t, r . . H .. “run some AFRICAN GOLD I‘LBLDS- 3&3; ligocï¬o.w;?gdgtwggml "3:111: ssssmc sores. “DOT was Presses." gamma}? __ . , -â€" , , o . Ilene-t Discoveries rail-e Newly Developed we may be crowded this season.†. . new to Sell Len-aver Overcoats It Here She‘s rarely kind an“ tender ' An English Society for the Prevention ’ s: c P in sum“: Californian who mamas]; magmas or animal to gaming†am “a???†‘32::3333": 3:13;: Tub: $3103}:â€" . . 0 on, yous ' . revai s o ex t ilk test 0 our- ‘ , sou-d}, “tamed from. . mm ymv 'exPer. £6“. old muâ€. “3,8 m: uzbjecu of unplug clothier, addressing his clerk, “ hai you sole 1 “Tad?†“I?†"1“ maid 1‘" 3. _ (ocean South African old ï¬elds, gives ‘ them look like ï¬ve,yw,°m,_ For mu, 3, all of dose over-goats vat vas left over from Try D. . Pierces Favorite Prescription. u “tetanus mount of t at pg" of the What the Little Birds Tell While hesiling wen u for the practice 0, damning out“ 133‘; vmur 2" Ten to one, your wrfe is cross and fretful be- “ No, sir ; dare vas dree of dem left vet." cause she is sick and suffering, and cannot “ Veil, ve must sell 'emri ht away. Prisg control her nervousness when things go me out one uf de goats, nu I vill show you wrong. Make a healthy woman of her and someding apout pisness. I viii deli you the chances are you will makeacheerful and how ve vill sell dem cud, nnd you must pleasant one. “ Favorite Prescription" is learn do pisness, Herman. De vlnter has the only remedy for woman's peculiar ail- gone, you know, und ve haf had dose goats msnts, sold by druggists, under a positive in de store more as seex years.†guarantee from the manufacturers, that it An eight dollar overcoat was handed him will give satisfaction in every case, or money by his clerk, and smoothing it out he took a will be refunded. See guarantee on bottle buckskin money-purse from the showcase, wrapper.‘ Luge bottles, Si. Six for $5. and stnfling it full of paper dropped it into gauge to “y the only way to kill a law one of the pockets. is not to execute it. “ Now, Herman, my pay," he continued, r. N . ., u . «t Bulk. but Busmessl “ï¬ghting? 3:1,; 21:23ch 5:35;: :faï¬ltggei Is the way a Western man putit in sxpress- ing to a friend his complete satisfaction in d h d is . V d van to “a you a p “a†an e the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative t in d h I 'll Effieii2°§§ie°§i§mmr£ $1.35....th Panes. Seaman andyetso esecmc. they bid fair to supplant entirely the old-style . g . . d dd m D “mm “us his 010(1ng an u er pill. Au ever-ready remedy for Sick and ' I, dmgs' Bllious Headache, Biliousness, Constipation “ A few minutes later a no 0, in quest of _ a suitable pair of shoes, enterge‘d a store slow- and '7‘“ “00d “Wideâ€- Mlld in “mm: wonderful in eï¬'ect ! Put up in vials, con- . ' d 1y The proprietor advancea’ amihng’ an venient to carry. Their use attended with quit : n V“ is it you uh 2" i k a no discomfort! These sterling merits account I‘ ’I Yer got any cheap shoes hyar . as e for flu great populfluy. the negro. “ Blendy uf dem, my front, bloodyâ€"at The rudder is a stern necessity to a ship. A Care or no Pay. any price you vanish" h d he he re state that e wants a pair . of brogang, and soon his pedal extremities A“ mun“ "mug “Om 5 d9?“ 9d “Very were encased in them at a bargain. As he °‘_' “0m impura b‘OOds 3'3 bon'y bulb“. was about to leave the proprietor called him Pimple“: 5°“? (“33389: afimfuh‘“ 30“" “(1 back. swellings and consumption (which is lung~ u I “in,†Ewing to buy numn elem I!