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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Aug 1889, p. 8

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-\~«-r ..._.".‘,r, . v.-' 4.7:“..1â€" .'. The Startli A . are in circulation that, the/Sugar Trust i line about completed negotiations with i :am English-German syndicate to get the . sugar markets of the world under one ~ °fth°sngarlMRS. HEELEY’S I. SAX FRANCISCO. Aug: 9.â€"chortsl is THE RlGHT PLACE TO GO FOR non i I‘AM now READY l for the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more t BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT 0F building and space for my increasmg trade. I have now full lines of at ailm05t , _A‘ND_ Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford ~"175R‘~H9.1f 3109.553“ islands Java and Mauritius which l and Grass. .would place the main source of’the raw , - ‘ cradles, Palnt 011, maChlne 011, l supply under the control of the syndi-i Lace Curtains, Embroidery l‘ “fa-VGla‘SS, Putty, 850. 3/} ‘ cute. The surplus stocks of nurclincdl . . ‘ . ‘ and Matemamm Embmde‘y JOHNSTON’S CELEBRATED MIXED PAINTS. beet sugars of Germany and France are . . to be accumulated in store for shiptnent 111 $1111 and W001: ‘” “NH” “‘ “w Pml’e' ‘l‘l‘e- The Filoselle, Arrasene. Ribosene, eto.. supply of raw cane sugar will be our 1 tailed by at. least 3-5ths. All surplus supreme control. Theplau contemplates binding' for a short term all the princi- , pal ninntations of Cuba. the Phillipinc ; Hats and Bonnets bought at Mrs. McDougall’s trimmed free of charge. 333‘“, llats already trimmed from 75c. up _ to $9. Prices to suit every person. 7 - - â€"_ l - Ill 1 B LILDERS .mD incomes a l . . . . . . . . - _ my nunssss- .\ AN'rLE \ t d Will find it. to the1 ‘ advantage to call on me tor prices be- fined, 30 mm, ‘ma 1 S “‘ ““ _,._._._- America. This Would create a de- ficiency in Germany, France and Eng- land, while the American supply would Still be short. it is estimated that the sugar trust and the Anglo German part- ners would pay at least ‘25 per cent. upon a capital of $l00,000.00(l, which, according to the rumor, will be neces sary to accomplish the gigantic scheme. unrefined beet’sugar will be shipped to 3 Also, Collars, Cuffs, Handker- l o-.â€"â€"~ -‘~__ The Condition of Ireland [rlsh papers report revived trade and signs: of general prosperity, such us he- laud hasn’t known for many years, and whether it is true or not. this state of affairs is attributed to the resolute atti- tude of the Government in suppressing outrages and bringinpr the country under the operation of the law. The people who were once it terror of the League so that. they would not. pay: anything but League calls are now honestly set- tling their debts, paying their rents and industrioust pursuing peaceful ways, satisfied that they will be protected by :thc Government from the high-hand- .ed will of the League, to which, in the .days of its power, they were little better than slaves. The “Bloody Balfour” ,may have faults, but he has certainly reduced Ireland to order, and that would be a. herculcan task for any man. ~‘The occupation of the agitator. is now nearly gone, there are no revolutionary speeches, and the makers of the last noes are meditating in jail, the poor upon whom the agitation fell with al- most crushian weight are benefitting by the altered condition ot'things, and suf- fcring is not so great. The struggle .agninst. British Oppression, so for as it \venti-d itself in intimidating tenants, .cutting the tongues out of cattle, shoot- ing: and maiming lukewarm leagucrs .aud boycotting non-sympathisérs, is at :an end, because of the firm stand of the diovernment, and it. should be the wish .ol every lover of liberty that it would continue so.â€"- Toronto News. .__...__._.._. -.. Alive in a. Crematory Retort. The Philadelphia Inquirer says :â€" Dorrie Fischer, has been where no other ,live man has ever been or wants to be .