â€"â€"___â€"_â€"â€"â€"~â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'_â€"â€"â€"†‘ A COMPLETE HiSTORY 07 ill! at; nonunion llllllilllllll .. 001‘). embracing, also, a history at the floods in Willinmsport, Lock llaven, Sun- bury, and all the 11 (led districts in the loever it be, wherein any work is done, it I comNICATIONS' must be put into outer, (bapto) and it shall lbe uncleun until the even; so it shall be eleansed."-â€"-Ler. ll, 32. And again, -‘ He took a thick cloth, and dipped (bapto) i‘! in water, and spread it on his face, so that he died.â€--'.' Kings, 8, 15. In the 68th Psalm, Letter No. 8. To Hr. Thoma: Hopkins, Superintendent of St. l’cur': Sunday School, Verulam. ' v. 23, bapto has the sense to stain or dye, gage 0;§§P§§5:;“““:;:11:33“e: , . . - . n v r . : Dun SIR.- 711mb I?†be done either by sprinkling or West \‘iiginia. all of which caused the total I" “"5 xxvnc Arm?" Of Reugion Immersion. you", fanbfunv loss of over 11,000 lives and the destruction the Church of England declares that “ The . ' ’ of over $40,000,000 worth oi property ; baptism of young children is in any wise “ " Locu' 13v Geo. T_ Ferris, ‘Au 1‘1. to be retained in the Church, as. most Fenlo“ F‘dls‘ ’ Donn-0,522 pages; Illustrated with 48 Full-Page Eilgrul‘lligs. Price sine. First edition issued August 10th. “’2 NY l)l'T\' on ALL nooxs. AGENTS WANTED. Send 500. for complete outï¬t. 11. S. GOODSPEED & 00.. Raw You. R.M.'Mason, agreeable to the institution of Christ.†Tue Church offers no proof, leaving that to her individual members as occasion may l arise. it. has been my object so far in these letters to give proofs of the scriptural ' . ' nature of infant baptism. I come now to speak of the manner of administering bap- tism. Neither our Lord nor His apostles or Penelon Falls and chlmty' have left any deï¬nite direction for the ad- . "m, I ministration of baptism, further than the Slit": " use of water and the word: of institution. 1'; (<- l‘hree modes have been used in the Church R M D as lawful from a very early age : 5- I C l. Immersion, dipping or plunging. 9 ‘ veterinary Surgeon, ‘ H 't ' as on an S : :i-lfxzzi?grotto..g. h h d Glark ‘85 50†rte ienelun Falls. ..i’i"l$‘h2â€8.5§.“§‘i%Ezziiï¬if‘fiiï¬li A MlGNlHEENl ASSUHTMENT is the 0 N LY reliable place Honor Graduate oi omen veterinary does not use sprinkling, although it is as College, Toronto, 1884- mm and mum u the mm m’ for good-ï¬ttin g' ClOthGS. DiseasesofDomesï¬catedAnimala'l‘reat- and. perhaps, more so. For the thing sig- ed on Scientiï¬c Principles. nitied by baptism is frequently, in scrip- for the Summer trade, having enlarged and added more 9 ture, set forth by sprinkling or pouring ' water, but never, that I remember, by dip- ping. “I will pour water upon him that is . __ .â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"I building and space for my incrensmg trade. thiTSt-lv-n‘-153' 44: 3- “He shall sprinkle I have now full lines of many uations."-â€"Isa. 52, 3. This predic- tion or promise, which many think refers “PRICES AS Low AS ANY HONEST Spades, Shovels and Picks, celebrated Rexford and Cedardale Grass Scythes and Snaths, if; 532923.133"iiidiei’ii‘éii’uosfifiol‘i ARTICLE CAN BE SOLD FOR English Cradles. Paint Oil, Machine Oil, NLâ€"Glass, Putty. Socâ€"An mission to make disciplcrofall nations, by ANYWHERE- JOHNSTOH’S CELEBRATED MIXED PAINTS. Equine Dentistry 1: Specialty. â€"â€".