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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Mar 1889, p. 1

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.> -‘ ._ ... .. .~._ 7...,-, _ . . .â€", .-.~ .. . VOL. XVII. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 15TH, 1889. No. 5. â€" at - ~ v ‘70-. ‘ :~-',§...s~.'4â€".-F -~ 1. .v an.” .H 7. . gm”, s}.-,.-H. . fl.“ g. .,‘.._ . give us :i quotation from James 1il.-'.2 : -- lz' WI, . The leiieloii Falls Gazette. . .. .. I I- IWIV_II~II'__ IIH I I any man oilend not (1.1:. stumble not) in . I I I . I I II II ' â€"â€" ' word. the same is a perfect man, and able .t. Friday, March also to bridle the whole body." Now, sir. who has ‘- offended ' in word '3 Use a little I _ l introspection here, please. \VllY do voii CI‘O‘rnlg I W. G, T, U. i put ~- perfect man " in italics? What do ' I r ‘ â€"--â€" you mean by perfect '3 Don't mislead perâ€" ;‘€:(;I IIY E D S Who are the Fanatics? A Reply. soiisI by such emphasis. The Word is only ‘ j , â€" applied to character. and menus that which G‘AJIDEN S (Communicated) has attained the moral (L’tIthI. manhood iii - . I , (‘hrist “llovrvver it may be true," says Ti 6 “THE in answer 10 3- SllOl‘t arthle Trench, “ that having reached this (he. this which appeared in your columns of the 8th perfect stage) other and higher ends will inst. (in ‘~ Temperance versus Fatiaticism.” 0W" 3‘” “El-01“} lllllb 10 113"“ Christ round What unlimited leisure your corre‘poudeiic' In hiin more and more." There is a dis- .. Faresh 3 __.,_‘___.___- HORSE and CATTLE FOOD Matter With tiiictioii between this word and halo/cirrus or ; Iiilztri’es (Oh. i 'l‘licss. v. 223.) The Scrip- I I titres declare that Job was “ a perfect up- loug was he in its nccomplisliuient‘.’ Do riglitiiiau,” and they explain by adding. tell its. What marvellous diction and sub- I “0‘” “mt "cured GU“ “ml “501ml” “ll-n . inust have to write such an elaborate arti- cle 1 Did he write it all himself, and how a large stock just in. ‘ i ' ' ‘ l‘ - ' l - i. - x.‘ . :5 lime sopliistry he displays! How svniniet- Dr'l'l‘ 1° 0"“ m “l” 5"”“9” “‘15- Illll‘li e I ' I: ’ ' . 16m] .md . . . t. , 11., ‘I. l“ ,' w, I theretoi-e, should be eschewed. The divine 0 a“? l ‘ “0mm” “‘3 1” WW" 3- “‘L idea of a perfect man is ii sincere, trueâ€" I u A I ~‘ - 1 'less it a few days at I Perstlicuity and acumen l Sac/i enthusiasm hearted follower and imitator of God. Luci: a catioat ot - A t. ,fir irofuiidit ' of‘ thou In! He reminds u- carctnlly at Philip. “I. 12. 15. and vou will . l 3 g s .. . . . .- . . of Mm, was mid of“ member of the Brmsh see that the. ht‘l'lptlll‘fll idea of perlection is l i _ _ _ . not that of liavin attaitwi tl ‘iz‘. t. IParliamcnt some time ago: “ He did his g u '0 m (v‘ b“ l in fig“?- THE OLD RELIABLE Drng and Book Store. WT. E. ELLIS. Fenelou Falls, February, 1889. of running for it. as the. one business and party all the harm in his power; he spoke . end of life. ’l‘r'li'i'in mid (clwmrnos ditler. for it, and voted again-St “In Your cormbul Ilrugil says, "' The first is applied to one. pendent is so good that he is good for Who is m it”. “milng (vql's‘ 15’ N); the last (verse 12) to him who is nearest to the prizeâ€"who is on the point of receiving it.” guage is the art of concealing thought, and This distinction of terms in the