__-â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"__â€"_â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"___â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I A Bad Winter in Ireland. It is already clear that this is going to be a memorable winter in Ireland , ior eviction horrors. If Brighton had I gene Liberal yesterday, or even men-i sureably approached it. the Government would have been frightened into calling E off their dogs across the Irish Channel. i but that fashionable waterinz-place, i where thousands of wealthy Londoners '; have votes because they have houses there, rallied enthusiastically against E Mr. Gladstone, as that purse-proud. l empty-headed class love everywhere to . do. and the result is that the Gnvcrn- l mth is entitled to point to Brighton as an offset to the recent series of defeats l in the country. This will mean dcsll- tutiou and even death to poor devils ot'l tenants all over the West and South ot‘i Ireland. The papers to day are full of, harrowing stories oi'policc brutality in ‘ the Gwec'lore evictions, where chronic bedridden invalids were put out on the roadside to watch the destruction of the l homes their own money had built. Lord llanricarde is preparing to make whole- sale clearances on his Woodi'ord proper- ty. and there is going to be a similar battle over the l’onsonby estate at You- ghal next month. It is not a very pleas- ant incident of this unhappy business to iind the London edition of an Amer- ican paper leading Tory papers in edi. torial expressions of delight that the Brighton electors have by their votes sustained this savage system ot'coercion. A Terrible Explosion. \VINNJI‘IU, Oct. 27.â€"A horrible ac- cident occurred at Castleavery, 36 miles north of Saltcoats, on Friday, by the explosion of a steam threshcr boiler. Four men were killed and several seri- ously injured. The threshcr, which , .was owned by Thomas Mchnnan. was working on the farm of Mr. Anderson. A bout half-past tcu it became necessary to stop to repair the engine, the safety valvo at which, it is supposed, had been plug,ng with asbestos Six men were standing near the boiler when it ex- ploded. Francis Duggan was killed in- stantly, being carried some distance and disembowclled; E. W. Fullerton thirty yards, scalpcd and braincd, dying im- mediately; James McLennan had both legs severed from the body. and his brother John had his legs badly shat- tercd, both men dying a couple of hours afterwards, but they remained consci- ous to the end. John McDonald and Joseph Duggan were also badly hurt. the latter having a leg,r broken. None were scalded seriously, showing: that there was but a small quantity of water in the boiler. The engine was blown in may direction, scarcely a fragment: be- ing left. A portion Weighing: six hunâ€" dred pounds was blown a distance of' forty yards. The four deceased were unmarried, the )chenuaus hailing from llruce county. Medical aid was called in from the nearest point, 36 miles. ._.__ â€".- ._ _V___. A Prize Bear Story. Near Forrester's Falls occurred an incident which deserves to be widely heralded. Youngy Mr. Bulmer, ofRoss, discovered a bear quietly lccding in a iicld of oats. Happily he had a gun with him, and he put two charges of shot into Bruin, but this did not have the cll'ect of despatching him. The bear showed an ability to escape with alacrity, but this Mr. Bulmer did not. propose permitting him do. With tle spirit and daring which are so admir- able in our Canadian men, Mr. Bulmcr ran up to the bear and sprang,r on his back, determined at all cost to prevent his escape. The bear was a powerful specimen of his kind and Seemed quite equal to the task of carrying off his rider. Who can foretell what the end might have been had not Mr. Thos. Fanght, a noted marksman. appeared on the scene. )lr. Faught had a gun, and with a well directed aim he laid the bear low with one shot. not in the least injuring or even frightening the couraâ€" geous rider. Undoubtedly this is the bear story ol' the century. and it posses- scs the advantage of being,r strictly true. “‘1 ,Olldtlc -lrl'vu )it‘lt. - o-.. ._ The Bear River Canal. The great Bear River (‘anal in l'tah, for the construction of whit-a $2,UUU.