Kimmy seen I had not been married a great while, and was as happy as it was possible to be, along with my Mary in our snug little home. But the time of parting had come. I was cap- tain of the schooner Lightning, and she was to sail that night. It was the last voyage I meant to make. Providence had been cod to me, and I had saved a Comfortable 'ttle nest-egg, which was safe in the bank. It was my last evening at home, and I was a bit down in the mouth. We were sitting together in our little parlor; the ï¬re was burning brightly, the little white kitten was rolled up like a big snowball on the hearth- rug. The curtains were drawn, and every- thing was sung and ship-shape as could be. The only thing I did not like seeing were my coat and comforter hanging over the back of a chair, warming for me, and the bright tears in Mary's eyes. I d d not like going, I can tell you. But what was to ho, was; the time had come, so I got up and put my coat on, and Mary, the tied the comforter round my neck. Poor child ; how she did fumble with it I But then, she could not see for tears; and â€"I am not ashamed to own it eitherâ€"I felt as if I had got an apple in my throat. “God bless you, my dear," I said, as I took her in my arms, “and keep you safe till I’m back." “Oh, Bob, you’ll want more taking care of than I will.†“Well, dear, He's able and kind enough to take care of the two of us.†“Yes, I know that, Bob; but it's hard parting, nevertheless.†And my poor wife burst out crying worse than ever. I knew it was no good staying longer : the parting had to come, and the sooner it was over, the better. I gave for one long kiss, and turned to the door, when, just at that moment, the little white kitten awoke , and stretched itself, and a notion came into ’- my head, all in a moment, that I would take it with me. I picked it up, and buttoning ., it inside my coat, I hurried away from the house and down to the wharf. Often and often I have wondered what could have put the idea into my head of, taking the kitten, and the only conclusion I can come to is that it was Providence ; and boys, I believe you will agree with me when you have heard my story. We set sail that night, and the kitten very soon made herself at home in my cabin. I was glad I had brought her with me, for wave dashing over us that moment carried The Barring of the Door. :11: away, and his sufferings were at an a kiln“ generally known that the inci Land the kitten were all alone now, the only two living things out of these who had What Ails You ? . _ Do you have dull, heavy headache, ob dent which forms the subject of the droll struction of the nasal passages, discharges Slottiish‘lsong “ The {gaging othhi;l been"; I falling from the head into the throat some- . w to se pccurs e “. _ig Is" 0 times profuse, watery, and scrid, at others, 22:3? (“11 0f we and h°P° but 3 few ‘1'?“ flglrolath is of blilasï¬lrndonlgin: In an thiick, tengcions, mucous, purulent, bloody - v - . . . Ian e a no es , aving mar- an putri ;eyes weak‘, watery, and inflam- mao‘ggegmwtiet'g S'ficflmfw‘: 31:":3; rted his pretty goustn,_ gave the. cus- ed;ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or the life-b3“: nearing me; but by the time tomary feast to their relations and friends. coughing to clear the throat, expeotoration . When the festivities were over be con. of oï¬'ensive matter to other with szabs from I “"33 “£91311â€: I “'33 Pretty wen at my ducted his guests to the door, and ulcers; voice onabgeid and nasal twan 13" Sup- from absencepf mind neglected to shut it breath oï¬â€˜ensive ' smell and taste im aire For three ,0? fun d3†I 113°; 03 before returning to his wife. †Dear cone is there a sensation of dizziness, willlIJ men~ Show I W" "1 b°da maple" ’ k“ t e fm in, " said his wife to him when they were tsl depression, a backing cougn and general p909“ Who took 0“? of me’ td°° .031!“ ° tiny alone, “go and shut the street door.†.