“ ecrofula)‘ in its early states. are cured by Dr. got a“ I wahh’u said the negro “manly. Plerce's Golden Medical Discovery, Or the money paid for it will be promptly return- ed. Sold by druggists under a duly executed “ Dot may be so, my dear sir," replied the proprietor, “ but I. about vauts you to look , certiï¬cate of guarantee from themanufactur- ers. at dis goat. It vas the pure Russian wool und dis dime last year you doan got do same goat for $25. Mine gracious, cloding ’Tis strange that we should have fresh vas gone dowu to nodding, und ders was no eggs as the result of a fowl habit. money in de pisness any longer. De can The Turtle Mountain Region. Bumptmn V†“0133 mund' und do doctors Thousands of acres of choice free govern- ment land, now open for settlers in the Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here dell me it vas de vedder. More den nine beeblesdied round where I llf last week. was raised the wheat that took ï¬rst premium at New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil, Dink of dot l Mine frient, dot goat vas Russian vool, dick uud heafy. Vy, Misder timber in mountains. good schools,churches, congenial society. For further information. Jones, who owns de pack on Canal street, took dot goat home mid him yester- maps, rates, etc., apply to l“. [. \Vhitnoy, G 1’. 81. T.A., St. P., M. & M. Rv., SS. Paul, day und vore it all day ; but it vas a leetle tight across do shoulder, and he prodght Minn,, or J. M. Huckius, Can. Pass. Agt., Toronto. it pack shnst a vile ago. Dry it on, my dear sir. Mr. Jones vas a rich man, und he A whim is a fly that buzz as in the empty chambers of an exhausted brain. liked dotgoat. How deep (is bocket vas, butit vssa leetie dight across do shoul ALMA LADIES COLLEGE. 51'. Thomas, ONTARIO. ders." The negro buttoned up the coat, thrust wNoarly 200 students in 1888. 16 GRAD- UATES and can-swim) 'rsacusns in the his hands into the pockets and felt the purse. Faculty. Tottl expeners from $40 to $00 per A peaceful smile played over his face when his torch disclosed to his mind the contents term, or from $150 to $250 per year in advance, inclt ding Music and Fine Arts. of one of the pockets. But he choked down I? MoLacvaux HALL, costing $20,000, his joy, and inquired: “ Who did you say wore this hyar erected last year to meet demand for rooms, now open. Address, Principal Austin, A M. coat ‘2" “ Vy, Mister Jones vot owns the bank on Canal streed.†Mrs. Parvenuâ€"No, I don't like sea bath- ing. It always gets my hair so wet. Mrs. Quicklyriohâ€"Why don't you leave it in the “ What yer gwine ter ax fur it ‘2" “ It vas marked dirty dollars, and vua the dressing-room.â€" [Burlington Free Press. The Book of bubon. sheep at dot, but you can buy him for twenty dollars today." ‘ “Dat’s pow'ful high price fur dis goat, but I’ll take it. " H Herman’ herei Wm? “9 dis go“ fur d†A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's “heï¬ï¬‚ï¬wan “Dd .dmw. “1 ‘3 0"!â€an w “In Paradise. A Treatise especially written m“ e ‘m 1001‘ “we m“ the lame" on Diseases of Man, containing Facts For Men of All Ages ! Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plain, “ Nebber mind, I'll keep de coat on,†forcible and instructive. Practical present- replied the negro ; and pulling out a roll of money he paid for it and left the store. ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are Weak, nervous and ex- Whilo he was around the next corner mourning over the stuffed purse Hafl'enstein said to his cleark : hausted, sho.ving new means by which they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science “Herman, ï¬x up anudder von of dose goats do same way, und doan forget to doll Subjects. Also gives a description of Speci- ï¬c No. 8, The Great Health Renewei' ; dat Misder Jones, vot runs do pank on Canal streed, vore it yesterdayâ€"[Sta Paul Her- Marvel of Healing and Koli-i noor of Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteries of raid. life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach you how to make life worth living. If every adult in