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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 May 1889, p. 5

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â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~¢ Carpets and Oil-Cloths, N o. 9 Keenan’ 3. Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. -, shem. Such crops of wheat, such weight, tof grass per ucre, as was there obtained , doubled or often trebled Canadian pro- ducts. Comparing Canadian with English {arming pructiee, no one could doubt that the shelter given had much to do with the } fertility of the land. it was a painful con-l trust to manyoi our Canadian farms, where t it looks as if the owner had cut every tree I l l 1 l l i from the surface, to produce a. square ex- panse of bure earth, as hire, as hard and as unsightly as an Illinois stock yard. um.- difft-rent this to what a. form should be, with its reserve of forest well kept, free from the intrusion of cattle and in good forest condition, its bed deep with lenves, its young trees rising emulous to the height of the old. ready to replace them when they are cut down for use, its massive wealth ofil foliage. its pleasant walks, cool' and nm-I brageons in the hottest day ; its living i springs preserved by trees, its line-of. wind- breaks opposed to the cutting blasts. Such a turn]. so kept, is a place or" beuuty, nvpluce to live and die in. The other, shaved lint to the surtuce, is a. place to toil, to make money, if farming pays, perhaps ; but it is never a. pleasure to those who inhabit it, if they possess any of the liner sentiments of our nature. It is not. always even the best place to make money by furming,.fur he who bus the trees will have the gross crops, he who has the grass crops will have the manure, and he who has the manure will have the wheat. The new forestry report is now being disâ€" tributed. and nny one desirng it, by~send~ iug his uddress to me will receive it by mnil‘. It is n pamphlet distributed free yearly by the Ontario Government; there is no price- for the book and no charge for postage. Ila will be found to contain much informaliont interesting to all who interest themselves in the forest. Yours, &c., 11. W. PHIPPS, 233 Richmond Street, Toronto. April 15th, 1881). To the Editor oft/n1 [-i-nelun Falls Gazelle. Sui,â€" Cnn it be possible that, after a. three yeurs’ acquaintance with the people of Fenelon Falls. the llev. .\lr. McAmnmnd has so low on opinion of their intelligence as to suppose that his explanation of‘the .1. it. Clarke lecture-will be accepted as a. satisfactory answcrto my innocent and uny- ussuming little cpi'stle? When. and where wus the announcement made that the holds ers of double tickets would be» refunded' the nmounts paid for the second lecture ’2‘ Mr. McA. was careful. not to say where. Did it appear in the columns of the Gazette, or in the obscure sheet which flourished in our midst for a brief period? sometimes styled “ .\lr. McAmmond’s mouth-piece.” through which the choir of‘ the Methodist church, the size of the audience, the superi- ority of thc Pnstor,&c., were so extensively ncvertised in language which seemed very much us if it was the production of the rev- erend gentleman's own pen. lie was wruthy because I said, “ if we recollect alright the tickets were l5 nnd 25 cents re- spectively," when, as he says, they were 20 and 25 cents. lie is probably correct there, and has me to the extent of 5 cents. I have- yct to meet the first person who ever heard of the refund announcement before, but will not for a moment insinuate that it might not have. been known to the mem- bers of his own flock. We have heard a rumor that he mudc it. rather expensive present to his Sabbath School teachers lust Christmas, a candy hean to each ; and, as- suming thnt the rumor was not fulsc, I shull not call at the parsonage uud ask him to refund, and will take this opportu- nity of inviting the other holders of‘JS-cent tickets who do not belong to his congrega- tion to do likt‘WlSll. and donate our mite to assist him in replenishing his exchcquer, on which such an extensive inrond must. have. been tnude on that occasion. lie accuses “IV of II. deliberate falsehood. Surely, surc- ly, this he must have Incth for njoke. He accuse any person of tibbing when their stutcments have even the semblance