A COMPLETE HISTORY 01’ Till; ' ' lsaconn DIVISION counrl A Fish Question. _or m_ E , MHIFQWJHYGH An interesting controversy has lately County ot‘ Victoria. l embracing, :tlso. nihistory oi the floods in \\'illinu:sport. Lock Haven. Sun- bnry, and all the ilmdcd districts in the Silllk‘ of Pennsylvania: also in Wash’vz‘un. ll. '0, New York, .‘lnrylnnd. \‘irgi‘ ‘ nd West \‘itginin. nll of which mused thz- mini been going on among: naturalists, fisher- men and others, On both sides of the l The next sittings of the above Court will ‘ be held in Dickson's hull, Ferrelon Falls. Atlantic as to whether or not sea trout ', uni :ftt‘liled trout (salmonidvr fontluz- 5 On Tuesday, Dec’r 3rd, 7'3 ' . -«.~ ' , ~ . . . ““H‘.’ “l mt ink†null “Vâ€?- 3r‘3 me i commencmgat 10 o clock in the forenoon. l l l l sane fish. ' home Lngllsh and Arnerl- G50 “Aan F D HAM) loss ot‘ over H.000 lives and the destruction can authorities lime hitherto contended l Baum Clerk. of over $40,tnvo.t-oo \vorlll oi property ; t‘n .t they are :1. different species, but latterly they have accepted the View put forward by Mr. Wiltnot, superin- tcnlent of Canadian ï¬sh hatcln-ries. that they are the some. it has been )lr. Wilmot's contention all along that speckled trout, sen trout, river trout nnl brook trout are essentially the some. changing nature, appearance and habits from the waters: they are found in and from what they feed upon. in the int- L'>L issue of Fishing and .S'hontinr} three of the best l‘ill2ii>lt authorities testil’y to l the correctness oi Mr. Wilmot‘s theory. Aiizson o Necklace. The beer people of England have mints of money. They have put two score millions into the brewing business in this country and don’t seem to miss it. The Guinness people have been Very wealthy for two or three generaâ€" tions, and when they turned their brew- ery into a stock company they became richer still. The consequence is that they have secured a. knighthood for the the head of the house, and the wife of the great. brewer is known as Lady Guinness. She has a. passion for dio- monds, and though her title does not take her into the society of peercsscs, she has gems beside which the family jewels of most of them would seem like mercst trinkets. She has just given an order For a. new necklace that even with Unlimited credit and the greatest indus- try cannot be finished for several years, because in the ï¬rst place the best old~ mine stones are very scarce, and second- ly because she has stipulated that every diamond in the necklace must be a per- fcct match. It is to be :1 very elaborate pattern and will cost. $250,000. â€"~_â€"â€"â€". 0 cm Powderly on the Saloon. ‘- l have fault to ï¬nd with the saloon. \l'ith the truliic and the work it does I am deeply concerned. for when the sa- loon lS open on Sunday the home of the workingman is closed in darkness. We propose. by the help of God and the American people, to have a land within live years in which the sun shines upon noopen Sunday saloon, and if I had my way, there would be no open sztloon bl?'\VCCll Sundays. If any man needs to take a day for attention to his soul it is the saloon mun. If he is not dis- posed to do so we will compcll him. and ii the city olliciuls are not disposed to hclp, why, sec to the next election day. 1 am prohibition for myselfâ€"I wish every mun were the sumoâ€"for at forty l have yet to taste liquor for the ï¬rst time, or know what it. is like. When I became muster workman I determined that if any man among us touched the liquor-trullic in any way to prolit by it, he must. leave his busines or our assem- bly. Furthermore, if the will: of any of our men sold liquor, he must leave our assembly until she quit the busi- ness, or else get a. divorce from her. So We divorced the saloon from the Knights of Lnbor."