- W A - â€" .-.-:..‘ [v _.___.â€"L_.__._.____.___-_.___4 E * ‘N-. A__ A Ll. llG Bil“. BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT 0F Millinery at almost “ a ’:‘~:~Ii'.s1f Prices “ A Terrible Calamity. ? A COMPLETE HISTORY or in l ‘â€" and COXEHAI'GII : A enormous PM'T mi- nmwx up AND 2 VALLEY l :1: O chums:- KILLED. FLOODs l embracing. nlso.:i history of the floods , . . , q - . . ‘ in Willinmsport. Lock Haven. Sun- AST“ E‘lp' ““il’t‘ bâ€"Dynam‘te (x' bury,snd all the flvOdCll districts in the ploded {0-day in the cartridge facmry State of Pennsylvania: also in Washington. in tha- vi--i~ ivy of tho bout-ï¬e, killing - D. C.. New York, Maryland. Virginia and ,even] persons and duh," much an,†‘ West Virginia. all of which caused the mini - T . 'iss " .000“s ’ :5 i. .ge to Property. l’ortions ol the boursc “ m met H me and a" ‘1' mm†11 . q , b . f. t .1 I of over 54'J.W0.0UO worth of proportv ; V ere ~. “USN )V ‘Jrl'ln‘: I';I._'lllt,‘ll S (III! . ‘ _ . ‘ i . .- , ., ‘ 1$y Geo. T. Ferrls, A. DI. ; - t on ï¬re, cansmz apunicintliat..u1.d-‘ . _ ‘, ,u‘, win-l w \ . t-t,‘ m e on.†u, I Uctxico, 522 pages: Illustrziml “III! in. 1’ l“ ,‘f: “ .“ " ‘ ‘ . i l‘ull-PnircEngruvlngs. Prim-$1.3m. First I p. m.â€"lne cxpmsmu eccui‘rud in I “pmâ€, ,Ssued August “ah. WE ,,_“..“L.TY a workshop where old cartridges were v ox ALL nooxs. AGENTS WANTED. Send lei ~.' t to pieces. Men and women E 3%. 1"-*[C‘1n1l2101§ Ol‘ll‘ï¬t. ‘ _ _ ‘ ere “Cl-ice]? at Work breaking “M†"l" 11' :TTJ‘JTLPSPP‘ILD & (’O“ )E‘v XOR?“ ’ l fez?" lluts ulrcudy trimmed from 75c. un :nd twenty-6V: millions llzlll bot-ll part- 1 #_“__:_: A T l ioS‘J. Prices in suit t‘\'t'l‘_\' pcrsou. ‘ 3y broken. T w number of dead is now ' “HAW l 33-35" LADIES“ l‘.\‘l)l~ll{\\ EAR nlrcndv ' “mated at 150. The ï¬re is ELâ€, r3;- . . ti, R M l Illtllli‘ sold (‘llt-ul‘. . in: Iiuxv covers two acres. The _ .-. 3" *- l l l ‘ i 323)“ DRESSES and .\l.\.\'TLF.S cut and Veterlflï¬l‘lsmgeona THE FiiiiEsr ASSORTMENT 0F 'Hats and Bonnets bought at- Mrs. llIcDougall’s trimmed free of charge. â€"FORâ€" titted. :10 routs. 3:}? Gallon Dresses unidc ut Si upwards. flames shant up to an immense height. Amid the roar of the flames there is a continuous succussion of loud reports,' supposed to b‘: from the ignition and explosion ol‘ packets of cartridges. Be- yond the Russian tanks and Nobel's shedsthcre are numerous houses burn- ing. The shipping at the Africa and America docks is in danger. Lnsnâ€"The number of deaths will probably reach 200, and about 500 per- enns were injured. The loss will be many million francs. It will be impos- sible to extinguish the flames in less than 2-1: hours. Several vessels have been burned. Owing to the intense heat the ï¬remen were unable to ap- proach nearer than 100 yards of the flames. Eighty thousand barrels of oil are burning. Several soldiers have re- ceived injuries. The cartridge factory was situated behind the docks, upon which millions of cartridges were being loaded. It was adjacent to the petro- leum stores, and-two large Russian pet- roloum warehouses were set on ï¬re. ()ther stores are endangered. Police, gcndurmes and troops are assisting in :the work of extinguishing the ï¬re, while priests and Sisters oi Charity are look- ing after the injured. The city is en- veloped in a. dense smoke. Perils of Alaska. This EARDSEIPS OF FOUR HUNDRED MINERS IN run NORTHERN ‘WILDs. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9.â€"'-1‘he 1n- -quirer publishes the following special uespatch from San Francisco: In a few weeks possibly the country my hear of accounts of terrible priva- tions sud perhaps deaths among a party of 400 miners. They are locked up in the black wilderness of Alaska and are believed to be without food. Yesterday lenel on hills. Honor Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, 1884. Diseases of Domesticated Animals Treat- ed on Scientiï¬c Principles. Equine Dentistry a Specialty. Residence, Corner Colborne 6: Louisa sts- N. B.