- Mayor Walters. Councillors and Citizens: G N WAN sorts of foundry and â€"B3' TIIEâ€" EAT BANKRUPT ST OF IJINDSAY. CK Mill Your Time Has Come. The End is at Hand. 'tct before it is forever too late. Don't The sun is setting. The cnd'will soon ruin the risk of injuring your credit or draw nigh. This GREAT SWEEP-OUT 5, g:le 6‘6 B‘b‘o‘b'a o 5â€"51â€"0â€" S ROBSON’S We clip the following from the Sault l Ste. Marie News. l " Thos. Sadlar and Jas. Dickson, the Lemonsâ€"The Rev. C. W. Watch. now of Cauniugton, will lecture on the subject of the hour, Temperance, in one of‘thc churclies'or halls in this village on Friday, the 29th inst. Posters con- comtnittee appointed by the Canadian 1 mining particulars will be issued in a ' Govcmtncnt to visit the Canadian Soo, few days. and report on what terms it would be advisable to transfer twenty-two acres FENELON FALLS, l i to the Canadian Water Power Co..\vere â€"â€"lS l.\'-â€" ELdST AGAIN, AFTER MAKING llllllilli thllllllllllllS. in the city on Wednesday conferring with J. S. Stradley upon the value of water powers, and gathering other in~ formation which would aid in making an intelligent report. The Canadian Government own’s twenty-two acres on the other side adjoining the Hudson Bay property. and this it is understood the Canada Water Power Co. asks to have deeded to them. The commis- sioners are not likely to recommend that the land be given to the Company until they earn satisfy themselves that it will not be permitted to lie idle or be used for speculative purposes. gentlemen were entertained at the club by Mr. Stradley, and they think the American 800 is a rattler.†machine work executed by skilled mechanics. o c Q Q o o dubious 6 o The Fcnelon Falls (idiotic. ébmerville Council. Friday, March 15th, 1889. The council met at Rettie's Station this 2nd day of' March, 1889, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. The Salvation Army. l REFORM MEETING.†The annual meeting of' the Reform Association of ! North and East Victoria, for the elec- l Both 1 tion of ofï¬cers and other important business, will be held in Dickson's hall, Fcnelon Falls, on Saturday, the 30th March inst., commencing at 1 p. m. Tun Saw Mumsâ€"Mr. J. A. Ellis's steam saw mill on the shore of Cameron Lake has commenced the scason‘swork, and is turning out lumber and shingles at a great rate. Junkin Bros.’ mill on Grand Island out its first log early this week, and will soon be in full operation. DISSOLUTION or l’aurxnnsnmnâ€" Messrs. Henry and Thus. Austin, gro- cers and butchers, of‘ this village, have dissolved partnership. Mr. H. Austin will continue business at the old stand, and Mr. T. Austin will shortly com- mence in the same lines in the Store lately occupied by Mr. Daniel Duggan. B. S. COLLECTIONS.â€"The lady col- lcctors for the “ Upper Canada Auxilâ€" iary of the British 8:. Foreign Bible Society " have been on their rounds in the village and township for some days bringing shame on the town, or into the home circle, on account of your shabby ap-i pearnncc. Clothing don't make a gentle- man, but it will make a man look like one. Dresses do not make ladies, but appearance goes a. long way. Carpets cannot make a house comfortable, but. they help to, and at the slaughter prices we are selling all lines of winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Car- peta. Boots, Shoes, etc., you cannot afford to let this golden opportunity slip without taking advantage of these prices before it is forever too late. SALE will not last long. The opportunity During the past few days communi- will fast slip away, and then you will he cations and short editorials have ap- blaming yourself for not having taken the bargains while they lasted. Make hay while the sun shines; be on hand to take advan- tage of the great reductions we have made in every department in the house. The peared in the Toronto News regarding the oliicrrs of high rank in the Salva- tion Army, who are said to be living in luxury, while those of a lower grade, prices we give below are not fictitious and who are doing the real work of' the 01‘- Elven t0 decei'w the PUbllc. but are ge'lu- gantzation, are forced to exist on were inc reductions, the truth of which may soon be known by a visit to our establishment. Call in the morning, if possible, as we are always crowded in the afternoon. one swans-our salons. I Two-[looped Pails for...... 250 3 Corn Brooms t‘or................. 25c 3 t‘nns Apples f‘or...... . . . . . . . . . . . 