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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Oct 1889, p. 3

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_â€" . YOEING FOLKS. minimal32mm; Wm - ~ WNW" ‘ UNEY“"’”‘“°“‘°”“"S" / â€"' He watched fbr him and ave him a “ dod Buy men’ “wutomed t° do buamfi‘ l“ 3 Tue new. we": “caved With ‘1“ “mo” iFUNDS '0 Lon “ ‘ “r, g a brisk, common-sense fashion, fi ,d “mm satisfaction by the community that he had -â€" “" ""° °‘ 1"" “‘3' n “3' class security. App" to AIOBB HB KHUWED WHO SAHTY- ifgcilfggiff alignflsil until the wolf was red “no no vex‘fiou. m“ it is no wonder penalized ; b‘tm meat of . diam than ‘ . . OLAUB WUZ- SJ be w” obfiged to “uh “fly 0 In they invent stories to make it ridiculous. 1"ng “n! ‘19"‘1 “‘1 Vflued m9: l3 Beat“, outlaw“, -â€"â€" out, however. to the dog. ‘ Only, wrayit :1 The): chh 11:1" one °f the”: Which i8 zfih‘cmggmdwt Entrfilghwlddfimpim the?” . Barristers and Sol‘cftorn, , x - . . . 'ittle, on false friend, on half f ‘9’ 3" 8° “ “5" When I“P0190” e 3" °' “3' c K “In” °" Weill 8:... .Ch rch, Jen a lit.le bit 0 fellerâ€"I remember stillâ€" ‘mi‘ y, y Y 3 P“? 01' w“ emperor, .0 the “an,” mm, be depressed spirits, and extremer miserable I am T3§&T$:V3::“mwnn' sat one any a: Langchampl' sleepin “View. sensations, with pale, wan features, are the i ' hi . Ra im : ‘ results of disordered kidne s and livsr. . lug . army 3 an n... ..glm... Amt,“ m” “ om gy “mam UHUIGE FARMS ran SALE Ill All. PARTS [n- passed, but nothing seemed to stir the emperc , . or from his lethargy. At last, however, as Pierce 3 G”ld°n kiwi“! Dlmvery‘: I” n a a. re men: of dragoou. rode by. he suddenly purely Vegetable detective, that will ferret , 6; hi. attention upon the from tank out and ca ture the most subtle lung or " \\'hat is that lancer doing there among bl°°d ‘1‘” “5 Dmssim lmwuir‘dfnmm fiumfihxaimwgd 1:33??? the crsgoous I" he asked his chief of stafi‘. London’s Lady Guide Association is see Possession. call or write to G. I. luncheon, no. Us: to almost cry fer Christmas, like a youn- ster will. Fourth o‘ July’s nothin' to it i-New Year‘s ain't a smell : Eater Sunday-Circus dayâ€"jes’ all dead in the shell 1 Lordy, though i at night, you know, to set around and hear The next morning the wolf sent a challenge to the dog by his friend, the wild boar, who had promised to stand second. They ap pointed to meet in the wood, and our old Sultan had no one to stand by him at a cat who had only three legs. Puss had. how- ever, plenty of spirit. Although she hobbled along on three legs in great pain, yet her tail The “ili‘égefig’gee‘f’ “my “I about the stood erect. as if she cared for no one in the 3119 cm“ °f "figwgfd. “ m hm"- “d mm" Lingual-:3: 3‘3? 3;. mmmlii: And “Santy” skoctin” round the roof, all world‘ The won and the Wild boar we" ghifpgll 33y cortsazklbulkn' comfisnder’ When frsgfl" wm‘“ sighs. dePIWlnB at" “lemon wnppad in fur “(1 ma_ already on the appointed spot, but when t ° 1° Pei" ’° “1” ‘5 “13' Tue chum that quickly {me “my, M O N IE] '2' 'I' O L 03., N they saw their adversaries approaching they “nary mwnw‘meu‘ What power, the bloom of health reaming, A! les'lflhns or Inn-s1. Long afore “ The emperor demands to know why that (kn check the - .. progress of decay ? “Ti: 2.3335812131355521“; - and “use Th" was“! the“ "mh “we”: l out sharply to the Colonel of the regiment : Thi::£:a:s°?