the civilized world Would read, understand and follow our views, there would be a world of Physicial, intellectual and moral giants. This Book will be found a truthful presentation of facts, calculated to do good. The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health l Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon s Speci- ï¬c No.8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and testiï¬ed to the virtue of Lubon's Speciï¬c No. 8. All Men Who are Broken Down from werwor‘ or other causes not mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Treatise. which will be sent to any address, sealed, to receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address all orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15 50 Front Street E.. Toronto. Canada world. Mr. Poisson was mining in South- chsiiIornia, when his attention was di- rected to sme discoveries in South Africa, and be was one of the ï¬rst to explore the new finds. Rmching there, he found him- self in a strange land and among, to him, strange per pie. Johanneebcrg, the chief can of the new mining district is situated in the Transvaal and now contains a popn latices of 25,C00, although only in the third year of its existence. The population com- prises '1) Huh and English, with large num- hmof st‘ï¬rs, who are the laborers and miners of the country. The mines are mud the city, easily accessible, and are * worked generally by shafts sunk on the ‘ Wood's,†as the ledges are there called. The gold. is found in spots slate, without any combination, and is easily worked in proper champ mills. The claims allowed to be taken up are 150: 400 feet, and there seems to be no limit to the number of “ farms" which each one may claim. Upon a very elaborate map of the district in Mr. Poisson's possession than are thousands of designated claims, and the country is apparently taken up for nails: in every direction. In this respect dreSouth Africans seem not a whit behind Dino American prospector and minor. But the names given to the claims are jaw- brcakers to new comers of American ex- traction, though no doubt they sound music- al and harmonious enough to South African can. Take such as these, selected at haphsz and from a thousand others : Witwater- Itrmd, Lobengula, Klerksdorp Witpoorie, - Portschefstroom, or Zontpausberg. These are easily pronouncable compared with others, comprehensible only to the native Dutch. There are now in operation in the district clamp mills aggregating one thousandstamps and. before the year is out these will be in- creased ï¬fty per cent. The first stamp mills erected were primitive and hardly equal to tho crushing of the hard ore. Within twelve months, however, an American machinery tit-n, whose headquarters are in Chicago, sent out agents to such good purpose that steady all the mills in course of construe aims, and many recently constructed, are all of the latest improved California pattern. Americans are quite scarce in the Transvaal, mi experienced minemanagers can command thigh salaries : so with competent miners, who must sooner or later be substituted for the Ksflirs who are now relied upon to do the work. Their labor if unsatisfactory, and in the end expensive. Mine promoters are numerous, and Johannesberg’s ï¬nest ediï¬ce is the Stock Exohange, where shares are dealt in, combinations made, and trusts mil soon be organized. There are good “cranes and bad mines listed, and the wild- cat is just as prolzï¬c in South Africa as in Nevada or Colorado. Everybody in and about Johannesberc seems busy, and there is plenty of money in circulation. It reminds Mr. Pole non of the early days of California and Niv- ads... with the K-.