25c f: Cans Tomatoes for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c 1-2 (Inns Peas for . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 25c '< Cans Corn for................... 250 1'. Cansaalmonf‘or . . . . . . ........... 25c "= llozm Clothes-pins for...... . . .. . 5t: 6: lbs. Rice for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 '3‘ lbs. Brown Sugar for . . . . . . .. . ...SI 00 2’s lhs Granulated Sugar for . 1 00 Redpnlh‘s Best. Golden Syrup one. a Gallon 4 Boxes Edrly‘s Matches for. . ... .. 25c 5.3 Burs Soup for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 0†"fzmving Tobacco . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 40c. n lb Smoking Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c. 21 lb iimtvy Canadian 'l‘wccd at . ... 25c. a yard Men's All-wool Pants. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 90c Men's All-Wool Tweed Suits at. . . . .. $3 75 Men's llcnvy Overconls . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 2?» Rays Suits from . ......liSl 5011p laoocucl. Boys’ Overcoats from. . . . . . . - . . - . $3 00 “P are 15c ‘5 Heavy Allâ€"wool Grey Flannel at. pittanccs, and are refused aidâ€"no mat- ter how sorely they inay need itâ€"when laid up by sickness or exhaustion. In a word, it is boldly asserted that the ob- ject of the dignitaries of‘ the Army is to wring every cent they can out of' their humblcr brethren, in order to have cnought to build costly barracks in the at centres of population, and to ena- Bcautif‘ul Dress Goods worth 20c for 1250 big themselves to occupy grand houses: I‘lcavy 10c. Shirting at .. 5,, dress in ï¬ne garments, and fare sumptu- Heavy Comforters at...... 75c ously every day. There were some time Heavy Blankets 11L. . . . . Heavy ll‘actory Cotton . 30 Yard Wide Factory Cotton . . . . . ... .. 5c Extra Fine White Cotton at . . . . . . .. 5c Twilled Sheeting, '2 yards wide, for.. 35 a pill? ago indications of' the storm that now appears about to break out ; and if all that has recently appeared in the News age be true,a thorough enquiry into the Heavy all-wool Shirts and Drawers for grievances will have to be made and 95c a suit. Union Shirts and Drawers at 45 cents will almosbinc‘.imb1 a suit. drastic remedies applied, or the Army y go to pieces. The humble and earnest soldiers and local Pure Linen 'l‘owellin at . . . . . . 15c a yard _ _ I _ Beautiful Crctonncs ft†. ......05c ' 03109â€: Who are (O‘Img and enduring Glovcsand llosieryat . . . . . . . . .lIalf-pricc privations in what they justly believe Fur Goods at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half-price to be a good cause, should not put too Carpets from. . .. . . . . . . . . .80. per yard up All Lines of Winter Boots and Shoes re- duced 25 per cent. implicit a faith in their superiors, but should try to ascertain whether every- thing is as it ought to be, and whether some portion of the immense l'und raisâ€" ed annually for Army purposes does not Councillor James Wilson made the de- claration and qualiï¬cation of oï¬icc, and took his seat. The minutes of' the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the reeve. The auditors presented their report on the account of the treasurer for the year l888. Moved by Mr. I’erdue, seconded by Mr. Graham, That the auditors' report be adopted, and the clerk is hereby in- structed to ask for leaders from the publishers of Lindsay and Fcnelon Falls for the insertion in newspaper and printing three hundred copies of said report in pamphlet form For distribution amongr the ratepayersâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Pcrduc, That the county treasurer be instructed not to sell any patented lots in the township of Somcrvillc at the adjourned sale of arrears of taxes, to be held on the 6th day of March, 1889, for a less sum than the amount of arrears charged against such lots; but to consider the lots as having been purchased by the corporation.â€"Car'd. Moved by Mr. Wilson, Seconded by Mr. Graham, That the following acc'ts against the corporation be paid :â€"Wm. Cookznan, auditing, $8; 5. Suddaby, auditing, $8; Wm. Cockman, attending Board of Health, $1.25 ; Wm. S. Dow- son, do., $1.75 ; Wm.