â€"in the iron crib and locked in the retort, whcre dozens of bodies have been iburned to nothing' plus three pounds of ‘lime Smelling ashes. The occasion of this was the trial of the new crib in which the bodies are burned instead of the pan formerly used. It was neces- sary to try the crib with a body in it. The question came up whose body sl..nild be used for the experiment. After gathering: plenty of witnesses about to see that Superintendent May- tr -p could take no mean advantage of the opportunity to roast. him alive and kicking, Dorrie Fischer stretched himâ€" scif out in the crib. He was shoved into the retort. The heavy door was s". unmed shut. He was in the air-tight collin with six icct of walls about him, unable to rise. He won’t tell what he saw in there, but it is joculorly declared by witnesses that, when released he moved a little hurriedly to get out from the crib, felt for his hair and eyebrows to see if they were singed, and then asked for a fan to help reduce his tcm~ \p-riture. His Royal Highness’ Big Farm. The Prince of Wales? home farms at Simlringhum now extend over 2,000 news. There is the Hall dairy farm. l i l l l l l chiefs, and Fancy Goods of all descriptions. Mrs. Keeley: BEST ldlllE. Fast Colored Ging- hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus- llns for 10c. Fast Colored Prints for 10 Cents. W The freshest Goods in the village at "Wm. Campbell’s. GROCERIES ~tLND- PROVI S10 NS. J. lllthâ€"RLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWA RE, Earthenware. Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blocking-bruShes, Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. Banned iish, iruil ll legalities of the very best brands and at. the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butler & Egg and other farm produce. m“ Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH iiannLAND. Fenelon Falls. April 18th, 1888. Goodhand’s Livery, East Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. I wish to draw the attention of the public to the fact that l have purchased the livery busi- ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly, and have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. I am prepared to furnish first-class horses and comfortable rigs at the lowest living prices. GEORGE GOODHAND 0': which are fine herds oi Jersey and g 5530'“) nlvislou cab.“- de’signs and patterns. l, ' To wear out W @ DEYMAN© is still selling Furniture away down at the Lowest Possible Living Prices Good Hardwood Bedsteads at $2.50. Fall Leaf Tables $2.50. Good KitchemChairs 45c. Extension Tables, Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. TWeeds at Mill Prices. CAMPBELL ll GAMBLE, THE CHEAP CASH STORE. fore making their purchases elsewhere. " Stacks of Tinvvare and Stoves of Best Manufacture. I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support of my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. Jog. HEARD. W. Is'Sening His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at and Below Wholesale Cost of n1anuf‘acture, in order to lnakc room for ncwv Call early and secure bargains, as I am. selling- chcaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. M c-Keown, FRANCIS STREET WEST, FE/l/ELO/V FALLS. to Mill nun ALL WORK WARRANTED. a. lot of New DEALER IN ovsrnns. FISH, 3 g FRUITS. CANDIEJ. $22? CANNED GOODS. “Why llnle lhehlhihq Prices : Oysters. 35c. a quart. Haddics We. per pound. Fresh llcrrings 250. 9. dozen. oranges 30c. a doz. Lemons 23c. a doz. l3 pounds of Lngor Dates for 25c. Choice. Apples l5c. a peck. NUTS- Granoble Walnuts 20c. a pound. Soft- ishelled Almonds 'lflc. a. pound. lira/ii Nuts W Calico Dresses made at $1 upwards. 36¢.“ Stnti‘ Dress Goods made at $1.75 upwards. W Silk Goods made at $3 npwnnls. M?“ Street Jackets, Wraps and Dolmuns at $1.25 upwards. 5213‘” Children's Dresses cheap. 3&3" All work guaranteed. None but experienced hands employed. Mrs. R. WEIâ€"Dougall, ‘2 Doors North of the Post-omen New 3‘ realism... ..__._...â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" The undersigned begs to inform the resi- dents of Fenclon Falls and vicinity that. ho is now carrying on the butchering business «ooowouoowoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommo. .IN THE RED STORE, 3 9 WO¢NONOOOObtvooboOHOOOQQOOOMOHOQMOOOOO and is prepared to supply the public with zlLL liINDS 01‘“ 3111‘;th at the lowest living prices. 3&3” Patronage respectfully solicited. DANIEL DUGGAN. Fcnelon Falls, April 4th, 1889.-â€"-Stf. DENrI‘IS'1‘1{X7. GAS.