n; one. 'rllt‘ iii‘rinuli Minister of \an lm.‘ ordered the training'nl a number of ilt‘J.‘ in bi‘ thi‘il n~ Illï¬lll \t‘iititiris. For n of >i.\‘t\«ll\‘i‘ miles above and below St Louis. thv .\li\\l3< sipi is him-Led by a wild mass of ice. .\n .\ihtiuiinn \h-rkingnmu. litu- Ili~t:inc.~ .‘Mys : Szlu. ruru.‘ eight shillings in a dnv of eight hours. with lllt‘il dzu. and ha~ no Shite church to nip 1 Iii-l Slali‘ Ill‘hlllN lit l~'t‘l .\u u d Udkt'll bucket hanging M'x-r :i llll't‘I‘ ‘illtt'\ a : “Nil in K'nkilk, l-iun. d i‘lilu‘d on tlii‘. , .ltltl l in .l.ll'i~"_\' cunn- ~:l l l’ g \\ltli llI-’ 'lltt iiti lll\ :tlllt. .i‘l oi 1| lurk-y ll-rti i I l~«-:~i. . .~ 'I_|\ll ill! \' '~ I _\ lu‘i-t titlllrr “3‘ :1" titl} nilpt‘isml l‘ v Miller ii:t\ lH llll‘l ll! it lll\ll.t1l,.ltlrl“ had been attending the public sounds of l4|lll.\'\lll\‘ for .1 number of , \i-ir~, had never heard of lien. liobcrt law. I . . I)! I‘ll). Joxrs -â€"lti lln' lil\\‘l|\lllll l‘l. l"t‘ll“l|ln, nu Friddy. .lun'y 'Jilili. .\lr Thom.“ Jones, ilgi-il 7| yvill‘s. _______.___.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" PENELHN FALL." .\l.\lll\'l‘i'l‘5. "qu'1: .I by We I’MH/JH .\' [Irvin i'uu. l-‘rni'luil Frills. Friday, l-‘vlv'y Y-lli. 1356. Whom, lull. pi-i linshl-l - -$u ISI- il ".3 Wheat. spring. H - - . o t;:. o 1:: llnrli‘y, per h «Shel - - - {It so Huh} " " - - - - :l'.‘ :::t l’cnse. “ “ - - - - 5|" 5“ Rye, “ “ - - - - fill :33 l’ntntoi-s, -‘ - â€" - - ‘15. Llo lliilter. per “L, - ~ 4 - - I: 1.1 Dressed Hugs. per lull lhs, 53 1M 5?. 75 iii-cf. per I'm Ills, - - - St 3' $5. on Eggs, per dim-n, - - - - lo [1 ll iy, per ton, - - - . $1: on $|o on Slii'i';i~'kitli, - - - - - '1") H3 liccfllided, â€" - - â€" $1} (in 5': no New Advertisements. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The purtni-rvhip heretofore Hiding he- l\\‘ecti [lurid (inw-"Ini' ind .li|l|l| I-‘i-IL :iii- det' the Home. siyh- nip inn of Smith und Fell, in shingle innnnhwlurv-rs nl tlw til- lzigo of l’i'tii-insi l".illx. li:l~ lli‘l’“ IllF'HlYt‘ll liy iniitiiul eonwut. .\ll il-hl~ dint by the lnti- lirtn will lie puid ll) John l"i-ll. to “hunt nll thi- Ulll>llllllllllg l‘llllltln due the lnlv him will lie puiil Dated .lununry 'Jith, Hm, ll (l .\‘\ll'l'll. ' .lt'llN l>‘l-'.l.l. Sit. JOHN Fm, .ln., ll'i/mxv. no.3. Not I(H‘ ul’ l)i.~'.~;nlulion. Notice is lu-ri'liy given lhnl the partner ship heretofore sub-idiot: lll'l“"'l'll the im- ili-i'siglli-il n< lnlnlu-r lil.ilinf.ii'lul'i-i's. in tho 'villugi' iIl' Frill-loll Full», lltl~lll‘1‘l| lhiv ilny dissolved by inuliml i'UII-il‘lll. All iii-his owing In the >llill [Illl’lllt‘l'4llill me In h.- paid to Alexmiiler .\Ii-Arlhiir or John ’l'hommu ill llu- villuge of Fem-loll Full: "ll resold; nnd :Ill claims :lgniust the said lllll'llll'ln'lllll itre ll) lti‘ pi‘t'si-Iitiil to ll||‘ :‘fllll Ali-.\nnili-I' .\chrthur or John Thomson. h_\ \\‘l|nltl the some will he paid, and by whom the “Hill- iii-is will he continued. llnled ill Frill-loll l’nlld this first (ll|_\' of JJIIII'II‘)’, lurid. A. .