â€"-â€" Residence, Corner Colborne & Louisa stat. lmpliziuy them. And again : “I will sprinkle . , . . clean water upon you, and y, 31",“ be Clem, Intending purchasers are anited to inspect from all your ï¬lthineas, and from all yotlr below PurChasmg elsewmre' idols will I cleanse you." Here we see that the quantity of waler used is not of the & essche of the ordinance, hilt the use of some water is necessary. If baptism were ‘- the puttingr away of the ï¬lth of the flesh," MADE To ORDER" which the apostle declares it is not, then would the quantity of water he a very ’ important factor in its administration ‘ but M R M it is “ the answer of good conscienci: to- rs. I ward God, by the resurrection of Jesus , , Christ." And in the improvement of our 2 300†north or the Post-0mm) baptism we are said to be “ sprinkled from all evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.â€â€"Heb. 10, 22. And as we hnve seen before, sprinkling is a cleansing mode of washing. “ And that which is sig- g I W All work guaranteed. . a.‘... uilicd by the lover of regeneration, is the l renewing of the Holy Ghost which is shed ' (or poured out) on us.â€â€"Titus 3, 5,6. And the blood of Christ is called the blood of . , :prt'nkling.â€"â€"Heb. l2, 24. The word “ baptize †has in Scripture so great a breadth of meaning, that it cannot I. be used to support any one mode of admin- ‘ istering the rite, to the prejudice of the @ .1 ' . rest. From this, therefore, nothing can be ‘ i 3'}. proved either way. The rapidity, however, ‘ ‘n- with which buptisms, spoken of in the New ) Testament, were performed, seems inconâ€" v ' ' ' (r *' sisteut with the slow process of immersion L0“ est POSSIDIe lenlb lllces And there is nothing said about the lnying -â€"-â€" uside oi garments or precuutions with re- gard to decency, till the putt of the candi- Goad HardWOOd BedSteads at 32'50' dates, which would nuturully have been Fall Leaf Tables $2.50. alluded to if those baptisms llltd been uni- - ~ formly by immersion. lit the once of the 600d Kltchen Chairs 450' 3,000 baptized in one day, not a word is Extension Tables, Bedroom Suites and said about the necessary accompaniments a" other goods equal†low. is still selling Furniture away down at the of immersion. Although it lsu matter of grout importance, the sacred writer is silent on the subject; and yet in the till- -â€"3=--â€"â€" ___. .____.__â€"____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-_._._._.._.â€"_.__ .. N. B.â€"WILL ATTEND AT BOBCAYGEON I Fast Colored Ging- B UILDERS’ AND FAR Fast Colored Mus_ fore making their purchases elsewhere. . . Stacks of meare and. Stoves of Best Manufacture- my customers, who have so liberally patronized me. J05. HE A ED. for 10 cents. the village at 7 ., 'W'm. Campbell s. ilnportuut transaction‘of our Lord washing U N D E A K I N G 1 f N the d'sc'ples‘ feel n '8 record“ that “e O Mowers, Sulky Rakes, The Church of Englund uses “ dipping" ' Rldlllg and Wflllilllg‘ Flows, and “ pouring" indilferently. [n the ru- the following: “ (If they (the sponsors) 0“ “‘0 Shorten "Otice' Gl‘alll Crushers, shall certify him (the priest) tlntt the child Grain So‘vers may well endure it) he shall dip it in the L D E Y M A N a water, lac." “ But if they certify that the I ' upon it.