' : l Biggest American Runny A COMPLETE HISTORY OF Illl _. l and cornutmu : 'lllELE}; THOUSAND swims AT THEIR AN- F3381), 5 NL’AL REL’SXUN AT PEAI’ACK. etnbracing,also. a history of theflnotls ; _ in Williamsport. Lock Haven, Sun- PEAPACK. N. J.. Aug. (Bitâ€"There - liiiry.and all the hooded districts in the an, mmâ€. kinds m- Smith; in [mi alum . State ot-Pcunsyl‘runm: also in Yoshi-amen. z , but'u,‘ ‘ f. i ‘ -_ b d 1. g D. i... Ber: lurk. Maryland, \irginm and ri“ . L on“ 0 l“ m, l: a ' "'l ' West Virginiqull ofss'hicltcausnd the total , It‘sufllaul'CS of all the kinds met ycsicr- 1H,, “MW, Hm.) “W5 anc- um (cummion day at the fourteenth annual reunion or th'r $4'J.Oou.uo(i worlhtci property -, - and family picnic of the clan. Thcy , 1;)- (seo. T. Ferris, A, )1; all came 00 Wheels and horse T-UWL‘I‘,‘ (mun-Q: pages: Illustrated “'ith fox the nearest. rain-cud station is many ‘ full-Page l-lngravlngs. ‘l’rice $1.50. First mm“. uwm._ ‘ edition issued August 10th. WI. ,PAY DL‘TY n , _ q - z . ‘ox ALL Boers. AGENTS WANTED. Send lht. oldtst omith pre-ent was Col. , mt for complete 0mm. I’L’lltl 7... who was born Christmas day, , IL 5_ GOODSPEED k COâ€an you. . V . ’ ' , 1.30:5. He carries a cane, Just lor fun, i â€"'.’8-4w xii?†Flats already trimmed from 75c. up not that he needs it, but because he i _. ..W___ to sin mm. to sun 9,...â€- WENL does not like to be out. of touch withl _ . ‘ 5333ԠLApnfs‘ pxpmm-EAR already the customs oi'othcr hearty young lcl- _ _ -‘~ ~’ ’ ' R'M, l _ I i made sold Cheap. , V __ y T lows. The youngest hasn't any otherI . E’s?“ DRESSES anti MANTLES cut and Vel‘v‘mmmgeom HE FINEST AssnnTMEnT OF 3523" Stuff Dress Goods made at $1.75 name than Smith as yet. He was ab- ' fitted. 30 cents. Denali)“ lallil Overcoatings, Trouserings and Suitings 0,0,, sorbiug milk at, a high rate of speed, and 3:1?“ Calico Dresses made at $1 upwards. Honor Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 3,42,... gm,“ hm“ Wm ‘ c . s ps anti Dolmans THAT EVER GAME INTO FENELON FALLS. ’ saying “ Ah goo !†at intervals, in the , ntanner‘ol one on very good terms with l College, Toronto, 1884. at sings upwards. 3:3" Children’s Dresses cheap. himself. Three thousandintormediaie Smiths Diseases of Domesticated Animals Treat- , A†. .k , , ., .,d_ N ed on Scientiï¬c Principles. 0 l a r k & S o n. exï¬nccd l‘lllTlxtlS one but Equine Dentistry a Specialty. ' Mrs. R. M’Dougall, hitched their ï¬ne horses to posts and ' . 0 lb ' a. . . Remdenceï¬omerr 0 0rne&L0u15 Sis | I A M N R E A 2 Doors .\()l‘lll ol‘ the l‘ost-ofllt‘e N. B.â€"-'.W.1L‘L ATTEND AT BOBCAYGEON a " trees for a quarter of a mile around, and picnicked in the most delightful way in Peter Zfs orchard, in the midst :Evsnr rmnnr. . . for the Summer trade, havmg enlarged and added more New Bil-teller Shop. e building and space for my increasing trade. â€"-â€"_ I have now full lines of i BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT 0F Millinery at almost “'é‘é'ï¬Half Enrico.- s " Hats and Bonnets bought at Mrs. McDougall‘s trimmed free of charge. â€"-â€"F ORâ€" oi which are two green mounds, show- ing where were the chimneys of the original John Smith’s home 150 years .ago, when any careless Smith might have been scalped by Indians if he didn’t look sharp. The most pronounced feature of all the celebration was the brotherlincss of it. All the Smiths from near-by places toiled hard all day to make things pleas- ant for their kinsmcn and kiuswomen from Chicago, Buffalo, Seneca Falls, Smithtown, LL, and Newark. Every- body was happy. Abraham Smith, the vice-president, who presided because the president was in Canada, had care- fully nailed a bit. of gauze over a squir- rel hole in the tall white orchard gate post. wherein a swarm of bees live this summer. This kept them from flying out in their artless, apistic way, and slipping their stings into the other Smiths. The new-Gcrmnutown Cornet Band played iine patriotic tunes, and