original is when you have nothing to say, say it. not preserved in the English translation. What grim spectre has arisen in his im- in reference to the last clause of the text, agiiiation that he thus writes ? It exists “able also to bridle the whole bodv," you only subjectively; it has no objective cxist- have placed in italics, with the intention, eucc. Is be frightened at the shadows that we presume, of rendering,r your meaning: j his fancy casts upon the wall 'I If so, we conspicuous. We cannot see the meaning would recommend earnestly, as an anodyiie, you intend to convey in the clause at all. reason or common sense, in place of non- Your subject is intempcrancc in speech, but sense. How “’ Wild ” he is l In fact, he is this has reference to the body. The body Pounding Dwn the Prices and “ wilder ” than “ Wild.” He is anxious to of tnaii does not possess the powerofspeech WW" I_I_W II_II________________7I possess a critique on the twelve tribes, poor and articulation. The writer of the epistle 85c. T. Wild on the ten. Well, if you find them, defines the perfect man, and then states the I __ B R E A G. W S Sir, we. shall produce the fanatic to judge extent of his abilities: he is --' able also to y A. P. DEVLIN, . them. in cookery, we are exhorted to catch bridle the whole body.” Can a drunltard our hare first, and then cook it. Let your do this? Does he maintain, when under ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor work be synthetical, and the fanatic‘s aiia- the influence of liquor, his equilibrium '! in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. lytical. Stand by the programme l The centrifugal force prevails over the cen- MARTIN & HOPKINS, I_ ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS,_&0 Mo- B Ofiice, ‘ What does your correspondent mean by tripctal force and he gravitiitus towards the the following sentence: “ It is his (2'. e., the mud. Does he always obey the law of vo- ncy to Loan at 6 per cent. Kent street, Lindsay, Ont. I, t‘anatic’s) privilege to take and use such lition in that positisu and condition? When ' s I texts of Scripture as may suit his purpose his will determines that he shall rise, docs P.S. Mums. nothing. He apparently believes that lanâ€" Professional Cards. ,‘m.. ... _ M... -____.._ JAMES DICKSON, L .Survcyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., _ . Uonvcyaiicer,&c. Residence,and ad- dresth‘enclon Falls. of the high-priced dealers in Fenelon Falls, with our best, and to leave the rest to the wicked.” he possess the power to obey its mandates? Only a fool would select blindly that which How stand his ethics in this condition ? was antagonistic to his intentions. Herein Look for an answer in your daily newspa- ' ‘m Sible f r V . tlic fanatic displays his wisdom. He is not per under the titles wife beating breach of F, D. MOORE, It ls 1 B08 0 ese do‘ n town men tha’le under the avoi-icious. He takes and appropriates that. the peace, murder: theft, kc. ’And you P , mum“, ATTOMFYI a, SOLICITR thumbs oi the wholesale houses to compete Wlth us. See the L l ) A l ) G. H. HOPKINS. which is agreeable to his purpose, and would call the man or woman who endeav- and Notary Public. Money to Loan. slaughter Prices at “yhich “ye are selling all kinds of \vinter “ leaves the rest” to others). Don’t you do ors toIreclaiiii