ï¬ir element as a strange background. Johannesburg draws its supplies at pre~ sent from Cape Town, but the Delagoa Bay Railway, of which so much has been heard of Late, threatens seriously to rival the English colony. From Cape Town the hun .tvx: of gold has had an easy time travelling zr- Kimberley, where are located the celebrat- «5. diamond ï¬elds, for it is all railâ€" 650 miles. J‘Z'Ircm Kimberley to J ohannesberg is 208 miles, which must he travelled by stage, in a ‘iixdlock cart, or on horseback. So txtensive is the travel that seats in the coaches are se- ' lured weeks ahead. From Delagoa Bay the distance is much shorter, and it is a question ‘ which railroad will be completed ï¬rst. From ‘ Camden to Cape Town is 5 950 miles, and the entire distance from London to the gold ‘ fields is completed within thirty-two days. nearly all the freight transportation is by bullock teams, necessarily slow, but not ex evasive. The mines are at a high elevation, but the viimatc is temperate, and there is very little sickness, exuept whatrssuits from undue cx gosure. There is scarcely any snow in winter. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€".â€""__'-â€"â€" “d °n u“ “m' and other cruelties, need of gain is the Thai: birds have long been guides to sailors temptation. and sgricnlrnrists every one who knows I . . . , nthe six borthern Counties of \\ ales anything anontp pclsrweather prognostics the ‘vemge attend 06 of the Epi‘mpu i‘ “mu aw‘m‘ No“ only have the flight “d Churches is86_433_ and of the Free Churches eneral action of birds been noted b all .. - givilizsd nations, but among barbarous gibes 320‘0‘ 8' In the Sund‘y S°h°°h the dig"- . . . ' till greater the avers e attendance in this and other lands the migratory habits “9° " 5 ‘_ -, g of the feathered tribes have discounted the bang 20'083 and 130502 '"Pectively' Til-"B ï¬gures will be useful to those who are urging prognostics of government signal bureaus. . . Wind, rain and other atmospheric changes gegvï¬igrbmhme“ of ma Epmmpal Church are predicted by those who narrowly watch the migration of birds, and sailors in partic- At the " National Convention of French- nlar, who aro close observers of the hea- Canadians" in New York on Tuesday last, vens above, the atmosphere around them M. Benjamin Lantler said, in the course of a and the water beneath them base there debate on naturaPzation, that in ClintOn prognostics on all the peculiar phases of county, N. Y., alone there were 25,000 land, water and sky and the elements of life FrenchCanadians, very few of whom were which people them. not American citizens. Many of them, he Among the birds which serve to guide the said further, had ï¬ne positions, and did not sailors to look out for squalls, the sailor ex desire to leave the country of their adoption. pacts wind when the cormorants fly land. and during the last Administration 866 ward. If the gulls soar to lofty heights. French Canadians held positions under the and, circling around, utter shrill cries, a Federal Government. storm is approaching. If the parrots whistle on sauna“ - - last Chica o virtuall in on shipboard it Will rate. If they dress . y g y their feathers and are wakent it will storm “awed 1“ p°Puhfl°n by our one'ï¬f‘h' on but da the suburbs known as Hyde park the next day. It the petrels gather under t y - ’ the stern of a ship bad weather will‘ follow, Lake Jeï¬exaon’ Cicero’ and Inks Vlew’ hav' ing an aggregatepopulation of 200,000 voted aggtfg:mzngeï¬iezoï¬gï¬yd:zï¬ikensatï¬g:mg in favour of annexation to the city, and with ’ y 8 these additions. it is estimated, the popula- nggï¬zst: 13:; $?;;§:di:l:%etr::§8?fl°n tion will be 1,100,000. The “Windy City’s" P r ' - bitter rival St. Louis, is now left hopelessly Hyman are alone Observer? 