“ It debility! If you have all or any consider- k'tten “Weâ€. Sh" £°°°Veie 331° er t a: would be strange indeed,†he replied, “if able number of these symptom, you are {Idle- 3‘1.“ 33% my I: anâ€, “5 to watc I did such a thing. Am I just made a bride- snï¬â€˜ering from Nasal ,Catarrh. The more at Pl‘ym‘! 3 01Ҡt e W: ht . t groom, clothed in sllk,wearing a shawl and complicated your disease has become, the 011 my Way 011119: a t 0‘18 , ‘Eungim 0 a. dagger set with diamonds, and am I to go greater the number and diversity of symp my heads “d I P “me gum"? orb ahryd' and shut the door? Why, my dear, you are toms. Thousands of cases annually, with- I had, of 001"“, 31°15 :1 ° 1?â€? 81 w ° F crazy. Go and shut it yourself.†“ 0h, in~ out manifesting half of the above symptoms, Lakeica59d0f' 3‘; ‘0 if} er togm “£3511†{’é deed I" exclaimed the wife. “ Am I, young, result in consumption, and end in the grave. by: Isomlent “0w 9 "3° . e a 0“ robed in aIdrees width lIllacehand preach-ï¬e N0 disease is so common, more deceptive - , . stones, am to go an s utt 6 street cor! and dan erous less understood or more It “'33 (1'3"? Whe? dan'ved 9'" a]; No, indeed! It is you who are become unsucessftgtlly tieated by physicians. The c°ttaget W“ at a 't'fen] mu edmlf’ cozt' h crazy, and not I. Come, let us make a manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Rem- °Pen°d the _°°" qudletl y’k.“ 110"“ h the bargain," she continued ; “ and let the ï¬rst edy offer, in good faith, a reward of $500 parlorldwrl slang†0.0 .mgbt rol'I'g he who speaks go and fasten the door.†for a case of this disease which they cannot crack kconId 386 flitting dY It 9 (:5 he “ Agreed,†said the husband, and immedi- cure. The Remedy is sold by all druggists a? wor ' h 330pâ€. t Qw'idmgh p ace t e ately he became mute, and the wife too was at only 50 cents. ' lttï¬n °n t 31 001:1“ "11:1 ° he mom' . silent, while they both sat down, dressed as Ever one is the son of his own works S a meme to now w 81'? B e mm m 8' they were in their nuptial attire, looking at y ' mom‘int: for She tr9tted.r°ui'c tow'lere MMy each other, and seated oh opposite sofas. Gathered Boses‘ “'35 “mung! and! Jumpmg mm I1" '31" she Thus they remained for two hours. Some "We thoughth‘ll’ dI'lDE When Elle Slept. stretched up rubbed her face againsu hers. thieves happened to Pm, byI and seeing the And sleeping when she died." .I watched through the crack and saw my door open entered and laid hold of whats“ But the bitterest sting of such a sorrow is Wife start and turn very pale, and thenas came to their hm’ldm The silent couple to think she might have been saved I They she seemed to recognize the kitten, she said, heard footsteps in the house but opened not saw the rose fade on her cheek and the eye in a half whisper, I could Just hear: ’ their months. The this“; came into the grow dim. Had they but known of Dr. “Why, kitty, where did you come from? ' room had mw them seated motionless and Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, who can A mew was all the answer she received; appagenfly indifferent to an that [night’mke tell but sh! might still be with them, the But Mary seemed to guess that I Was not far place. They continued the Pillage therefore sunshine of their home. Take the remedy OE, and she rose up and came toward the collecting together every valuablé. and 8,78,; in time, and you will ï¬nd that consumption damn . dragging away the carpets beneath them ; (which is sorofulaof the lungs) can be cured. I COUId 11017513835. “ï¬lmy 10118“: ï¬nd the they laid their hands on the noodle and We must drink at the fountain of know- neï¬t “10131511†3 1‘: W333? my lymzil tt his wife, taking from their persons every ledge to quench the thirst of curiosity. . ois’ Iii?†5?†any 03 dc "ï¬x en article of jewellery, while they, in fear of “I am little 1 know but I think I can 3315111 83 lb Y Z†0:190 911- Indw enfwet losing the wager, said not a word. Having throw a weight; of a hu’ndred ton." So sang '1 remgmher led"? 