such,aIfanatIic. ShaineIiipon Odice Kentstroct,Lindsay. , d C d b f. d . this? Are you so Iselfish. He does not you, Sir! we say their actions and inten- ’ {500 S. ome (1.11 see US 9 ore you 0 any buying. monopolise the inspired word of God. He tious are Christ-like, or. if you Will, they ‘ recognizes that itis not only useful tothe are good Samaritans. You are, perhaps, individual, but to the world. He does not the priest or Levite who passes by “ on the believe, according to your statement, in a other side,” but the fanatics are like the. limited piety. In this remark on the action Samaritan, who, “ as he journeyed, ciinir of the fanatic we apprehend no violence on where he was; and when he saw him, he had WE GUARAN'E [43E TO 0P4 his part but the tender violence of love, compassion on him,” (be. (Luke xi., 33-37. HE) the aggression of a pity that would save We reserve the application of the parable the world. Further, what. do you really for youâ€"“ Jesus said unto him, ‘4 (1'0 and mean by the last clause '.’â€"-“ and to leave do than likewise.” In future reserve your the rest to the wicked.” Is not all scrip- sneers and your approbiousness to yourself ture. tlieopiieustic, and profitable for doc- and your clique. trine, forI rcpl‘OOfi f0? Clnrccuoni for 311' Your correspondent, as he proceeds in struction in righteousness ” ? Does an in- ’ ' ' ' l" ravin r so the fanatic “ rushes to the Don i. ask for credit, as we glve none, but remember that the telligent man search forall these at the ;;:,c,,,s,0:; “3,3,0”, co,,,,,h.,.,,,,,,,,, am, he Place for genuine barn-aims is at same time ? No! He cannot go north and a . , can convert the world with his om: idea.” south Simultaneously. Man has one seicn- HUDSPETH & JACKSON, ARRII‘TERS, SOLIUITORS, &c. Of- fice, William street, Lindsay. A. Hunsrurii. A. JACKSON r...” -._._....__ ’ ommny & O'LEARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ) Solicitors in Chancery, (EC. Office, Doliony Block, Kcntstrect, Lindsay. Auriion O’Luxitv. Ilcou O’Lsanv. ON EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND. Mcl NTYRE 8:; STEWART, ARRIS’I‘HRS, Solicitors, Notaries, Sac. . Offices over Ontario Batik, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. T. Srswaar. __._.____. __._____. I 1). J. Mclnrvns. Barron. Campbell & McLaughlin. ARRIS'I‘ERS, Etc. Oflicc: Baker's Block l Kent Street, Lindsay, opposite Veitch’s "Hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 395‘ One of the firm will be at their of- iicc in Jordan‘s Block, Fenclon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesday. Juus A. annox. Jon): CAMPBELL R. J. MCLACOHLIN. . . It is not the fanatic that NIX/MM, and that tific faculty, ms, the judgment, anti he acts . . . . (vi/livid consideration. It is you, sir; you ii re . , Wisely when he directs it to one subject at the fimmic. Judge for yourself" Had you a time. knowledge. to be pci‘fcIctI iii aiiy one mm who” you “role that “mac? If I , department, must be adequate, distinct, on You hfldI “I ,9 km)“. only ,0 yoursom m“! ump?’ CENT]? ” {$115,111 filly Ulmiof um that very indistitictly. A man with one (pialitiIcIs IIltIIIIla lmllil LCIf-‘I I'lsc‘tll :1“) SII9,” idea is better, surely, than a man Without . {ff ’1 ' “3 “19:5 h: alga,” ITEM ' one, any day. Men of one idIcu, and thInt ldttf: 9‘ e 0 "m" cons“ ‘ L ” mg " P5" Goo are like David“; "' tircc initzitiest. . ' v . ' . ' ' ’ A I . . ' I “1mgunddempnsummg elm-yum”? "01 m who attain a standing: and character which defining nqllllng aim demonllmlmg “0' even the thirty “tnightics” do not reach, thing; but iu pursuing the middle course (1 Ohm” XII) Ahmhnm w,” a mm, of one ofnot defining things whidh are clear and mm; 50 were Elijah wish, and I,” Um“, understood by all pcrsous,Iaiid of defining we“, “0,,th wwhfls mu] “WiscngcrsI t” OWNS? and (ifurloszrfulIlfiItgmfl'ls 1:33;” They preface their message pudI prtiplii‘lcx O a persons’ “'0‘ ‘ l 5' with “'l‘htis and thus saiti tic .ort. From “us methoa they equal!” e”: “1'0 .un' I John the Baptist had one. idea, and that dental? to ,define ,nml Pro,“ .f‘.cr-l:,h.mg’ was ‘-’ llcpent.” This is an evangelical cry, an tie ' \vio no" act to (0 t in line's ~ - -, . .. .~ , he ('ro'g‘ 'l‘el uh icoirf’evitic-ni“ Vow Sll' wiil’ii “"“ ” L” in” ‘0” WWW. " l. I] n .“ ”"“" “0 “‘. ' ‘ ‘ v ’ ’. The door of llenvcn is Inot shut so oiigiw is wrongr or foolish adopted bnyonr idIeall I “II, hem”; I,er ,,,,,1,,,,.,.,I,I_,l ,0 cry MUM, '.'7 '- 3-); v i i l ,,, .I.~ II -1' , :3 Start... {traittarartistg‘r. “ ’ 12:3; ‘ “-- . u I. e:iii o l'.'.f v I uuphilosophical and illogil‘ul. We would lilrlfjfufr “limgjluul”: L:,,,,.30,,Ff1‘ “ ,I; go “8‘5 “PO” 3/0” tel’ll’cmnc‘f f“ Sl’ccfm' like the compassion of Christ. the siniii-i's Many people are good at givmg advice, mm,“ “1,,” w,” um 0,1,“, Teacher's very few at taking it. \\ hat you say. in 1 Hm .I, “'1”, did 1“, mm”, in“, H,“ wnrm to regard to the temperance fanatic. we may , ,H,,_,ml,Ili‘,,,.I, “(unqnummi “7],,” d“ j”. justly apply to yourself attt‘r writing such , ,mw his Church m do? was it “I,” u", ., a sentence as the above. 3 on -- use inteiii- mum". ,,,.,,,,g,,1iz,uim,7 In (“my 5”, w“ -â€"‘ . ., .. . .. " ’._l ' ‘ ~ .. perntc and extiaiagnpt Ilangiiag. .f Ila. , mink FM, 5mm) among the aimless one“... member that there mists a weapon 0 wiir- thosfl who “m “w clumrcn m. offspring 0f {MC c‘HCd the boonmmng' Md When n cirriiiiistauces. Paul was a man With one misses its object it comes back upon the ,d , d ,l ,, .1” up (.m“ cm, you - v . .ea. .in i.i ii (a i. . _ pnm' ‘Yhf’ threw ”' .“e remcmhcfr. I"??? find it nobler or more lllI‘llll‘lllg thpmc .' He read of Lamar preparing a gieut Last in , SRMI m0: JTMI‘. UM “Hm, I ,10_ polio“, his nobles and friends; but on the day of, in his 10mg”), “mi yuavuvg,” u, when, the rm”. “’0 “Timm- was so Willem”: ; thr- time. The saints (i) amuse themselves StimOL “ember Of the Royal conegc 0f N that Homing con“ he done to thc 1mm,” M l with the world's trivolitics; tlic)‘ h‘lii-nd Surgeons ul hugland. Member of the ('01- t . . ;,, their mtctiiig, and La s.ll‘,l)tlngau disp «as I “MI, “mm,” M mm: W m UL mutt,“ loge og- physicians & Surgeons 03‘ Ontario. :3 'i cd and enraged, commanded all them that HIM. give much,“ PM”, U, their yuunz tttiioe and residence on Francis-St. West. - .. had bows m Shoo, “i, me”. “,0,” ,0 II,,,,,,_ IIIII0.IIII.I I III'IIIII ,II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIMI “III WIIHI, F°uel°n Rm”: upl‘05im m“ Gad“. omc°~ ter, tble chief god, as in defiance oi liini ' ' - - by their worldly Ways. (hi the other band, , CIJ A & ‘35 for the rainy weather, which. who-n they there have always been menâ€"gifted "in", '-_. did, their arrows fell short of heaven and but ,flckiu: Synu‘muw Wm, 00,, and knuw, AI .I I I, t fell upon their cit-viicads, Learn the moral 1,4,8“: 0, his “,,‘I‘,S__w,,u have 809,, MM. 0“ i I f H i I we” "Alumni: 1’ “0..”tmng “5 Kimmy to viuw the goings of uriproii.