$ogl:n°;lflfig 3:233:12" " ‘ ' amo:g;::Â¥:::g;&;9 you got that lancer ’Tls " Pierce’s Favorite Prescription." no} AL MAIL STEAMSHII’So The colonel was dumfounded, and appeal- The price 9f this royal remedy. Dr- THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE ed to the commandant of the squadron: Piercelfi Favorite Preaonpdonl ’5 but 036. And‘stilltctlle front in regard to the provision made “What‘s that, lancer doing he", 3" dollar. Specific for all those chronic all for the safety and comic it of its customers. “ I don't know. sir," exclaimed the com. ments and weaknesses piouliar to women. Weekly Sailings Between Liverpool. Glas- . The col medicine for such maladie - "0" 3‘“ ‘m'S" “‘“fi‘n” " F‘rmigh" 332:3: of the squadron , and he called the Y 5’ 8°” ’ I, Sgrvlce "um and.“ during by druggists, under a positive guarantee Summer Mom“, it Look here, capthin, why have you got from the manufacturers, that it will givo MoilSieamers run between Liverpool and Portland that rascally lancer in your company ?" satisfacfion or money refunded, See guar. \‘lfi Halifax during winter. G WOW steamers sail The captain pleaded ignorance. " I‘ll ask notes on bottle wrapper. Lirge bottles 51.. ' ‘hwugh‘m “‘5 Fear“) Breton and Philadelphia. call- lhe lieutenant,” he said. l Six for $5‘ log at Irlsh parts and Halifax en route. By this time the ir quiries began to be For rates ofp‘aesnge and other information apply to 15 you want to known aomqtbing of the E. BOURLI! , cor. King and Yongc Sta. Toronto: garnished with oaths and abuse. The lieu- tenant, apparently surprised beyond ex- mel me of the Scotch people go to one of if. 81. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or to the local agents in pression at the presence of the lancer, hurled . . t .0 their dances. 30m con“ 3 ' - 9 TRY THE UELEBRATED question and imprecation all at once at the Is Tins What A113 You ' head of the orderly sergeant. Do you have dull, heavy headache,| E u What in the world is the lance, here obstruction of the nasal passages, dischargch for 3 ’ falling from the head into the throat, some- Then the orderly sergeant rode up to the limes Prom“: water?» and Wild, at Others- lancer himself, as if he were about to cut thiCk: tenacious: mucous: Pumlen‘l blOOdl' and putrid ; eyes Weak, watery, and infinit- him through to his saddle. ed ; ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking, or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of cffensivo matter, together with scabs from ’ thought that the cat’s tail was a sabre, and that each time puss humped her back as she hopped it must be a large stone which Sul- Ust to wait, and set up late, a week at two tan intended to throw at them. They were and ; both so frightened that the wild boar crept Couldn’t hardly keep awake, ner wouldn't go in among the dried lea-V8! and the W0" ,0 bed : sprang up a tree. Kittle stewrn' on the fire, and mother sittin' The dog and cat were very much surprised be", when they reached the place to find no one Darnin’ socks, and rockiu’ in the skreeky there ; but the cat espled something on the rockln‘ cheer ; around which he took to be a mouse. Pap gap',and wunder where it wuz the money ~ NOW. the Wild b0“!- When he crept among went, the dried leaves to hide himself, left the And quar‘l with his frosted heels, and spill gray ears sticking out, and when the on: his linimenc: began to smell about she saw the ears move, And me a-dreamin'slcigh-bells when theclock 30d, taking one Of them for 3 mouse. sprang '1“; mm and buzz, forward, caught the ear in her teeth, and Long afore bit it in half. The wild boar started up with a terrible scream, exclaimiug: “There is the real offender up in the tree 1" and ran away as fast as he could. The dog and cat looked up and saw the wolf, who was asham« cd of his cowardice and so angry with his pretended friend who had betrayed him that he came down from the tree and made friends with the cat and dog from that mo- ment. I knowed who “ Sanity-Claus” wrz ! I knowed who “ Santy-Claus ” wuz l Siz: the fire place up, and figger how " Old S inty " could Manage to come down the chimbly, like they said he would -. Wisht that I could hide and see himâ€"wun- dered what he‘d say Ei he ketched afeller layln' for him that “You Villfilnl What are you doing here among the dragocns? The emperor is g . But I 1:331 him, and liked him, same as ef Bwken Laws' “fsfgyém' Y0“ u be :11“ “1:1th vary 13”“), I . h d d l R did ot come down to breakfast and “ Barges“ " t 9 3° 91' Hammered. ‘1 Ce" ' “we 6 “g9 3“ “a” mung" he had 7° “ ’ «you kgow I’ve p'ermuted’ 81,. l" breathbfi'ensive ; smell and taste impaired Guaranteed Puw' Jane was sent up to see what was the mat- ler. “ He is really very sick," she said. " He has headache and a high fever." “ He went without his dinner yesterday,” said Mabel, “ all for the snow fort the boys are building at school.” “ Ab, sure, but he didn't go hungry," said Jane. “ He came in before supper and ate the best of my hot friedcakes." “ And his feet were very wet,” put in Mabel. “ And then he went to the rink with me, and all I could say he would not [Turned to pat me on the back and say, ” Look here, my lad, Here’s my packâ€"jes’ he’p yourse’f, like all good boys does 1" Long afore Permutation in the army means transfer, by authority, from one corps to another. “Permutad, ch '3 ’ said the sergeant. “Well, that won’t help you now.” The orderly sergeant went to the lieuten- ant with the report that the man had per- muted ; the lieutenant told the captain, and the captain the commandant of the squadron, and. the commandant of the squadron the colonel, and the colonel the general, and the general the chief of staff ; and the chief of stofi‘ came to the emperor. “Sire,” he began, “the lancer has permut- is there a sensation of dizziness with mental | . ‘ ' depression, a backing cough and general de- 86 ' bility f If you have all, or any considerable " TH E ALBERT number of these symptoms, you are eufiering { 4 . TOILET SOAP cars from Nasal Catarrh. The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the nulréberfand diversiiyrof symptoms. Thcu- has the largest Bale san s 0 cases annual y without manifesting half of the above symp’tonls, result in con- Of any Tonet soap sumption, and end in the grave. Ne disease in the country on account of its uni- formly excellent, delicate and frag- I know who “ SentyClns ” wuzl Wisht that yarn was true about him, as it ’pcartd to beâ€" Truth made out 0' lies like that un’s good enough for me !â€" V‘Vlsht I still wcz so confidin’ I could jes’ go is so common, more deceptive and dangerous or less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The manufacturers- Wild at on his overcoat when he came out.” n , Over hangin' up my stockin’s, like the little u Anythin mo“ z». asked his father, ed. ‘ of Dr. sage a Chunk. Remedy o‘er, in goo-d Child leaving his ireakfast untested, “ His ill- “Wth lfincer?’ faith, a reward of $000 for a case of this rant qualities. Climbin’ in my lap to fight, mm beggin' me new is surely mm to be wondered at", "The lancer Whom Wu” majesty noted disease which they cacao,“ cureo The ‘E to to“ He found the boy as he expected and sent among the dragoonrl.” Beltway is 301 d by dragging, at only 50‘ D I l H db ‘ can 9. .6 salons in l n a of "Oh yes l He's permuted, eh i” said the emperor, sleepily. “Well, he looked like a good man. Let him have a medal l" for the old family nurse at once. There were peanut shells on the stand beside the bed and bits of confectionery. Rye’s Latin ’Bout them reindeers, and “Old Santy” that she loves so well, I'm half sorry for this little-girl-sweetheart MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- Agents for the BESSON and HIGHAM Band In- The newest Paris bangle bracelets of eilvr r are ornamented with small filigree men. AJ". ‘70. ‘fiel'eqm L ., .2532“â€" sass“ ‘12?