8 IVan cute {3); ߠthus cleared the house, the thieves departed a, proud banana peeL But Dr, Pierceg as iep’ m d“ 9, tpzcemf rogt 0 the, I: (Inletle but the Pair continued to “it: utter- Pleasant Pellets are quite as powarful in it“; :eeme ‘15“ e If} B‘fveT‘IZg; dentba' sf 6 ing nota syllable. Towards morning a p0~ meeting with and overthrowing disease. h“ Vizaave l 8’ on 1 Ehno .8?) or lice Ofï¬cer came Pmat 0“ his tour 0f ins‘Pec' If you have rush of blood to the brain dizzi- h“ VII ‘1??? al‘d' :‘g'u'ifgean 0531:? ° mty tion, and, seeing the door open, walked ill- ness, headache, constipation indig’estion earn a on . .nB .8 are now mg 0 After Eearcmng 311 the T001119 and ï¬nding 310 or bilinusness, buy a vial of these little pillsl Y°“°“‘[ OLDM‘ M 5' person, he entered .their apartment, and m, onca, one 3 dose, “‘qulred the meamng °f What he saw' Habit if not resisted soon becomes anecee- sity. Goff No More. Neither of them would‘condescs‘nd to reply. Watson s cough drops are the best to the I Send for circular! and terms of the . latest and best Books and Family A Bibles ever (Bend to agents in Canada. Good terms, ' fair and Square dealing and sis-ck ale-us on hand to €: till orders promptly. WILLIAM BRIG as. Publisher. “hirsute A .\‘ A It] A S BI'SINGSS UNIVERSITY. Public Librarv Building. Toronto. -tu1ents from British Columbia, California. Kansas, llllnois. and quite a number of the other States II d provinces now In attend-ace. \Vrtts for descriptlve circulars. TBOS. BEXGOUGII, CHAS. ll. BROOKS. President. Sec‘y & Manager. ITRLPII BFSLVESS COLLEGE. Guelph. I O .tâ€"rhe ï¬fth Scholastic Year began Septem- ber let. The system of education pursued is at once intellectual and eminently praotlpal, meeting in a very marked degree the requirements of thic progres- sive and commercial age Few, If sny,oI the gradu- ates according to the showing of past results. need be long unemployed To mention their training school Is, asn rule, a passport to eligible and lucra- tive situations. Address. )1. )IscCoauwx. Principal. Stained c153; FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, 5 'AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ‘ M’GAUSLAND & SW. 776 King St. W.. Toronto. Allan Lina Royal Mail Steamihlpi Sallln durlugwlnter from Portland even-Thur (its: and Hal fax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liven 01, ea "In: at Londonderry to land malls and paswngers Scotland ind Ireland ; also from Baltimore. via H all- Iax and St. John's, N. R, to lJverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glis- ow lines sail during winter to and from Ha Illix, ortland, Boston and Phlladelphls: and durln sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly : G asng and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply to A. ‘Schumacher a 00., Biltlmore : S. Cunard a Do , Halifax' Shes A 00., St. John's. Nfld.; Wm. Thom:- son A Co. St. John, N. 8.; Allen a 00.. Chicago: Love A Alden, New York; Ii. Bourller, Toronto; Aliens, Rae B 00.. Quebec : Wm. Buckle, Phlladul- phla: II. A: Allen Portland Boston Montreal. ' T0 LOAN on Fain... Lowest Rates No delay. Correspondence solicited ‘ . E. W'. D. BUTLER, Flnannlal Agt. Instablwhal 1860 79. King St. E., Toronto. V A tar 0 amount ofTRUST FU BIDS to Loan at is very low rate of Interest on first- _ class security. Apply to BEATIY, GHADWIGK, BIASKSTUGK 8. GAIT, Barristers and Solicitors, Wellington Sh. cor. Church, (over Bank of Toronto) TORONTO. ONT. a r murmur; . .. . ~ A Queer Story. A queer story is told of Radclifl' Dobsou, a Pennsylvania oil millionaire. Dobson went The officer became angry, and ordered their heads to be cut off. The executioner’s sword was about to perform its ofï¬ce, when the seeing her curle up before the stove gave to B8 den-Baden, where he drank IJEBVIIY and wife cried out, “ Sir, he is my husband_ Do World for the throat and Cheats for the VOioe â€"â€"â€"â€"---â€"--â€"--â€"-â€"-~â€"-â€"â€"-â€" the place a home-like