V i 1 take this same car two hours later and over- m 8 heard the conductor relating the circum- __ stance. I caught at the illieakthï¬t it wits “811' Mrs. Newman, and at 10 do no t at nie t 8m“ B mm Related by the wu' I found her in a farm house ten miles away. deh- She laughed merrily, and hoped I would I was for several years “gaunt wuden hear her no 111 Will. in estate prison where only male convicts The assistant forewoman in the laundry were conï¬ned, and I left that to become wasaMrs Williams, who had been sentenced warden of a prison where over 300 females to seven yeais’ imprisonment for maiming a were under lock and key the year round. child she had adopted. She had been in If forced to choose I would prefer to have three years when I took charge. She claim- charge of 501'. males rather than 100 females. ed to be the victim of a conspiracy. but Most men enter prison feeling that they seemed content to hide her time. Off the have deserved their punishment and anxious laundry was a large, badly-lighted room to make all the good time possible. No whichhad been intended for refractory cells, woman admits her guilt, and by the time but which had never been ï¬nished up. The she reaches prison she has convinced herself room was now used as a catch-all for the that she isa martyr. One not familiar with laundry. There were eleven women in the the workings of a female prison can have no laundry, and in doing what she did Mrs. idea of the trouble and annoyance an obstin- Williams had to blind them all. One end ate inmate can cause. A male convict who of this room was toward the side street. and is obstinate, malicious, and sent on causing the wall was three feet deep, and sunk six trouble canbe punished and forced to give or seven feet into the ground. The flier in, but you can only go so far in inflicting was of concrete. A month before I came punishment on a woman, and the limit the forewoman was taken sick and Mrs. scarcely compels obedience to routine or- Williams was promoted to her place. She dcrs. could now pass anywhere about the laundry One of my ï¬rst patient; was a woman unquestioned, and she at once began work- named Mary Neonan. She was en a life ins on aplan to escape. Her tools were an sentence for the murder of her husband, and old hatchet and a small ï¬re shovel, and she had been in the prison ï¬ve ears. A change began digging from the room described to of wardens always renews t e hopes of those undermine the wall. She was never absent looking for a pardon, and it always causes a from the laundry over a quarter of an hour chan e in the conduct of certain prisoners. at a time, and could not work at her digging I h not been in the new place a fortnight over two hours per day. The other women when I discovered that all the convicts saw her go and come, but it was not their except one were perfectly innocent of crime bosiness to inquire into her movements. hh‘h hhd heeh “ht PP through this?!“ 0" In about seventy days Mrs. Williams had mahce- The excï¬pmm W83 3 YOthWh W°‘ gone down under the wall and was ready to man namEd HBShmB. Who had P013°hed Fhe break the surface of the ground on the other 1118-11 Who betrayed h" and W33 mhklhg side. She would not risk daylight, as the ready to (393933 her- She 110‘ Ole hCthW‘ other had done, but waited nearly a week bag“! the “hm; huh ‘31“ Phat she had only until some extra wash gave her an excuse to £10110 her duty "1 revehglhg hhrhelf' The remain in the laundry an hour later than 1111100011138 were “18208 for “me °hhhg° to usual. She had been gone half an hour he- bentï¬t them. While at least a hundred ex- fore she was missed, and it was a full hom- Oted meterecommencl $9111.