_.__.,_____-....._ _-_, , - -_.-__,._ eruian, lately caught two that turned the scale at. 6 pounds each. On Wed nesday forenoon .‘Ir. Geo. Mitchell and .‘Ir. Geo. Whissile went up to Rosedale locks for a for: hours’ still-ï¬shing, and returned in the evening with twenty- i tour bass. the biggest. of which weighed. four pounds. l l l l l l ua-â€"_-â€"--â€"-â€"---u-â€"-----â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"- ‘ The total value of the wedding, pres- ents to the Princess Louise of Wales is £131.00â€. Georgia has the largest watermelon patch in the world. It is owned by a company, and contains 800 acres. The company will ship about 400 cars, at a proï¬t, it is claimed. of $150 a car. .‘Ir. Luke Crawford, of Thomastou, Urn. may well claim the belt as the champion horse trader. He had one day three IlOl‘rL‘S, all together not worth $200, and during' the day traded lil'ty- five times and quit with one horse, it bring one of the same he started withs He also had as a result of‘ the day’. Work 8350 in money, a. bull and a buzz . Brroklyn is suffering: from a cater- pillar plague. The Eagle says :â€"“The trees on our more beautiful streets and avenues are infested with the lepidop- tel-nus rests, and pedestrians have the extreme pleasure of suddenly discover- in: that their anatomy has been invad- ed by them." The insects are silk- worms, and the suggestion is made that the unemployed should grow them as a Illuan of livelihood. Red rain fell recently in the Province of' Lubiin, Russian Poland. The show- er lasted for about ten minutes. The peasants. who mistook the red liquid for blood, became panic-stricken and crowded the churches, where they were quieted by the priest. Several bottles of the red rain were sent to chemists and microscopists in Warsaw for exam- inatiou. For several days after the shower all the surface water in Lubliu was of a dark pink color. Large forest fires are raging on the Humboldt road, eighteen miles from (Thieo, Cal. The lire has burnt over a district four miles long and is sweeping everything before it. Much valuable timber has been destroyed. The in- habituntsare lighting the flames with great energy. A Santa Barbara des- putch says tires have been burningr in the foothills back of Santa Barbara. 'l‘welvo- dwellings, a number of burns and a large quantity of hay have been destroyed, and a number ol‘horscs and cattle perizhcdl The latesti story oi’ Kansas products ivenoss comes from Ford County, where a Mr. Sterubcrg planted tvoenty acres. to melons and sold the seeds to an east- ern seed house for $400. From the melons be manufactured 1,000 barrels of vinegar, which he values at $10 per barrel. This melon vinegar he claims to be fully equal to, il‘ not better than, the cider l’lllegul‘. If this story is true the State will be principally devoted to the producrion ot‘ watermelons in a short space of time. Just think of it lâ€"S10,- ~10†For the product of 20 acres of land. A poor child. the son ot'a farmdaborcr, has just died 01' liydropliobia. The boy was at Nolton on April 5'), when he was bitten bya black cur sheep dog, and although subsrtpiently attended by a medical man. the l'atal svmptoms do- x‘eliipeil themselves last Tuesday, and the child died. The curious fact, howâ€" ever. connreted with this painl'ul inci- dent is that the dog. which belongs to a Nolton l'uriner. has. as yet, shown no Signs of madness. It is hoped that the animal will not be killed, since if. after cart. ful investigation by skilled authorities, it can he iudubitably proved that it does not sutl'rr from rabies, most important results in connection with this lrightful disease may be discov- eret. F ENE LON F.\ 1. LS MARK l-I'l‘S. It':’_;mr[e.1.’»}/'r.ir .\'~r:.’i S'Mr Roller JIM! Ca. Fenelon Falls. Friday. Aug. 2nd, 1889 Wheat, full. per bushel - - So 5.3 no Wheat, spring. ‘ - - ~ o SJ 9o Wheat. Scotch or Fit‘e, - - 0 ST 9? barley, per bushel - - - 18 5:; Hats. - - - - 1m 31‘. l‘oase, ~‘ " - - - - so on Potatoes, " 30 3? Rutter. per ‘.b., - - - â€" - 15 17 Hogs. per own. - - - - 5 75 G 3†Hits. per dozen, - - - ~ 11 12 Hay. per ton. - - - - $7 00 $9 00 Advertisement. :Vl'irbr’éiaz. .