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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 May 1889, p. 1

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zdr - ' RARRISTHRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Jon.“ A. BARRON. :: tre et, Lindsay. ‘ Feat-Ion Falls, opposite the Guam oflice. is dirt/rel I VOL. XVII. No. lli. SEEDS; H. Thigh STILL CONTINUE TO TAKE THE LEAD IN FENELON IFALLS FOR CHEAP GOODS. (fl;0\'l‘ll{ -_ 'l‘I .‘I()'l‘l I\’ i .l"L-\X (§.~Xl{l)l€.\i ALL IN Fresh 2i _â€".___.__.__.â€". HORSE and CATTLE FOOD a large stock just in. OILCAKE != a carload or less in a few days at THE OLD RELIABLE Drug and Book Store. W. E. E L LlIS. Fcuelon Falls, February, 1889. ..-. . . . A . .-._, I’z‘ot‘ossional Cards. LEGAL &c. A. r. DEVIJN, ' )ARIIISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. â€" MARTIN Sc HOPKINS, PARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, the Mo- ) neon Loan at. 6 per cent. Ollice, ~rientstreet, Lindsay, Out. I’. S. MARTIN. G. H. HOPKINS. F, D. MOORE, ) ARRlSTER, ATTORNEY, 32 SOLICTTR ,) and Notary Public. Money to Loan. 0 dice, Kent street, Lindsay. HU DSPETII & JACKSON, )ARRIS'I‘ERS, sonnuroas, cc. 0:“- ) tit-e. William street, Lindsay. A. lluosrsrn. A. JACKSON O'LEARY & O'L IARY, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Doheuy Block, Kcntstreet, Lindsay. Anrnuu 0’ [.mav. HUGH O'LEAuv. Otlicc, . .. _________________â€"_. _..â€",____... )ICINTYRE A: STEWART, ARIlIS'l‘EIlS, Solicitors. Notaries. .bc. Offices over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Mclsrrns. T. Srrwaa'r. Barron. Campbell & McLaughlin. B.\RRIS’1‘ERS,E e. Ollicc: Baker‘s Block Kent Street, Lindsay, opposite Veitch’s ‘Ilotel. Money to loan at. lowest rates of interest. W Ont‘ of the firm will be at their of- :fice in Jordan's Block, Fenelon Falls, regu- ;-arly every Tuesday. Joax Curran“. R. J. .‘lCLAL'GllLlN. MEDICAL. W. J. DEGRASST. )l. D., Ctfll-lNEIl, Physician,Snrgeon.&c., kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington Illlh‘. WILSON .k WILSON, l)llY>‘lClA.\'S. Sl'llGl-IONS .‘z ACCOC- chers. Otlice. Colborne Street, Penelon Falls. l2. 5. Watson, at. n.. M. n.. 0.31.. we. r. .t 8., Ont Dr. A. Wnsos, a. n., u. C. e. a 3., Ont. Da. II. II. GRAHAM, ll'lADl'A'l‘l". ot' the University ol Trinity I College. Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons ol England. Member of the Col- lege of Physicians 3: Surgeons of Ontario. illliee and residence on Francis-St. West 7' 'Dnrstsi‘lsf ’ i w. H. oncss, DICNTIST. LINDSA‘Y. will be at the 4‘ MeArthur House." Fenclon Falls. the second Wednesday ot‘eaeh month. beautiful and durable artificial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. Nearly ‘3? years' experience. lG-ly. SURVBYORS. ,_.. ;Wt?::_;._.._.l L; -.;;. I ___.__..â€"â€"â€"â€" JA M RR DICKSON. }) LSurveyor. t‘om ni‘ssioner in the Q. R, , t‘onvryancer. kc. Residencean Ml- dress.l‘cnelon Falls. We have now just received and placed in stock a. large purchase of Dry Goods, which have been bought at 400. and 600. ON THE WHOLESALE DOLLAR. By this great bargain we can give our customers goods cheaper than they can be bought wholesale. get some of the bargains in Dress Goods, Laced Gloves, Ho- siery, Para-sols, Prints and Ginghams. Hi? Some of the greatest bargains ever offered in Fene- 1011 Falls in Prints and Ginghams. worth 10, 12 and 150. and 150. Canned Goods. 2 Cans Salmon, 250. 25c. 5 dozen Clothes-pins 5c. Brooms 25c. 16 lbs. first quality Prunes $1. Seeds cheaper than any other place in town. REMEMBER where all those cheap goods are : H. WRIGHT 86 CD’S, THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN VICTORIA. ‘7.‘.-'[,""/_'.Z"Z" ’ . f? ,4 XV" 152 Z T ti”. BEFORE. tar-nus IS THE: PEOPLE’S wanna-r Beautiful Cretonnes, heavy, at 10, 12, Do not leave the town before you see them. HATS and CAPS. We have a large assortment in all the latest English, American and Canadian styles, which have been bought at 50 cents on the dollar. In BOOTS and SHOES we are showing some very beauti- ful lines in goats, ladies’ and misses’. Call and see our ladics’ buttoned and laced boots for $1.25. Our GROCERIES department is complete in every line of Take notice of a few of our prices : 3 Cans Corn, Beans, Peas or Tomatoes 15 lbs. of first-class Raisins or Cur ‘ants for $1. twentiausamatsun-ma L, have just arrived. Call and see them. 9 v fiwwmmmowwooo “9W”. mmow WQWOI . up, HATS, Born snow AND FELT, ‘1 TN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. E CIJARIE 8c SON. Call early and Ginghams for 6, 7 and 80., 4 Boxes Matches 250. 