“? PhrdOD- before the means of exit was discovered. 1'3- N°°hhh “ought 5“ lhtervww With the The dirt had been carried to the rear end of for the purpose of stating that she had dis- the room and flung behind some old covered new evidence bearing on her case: tubs and “13112155, and she had done evidence which would conclusively prove he, worh 3,5 'wen as the crafriestman. h" Own ihhooehce- She had. in 5 53 0f She hadlikewisegot hold of breed and meat, “85". 33 the “COM! 0f the 0559 Showed: and when she got into the street she only stabbed her husband With a butcher knife went two Equhres before hiding hereeu in at noontime and before her four children. a h,mm ham. The owner had no horse. and I†“’33 the death“ “38 in the World: but as it was summer time the woman could not “he °°ht°hded thahhgl'eht Wmhg hhd heeh rufl‘er l in on tho ha 11 stairs. There done her, and that the real murderer had was whim. ghelow, and zhepeconommed her eachped- . . food to make it last as long as possible. Im- Th° haw Widen“ he'd 0011Ԡto her "1 9- mediately that her escape was discovered, I dmahh Sh" hhd dreamed that 9‘ Clerk in a used every exertion to secure her recapture, certain grocery near her home had stabbed having depots whtched and the country hoonan before he entered the house, and scoured in every direction. A week past that the guilty m“ “’33 130Ԡthi°hh ‘0 0011‘ and I could not obtain the slightest clue. fess the fact and obtain her release. The Th 8 ' hp 1, th 11 't th idea was so absurd and silly that I could not 01,68,312: :3 1.5.1331..."iefyoil’pé’féfmï¬ Promihe he? hhythihgv and {mm hhhh hour before the engines got to work the roof of she determined to make me all the trouble the other was ablaze. I hhppwed to be possible. She ï¬rst refused to work. I gave eh“), on the spot, and what was my 35. her a (lay in which to think it over, and as mnishmenh when Mrs. Williams quietly she remainedobdurate she was locked up in opened the door and “awed Plump into my h dark he“ With only bread hhd water- 0“ arms. She shed tears of vexation when re- the fourth day word was brought me that turned to her old quarts“, having made up Mrs. Noonan was dead. I went With the her mind thah her escape WM amaumd. risen doctor to.the cell, and we found the Another of the inmates who pulled the Y 8T°Wlh8 “81d and com- B_°th 01“ wool over my eyes for the moment was a he“! 58°" “my We“ ‘3‘ hhammlhgi and: Miss Hutchins who was serving a sentence while convinced that. this was 'another, the for pocket picking. I give you her prison °°hht°Ifelh W55 hm’hhhg The 15W (hopped: name but it was said that she was the wife the hnu'ah‘“ 93°“ had tha glaze °f deaf‘h: of a notorious thief and bank sneak. Ha “ha th° flesh “"hmed ‘hhh Phil" thh had exausted the law in his endeavors to only death can bring- And ,yet “'8 h°th get her clear, and had made his boosts that felt the“ the “mm†W†“hve- Ind“hailshe should not serveher time out. When there was} flutter of the pulse and the heart I took charge I was warned to be on the to prove it. .It was a case of animation sus- aleâ€, and I kept my eyes open as far as Pended hYW111P°W°I~ Perhaps “0“ m0†possible. Miss Hutchins and two others than one person in ten thousand is able to were employed in making fancy baskets, control mind and muscle in this manner. It which were sold to procure books and is, foratime, next door to actual death. It Papers for the prisoners. They had a does not H quire nerve, as I understand it, small room 05' the M“ leading from the but “imply “1° PM?