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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Aug 1889, p. 8

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The Gopher Pest. BE EATS FIELDS 0F GRAIN TO QCENCLI THXET. Throughout Southern and Westerul Manitoba hundreds of acres of grain‘, are being destroyed by gophers. Por- i tions of the Province which heretofore i enjoyed comparative immunity from this pest are this year being visited by ', nouns-ands of the little dcpredators. They generally begin at one side of a field and mow the grain down acre by acre, leaving the ground over whichl they have passed almost bare. Many are of the opinion that. it is food they are alter ; it is not food, but drink. So soon as the open plains becmrtc parched 5 during a season like this they make a descent upon the nearest grain fields, and cut the young and «succulent grain, with the object of sucking the sap from the straw, This is why one family of gophers commits such havoc. There is no doubt but that they increase more rapidly in numbers during dry years, as when it rains heavily in June many of} the young ones are drowned in their. holes. A large proportion of the thon- l sands of gophers that this year infest] the southern and western borders of. Glendale have not been bred there, but l have collected from the dry, open prai- l rie beyond. There are four distinct, kinds of them. First, the pocket go-p, pher, which somewhat resembles a large I mole. with pouches at each side of his ‘ body for carrying earth. This fellow is very seldom seen above ground. It ‘ is he that throws up the piles of earth. Then there is the little striped gopher, 1 the larger brown gopher, commonly » called the ground squirrel, and lastly another large, light-coloured variety, generally but incorrectly known as the prairie dog. It is this last gentleman that is the l'arutcrs’ chief enemy.â€" .Vcepawa Register. Duties on Horses. \VASHINGTON, July 27.â€"A question was recently presented to the Treasury Department in regard to the importa- tion by S. W. Stevens of six horses from Canada. Stevens moved his fam- ily and effects from St. John, N. B., to l’rcsquc Island, Maine, in the fall of 1888, and subsequently imported the horses for use in the lumber woods. He claimed that the horses were used in transporting his goods into this coun- try, and that they were consequently exempt from duty under the depart- ments decision of June 3rd, 1887, in 'Z't'g‘ul‘d to horses actually used in immi- gration. Acting Secretary Batcheller says that the decision cited covered «23:05 where farmers came to this coun- try in advance of their families and efl‘ects for the purpose of making ar- rangements for the transfer of their families, and subsequently returned to wall”? W: the Purpose Ol angmg chr Sugars.‘Syrupe, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins their families, the several arrivals being Currants Starch, Soaps and all other regarded as continuous acts of immigra- tion. In the present case the immigraâ€" tion was completed, and the horses left abroad merely as a matter of conveni- ence, and subsequently brought. into the United States. The department, there- fore, decides that the horses in question CROCKERY, GLASSVVARE, were not entitled to free entry. The Bowie Knife. The original knife made by a black- smith out of an old file for Col. James Bowie, (alter whom the weapon was named) is thus described by a person who has seen and handled it: ‘ " It was seventeen and one-half inch- es in the blade, two inches in width until within five inches of the point, when it widened a hall-inch, and then, curving backward a little, ran off sud- denly to a point. In weight it was just three pounds. The handle was made of the lower part of the horn of an elk sawed in two halves and neatly riveted on to the shank of the blade, the handle and blade being twentyâ€"three inches in it‘llglll, with a handsome crosspiece where the two joined. The knife was gtound down and then put on an oil‘ stunt! until it. was so sharp that it would ban- shaued the hair off oue‘s hand, so admirable was its timbre. The sheath was made of two pieces of thin pine wood neatly covered with alligator skin. i: could be used lor both out and thrust. and never failed when Jim! Bowie got a fair blow. n. *fim -. ‘7._. During the last fortnight, about 7,500 b». weigot of salmon and trout has been ‘ captured in the Clyde. between Dum- harton castle and Cardross. These have been the largest ~‘ takes ” for more than half a century. A few days ago an ambitious Maine rmster undertook to lunch on some licx‘fi, and called the hens to take part. 9. il‘ru on the wattlcs. . * jumped in the air and vigorously at cked the hive. The whole swarm descended on him in an instant, and the proud {owl was seen sr skin; around the Corn-3r with an a- .ly crowd other: in lull chase. lle o undertake logothlo up those files again. ' PROV]: S10 N S. | and to which he invites the attention 1 he bees gathered round and one stung , ill/IRS. .HEELEY’S IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO GO FOR MILLINERY â€".A.NDâ€" Fancy Goods. ‘Law Lace Curtains, Embroidery and Materials for Embroidery in Silk and Wool, Filoselle, Arrasene. Ribosene, etc. l Also,’Collars, Cuffs, Handker- Chiefs, and Fancy Goods of :all descriptions. Mrs. Heeley. BEST innit. Fast Colored Cling- lianls for 10c. Fast Colored Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. ' The freshest Goods in the Village at Win. Campbell’s. coconuts â€"ANDâ€"- MCFARLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine fresh TEAS, COFFEES, groceries, which he will sell Cheap for" Cash, of the public. Earthenware, Brooms. Pails, Washtubs, Blocking-brushes, “Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. Canned Fish, lull ll Vegetables of the very 'vbest brands and at the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for llnlter & Eggs and other farm produce. 112%“ Flour-and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH Mcl’Al’tLAND. Feuclon Falls, April lSlh, 1888. Goodhand’s Livery, l East Francis Street, Fertclon Falls. 1 wish l to draw the attention of the public to the l fact thatl have purchased the livery busi- l ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly. and have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. I am prepared to furnish firstâ€"class horses 1 and comfortable rigs at the lowest living l prices. ‘ GEORGE GOODHAND : sienna division coum' â€"OF THEâ€" County of V'ictoria. * The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson‘s hall, Fcnelon Falls, On Tuesday. Oct‘r lst, commencing at 10 o'clock in the iorenoou. Gso. Hasxmt, E. D. Hutu. " Bailiff. Clerk' Feuclon Falls, July 15:. 1889. l l l l House and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his resi- idence on Louisa. street in the villa e of I 5! ‘ : Fonelon Fails. It is beautifully located, with a good garden and stable on the prem- ises. The house has seven large rooms. two l l t l l l l l closets. a large pantry and a good cellar. I For terms apply to Petition Falls, 39:1: May. .:-':.â€"lC-.‘w. I AM NOW READY for the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more buildingaud space for ' I have new full lines of Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford and Cedardale Grass SELL llli Di 1 BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMEN T OF 'Millinery at almost “‘tfiflalf Prices my increasing trade. Scythes and Snaths, English Cradles, Paint on, Machine on, Hats and 30mm bought at m‘_.Glass, Putty. SEQâ€"$4 JOHNSTOH’S CELEBRATED MIXED PAINTS. BUILDERS AND Fr'erllEZi’S will find it to their advantage to call on me for prices be- fore making their purchases elsewhere. Stacks of Tinware and Stoves of Best Manufacture. I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support of my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. J05. HEARD. W. MCKE OWN Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at and Below Wholesale Cost designs and patterns. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED .000 T0 wear out DEYMAN-e is still selling Furniture away down at the Lowest Possible Living Prices Good Hardwood Bedsteads at $2.50. FaIl Leaf Tables $2.50. Good Kitchen Chairs 45c. Extension Tables. Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. UNDERTAKING promptly and carefully attended to. Work Made UP to Order THE caercriiiiuccors & onus. on the shortest notice. of‘tnanufacture, in order to lnako roont for ncwv bargains, as I am selling- cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. Twccds at Mill Prices. ClMPBBLLl Gill/lBLE, THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Mrs. McDougall’s trimmed free of charge. 