†And in the rubric for the min- 1 'â€" AND 'â€" istration of private baptism of children ill . 9 houses, in which cases the children are R C E E S 0i Agricultural Implements. always prenumed to be sick,“ the minister â€"- ALL AT -â€" shall pour water upon it, kc." And in the ’ ripcryears “ And then shall dip him in , ‘ the \vater,’or pour water upon him, din," I . CALI 0N Now by a careful perusal of Scripture villi J. R. Gli-AI'IALM, Agent. r, l t immerse. The Hebrew w» l, b.[- w ' :Ilikc‘iireibk Word, baplo; niid the Litiiu ltiioi-d’, D "1,"on EUlfUI‘llll'v rendered .14}; ill the Eug- N . A C ‘ signify to dip, to immerse, lo plun‘qa Now u line fresh S U R E. , body is not immersed in wuter lllltil it i‘ W , . '. v ‘ . , ï¬nitely cover“! With Waller; but it i: N Mr. G. Cunningham liming transferred but comes into coutuct with the wnter. You Sugars, Syrups, Ttlbztccos, Rice, Raisins Is His Of to take risks on all classes of property may-114'}; your pen, tllut is, the point or four Curl-ants, Smrch, Roaps and all other At Very LO‘VcHt lgut‘m‘. that is. the tip of your ï¬nger, in water, but in neither case is there any ilntuersiou.‘ tbl- Casll, companies represented. the feet of the priests that bore the ark ,, at and ii I‘fltxriml?mlll,‘, Below Wholersale Cost EVERY FRIDAY. hams for 10¢. will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call on me for prices be- I I will do my best, as in the past, to retain the support of . m The freshest Goods in F l ' l l BINDER HAMILTON high See 1 “ “id “side " Hi3 gammn- promptly and curefuliy attended to. ‘ o o brics for public baptism of infatllts we ï¬nd ROOt Plllpblb, Straw Cutters, child is weuk, it shall sutiice to pour water rubric for public baptism of such its net: of â€"ANDâ€" N- ROCK BOTTOM PRICES’ Wlll find that to dip does not necessn'rily Fcnolon Fungi 0m- lisll llible, are corresponding words, and has now on hand a splendid StOCk 0‘ .ie'upnl in or into wuter when auv pum of 1: Insurance Business to me, I uni prepuri-d pen, in ink. or you may dip your linger,‘ a. , ~93 which 1, . win Fen . ‘ . ' nmcm ’ L None bulï¬rst-class Britishand Canadian Now to illustrnte this from scripture. “ As ' $550,000 to loan from (5 per cent. up. and to which he invites the attention aura dipped (bupto) iii the britll of the .. J l . I. .5. d, I of'the public. water. â€" 051.3. J. -' . ell ntzurns llul ’ he may .11)» the it): of his ï¬nger in Witter." l RE, --l".‘.i-\C 16.34. The Jewish [lurlllCiulOllSl were lt'pptuyn but not irmnersiom. Thus. tne print -- xiii?! lip his linger. or a bunch of llySs‘tip".â€"tlliit is. the on i of his linger, or the end of the lllllll'll ot‘ llyssopâ€"-- in the of unannfacrure, in order to )nukn roorn 1‘0)- novv , designs and patterns-t. - Cull early and secure ‘V. IE. 1,: ]-J 14 s: q bargains, as I am selling cheaper than any . dealer in the County. Earthenware. Brooms. Pails. VVashtubs, lilnckiilz-brtlslles, Clotlics-pius. Matches and other articles ill great variety. Dmggist and “whenâ€. “?“L"'~"â€"l‘:Â¥~ 13' 3'3; l"~‘"-4~171 921‘ -' H- , d F h F It &V t _ Fcnclon Falls, June 251l1,1689. '10. $53; égj,§‘}‘?,-IL1=';_‘,:€; Pfj‘ if“ j-‘ ,â€" ufl; I Donna is , ll“ 8,6,8 a 33 DOORS, S ASH, MOULDINGS ETc. WWWâ€"«â€" »~â€"~-â€"~ ’e H _ .l .23: .