air. lostlargewmsofmoney'sambling- His wife not kill him!" " Oh. oh." exclaimedthe hus- ““°‘1“**“°d- 38° lb“ “1° Wm 3- W W' GHOIGE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL plus or Things went W811 WIISII 113, and the voy. helu'd 0f it and followed him. She cut 05 band, overjoyed, and clapping his hands, are Stamped on snob drop' ' her hair, dressed like a man, and gambled with her husband until she won his entire fortune. Then she revealed herself. Dobson was overjoyed, and gave up all his bad habits, but two months later he blew out his brains in a public park. Was far too Much for Him. First Dudeâ€"“ Aw, Chappie, me boy, where is Powsonby, the dear old fel, of late 2†Second Dudeâ€"“ Atâ€"awâ€"his mamma’s residence, very ill. don’tcherknow, He took little Dollie Footlite out to supper aw fter the opera, don’toherknow, and she actuallyâ€"aw â€"kissed him. The deah boy has been going from one spasm into another eveh since." ‘ you have lost the wager ; go and shut the door.†He then explained. the whole affair to the police ofï¬cer, who shrugged his shoulders and went away. age promised to be a prosperous and happy one. We had reached our destination in safety, discharged our cargo, shipped a return one, and were nearing the New England coast, when the weather suddenly changed for the worse, and we saw clearly that we should have some knocking about before we were safely berthed in Boston Bay. The wind rose gradually, but surely, till it was blowing great guns, and, to make matters worse, the cold became intense, as blinding showers of sleet and snow swept past us. For two days we ran before the storm close-reefed, but the strain and buffeting the vessel had undergone at: length told upon her, and she sprang a leak. We were now off the coast of Maine, and Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues. Consumption Surely Cured- To the Editor :â€" Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hafeless cases have be en ermanently cured. shall be glad to send3 two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Ex ress and P. 0. address. Resp'y, '1‘.A. SLOC M, M.C., 164 West Adelaide St., Toronto. What you keep byyou you may change and mend, but words once spoken can never be recalled. A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, dspeomanla, the morphine habit, . .‘9- MANITOBA. Parties wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Forms, from St) acres ups'irde, with immediate possession. call or write to 1:. l HAULSON, Mc- Arthur‘s Block, Main et., \VIIIIIII‘OL'. Information furulzhed free of charge, and setthrs assisted in making selection. MONEY To LOAN AT Cunasxr Rules or Insurer. FARM coins; CREDIT FUNGIER FRANCE-CAMDEN. CAPITAL, - - $5,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL. OFFICE ONTARIO DIVISION: WELLINGTON STREET, - TORONTO. Glazed Fruit. Glazed fruit and nuts are a very pretty dessert dish and especially pleasing to chil- dren. Oranges are the favorite fruit for this purpose, and they are ï¬rst peeled and quartered, or separated into sections without breaking the thin inner skin. A porcelain- lined kettle may be used in place of the copper boiler directed in the following re- cipe, and a pound and a half of loaf sugar is a convenient quantity. Put the sugar into a copper sugar boiler, with three gills of cold water, and brin it slowly to a .boil. I mule “P my mind ‘9 try and get into H As often as the su ar oils u lift th b '1 “WW†pmmwo" Muse'be the use °' tobn°°°' This Company lends on good farm prrporty at low- 13 LOVBI Pun . g . .p e 0‘ er wakefulness s talde resslon softsnln cf the brain. , , Portland. 