â€"â€"T. V. l’owdcrly. +._. Charles Bradlnugh. A. few years ago Charles Brndlnugh was. at the command of the Speaker, removed from the chamber of British .l‘urliltlnont by two policemen and cast. int» the streets as one who, although e -.~:ted by the people. Was not litito take his suit in Parliament because of his hostility to religion. Today all l". lglnnd tours that he will die. After ills ejection his Constituents returned }.im again and again. and at ench ses- ~loll ol' l’:trli.rment he rapped ut the door and demundod admittance. Fin- :illy ho conformed to the rules of the [louse and Win allowed to tnkc his seat. l lle soon gave evidence of the possession l of high .pmlities which won him :ittcn- l rim and finally respect. lie seldom l spoke. but when he did so it was re-= marked that he always had something . pertinent to say and said it in the best l p.-~~ibic ~zylc. so tint: when it becunlc ‘ kt wit that h.- would speak on :1 mutter l crowds begun to :_'.llilv:l' in the gillcrics. l .\ short time llj_'0 he fell ill. and the exï¬ t-t .‘~~I..n~ nl‘ regret in the press showed l what it hold on the public respect lie: lat-.1 if he die. Purlihnent, wall Lise Ullt' of its :ttncst members and bl‘i.‘lliL‘"[ ligitt~.~â€"Yln-urtto .Yur‘s. ‘ st our ed. ,.-.H ., 'l‘i.c l’ckin liurcttc asserts that nine! L‘L'W hnnxuwi vl'i'n editors have been; l-ch null-d. l'ric _i-nlrn;tl in question I‘litllliS :u inn.- bc.n in existence for :1? ch. \1~.\l1t.i years. The} .trc ii'lllll: of :‘t .‘laine man who i Jskc-l [Wu lmy~ to entry mar :t cord of wood mm. the sidewalk up a flight ot ’ stain to his oilice. and when they had - ï¬n:~ncd their task handed one of the lsds ’.| cent, with istrnctiuns to “ divide it" bctucn them. l , Ens: Fenelon Falls, October lst, 1589. of Fenelon Falls and Vicinity. .‘._ ‘o«~~o‘,l. ‘. o a _' _.'.>,° 0.9.:- ‘."'.vâ€>ov.. Mrs. R. McDougnll ll Mlllluiiii issnuull Winn. Mount WPRICES AS LOW AS ANY HONEST ARTICLE CAN BE SOLD FOR ‘ ANYWHERE. Intending purchasers are invited to inspect before purchasing elsewhere. DRESSES & MANTLES DIIXDE TO 01%DER. All work guaranteed. Mrs. R. M’Dougall, 2 Doors Xorth of the Post-olllec % i gm F W M9 is still selling Furniture nwny down at the Lowest Possible Living Prices Good Hardwood Bedsieads at $2.50. Fall Leaf Tables $2.50. Good Kitchen Chairs 45c. Extension Tables. Bedroom Suites and all other goods equally low. UNDERTAKING promptly and carefully attended to. Work Made Up to Order on the shortest notice. L. DEYMAN. GROCERIES PROVI 810 N S. J MCFARLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of ï¬ne fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants. Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap 101- Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, . l‘::ll‘lllt‘l‘l“’i\l‘0. Brooms. l’nils. Washtubs, i Blocking-brushes. Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. for good-fitting clothes. I AM NOW READY the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more building and space for my increusmg trade. I have now full lines ol Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford and Cedardale Grass Scythes and Snaths, English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine Oil, noanlass, Putty. Sacâ€"3m for JOHNSTON’S GELEBRATED MIXED PAINTS. l BUILDERS AND FARMERS will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call 011 me for prices beâ€" fore muking their purchases elsewhere. Stacks of Tinware and Stoves of Best Manufacture- I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support of my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. To