“ first i“.$i:.::;Ԥ::.‘g:ۤ. ° 8 3 0V 6!! Y “3 Afierfler young nusro and MUS! | ' BOOK. . Manulucturere to his room, and had nihbled nuts and candy to keep awake. The room was oppressively warm, and he owned to having forgotten to shut off the furnace heat. Auntie Perkins, the old nurse, understood the case perfectly. She did not need a doc- She knows who “ Santy-Claus " is l â€"â€"James Whitcomb Riley. oi the “ IMPERIAL ” BAND lflSTRUMENTS. Pest in the world, Eight Years'Guarantee. Send A naturalist: contributes to “Nature,” from the Island of Crete, a paragraph re- lating to one of the most interesting aspects of bird life. A gardener caught a young but fully fledged sparrow, which he carried â€"â€" 01d Sultan and His Friends. WEN. A countryman once had a faithfm hound, tor. and the nrxt morning Rye came down t0 “19 1101159 0f 8- fl‘iend three Wiles. “WW- or Illustrated Catalogue who was called 811'. :an, and who had grown to breakfast a little pale. but decidedly dis- 501118“ homo SHIV 1}! the morning. _ and Testimonials. old in his service. He had lost all his teeth inclined to eating only oatmeal gruel when GPI'C‘S‘AWG the bird to one of the child- After Spending Ten Winters South, 288 Yonge 3," ten, and it was put into a cage and hung at thewlndcw, where it seemed likely to be contented, losing its fright after a few hours. Late in the afternoon an old bird was noticed fluttering about the cage apparently gy‘iing to going: the létble one, and the young 1 ave a fri htened ,3 and an, ad ir at once came rautic to at out. 118313318 8 g P pp The old bird was evidently tlgie mothe o u Why’whah has Rye been doing, paw 1" the young one ; the recognition between If his father had accuser“. Rye of stealing them “’53 “0 “rdial mlwvefiny d°ubb “9°” the communion aims, the boy had hardly the“ POI-m5 if‘nd When the girl opened the looked more abused, cage as she did after a little, they both flew off ust breaking} He has broken God's rapidly in the direction of the place from holiest lawsâ€"the laws of health. He has thh the th" 0.“ h‘d'befm bmughu- . abused his body ghnmefuuy’ and God has It was believedimpossible that the old bird given him his body for a house-a temple in would hm,“ mum’wd the gardeners 31' in which his soul may do good service. How that case it would have been seen earlier in can his soul be kept pure and holy in a body the dad’- that has no care? If I break the windows of my library, and let the fire go out, and fill The Bock of Lubon' up the place with unclean things, what i A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's wonder that I cannot study there, or write _ . a sermon? Rye cannot go to school to-day. Paradise. A Treatise capsulally written H0 is ill-tempered, uufitfor any work. His 0“ Dimes 0‘ M‘m- 0°11“an Fm“ For soul’s house is cut of order. What with wet~ M?“ 0‘ All Agesl Should be read by Old, ting his feet, eating hot friedcckes after Middle Aged and You}!!! Men- Proven by fasting, overheating himself at the rink and “‘8 S318 of Half a Million to be the most then coming home without his overcoat, try- 901391“. beefillfie writs-en in language plain, lug to amdy in a, hog; room and eating forcible and instructive. Practicalpresent- peanuts and “my late in the evening. he is ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable .3 sorry a, “wheaker as I have seen in to Invallds who are weak, nervous and ex- mauv days." hausted, showmg new means by which they " is. hard making boys believe,” spoke up may be cured- Approyed by editors. critics. Auntie Perkins, “that they cannot do such “ndfhe people. Sanitary, Social, Science things without paying dearly for it; that sublf‘d'a- A“? 