3' ' an Instant to check the boumg, and when it etc" premnéï¬enold age, 10†’0: Mn“ y used b est current rate of Interest and on favorable terms. For Information apply to local agents, or to W. E. LONG, Manager. Toronto. .._..4 Augustusâ€"I made a lovely pun the other day, Adolphus. Adolphusâ€"Weally '1 Angustusâ€" Fact. Some fellaii was asking why it was necessary at election time to have such bacchanalian orgies. Adolphusâ€"Well l Augustusâ€"Well, I said I supposed it war to back an alien. Haw, Haw I Would Try the Experiment. “ Do you believe marriage is a failure, All hands went working the pumps, but, s work as we would, we found the water gain- over exertion of the brain, and loss of natural stren from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young, old or mid- dle-agedâ€"who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause not mentioned above, sent our address and 10 cents In stamps for Lubon's reatlse In book form, of Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address If. V. Limos 47 Wellington street East. Toronto. Ont Tell, act, and live the exact truth always The faults and weakness es of others, instead of being woven into gossip, scandal, and useless criticism, should be used as danger- signals to warn us away from the paths which have led to them. falls wipe the sugar from the sides with a clean wet cloth. Have a bowl of cold water by the ï¬re, and when the sugar boils up in large air bubbles, dip a little stick into it and then quickly in the cold water ; if the sugar crackles and breaks easily away from the stick, it has boiled to the proper point. The moment the proper point is reached take the boiler from the ï¬re and glace the fruit. Have each nut and piece of fruit stuck on a thin skewer; dip the fruit into the sugar and lay the skewer on a sieve so that the fruit hangs over the ing on us, and in my own mind I' very much doubted any of us ever settinng foot on dry land again. Night was coming on when the ship be- came unmanageable. A tremendous sea had smashed the rudder, and we were a play thing of the waves, tossed about like a feather, but ever slowly drifting on to the rock-bound coast. Ah, boys, it was a night the like of which 1 had never been out in before, and I hope Ourllluslmtcd Anti!†of Tcsfcrl . ' SEEDS. BULBS. efc.. enlarged am - Iinpftllt'll. a handsome hunk of n- ‘ gee, Luautiful colcrmipLutu Illlllfl'f 1 ï¬es to all buyers. ‘I oils all open n4 - I never may be again. The sea swept clean over us. The ship was doomed, Isaw that, and we couldn't let the people on land know our position, for the water had got into the powder and blue-lights. It was just about midnight, as well as we could judge, when the vessel struck with a crash that knocked us all off our legs, and a big sea, dashing over us at the same moment, washed away three of our crew. It now became merely a battle between the vessel and the sea, and we were the un- willing and helpless spectators. Our only chance for life was that she would hold to- gether until the morning, and that we might be seen from the shore and picked up by some life-saving crew. There was noth- ing for us to do but to wait. What a night it was I None of us would go below, for if the ship were washed off the rock, she would founder at once, and take diwn with her all who were below deck. When I say none of us went below, I make a mistake. I did, at a sat risk. I went to go. the little white kitten. When I entered my cabin, there I saw her curled up fast asleep on my hunk. I was determined she should not be lost if I could help it, and, as on the evening when I left home, I buttoned her up inside my coat, next to my breast, and again made way on deck. mI'l‘here were only three of us leftâ€"myself, the cook and a sailor. The cook and I made ourselves fast to the mast as well as we could, and we shouted to the other man to come to us. Poor fellow I he was doing his best to obey, when a sea came, and we saw him no more. I don't know, boy s, that I can describe our s-nï¬erings all through that night. You may imagine them, but words wouldn't paint them. We were wet to the skin, and the cold seemed to go through us like knives. I tried tokeep the kitten warm, but it was wretched enough, poor little thinkl and kept on mewing, and every time I heard it aw thoughts