‘ at '>\‘IA\ I‘ll» s lbw: t _ ' ‘ “"“I‘S “ Wm“ J“"-"â€~'" hm M. .‘lmd‘r‘q “'“ 1 0f the "my be“ brm‘ds and "t we low" STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ct ‘ i I ‘c i ‘e v i " ? 7""J‘imimii.‘inii‘iifhiii Tif'i'“Til-Mi l w tw-‘i‘iblo Wim- KEPT iiimnnrnmo ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. The PUMP“ P] “"5 limit"? ‘ .i:,.:i.~l (in. l '. : to lo t-_'Colll l. â€" , _ -5 ‘r “0â€â€, , ,. H , ,_. ( 3,â€; on Suzi H. '17. " And Jig. ,lntptu) thy llldricl ' C115“ Paul & i 1riutcd m l} l or i} i l ) in tile v:.iegar."â€"l{litli 'J. M. So the lnu- 1 the corner of .\luy .c l"i'iillciii strt-a-tlé. l 4' ï¬ling†Cl. Clll‘lSl Will] ri-gnt‘el it) JiltlJ:x tit“ } 1 f d k 1 l M c K e 0 W Pl A n run a martial \liiltvillg. ~ 11- that .li‘ig aâ€): 11-h?" ‘lour ant cc 'ept constant 5' I I my... .i...i..~~_u..... . u... ' W, , FRANCIS STREET WEST .FENELO/l F 8 and other itll'ln pi-mluc.~, l or one cent per Wi‘t‘k will in: added as long I . .. ,. I . . , ' w ‘ ) ‘ ) us it ll'ltlulll‘i unpaid. ‘ "J : . air .3, ".i-. : nit-s ill. i‘-- i: ' ~ . - .' ' ___ _ ____._ . . {Joli‘ï¬lipu i...< ilic ,cuL diovi‘uilï¬ â€˜ go‘q'l H. M?! AL lifxn' -'* ""â€"‘ ""~ "wmflg'wâ€""V" ' ' Arrive-rt iï¬illg lï¬at (-H. on: tn.-.in.~ itiliiit-::Eu:i. ‘~ Tu.) i s I l' ell-316d} l‘itlls- Allr‘l I‘lllc 1’53- ; l pr._,e‘,5:i,),ml m. 1min“, mm.“ m, (We, m» 1;" :i‘z‘ï¬" I. in“: l ‘,““ A "7: ‘ " "_ †“""W " “T'â€â€â€"N:'fl : 'ir-‘p inrlgr , pl-r l.l.v- ptâ€"r human. (7;:«t.;il {It‘l\"."li.-"Hi"l.i‘. *1 “'1 3“?“ ,5"'~-"-‘1“-“““v"* ""‘~“ ngï¬ï¬ailrl's Livery i l gin l Ul. LlLl. Undo i e l.-'r 21:... l‘..:- n.»- m» nu mu. .W. : Gal-“‘1 m“ “"‘m: ï¬ mi “N " ‘: 5 SJâ€; i ‘ ~ A ‘- ~ n‘ ’ ("“ll‘l pI'i' lllH‘ lur ever} 31':ii~«i-'l‘.vii' ,il'i’:‘ Tl“: 5' "ll" ‘ I' " “ (“JG-‘1‘ W-‘ll the *i M {Inst i-‘r'ri‘u‘H 5‘.1'"l‘?» l‘t‘i'n‘lm': l‘liill-‘i- 1 “3h usml it? moi: w-Ail 'rllll “ii .‘ini‘fl '.'.t Tl :t’ iiuh. tLuillini'l: ivy ill“ 34-41]. liliil )t :if Mr Vi -"~“'": :" Livia (locr lllll ZCi‘J'l l" Til ll,’.\\\' ' H: Jll-‘fllltlll (if 'l “ lllllillt.‘ [IV ilï¬l' thpzlh Munrpl‘: "I, 1" “1,5,0. liulxrhflmz “Jr A “Adm,†“r ‘H ft: “int†3,, fl†“_ ""H n - “r “H†l“ .5“ “3‘ "3;." “‘5†Mi" {‘1‘71‘li1“ l l V" ' 3‘35".“ 1“"! ’2Ԡ22‘" 3'." l’ “l' Fl‘l‘it'i'fll '. .‘i‘ilwrt \‘i'nrv'. 57mm inn ‘ ‘35:†ztlilt: l."l’ill.;. 3.uj:t:\ it) “7': 03' 7t1=i<1'.'!t, ’I‘lll‘.t,‘ aft thy.‘ 1.. ,», {\ anmi it} Mr. \Vtt: lllll,v}_'.'. and It“: ,.. “if:- ,_ ' ,,.,;,‘1 (L, S;..,,.,‘_. H“; , _ ._ , . . ‘ a.) 23.5.†l the. Uni i'ISIS-‘H‘CS in UN ".vl ;,:iv-- Iil.t-li‘ such ituprovetn' at» as \\ ill nil-rt 31,2140. “in Ax“ Twp†Im‘in T THHYUVM “31“†‘5‘†“3": ’3‘}: ’-“k"1â€3'4-" '-" ‘- :ln ""1 tirenients of the trM'v-iiiniz lullditl or shine, it \vmi‘t lilirt huff ntllm-il. ‘ of all Unilhitri lim'lï¬ "M’C‘HUJ “9:42)†“‘r immerse. " AT! UPON “itï¬ioet’v? 3!! i'!‘ [nu tin-1 urn} to furnish fluid-lose horses 7 ‘ l rug}:- and {ungougblc rule-5. lilcftt, when {Elf-f 3:0 llfï¬tl. dull! {3.11, :E 2‘ 311d i;.imfo:'1ble rig§ gzthc lutt‘f'élll'ing 250- $1. i . S. D. HAND. shle in: action). \hutii r it a: any Vtsrcl 9 1,3,2“, a! good, or unseat, or skin, or sack, when“, GEORGE GUUDHAXD W. I}. I‘ZIAIAIS, IXGI‘ZNT, FENI‘JILCYZV I‘ ALLS. fwym,"