wear out a. lot of New Tweeds at Mill Prices. W CAMPBELL ll GAMBLE, THE CHEAP CASH STORE. W. @WW Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at and Below Wholesale Gas 01' nlnuufacture, in order to lnako 1'00)“ for now designs and patterns. ‘all early and secure bargains. as I am sr-llixtg 0110:] per than any dealer in the County. Banned llsh,ltull&legelables DOORS, snsn, MOULDINGS ETC. ‘ of the very best brands and at the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butler & Ed and other farm produce. Ea“ Flour and feed kept constantly : on hand. JOSEPH MCFARLAND. Fenelon Falls. April lilh. 1998. Goodhand’s Livery , l l'ii'llLClr' Street. Fenclozz Fall? l wish i in tlmn- 13:» attention ot‘ the pvil-Eic to th-f- fucl tho: I have purchased tie livery hnsi-l nit-:5 lately owned by Sir Wm lluittly. and l han- mndc :‘lClil!!l}1fl':\‘t‘l}l"'ll$ us will nich the req'.irv_-z:zz'-nis of :h-- tr-u‘vlilng pn‘nlic. ' 1 an: prepared to furnish ï¬rst-class horws and comfortable rigs at the luwcstlii‘ing', prices. 9 GEORGE GUODHANDl KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. is W. McKeomn, FRANCIS STREET WEST .FE/VELC/V FALLS. Eli. English lundlliun Powder, Jo~cph Staples. Fenelon : Alli-In Ware. Fem-ion j liltilt‘oL'k. .‘iztripos‘t: etc. etc. or shine, it Won't hurt any animal. ‘ . ..r .;â€"... 25c. EACH. 08. FIVE FOR. 81. W. E- E‘LLIS, AGENT, FICNIQLON FALLS. used by such well known horsemen as I “on. .‘llnnwrs: Geo. “'crry Wm l (:00. Skoce, “pal TESTED AND TRIED. Rain 133' (£00. '1‘. l"0rl'i§. At. )1. Ocluvo. 522 pages: llllls‘il‘illt‘ll with 48 Full-l'nuc Engrnt'lngs. l'rlt't‘ $1.50. First edition issued August lilth. Wt: i'M‘ ot‘n‘ ns ALL nouns. AGENTS WANTED. Send 500. for Complete outlil. ll. S. GUODSPEED (Y (‘0. NEW Your; _ Bill-Mason Veterinary Surgeon. lenelun ialls. onor Graduate of Oniario Veterinary College, Toronto. 1884. Diseases of Domesticated Animals Treat- ed on Screnttï¬c Prmcrples. Equine Dentistry at Specially. Residence, Corner Colborne & Louisa sts. N. B.â€"\\']LI. ATTEND AT BOBCAYGEUN rtsrpï¬li. Fast Colored Ging- hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. w The freshest Goods in the village at. “Wm. Campbell’s. ..._._ 1*“012. Hllll’llllllN llghl Sleel BINDER, Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Riding and \anking l’lows, Root l’nlpcrs, Gl'lllll Crushers, G-rnin Sowers, Straw Cutters, â€" AND _ ALL KINDS of Agricultural Implements, -- Aid. AT â€" ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, CALI. UN J. 1:. C&]€x&l[,\)I, Agont, l-‘cnclon Fnlls, Ont. unswgrï¬. Mr. G, (.‘nnninghnm having lrnnsfvrrt-d his lnsnrnncc Business to the, i am prepared to llllit: risks on all clnsscs of properly At Very Ltnvt-HL lattes. None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. If)?" li‘x'LIlI‘I PIROI’I'JIC’I‘Y nt. very low rntcs. $50,000 to loan from 6 per cent. up. ‘V. 1‘]. TC IJIJIS9 Drnggist nnd Bookseller. Fenclon Falls, June 25th, 1880. ’“i ~ . pm..- _._.._.â€"â€".._._._....__._.-_. mv-..-_.- The “ Fcnelon Falls Gazelle †is printed every Snturdny at the oilicc, on the corner of May .k Francis strcvtn. SUBSClUl’lil.\' 81A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per urn-l: will lII'. added as long as it remains uupnid. Advertising llama-t. Professionnl or business cards, 5’) rent:- pcr line pt-r nnnntn. ()nsunl (ill\'I-rli:~l'ltit-llh, 8 cents per line {or the ï¬rst insertion. und '.: cents per line for every subsequent ill'-('1‘- Contracts by the your, hull your or . quarter, tor u column or less, upon reason - nhle terms. JOB PRINTING of ill ordinary kinds executed neatly. cor rectly and reuonuble rules. 3.1). HAND, frqrtclar