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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Dec 1889, p. 8

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, bollrhcrc. Emmi lREMOVED l Marvellous advances have been made I in recent years in the application and l appreciation of the prinmple of religions toleration. l _.._._._ What would have been l S N E v | N thought fitting in comparatively recent | n times is now {rewned down by general , has removed his business to the store i .°3“f§“‘....i‘.‘:2Ҥ:.“Espiéiili‘li‘fiifilii 2 Doors SOUTH or HEARD‘S ‘ p l Illlnm'lns STORE, thirty years alone England denied the , {:1}, trélizshgisoge 21:31:51?) fiiagebi’exfé where he has opened put the largest stock a e 0 installation oi'a Jew, Sir Henry Isaacs, l to be Lord Mayor of the Chief city Ol-l I . . . . i v . , I the BrmSh melre' Just sum hun l ever brought into Fenelon Falls, consisting dred years ago they were massacred at i 0,. the coronation of Richard I.,.thc suc- I CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS CARDS: Wading centuries PVC-“sums “mm” DOLLS or ALL DESCRIPTIONS, tent outbreaks of ofiiciul bigotry and l STATIONERY,pHRFFMERY 3; TOILET popularllatred. Now. all Is changed, ARTICLES, and the Jtlcish Chronicle remarks apro- A FINE LINE OF PLUSH GOODS, pos of the recent ceremony at the Gulld- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ball: PICTURES AND PICTI‘RE FRAMES, "' The year 1890. in whicl‘ the great" GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, er part of Sir Henry Isazlcs’s mayoralty WALL PAPER will fall, will complete the sixth century on, PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, which has elapsed since the Jews were PICTURES FR WED To ORDER A hounded out of England, bag and gagâ€" BE SPECI‘ALTY. gage. The imagination must be dull Dorm forget the place, Indeed that Is not stirred by the con. trast. Modern justice and morality 2 Doors SOlltll 0i Hearilb Hardware Store. have triumphed over medizcval bigotry ; . _0F._ and the indestructible energy of the Jewish race has renewed its youth. S. N Yesterday reviled anl accused, to-dsy ________â€"_..___. feted and honored by the greatest In the land. Yesterday pariahs, driven out of England with contumely; to-day sitting in the seat of England’s rulers, and meting outjuatice to her people! i Let us thank God for it on our knees -us who are reaping the bright har- vest which our fathers sowed in tears." The incident has attracted attention in Europe generally. and has called forth testimonies of praise and gratitude to the character of British freedom and ' its value as an example to all the na- ‘ tions of the earth. The Austrian Neuc Frcie I’resse contends that Britain “ has attained to the apogee of tolerance an civilization.”â€"Emp€re. &clg Northwest Notes. Stationery, A correspondent at Elmore, Assa., - - writes :â€"â€"-“ Intelligence has beenfreceiv- ed here that the coal fields are on fire. There was a big loss in the coal fields this summer. In one mine flames burst through into the pit and burned fifty I I thousand tons of coal which was mined. It is estimated that the fire is 200 feet deep, and it is supposed that it origin- __A_T_ atoll from prairie fires. The mines have been on fire for five weeks. It I I is hoped the Government will turn their W T J attention to the disaster. Tens of S thousands of tons are burned monthly.” I I I Attempts Were made to drive the re- mainder of the buffalo from Stoney Mountain to the C.P.R. stock yards, but the bulls were fractious as usual, and the undertaking had to be abandon- ed. Yesterday. however, the brutes were attacked with lassoes and ropes. Three of them were caught and securely , tied. and then loaded on sleighs and 'â€"â€"_‘_"â€"‘ hauled to the yards. The others will be caught in the same manner. I The Prince as RegentI IS THE RlGHT PLACE TO GO FOR Oi all the aberrations of the silly sea- son perhaps the mo>t nonsensical is the proposal ot‘a stupid, snobbish contem- porary that the Prince of Wales should -_A_ND-â€"â€" at once be appointed Regent. because he is in a recarious state of health, and F G d if he weropto die the Princess would be S. lei't very badly elf, whereas if he were __ was“ _ made, Regent new ecuniary arranwc- . . ments on a more libiiral scale wouldabe Lace curPa‘J-n‘q' Embrmqery granted by Parliament. It is needless and Materials for Embrmdery to criticise such preposterous rubbish ; in Silk and Wool, but I ma as well point out that in the - . unhappy yevcnt of the demise of the Fllosene’ Arrasene’ Rlbosene’ etc' Prince of Wales, the Princess, so for mm W“? ” Very badly 03-" “mm Also Collars Cuffs Handker- llzlve a Parliamentary annuity of £30, .’ , ’ 000 for life, while the Sandringhnm Chlefsi and Fancy GOOdS 0f estate is entirely at the disposal of the all descriptions. Prince; added to which, all the child- rcu would be provided for. as, apart, from the Parliamentary provision for M H l the younger members of the family. the rs. 3y. Duchy of Cornwall estates would at _. once pass to Prince Albert Victor.-â€"La- miseries“ Wanted for our complete line. of Xursory English artists and English critics Stork. All new. choice and r.lsr-a=lzl.l.lsn an. [uh-in... a (luv-re] The artists gm. , srxcutrlas. I can furnish PAYING POSITIONS , l ‘ d .t 1 derimud t ,to workers. My large experience in the “M t ‘0' mm“ 0" m ‘ gr I A business enables me lo ofi‘er spccinl advan- alld tlll‘. Critics say that the artlsls don’tl taxes ‘0 beginners_ aSUcCPSS. understand criticism. They‘re both l {M Salesman of any one who will follow rich! Possible, lmy instruction. Permanent employment. ‘1‘th “chafing Swedes in Boston, Wages paid each week, Outfit free. Apply bu, you wouldn.‘ know it, because they , at once, and secure chorce of territory. don't herd together. and soon learn to} Cd‘vul‘d 1’- H1101].- Sl‘t'l‘k English without an accent. They EanCl‘Imnn. ROCHESTER, 1. Y. :r‘lll'l'llllb‘ Anglicisc their names. Ol'l Mullen this 1’01)". the Ill) llllll arrests in Boston last year. only 3U” were Swedes. ,. U h. “V” “"‘l“r““’.°d,“"‘°"'i caEhOIm East Francis Street.Fenelon Falls. 1 wish U‘V‘W‘W'O‘L that ,ml‘Tmarrmi-T’ be‘ to draw the attention of the public to the tK'ccn llu'lr 'ffl-l't‘lifil"-'ll529 ‘ll'l member! he! that l have purchased the livery hilél' l l’ the prr-tcrtant denominations urn fltlar lately owned by Mr. Wm. llolltly. and iux‘lvciv on [he incrm‘se in the finned have made such improvements as will meet ‘ ' the requirements of the travelling public. 1 am prepared to furnish firstw-lnss horses ,and r*oml‘or'ulblc rigs ntthc lowestliring H.â€" - m“..- .â€".â€"M __ States. Few. however. nfthe pastors of the Catholic churches imNew York . “Roodhand’s Livery, lMARRlED l \ . O ‘ 77:35.”: We have much pleasnte in announcing l the marriage of Miss Xina Clock to Mr. John R. Time. As both the contracting. parties have long resided in flour city they are well and favorably known, in fact they have an universal reputation. Miss Clock that was, is a lady of most striking beauty. She was right on time in getting married. her age being just sweet We”, 'tis best not to say, lest she should be displeased. Her fllcial loveliness is proverbial in this . district. and but for the sad tact of her I being b0rn without teeth (and none having afterwards grown, for which defect nature is wholly responsible) she would have been a perfect paragon. Atone time she had got the name of being extravagant and running fast into debt. Now that she is married she don't want to go on tick too much or her bus- band will lever. Wc are sure her beauty will only be out- rivalled by her good works, and when the former grows wan and fades through the inroads of time, the latter will grow rc- splendent with advancing years, provided she uses the oil of kindness to keep the cogs in easy motion. She has a. very weighty nature, and when she gtrikes out to deliver a woman’s rights address she is certain never to stop until the last stroke of the hammer drives the nail of conviction deep into the minds of her hearers, that the time is now ripe for all husbands to prepare. to expend from :31 up to Sl,000 in Christmas presrnts for their loving wives and happy children, if they wish the love and happiness to con- tinue and increase. Nor does she forget to direct her auditors that the proper place to make their purchases is at ll. J. lmsl’s, “ The Jeweller,” who is daily receiving additions to his al- ready large and well assorted stock of watches, clocks, silverware, jewellery &c., in order to pander to the wants and tastes ot‘a fastidious and discerning public. Fine watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. A call is respectfully solicited. R. J. FROST, ‘ The J EWELLER,’ Opposite the Post-office, FENELON FALLS. Will”? be led away by every/pug? of wind that blows. STILL ALIVE and able to compete in my own line of business and thank my numerous patrons for their kind support for the last ten years. I have withstood op- position five times in the last ten years in Fenelon Falls, and will still be able to give satis- faction, as in the post, after having had thirty years’ ex- perience. J. SLATER, Watchmaker & Jeweller, FENEL 0N FALLS. 