of truth! lie is particularly sensitive over my remarks about the street parade before the Larry Doodle part of the performance begun. and would no doubt like me to take back water; but I shun't do it. 1f the show was not quite up to his expectations, it was through no fault of his; he lmd provided the performers, nud if a. few school boys were nll that. could be prevailed upon to full into the procession. it was simply be- cause the common herd had" not been suf- licicntly educated to put it proper estimate on the good. the true and the beautiful. llut perhaps he is still unuwnre~of the fac'. thth the lust moments of an aged one, whose soul anscd to its God'thut night, were disturbed by the din mode by those instruments which were assisting the reu- dering of comic songs to misc money for the Lord in n Christiuu church. hie dill‘crs also rather widely from me as to the hour when Mr. Clarke was driven to Lindsay. .‘ly reply to thut is, that I had it from one who ought to have known the truth that he had been driven to Lindsay in tinie to catch the morning train: and. since the issuing ofiast week's manifesto. I huve met several who told me they had nlwuys understood he left in the early morning. it is simply buncombe for him to say Mr. C's illness hns prevented his rc- turu, us it is not many weeks since 1 saw :1 notice in n newspwpt-r lllnl he hud lectured in Peterborough the previous evening. I have again to repeat the questionâ€"Who is to bionic '3 Your: again. Ql’ElIlST. Fenelon l-‘ulls. llny 1st. 1899. FEXELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported 53/ the North Star Ru?!" Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friduleay 4th, 1889. Wheel, full. per bushel â€" ~50 :37 l 02 Wheat, spring, ‘- - -. - 0 95 l 00 Wheat. Scorch or Fife. - - 0 97 l ‘10 Barley, per bushel - - - 44 48 Outs, " “ - - - - 33 35 Pause, “ “ s. - - - 60 68 Potatoes, “ 25 30 Butter, per lb., - - - - â€" IS 1'.) Hogs. per row, s - - - 5 75 6 60 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - lo Banger tau, - ~ - ~ SB 00» SIS 00 f Robert G‘. Hector. of the City of Toronto, I for the benefit of his creditors. New Advertisements. in: our in} ruins AND mum -=:_:0F LINDSAY.â€".~â€"â€": NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of Albert Henry Wills. of the Village of Fenelon Falls, in the County of Victoria. Notice is hereby given that Albert Henry Wills, of the Village of Fenelon Falls, in the County of Victoria, carrying on business itsâ€"General Merchant, at the said Village of Fenelon F‘ulls, has made an assignment under 48 Vic, (Ont.) Chap. 26, and amend- ing Acts. of all his estate and effects, to When Buying Your Spring Suit Buy it Right, That menus buy good Goods and have the suit made where it will be made to fit you, trimmed with good durable trimmings. cut in the latest English or American style according to your own fancy, finished with exquisite taste and mode by skilled mechanics. Clothing made to order after this manner will cer- tainly give satisfaction, and when it is accompanied by the irre- sistible low prices now prevailing at the City Store, coupled with their very large assortment of Cloths, Tweeds. Suitings, Spring Overcoutings, etc., is it to be wondered at thut thcyxare not only maintaining, but rapidly increasing their famous and. unequalled. reputation for.Gentlemen’s Clothing. It therefore behooves or» cry man, whether he be young or old. when in want. of clothing to consider these tremendous advantages, which should prove irresistible. I-IAT FASIIIONS. All the new. styles in Gentlemen's Hats for the springsenson .are now opened up. The “ Dcry,” or “ Christy. Stiff," as it is usually called; is shown in a variety of shades. Half Stifi‘ and. Soft Hatsin the Fedora. Shapes are as popular us ever. Silk Huts are considerably changed, the brim being smaller and not so much bellied on the crown as lust yenr. Tu'ecd Deerstalkers and the Oxford Cup with one peak will be very fashionable for Spring wear. Irresistible novelties in Gents’ Furnishings, Col» lurs, Cull‘s, etc; Blazing with Novelties In New Goods for thc'Spring Trade, comprising the handsom- est and most carefully selected stock we have ever shown. We intend to offer you such irresistible inducements to trade with us this Spring, the refusal of which will be conclusive evidence that your economical thinking apparatus has gone astray, as our new Stock is positively unrivalled for Novelties, for Beauty, for Rarity, ,for Quality, for Comprehensiveness, for Bed Rock Value. 