L.A.‘..-..;...a..u~ ‘ we “ . . .cmm.ua.-i:c.v >31 A team of Parsee cricketers, Bombay. l ? India, will probably visit Canada this l g g year. ‘ g In Montreal 0. Valois. druggist, was g ï¬ned $75 for selling laudanum without l a label on the bottle. l § I Floods prevail in the west of England. I Railway trafï¬c in parts of Austria is stepped by storms. A;- There is a town in Arizona called ' "Aching Tooth.†It ought to "row, be- h , E M *: cause there is nothing to stop ii. D Y It is said that the Marquis 0f Lorne is still selling Furniture away down at the is to be Governor of Ceylon at 840,000 _ , . V. ‘. . a year and board. Princess Louise will ‘ Lowest POSSlblB Ln 111g P1 ices go with him. A Denver robber succeeded last Fri- Good Hardwood Bedsteads at $2_50_ ,. ' c335 W “M; . â€â€W~~O¢Oo ’ ‘ W«MQNQMâ€OOO‘O0.00000“9...â€..Q...†. g N ¢T~3 MRS. R. MCDOUGALL has just returned from Toronto with u line Q To Those When It May Concern. Q I positively will refuse to carry any account. , of any one who does not square up last year s , account. in this month of February. ’ , Men whose common sense ought to teach Q to which the attention of the ladies of Fen- ? , day in fri'vhteninv the president of the . than that the StOl‘CkOGPCI‘ ls outlrely df‘penfl' elon Falls and vicinity is respectfully t f First National Ifanl; of that city intolFa" mall-ables 5250' ing on them for the means to pay llls Olin directed. Also, ' ï¬lling out a cheque for $21,000, having I GOOd Kitchen Cha'rs 450' Q debts, are showing much culpable. indiï¬erence DRESS TRIHMINGS &c_ i; 5' it “Shed and leaving in safety With “1†EXtensmn Tables’ Bedroom sums am ' whether they pay their accounts or not. money a" other goods equally low ’ h 1 1 1nd Beautiful Goods. Low Prices. ' . ' . . . ' v' ~ ' -. M St name 11 i - - Colored Minister (from thepulplt)-â€"â€" Q - omens “1°â€? “ 0 “g “1 .1. 1. Y n 1†ORDERS PROMPTLY and CAREFULLY ' “ As the air of'the church seems-chilly, hoplng 101‘ 3. oontmuance O t 1011 M 01:. ATTENDED T0. i llllrs'. among“, 2 Doors North of the l‘ost-ollloc v. Respectfully, . . JOSEPH HEARD. Fenelon Falls, Feb. 15th, 1889. I would ask the sexton if he will kindly l 1- T close the front doors and windows of the D G building. The collection will now be “taken up. " Scotland has a. gold fever, the discov- ery of a bit of gold in the giczard of a duck recently killed on a farm in For- farshire having been followed by the ï¬nding 01' gold-bearing quartz in the same neighborhood. As affording some idea of the amount of light gold now in circulation in Lon- don, it is stated that recently a ï¬nancier , accepted £1,000, largely made up of . f half-sovereigns, and, on the anount be- promptly and carefully attended to. Work Made Up to Order on the shortest notice. a... DEYMAN. MRS. HEELEY’S IS THE RlGHT PLACE TO GO FOR uneei â€"_A_NIDâ€" Fancy Goods. . ,..~,_ .--llll.,3|lll Prank Lazarus (late of the ï¬rm of Lazarus oh Morris) RCEHVO‘VNICD SPECTACth & EYE-GLASSES. Those Spectaclesâ€"Ed Eye-glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are Tm: Inzs'r 1s Tin-2 woum). They nov- " ing weighed at the bankers, it was found ' 7 to be short by £19. I A Minneapolis young woman, while accompaning her lover to the Court House to get; a marriage licence, detect- cd that he had been drinking. In a kind but determined way, she told her abniirer that she could not marry him, and they separated then and there. Mme. Patti has received a gilt from the wife of President Diaz, of Mexico. It is a Chihuahua dog, whose strident bark is singularly disproportionate to â€"â€"~â€"/.W3vâ€"“ NEVISONE‘rr I 4-5235 has just received the largest stock of Christmas Goods ever ofl‘ered in Fenelon Falls, consisting of Christmas and New Years’ Cards, Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, Dolls of all descriptions and Sizes, 'goys, 23:85, ï¬tncty1 ghmawarp1 - . - Musical Instruments, such as Violins, Accordeons, oncer ‘ as, ou rgans an Lace curialns’ Embl OlTery Tambourines A very large stock of Pictures and