†Arnbcrg, (10., $2.75; Wm. Nichols. do., $1.95 ; Jno. past,with, we believe, fairly satisfactory results ; but it is too soon to hazard a conjecture as to what the total amount of' the collections will be. PERSONALSâ€"Tile Rev. Mr. McDon- ald, of Gienarm, the Rev. Mr. Mc- Lauehlin, of Lcskdale, Mr. James Mc~ Neillic, of Lindsay, anti Mr. Glendon- ning, of' Sunderland, were at the Falls last. Monday on business connected with the Presbyterian Church....\1r. and Mrs. John Shane, of‘ this village, returned from their wedding trip on Wednesday evening...Mr. W. W. Blott left home on Thursday for a week’s visit to his relatives at Dunnvillc, on Lake Eric. J A WANT SUPPLIEDâ€"Tho want of a regularly qualified veterinary surgeon in this village has long been felt, and Wu are glad to learn that Mr. R. 51. Mason (whose professional card will be found in another column) has done so well since he came to the Falls that he has decided to stay. As Mr. Mason has had nearly five years' experience since he graduated, he ought to be, and no doubt is, fully qualified to treat all sick or injured animals that he may be called upon to attend. ANNUAL SOCIAI..â€"â€"Thc annual social meeting of' the Baptist Church at Bad- dow, Somcrvillc, was held on Tuesday last. There was a large attendance, and Mr. Philips, of' Coboconk, presided. Remember the Spot for Bargains, titties GREAT SWEEP-OUT SALE, ORILLIA AND LINDSAY. Lindsay, Feb. 13, 1889. '---~-FORs~r-s~.~ '\ \._____...;~r. WW y BARGAENS IN FALL GQPCEESZ. All wool Twceds at 250. a yard, 'lrcy Flanncls. 12:30.11 yard. , , \Vhitc Flannels at. 10c. a yard. '1 Good Overcoats at $3, and ,1, . , . T , Good Suits, heavy, $l, and Shirts and D mm ‘s, 250. each. Cardigan Jackets, 50c, 75c. and $1. All wool heavy Full-cloth Pants, 82 the best. Clouds. I foods. 1"asriu:tt.o1‘s, Wool Caps. Wool Shawls, 20 per cent. less than manufitcturcrs’ prices. All wool home made heavy Shirtings, 25c, usual price 400. Dress Goodsat '5. S and 10c. Persian Lamb Caps, No. l, for $4, usual price $8. Ladies' Fur Coats lrom SH. Men's Fur Coats from $18. Corsets, good. for 25c. N OTE WELL WOOODQM««¢O«o‘- _.‘_'> ALL NEW GOODS, N0 OLD SHOP \\'lllt\'. i".-\l)l‘3ll A .‘(D MOTH lC.-\'l'l~2\' GOODS. FRESH GOODS. BOUGHT ESPECIALLY FOR THIS FALL'S TRADE. lull's $1 Corsets for 80c. Boy's Caps l'or 25c, 82c, &c. j The Palace Dry Goods & Clothing House. , W306‘é* Hugh MacDougafl, j to withdraw the charge upon payment I f tion, a year or two ago, about money collector’s salary, $40; A. Badgcrow, matters, and ono of' the most zealous. charity ("Viv-133316; Jane Harlow. (10.. intelligent and useful of' the soldiers left 5474 ; H. Infâ€"'lCS. ï¬lm. 34.74 ; Mrs. E. the ranks in disgust.~ ' Davis, do., 33 39 ; E. D. Hand, election notices and tax receipts, $G.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Pcrdue, That the council now ad- journ, to meet on the 6th day of April next.â€"Carricd. Resisting the Bailiff. It is a serious matter to resist a bail- iff in the discharge of' his duty, as Mr. Wm. Hughes, of' Sotnerville, can testify from his own experience. On Saturday last Mr. George Manning. bailiffof' the Division Court, seized a span of horses on an execution against Geo. Hughes, who was living in the same house as his father, \‘l’m. Hughes, and both of' them resisted the seizure and prevented the bailifl' from taking the horses away. Their contention was that the animals did not belong to the defendant; but Mr. Manning was not bound to accept tllcil‘ bare assertion to that effect; and as they used violence (though only suf- ficient to prevent him from doing his duty (he took out warrants for their arrest, which were placed in the hands of Constable Nevison, and on Monday he and the bailiff went out to the farm. The younger than had disappeared, but lnSS. 1‘3 hi3 lfll'L‘C “13"1‘35dal0 "mm: {l'l' I his father was brought to the Falls and “‘lllCll he Wild 3273 "- 11"" Scars illâ€"’0- ;mkm before My, Dickson, J, 1),, who died last Sunday evening from an at~ mu] the law, which says L1,“; any per. j tack of inflammation. Mr. Day rcf'nscd 50,, Sum). (,hhsnu'ui“! a bump“ in [he 1 $2M) for her several times this winter. discharge of his duty, or of' rescuing or I Mr. W. flcwic and Mr. W. H. l’owlcs nltmnpting to rescue any property seized } will accompany Mr. Nelson to llauiwlm. by [,im_ Sim†1,0 mm] any sum not 0x. . which they expect to make their home cording $220 and go to .il for any term if. they like the 0311"“?