3 good Turnip, Mangle and Carrot SPRING a [lid English Bondilinn Powder, used by such well known horsemen as Joseph Staples. Mauve-rs; Geo. Werry Fcnelon ; Albert Ware, Fenelon t Wm Hancock, Mariposzt; Geo. Skuce, Ops etc..etc. TESTED AND TRIED. Rain or shine, it won't hurt any animal. 250. BACK, OB. FIVE FOR 81. t "\V. 13. EIJLIQ, .‘XGI'I. '1‘, FICNI‘JL()N FALLS: 5 Notice is hereby given that tho Corporat ion of th 0 COUNTY 0f VICTORIA. Municipal Council of the County of Victoria will meet IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER. IN THE COURT HOUSE, LINDSAY, Tuesday, 11th Day of June, 1889. at 2 o’clock p. m., for the transaction of general business. T. MATCHETT, V County Clerk. County Clerk’s Ofliec. Lindsay, 28th May, 1839. 16-2w. House and Lot For Sale. â€". The undersigned otl'ers for sale his resi- dence on Louisa street, in the village of Fenelon Falls. It is beautifully located, with a good garden and stable on the prom- ises. The house has seven large rooms, two closets. a. large pantry and a good cellar. For terms apply to J. J. NEVISON. Fenelon Falls, 30th May, 1889.â€"â€"lG-3w. ‘i‘o‘m To DEBTORS. All parties indebted to the undersigned by book account are hereby notified that they MUST PAY UP BY THE 15th OF JUNE, after which date no credit will be given. WM. MCWA’I‘TERS, BAKER. Feuclon Falls, May 29th, 1889.-â€"16-3w. A Child’s Fearlessness. Little May Clancy, the two or three year-old daughter of Mr. Wm. Clancy, of the City Hotel, in her innocence and childish fearlessncss, put herself in a most perilous position and causod her father a most fearful suspense on Fri- day. She was playing around the house and wont to one of the front win- dows facing on George-st, which was open, and fearlessly stepped out on the twelve or fourteen inch ledge which runs along the front of the building about fifteen or twenty feet from the sidewalk and started to walk along, little dreaming of how near she was to death, for had she fallen to the side- walk below the chances are she would have been instantly killed. Her father, who was standing below with a number of gentlemen, saw to his horror the child standing looking down with a smile on her face, and calling to her to stand where she was, be rushed upstairs. The men working on the market excavation and those who were passing stood in suspense, expecting every moment to see the child come tumbling down. Just. as her father reached the open window the child slipped and fell, but happily she did not roll off the ledge, and was snatch-ed by her parent’s arms and taken inside be £afety.â€"â€"1’clerboro’ Review. o-.â€"â€"_â€"___. Instant Death. “.I-Iâ€" - A fatal accident occurred at the Lit- tle Bob mill onlMonday. Rob’t Harlow, aged about 15, years was engaged to at- tend to the sawdust or refuse carriers that. run in the basement of the mill. Between three and four in the afternoon he was seen playing with another lad who was engaged on a soincwhet similar job, and on being noticed he went to his post. Exactly how the accident occur- red is not known as no one was present, but a short time after he was last. seen Mr. Thos. Gage happening by was star- tled to find the boy lying dead on the platform. It is supposed that in loosen- ing some pieces of slabs he got caught by the carrier and had his headjammed against a beam near which the carriers passed. The head was crushed on both sides and death must have been instan- taneous. He was buried on Wednes- dayâ€"Balzatygcon Intlcpmulcnt. During the peanut harvest in the South, everybody, from pigs to people, gets fat. They are not known there as peanuts, but; as goober peas, and a raid into a gcobcr patch has about it all the delights of a watermelon raid. It is related that a Southern gentleman, catching two small black children amooe his goober vines. called them by way of punishment Goober Dan and Goober John. The boys, however. living to be proud of it. adopted it as their family surname, and to this day the descend- ants are known as the Goobers. 