0f me habits in the rear ’ and there is nothiu left in it of birds, and many prognostics are learned but to pat on “ckcloth andguhea and from the vocabulary of an experienced hun- . .. tar, who will stay ind“,er the morning gamble itself before its successful compsti when an amateur hunter will be tempted . . According to the“Railway Age" no less out by the clear sky, to come back in the . _ , rain, or who will ï¬nd that a moderate tem. “bl-1,1 9‘81“, "ï¬lm-3’5 N “3° United State', perature in the morning is no sure precursor haying a mileage of 2,690 miles and represent- of a warm day. Among the prognostics the mg 811 ï¬ppm‘enh anOï¬tment 0f $125,570.05â€). hunter draws from birds a few will suï¬ics : Passed "1E0 the hands _°f receiva" dun“? If birds in the autumn grow tame the past sixmonths. This exceeds the record The winter will be to.) cold far gagnm for anv similar period since the drrastrous Bats flying late in evening indicate fair ye“? 1885 3nd m Bugs?“ “1.6 though“ than the weather, but if they speak flying it will rain Un‘te.“ swat?†893%" “(‘l‘ght 4° m0“; bl: on the following day. A solitary buzzsrd Am.°“°3n.mflway.a .Y 9? “Norms t? 0 9° their unwrse multiplication than by investiâ€" at a rest altitude indicates rain but if buz- . . . mng fly high together it will be’fair weath- gating, “1° *3th 0‘ “1° "ml’mm'n °i Cm‘ ian use. or. If chickens crow before sundown it will I . rain next day. If they go out in the rain it, A Russian Commission. OOIIIPOEWIOf fOl‘ty- will rain all day. If they run to shelter it ï¬ve military and CW“ engineer“: ha“ 8. Feed will not rain long. If they come oï¬â€˜ the that Gen. Ahnenkofl' 2 proposed rar way across Siberia is practicable. He says it roost at night rain will soon follow. The _ . Zuni Indian hunters say when chimney 0311 be bullljm l3111130 V85“. 311‘! €119.11 When swallows circle and call they speak of rain, built it W111 P1806 London Within ï¬fteen day's journey of Vladivostook, from which and Indians predict a deep fall of snow . _ when grouse drum at night. Hunters and port Pekin can be reached in three days, ï¬shermen have a saying that “ there will be while the journ'y round the globe can be no rain the day the crane flies down the completed in ï¬fty-ï¬vedays. Russia. can crack." One crow flying alone is a sign of then share with the United States and Cs.- foul weather, but if crows fly in pairs tbs nada the honor of cutting down the records weather will be ï¬ne. If crows make much for round-bbe-World hours. “I?†“,3 ï¬g: iï¬ 9‘ clmr’ tiling†efpected‘hu The Montreal bakers are seeking relief initial? aDghldgti: $0.211}. 1bth {tiff hall‘ffgh†ka’d‘heif, 335°“ banï¬ ' . . a tea. can ema can a e as we 32° :fgeb‘ifffr‘3tg‘2“ f; if“ 1:331? in the daytime as at the midnight hour. No weitherh'Iill be cbld If birds are fog and doubt the phase“ pracme Fesulted from sleek in February it is a sign of more cold mouth†1.011% habib’ {fonzegbmgwe Tm now . pro y we emanc pa . eop s can :fï¬csgz-O 16H SZfZI‘ganr‘oggizidsfl? ,fvv‘éï¬e‘; breakfast now, comfortably and pleasantly, the hen crows expectpa storm ywithin and “Who‘ll; mna'u Th-e sake†nied Izab' theï¬e' I without,â€.and hunters say thatï¬he direction I SOJSEEWtEE gay néï¬ritowrï¬f “altimggiy b: the Icon flies in the morning Will be the di- adopted, but it Wm be a good deed hotter rection of wind the next day. Owls booting - i o the t ~ 1 , in the day time indicates rain, but if at Egglnem than Bleep “g m mp1“ Bea night the weather will be fair. _ ' When we peacock Ioudly haw], We have heard a great deal of late of the 3.10“ we ll have hothrnln and squails, schemes of an English syndicate of capital- Pigeons return to their dovecobea unugu- lots which is endeavoring to secure control ally early before a rain. The habits of wild 0f the walng interests Of America- , W5 have also been told that another syndicate geese are watched and furnish many progâ€" _ nostics. The following is a popular verse : has its eye on the grocery businegs of this Wild geese, wild geese, going to the sea, continent, and now it is announced that G?!