“ t0 C°nhpa°l M W were- corridor to the laundry, and were constant- Prisoners who have thus shammed on me, 1y under some oneis eyes. I had been in have explained afterward that they heard in the place about three months when two every word spoken around them though 1 - - , no voice sounded natural. They did not re- £2325 E2?Gazing:canvmvtbgshuggszfgpl “.1353 my failing except that °f “theme volunteered to escort them about until she lightness, as if all solidity had gone out of should be at leisure. we went to the the body. It required no particular effort - to hold the breath or keep the limbs rigid. :hflgerzvhï¬Ã©wï¬:§elagggeyd ans}, with? 213:3 I "dered the body t° 1†prehhred and room had the not articular re nested placed in a cofï¬n and the cofï¬n placed in a to enter it. yNoh upsign of yrecggnition “Md “8‘: to m" laundry“ 1 suppose‘l this assed between the visitor and an of the “‘3 Wm“ Mary wuted “‘1 had Planned Ehreo workers. A few questionys were for. All the other prisoners believed her - - dead, and she had two or three particular aï¬edévgoglssggdtgiténfleï¬hzoaï¬otdEESEI “lends Who w° '5 0"" her 1083' The com“ behind us one of the visitors exclaimed: was placed in t e shed about sundown, and "De" mo, but I have 10“ my 10vâ€. I the men set to watch it. At midnight ‘ - many to“ up. climbed out, and WM work. (piglet. have left them on the table in_the laun- ing to loosen a board when accosted by the watchers. She returned to her work next huff fffgzgasz’h23ugsoiief:53:“52831311113; morning as usual, and refused to answer any stop to speak with any on, and was not quark" 0' make any explanMiom' Ab‘mt absent over seventy or eighty seconds. The on†3' weekgor “mt “an ï¬ve 5'63†3h; had owner of the gloves thanked me, complained “me “deiemh ‘1 “gm†“hard†W“ of a sudden headache, and remarked that W" Wm) M “9 w M a 9 won ° flex" they would trouble me no further. I passed I? in P°ld°m “351°†11$?“ 9‘ 5‘ wm’m‘“ e: them through two wickets and the main hall 03ng mm 3 PI 0“- u ‘5 not 9" t e and outcf the front door, and had just got mun m“ they do not long for liberty' n" seated in the till :6 to write a letter when a a“? mm: 11th “e. “If: dgpcr?mhen°“gh messenger from the matron said I was want- “ “mu 0 8 My "3 ' “8 0 t ° “‘0†ed at once. \Vhen I reached her she stood deceptive of the inmates of the prison was a - _ . little woman of 30, all smiles and sunshine, :eï¬gdzvzsaixigéhï¬gggoggï¬ gaggezomggé Who had We“ ‘8‘“ u for a number °f yea" had been discovered in one of the cells almost for committing a re bery. She was ood- by accident. lookirg well educated, and cvidenty of u what does this mean? IMkedJamng good birth. Every word and movement . was ladylike, and during the six montns she to connect her Presence With an abaence' _ “I do not know !" she rep'iod wrin ' 9 “‘1 “’"d “h†I "PL “mtg†“I†had her hands and looking in a helpless vghny. quite won the matrons heart. She was “Uh uh. where am I ami wank on take placed in charge of twelve sewing women in ’ ' ’ y s" a room on the second floor, fronting a side melhome ‘ th h be, 1 d l d street. These women made the clothing of own “p a" i e 00 6 me neat y’ n an inmate“. This Bowing room was light“ delayed me a quarter of an hour. It was a t-np job. The two iris had come in to b two windows, defended by bars of course. p“ ~ - "ted 03h thls room was a stock or store’room, and do Just Wk“ they did 0' When I in Mrs. Newman, as the little woman was 3),; iï¬iuf’lovefl‘ Mtg: Eaftzimume called, had the key to this and was in charge. There was but one window in this 2"“, tï¬uï¬gligégsed :zdmzhzxmg ogogfg mm“ mm .Newm“ w" a†1"" p"‘°“ I refuge in an ' open cell. A car-rinse should have picked out as a plotter. Indeed, too}! in from of we prison to carry them 1 should not have expected her to go out had “way. and they had a long "an. The“ the doors been left open. were two cm,“ in the . 