-O’t . r. ___,___._â€"â€".â€" ELI; UgléZLLZï¬géZEéé‘LMJ-Z wmmz.w Q P. Kean, Son 8:: Company. ___.â€"_â€"â€"..-.__.__._._ 4 Hill Pllll lull. to .___._â€"...___.-â€" HAVE A DOLLAR 00 THE WHHK 0F TWO. MW Bur your season’s supply now. Never before were the Bed- rock Prices at which we are selling all hues of Fall and Winter Goods heard of in Feneloai Falls. The Wfide Awake People are taking advantage of our Prices to buy their winter supply. Why not you. We-have- The Larges , he Chaps , heBes Stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Caps and Fur Goods, Crockery, Glassware and Groceries there is in Fenelo-n Falls to: day. Our Prices speak for themselves, and our customers speak for us. JOIN THE omown. 'l‘hc anxious crowd of close cash buyersand‘ bargain seekers can always be foundat our store. We sell. no goods on credit and handle only or First-class Bankrupt Stocks. F. KEAN, SON 00., THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE AND WIDE-AtWAKEI BANKRUPT STOCK MEN. Corner Store, J ordan’s Block, FENEIJON F‘ALLS. ’ 3%? e" r- w ~' az- hr "1N ' ~ géjoeeto_ooegoqggooo_ llalllugallllflg Repel. Ripe Bargains DURING THE LAST 0F AUGUST AND. SEPTEMBER. llllll lines of Bonds Markeilway Down in Elear Them Out. All W'ool Dress Goods worth 250. a. good deal ol Valuable in."ormation was for 100. Good White Muslin at ' Parasols for 200. and 25c. to 800. 100. per Pair. A Good Suit of Clothes for $2.9â€. men's sizes. (leut's Ties. Shirts. S:c.,nt a sacrifice. Ill) Ends of Carpet at less than cost to clear. Shirtings, Cottonudes, Ste, 320., the biggest assortment in the County. COME ALONG IF YOU WANT BARGAINS. 'l‘éiev will not last long. Remember, this is no chronic selling out, but u. ( I} [IN ITIN IC CIJIEnLRINC} TERMS. SPOT CASH.“ HUGH MCDOUGALL. NJ? t1 ullovs' and Girls‘ Cotton Hose for 5 and llle.,:1ll sizes. All wool Tweeds, 10 different pat- and _at a very numeroust attended tenH for 400 worth from 60 meeting in the afternoon, at which Mr; ‘ 2 w Black and Colored Gloves 5c. and Charles Du", ,m,‘ prop Robmsm,’ 9,, mon ; but Mr. Stevenson is not discour- aged, and intends to send out the sur- viving mare with another mate to Long- ford as soon as there is snow enough to make tolerable sleiuhiug. THOMAS HO‘BSHH, lHalli};°£°f§§lt“°§i.°§il’§,§°}§.‘l§§ visi o - r. rur and Prol.Robertson, IRON romnrnamcnmsr, ‘ “I D s and for any beneï¬t they may reap MANUFACTURER OF therefrom, and they are not likely _to forget it when voting time comes again. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Engine airlllllll Work AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS PROHPTLY ATTENDED TO. School Examinations. â€"â€" _. . -_._..... Suits. It will be remembered that some considerable time ago Brother Sam. Hughes, of the Lindsay Wurder, was sued for libel by a railroad employee whom he had malignantly attacked, and had to pay a considerable sum in damages and. costs. This tamed him tor a time ; but gradually he forgot the lesson, and now it is probable that he will shortly receive another in the same school. We all know what Sam can do in the way of vituperntion and abuse, but last week he fairly “ out-Heroded Herod †in an attack on- Mr. Cooper,.the former proprietor of tho Wurder and new owner of the Watchman, whoâ€"we have it upon the beat authorityâ€"has already commenced an action against him. With the exception of a brief paragraph regarding Mr. Barr of the Post, which was so outrageous that the whole town condemned it and Sam had to disown and apologize for it, he has never penned a more slanderous, iu- sulting and unjustiï¬able tirade than the one which is about to get him into trouble. Upon Mr. Cooper's body, mind and soul the vials of Sam’s wrath are emptied, and he is even requested to