flew over the raging waves to my own snug home, where some one, I knew, was praying for me, and the thought of that are me courage again. Day awned at length, and I was able to see my companion‘s face. H: hadn't spoken for sometime, andI was almost afraid he was dead, but I then found it was the sleep produced by the cold. He Was only kept up by the rope with which he had fastened himself to the mast, and, as the light became stronger, I found the knothad givenahit, and it di not seemvary safe. I could not rouse him, and at last the knot gave, he rolled on the deck, and a Miss Phyllis l" he asked, as he leaned over the back of her chair, watching her lily hand ply to and fro'through the bright- colored wool. “ Really, hlr. Dukes,†was the hesitat- ing reply. “ I have never had an adequate opportunity of testingâ€"that isâ€"I prefer not to express an opinion until ††Miss Phyllis," he kindly interrupted her, “ you express my own opinion exactly. When shall we enter upon the experiment?" " Whenever you like, Mr. Dukes,†was the demure reply. Needed a Spanking. A minister calling upon a member of his congre ation was invited to remain to din- ner, w ereupon a chicken being served, he was requested to name his choice part of the fowl. “ Oh, any part will do," he an- swered. Upon being pressed be repeated that he had no choice. The host foolishly insisted again, still meeting with a refusal from the worthy divine. Whereupon, a young son of the host, who by this time was growing hungry, and who was noted more for his greediness than for his good manners, thus spoke forth : “Ohl give the old fool the giuard and let him go I" A Dead Sure Thing. Fond Motherâ€"“ So you are pleased with hir. Grool, Amelia?†Fond Daughterâ€"“ I am ; he's a man after my own heart." “ Are you sure of that l†“ Dead sure ; he asked me for it last even- ing." A Way With Some Women. Mrs. A. (In street)â€"-“Ohl Let me pay the fare." hire. B -â€"â€"“ No, indeed; I'll pay it.†Mrs. C.â€"†Don't think of sucha thing. 1 have plenty of tickets for all.’ Mrs. D.-â€"†But it isn't right, you know, it really isn't, for you to use up those last tickets when I've got to get a new hunch, anyhow. Let me pay." Mrs. A. (in a restath an hour later)â€" “ Well, I declare, I've forgotten my arse." Mrs. B.â€"“ So have mine. sn't it strange 2" Mrs. C.â€"-“I would like to pay for the lunch but really I brought so little money with me thatâ€"†Mrs. D.â€"“Never mind. The proprietor here knows me, and I'll tell him to charge it to Cousin George." “ Are you the superintendent of this rail- way 2" " Yes sir, why 2" " I want a pass."I “ Are you employed by this road 2" " Yes, sir." “ In what capacity 2" “ I'm a mem- ber of the Nebraska Legislature." edge and no two pieces touch. The sugar will harden quickly, and the fruit may be laid on a dish till wanted for use. Grapes may be held by the stem and moved about in the sugar. A clear day should be chosen because dampness softens the sugar. Banjos as Ornaments. Banjos are artistic but costly. I suppose every one has seen them in terra-cotta, prepared for painting. They are moderate- ly pretty, but, as I think the ground should be white or some light color, it seems a pity to buy terra-cotta to cover entirely. The cardboard ones are effective and easily made. Cut a piece of cream or whiteboard the shape of the banjo, shade slightly to imitate the real thing; fit a strip round the edge (this can be tied with nar- row bows of ribbon, as it is difï¬cult to ar- range otherwise); paint the strings and bridge; and a spray of flowers, or better still, a lightly painted landscape, with a scarf of velvet or silk arranged halt round makes thisa pretty decoration. But Ithink the most attractive are made of cream plush â€"the cardboard covered with it entirely; no strip round the edge, but mounted on a draped scarf of velvet; a bold spray of flowers, painted, and the strings worked with strands of coarse silk, stretching up from beneath