10b. and the party 0"†middtunmn it w“ reported “in a“ felt so elated over bamboozling me that they 3&2 “Eighth, 21:32:; got drunk as they pushed alon the highway the window. Where she got a ï¬le I never as}??? "in-“g “:1: 3:“ ï¬?§rgflg :fdldï¬ll:d:xff bdxsbfrkmusrï¬ 23:. “3,2122: mmggtchins irjnred, and the other three atthll work for three months. When she Gamma Ifflflggngbhasdutgmigmhgghzi 80‘ rad? to go “he mule . "0“ “9° °f twenty four hours I had my’prisoner back. cloth fastened one end to a remaining bar and than slid down to the earth in safety: ;°:&m:utwrng:goe§°}£:d'§umm She had secretly made herself a up “‘1 h and the crooks were wanted for a ' b )0 which cloak. lad |h° Whlhd ‘5 “7° blth mud‘ gave them five years apiece. .da street car, and was soon out of the neighborhood. A trifling circumstance led to he: capture that same night. If she had Pinned to meet friends, they had not come The length of the Mississippi River has on. She had no money, and though the always beenplaned at 4,100 miles, but civil conductor did not put her cfloathhaoeocnt, unfamiliar with the stream as that 15.7.: hurried b the situation. She got it shortened itself over 400 in dnfllm running out into the country, twenty years. and will doas well in the 1.‘ .. walked briskly away. I happened tittï¬olty tocome. " Old King Cole Was a merry old soul, Andamerry cldsoulwashe.‘ But his royal majesty would never have been so merry had he suï¬'ered from consti~ l “FORA'THE'EKBIES. alums TVEXTR‘ACTS pation or deranged liver or dyspepsia or "‘"‘ i piles, ’or any other complaint that coines E M B R O l D E R Y S l S, from a system out of sorts and causes im‘ Ah Colon. 10¢- P32503011 shin!- ' I .‘ ‘ purists of the blood. If you suï¬er from colors, 86 per oz. any of these things you will feel morose, . ‘ -. ~ melanchol mournful a 0 mad oran thin HETLAND AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS 80 --r- . ‘ ~ .- “an .. y, ' y ’ y g per 08.: Fleecy Wrol. extra quality. loo per. BApro‘mimhmn‘ FM" els‘l’lbufl‘mireryr “1:328 Blengjcu ,mu“ 1:6 skeln; Armene. all colors. 30¢ per cler skelus: ! P‘ESOL‘xllithUR: Cjiaï¬leifï¬ we - 0 We a a. ’- mm 5 W07 ' Macrame Grid. 15 colors, 19¢ per ball; belt, best j FLM‘émNGEfWAC‘“ A“. famed Pleasant Pnrgative Pellets. Easy to quality. 81 00 per “rd: “ 001m J“! Cum-9. all . , . 5, , ' ‘ p ht. j,“ E ., t h 1 1,} f 1 h I shades. 45: per vard; Stamped Toilet. Sets, 6 pieces, '“ “‘9‘,â€- iii: 9’ ‘ F? ' V a e’ pure y vegan e.' per. eCt y. arm €38, 350 set- Tist 25¢ each ' Splasth ‘0 an 50 cents .._._____.______._..__.â€"_.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Prompt. and plenum In the“ actions ; 0111? each, is lags.) stock of 'newest Sfdmped Goods for nature for nae; St‘llOoI..â€"Oeutlemen one for 9. dose. outlining to hand. Letter orde:s hav pasmpt and l deï¬lmm 9' “Vin†38 1! ‘hOl‘OhR‘h, “(mlt‘dg' , . . , careful attention. Goods can be sent byp it to anv ' of gannent cu ting should visit us sciennrl: and Burnished gold piekaXes, With a (lIA- part of Canada, “'rite for price list. “8331' l reliable systems haughty-herebyprrleet .filtin.r gar- mond at each end, are a new whim in gentg' “AVIS. Importer. 2312 Yonge Street. Toronto, Ont. men“ 9†I‘mdu'fd- 01m“th With (“l- lhl‘â€h}“°n scufpins. Pleage mention this pupâ€, on spp'icatlon. S. CORRIGAS. I’Np., it‘d longs lllllllll’ sores & Col " i t 10 LOAN on For.» Lowest Rates M 0 to delay. Cormeponurux solicited . Dealers in all kinds of a l ILW. I). Bli'l'IJ-‘R. Financial A81. MUSlGAL lNSlRUHENlS« Es'abls‘shtd MM 73 King St. E. Toronto. Agents for the BtSSON D" c ‘ ~ ‘1 amountotTR and HlGllAlf Bind ln 9, , Fums to I n u 82?; l--‘ I :â€" If all so called remedies have failed, Dr Ssge’s Catarrh Remedy cures. Tiny Opals encased in a network of slender gold wires, are a recent fad in ear rings. Jewels and Laces. struments. 