-,s5ionnl men noes." says Franz-is dc bales; -‘ nothing so whom Gm, his sem_mm 0, mp mmmmmI gentle as real strength.” - .. like Elijah : ploughmen. like Elisha ‘. men of your correslmudem 5mm; mat hmmm' the wilderness. like John the li-‘tplifil: cur- ! I | lpemxice in “View is Sinful "5 in‘cml’ef'; peiitt-rs, like Jv-sus of Nazareth. 77.23] are n I tance in anything elseI‘ P 'Irhnps :0. but it fir“, to OMI The). “a,” ,4, View; they Mk librcaks no M'nus' and n docs n”! dygnul" itiidstions’ tlicv suggest difficulties; the." men so much as drunkenness. Did you ever. -, . ' , ‘.. , , ,kt, , 0 m regs ' . . . . raise oh "Cli()!l!iâ€" hit. .at} ma . l p g gssd :ySSl'xcfi weliliknowfj- Ipismllien 8'3 i 506 m “cm “i :1 mm Wilde under mm mm' ll)"fll"l‘:l{'65. and they trv to hinder those Your; .It.:iiIIfcs. .‘p‘nversF. “.0. I a?) lame of KllCi)lll)l temperate in Spent-l). in my whom God-III“ caIl‘IdI Ym, mm,” M W,“ "oneIIonk, .II In E are, eaéIlon , (Im ,tioii. or in morals? we do not believi- tb.it i m, w Hm,” Una 0,. We 1mm” in m or,“ 'mwc ’ ‘ "Twit" 'm' ' 'mco’ [is iiiiau has ascended from the brutes but “'0: ‘ : . . _ , , w “I Do etc..etc. AND Rain ’ l a, hinder 3 (104] 5(1):, mm; or 0m 1 fi . l‘. ' . - ’ . . . . . . rmli beach that he is desctnding smftlt ., (. l ,1 d b, m m. mkmg or shine it won’t. hurt nnv animal. ' ' -,.: . . - ; f. . not like 3 mm“ "- if” .‘g ' i - brfuvr lili-irIIq'ItCl. A beast “XI” love lllt)‘:i fur FIJI“. edificafion ins ad“,ch you "a," 256' EACH’ 03' FIVE FOR 81' 1mm 3-”. film Md gem“: m-H’ guard ‘m‘ our ordination, examine Matt. '28, in. fight i.r ll! ymiiig. and provide for them a, comfortable shelter and suitable food. You I TI-IE NOTED BANIiRUPT STOCIi BIEN. ‘. MEDICAL- A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., tiltONliit. Physician,Surgeon,&c., ice. 0 Residence. Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. 257'” - DRS. WILSON & WILSON, )llYSlClANS, SURGEONS ti: ACCOU- 1 chers. Ollice. Colborne Street, Fenclon Falls. E. 3. “times, :1. IL, a. 0.. 0.31., I. c. r. e 9., Out Dr. A. Wits-0s, M. a, it. c. r. s 8., Out. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University of Trinity I College. Fellow of Trinity Medi‘al "Imf SPRING} TWEEUSJHUUSEHINGSKiSUlilNGS have just. arrived. Call and see them. II o wmwwuooom‘ooomooooowmm .’_' £2 /_"/ 7'22 5 I r m .. ‘J. > r‘ r .q I: t’: t" > H P: Oi ~l m a -< r 1'} in [.22 s. _. DICN'I‘ISTR‘ST. GAS.â€"â€"(YITALIZED AIR.) Go to .l. Nastxsns. Dentist. Lindsay. if von want teeth extracted positively Wilh-I out pain. lith‘ has been given by him with i great success for over 21 years. lie studied ; with Dr. Cotton, of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers ox persons are wearing artificial teeth made bv .\lr. Newlands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridge-work done. Visits Fenclon Falls, McArthur House. on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 404.12 BEFORE. ‘V’. E. ELLIS, AGENT: FENELON FALLS. AFTER. (Com-luau): rim week.)

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