,4 ii- those who followed it. .5. -â€" _ 215 New l’arrxnss of Canada Tweeds. _ A RARE CHANCE TO GET CHEAP GOODS. stiff:.E.i§f:.$§:iifl':§f° *‘ {I Mayor Walters. Councillors and. Citizens : â€"â€"â€"«â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€" ATH..1LDOLGALLS. , Dundas 8e Flavelle Bros, Dealers in Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent-st, FAER WARNING GIVEN â€"â€"-B’1’ TIIEâ€"-â€" GREAT Elli OF LINDSAY. __-â€"â€"â€"â€"H..â€"<â€"“â€"__'â€" Your Time Has Come. Act before it is forever too late. Don’t. run the risk of injuring your credit or bringing shame on the town, or into the home circle, on account of your shabby ap- pearance. Clotliingdon’t make a gentle- man. but it will make a man look like one. Dresses do not make ladies, but appearance , goes a long way. Carpets cannot make a house comfortable, but they help to, and , at the slaughter prices we are selling alll lines of winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Car- pets, Boots, Shoes, etc., you caiipot allord to let this golden opportunity slipw1tli0iit tiikingadvaiitagc of these prices before it is torever too late. The End is at Hand. The son is setting. The end' will soon draw nigh. This GREAT SWEEP-OCT SALE will not last long. The opportunity will fast slip away, and then you will be blaming yourself for not having taken the bargains while they lasted. Make hay while the sun shines ; be oti hand to take advan- tage of the great. reductions we have made in every department. in the house. I‘he prices we give below are not fictitious and given to deceive the public, but are genu- ine reductions, the truth of which may soon be known by a visit to.our establishment. Call in the morning. if' possible, as we are always crowded in the afternoon. OUR SWEEP-OUT PREGES. . . unhitclicd and not out of dancer a few that a‘ the children had not resr ‘tel . " . f " , “ 'l‘wo-llooped Pails for . . . . . . .. . 25c Boys’ Overcoats from.... . . . . . . ..$2 001:1) WIS-11 sorts of foundry and h ’ l d ' l . ‘3 u seconds before the train arrived. .l‘he Corn Brooms for . . . . . .. . . . . . . 25c Heavy All-Wool Grey Flame] “t"" I†' - , , ' . it (“Fault may bu wuscnlifl ’ mid stone was to be loaded on a C'll‘ and 3 (24m ‘lpples i‘oi-...... ....... 25c Beautiful Dress Goods worni 20c for mic machine work executed by this View was taken by the 311de. m “yen to Toronto and L1 ‘ " i l: Cans 'l‘omatoes for . . . .. . . . 25c Heavy lOe. Sliii‘tiug at . . . . . . . skilled mechanics. Opposition to Air. Devlinys contention otuxthe “'qu bccï¬ilc it :35, 3 Cans l’eas for . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 250 Heavy Comforters at . . . . . . to. that they had only‘submitted' and not } i . s . ..' no c not. I. :t Cans Corn for...... . 250 Heavy Blankets at . . . . . . 1 fl P2" consented Um“ the ï¬fth ethane \ms to tie 0t iei side of. the car on account- . 2 (lane Salmon for . . . . . . . . .... . 25c Heavy Factory Cotton . . re 1 ‘d . o f V d I h . of the poles, posts, 350" piled south of. 1'» Dozen Clothes-pins for. .. . . . . . 50 Yard Wide Factory COW)“ - - - - - - -- - ' â€"~« -â€"-â€"- - r ~~ â€"- â€"-â€"]:j;â€"â€"lâ€"l~â€"Aé-â€"~v ii~~ lealld 117 was cute .tllag t l(Sui-prisorilei me Siding. 6 lbs. llicc for . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 250 Extra Fine White Cotton at. . . . . . . .. I 1 Ion a S aze I 6 “you escape unpums ,e ; as t 10 go lbs. llrown Sugar for . . . . . . . . . . . .321 00 'l‘willed Sheeting, '3 yards “'ldei 901‘“ 23° The Fe 18 _ 1."- lbs Granulated Sugar for .. . . 1 00 lledpath‘s Best Golden Syrup 600.11. Gallon It lloxcs Eddy’s Matches for. .. . . .. .. 