‘lmih‘ is. hereby given that a lly-Iaw was passed by the Municipal Council of the TOINSHIP of SOMEBV'LLE filCthll, :18 in the past, :Il‘tt‘l‘l on the twentieth day of July. A. D. 1831).? llill'lllg llild “1111)r pwvidinggr'or the issue of Debentures to the amount 0t'ilSJA7tl. to: the purpose of pay- Eng certain Railway Deiteatnre, debts. p-‘r Statutes of inc l’rovin :e of Ontario, Chap- ter Tl, A. l). 28$? : anti-that such liy-law was registered in fire registry caice in the town 0! Lindsay. in the county of Victoria, on the 25th day ofJuly, A. D. 1389.. Wu. S. DOWSOX, Township Clerk and Taunm. Samantha, Jul; 27m, 1559., ‘ Fenelon Falls. J. R. GRAHAM, Agent. See | is always ready. l ‘ be 1ch array-by cz'cry [inf l ten vears in Fenelon Falls, and t l l l l l Q'srpet’s and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. New Adve w** iNoE 1. SD R; . Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property .kt'. Very Lowvest Rates., CHANGE OF. BUSINESS. ‘We intend making a change in our business on August. 1st,. and in order to raise as much; money as possible bv that date we have decided to turn as much of our stock as possible Into cash before we make the change. rtisements. None but ï¬rst-class British and Canadian Companies represented. IQ†FAIIDI I’IEOI’ERT'Y at very low rates. 850,000 to loan from 6 per cent. up. ‘V. E. EIJTJIS, Druggist and Bookseller. Fenelon Falls, June 25th, 1339. FARMERS, Study your own interests and see our full line of Agricultural Implements before giving your order, at the Peter Hamilton Agricultural Depository, \Ve are fully. aware that. we. shall have to make a heavy sacriï¬ce in order to accomplish this result, and we are fully determined to make the sacrifice with the clear understanding that we get SPOT CASH. for all Goods sold, as we. will under no consideration charge any more Goods until after the change in our busin=ss is effected ; nor will we, while this sale is in pro- gress, allow any Goods to go out on approval. On the other hand, we will sell all New Goods at. exactly COST PRICE; all Remnants and Short Ends at Less than Half Price; Millincry and Mantles ilt.'1’1.‘tlll." Price Ready-tirade Clothing for Less than the Cost of Making and Trimming Ordered Suits- We are prepared to accommodate responsible parties who desire tobuy large parcels trom $50 up, on 3 or 4 months’ time by paying Bank interest and giving their promissory note. 20., 2 O ‘ . V \ V ‘ As every one knows, our entire Stock is New 111 every respect, and. none but. the \ my best Quality- We have no shoddy goods to offer at any 1)1‘1CO.. snnTnEnAN, aniline MARK, City Drapiers and Clothiers, No.21DOBSON’S BLOCK. 2 DOORS WEST OF THE POST OFFICE, KENT-ST, LINDSAY. the Peter Hamilton TEE]:- BINDER, with steel sides and steel deck. The only Binder with canvas rollers running in metal boxes. See how convenient the lovers are. and all within reach from the scat. Our llinder is easily managed with two horses. Our Ilinder does its work when. wanted and Our Binder has the light- est and strongest main frame on the market. Our binder is the Queen of the harvest field. Also the Hamilton Harvester, Crown Mower and Tiger Sulky Rake. Prices away down to meet the times. J. ll. GRAHAM. Fenelon Falls, June 28th, 1880. 20. Managers. ThesPure-bred Durham Bull, FENELON DUKE, registered in' Dominion S. H. Herd Book. will be kept this season on the premises of the undersigned. Lot No. 22 Con. 1. Vern- lam. Terms $1 cash. Fenelon Duke is 3 years old, a. handsome roan colour, has taken the ï¬rst prize-etrFenelon Falls Show for the last tlii'eo~years,.and is a grand Ninsular POW’DER. 3. NEWS DEALER IN WWOWMWW §00000000000000000000000§ g“90.9000009060090000000000000â€00600-0 o \‘ / anc Goods Jewell Fenelon, myiiiiiziiidimmox‘ ooidyand Silve’r Watches?) H E R E. if, RM, Mason, WALL PAPER, - Oil-p ainted Window Shades, veterinary Surgeon, ' Fenelon lalls. Honor Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, 1884. Diseases of Domesticated Animals Treat- ed on Scientiï¬c Prmcrples. Equine Dentistry .1 Specialty. ‘Slni A ’Paper <p°¢{>¢<}¢{My¢4H§o4>04bé¢4b04>9¢<Nb§¢¢fl¥°¢<b¢°**9¢“}¢ 1 ap' MOW . . o-MHWW WWWOO Picture Frames Made to Order a Specialty. House and Painting done in town or country. urrnsnr Turin-nun. V M in. FRESH ,zâ€â€™A A,’/' S. c : 1 ti V 03 / /\/"‘â€"‘F‘*â€"â€"â€"’l Residence, Corner Colborne & Louisa sts. N. B.-â€"\VILL ATTEND â€" \- ..........«...H.................r::;...»