contributed its mite to the era of good feeling. Abraham Smith from a hiin platform introduced the Rev. E. F. Fowler, of l’eapack, and Daniel H. Overtown, of the Union Theological Seminary, New York, who told the Smiths how happy and good they should be. It was the .best picnic the Smiths ever had. ~._._____ Starvation and Misery. The undersigned begs to inform the resi- dents ot‘ Font-ion Falls and vicinity that he is now carrying on the butchering business Spades, :Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford and 'Cedardale Grass Scythes and Snaths, IN THE RED STORE l English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine Oil, REESEZIIESH 1223,2151}?'IiL'}IIi§i§§I.T{{i‘ Nibâ€"“Glass, Putty. Sac. : (“/9 ALL ICINDS OF DIICAT @ - respectfully solicited. at. the lowest living prices. 353'†Patronage _ DANIEL DUGGAN. B Fenclon Falls, April 41h, 1889.â€"Stf. will ’ï¬nd it to their advantage to call on me for prices be- DENrâ€"FISCF R17- fore making their purchases elsewhere. GAS._(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J, NgthAxtm, Dentist, Lindsay. if r. . ‘ . ' you want teeth extracted positiver “‘llll- I u 111 do my best, as in the past, to tetain thesuppmt of on, pain. a“, hm, hm, gm.†by him win, my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. towoo instill soiling Furniture away down at the: Lowestl’nssiblc Living Princes ..â€"_â€"â€" Good Hardwood Bedaleadsrï¬ $2.50. Fall Leaf Tallies 32:50. Good Khohen iChairs4‘5c. Extension 'iTa'liles, Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. UNDERTAKING JOS. HEARD. promptly and carefuliy attended to. Work Made Up to Order on the shortest notice. L. DEYMAN. Gil-QUERIES â€"ANDâ€" PROVI SIO N S. J Merlâ€"IiLAND has now -on hand :a splendid stock of ï¬ne fresh TEAS, GOFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which ho will sell Che ap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Earthenware, Brooms. Pails, Washtu'lz-s, Blocking-brushes, Clothes-pins, Matches and other articles in great variety. Canned lish, hull it legalities of the very best brands and at. the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs and other form produce. m. Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. great success for over ‘21 years. He studied with Dr. Colton, of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting tcctli. Numbers of persons are wearing :trtilicinl tenth made by Mr. Neclands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crownS, porce- lain crowns and britlgcwork done. Visits li‘cnelon Falls, McArthur llousc. on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 404.22 IN THE ILLINOIS MINING DISTRICT A- MONG THE STRIKERS. llll Mill i lllll'lll BESThTUE. To wear out a. lot of New Fast Colored Ging- Tweeds at Mill Prices. hams for 10c. thPnLLt GAMBLE, as lins for 100. THE CHEAP CASH STORE. .‘O CHICAGO, Aug. 30.â€"â€"The Rev. Jos. Huntington arrived here today on route from the Illinois mining district to his home in New York. He said: The situation in the mining regions is un- speakably distressing. Hunger and disease are abroad, and death is deso- lating the homes of the hopeless victims oi this unnatural struggle. It would be hard to exaggerate the horrors which 1 have witnessed during my week's trip through the coal region. It is bad enough everywhere I went, but it is worse at. Spring Valley than elsewhere. But even there the p0vcrty-strieken in- habitants are not like the poor I am used to seeing in New York. There is no whining. People show intelligence and pride. Even hunger has not de- bascd their feelings as one might expect. I am used to scenes of want, but what, 1 saw at Spring Valley was more pitiful than anything I ever witnessed before. The cottages are nice and are surround- ed by pretty lawns and gardens, but the awful poverty within was shocking. Sickness is int-rousing, and the doctor told me the people were so enfcebled by long privation and anxiety that an epidemic might break out. at any mo- ment. Business is utterly dead. dlcr- chants are giving their goods away. The people go to the drug stores for medicines and the druggists supply them as far as may be, but take no account of tlll‘ purchases on Lllt‘lt‘ books, Despair is written everywhere, but lhc.c is determination also in the faces oi the hungry men and they will mt yield. The award of ll‘w Arbitratiin Commit- tee was a clean endorsement of the strikers’ refusal to accept the ttrms of Goodhand’s Livery, . ... - , . we upcrillnrs' . 