250 a: 11m Soap for ..... . . . . . . . . ..... $1 on asuit. _ sentenced‘ to three- niontlis iinprison- ins “D i“ the “'“y it Shflhld .20, 39‘} lint-{viiin 'l‘obacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. a lb Pure Linen Towelling at . - . - - ~15c~flyï¬3d . The quuor Trafï¬c, incur, '1he punisumeuc is congldcred that he fondly hopes will, when its Smoking: Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c. a in Beautiful Cretoiines I _' altogethertoo hgm, for the offence of cdueattmins completed, be a little the Heavy Canadian Tweed at a yard Gloves and llosmry at . . . . . . . . . Salt-33:: On Thursday of ]asb week um,th which the wretchedcmature was guilty; best partrwge dog 1,, Fcnelon Fans 0,. MN†"H‘WOOI {TMSZT ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' .0929 F“ Gof’ddim' ' †'T " Eiriu-{d up counties and two cities voted in favour but as, owing to a defect in tliefllaw-â€" the Shl'l'Ou'ldihf-I country. Two or three- gliipliiiictsobnf'l}.oots and‘Shoes r-eâ€" of the repeal of the Scott Act, which which it is to be hoped will at once be days-1120a “3 Ml“ “0010-37 and his Pulm- lioys Suits from . . . . Heavv all-wool Shirts and Drawers for 050 a suit. Union Shirts and Drawers at 45 cents duccd 25 per cent. Remember the Spot for Bargains, F. llEthGh GREAT SWEEP-OUT SALE, ORILLIA AND LINDSAY. Lindsay, Feb. 13, 1889. i . n ‘.. . ' witliii tvo la out the provisions of the Crooks Act from In“ “My dl'TGSt What It says. Riclli i'l‘ldcl'3diim' Ir ' s 'd l ‘ .....». V the moment it comes into force. They will Corsets at 25c, won}, 400' I AT b 121’ ‘ I ..--1":5 “m 4‘: “0 laVb IN E have the protection of the authorities in Corsets at 40c. worth 65c. Iluoii 0.00 ‘ {hfovehcd m we 15m“: l 3‘" mouu' ‘ "~00". ' carrying on their business iii a legitimate Corsets at 75c_ wot-{1,51, MCDOUMLUS_ tains, lllty mllcs north ol hurt Benton, manner but they will have the sympathy: . _ Montana, 7 f V of none it they violate the hm, “’hiCh W l RAIN “ ASTER-Thwnloue ‘3 hopmg Champion Oarsniaii Searle will 5'!“ ‘ hope will be strictly ehforced." E for a 5400‘! warm mm! “mm is greatly from Australia for Foulaiid \Iiiy 1 trial i ' v v‘ ‘ ded to ryive the nrass and f ll 'l - l‘ l C" ‘ " _ c); , , ’10 the doctrine that any on] should 4 “Ge .- . a - _a .w ieat wmmm 0 Connor w,†row H _ 'T 41 L “ 001 Tweedsofz‘t “)c' 8‘ )a’rdh be licensed we are utterâ€. opposed ; bu‘ astart, and from present indications it Thames [his Sumnwr I m on m“ .il‘ey Flttllnels, 1...: . a yard. we are pleased to 103m from so good an 13 not far off. The soft snowâ€"and Four Rum“ Omécrs lmve “would ‘ . ‘ \Vhite Flannels at 100. it yttl‘tl. authority that the liotel.keepers consid-gflhsre “'“S 3 ’01" 0: “To†the 3rd "‘st' ; that they can ride on horseback afrom 'v “H l‘i Good Overcoats at. >34 and :35. ONE the†duty to can? out the PM i ï¬',d"°""’ ,‘00‘ “" mu 1‘ melted: “9d “1†- Sc. I’ctersburg to Paris in forty-live G, .1 S 't, 1 v . ‘4 gr .1 l ".6 VlSlOllS of the Crooks Act from the e S 3‘“ commm†“he beg'm‘mb' ‘0 l days. They will start in ‘11 1 _ . I , J ‘ 0.0K 1†*‘2 ‘93 .l : 901"" ‘1 H '3’ ‘ moment it comes into force. and echo ' lOOkfâ€""e‘?" i but vegciauo" i5 biwkwm'd ’ On Saturday niuht andhhhda a fu- ll G. Silll‘ts and Drawers, -00.. each. the hope that they a; will do iE‘Vcll"':cousld01'lug how warm the month of 1 rim“ 5,10“, Wm†Quad in lyirfli i} a d Cardigan Jackets, 500., 750. and But past experience shows that thel hIarCh “71?. and the 108 Will be a long; Non], Carolina, T-he wire, ,3: am?“ All wool llC‘lVV Full-cloth Pants. $2 the best. hotel-keepchâ€"Who 00311.20 1" the hub"- : “me 10“â€"3' “‘0 “keg .“ulcss 1‘ ‘5 ' and railway trufllc is delayed. ‘ s . . r ‘ < has: for nione' and not for loveâ€"will ‘ “'35th 0E†by 3- heav" mm- ‘ - ' ' ' ' ' ('lollds Hoods l‘iLchllatOl‘S. W 00l Caps. " ‘ 3’ ‘ . _ = l J l'urmcrs in the vicinity of Winona, i iâ€; . "0' V ~ ‘11“ t1 ‘ f' Ctlll‘Civs’ ‘- 1 do whatcyer they think will pay the; 328’ Cousinsâ€"The latest thing in Cor- Minn. have :lliiiost completed the seed- . “r001 bhuwls, -0 per cent. his . lttll until-ll .l . 1.. ‘pl ice>. best, and if they eonsrilcr that they can : setsâ€"the \lutcli Spring Colrlset: ' ' ing of mm†grain. prcwmuons are All wool home made heavy bliirtings, ._-)L., usua piice 400. make more .by \I'lglatlllj an; A? and: PREPARN T B AT ~3“ILD°LG‘;L3- being made to plant an Unusually large p ‘ x , 5 , mg . ’ o eyiuiri . .