... _ l‘he only excl‘nsive Jewelry Store in Fenelon Falls, with all the leading styles, comprising 3 i E AT BOBCAYGEON EVERY FRIDAY. Watches, Bucks, Jewelry. IN -. ~AND- 11.55“ Remember, Mr. Frost is a ï¬rst- B d class workman, and those who leave .. S ' their work with him can depend upon AT getting it done promptly and in ï¬rst- _‘ *' AT u’s. < W class style. All work warranted. STAND : Opposititheâ€"Posiitlfï¬ce. R. J. FROST. June 19111, 1889. 00900 n 060001 090 >000¢0o0¢09000000000000006000000 o 3000000000000000000 9 000003 Chfl‘ ooo¢o¢0o¢o>40ooo oooooooooovooov. 00000000000¢0900 0coooooo¢0oo0009 100000000o000000 009.0000-0000000 0060000000000000 00¢000voo0000000 9090000000000000 00000¢0o00000000 0090000000o0000o W. T. Julia’s. team‘s llllllllll lllllllll] llllllSll. We have for sab- here and at Lindsay all ; kinds of Building,r Lumber, Joist, Scantling l Plank, Timber, Iiath. l’ickets, Shingles, Fence Posts and all kinds of I’laned and Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Unr Common Lumber, both Pine and a o , I. â€" - - a . ,lll‘llllOCk. inch and two inch. is mostly new GROCERIES AND PROV I>It)?\S Choxce and Fresh. Eight pounds good Japan Tea i Hucka c,†1,,“ Spflï¬â€˜lfl). well roofed, dry and for $1.00. Two good Ilrooms for 25¢. A good Scrubbing Brush for Se. J. J. BRANDON. lJOHN WALLAEâ€" begs to inform the public that he is pre- pared to execute orders for" ‘ Puritan Calf ’ cork-soled Boots â€"â€"â€"watcrproof', sensible ; ‘ \Valkenplmst’ and ‘ Common Sense ’ Boots; ‘ Cardigan ’ Over- sltocs, something new and something goot‘l. German Felt Slip- pers From 250. per pair up ; see ’em. ‘ Boss ’ and ‘ Cliuntx ’ seamless laced Bootsâ€"nothing to ripâ€"and THE ‘ GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY ’ BOOT, curing Corns, Bunions, Tender and Damp Feet. We show samples of the leather of, which a numbcrof our line lines are nntnufactured. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THE ABOVE NEW STU. IS THEY'RE PORKERS Our stock of Staples is, as usual, unsurpassed. We give with every pair of our celebrated Girls’ School Boots, a Beautiful School-hag bright. Innnuf‘acturcd expressly {or the local trade of Femlon Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, and being builders ourselves. we have a good idea of what is required for lirst class ,or cmnmon building materials for housrs, lbarn: and outbuildings. I We have assorted and pilr-d by themselves Ebolli qualities to suit purchasers. I'ricrs I from $5". T-‘J to ‘35 per M fret and upwards. l W:O0~OOOOQOOQOQQOOMOMQN«OCOOQQOQOGOQOCQO†CItOl'KEIlY .t GLASSWARH use†AT Cosr. 3m 00000069009900000006000000000000000.00909060004... .000. 009.00 of [wind that (Mines. T STILL ALIV E and able to compete in my own 11110 of business and thank my BEVEL-ED GED, lSPLINT BLINDS. The undersigned is now nmnuï¬icturing the We have about two million feel that lilH'rl. be sold to make room tor new stock. l'ur- t t1 ' above minds at ties ri-quirin;r any of the above stock will “unleruus P“ 1‘0"". 0“ 1‘in‘l ~ . - i . - save money by calling lit-fort: purchasing kind cuppOl‘t- l‘Ol‘ tllO 11<t. ten 6 FOOL i , , elsewhere. or by sending their bills lwre or k ' i i 3 ~ and wheeled vehicles of all kinds. to Lindsay for «mutations. llillc. "sillliltlifll years. I have withstood op- _ . ‘ . _ The most Millstantial Blinds mode. U=eful position live times 111 the lastl and Ornalz‘mzttul. Give got-d satisfaction wherever tried. and returned for approval. (Ian ship by car loads to all points. Can get Sphclnl rates on to April next. Send on your orders. " One Dollar Saved is 'l'wo Dollars Horned." Tam: .‘Jorrcr: â€"’l'he above is all gang lum- bar, parallel widths. GREENE &: ELLIS, l'l-nrlon I-‘cl/r, SAM'L 1’}: IISONS, Agent at Lindsay. ;Faciory over James Knox's blacksmith 3 shop, Francis-st. East. Fenelon Falls. ‘- Samplcs at J.,llcartl's Hardware Store. I ‘ 36'.~‘.gentswnnted. I VV. Iâ€"I. CIIT’RCIIJ Fenelon Palls,Feb. 15th, lBSL'râ€"l-tf. will still be able to give satis- PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 35?†Repairs executed with ncatness and dispatch. «id-1615'. vears’ ex- ‘ v perience. J. SLATER, Watchmaker & Jeweller, FENEL 0N FA LLS. 2 Doors South of Mechanicsi Institute. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE “GAZETTE.â€â€˜ ONLY' ONE DOLLAR PER X’EAR. JOB PRINTING. EXECUTED II THE 3581' STYLE. All.) AT. THE‘L’O'EST RATES...