Picture Frames A ï¬ne assort- and mammals for Embroldery ment of Gold and Silver Watches, Rings, Brooches and other Jewelry, Pipes, Cigars in Silk and W001, and Tobacco, Wall Papers and Window Blinds ii“. p. _.. etc (11 ‘t ' "tl t'l V. its Size: as the animal “mlipped weighs FllOSBlleg Arrasene. Ribosene, etc. W: WWWoowm. MAW.mm.mwm«M«m§ i 11:1!!!) )Sulldï¬lEiovllILSBlï¬c digitised::doildaiiedd-dod git; ounce less E i opposite iostleicc. Fellolou Falls ’ _. Chicago is now boasilziug Of a baby Also: Congas: Cuffs; I-Iandker' “W "’W'W‘" †“W4 I ’ i , Dealer in Jewulry, Fancy Goods. Wall I’n- , pcr of latest designs. Oil painted Window l Shades a. Specialty. ' Fran/z Lazarus, Manufaciurer. ALL AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Call and inspect; you can hardly fail to ï¬nd something to suit you 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, 8- LONDON, ENG. g (Late Lazarus or lllorris,llartford, Conn.) W No connection with any other ï¬rm in the Dominion of Canada. born within its corporated limits who ' t has six upper and four lower teeth. If more babies would have the presence of mind to start on their mortal career with teeth they would save themselves and their immediate relatives a good deal of worry. A python over twenty feet long crawl- ed upon the deck of the Norwegian ship Birma at Singapore a short time ago, and routed everybody that attacked it until the whole crew combined, and, by attacking it on all sides, succeeded in pinning it to the deck with a. harpoon. The snake weighed over 89 pounds. A python, over twenty feet long, crawled upon the deck of the Norwegian ship Birma at Singapore :1 short time ago and routed everybody that attacked it until the whole crew combined, by chiefs, and Fancy Goods of all descriptions. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, FENELON FALLS. p; ~. '-’- “: E. II AW, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, FENELON FALLS. * The advertiser is prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured, from large contracts to the smallest job. ) 1322?†Sash and doors ot‘ull kinds made on short notice and of good materials. § § Only Think of It! W. McKEOlflH has reduced his already low prices for Furniture from 10 to 15 per cent. "hills ' Fast Coloâ€"red Gingu hams for 10c. MM .w--m.â€"* m - 5‘ k 1 Work-shop on Francis Street East; resi- .- attac 'ing it on all Sl( es, succeeded in F t C 1 d. - ' ' dcnce on Bond Street East. -. . pruning it to the deck with a We... as 0 Ore Wills Call and be Convmced that the Above 1s 3. Fact. EDWARD MW. The snake weighed over 80 pounds. , . c Fcnelon Falls, April 10th, 1888. Li. I, The head ol'a family in St. Louis has . . i 1 a curious hobby, according“, the Gl,,bc_ " Undertaking m all its Branches Attended to at the very ,3 Democrat : “Coming here in 1883, the " t LoweSt Pf'ces' '- .. -., fl folks occupied a house numbered 1,803 ‘ S Factory & Warerooms, FrancIs-st. West, Fenelon Falls. . , - b. D: n . unil the ï¬rst of 186-1, when they moved » ‘ ' i. ' i†i» ii to another street and into a. house the f (t - > “Afr-Ci‘z-‘il.’ - i f number of which conespoudcd with or S. ’ E O . 3‘. that of the year. This move has been I VI: I B_ g kept up, unil now the family has got W The freshest, Goods in settled down in a residence indicated as . & x 1,889 street." the Village at l g A \V'“Slllngt0n Territory Paper per‘ W C b D a D Y 0 U E V E R H E A R Recommended by the President of the Bled- ? m- e“ll-P 9 - z i' i ‘ enâ€; '3"; iii" “ .‘ 'H s: lSlC ii ceiiiue were stored andiï¬llcd himself B00135 311d Slloes ? andsmi’m“ ’ “mum†in U great medical authority in Cunndu. from one of the kegs. The porkcr after- . wards wandered intoja stable which con- tained about 41) horses. The hog got to fooling around the horses’ hind legs when one of them gave Mr. Ho: :1 good kick. 