7 Crop Prospects in the States. \l‘asinxorox, May ‘26.â€"-The \vezitli- er during the past week was favorablo for all growing crops in the North-West, . central valleys and New England. but the drought Continues in the South Atlantic. and East. Gulf States, where the reports indicate that all crops are greatly in need of rain. Cotton and small fruits have been doubtless more or less injured. Insects are increasing rapidly and gloomy proxpccts are gener- ally reported. The crop prospects havo been greatly improved in the states ot the Ohio valley by timely rain, but some damage resulted to fruits in this section from frosts which occurred on May 23. Throughout the states of the corn and wheat bolt the weather for the week improved the condition of the principal crops, although frost caused some damage to early corn and vegeta- bles in Minnesota. Excessive rains and cool weather over the Middle Atlantic States injuriously affected small fruits and tender vegetables, but generally improved grass and grain. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".§ Cheese and Live Stock. The cheese industry is likely to ha of great dimensions this year. The season thus far for grass has been pro; . pitious, and the factories are turning out large quantities of cheese. Prices in consequence have shown a tendency to decline; and it is just as well, in fact. better, for all that they should do- clinc now instead oflatcr in the season. The cattle export trade is now ttntlor full swing. Large numbers of cattle are on their way to Montreal from al- most all parts of this Province. A good many stall-fed beasts have sold at. 430 to 50 per 1b., which is slightly lowur than the past few seasons. Buyers are more careful this your, and there are lower in the business owing to the poor financial results of'Iatc years. A quiet, steady trade seems to be anticipated. Western States cattle are very low as well as freights from western points, and our farmers need not. expect to get big prices this season. 0. About the Queen. An English correspondent says 2-â€" Thc Queen was seventy yesterday. When she went to Sandringham lately some gossips would have it that she was preparing for abdication‘ in view of the present anniversary. As a matter of fact, however, nothing is further from the mind ofthc Queen. She is in splenâ€" did health, and there is not a liner specimen of womanhood in the three kingdoms. She never ails anything, never has a pain or ache, and her mind is probably kccncr than it has ever beenâ€"which is saying a vast deal. A b4 dication is not in the Royal dictionary, and folks who are so anxious to see a new Court arriveâ€"«the new Court being the Marlborough Ilousc actâ€"will have to bide patientlyâ€"possibly for another ten years. There is really no apparent reason why the Queen should not. reign longer then George the Third. o . .â€".. -.. ,. p.-- __ A Russian navy oilicer has invented a method of searching the sea or coast. by night, which does not reveal the position of the ship. A mortar fires a buoyant shell c0ntainiug a compound which ignites on reaching the water and lights up the surrounding area. I William H. Campbell. an old-fashion- ’ cd Democrat, who has been Postmaster l in a Vermont. town for four years. hard .just stepped out. and his wife, a ‘stuuuch llepublican,’ has been given the comâ€" mission, while William becomes Assist- ant Postmaster. Take it all in all. it is as nice 3 little arrangement. as the times have turned up. At High Ridge, near Stamford, Conn., there is a wife who is the moth- er of fourteen children. all living, and none of them twins. All but two live at home, and these two, catching scarlet fever, went home to be nursed. Thry gave it to the other dozen, and the whole fourteen were sick at once, and medicine had to be mixed in pitchers and bread puns. It is announced that a means of phe- nomenally rapid transit. for parcels has been devised. An overhead rail, don. blc flanged wheel and a car with an elecâ€" . tric motor constitute the aparatus. The I spend Secured is almost. incredible. and l its Owners look forward to a revolution of the mail-carrying and express busi- ness. Edison is credited with having said that it. is the greatest conception since the telegraph.

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