- not exceeding three months The ma- ul>lrutc has no choico and is cmnpcllt-d to both fine and imprison the ofi'cudct" it' the prosecutor it|~l~t; but as dll‘.i Hughes is a respectable man and plead-i ed that he did not. know that he was! acting ilh-galiy. .llr. Manning consented t Powles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mrs. J. Brown has been ill for some time, and is now under the care of' Dr. Clarke. Our wish is that she may soon be restored to her usual health. The McGee Bros. arc busily engaged drawing the materials on the ground for the barn they intend to build this season. Mr. Thos. Gillis has sold one of his horses to Martin 3: Kelly for a. hand- some sum. Mr. J. Willock is doing a sweeping business with his new standard chop. ping machine. Mr. Nathan Day has had a. heavy Fell, rccvc, do., 32.45; H. Doughty, ï¬nd its way into private pockets. Here disbursements for attending diphtheria in Fcnelon Falls there was dissatisfhc- 01180, $2; H. Doughty, on account of - r " " â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".. DENTAL ;\'o'rtct:.-â€".\lr. J. Neelanrls. dentist, of Lindsay; will he at the Mo Arthur House. Fcnelon Falls, on Tues- day. the lflth inst. Drvrstox Cousinâ€"Tho. next session of the 2nd Division Conn for the Coun ty of Victoria will be held in Dickson's -.‘ the cuts, 84 9t), and Mr. Hughes ‘ , ‘ hall, I‘cuulun balls, on Tuesday, April was of course glal to get off so easily. _ Mr. Manning. who was quite rcct'ntly the 23"‘1' appointed bdliiï¬-Ol the Division Court, PHOTO GALLERY. -â€"Thc interior of says that he will not be as lenient in Mr. R. B. Sy‘lt'ostel"s new photographic lutuio Ctisus as he Was in th.- one above ; gallery at the corner of' Colborne and noticed. and thatany person who hence-l Francis- streets is being very neatly torih intort'.-a.s with him while he is ' ï¬nished, and the outside will soon be performing lilt: duties of his ofï¬ce will i painted. Mr. Sylvester says that busi- have to take the consequences. It is ‘ 0053 is satisfactory, and he has. just re- an -a\'_v matter to light a bailiff. cs. l ccivcd a case of handsomely carved and forcing his tenants to dispugg man is S.erng enough to fight. the law. other large pictures. Short addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Drew, Mr. Day, Dr. lraham and Rev. J. Fraser. The musical part of' the programme was rendered by the choir of the Baptist Church at. Fcnelon ll‘alls. Cordial votes of thanks were accorded at the close of the meeting. The sum realized, after paying expenses, was $40. A fearful storm has been raging in the south of' Russia For three days. Vessels in the Black Sea ports are un- able to proceed. A whale, 9-0 feet long, the first seen there in twenty years, lately went a- shore in the Copenhagen Sound, and was killed. Its skeleton is to be for- wardcd to the Copenhagen museum. The following advertisement lately appeared in a Parisian ncwsj'l'lpct‘ :â€"â€"â€" “ A lady having a pet dog whose hair is of a rich mahogany color, desires to engage a footman with whiskers to match." With the death of' Mrs. Crocus, Nap- ancc, a remarkable womm passed away. She was 90 years of age and was the first white girl born in the (,‘I unty of‘ Lennox. Sue was married at H and had long outlivud her husband. A young negro buy, only three years old. is going to England for cxhihtiou. lie is b ind, but possesses a room: kztblc memory. The youngster will answer 3,000 questions contained in a book, and any combination of' fi_'urv.~:or names told him at the beginning of' tlnr cuter- tainment will be repeated at ll1-: finish. At a prayer-meeting held rmvrotlv in a Boston suburb a " brother " arose (ind, after praising God's goodness: in him, conclndtzd:â€"†And linaliy I got. into debt. and my debt inst-ad ol' tl‘ creasing increased, and til-day i own two hun~ drcd dollars. Yet. God has kt-pt me in perl'cct peace of mind." flow about the other fellow 2’ Famine prevails to a. liliâ€"ftl'fl‘dfli; de- gree in the district of \Viulrl‘bul'z, lie-e hernia. Twentylour viliagrs in this di~trict arc almo>t entirely without food and 590 destitute families haw been removed to Prague, where they have been housed and fed. The district coun~ cillors at Wintcrbct': Ht'ultgly ctul-lcmn the Prince of' Schwarzcnburg, the prin. cipal landlord in that locality, for having recently raised his rent-a ten per cent., of every- gilded frames for family groups and thing they could raise on their farms in order to meet his cuctions. K i i l l l l