‘i 0 UlLl).-â€". essrs.. 05 How '1 - . Dress Goods at 5. 8 and 10e. Pt.“an OWN?!†0.“ .l'm ) s _ . 3mg, oi mm. . ' ~ \ -. - 7 they mil violate it Without remorse.’ and D In. “(:Arthur are busy makin" .1 F \ . , . 1 , . . unm’l ,mce' Q. it, . w y _ i _ n . Ul‘t .lonroe Va. «lee atch sa's 1101,8111“) %::1m80(:2):;31?'Qiljm a4, \ i I sk In times past they would sell on bun-spreparatious for the two new brick that farmers mp0,; budâ€. 101:0,- “ng . in ms . ' t . -. . , Men’s Fur Coats from $18. Corsets, good, for 25c. . Ball's 31‘ Corsets for SOC. Boy's Caps for 256., &C., &C. <\:““.“_i:°‘.FORT*â€"““"’~> monooooonooooouco ~ r-- v‘ â€" 0 ALL NEW GOODS. NO OLD SHOP WORN. FADl-Il) AND llt'l'l‘ll EA'l‘l-IN' 9 Q o o I | Goons. l-‘llESll Goons. nomiir ESPEt‘lALLY roa riiis FALLS «1 TRADE. .1 The Palace Dry Goods 89 Clothing House. Great Clearing SALE For 60 Days. llllllllllli IN THE Dill Gilli-ill lllE AT OR BELOW COST. 6AM? Ell. a emote. ROBSON’S FOUN DRY, FENELON FALLS, â€"IS INâ€"- dilSlv AGAIN, AFTER MAKING EXTENSIVE IMWMENTS. 0 Friday, April 12th, 1889. shows conclusively that a majority of‘ the people in those constituencies eitlier' thought it was a failure or had other reasons for wishing to see it abolished. It would at present be only a waste of‘ time to discuss the causes of its defeat, i but the chief one was, beyond any * doubt, the laxity of the oflicials ap-, pointed to enforce it, a great many of whom were its secret: enemies. Nat-i urally, the upholders of the liquor traf- ï¬c are jubilant, and their organs are, promising that the Crooks Act, which will soon be in force again, will do won- ders iii the way of restricting the sale' of intoxicants. The Port Hope Times, , talking in the same strain as many Z other anti-Scott; Act papers, winds up; an article as follows : ' “ The electors have concluded that if sel- ling liquor is an evil, it shall be done by_ license, so as to bring it under the control ‘ of the authorities. and in this beyond douth they have acted wisely. But the hotel-keep»; ers have their part to doâ€"and we hope! they will do it wellâ€"that is, strictly carryi days and during unlawful hours through-E out the week ; they would sell to minorsl and to persons verging on drunkenness ; j and they would sell to conï¬rmed drunk- urds whose friends had forbidden them to do so. Their moral obligation to obey the law is no stroagcr now than it, was then ; but. let them say what they" will, the Scott Act was a terror to them. i A Light Sentence. On Monday last Rev. JG. Dean, late of Fenelou Falls, was tried before the county judge at Lindsay, on live charges of having indeceutly assaulted boys ranging in age from about ten to fourteen years. County Attorney Dev- lin conducted the prosecution, and the prisonor was defended by Mr. Hopkins, whose duty must have been anything but a pleasant one. Although the trial was not conducted with closed doors, there was a slim attendance, as but few have any taste for the sort of evidence that it was understood would be given. The ï¬rst four charges failed, on the ground raised by the prisoner’s counsel last boy, who was older than any of the others, had made a protracted resist- ance, the prisoner was found guilty and amendedmhe was acquitted of the ï¬rst four charges, he stood, legally speaking. in exactly the same position as he would have done if the last charge had been the only one brought against him. His imprisonment will, however, be but the least part of his punishment, as his occupation is gone and his life ruined, for his misdeeds will follow him, and the-ï¬nger of scorn will be pointed at him wherever he may go. Drummerâ€"Mr. J. Neelaiids, den- tist, Lindsay, will be at the McArthur House, Fenelou Falls, on Tuesday next, the 16th inst. 8%“ LADIES, see McDougall’s Imported German Coats, something new. THE P. D. G. & C. H.