â€"â€"â€"(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. Nemaxos, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want. teeth extracted positively With- ont pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over 2| yours. He studied with Dr. Colton, of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teeth made by Mr. Ncclnnds 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridchork donc. Visits Fenclon Falls, McArthur House. on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. cow Pilllllll lllllll SliiHl by wearing the only Prank Lazarus (late of the lirm of Lazarus & Morris) RENO‘VNICD SPECTACLES & EYE-GLASSES. These Spectacles and Eye-glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are THE lnls'r IN Tin: wounn. They nev- er tirc, and lust many years without change. For Sale by S. NEVISON. opposite post-office, Fenclon Falls, Dealer in Jewulry, Fancy Goods, Wall Pa. per oflutest designs. Oil painted Window Shades a Specialty. Fran/z Lazarus, Manufacturer. 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, LONDON, ENG. (Late Lazarus (it Morris,llurtlord, Conn.) V 365“ No connection with any other firm in the Dominion of Canada. l3. IIAW, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, FENELON FALLS. The advrrtiscr is prepared to execute all orders with which he maybe favoured, from large controcta to the smallest job. W Sn-‘h and doors of all kinds mud-e on short notice and of good materials. \Vork-shop on Francis Street East; resi- dence on liond Street East. EDWARD HAW. Fenclon Falls, April 10th, 1588. t.t. K ~rz-y cattle. and a small flock of South- ?_ lThe “ Fcnclon Falls Gazette” is printed every Saturday at the other, on the Corner of May A: l’runcil-s streets. Sl'llblfllli’lON $1.1YHA1HN ADVANCE. or one cent per wrck will be added as long as. it remains nn'puid. â€"OF THEâ€"- County of Victoria. T v w- I‘loc. a pound. li‘ilberts 15c. a pound. I’cn- ll urns. The Wolferton and Babinglcy l I} N D G l nuts 300- 0- Pound- i‘urms have the herd of Shorthorns. the. l , pmmpuy and carom“). an“,de to, MIXED CANDIES l5c. A POUND. l: ' “din: iii-ck «if Southdmvus, and the z The next sittings of the above Court will â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Work Made UP to Order |THE CHOICEST TOBACCOES & noon. 6: z is of lincknevs and Shire horses , be held in Dickson's hall, Feuelon Falls, i on the shortest notice. ) ’l“m.- Appleton llall farm. which was; On Tuesday. Oor‘r lst, L DEYM A N SMOKE ‘MUNGON I I the best :’:c cigar in the marl-Let, l T‘l‘t"il)‘ lennnud by the nuthoress of- l Canned Fish. Fruits and Vegetables, 1 commencing at 10 o'clock in tin: forcnoon. " Gao. Manse. E. I). “AND. Bailiff. t‘lcrk' ; Penelon Falls, July ist. l‘i'). l i-.'_»hzm-n Years on the Saudringhani l‘.~ii\tt‘.." ts given over to lcss choice sin-k. i. r.. store cattle and sheep. H. . ll ll. has nezliiv one hundred l‘fIClillt‘VSl W l" ~ ' w -' ..11 the best brands. at o.ler.on. and about sci-enlv >hire- " brads, and there will be a biennial salei House and Lot For sale“ : 9‘- ‘54' from these ~'iutls. the first or which is . . . . : General Blacksmith, : o The undermgned ofl'ers tor sale his test. A b. be hull mus! summer. There are, ‘d -.‘ o l. ". t ."t: '5 'Ell 3.; ~' ‘ l ten bf‘mitl mates in the thoroughbred i Fiiiiielonni-‘afiziflltaigeolicziutit’iiil; Ironic: FranCIS‘St., .6131 i. Sandrtnghnm Pork contains a i ‘1”! a good gitdrn and stable on the pres»; -â€"-- I , very curious herd of wild_ w|,i(e.home_1 ises. The house has seven Targe rooms. two ; Blueksmithing ir. all its difi'erentbranchcs mull: which descended from some .ni.‘ dOSflS. I lfirge pantry 3nd at good cellar. . dose on snort notth and at the lowest. F t , , . l. . . Mufti," a cm-On mid ,0: n l rectly and reasonable rates. - or ems: v o ‘ men: prices. 3 l : it t , ‘ V ’ . :‘ it were sent to the. Prince from W ' yy ygnsox" mm... ~_.,,.,¢~.,,g_ as". me a cell and I will St. ll 1'" D' "AND' 5””‘630‘ h] 99”“ Fauna. l Faction Fells, 30th my, teasâ€"lost , gmrnntcc sctisfmtion. “My. I IIWHNW 4&(1 vertisi ng liutm-i. Pmlhssionnl or business cards, .50 cr‘n‘u. per line per nnnum. Casual nilvt-rtigum.;,g._ 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and :1 cents per line for cw-ry subsequent lll-L‘l- 400. per (a‘rul. : lion. Contracts by zip: year, hulf your or - Quarter, tor a column or less, upon mug“- able ttvrms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, "Ur cooked or raw, by the plate 0.- glass. a.

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