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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Aug 1889, p. 5

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'b -_'_â€"â€"Iâ€"â€"â€"._-â€"â€".__. _ I r _ I V, ., ., 1. grove oi! Monday last, that. when I asked I Mr. Fnirbairn why it was tint he, a county master of the Orange-men. had refused to Sign the‘Equal Rights Association petition to the Governor-General for the disallow- l once of the Jesuit Estates Act. he answered by saying that he (Mr. Fairbnirn) had been asked to Sign the petition on the street by a drunken boy, and that he took the pe- titiou, read it nnrl gave it back to this drunken boy without signing it. This was Mr. Fairhniru's reason why he refused to Sign a petition that in reality was binding on him, in his obligation as :in Orangeman, to support. We haw hrrc exactly depicted i a specimen of an in-ilviduul culling himself y by name only on ()rangrman, and merely i wearing the rt-galia of those brethren for political purposes. but had )lr. Fairbairn’s answur to my question been n. truthful one, we might for n momwt ham been lenient with him ; but when we find out who this drunken boy wasâ€"that llL’ was neithern lmy nor yct drunkâ€"it still further goes to convince all those present that Mr. Fair- hairn‘s Oraugcism does not reign with hint as supremely us Ilmzs his zealous udmlrn- tion for his political leader. The drunken boy that Mr. Fairbuirn referred to was none other than Mr. John Moore, of Iiohcuygeou, a murricd munâ€"n hand of n familyâ€"and a delegate from that village to the meeting in Toronto of the Eipuil Rights Associntion. l I am furthermore informcd that Mr. Moore l was also at the meeting of the Grand Uraniu- I.oilgc of ll. .\'. Amt-rich. held at ('umphellt‘ord last summer. I am positively surprised that n gentlemanuâ€"nn ()rnugcluun of Mr. Fairbuirn's standingâ€"would hc guil. l l l ! l l l l i $50,000 to loan from 6 percent. up. N e- Advertiser-new is. Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At ‘Vcry Iooxvcst Rates.‘ None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. 3:?” FARDI I’lIOPERTY at very low rates. WV. E. E L LIS, Druggist and Bookseller. Fenelon Falls, June 25th, 1889. FARMERS, Study your own interests and see our full line of Agricultural Implements before giving your order. at the Peter Hamilton Agricultural Depository, Penelon Falls. J. R. GRAHAM, Agent. See the Peter Hamilton ass-ram. BINDER, with steel sides and steel deck. The only 20., Shirting frock or the lad \Ve are Taking Stock just now and-it is surpr i that have come to the front, and â€"-â€"â€"â€"---â€"- lwhich must be disposed of for what they will bring regardless of cost. Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Prints, Remnants of Remnants of Tweeds, a pair of pants FOR LESS 'PH REMNANTS ising the number of Remnants and .Odd Lots; and Remnants of all kinds to hex smzriliced. laid out on tublés for ‘Stt.tttrdny,. and the quality and price tickct- - ed on each remnant. your time. to buy. the. child :1 AN HALF “THE VALUE... We will have them. Now is u.