0m- bargains are so absolutely unparalleled that the eyes of compe- tition are already sticking out like onions. We are showing twenty-seven shades of New Dress Goods in twenty-two different qualities, ranging in‘price from 10 cents to the finest dress fabric, with trimmings to match in nearly every. instance. In Black and Colored Silks ounstock must be seen to, be appreciated, as our novelties in this line are so rich and rare- and the prices so very reasonable that it is impossible for us to describe on paper the wonderful astonishment depicted on the countenance of every person who examines this line and com- pares the prices with thoseusked elsewhere. Our prices for White and Grey Cottons are fully l0 per cent. lower than mill prices-to-dny. Come and see us, examine our goods and prices, and you will rendin admit that our inducements are so thor- ougly-irresistible that you must accept when you want to buy. SOOTHERAN, GATHRO .3: MARK, Managers City Store, No. 2 Dobson’s Block,.Kent-st‘., Lindsay. A meeting of his creditors will be held at the otlice of H. T. Brock, Manning Arcade, on Friday, the 10th day of May instant, at the hour of three o’clock in the afternoon, to receive a. statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors, and for ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with the said trustee, with the proofs and particulars thereof required by the said Acts, on or before the day of such meeting. Aind notice is further given that after the lst day or June next, the said trustee will . proceed to distribute the assets of the suid Debtor among the parties entitled thereto, hauing regard only to the claims of which notice shall then.have been given, and that he will not be liuble for; the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. ROBERT G. HECTOR, Trustee. O6wooflom moo”. 60¢. 60” oooooooomo oooomoouooooo 990 09 0 000 900 9009 66 Buy Street, Toronto, lat May, 1889. NewButcher Shop. DEALER IN ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ Th (1 ' 1 b 3. o; 3- - oun crsugnet g t ‘ f u, 3-, g f i. g . dents of Fenelon Falls in: ltilictiiirinty 3' Ԥ______..._.____: § - Is now carrying on the butchering business. 1. .t 2‘ ' : z t o “ ¢¢¢¢E¢¢§¢o~¢o+v§o¢¢¢o¢9o4coooooeoocoooooooo4¢oo:ooq.. 9 . . O , ‘ ‘Oewomwoomootooâ€"oooowoocoeoco. Ww.‘ i. j i. .‘ ’ ~ and is prepared to supply the public with . , I 3 i :A.LL KINDS OF MEAT Nfllfl the Fibrinâ€"g Prices : Oysters, 35c.n. quart. Haddies 100. per; ‘ pound. Fresh Herrith 25c. a dozen. Oranges We. a don: Lemons 259. u (102;: 3.pounds of Logor Dates for 250. Choice Apples 150. u peck. NUTS- Grnnoble Walnuts 20c. a pound. Soft~ shelled Almonds 200. a. pound. Brazil Nuts 20c. 21 pound. Filberts 15c. a pound. Pen-- nuts 20c. 11 pound. MIXED CANDIES 15c. A POUND. THE CHOICEST TOBACCOES & CIGARS. SMOKE‘MUNGO,’ the best he. cigar in the market. Canned Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, all the best brands. PURE APPLE CIDER, 4-00. per Gal. Oysters Served at A Hours, cooked or raw, by the plate or glass. brink St. Leon Water 1 SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"OY THEâ€" County of Victoria. at the lowest living prices. [16" Patronage- respcctftilly solicited. DANIEL DUGGAN.. Fenciou Falls, April 4th, 1889.-â€"8tf. To Wear out a. lot of New Tweeds at Mill Prices. .=__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" MPBELL la GAMBL THE CHEAP CASH STORE. [w ‘1' ‘ ¢60+¢¢0606§~9o9¢ 90o¢o40009099~99 oboooooooooooooo O§Q#”00“OOQOOO I O‘QO“.””QQOOQ Il' oooooovoocqoovoo W ‘ Puritan Calf ’ cork-soled Boots â€"Waterproof',' sensible; ‘ Wulkenphnst’ and ‘ Common Sense ’ Boots; ‘ Citrdigzm’ Over- shoes, something new nndésomething good: German Felt Slip- pers from 250. per. pair up ; see "em. ‘ Boss ’ and "Climax ’ seamless laced Bootsâ€"nothing toiripâ€"nnd. THE “GREAT MEDICALDISGOVEBY” BOOT, curing Corns, Bunions, Tender and Dump Feet. We show samples of the leather' of which a numberof our fine lines are manufactured. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THE ABOI’EiXEW STYLES TIIEY’RE.