“ “'em‘e'.“ “'i“ be- . still another is after a large share in the “no guess, who geese, ccmg t0 the 1‘“l- gas trust, Which has control of the lighting of several large American cities. If such The'weuther it will spill. . In kansls, when the Wild geese fly to the . reports as these continue to come over .the wires, there will be some reason to believe southeast in the fall, the people expect a blizzard. ‘ , , , There are many prognostics of the season that Laghm ,“Piba‘l?†Want the “Nih- which have their origin in the migrations of B“ Why “0‘: 'f “Pew ‘3 50 mm)“ capital “1 England seeking investment, form a syndi- cate to buy the United States holus bolus '! birds, and in the peculiar formation and ap- pearance of the goose bone, which is to-day 1001*“ “Pm j’Y thouaanda 0‘ P,°°P1° f“ u The extraordinary rush of English capital sure Prognoslm “9 What the coming Winter to the United States this year is attracting a grcat deal of attention. Hitherto English- men have made their investments in that will be, and in Kentucky if the issue should be raised whether the signal service bureau country chiefly in the West in agricultural . . properties and. cattle ranchbs, but of late able to make 8: good llViug. He had seen a or the goose bone should go, the Kentuckian Would cling to the goose bone ; in fact, Henri “3‘50"â€: if he had to °h°°3° between they have turned their attention largely to 800d deal of the world. and generally 83W he star-eyed goddess of reform and the the New south, and, as our readers are the bright side of it. It was in the town of 80°39 bime- Wculd “03 dam ‘0 “fwd Ken' aware, are besides actually striving to ac Clinton. 3- C- 9 this†the Stroke came on him. WCkiB-UB by disml‘ding the Prophetic b0“- quire control of entire American industries. He W33 0‘1 run that carried him into that Th0 990918 0‘ Kent‘mRY 33? if the brim“ One reason of this sudden desire for foreign tOWE- H8 wasonedsy 50018 Home work on hi8 110119 0f 9- ROOEB i3 Tad: 01' has In“)? Ted 3P0“. investments is undoubtedly the conversion of engine, and talking to some one standirg “Peon 3 com and Stormy Winter: bill? if only the English national three per cents†the near. At the moment he received the blow 9‘ few 5P0“ “'3 Viaibles the Winter Wm holders of which now ï¬nd themselves obliged he W519i“ the Mt Of laughins. and. strange be mild: and they lumiflh We ‘01“ng to accept two and three-quarters per cent. to say. the 31330183 and nerves of the face recipe so that it may be read intelligently, To very many home", of congoig this means that are brought most into play in the act WhiCh inanuci‘h“ 3‘0 “a mum" ‘ a serious loss of income, and it is not surpris- if laughing “'8 the 03°“ Uh“ 9‘“ m0“ tï¬â€˜dfl‘ ing, therefore, that they should look abroad ad. ï¬nd over the†he he! no contml What- for a better ï¬eld for the investment of their ever. He feels. of course. that there is little _____..__._â€"â€"- T0 LAUGH ALL HIS DA 1'8. A Strange Affliction Which nus [Ilioriy Prosiruted a Georgia Bullrondcr. Joseph Oscar Johnson was sent to Rod Home a few days ago, and his case is croba- bly one of the most remarkable that ev.r went to that or any other hospital. He is a paralytic, and one side is entirely useless. The stroke came on him some two months A Home on the Jersey Shore. ago. He is a locomotive engineer, and was New York Sun : I was tramping along a jersey highway in search of a farm-house where they took summer boarders, when an fol-:1 farmer came along in his two~horse wugon and asked me to ride. As soon as. he :Zirscovcred what my errand was he exclaim- ed. : “Land-o goshon, but you've just hit the night maul I’ll take you in myself. Got one s: the reeorterest resorts on the hull on net. You shall live on the ftt of the land and gain a pound a day." “ What do you ask for board 2" (s we“. than “cm-diam want much "To read the winter of any your take the breast bone of a goose hatched during the , a." “fix.