2"” 9‘ desc‘lthn 0f SPecl' they may never get over the result, but be fill 1‘0- 3. Tue Great Health Receiver; dyspeptics or rheuulatics the rest of their M‘WGI 0‘ Emu”! and K’Jh-l-noor 0 Medi- lives. They plant alittle thistle seed of cinca- Iahrsely {detainsthe mymrles ,of sickut as for a bit of fun, some day, and have “9- BY ‘93 tMChmgsg heulth may be mam' a me full 0f rm”, to pay form-l tulnod. Tao Bmk Will teach you how to ” That's what they say in the temperance mm" m" ‘70?“ “Vi-0% If every M1010 l1! " ‘ lTUMORS 'llt.l"iv2 -g d _ "form‘s" find Mabel 10"de h" gmvc’“ 3" the (“Vina-3d worm would read! understand ll‘dspitnl. No slioolrrirlme. Hill‘pr Bar‘slstli OWNERS can provide against or: and follow our views th w ‘ G.li.MCMICHAEL.M-D-. . , ere ouid be a No.69 Mum‘s," Bumlolu'v. by death ihrouilidleeaee or accident of their stock. the omelette was so tempting. “ Oatmeal or nothing, my boy," said his father, “and be thankful that you are as well off as you are this morning ; that your punishment for ofiending against God’s holy laws is as lighc as it is." 00 29 eofion and could no longer follow with the pack. One day the countryman stood before the door with his wife and said to her : “ Old Sultan is no longer of any use. I shall shoot him to morrow.” But Sultan’s mistress, who had great pity for the faithful animal, exclaimed: "How can we destroy him after he has served us so many years and lived with us so long 1 I am sure we could spare him some allowances for his old age." “No, no," replied her husband. "That is not just reasoning. He has not a tooth in his head and is of no further use in keeping away the thieves, for they are not afraid of hinl, so he might as well go. If he has served us well, so has he also been well fed, and could eat as much as he wanted.” The poor dog, who was lying stretchedcu: in the can not very far off, heard all that was said, and it made him very sad to know that the marrow would be the last day of his life. New, Sultan had a very good friend , a wolf, who lived near: so in the evening he slipped out into the forest to visit him, and complained to him of the fate which await. ed him. “Listen, grandfather," said the wolf ; “take courage, I will help you out of your trouble. I have thought of something. To- morrow early your marter and his wife are going out into the fields haymaking, and they will take their little child with them. While they are at work they will put the child under the hedge in the shadow. You lay yourself by him as if you meant to watch him. I will wait till all is quiet. and then I will run out of the wood, seize the child and carry it away. Then you must spring after me with the greatest 2 mi, as you used to do in your hunting days. I will let the child fall, and you shall bring it back to its Rye. _ parents again and they will believe that you "And you are getting brlarslc your eyes," was Cured by Scott’s Emulsion. 146 Centre St.. New York} June 25th. 1888. The Winter after the great fire in Chicago I contracted Bronchial i affections, and since then have been obliged to spend nearly every Winter south. Luetflovemberwaa advised to try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil wlth Hypophosphltea and to my surprlse was relieved at once, and by continuing its use three montilswne entirer cured. gained flesh and strength and was able to stand evon the Bliz- zard and attend to business every day. 0. T. CHURCHILL. Sold by all Dramatists. 500. and $1.00. is i KNITTING MACHlN E Q U: Send for Illustrated Catalogue and ._ ,- thisndvertlsemcnt wirhyourorierior our NE‘V RIBBER a d we will 'allow you l»; $10 PREMIUM DISBUUNT ' ' ADDRESSâ€"â€" ilEilLMllN BROS. M'fgs GIOBGETOWN. 