'l‘hc concussion started the busi ni-ss, and not a single vustago was ever found of the hog, of a single horse or of the stable. Two Texan women are the largest in- dividual sheep owners in the world. One of these, the widow Callahan, owns I l GBOCERIES â€"ANDâ€" PROVI SIGNS lllil SPllll lll llll ill, JUDGMENT lllll Plllllll. J all and see them. The story they tell is about I ‘ 1 has now on hand a splendid stock of ï¬ne fresh We have some that speak for themselves in alanguagc so plain that they cannot be misunderstood. Are the only genuine articles that can he always relied on for perfect sight and corn- l'ort. A pnir of B. Lau ’ance’s Spectacles will outlast five common pairs and make up for loss of vision by positive comfort and the consolation that the wearer’s eyes will improve by their use. ‘r VARIETY, QUALITY AND VALUE. They know what they are talking about, and so will you as Real Brazilian Pebbles are kept by all his agents. and if you want 50,000 sheep, and when a long train of solid comfort with your eyes call on ’=-+ "area-wavy w. . .- .r: Wei-'20“ Sums 0‘" each Spring and la†soon as you see them. I will not let them say anything m “"“‘k“" 105M.“ d9“ "“h the “I001 q o o s rn o Tobqacoe Rice Raisins more about themselves just now, but whatever else W - Eo ELLIS, of her sheep, it IS a Sight worth seeing. ‘gurar" “ys 9", QԠ" d ’u the on for get DRUGGHT Th“ 0th" is Mrs" Rogersv the great Lurmms‘ .l'n1101iliiolziphs-alill 'allo r y {a A cut forFenclon F't‘ls and \‘orthictoria ' herd owner ol Southwestern Texas, who grocene†w 1:0 b m “e Boo-r AND l “Inn, 3 H ' ' is worth about a nnlnou dollars. Mrs. 011831) for Casll, H~ ~-~“"â€"â€"“'“_"*Ҡ. Rogers owns no carriage referring to . _ _ _ . ° - ' - ‘ ' ,v v , l l ride on horseback in the1fi)ce and easy and to “hwh he "‘"ltc? the “minim†fOI 3' genuule sulprlse dwruts 3 on When you can at The “ Felleliln Falls Gazelle †! style of the cowboy. 0f the pUbhc' is printed every Saturday at the ofï¬ce, on 3 Talk about bluebirds and robins be- RE, l the corner of May & r rancrn streets. : ing harbingers of spring, the old-l'ash- F b B‘Oom: Pane waihmbs ‘ 3 SUBSCRWTION 81A YEAR lh ADVAIWE, ; ioude frog lays over them all. He is ginkgufgre", is Clé‘thc‘ “i’nq \iawhes’ . , . or one centper week will be addedulong l nlOdL‘St and unassuming. and doesn't “c m" “MC.†- °'p Hamiltons Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. usilremuinsunhnid. ‘ and other articles in great variety. make any pretensions to be a weather prophet. but. gets there just the same. He can't boast any brilliant. plumage. and doesn't fly as. high as his feathered rivals, but when it comes down to good mild horse sense he takes the cake. When he tunes his little pipe and be gins his merry-go round of melody, you c in bet your winter clothes he won't get. left. This lovely child of melody knows a. good thing when he sees it, and never Canned llsh, hull ll Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butler & 15333 i Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. and other form produce. ‘3‘ Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. General Blacksmith, l Blacksmithing in all its different branches ,donc on short notice and at the lowest Particular attention paid to lDavid Chambers,l Goodhand’s Livery, East Francis Street, Fenclon Falls. I wish to draw the attention of the public to the (not that I have purchased the livery busi- ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly, and have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. I am prepared to furnish ï¬rst-class horses and comfortable rigs at. the lowest living Advertising; lintcs. Professional or business cards, 50 coal: per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and ‘1 cents per line for every subsequent. inscr- . tion. Contracts by the year, half year or quarter, tor a column or less, upon reason- able terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, 00¢ rectly and reasonable rates. w l' ’ ' . begins operations till spring has been. on JOSEPH MCFARLAXD' l £35333; Give me a call and I will Prices, 3. D. HAND, . and a couple of week; Fenelon Falls, April 18th, 1888. l guarantee satisfaction. 45â€"1:- GEORGR GOCDEAND PM E