tell the public †how he escaped a term in the provincial penitentiary." The article is fairly reeking with libel from beginning to end, and if“ it. be taken into courtâ€"as it almost certainly will beâ€"no one can doubt the result. Suits brought by newspaper proprietors against their rivals in business are apt to be regarded witha certain amount of disfavour ; but in. this case it is ad- I ( i' ' . '- I n n , glitedetï¬' 3:1 East}; fgfopezthafie'thg: horsc, is dotug well: under the cure of pp ‘ Pr ‘3“ 0" A Dr. Wilson. o u . ‘ l $231131:godgï¬ï¬ï¬iflezï¬bï¬geuHonsorthe Mir; Charles Wise was up town on ' ' n n L - . . . Tunsday‘ morning' for the ï¬rst time .But the action fol libel by .me pm' after his long illness, and looked much pmet-or of the anchnmn against the better thanwc expected he would, proprietor of the Wurder is not the only Messrs John D Smith and G: "H G 0"." “kely ‘0 W?" ‘35-.“ the "9“ “W†McVity of Port Hope and Mr. E. n. at competentyurxsdiction. Bro. Hughes Orde O’f Lindsay “mic u the Fans ' ' I u . I ' _ ‘. z , has a friend and coidJutor m a PEAS“) from Tuesday evening until Wednesday who-writes over the Signature of SWIpGS, momma, and‘ it is an open question which of the °' two' possesses the greater vitupcrativc powers and the more concentrated ven- om. Every male adult in. Lindsay , . knows’_ or believes he knows, who RE:blIlZ\GI.P.D.â€"â€"The roofofhhc Pres-- Swipesis; but we decline ml mention bytcrian church in this village has just the real. name of the person upon whom been covered wttlrnew shingles, and trout they all unite, for fear of a mistake. the congregnbmmflont' cam how 800“ Swipes is probably proud of his producx the (“H mm; sec ‘0' tions ;, but to accuse on innocent person (who had the least self respect) of having written them would justify an action fer- libel in which the damages might reasonably be laid at $50,000. In last week's Wurdcr, slide by side with Sam. Hughes's libel upon Mr. Cooper. there is a frightfnlly malignant and slanderous attack by S'wipes upon the writer of a letter referring to him (Swipcs) in- the Watchman of the pre- vious week. Swipes assumes that the letter and the editorials were written by the same person. and goes for the assumed author of them in a style cal- culated to make Bro. Hughes turn green with envy. No name is men- tioned. but Mr. J. D. McMurchy, the able editor of tho Watchman, is- so ob viously aimed? at that nothing can be gained by omitting his name. The tirade, like B'ro. Sam's. is libellous from beginning to end. and Mr. Mc- Murchy is not the kind of a man we think he is if he quietly submits to it. If he take action in the matter there will be two libel suits to talk about, and possibly more. as Dundas & Fluv- elle Bros. may object to what the War der'sa-ys about them, and take a hand in. Senior 4th Classâ€"Historyu50. Susie Belch 47, George Pearce 44, Libbie Hunter 43, Lottie Thomson 40, David Pitcathly 39, Annie Lockhnrt 38, Alzena Austin 36, Denis 'l‘wumeyr 36, Libbie Fisk 3'5, Mabel Tngman 33. Bessie Nie 33, Janet McIntyre 33, Joe McArthur 30, Lily Cameron 15, Sophie Wilson 13;, Jenny Graham 12. Senior 4thâ€"Literatureâ€"7S. Libbie Hunter 68, Susie Belch 60, Annie Lockhart 55, Lottie Thomson 54, Bessie His 52, Mabel Tugman 48, Joseph McArthur 48, Libbie Fisk 46', George Pearce 46, Alzena Austin 43', Sophie Wilson 41. Fred" Parker 41,. Lily Cameron 36, Jenny Graham 33. Arthur McClennnn 19. Senior 4thâ€"Spellingâ€"-100t Susie Belch 74. Lily Cameron 72'. Alzena Austin 68, Lottie Thomson 68-, Annie Lockhart 66, George Pearce 64.. Bessie Nie 64, Fred Parker 62, David. Pitcathly 62. Joe McArthur 60. Denis Twomey 6i), Libbie Hunter 60, Janet McIntyre 58.. Mabel Tugman 56. Lib~ bie Fisk 52, Sophie Wilson 50-, Jenny Graham 46‘, Willie Greene 35, Stella. Burr 28, Arthur McClennnn 12". H. .