†. preceding spring. The bone is translucent, 03pm“. left for him to live for, being utterly help- A'P~ ‘59 s» '3 t in ,1 room 3" and it will be found to be colored and spot- . less and it is necessarily a sad thought to . ‘ "w «(,ï¬zgfbout “cape yo r ted. The dark color and heavy spots indi- 00? €390†whgch th°_bmtalml“rd°' “in? him’. But he can not think of it nor tell Egghï¬m’g’a‘flggg .-. pa; with ,1“ mm“), 3" oats cold. If the spots are of light shade 0mm“ i“! had 1' t° 3t“ “P 3i“ “tenâ€: “2' of his trenbleï¬and the doubts and fears that Wjï¬AL u “ii-aï¬â€"ï¬-ï¬ï¬iéï¬iiâ€"i ԠTee " and "‘mpamnr' w“ Wanner! "‘in or “now “b "1 “MOM!†m," thevaup none“ 1 a normal“ him With)“: laugl‘ing- TiON in a reliable arqulremerit for every - r. V ' b. “to, s .1 may be looked for." Pr“ 0‘ me P "Himmmuiie‘ in “Pl’reumg He has a wife and ï¬ve children, and when \oung men and woman. Address Cauanrsx Business uxzr'y; 18 t . When wild geese and wild ducks move crime “(ilpn‘iï¬ahui‘g crimtilpalst. 1:00:03 0911s this gangâ€, “me upon him he went to his Uhvu'rinlsifl, Public Llhrar) Building. Toronto. for ' ‘ tocane esaeo aairs - . pa cuars. .. - , ~ g and “(an md south the weather will be warm and birds 3991‘“ "30 V° ' father-in-law who lives in Wilmington I\, 1808. BEN-COUCH. a . _ wmmg 0 h“ on ma minute south much earlier if ’the winter Which 31““ b“ PWWY‘i’ad When 03° °f “"3 0., and told ’him of his condition and of his President. C AB £.-}’£‘.’r°.§§h. slob like. eh 2' “ Yrs." “ Any oijections to working in the garden an hour or two before breakfast to get your media up 2" “ Not the slightest." “ Help cutbay or stack wheat en a pinch 2" “ Yes." “ Purty good at chopping wood 2' “ That‘s my best hold." "" Kin ye milk 2" ‘ ‘ I can." . "‘ And when night comes you won’t dye: to playing on shat guitar and singing? ’ local papers, the “Herald,†can remark: “Burglars and murderers have held the day. Well-known burglars have leaned against lamp posts, enjoying a freedom which they had forfeited long before. Of. floors of police have wielded power, and yet were themselves burglars. Officers of police localities where the swan breeds, and those . bu“ W193“? charged 0“ the r°bb°d "’3 who cultivate lowlands note how the swan’s robbery, on the dead the deed .of blood. nest is built. it it is built low there will be The community which has permitted such a no unusual rains. There are many other disregard 0‘ l1“? and Order 113' simply been prognostics derived from observing the Pu'Mng 3 Premium 00 3'“th “11 maid“ habits of birds, of interest to the seamen 0f the W011“ kind- iuability to care further for bis family, and telling him at the same time that for himself he did not wish to be a burden upon anyone, but would go somewhere and seek seclusion and calmly await the closing of what was i l i u 8 L ' son >y roper ospec one. In Ammvnss. ‘Ali'ilZLh henceforth to be a useless life. The recital K (Lu-8†L, 60“ o, ommo. Pm‘dm,’ "ad 0‘ hl‘ Parting With h" Win w“. “"3†path? Office. 2 Toronto #1., Toronto, Ont. CONSULT- tio and heartrending, yet with tears in his 1m; sh‘olxrzmts and eyes and a heart full of agony he was forced R to laugh as though he had been telling the 13,119,, Eï¬mgf 1P5; most ludicrous incident. Wm~"â€"“~Lr' "w": ' I He has wandered from one county to another, and has friqueutly gone for sever- and Traders generally. will be early. A severe winter follows if crows fly south, but if they fly north it will be an open winter. No killing frost comes when the martins return ‘0 their old haunts; and the ï¬rst song of the robin is the voice of spring. The swan is told to build its nest high during seasons when freshers visit THE BUlLER INSPEGTIUN AND INSURANGE 00 OLGANADA. Established for the prevention of steam holler explo .. KO u and land lubber. and in concluding the pop- __ ___..