(‘OIIKERS Our stock of Staples is, us nsunl,’ unsurpassed. We give with every pair of our celebrated Girls’ School Boots, 3 Beautll‘ul School-bag GROCERIES ANDwPRUVISIONS Choice and‘Fresh. Eight pounds good Japan Ten fori$l.00. Two good Brooms for 25c. A goodScrubbing Brush for 5c. J'. J'. BRANDON. l 'J'unkin’s Syrup of Pinell‘ar and. Wild. Cherry can not he beat for colds- IN , . Boots and. Shoes AT MW”OW owoooohooooom con ooooooooom wmoooo mo «OWW ) GREENE & ELLIS’St LUMBER YARDS, FENELUN illfilNl] “Will; We have for sale here and at Lindsay all. kinds of lluilding Lumber, Joist, Scuntling i’lunk, Timber, Luth, l’ickets, Shinglcs,. Fence Posts and ull kinds of l’luncd nnd Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and; Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new stock, out lust season, \vell roofed, dry and bright, manufactured expressly for the local tmde of Fenelon Fulls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, and being builders ourselves. we have it. good idea of what is required for first clnss or common building mutt-riuls for houses,. A special sitting of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hull, Fenelon Falls, On ‘Vcdnesday, Ditty 8th, commencing at ll) o’clock- in the forenoon, to dispose of business left over on Tuesday Inst. The next regular sitting will be on Tuesday. June 25th. E.’ D. HAND, Clerk. Fenelon Falls, April 25th, 1889. THE GREAT LiEE-GIYIEG St. LEON. W.W.Btor1' has received a fresh ship- ment of this rare mineral water directfrom the wells. Its name and fume as n. curative and rejuvenating agent nre beyond all cul- culntion. Read the following from tho-Toâ€" ronto Globe of him-ch 16th : “ From Nature’s breast Truth priceless CROCKERY & GLASSWARE E was” AT oosr. 5 “o rings, . . burns and outbuildings. F5231;p:ti):g;”fl‘llll, flowers- and heading J N We hnvc assorted and piled by themselves SPLINT BLINDS. The undersigned is new manufacturing the , both qualities to Suit purchasers. Prices from SI: 50 to $3 per M feet and upwards. We huve about two million feet thnt must be sold to make room for new stock. l’nr- ties requiring nny of the above stock will save money by culling before purchasing elsewhere, or by sending lilcil‘ bills here or to Lindsay for quotations. llills estimated and returned for approval. (.‘un ship by car louds to all points. Cun get special rules on to April next. Send 01:. your orders. “ One Dollar Saved is 'l'wo Dollars Earned." TAKE NOTICErâ€"Thc above is all gang lum- ber, parallel widths. GREENE 3: EI.I1IS,.P¢H£IOR Fella, Sffll'l; PARSONS, Agent at Lindsay. That truth lives. grows, convinces all of nature's priceless vnlue. 'l‘hnt truth thnt led eminent practitioners to exclnim ‘- Imâ€" possible tooverrntc the vnluo of St. licon )lineml Water." "that rare clement detieieutin our fartin- lnnd clime..the soul of life. that impulse is derived through the use of S. Leon. 'I‘hut impulse thut electrilies the vital forces. giving tone and vigor. to the organ- ism. till. like nature‘s hard. we would sing nloud with joy. and feel as flowing through us “ The golden hours on angel wings." This pure, rare, ripe, rich fuel tones up the pnrnlvsed organs, charges the blood with ripe molecular life-food to brain. nerve, bone. muscle and flesh. lts nmalgnmnting and gasrous principles seek egress through . channels and pores laden with poisoned l waste. , Young and old, stiff, sore,.sickly, or even I healthy, after fairly testing St. Leon attain l heights of vigor nnd joy putimngining. All who value life-long, lutingstnngth and happiness drink St. Leon. “ For love 1nd mercy here-we sea TJtz handand wisdom, Deity." begs to inform the public that he is pre- pared to execute orders for SLEIGHS‘QGU'IZTERS, and wheeled vehicles of all kinds. iFactory over James Knox’s blacksmith i shop, Francis-st. East, Fenelon Falls. Samples at J. lleard’s Hardware Store. , fl“ Agents wanted. ' W. H..CI’IURCH. Fenelon Falls, Feb. 15th, lS89.â€"l-tf. above-Blinds at 6 Cents per Square Foot, All Ready Fitted. i The most substantial Blinds mude. 'seful and Ornamental. Give good satisfaction wherever tried. PRICESTO SUIT THE TIMES. W Repairs executed with nestncss and dispatch. 48-16132 SUBSCRIBE FOR ‘SGAZE TTEZ.” ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. 3 an: mlm- Exzcnrsn II “run an: arm: no A! THE LOWEST runs.

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