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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Jul 1889, p. 8

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A Revolution Oomgg. 9 MRS. KEELEY S THE COST OF STEEL RAILS TO BE VERY LARUELY ncntrcsn. IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO GO FOR cizy engaged in the manufacture of tin I M I L L I N E cans and japanned ware. has patentcdi .an invention which competent judgesl __ 9 ND- 1, any will revolutionize the tin and steel } ' industry of the world. for the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more building and space for my increasmg trade. I have new full lines 01 CHICAGO, July 20,â€"A firm in this I BEAUTIFUL A580an 0F Millinery at almost °EDT-solicit Pricos’sâ€"i‘ Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford the world. This is a process by which molten metal may be rolled into any deâ€" sired shape, thus saving all intermediate processes. It was invented originally to roll molten solder in a thin plate, but the process is pronounced by experts to be equally applicable to iron and steel in its various forms ofplales. structural , iron and rails. It is believed the cost of manufacturing steel rails can be re- = duet-d t0 the extent of $10 per ton, and that thin iron plates for tinning can be made much below the cost of produc. tiou of tin plates in Wales, thus making a new industry in this country. The molten metal is passed between rollers which is chilledas it passes, the rollers being kept cool by a stream of water which passes through them. Iron and steel so rolled will be much more even .and closer in texture than that made by pressed methods. - Liquor Among the Airicans. Spirituous liquors seem to be quite as new a thing to the African blacks as “ tire-water " was to the American red men. men engaged in business, as well as mis- sionaries, that general demoralization has followed their introduction. The first. demand of the natives when vessels arrive is for strong drink. The chiefs are becoming drunkards, cod degrada- tion .is rapidly increasing among the people. It is said that the degree of demoralizntion is even greater than it was among our own aborigines. There is much agitation, both in England and America, to have steps taken to prevent exportation. The evil effects of the drinking traffic are seen not only in the moral havoc it makes. but in the destruction of legiti- more trade. Vessels go to Africa laden with American or English fabrics to ex- change for palm oil, ivory, anti other l'rudncts. The natives refuse the fab- rics if they can get liquor, and cases are cited where ve55cls have brought back portions of their cargoes of cotton goods and the like, because they could not dispose of them. It is thus evident! N S. that a continuance of the unrestricted trailic in liquor will not only sow the seeds of death and disease among these ignorant tribes, but deprive civilized nations of a profitable and legitimate commerce which could have no conse- quences injurious to the blacks. â€"--â€"»-â€"~-- â€"~. - o No Descendant of Macdufi‘. Hean Labouchere, speaking of the approaching royal marriage, says: Before the marriage takes place it will be clearly necessary for Princess Louise to renounce her right of succes- siou to the throne in the most formal nmuner. If Prince Albert Victor and l’riuce George happened to die without issue, Princess Louise would, of course. become heiress to the throne, and it is dillicult to contemplate the contingency of the Countess of Fife becoming Queen, with the Etrl of Fife as Prince Uonsort. and trust that they will be happy. It is the universal testimony of‘ {Fast Colored Mus- l of the public. loaocrmnr, GLASSWARE, i I ‘ Earthenware, Brooms. Pails, Washtnbs, ', Banned Fish, hull & Vegetables l congratulate the bride and bridegroom, l Butl l l Patents hare ‘ G d ‘ been secured in the leading countries ofi ' S o l, Lace Curt ‘ s, Embroidery and Materia s for Embroidery in Silk and Wool, Filoselle, Arrasene. Bibosene, etc. Also, Collars, Cufl‘s, Handker- chiefs, and Fancy Goods of l l | | l all descriptions. Mrs. Keeley. lBESTflllllLUE. lFast Colored Gingu hams for 100. lins for 10c. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. W The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. GROCERIES â€"A.NDâ€"- J. McFEtLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine fresh TEAS, COF FEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention Blacking-brushes, Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. of the very best brands and at the low- r::x’fi JOHNSTON’S CELEBRATED MIXED PAINTS. I will do my best, as in the designs and patterns. To wear out i BUILDERS AND FARMERS will find it to their advantage to call on me for prices be- fore making their purchases elsewhere. Stacks of Tinware and Stoves of Best Manufacture. past, to retain the support of . my customers, Who have so liberally patronized me. .105. HEARD. w. McKE OW Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at. and Below Wholesale Cost of nlunufacturee. in order to make room for now Call early and secure bargains, as I ant selling- cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. McKeomn, FRANCIS STREET WEST, FE/VELOA/ FALLS. 1,000 MEN Wlll'llll ALL WORK WARRANTED. a lot of New Tweeds at Mill Prices. Meme.” CAMPBELL it GAMBLE, THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Hats and Bonnets bought at Mrs. McDougall’s trimmed tree of charge. :8“ Hats already trimmed from 75c. up to 89. Prices to suit every person. W LADIES’ UNDERWEAR already made sold cheap. 32$“ DRESSES and )lANTLES cut and fitted, so cents. 3Q“ Calico Dresses made at $1 upwards. 5Q“ Stutl‘ Dress Goods made at $1.75 upwards. 3%” Silk Goods made 3183 upwards. 323‘ Street Jackets, Wraps and Dolmaus at $1.25 upwards. 3%” Children‘s Dresses cheap. W All work guaranteed. None but experienced hands employed. Mrs. R.lfiougall, 2 Doors North of the Post-omen New Butcher Shop. The undersigned begs to inform the resi- dents of Fenelon Falls and vicinity that he. is now carrying on the butchering business Wuocvcwmowooocococoocowooconooovoocooo E IN THE RED STORE. Mmowooocuwcowoowcooococoocoooooooooosc and is prepared to supply the public with tXLL IiINDS 014‘ DIICA'I' at the lowestliving prices. 323‘ Patronage respectfully solicited. DANIEL. DUGGAN. Fenelon Falls, April 4th, 1889.â€"â€"8tf. o DENTfST RYEâ€" GAS.-â€"â€"(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. Nannauns, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want teeth extracted positively With- out pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over '21 years. He studied with Dr. Cotton, of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teeth made by Mr. Neclands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridgework done. Visits Fenelon Falls, McArthur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.t‘. nrsnvi lflllll sari by wearing the only Prank Lazarus (late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) RENOWNED SPECTACLES & EYE-GLASSES. Tlicse Spectacles and Eye-glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are run unsr 1N rm: wouLn. They nev- er tire, and last many years without change. For Sale by S. NEVISON. opposite post-office, Fenelon Falls, Dealer in Jewrlry, Fancy Goods, Wall Pa- per of latest designs. ()il painted Window Shades a Specialty. “humans 1 m, 5,3,“, ,0 , ,,c,,.5p,,pm._ f-“t ths'blc PI‘K‘CS- § DEALER IN F ran/z Lazarus. Manufaciurer. we are. told that the marriage conse- Gas“ Paul for Butter & ggs 3 WW W 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road. crates the union between the descendants and other farm produce. § I ° ' ' ‘ LONDON, ENG- ol' )laeduff and the liritish lloyal lam- iiy. l smile. Lord Fife is no more a rim-eutlaut of Mamlntl‘thau law of Mac- b -ih. lie is the descendant or'a Scotch Jacobite pt-dlnr, who made his fortune, and who \rus Cl'rfltl‘d the Earl of Fife and Lord Macdutf in the peerage of ii 'land in 1759. llis name l)=3lllj_' Dull. ln- nun the son or Max of Dull. but tltis‘ luxtl' was no relation to Shakespeare's .tCkiUlT. o.. _ has rccentlv :\ llussian nobleman pxid l.‘_'thl rotith {8600‘} for :t pair of ui;hiin:aic.~ that are. said to render do. lightl'ndy varion~ national melodies. l‘ltrcc boys of Jackson. .‘lieh.. recent- lr ‘JVt'Il .2 git-i from drowning, and the grunt-lu': l'uiher :>I\\' (item live cents and [Hal lltrm in tllVltit' ll bt'lwt't‘xa iln‘lll. .\ taunt-:- infoimed the Brampton ‘ wuw- that a hen pest has appeared to in - '.t! (in? Cl‘i‘lN. gin-n llv \rliio Whiz”, thawing out the heads completc- L .y. in ranges .‘0 far have \vi'y serious, and it is to he hoped will u t he. ‘l'he Giant Diamond. lately discover.‘ «' i .i: l‘Jpv (Vinny and unit .