__ . _..__._. Parsonals. H arse Powers, Straw Cutters, 2 and 3-fu-rrow Gang Plough: and a good variety of General P14775051: Ploug/zs. A good as- sormzmt 0f Springtoot/z. Har- rows', Steel H arrows, [7’0]; Harrow: and W'ood Harrow: ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT L0\V PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES. - THOMAS ROBSON. Feuelon Falls'hOntJ 'l‘lic roam. an rattan: Friday, November 15th, 1889'. A Live Member. Years ago, when the electors of North Victoria metgitheir M. P. so rarely that they almost forgot what he looked like, and scarcely ever saw his name men- tioned in the parliamentary proceed- lugs, they frequently expressed the wish that they were proprietors of “ alive member,†and now they have to admit (even the Tory ones) that when Mr. John A. Barron was elected to repre- sent them in the Houscof Commons the “ long felt want " was-fielt no longer. There is just one inconvenience about having a representative like J. A. B., and. that is, you hardly ever know where to find him. The fact that he was in Lindsay yesterday is no proof that he isn't at; one extremity of the riding today and will not be at the other extremity to-morrow; and this uncertainty as to his whereabouts is rather annoying when you want to see him personally or send him a letter. However, it can’t be helped; for, as Sir Boyle Roche once observed, “ a man can’t be in two places at once, unless he's a bird â€';.and Mr. Barron has so much to do and so many places to visit in the interests-of :his constituents that he is not to blame ifâ€"to quote the words of a countryman of Sir BOylc's â€"“ when you: 20 where he is he isn't there.†But it's a. comfort to know "that he’s aliveâ€"in fact, very much so-;. and that, wheljeven he is, he is up to- .his eyes in business. We think we remarked some time ago that it was one of our M. P.'s peculiarities to have happy thoughts, (may he never have unhappy ones), and it lately occurred to him that it would be a good idea to take a few- visitors of distinction to the back country. Having given the idea careful consideration, and made up his mind that it really was a good one, he proceeded to act upon it ;. and on Thursday of last week, accompanied by the Hon.. Charles Drury, Minister of Agricultune for Ontario, Professor Rob- ertson, at the Dairying and Live Stock Department at the Ontario Agricultural College, and a select party of other gentlemen, of whom John Fell, M. P.. l’., was one, Mr. Barron lclt Lindsay for Kinmount. After narrowly escaping.r detention at the Falls, they reached. their destination, and in the evening a meeting was held in Scott’s hall, where Mr. Drury and Prof. Robertson deliv- ered addresses on dairying, for which the neighbourhood is well adapted, and Rev. Wm. Logan went to Toronto by Tuesday's train on church business, and will be home to-morrow. Mrs. Ellery returned home last; Bion- day from Peterborough, where she-had been visiting about six weeks. Mr. Robert Jacket, whose leg was broken on the lst inst by the kick ofa FAMOUS Lmnmcn: Grass“, 50c. to $1 at Ellie’s Drug-Store. KNOCK Tin-2M. Ann. Our. Lnnrnncc glosses from 50c. up at Ellis’s Drug Store. DENTISTRY-.â€"J. Neclands, Surgeon Dentist. Lindsay, will be at the McAr- thur House, F‘cnelon Falls. on Tuesday next, November 1i9th. Mr. Neelauda will have a complete “ Gas Apparatus†for extracting teeth. Call early. Juan IIALU‘ I’mcn. Laurence Glasses at Ellie's Drug Store. MORE CATTLE. Goranâ€"About twenty- ï¬ve head ol'cavttlev lclt the Fenclon-b‘nlls station yesterday morning for Port Hope. They were of various ages and sizes, and were purchased in this vicin- ity by thrmcrs who have plenty of fod- der, and who intend to put them up to fatten until spring. Fur Goods cheaper than the cheapest at Kean’aBnnkrnpt Store on the corner. INSTITUTE )1 construe. meeting of the directors of the Mechanic's Lnsti- tutc, to make arrangements for evening classes and for theâ€" purchase of new books, was called for.