1'†“nannk .15 b‘ac" East Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. I wish “Mug†H†mm“ “Wm†WM†“bah to draw the attention of the public to the ct the mines arc operated or not. When {m that 1 have purchased the livery busi. production is lively and values rise, ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly. and they sell hm: at :i handsome mix-“net have made such improvements as will meet TE“, mam†build bauscs‘ and me" hard the requrrcmc‘nts of the travelling public. I am prepared to furnish first-crass horses t13;t‘3*»‘“ll|\?. lidâ€"'05 “1'? Ni. 3 “Elke 0“ and comfortable rigs at the lowestliving lock nit hunts. the operators repossess prices. thcursu‘: b of the mint-rn' homes. and in due mt..- llllllil'rl‘ wave of prosperity I ..;~ up. .tu-i main the Operators reap a 5530'") (“Vis'ofl COURT Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. @ The freshest Goods in the village at W. McKEOWN Wm. Campbell’s. Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at. and M Below Wholesale Cost of nuanufacture, in order to :11qu room for newv designs and patterns. Cull early and secure bargains. as I am selling- cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE T0 ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. MCKeown, FHA/V678 STREET WEST ,FE/VELO/V EAL/.8. LIE. IIAVV, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to ext-rum all orders with which he may be favoured, from large contracts to lhc smallest jull. Sash and doors of all kinds made on short notice and of good materials. Workâ€"shop on Francis Street East; resi- dence on Bond Street East. EDWARD HAW. Fenclon Falls, April 10th, was. t.t. JOSEPH MCFARLAND. Fenolon Falls, April 181b, 1888. . _._.__.â€"-.._-._._. ..-... The “ Fenclon Falls Gazette †is printr-d every Saturday at the olllre, on the corner of May & Francis streets. Sl'llSCllll’lth 81 A Hill! IN ADVANCE. or one cent per week will llL‘ added as long as it remains unpaid. GEORGE GDODHAT‘ID Advert lasing; ltntc-s. , , . _ , H ' I I l’rofcurz-‘irmal or lm.-im-.-'.~: cards, no M-nw L31 hum“ _. ,3, Annual]: 13m} “hues. _OF Tm}. n | pt-rlinc per annum. Casual :ttlvterliseint-nh, 4.. .w. .--.. l K rents [H'r lint: for the ii:'~t inwrlion. and 1: ' of \‘i , ' . . . _ count) atorla cents per lllH‘ tor l-vi-ry subsequent :nwz. tiott. Cou‘irm'U by the yt-nr, hull year or quarter, tor 11 column or loss, upon “awâ€. a chic terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinda executed neatly. t-or used by such well known horsemen as Joseph Staph-s. Mani-era; Geo. Werrv Fenclon : Albert Ware, l-‘vnclon ; \K'tit Hancock, Mnriprtsa: Geo. Skncc, Opt; cit-"etc. TESTED AND TRIED. Rain or shine, it won". hurt any animal. 'l‘ltcz-n l.‘ a Lolv in Milwaukee who is the m. that at nine childrm. None of them unis taunt-d until D. was twelve wax-sold. ‘l‘lmy more simply cglcd by On ’l‘uosduy, Oct‘r lat. ‘(ifuir nick name: and their numbers. l commencing at 1'.) o’clock in the luncheon. The next sitting: of the chore Court will be held in Dickson's hall, l-‘cnelon Pulls. " One," -~ 'l‘wo." etc. When the' were ‘ . . - v ., 1| d . u n ml 3, twelve years uld each one choscjhis or: a!†yh‘lhï¬iiliï¬'. E‘ I" AASE-‘Ir‘h' “EFUV‘E‘ AFTER 25c. EACH, OR FIVE FOR 81. me 3’ “1 “No a; c e 0 D 17 up but one name and was baptised. 1 Fcaclon Fails. J'lly 15:, 35:2. xv, 15.. ELLIS, AGENT, FENELON FALLS. ’NW;M . . ~s i: b a" 4 'i