â€"4VILL ATTEND AT BOBCAYGEON EVERY FRIDAY. W o DEYMANo is still selling Furniture away down at the Lowcsfl’ossiblc Living Prices Good Hardwood Bedsteads at $2.50. fall Leaf Tables $2.50. Good Kitchen Chirs 45c. Extension Tables, Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. UNDERTAKING promptly and carcfuliy attended to. Work Made Up to Order" on the shortest notice. Overcoatings, Trouserings and Suitings THAT EVER GAME INTO FENELON FALLS. I AM NOW READY for the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more building and space for my increasing trade. I have now full lines of Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford and Godard-ale Grass Scythes and Snaths, English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine Oil, micâ€"#Glass, Putty. 8rc._% JOHNSTON’S GELEBBATED MIXED PAINTS. BUILDERS AND FARMERS will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call on me for prices be- fore making their purchases elsewhere. Stacks of Tinware and Stoves of Best Manufacture. I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support of my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. HEARD. JOS. 535;“ Stuil' Dl‘t'fs Goods made at $1.75 upwnrds. Silk Goods made at $3 upwards. m2,“ Street Jackets, Wraps und Dolinsns at $1.25 upwards. 32%†Children's Drcsscs cheap. 36“ All work guaranteed. None but experienced hnuds employed. Mrs. Ril’Dougall, 2 Doors North of the l’ost-oï¬lrc New B_i_i_tc_h_o_r Shop. The undersigned begs to inform the resi- dents of‘ Fenclon Falls and vicinity that he is now carrying on the butchering business O‘Nr‘C‘Oâ€Oâ€â€OOO“Q¢6““OOOOOQ“NW¢NQO . o g IN THE RED STORE. l o o «wmmoowwooooâ€"onooooc .90... co oooouocoo 000‘ .9 and is prepared to supply the public with ALL IiINDS OF DIIE.AT at the lowestliving prices. W Patronage respectfully solicited. DANIEL DUGGAN. Fenclon Falls, April 4th, 1889.â€"8if. DEN'EIS'EIESET GASâ€"(VITALlZED AIR.) Go to J. NEHLAxns, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want teeth extrnctcd positively Withâ€" out paiu. Gus has been given by him with great success for over 2| iii-airs. He studied with Dr. Colton,of‘ New York, the inven- tor of gus for extracting lei-1h. Numbers of persons are wearing nrtilicinl iceili mndc by Mr. Neelnnds 2U yours ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porno- laiu crowns and bridgework done. Visits Pcnelon Fnlls, McArthur House. on the third Tucsdny of every month. Cull early in the day. 4(i-t.f. a woman received a letter from her son, written nearly a year ago. It was brief and run : “ I’m alive, deur mother, but am buried under snow and ice far up on the Yukon river. †The party orig- inally left Juneau with the purpose of going beyond that post. The highest point. of navigation is Juneau, which is n trading point at which regular San Francisco packets touch. After cros sin-1 ranges of mountains and rapids the valley of the Yukon is reached. W ith~ in this vulley there is a. village compo~~ «d of 300 men who have already passed I no winter in the terrible solitude. They have sent word that unless they could realize the hope of rescue during the approaching month all would be lost. They have already spent one win- ter in the checrlcss holes dug in the ground. They were provisioned for a year. Some ofthe men may have start- Cheap for Cash, ed for Point Barrow; others may have floated down the Yukon and on the way Eoiiiiiis' 1.000 Mill lllll'llll BESTuLUE. â€"ANDâ€"- PROVISIONS To wear out a lot of New Fast Colored. Ging- J McFâ€"A‘ï¬LAND Tweeds at Mill Prices. hams for 10¢. has now on haggeafrzplllendid stock of â€".â€"â€".â€".â€". 11113 for 10o. Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins I Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other ’ groceries, which he will sell THE CHEAP CASH STORE. for cents. and to which he invites the attention became lrozen, or may have taken the trip over the back route by way of' Jr- ncnu. All who have gone north to the Arctic will surely be lost, while those who flout down the Yukon may be sav- ed by the steamer St. Paul, which has gone to their rescue. Pekin advices are that a number of high Chinese ofï¬cials have petitioned Prince Chun to have all Americans em- ployed in China expelled from the Ein- pirc. It is reported Prince Chun con- sects. Sarah Hollxnd, a woman evangelist preaching: among the Negroes at Brunc- wick. G:i., distributes a load of water- xnelons free at every meeting. The crowds that go to hear her preach are enormous. The tire method of starting: a bulky home was tried by a. farmer at Beaver .l’nlls.’ It was successful. and more, too. The wnguon was loaded with oats. which were ignited. and the animal, in dxshing around, sprcxd the tire to several stacks of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Earthenware. Brooms, Pails, Washtubs. Blackingobrushes, Clothes-pins. Mambo:- and other articles in great variety. Banned lish, lull 8: legelahlrs of the very best brands and at the low. est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs and other farm produce. @- Flonr and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH McFARLAND. Fenelon Falls, 'April 18th, 1888. Goodhand’s Livery, East Francis Street, Fenelon Pulls. I wish to druw the attention of the public to tho fact that I have purchased the livery busi- ness lately owncd by Mr. Wm. Routly, and have made such improvements as will met-i the rtquirements of the travelling public I am prepared to furnish ï¬rst-class horses at and N Below Wholesale Cost ofmanufacture, in order to make roorn for new designs and patterns. bargains. as I am selling cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKLNG ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Cull early and secure W The freshest Goods in the village at W. McKEOWN Wm. Campbell’s. Is Selling His Entire Stock of FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to Procutt. all orders with which he inuy bc l'm'onri-d, from large contructs to the smullcs-it job. 363’ Snsli und doors ofull kinds mode on short notice and of good inuturiuls. Work-shop on Francis Street East; "bi. deuce on Bond Street East. EDWARD HAW. Fcnolon Falls, April 1011:, 1888. Li. The “ Fcnclon Falls Gazette " is printed every Suturdny at the ofï¬ce, on the corner of hluy 6; Francis streets. W. M c K e own, FRANCIS STREET WEST .FENELO/V FALLS. . SUBSCBIHUN 8IA1'EARIN ADVANCE. or one cent per week will be added as Iciig as it tcmnins unpaid. of cats. These were destroyed, leaving and comfortable rigs at the lowest living \ \ -' v . . , prices. tht farmer without. even asalcablt. rem GEORGE GOODHAND mint of his outs crop. The total original cost of the British warships of nll sorts ut the last Spithead SEco'n DlVIs‘o“ COURT Atlvertising’ luster-3. ' i ' Professional] or business cards, .50 Him “View, paraded for we inflection of â€"â€"or 733â€" pcrliiic pcr annum. Clib'llfll advertisements, we Empcmn W‘s £16,853’765. The County of Victoria, l ’ 8 cents per line for the lirst insertion. and L‘ : : . : f n ‘ ' ' A I r _ . used by such '2" known horsemen as cunts p‘r lim fir our} substqutni Ill.lff Joseph Staples. Hahn-r9; Goo. Wcrrv mm' comma" hi" u"? ’cnr‘ ha†-‘"“' M Pena!“ “ï¬befl WM“, “mm†. wrh ; quarter, tor a column or In“, upon “no,†Hancock, Mariposn, Hen. Skuce, fins ‘ able urma' etc.,ctc. TESTEDAXDTRIED. Ram JOB PRINTING 0" 511mâ€, =1 W00"- hu†“3 Min!“ of all ordinary kinds executed neutly, cur n iznber or ships present was 73; of tor- }. :du-lnmls 33 The weight of metal 0 umincd in the. heavy guns was 8,609 , p , “,5. The loam,“ w“ appmxim‘miy On Tuesday, Oct r list. The next sittings of the nhovc Court will be held in Dick-sows hall, Fcnelon Falls, LJODOO tons. Five hundred and sixty- l commencing st 10 o'clock in the forenoon "i "~' l'ua'y gun" irrespecï¬ve or quid: ! 010- “"3"â€. 3- D ï¬rm- . , ‘ i . teeth and reasonable I tcs. Lu. and micbiue guns, composed the " Builifl‘. _Clcrk' "-“ ’- AFTu‘ 25c' MCH‘ OR FIVE 103 u' ' ‘ S D END hump“. ~ 1 Prado: run, July in, 1889. w. E. ELLIS, AGENT, FENELON I‘ALLS. l ' ‘ hm», ., We, l l