â€" Onr Cost Sale will continue for the Month of‘Angtts’c- Another Lot uf’thnse Famous 25c. Hats for‘theLadies just" received. “78 have sold one hundred and twenty- dozen of those are the greatest bargain ever offered in Linds shapes. COME EARLY, as this will be the 121.5 hats within the l-lnstx thirty (lily ‘. The y 213* 3'31]. new styles and lending ' t lot we will have to ofi'er.. 0THEBAN, cATucc & null. > I City Drapiers and Clothiers, » No. 2 DOBSON’S BLOCK, 2 DOORS WEST OF THE POST OFFICE,\KENTÂ¥ST.. LINDSAY. lliudcr with canvas rollers running in metal boxes. See how convenient the lovers are, and all within reach from the scztt. Our Binder is easily managed with two horses. Our Hinder does its work when wanted and is always ready. Our Binder has the light- est and strongest main lramc on the market. Our lliuili-r is the Queen of the harvest fit'ltl. .-\l~‘o tlii- llumilton Harvester, Crown Mower and 'l‘ig-‘r Sulky llztkc. I’ricus away down to meet the times. J. R. GRAHAM. Font-Ion Frills. June 28th, 1889. 20. 0-0-04‘ $00 000000000000000000000 Mo yonoc¢ooovn ty of actions such us those we have stated , here. and Cull only excuse it on the some ground that he himself gave for sending his children to the convent in Lindsuy to be educated under the ltomun Catholics, thut of ignorance of the constitution and rules of the Orange Institution. though he had been. at the lllllt‘ of sending: his chil- dren, a member ol the “range body tor 3:3 ; yours. I am Strongly tempted to (lrnw the : comparison of this present ruse to thnt in the Gulntinn Church. which l’nul describes ; in tlu- 'lnll rlmptor of his epistlc to that; church. ‘- And that because of fztlse broth-l rcu uuuwari-s brought in. who came in ‘ privin to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might hriugi us into brllltl«|;_’l‘ " ; these men having crept into the Gulatiau Church under fulse prr- l l l l l l The Pure-bred Durham Bull. FENELON DUKE, registered in Dominion S. II. Herd Book. will he kept this senson on the premises of the undersigned. Lot No. 2:! (Jon. 1, l'cru- lnm. Tcrms$l cash. Fetielou Duke i551 yenrs old. ll. huudsome roan colour. has taken the first prize at Fenclon Falls Show for the lust‘thrco yours, and is 11 grand stock-getter. DEALER IN Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches. WALL PAPER, Oil-painted Window Shades, ‘WPIC'l‘UIiES. WALTER II. Sruvnxsox. Fcnelon, June 4th, 1889.â€"â€"lT-4w‘ R.lll.lllcscu, Veterinary Surgeon, icnclcn Falls. Honor Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, 1884. Diseases of Domesticated Animals Treat- ed on Scientific Prtncxples. Equine Dentistry a Specialty. lt'llCt‘S. with the intcntiun ot' curtniling the privileges and limiting the liberties of the pr-oplc. I am sorry to say tlmt I four mzuiy lllt‘l‘e are in tlic Uraugt- body who stund in i )lr. I’airbairn's shoes and wrap themselves iu the clnnk of politicil bondage. In con- clusion. .\lr. Editor. let me say to those few who bore disugrccd with me :tlwut this (ll‘.\:~'lltjll to Mr. Fairliairuâ€"thoy beingpriu- (‘1‘: ally 0f the one political stripe, that it nun-r eutcrml my mind for once whnt puliticul party )ll. I-‘uirbairn belonged to, fir I did not know, nor did I cureâ€"lie had done wlutt was it disgrace to nny Urziuge- man to do, and for my proof of it, and for my reusons for writing this lctlcr. I refer my Urunge brethren to their obligation. Yours truly. A. Q. Sr. Groucrz. Fenrlon Falls, Aug. 14th. 1339. i Picture Frames Made to Order a Specialty. House and Painting done in town or country. OPPOSITE iiiiiiiâ€"ciilci. . oooooooooooooooo ooooomooooowoo obeuuovooooot .