- lnst Tuesday cvt no ing, but in consequence ol the temper- ance lecture in the Methodist church, very few were present, and the meeting was postponed until Wednesday even- mg next. 363‘ Warner tchrt-y will sell you an extra large full weight while wool blankets for $2.50, at the sale of McCrimmon liroe.’ bankrupt stock, Lindsay. BUTTERFLIEB.â€"-Ml‘. W. ll. \Valnh tells us that on Wednp/oday morning he saw quite a number 0 butterflies in his garden, and that they were us- lively as if it were the middle of June. The weather in cxtrwrdinarily mild for the time of year, and insects. which are guided entirely by their feelings. have not the least idea that in six weeks Christmas will be here. given to the farmers and others who The Perils of Shantying were present." On Friday morning the visitors drove to )lindnn, where a d'ep- ‘utation was- waiting to. receive them, On Friday last a valuable grey mare owned by Mr. W. Ill. Stevenson, ol‘ Feuelon, was killed while working at Mr. Thomas Archer's lumber shanty in the township of Longford‘. The mares were drawing logs, by means of achain, to the edge of a dump, and subjects of paramount importance to 000 “5 the 1023. made Slippery by “‘9 31] their uudiwrs, Mr, Drury was pre. previous night's frost, slewed around sound with an address from the joint ‘ and went over, taking the team With it. l l l Fell was elected chairman, addresses were delivered by Mr. Barron, Hon. agricultural rcciety of the surrounding The; fell about twenty-five feet, and tovvuships, thanking him for his visit the all mare was so badly “torn: by a A Rm“,me [mg ï¬e, in‘ Md mu," is “gm-H and hoping that he would afford such 5032 01‘ stump that She only 1190‘] 3" active; amino wonder. At the priru we assistance as might be within the sphere hour and a half, but her mate escaped are selling goods you; cannot help lr'l‘ving.‘ ‘ 0‘. his Utï¬ciul pmiliou w advanw [he withom injury. Mr. Jne Donaldeon‘ If you need at all. P. kcan, Son 6.: Co..ol best interests of the country and its me com†5‘0"“ . inhabitants. In rr-ply Mr. Drnry said morning with the surviving animal, and THE Inns Bariumâ€"Councillor l)--y- that the same grant ought to be given brought with him a note from Mr. man and Mr. John Ingram have. been to their district societies as was given 1 Archer stating that he (Donaldson) busy since .‘lollday morning tearing up to an electoral di>trict society, and l was not to blame. Mr. StcVenscn bou:'nt the old flooring ol the iron bridge and promised to C(lnsldt'r whether the law the maresâ€"which were large, well replacing it with good threwiuch plank. could be so Charmed as to enable him ' [noted and only seven and eight years at the expense, ol’courso, ol' the County to give them further as~istancc. The : oldâ€"from Boyd ti: Co. and they were council. The fioorln: will probably it" i proceedings terminated about-1 o'clock, l insured for $100 each in the company ï¬nished by Saturday night; but it will l and. on the return of the party to Kin- l represented by Mr. Wm. Waffle. Shan- ' take a couple of days at the beginning mount, the lion. Charles Drury ad- tying is: a rather perilous. occupation to p of next week to replace the stringers dressed an assemblage of school chil-l both man and beast. and such accidental along' the edges ol' the carriage way, ‘ duh and their lrieuds“. The people ofl as the above are by no means uncom-l which all have to be bulth down. the teamster, got home on Sunday