\li'All'l‘llliIl. .lilllN' 'l'lltlllSth. (:l'iillltil'i MARTIN. (i. .\. Jouius, ll'inmx. .'.o.:l, .V ( in... .12. llnviug disposed of nll his lumlwr, tho undo-Figural ln'gv to lhnilli his t'llsl inn-r3 for past l‘uvuurv. nod to notify lhme lll'll'lll- ('I‘ In him by not“ or lli)!ll.1ll‘l'lllllll lhui. nuâ€" lv-‘n‘ their llltll"lll'llll1'.‘~ is â€"--li|wl for willmill fiirihi-r dvluy. llll'll’ :u'i'oilnh will he plum-ll in i-nurt for ('-!lll‘1'llltll. ll 1‘. SMITH. Font-loll l’nll4, .lnii‘y l llh. IH-‘tl. it‘iâ€"Il. J. N E ELA N D S, 1)I«':N'l‘r.~vt‘, Ll N i)~'.\ Y. vi-‘il: Fun-don Falls. (Mt'.\rllin| Home.) Iho ' third .\l-m-luy and 'l'ne-du) of I'm-h mouth. - .\li' .\h-I'lnlul-a lirw lrid iinpzlinlli-li-il Mimi-,4: iii tlo- u<v of guy (vitally. id nil-l in Illi" part i iif l‘nlimlii. li iviiig :I‘llllllll-‘ll‘l‘l‘ll il t'IHlllHll- «only for lilmiil lit )v-lln llv "Lido ll .ulllily (If il ll'Hl‘l’ in (Milan. of .\‘t'u Yurlt who ,1â€. L’V’vt'flll,lilll1’Kll'.|l’llllfll“lll.l')llâ€.l"" 'I"i,«l‘.l" Willi-rill ill! ll""i|lt"ll ll lulllllil l ""I .i t'l»-il ill in“ lllll"~. lilr rum light '1 f I‘ vl.ii'l\’. . U M £23 it} it. Lu'nbor. Timber and Bill Stuff, Wlolcsalc and Retail. Hiring, llltll‘lv't~“'l .i Luge Jurk Inf [try liiimln-r liotn ‘ill; Ii. !' .‘Hllll I nan deli-r- nun-:d In .wll lll no} ipmulsi}, lurgu; or -lii.ill. lu nil li-i.-i~, and AT lllilll Lumber v. t‘ l""ll|'liall lV.'.li-. LOWER. PRICES .twl I†file “Ill 1rd for rtt ll: l‘i'l’ :ill i.lll'l' Ul ‘lllBSSBll anl Matched lumber. i.l>" l. rfll'l' ll'i'l 'd-v'ilvlingi, together “.lll my Lil,“ .ntivl atril nwulti-«l hliii'it. in l.lll'i-|\, ul’ Huiy'l .s‘l‘l [Hound luilnlwt nud Ii)†.‘t-vdl ul .ill l..nvl~l nnd IJELLIIH (N: ï¬lling-Ins of nl‘, grmlvn. llmvr liming“. Cull nt thi- yzwl nl '"I'tirl'ltl l'ulln or M my [lilll'tf zit Liiid-uy and go! pm --.- Inf-rm purrhmiu.’ a-l-A Mllvte. II will he la you! advantages to do all. it llltl’ANS. Lindmy, January l‘th, [NIL lT-t !. b‘BUELLY monorailâ€"5n." In “H? l‘ruvim-v- n! Hularirl, I-w-Iy your, thoninnd: n'e living cruelly mnrdrrrd by taking dni'llluflll', untried ilmtrumu in: such Cumplninh nv tin-.tivl-n u. ludxgru- lino, Liver Complaint, Kidney Trunhlrl ctr , who might email} .huu imt nin-nglll, lull rmrgv by lining \l'iih",“lfit Spawn], ‘i'll’t‘. TH "tillt‘i'il‘n lit") l’u'. 1.1": i» tin one. we will g'iir ltzil imlllla at Wu. 5% kilw - In»; .\n." Prov-l in Mills, Fun 5 I' -l’:‘l ‘3 in r ‘.-1'.~. Fw I'lllUlitt null flu“; pcx- on m ;. i it man {Irv/U 318le PKUVHN. I/Hiiul up .:i duliul L' {:I 4, «V'rlij liJ-nt on thn {.nlh of lv--‘U.'nllu.’ll.t J to: .lr:.alr| .\3-1 "A a 11. "i“;!';{~ll“ Tun All‘ out inn-“l in put- ulmtr it until it: went». ..:w Vail ml “'11:.†Elm. lnuz :‘lurv' lane on l’niir, and irl .2 HM» inttiv, and If out -' .zinnird Elwin u lt‘" Hiwmly ifurc. prim: it a that it will run.- yr. of the win-t farm of x);l;l'."llll, l.:1v;3 "windmill, rir , no itwtlct’ ofhuw lung ain't-1, it cut: you nothing. 5.914 in Lac. mm .3; loiilu. her. tr'ntzwo: mallflan:{#:1025122'0'1! own tuvru.