the flowers, with a light spray trailing among them'. The decoration may be varied by cutting the shape of a violin or mandoline, but these are more difficult, and scarcelyeo pretty. The colours can be ar- ranged according to taste, and for flowers, guelder roses, autumn leaves, berries, pop lee, chesuut, white convolvuli, creamy lilies, and La France roses are lovely. An Evil Omen. The astrologers of the Emperor of China's Court, seventyeight in number, have made the weird discovery that the recent ï¬re in the Imperial Palace at Pekin was an evil omen, intended as a warning against the in- roads of Western inventions. The Emperor has therefore prohibited the further exten~ sion of the Tientsin railway. Not since the days when, as Charles Limb relates, the Chinese roasted pigs by burning private houses, has the Celestial mind formulated anything in the line of undesigned humour so funny as the Emperor’s decreeâ€"N. Y World. For the Babies It is not necessary to boy corn cures. Men and women should remember that Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor is the only safe, sure, and painless corn remover extant. It does its work quickly and with certainty. See that the signature N. C. Poison 8.: Co. appears on each bottle. Beware of poison- ous imitations. A.P. 437 BRQNGHITIS WEED. After spending Ten Winters South, was Cured by Scott’s Emulsion. 146 Centre Sh. New York} June 25th. 1888. The Winter after the great ï¬re, In Chicago I contracted BronchlaI affections, and since then have been obllged to spend nearly every Wlntor South. Last Novemberwae advised to try Scott’s Emulsion of God leer OH with Hypophosphltes and to my surprIsewas relieved at once, and by continuing its use three months was entirely cured, gaIned flesh and strength and was able to stand even the Bliz- zard and attend to business every day. 0. 1'. CHURCHILL. Sold by all Druggixts, 504-. and $1.00. ATENTB precn red. Patent Attorneys and experts ; Md 1867. Donald C. Bldout a 00.. Toronto. When I say Cum: I do not mean merely to stop them fora time, and than have tlwnl re~ turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CUIHu. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to Cum: the worst cases. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now rccclvlugn cure. Send at once for a treatise and a FIIHI‘: tortâ€: (:lvc lfx irons of in Ixrumsnur REMEDY. and cat Ofllce. It costs you nothing or a trial, and It will cure you. Address II. c. noor, n.0, 164 West Adelaide st. TOROP'W‘. FIN". m B USICAL INSTRUMENTS.â€"Send for our Large Illust-ated Catalogue of Band Instru- ments, Viollns, Guitars, Flutes, etc" and all klnds of Trimmlnira Agent for Frenches and DeWItts Plays. BUILAND'S MUSIC STORE, 37 King St. West, Tomato, Out. 88 BOILER INSPECTION and Ins-r anee Compan of Canada, Consul tug Engineers an Solicitors of Patents, 1‘ 0 n o X ’l‘ 0 . C flour. Chlef engineer. A. Pusan. Body-Tress. and Tumors CUREU; no Knits; book free. Dls MCHICHAEL, No. 63 Niagara 52., W. NJ]. STANDARD CHOPPING at gas. szsresmsrnmme ' ,I/ '1. warns noseuewiss n6 ' risiesssmmcnauu .5 5'. .I‘ ‘ ' I MILLSTONES I Artiï¬cial Toronto, Ont i '6 BARKER S SHURTHAND SCHOOL, 53 45 King Street East. Toronto. formerly for over a five years Principal of the Shorthand Institute In con- 5 i: nectlon with the Canadian Business University. :3 Typewritin De rtment undertbs management of 5 Ms. ososds BENGOUGB. Agent for the Remington 8:; Typewriter. Apply for Circular. Mention this paper '2“ In writing as pr Y o u n g M e n .5; E SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result of Ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also fullness-Ann and One In who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over work, and to advanced life feel the consequences of youthful nxeeos, send for and read If. V. Lubon's Wentheb‘lmofflen. The bookwtllbe santsaaled to myaddreasonreoelptd two In. stain Addrem, IL V. L BOX, Wellington St 3.. Toronto,0ot