0 on; Vivi: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" -.._________._â€"â€"-______ . _ ,. CORâ€"Over 50000 Dream-hers new proclaim the wondelful McDowell Garment Drafting Ma- chine to be the greatest invention cf the age. it cuts Basquae, Costs, Polonaises, Princesses, Wraps, Sleeves, etc, to perfection. Don’t be without it. Sand for circular. Head Office-4 Adelaide St‘eet West. Toronto. ________,___________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- OOMM§R01AL EDUCATlON. i â€"- ‘â€"r:..:o_. l r or i s c. .- l . . . anggllgfgagdcgollggelgltflanf1allrggl’sr lililiwinil- Prondcnt Lflc and Lure Ass '11 dred pupils last year. Realm-in: Hominy. 51-". - 2nd. 1839. Addressâ€"CANADIAN 1“?th ass! CHIEF OFFICE, “ill:“i§:§.’éa§.“"“°“mum“liners” 3mm 0, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA President. Secretarv and Manager. 1 (lscouvon‘rnn) {PEACIEKS can make money during vmmm' A Mutual Benefit Association. y canvassing for one or more of our fast selling , 50],"; [svgg-rngfi'p- By paying to tho “boy. Bmkuno Bibhs. especially History) of Crsadm 1w Association one can PER DAY, a person aged W. H Withrow, DJ), lflwt and 85‘ edition ltVlll‘ twang-4'0. and two can“ pay day a person ed ubllihea- PM“ low, term llbefll- ‘Vrlt'f '1'” fort) four can secure Five Dollars per week mic “uflh‘atod circulars and terms. WM. BliliU-s. disabled through sickness or accident. also for two dublfshcr Toronto. and three cents per (in . persons ed as above can â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"’ secure for their depeu ants, Five undred Dollars in world of Payeicial, intellectual and moral M _ 7 g I at easy rates, Thoeelutereeted,sendio¢ prospectus“ hgveksfasl'edgt from If“; and vyilldb:1 tilts tnng :18:1$:l£t:v\lllrilé£:i‘;$lshly, u when you crochet 81:22:”t?olglfioÂ¥3ii:‘rlimwg;‘::limd t: (:Sug‘hégl â€"_â€"E’;~‘Vififfififi" ’ ; gate-Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented dis- t as a sense I BY 0 m e 0 I n - ' " ' . ' - WILLIAM JOKES, Hans in m mo. you. inland of that you will be in full “Vary send. Rye," said 1):. Dorville. B“? boot: oanwborgthfiTilmmm offealtlgl sgipgxiuysbgtweennnoflfisgp magi " ‘l ' ' favour and nothin will ever cause them to “The truth is, Christians say. Sunday after "585 mm t e 0 0° » Buengt ’30 t 8 ’ H} ‘ , - s 000" C e . J’s-n g Bivo ydu up." 8 Sunday. that they have offended against b°dY “1d. 0? b9 the hem”- I‘ l“ 3 {119533519 mgfi;w$?°wmfigdfio:d if§?;,;f’$,'f,'g“,,‘3 : N K- B N c The dog followed this advice, and, as is God's holy laws without once thiul-iin;r what ‘0 “‘9 WI" 3““ Pshcm‘ifle- Lub‘ma 5990" Round trip Tickets. $60. Steerage, 3‘20. Apply to : BEST SAWDUS‘I had been planned, so it was accomplished. those broken laws are. In my opinion, a fie No.8. the Splrlt of Health. Those who u. museum, General )(anager Cam silip.j run CONVEYOR The father screamed as he saw the Wolf 200d share of them are the laws ‘f health' Obey the laws 0! this b°°k M“ be crawned pliizfloibslngcllml i132: f‘ld'esuomm" ("l ELEVATINO- AND catapult. running away with the child through the You must bear that in mind hereafter, my With “ “dew” month ‘7‘“ Pumbefl 0* ‘ ' ' ' All Sizes and woods ; but when poor old Sultan brought boy.“ “3°” have l0“ 1h}? P‘O‘Vef “novm‘b‘fied 00 the & _ l Capacities. it back, his joy and gratitude knew no -â€"- Viftncrlf Lnbcnshpecz-fii he. 8. All blen GD" .. ! bounds. ilc stroked and patted the old Throw}, 3,3,0, 3 wade, “.“° 31° broke“ DJWP from “arrow or SLATERS& FELT ROOFERS. Send for 130 dog flying; “Nothing 3b,,“ “.0: bu” you a P ‘ ' other causes not mentioned in the above, I Mnrlnfacturers and claims in R .oflng Mum-I Page Catalogs. ' should send for and read this Vlluable , ial and liulldlng Papers, etc UPPK‘I : 4 Adelmde on Unk_ge,ung. “Wt 3°“ de‘“ "M “3' “"1 y°° ‘b’u “V” me‘Gw-wrigh" D Dull.