___â€"â€" L,- Residence, Corner Colborne & Louisa. sts. N. B.â€"\VILL ATTEND AT BOBCAYGEON EVERY FRIDAY. IEII{-'I‘IIS. Movsrs â€"In the township of Fcnelon, on Tuesday, July 16th, the wife of Mr.Jnmcs Illuynes of n son. lmxnasrrn -â€"â€"lu Fctmlon Falls, on Thurs- day. July lflth, the wife of Mr. J. H. Lan- caslcr (if :1 Son. (bun-nun â€"â€"lu Fruclou Falls, on Monday, the 3th inst. the wife of .\l r. A. W. Camp- ll"ll,lll.l)l\ll1\5, Tens, of a son. Fiskâ€"ll] the township ot'l'crulnm, on \Vuducsday, the Hill inst., the wife of Mr. J. ll. rm.- of a daughter. _________.___.__._â€" : oooomowooewooooa«.moooovoeooovoooonvoow ' The only exclusive Jewelry Store in Fenclou Frills, with all the lending styles, comprising Watches, Blocks, Jewelry. 1315;“ Remember, Mr. Frost is it first- cluss woskmnn, and those who leave their work with him can depend upon gutting it done promptly and in first- clnss style. All work warranted. IN Boots and Shoes GUMAMEE A31“ -â€"AL‘-N D â€"â€"- - PURE. ________._..._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€" 30115;). Morinâ€"In l-‘enclon lv‘ulls, on Wednes-, STAND : . ‘.',A ,..Hl,l<:l-' Il_'. l" f* ' _ 32.2.3323; stoic; 5:23:12 01313031138 the P081 Office- l B, J. FRO June 19th, 1889. oowunuoooooo towowoobuooofi «oooooowoooooo oooouoooowoo oooooooooo .9099. oooooov~oowoooa ooooooo.oo¢oovo9 “woooooooww . oeoow~ooooo~ooo oowouoovoo l ‘ Puritan Calf " cor t-soled Bootsâ€"waterproof, sensible ' ‘W 11” l ’ i-‘C S' " . 4.? - , ’ p u tenpizrst. ant 01111110!!!» ense Boots; LardIgnn. OVers F EN BLUN FALLS MARKETS. li'qiorlr'l by (IN North Shir Roller Mill Co. goooo.oooooooow«oooooaooooooovoooow two. grin-um. mus, Friday, Aug. Ifith, 1889.‘ 00000000000000000000000 shoesgcomeshing new and something good. Gcrmnn Felt Slip- "-t': : i.»- - -‘ if . WW ’2 .0. .. , - ' ling? {Signlfir b 1.“) be, M pers 110m 250. per pan up ,. see ’em. ‘ B0533 and.‘ 0111mm} LUMBER YARDS, . . u, 3 b, - - - . . i r - . \V.:cal,5c0lch or Fit‘c, - - o 87, 9-: ; senmllzss laced BootSw-nothmgzto ripâ€"rind . I V ‘ - - - = iEllELllll- Hus llll uuuu. pug; ;; ‘3 - - - - 3;; M THE ‘ GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY ’ BOOT, ' ' ' ' t‘r s . ' ' ' ‘ -‘ ) - - - pouring-5, ‘ H up 3.2 curing Oorns, Bunions, Tendertmd Damp ‘Feet. We show samples of the-‘loat-her» of W'é-hnvc for'snlé hero and fit Lindsay nll' Ilil'l‘tlt:l'.‘:::'fcl“t.t, - -_ -_ - : a 6 1:) ‘ whichia number-of our fine ~1inrs are manufactured; DON’T FAIL TO SEE THE kinds of Building Lumber, Joist,‘Scnutling p.15? {M d m?" ‘ {‘1‘ ‘1. ABOVE xuw STYLES ruE'r'itirfcouKtms Our stack of Staplegis, as. Plank; )Timbcrr Why Picket-4. Stimuli“; .-,3. t . , ' ' ' - c5 , . .‘ . . u 1 o‘ - ,l .'.. h ll on Ilt‘l‘ ton. - s - - $7 on $9 00 "31ml, unsurpassed. “.0 mm with every pair of our celebrated iliizleieilliiini‘ijiifiiiiii‘iili‘:inuirvsiiliiilir: ,s , . e - Girls, sell-00‘ 800‘s, 3 Beautiful SClIOOI-bflg I Ouri Common Lumbi‘r, both l‘iut- nud Advertisement. i ‘- 9 i . ‘ ’ , for $1.00: Two good Brooms for Zficr A good SleJbing Brush: for 5c. J. J. BRANDON. BEVEL-EDGEIP : "‘â€" iSPLI'NT BLINDS.:J°HN WALLACE t begs to inform the public thut he is pre- pured to execute orders for bright. manufactured expressly for the lurul trnde of Fenclon thrills nud Liudsuy and surrounding country. From our long experience in the lius‘int'ss. and living builders ourselves, we lI:i\'i‘ a good idea of what is rctpiii't-d for first 4 inu‘ or common building tnntcrialu for boom-s, lmrus and outbuilding). . We have assorted nnd pilcd'hy tlihmselvc? ~ both rpmlitim to suit purchuHI-rs. l’rim‘i from $3 in to per N that and U]|\\'nl"l.