- out) has been provided. is expected in be oue oi‘ the most extensive irrigatiru wuiksin America. To get the river along the side lzill alum: Bear liner A'J :_.on and t-ll (0 the plain near 1'!)- um'itii will Dt‘c">sll.ttc moving 220.04)†cubic yards oi solid rock. lilJlUll cubic yirds ot‘ lomc rick, 1.528 0W cubic; \ .nls ol'eaith and dig-4i“: 1.2M) i'ent .vl'tunnel This canal will irrigate ‘llltlo «Mn acres in Salt l4.lii'.‘ Y:ilit'_\‘.1lli'l Ur: Within") on Bear liiver. increasing: the van..- or the maul to $5)" per acre; while fencin; iniliiiiti; and than: are expec- :cd to double this valuation years. ho. The. reservoir for this canal covers 150 N‘UEX’G miles, and the canal will se- - ear.- in- irrigation cl a zenitery ext» id- ing to Ogden. ' commencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. in a ich Bear Lake is in Southern Ida~ . sscoun nmsmu scum-l â€"or rat-- County of V'ictoria. The next sittings of the above Court will i be held in Dickson's hall, Penelon Falls, ; On Tuesday, Dcc’r 3rd, E. D. Haxn. Clerk- GEO. Maxsmo. Bailiï¬â€˜. Fenclen Falls, October 1st. 1859. din units of Pension Falls and Vicinity. "2-). Mrs. R. McDoug‘all has on hand A MlliNlllElNl ASSlllllMENl‘ 090‘ «o. O O oâ€. .ï¬ .9, -. . i" 00‘. 'N‘PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HONEST ARTICLE CAN BE SOLD FOB ANYWHERE. Intending purchasers are invited to inspect before purchasing elsewhere. DRESSES & MANTLES 1‘12XDE TO 01%DER. ' Mrs. R.E:Dougall, 2 Doors North of the Post-ofllcc two; l Bï¬YMANo is still selling Furniture away down at the Lowest Possible Living Prices Good Hardwood Bedsteads at $2.50. Fall Leaf Tables $2.50. Good Kitchen Chairs 45c. Extension Tables. Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. ' Ia UND ERTAKING- promptly and carci‘uliy attended to. Work Made Up to Order on the shortest notice. L. DEVMAN. GROCERIES ~ANDâ€" PROVISIONS. J Merl-imam has now on hand a splendid stock of ï¬ne fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, ' and to which he invites the attention 3 ol‘ the public. CROCKERY, cmsswaan, l‘larthenwarc. Brooms. l’ails, Washtuhs. Blaekina-brushcs. Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. Banned llsh, hull ll Vegetables ol' the very best brands and at the low- est possible prices. lCaSh Paid for Butter 8; Eggs and other farm produce. an?†Flour and teed kept constantly on hand: I JOSEPH Mt‘FARLAND. { Fenclon Falls, April 1811i. 1588. Goodhand’s Livery, l East Francis Sirectfl-‘cuclcn Falls. i wish ' to draw the attention of the public to the fact that l h We purchas‘d the livery busi- ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routl)‘. tin-l havi- made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. l am prepared to furnish lira-class horses v and comfortable rigs atihe lowest living turtCL‘i. l GEORGE GOODHAND WANT All WEREQM You WANT A surr. @lark & IS . -_.__._....-â€".._.____~.. P.--__.__. for the Summer trade, having building and space for my increasing trade. I have now full hues of Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford l A COMPLETE Hisrogxur nu mcoxnuu‘cn llllllSllllllll" FLO()]). embracing, nlso.n history at the floods in “‘illiumsport. Lock Harei- ‘ on. E bury, and all the flooded districts the State of Pennsylvania: also in Wash. “.on. D. 0., New York. Maryland, Virginia and ‘ West Virginia. all of which caused the total 3 loss of ever 11:)0o lives and the destruction I of over $40,000,0ilt! worth ot properly ‘. , 133' C; (‘0. '1‘. l“cafri.