“ ““cnied “‘9 ' . .- l. » sr. east Toronto. rm rietcrs of \Vllllaus' rm want food and shelter as long as you live." recent Ucnvrntlon of Sillfl'ltlul’fl in Toronto, Brad“, “hub M“ be 3"“ in any Edda“: 5mg R 31 Telephone 511? , IMPROVE To his wife he said, “Go home at once, contributes a letter to The Corgregational s'med' on “Gain of w" “I‘m in "am?" _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€""â€"_’ ‘ . - .- -, , - Addresaall all orders to M. \ Lubon to in .»-~« . wife, and cock some bread and milk for fat. of Boston, in ninth he chad) discusses ' ! ° ,r (xxx, A. poor old Sultan. It is soft, and will not “the Sabbath in Toronto." The following ""50 from are“ E" Toronw' C‘m‘da' /% r . , , . require strong teeth to bits;I it. Aad brgng artistbc gcncludinghsentczcce r; the lletter : ____._.â€"â€"â€" .ég/ g s, \_ 'i-‘Sltoarli-é migrants; : F ii: pigme- gun the willow from my armc air. - s s all “ at w at seemst c more stri ingeement . :: T”"“““"""-l' Al (K) 10 9 mm havslit for a bed." in the situation is the fact that the secular . E."‘ythw“ “bu” 3 "tile‘mtk" keeps “01 {hi3 p03 Emu-w” § G gum)? g And so from this time old Sultan had as well as the religious and the educational m “mc 0f dang" “cap: 1“ “‘1' Thngc" up Wl C153}, -" L d. . ' l (We ' every ccmfort and contentment that his interests strongly sup art the present strict “‘“ed' . ‘ . ' ‘ ,\ x " “5° 15*”8’52 Wfivan SENSITIVE- heart could wish. By and by Sultan went uses in observing the babbath. The three J°y Indesmlbabfl - Wigs, divitches, etc, QU'CK‘ tl pay the wolf a visit and told hlmjoyfnliy great daily papers if the city are advocates Dsy and night irritation, pain, burning \ ‘ (how's-ix. Taupe“ M I REP-“ABLE- 03 his goo! fortune. of the present state of sfi'sirs, and those who kidney trouble, etc., made life to me miscr, “x . t h . 1 , ’C .d (u : CHEAP- "Grandfather," be Mid slylv. “ I suppose would relax the strictures of the Sabbath able. For the past four months have used l og?§,‘§’;fif$,xgggaggflaga, 3,); gab â€"â€" now you will shut your eyes and not see if observance are here made the object of ridi. ST. Laos Mineral Water. It cured rm- quick- ' wml when“, 5 n4 for dcwripumm ; Easily to any i ly. Have travelled much and have tried many things, but have found nothing in the I carry away a fat sheep from y. or master's culc to about the semi degree that the seen (luck, 1:1; very hard to get food nowa. Ear press upon this also cf the line ridicules l DOREN‘VVENDS PAP-IS HAIR “'Oii KS'I‘ ' , I I L, Sp Cl lfnciliilr-sfcr ma. 2 n n. d ., i. ' the advocates of strict Sabblth observance. world to “psi 5:. Leon. The flow of high 103 and 105 Ycuge 83., Toronto, (Mada. l in; l“ mlucna WW "I can't help that." laid the dog. “my liauy one doubt the advantages ofastrlctly spirits and j y it brings is indescribable, ’___...-,-._.__. - ...._.___-, ,___ master trusts in me and I dare not allow keptSsbbath to a grin: city, two or three “’31. GiLL, l 'ENGR ' - ‘ y . WATCROUS ENC-m: “WWW? \ V7060 ucRAVER. mm“ °°" you to touch his propifly-" weeks in Toronto can be cull imtly re- ‘. szellery case mikes, 4 Adelaide st. west, The wolf however did not believe the commended as static sure to strengthen‘ Toronto. ",‘L'LUqRA-rWE \__ RAN F dog spoke 'in earns-f. so he learns in the his faith and increase his reipeot for the law flea-i Odi .câ€"Tsronto, Out. Dlmandz nn- saovisn‘sidc‘jléfi B AL,an night, slipped in the fold and would have of the Lord." pram-dented, so pleas: order early. PURPOSES. O RON] , VHNNIPEG. ‘ l

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