______â€". al days without a morsel to eat. Recently w "wt . GOODMA“ . l n w M‘ r‘ ‘ I e!" 31“? Pr“ “ï¬le of tho farmer. drawn tram - he rpenta night in the woods in a violent ° ‘ "W!" m n V “ “P . .ghmizil? F“ {or wuhmg’ I mums watching the nest of the swallow, is given: Apalogwg' falnltorm- H“ crippled 198 “fund t° "We S S .5. An'd for tn“ trauma 1; you 81, den 3': When [he swallow, nut 1, high .It is not always necessary to make apolo him longer, and he was compelled, without or us. Cash furnished on utiulsctor, guaranty “ Yes. How much will you charge me a The summer is very dry; goes to others for our misconduct. Some of shelter, to take the violence of the storm. Addml. o “xvi: for board 2" When the swallow buildeth low it Concem' Only mufï¬n“ “d mu“ m“ ml min Chaï¬ng “’3‘ wet W “10 5km: he ' 8' PAGE, " Cash in advance 2" You cu, “fay build and sow. With our own consciences. But Where a snï¬'ered the pangs of hunger, and the recital “Y†P“"- le'mnm- 0â€" 3- ‘ h es.†“Kmâ€; Fgfmor." wrong has been done to another, or where “ Agree to stay all summer 1" ___._~._oâ€" the welfare ofscciety for any reason demands " Yes." In a cable letter from “ Member of l’ar- it! I“ the “P0108? be h?“ and “inceie' p,- p w“. 5, I, c 5, x p C pg ,. - i y. . " Wall, stranger, l’ll have tea-k the old liament," three distinct _clouds on the Eu. O;tener than we think for. “h “1931;? (3031:“ 110†8° 10 Chur‘m 1‘3?!“ be “mud 0! 3‘31“ no bursting; in rcb'muenrling sz'erlaALupenorilo “f unan- IIVG thought 0‘ 5“" 1me I cauld» “Pew horizons 0f ï¬resi- “119°†to Lugland. of “mph confenmnd but} w ere t e .0! ct mg Ip0“ 0‘ the 'emce' “ad be “quelth to l any other water known to me, not urtep‘lrgtln: (cle- t‘sst she's a gust thinker, as will probably are POinted out. First. the Eryptisn ques. element of extenuation rightly coma "I. let leave the church. And as for a tun-ant in; brutal Waulvtsha, cl “leconsin and c.me .1 cm- . . . . . . . - ‘. ' ' - ‘ man ', as a term-d ‘ for the L' is A if. Illsti ~ls Monot- of other things, sicnas only tron, over which France is showing har it never exceed its 14st boundaries. The would be out of the Question for him to Gounod Rheunmifnhmd dm'um :’ Kidneys“: changing the sheets once a we k. washing teeth: second, the Armenian outrages, “1150811985 ‘0 admit the “W31 “7°38 0" “tend 011°- .eludirglliaiMzs.Mriltusam Brirht'e Unease when yourself at the cistern. being Iatizï¬ed With which, under the Berlin treaty, Russia may injury ‘0 me in“ one!“ ‘hi‘t truth can Hi“ 03â€â€œ A "1"" Piti‘ble 000, 33d 1' the i We!» U‘ed- :Jl:k pillars, and so on. Come and see me call upon England to stop :and third, the demand “3“â€?! “10ml apoiozytnnd (hen more 30 became h†13 only “wailing ‘hSl mg" ï¬jfgfgpigégï¬meng xvi??? l ' ' l tomorrow and we'll talk it all over, and if I , Delagoa railway concession, which opens up “1° 0315' "Pint-1°†th“ “'1 be made? While only feud P°“ibl° f" him ‘nd 0“ th“ h" l her-rage. ram': but any hotel on the shore you can i a very ni:s quarrel with the Portuguese the disciipline thus sfl’orged is an important Emuld hall with pleasure and almost prays Addwmhe 5,. “on mum, Wat“ CO" Tnonw. at}: my hat. hcu'll know my place by the , Government. 1)“: ° “H'Culmm 3“ mpmvemem- °’-'- MontrealflueR-ï¬cr 5! Mentoring: (we. of it all made him shudder all over, yet be III laughed all the while he was telling it. It . s ' o N, w†a mo†pimnl ï¬ght. as “y. be dam x superior many “our in lJlropr or Arne-nu