3%“ Hats already trimmed from 75c. up to 59. Prices to suit every person. nee“ LADIES’ UNDERWEAR already made. sold cheap. my“ DRESSES and MANTLES cut and fitted. 30 cents. W Calico Dresses made atSl upwards. 5Q“ Stnll‘ Dress Goods made at $1.75 upwards. me“ Silk Goods made at $3 upwards. 33g)?” Street Jackets, Wraps and Dolmuns at $1.25 upwards. M“ Children‘s Dresses cheap. figs“ All work guaranteed. None but experienced hands employed. Mrs. R.Mougall, 2 Doors North of the l’ost-olllrc New Smoker Shop. The undersigned begs to inform the resi- dents ol‘ li‘cnelon Falls and vicinity that he is now carrying on the butchering business NoczwooooooowvmooooOMovooooqcocoooooqooonocooo and is prepared to supply the public with ALL IiINl)S 01“ DEExlT at the lowestliving prices. 3233” Patronage- respcctt‘ully solicited. DANIEL DUGGAN. Fcnelon Falls, April 4th, lSSQ.â€"8tl‘. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ~â€" TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 1)]3N1‘IS'1 13.17. Call early and secure c K e om n9 GASâ€"(VITALIZED am.) FRANCIS STREET WEST, FENELON FALLS. Go to J. Nmummm, Dentist, Lindsay. it you want teeth extracted positively wuln out pain. (las has been given by him with great success for over 21 years. He studied with Dr. Culton,ol' New York, the lawn-1 tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teeth rumlt: by Mr. Neelauds 20 years ago, and novel required any repairs. Gold crowns, pore-3â€" laiu crowns and bridgework done. Visits Fenclon Falls, McAt-lhur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 4li-t.l‘. llllilllll lllllll Sllllll by wearing the only Prank Lazarus (late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) RENO‘VNIGD SPECTACLES a EYE-GLASSES. These Spectacles and Eye-glasses have been used for the past 3.") years, and given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are rm»: ensr IN Tun wonLn. They nev- er tirc, and last many years without change. For Sale by S. NEVISON. opposite post-oflicc, Fcnelon Falls, 21. lot of New Dealer in Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Wall Paâ€" pcr of latest designs. Oil painted Window Shades a Specialty, Frank Lazarus. Manufacfurer. 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, ' LONDON. ENG. (Late Lazarus a Morris, llartiorll, Conn.) o OYSTERS. FISH, _FRUITS, CANDIES. CANNED GOODS. Effi' No connection with any other lirm in the Dominion ol (.‘anada. owooowonococvwoowou If}. IIA‘V, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to excl-nit all orders with which he may be fit‘v‘uilrlitl, o a Onoeoboooooeooooooooono o n 0900090000000 .00 too... i l Note the Pines : Oysters, 35c. a quart. llmldics 10¢. per . ' 0" . v , , ‘ Pound' Pres“ “Omngi “’C‘ "‘ dO/‘Ln' from large contracts to the .‘lllltlll'r'l you. Oranges line. a don. Lemons 25c. a doz. W Sash and doors nfall kinds made on 3 pounds of Logor Dates tor 25c. Choice short notice and of good llllltlfritllE. Apples 15c. a peck. Work-shop on Francis Street East; resi- NUTS_ deuce on Bond Street hast. Granoble Walnuts 20C. 3. pound. Soft- . EDWARD HAW' shelled Almonds 20c. a pound. llrazil Nuts Penelon Fans’ Alml 10"“? 1558' H' 20¢. a pound. Filberts 15c. a pound. Pen- â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-«â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~_ nuts 20¢. a pound. ‘ ” MIXED CANDIES 150. A POUND. The “ F 911010“ Falls “310W 'â€"“â€"“_ is printed every Saturday at the office, on the corner of Slay (it Francis streets. SUBSCRIPION 31A YEAR IN ADVANCE, L D EY M A N SMOKE ‘ MUN GO.’ °’ 1°”: I I David .Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksmithing in all its different branches ldone on short notice and at the lowest | living prices. Particular attention paid to 3.1. SENSOR. i bowie-shoeing. Give me a. call and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. 45-1}. the best So. cigar in the market. Advertising. Igutes. canned th’ Frans and vegembles’ Professional or business cards, 5’) can't all the l)"Sl brands. perline per annum. Casual advertisements, , t. it cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 PURE s APPLE v CIDER, cents per line {or every subsequent inser- 4100. per Gal. non. Contracts by the year, half year or Oysters Sfillfid al in Hours, aliil: terms. cooked or raw, by the plate or glass. JOB PRINTING ,Drink St. Leon Water! of all ordinary kinda executed neatly. cor , fray-kt”

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