â€"â€")Ir. Hugh McDougall, of the Palace Dry Goods 8:. Clothing House. has handed us a big advertisement too late for this issue. It will appear next week, and it will be to your interest to read, mark, learn and dwellings which they intend to erect this summer on opposite sides of Col- boriie street. north of Francis street. Mr. Joseph .lchrthur's cellar is dug, and the Stone foundation of the house will probably be commenced before the end of this week. Mr. Win. McArthur is drawing big loads of material with a mammoth horse harnessed to an ordi. and, although it has been defeated, the: nary double waggon to which shafu fear that a still more stringent andfbave been attached; more workable Act ,may be coocdvedl and placed on the statute book may‘soon as it is vacated by the tenant, cause them to conform more strictly to whose time will be u p in a few days. the provisionsof theirlicenm than they The buildings will be very ï¬ne ones, have hibeno- done. Let us hope so. and quite ornamental to the main street. and the smar house on his lot will be pulled down as . ILLEGAL Fisui3o.â€"-.\lcssrs. Smith and Madill, the members for Ontario- county, have called the attention of the Fisheries Department to the wholesale destruction of maskiuouge in Lake Scugog, with the view of having it stopped. The fish were captured by means of wire snares, an illegal method of taking them, and were caught so openly and in such quantities thatit was high time for someone to interfere and put an end to the sport, a moderate indulgence in which did not satisfy A Loxo Jriirnn Binsâ€"Last Tues~ day Messrs. George Whissile and 'l‘lios. Cook arrived at the Falls from the lumber camp in Sherboriie. having rid~ don the whole distance, not much less than seventy miles, in a jumper. Dul- ring their long;r journey they crossed several lakes, on which the ice is still quite solid, but on the roads there was no snow ; which. however, did not delay them much, as the jumper was a light one and drawn by four horses. The long drive was much more pleasant and comfortable than it would have been- in a lumber waggou, even with a spring seat. A SLIGHT Cor.i.is10.\'.â€"Last Monday morning, while one of Mr. Jackets~ waggons, laden with stone, was stand- ing on the track between the main line and the siding, directly opposite the railway station, a special train was heard approaching from the south. A flag was sent to warn the driver to stop- or slacken speed, but it was either not seen or disregarded, and the result was that the step of the engine struck, and was knocked off by, one of the wheels of the waggon, the tire and- rim of" which were somewhat indented by the force of the blow. The horses had been Lannin’s 1‘]SCAPE.â€"-i~ll‘.‘VflL Hce». ley,.of this village, has a young cocker‘ spaniel, named Laddio, that he is bring:- werc walking along the track near the village, a train and Laddic, from some cause or {mobile er,.failcd to get out of its way. When. his owner saw him disappear under the cow-catcher, whiclrrolled him over two ortthree times, be naturally thought he was converted into sausage meat, but, as the train went by, he was delighted to see the puppy crouching down and turning his head from side to side, as if watching for a chance to get out. Fortunately he lay still, and,.wlien all the cars had passed over him, bejumped: up uiihurt and ran to his master. Malignant hog cholera has. broken. out at West Liberty, Va. Clievreul, the famous French-chemist, is dead at the age of 103. Immigrant arrivals at Winning last; week, l,~l03; last month. (Lilli). Eight Sets of twins and tive of triplets have been born in Pike county, Georgia, from drowning during the late sale, and that between there and York River lishâ€" erincn have lost nets valued at $20,000. liIlE'l‘IIS. ‘MCNAlLâ€"ln the township of Fenclou, on it cdnea‘dn), April 3rd, the wife of Mr. James McNeil of a daughter. ‘ Vaticanâ€"Jo Penelon Falls, on Sunday, April 7th, the wife of Mr. Natl). Villiers of a daughter. AUsTl§.â€"â€"ln Penelon Falls, on Hands. y, the Bit: inst, the Wer at Mr. John Au Min of a con. Pawnsâ€"In the township: of Penelon , on Wednesday, April 10th, _thc Vltb of Junta Powles of a. sun. came tearing along, u. ...- ,wwflâ€"a