-'. W4: have nlmut two million lCI‘l tlutt mud. be sold to make room form-w duck. l’ur- tics rt-quiziug uny of‘lhr nlmt’r Mock will Business uc'ncr. Notice is hereby {run that the business I hitherto carried on by bumucl Summon- ns ‘ :1.:’:':it:‘:‘............-. 51 STILL ALIVE o o o o o o u o o a o v NWQO»O.“WONMWNOOOOOGOOOQOOOOOQW GROUKERY ll: GLASSWARE W A'l‘ COST. “1233 ooWooooonmmooooouooooovo-onouoo baled (may by every/pull; (f trim] that blows. “0900 .9000. OnfihovvotOOOQD-obo‘ RailwayTies. Cordwood. Téle raph Poles. Cedar and all kin s of Timber. Lumber and Shingles.. a 0.. .oo... oooa~ooo~oooooooo and able incomplete iii mv own i l line of busfilefis And thank In}. The undersigned is now manufacturing the o o c c c o o o o v . above llliuds at . vcocoooofin¢oooavcacoono... l numerous will he continued on :\ moi-l. than f‘ortncrly i-y the umictsigncd. who will pay. as hitherto, THE HIGHEST" CASH PRICES. the l5t'n ot‘erery llldltlii for-.111 materials tlt‘lift‘l't'tl. fib‘ (‘Ht‘ of the firm “all be regularly on llit‘ road For particulars uup‘y to S llll‘lt‘i Summon. , l N." 't.‘ Victor .\T."Itit‘. 'I‘ornuio, 0: Ltd. ll. Brandon. Your? “.1 Fair". SWANTON, BRANDON 3; Co. 1.1 r;:-':' Halo 5 patrons for their; .ktnd support for the last. tutti i V ‘ill‘S, . . : posi‘tion live times in the hot n i . I p . ten years in FettclonFnlls, :tlltl.i “ill (13}lfltlli3 “l 1L Unlinflt _- ll..|tl|. on :having had thirty yearsi ex- periencc. l J. SLATER, .\' li -â€".\lr..“wnt:ton tit-inks his numerous 8’, ) :(téh‘m 2" for their libcml patronage unringl the past ten mire. mud bogs t.» solicit :r 1' Celi'iltziurr of thr same for the new ran“, “um-hm ,tuggui. tss3.â€":v3-zr. Ls» l able to give satisu .tactton, its 111 the past, after“, FEAT] JON Ill LLS. l 6 Cents pequuarc Foot, All Ready Fitted. . ' t ‘. t l ' I 1"“ L “ lthhtuod "I": The most substantial lllinds umdc. Useful and Ornamental. Give good sntisfactiun wherever tried. W Agents wanted. K". II. CIII'IICII. Fe‘nelon Falls, Feb. 15th, inertâ€"Hf. l i l . II: E" ‘SllElGHS; GUTTEllS, nud wheeled vehicles of all kinds. Factory over James Knox's blacksmith ' shop. Francis-st. East, Fenelon Falls. "nntplcsut J.‘ltrara.'s Hardware Store. i EPRICEBII‘O SUIT.THE TIMES. :6” Repairs executed with neatness and ‘i I idispatclt. 48-16l-y.. suvc tuoncy by culling lie-fore pnrchnâ€"iug t-lscwhcrc. or by sending their hills here or to Lindsay fur quotations. Bills estimated and returund for npprovnl.’ (Inn ship by car louds to ill point-1. Can get spvi-inl rules on to April next... Send on your 0:’ili'r~'. " One Dollar Sun-d is Two Dollars I'litrnwl." Tun; Norm}: ~Thc above lhflll gong lulu- horyparullcl widths: GREEN}: 1; ELIAS, Petition rally, SAM’L’I’AHSOXS, Agent a! Lil/1'1t If]. SUBSCRIBE. 1?()Rf “ Gr E; E .99) ONL‘Y’ ONI‘} DOLIJAR. PER? YELXIZn l 200M530”oilfiechaificsflnsfituteu l. JOB: Pam-nun: EXEcurrEm "LTHE-LBESI. EIXLE;AumAT.'THE1mwzsrmmssz.

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