33381-281: low rate of Interest on ï¬rst. "gig, girltp'ithghgjerelle’i flnlg ere, ï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©zsé? $13,333 Wï¬ccnrlls‘. Apply to , mix wx i e aces isrs " o e , What are your jewels and what are your n In! PER‘AL n Eflï¬ql‘vflggh CAI-Ts laces worth to you '3 You would give them all if you could get back your health. Well, you can and you can keep your jewels and laces too. Thousands of women know by happy experience that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription restores the health. It is a positive remedy for those derangements, irregularities and weaknesses so common to woman. In fact it is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a. positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Wellington St, cor. Church, (over Bank of Toronto) TORONTO. ONT. GHDIBE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF. MANITOBA. Parties wishing to purchase improved Manltelr Forms, from SO acres upwards, with immediats possession. (all or write to 4:. I. MAULSON. Mt Arthur‘s Block, slain st., \Vinnlper. Informatics furnlrhed free of charge, and settlers assisted making selection MONEY To LOAN Ai- Cutlass-r Raras or Isrsaxsr BAND INSTRUMENTS. Best in the world, Eight Yenrs' Guarantee. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonials. 288YongeSt., TO RON TO. 00 99 eoifo'a‘ife PURITY AND STRENGTH COMBINED IN rim EMPIRE BA KING Miniature English grates in nickel silver are quaint oonceits in wash stands. Cell No More. Watson a cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. 8:. T. W. are stamped on each drop. Cork screws of oxidized silver now take the form of riding whips. Consumption Surely Cured- To the Editor :â€" Please inform your readers that I have a ositi-ve remedyfor the above named disease. gy its timely use thousands of bolpeless cases have beencpermanently cured. shall be glad to son two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their E ress and P. 0. address. Resp‘y, T.A. SLOC M, M.C., 164 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Ruby-studded amber balls are in vogue as queen pendants. A Cure for Drunkenness. 'I'he opium habit, depsomanfa, the morphine habit, nervous prestratfou caused by the use of tobloeo, wakefulness, mental depmssion,softening cf the brain. etc., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over exertion of the brain, and loss of natural strength from an cause whatever. Menâ€"young, old or mid- dle-ag â€"who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause notments'oned above, sent hour address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubcn's restlse in book form, of Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address If. V. Limos 47 Wellington street East. Toronto. Ont. While William Jackson, a Chicago roofer, was sliding down a roof a distance of fourty- ï¬ve feet, he had time to tell a fellow work- man that he owed three debts and had the money in his trunk to pay them. Then he reached the caves and went to his death tn the frozen earth. We en'ch who cflterftdlj ab: in his clam What Breadmaker‘s Yeast 3': t l abject odor-car Jlfamma 'm’ed all M: rest, So I'll! knows: it’s Ila: pest. [lighten ’Cam her bread is the whitest, ker buns are at. And win! all Ikepanmkes slit dart set 64'0"“. I D E R 5 Manufactured by ï¬lslé’s‘lsstlt's'NGM‘Fï¬' lEllls 86 whet-Jamie. 95, I . I m MILLSTONES FINEST GRINDER INTHE WORLD ND RENEWING u, x .. PLAIESAS m moumus .u- gr . 