~s. At. M. l, Octave, 522 pages: Illustrated with $8 Full-Paar Engrnvluas. Price $1.50. i-‘irsi edition issued August 10th. Wt: rav tu'rr ox .iu. nootcs. AGENTS WANTED. Send 50c. for complete outï¬t. ll. S. GOODSPEEI) & 00.. New Yonk. -â€"â€"'.’S-«iw Veterinary Surgeon, lcnclnn lalls. LY llnorrate of Ontario Veterinary for good-ï¬tting clothes. ~â€"â€"_.____.___ __._ -. I AM NOW READY College, Toronto. 1884. Diseases of Domesticated Animals Treat- ed on Scientiï¬c Prmcrples. Equine Dentistry :1 Specialty. Residence, Corner Colborne & Louisa sts. N. B.-â€"-\VII.L ATTEND A'I‘ BOIlt‘.\Yt.EL).\'. enlarged and added more EVERY FRIDAY. and Cedar-dale Grass Scythes and Snaths, English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine Oil, 'câ€"sflGlass, Putty. 8w...va JOHNSTON’S CELEBRATE!) MiXED PAINTS. BUILDERS AND FARMERS will ï¬nd it to their advantage fore making their purchases elsewhere. Stacks of Tinware and Stoves of Best Manufacture. I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support of my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. To wear out a» lot of New Tweeds at Mill Prices. “Wuâ€"~â€" CllllllBEll. ll GAMBLE, THE, CHEAP CASH STORE. W. Mcmmwmm 15' Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at. and Below Wholesale Gosh 01‘ nxanufacutrc. in ordor to anukc l’OOlll for novv designs a nd pattern is. bargains, us I znu selling- vht-upor than any dealer in the (‘tnurtpx DOORS, SASH, M KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. Mcflemmnw FRANCIS STREET WEST .FE/VELON FALLS. _..____._.__.__..___.â€"._.__ llEl-‘UlIE. AFTER. xv. 1.2. ELLIS. AGI-‘JN’I‘, FENELON L‘ALLS. Fast Caitlin cling» hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. $5,? The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. .__ ___.... . ...___._. _. - .._._.._..-. I“ O R. HAMILTON lighl Slccl Bllllllll. Mowers, Bulky Rakes, Riding and Walking I’lows, Root Pulpers, Grain Crushers, Grain Sewers, Straw Cutters, â€" AND â€"â€" ALL KINDS of Agricultural Implements, â€"ALL ATâ€" M ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, CALL 0N J. IE. (3311111111131, Agent, Fenclon Falls, Out. to call on me for prices be- _'___.â€"___.__~.._...._..- A- _.__.,._ _- EN S ERANCE. Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his Insurance Business to me, i am prepared to take risks on all classes of property Act. ‘rery LOVVOl-it lhtlvï¬. None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. 3?)?†FIXIRDI I’I{() I’ltllk'l‘Y’ at very low rates. $50,000 in loan from 6 per cent. up. (7:111 our] and secure . . i . , y W. 1o. 19. LL13, Draggist and Bookseller. Fcnclon Falls, June 25th, 1885‘. .‘0. OULDINGS ETC. ALL WORK WARRANTED. The “ Feiielon [rails ilazetie ’ is printed I'w-ry Saturday at the uilli‘l‘. on the corner oi‘hlay 3; Francis siren-ts. 8U h'b'Cllli’HlN 31A YEARIN ADVAH'B. or one cent per week will hr- added a.- Long as it remains unpaid. JXdVQrtja-sing lï¬ut vs. a l‘l l Professional or business l‘ltl’llr‘..’i†cv-n'! ‘ perlinc per nnnum. Casual llHV"r|ll-'._':ul'l.‘!.‘ I b l l f r. cents per line for the iirst llL‘L’l'lHfll :u.n '.' l cents per line for every silllselpwnt iii-c:- lion. Contract-t ily thi- yi-ar, hall‘ year or quarter. tor a column or bass, upon mason - used by such well known horsemen as Joseph Staples, Mnnwrs: (ico. Werry Fem-ion : Albert Ware, Fem-ion 1 Wm amt term,- llancock, Maripos't: (it-o. Flzucc, Opal e:c..ctc. TESTED no rain). Rain‘. JOB PRII‘TTING 01' shine, ii. \V'Jfl‘b hurt Tilly animal. l Of an ordinary kiudg executed "gully: w, . rcetly and reasonable rates. 25c. EACH. OR. FIVE FOR 81. 3.01â€er froynetcr. l l t .