\l ll." l'al'isi‘ :ixjou :Lm. uni-,hs ISO carats. au-i i~ \ . ur'l .it S'iotUndlU. , lt i~ kvp: in a .,-.~ if. ll~.' l'. and unichhil guardianfi ~ .mi .rnumi it ai. day. .\i cut: it i~ p no! in 1! ii; mix. which i: simznuiy ~_,~'.l.|.’~it'~\; lri;i:: twn- .msgcut 1:! {lie 1* reach Crown d:-.‘ L 0 H53. The Low arrival is a _ eczs it~ work on the lail ‘ not bL’Lll , It l~ slid L) L": “l: i :' ftt~l “MM. and as pure ax the fa». 115$- Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Fenelon Falls. April 18th. 1888. Goodhand’s Livery, Ea=t Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. I wish to draw the attention of the puhiic to the fact that l have purchased the livery busi- have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. 5 [am prepared to furnish first-class horses '; and comfortable rigs atthe lowestliving . prices. l l l . i ness lately owned by Mr. “ m. llontl)’. and l i ‘i GEORGE GUODXIAND , SECOND DIVISION COURT , -â€"or Tacâ€" , (701111th of V'ictorizl. E The next sittings of the above (‘nurt will be held in Dickson's hall. Feat-ion Fall-u Oot‘r 1st. ; commencing at 10 o'clock in the forcnoon. H. D. llun. L‘icrk' ~ ()1: Tuesday. ' (inc. .‘l.\.\.‘€ISG. i, llail‘fi‘. l Fcztclon Falk. July 15:, 1959. discuss and Lot For Sale. lllt‘ 3-1".t':§i"n" dour» ou Lvuzsa street. in the village of i-‘cnclon F435 l: is beautifuliy loan-“i. ; unlit r. cox-«i garden Ind r'n‘nlc on the p:- m- 2"“. Ti't- home has sever. large mama two civich. A later purity and a good celisr. r or terms apply to i ‘ Q 0‘. I J Foam): falls 1‘: Slay I“. .~ -â€"â€"'.tJ-'.'W. .i ot'fu‘s for sale his r:~,\i- . I l XE‘IIr’l‘N. l l. l JOSEPH MoFARLAND.‘ DEYMANo is still selling Furniture away down at the Lowest Possible Living Prices Good Hardwood Bedsteads at $2.50. I Fall Leaf Tables $2.50. i Good Kitchen Chairs 45c. all other goods equally low. UND ERTAKING promptly and carefuliy attended to. Work Made Up to Order on the shortest notice. gDavid Chambers, A. f 5‘ General Blacksmith, t lif.tck!mi1ii‘1gin all it; Iiif‘T-iren' branches :dHnt' All! strut”. 'Z-Jiiv‘I: and 8'. ll"? lO'XJH li' E’articuiar attention paid in ' (lit-r; me 5. tall and i will ' 4i-Zy. t inc; writ" ;. .m.’ an cites: ' g ::;:..a'.te satist‘artzc-L. Extension Tables, Bedroom Suites and Apple, 15,, a peck L. DEYMAn. ~â€"â€" , Canned Fish. Fruits and Vegetables, .Ffrancis-st.. Pension Falls. orsrnng FISH, FRUITS. CAN IES_._ CANNED GOODS. Nola the lnl [Enâ€"g Prices : Oysters, 35c. a quart. lladdics 10c. per pound. Fresh Herrings 25¢. a dozen. Oranges We. a doz. o 0 00.90.0000 ccooco o a MOOOOoboooovoo nooucooc obcocoooooooooooo >o¢uoo o n a o u I oooooococon>ooooooo¢ooooo coowocoo l,” { Lemons 25¢. a doz. 3 pounds of Luger Dates for 25c. Choice NUTS- Granoh‘rc Walnuts 20¢. a pound. Soft- shelled Almonds Me. a pound. Brazil .N'uls 20¢. a pound. Filberts the. a pound. Pea- nuts 20c. 11 pound. MIXED CANDIES 156. A POUND. lTllE CHOICEST TOBACCOES d ClGRllS. SMOKE ‘ MUNGO,’ the best 5c cigar in the market. all t'nn lv'i'. brands. EPURE APPLE CIDER, , -1(’)c. pe-r (rial. u i . [inlets Sfilitil al All Hours, l .3..y.',;.»'1 or raw, by t?» pinto or glass. on Eater ! l l Drink St. Le l .- (Latc Lazarus k Morris.l’lartford, Conn.) W No connection with any other tirm in the Dominion of Canada. 13. II A W, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute all orders with which he may he favmrred, from large contracts to the smallest job. 11213“ Sash and doors of all kinds made on short notice and of good mutt-rials. Work-shop on Francis Street East; resi- ' (ii-nee on Bond Street East. I g l l l EDWARD HAW. Fenelon Falls, April 10th, 1588. Lt. The “ Fenclon Falls Gazette " i is irinted cvcrv Saturdn' at the oflicc. on I . . i the corner of May dc Francis streets. SEBSCRIPION 81A YEAR L‘i “WAN! E. or one cent per week will he added 2.5 four as it remains unpaid. Advertising- lath-H. Professional or bit-inesa cards, 50 N'n‘x per lint: per annum. Casual adrertisrmcnt; :- r-ents per line for the llfal insertion. and it mun: per line for every subsequent int-:- (Jontracts by the 3mm, imif yrar r: quarter, tor a column Or it”, upon row»:- ahle terms. JOB PRINTING- r.:' ail ordinary kinds executed neatly, H r rectiy end reasonable rates. 3. D. “A ND, Input:ch I tint. and Cedardale Grass Scythes andSnaths, English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine 011, ' ogGlass, Putty. Sac.

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