4 ' ;. " v c; .I When I 5.:y0Uns I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL (3-le... . I have made the disease of I FITS, EPILEPSY or ] FALLING SICKNESS Allie long stud . I \vaunax'r my remedy ta» l CUBE the were cases. Because others have '. tailed is no reason for not now recelvln ' a cure. i Band at once foratreatlse and a Flt 1m n'rsn , of m INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Expires. ; and cat Ofllce. It costs you nothing or n; I trial, and it will cure you. Address ' E. G. BOOT, no, 164 West Adelaide St. | TORONTO. our: Have also Best Corn and Cob G':inder. Bend for circular. i H J ohnston’sFluidBeef f THEâ€"é'Râ€"EAT IS A REAL FOOD «a? -. APERFECT FOOD \- ‘A fan THE SICK I WARMING ï¬t I rursliiousBmRAer . APE“ _ Flesh, Muscle and Bone. Brick Machines IOT With All the Latest Improvements. ' 39mm: PRESS BOX, wnms OAK POSTS. ' IRON cross HEAD AND BRAGES. ' TERMS T0 Sni'r Boreas. And contain rail the elements necessary for the formatlcn of EMULS 0N 0F PURE ODD LIVER OIL 932 HYPOPHOSPHITES. Almost as Palatable as Milk. So disguised that the most delicate stomach can take if. Remarkable as a FLESH PRODUCER. Persons GA IN rap- idly while taking IT. BCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Phy- sicians to be the FINEST and BEST preparation of its class for the relief of CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Wantlng Diseases of Chlldren, and CHRONIC COUGHS. Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and $1.00. LeatherBelting BET VALUE IN THE DOMINION. EEDIXDNSLOO, MAKERS. 70 KING ST. E, TORONTO Send for Price Lhtsand Discounts IFiNflE-“HEADS OF HAIR . , IF Y U ARE BALD have .5: can or rum HAIR aend 1. to A DCRE~YVEND, Tor- 3.0M ard set particulars of :hls Wigs Toupees Bwltshcs, 350.. also Prentolecea, Bangs. . &c. All male of ï¬nest quali- ty Human Hair a- natural as life. ‘ A. DORENWEND, Paris Hair Worss,103 and 106 s. Yonge St. Toronto Can. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship: during winter from Portland every-Thursday m every Saturday to Live 1. and in sum mer from Quebec every Saturday to verpool, calling at Inodcnderry to land malls and passengers Lu Scotland and lreland ; also from Baltimore, via Hail fax and at. John's, N. F., to L'verpocl fortnightl: d summer months The steamers of the on. as sail during winter to and from Halifax. rtland, Boston and Philadelphia - and d sum SEND FOR Ciaoeun} The E. 80 C Gurney 00., TORONTOs ONT. ! J hash-“w . {:4 . ’ I i " .- ' -‘. . . ' .s U. a ' ‘ .‘~;_....r" .329". -a:â€" . ramhflw "a 'm OW “d "tines 2. 9-37» “1;; I ___, . A e . » so Maps-aromas info tinneppl to '. An In; Mme Buuiin'fluwdséo. Guaranteed the Best in the World. - shes a Oo.,-ilt.Jchn:1,lrldd.; Wm. mm - son a dc. 8t. John,N.B.; en lOo.. Chicago; Love l Alden, New York; If. Bourilsr, reroute; nos l 00. Quebeo' Wm. Brookle.Phlladd _ punks Allen’soniud' Boston looked. it. Other Drill made can be instantly regulated to run at any desired depth without stopping the tease. No Other Drill will sow au kinds of grain thoroughly, even and properly ccvered,and at a uniform depth to all kinds cf roll. I ‘1'“! No Other Drill commences to sow the instant the horses commence to move and misses no ground when starting in. after turning No other Drill equalsths Hoosier shes used as a cultivator and no single mlflutcr nxrpum it, than combining two implements in one. Noxon’s New Steel Binder, ever work and in advanced life feel the Sea the greatest invention of the age in our mKnottar which can but one oorJ, makes no erases code and eavescordln binding. NOXllll BROS. ll’l’ll. 00., lngersoll, 0st hole. and"... 1mmwma. Lament mums" Dim-mumm9 w .3 shinning ,,- : . . _ . “fluâ€: . .‘2 ..‘."'“ " . .. .. .