2Doors South oiMechanics’lns’titute. ‘ BUSINESSâ€"HOTEL Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swanton as a dealer in mmwwooomouwcm RailwayTies. Cordwood, Tele raph Poles, Cedar and all kin s g of Timber. Lumber and Shingles, ; CWQO“Q“W00¢w”0m0000““”0m”000 will he continued on a much larger scale than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of every month for all materials delivered. 38" One of the firm will be regularly on the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton, No. 52 Victor Avenue. Toronto, or to J. ll. . Brandon, Fenelon Falls. to ovoooooo WHAT eggs Tl-llsllltlll? F. KEAN, son a co. are going to leave Fenelon Falls. IT MEANS THIS: FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL SELL ALL GOODS AT PRICES THAT WILL KNOCK ALL FORMER PRICES INTO OBLIVION. Our special effort made during the month of November was fully realized in our business, having sold more goods than in any other month this year, despite the low prices and the “ keen ” competition in our town, etc. We were kept boom- ing right along, and why should it not be so ? We guarantee to save you from 25 to 50 per cent. on every dollar you spend with us. m30LEABING OUT; +73» Dress Goods 7%, 10, 12, 150., worth 15 to 300. Plushes in all colors, 350., worth 650. Cretonne 71150., worth 125 . Sheeting, two yards wide, for 180., worth 250. In Gent’s all-wool Underwear we show the best value in town, and at prices you cannot touch elsewhere. Heavy Top Shirts for 500., worth 750. Heavy Cardigan Jackets 750., worth $1. Terrible Slaughter in Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ Overcoats. See these goods if you want good value for your money. In all lines of clothing we will make a. great reduction, now that we intend clearing. Towels, Towclling, grey and white Cottons, at less than you can buy them for where they are manufactured. Lot of Christmas Goods in Plush, Satins and Velvets, will be placed in our window and cleared out at half price. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. All staple lines reduced to cost, and all fancy goods at less than cost. 16 lbs. good bright Sugar for $51 3 4 lbs. for 250. 12 lbs. A 1 Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 3 lbs. for 250. 16 lbs. new Cur‘ants for $1 ; 4 lbs. for 250. 16 lbs. new Raisins for $1 ; 4 lbs. for 250. 25 lbs. Dried Apples for $1 ; and everything else at equally low prices. 601“ Il0lltll'S for 500. 3 Well, you come pretty near it when ' you buy your Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, &c., at F. KEAN, SON 8a GO.’S “ FAMOUS” BANKRUPT STOCK MEN. CORNER STORE, - - - FENELON FALLS. Old English Bindilinn Powder, used by such well known horsemen as Joseph Staples, Manvers; Geo. Wcrry Penelon ; Albert Ware, Fcnclou ; Wm Hancock, Mltriposn: Geo. Skucc, (lpe ctc.,ctc. TESTED AND TRIED. Rain or shine, it won't hurt any animal. 25c. EACH, 0R FIVE FOR. 31. AFTER. W. 3‘. ELLIS, AGICNT, FENELON ITALLS. BEFORE. '1‘ IN iBootsend Shoes l . Navel m m onwtoooo 000004 c . «unuxtititi - ’ ................ 0”.”0909000000 i.f 22.00930000QOO” .«o.o$3737«._o 4 .o..o...o.n . n 0 o...«.......... .- I .o..........:... mmoowo «occooocoo o m W‘â€" ‘ Puritan Calf’ cork-soled Boots -â€"-â€"watcrproof, sensible ; ‘Walkenpllast.’ and ‘ Common Sense ’ Boots; ‘ Cardigan ’ Uver- swaxrox, BRANDON It Co. shoes, something new and something good. German Felt Slip- N. B.â€"Mr.Swanton thanks his numerous l pers from) per pair up ; SOC ’01“. customers for their liberal patronage during . the past ten rears. nnd begs to solicit M i Seunlless laced Bootsâ€"nothing to ripâ€"and continuance of the same for the new firm. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 'l'lll, l889.-â€"â€"26-tf. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, l ..._._ l Binc‘rtsmitl:illg in all it: dilant-Ill brunt-hr; done on short notice and at the lowest , livin: prices. Particular attention paid to Francis-st... Fenelon Falls.‘ ‘ Boss ’ and ‘ Climax ’ THE ‘ GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY ’ BOOT, curing Corns. Bunions, Tender and Dump Feet. We show samples of the leather of which a number of our fine lines are Illunnfllcturcd. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THE ABOVE Til-2W STYLES THEY'RE CORKERS Our stock of Staples is, as usual, unsurpassed. \l'c glvc with every palr of our celebrated Girls‘ School Boots, a Beautlrnl School-bag Gltllt'ElilES AN!) PRHVISIONS Choice and Fresh. Eight pounds, good Japan Tea for SLIM. Two good Brooms, for 23¢. A good Scrubbing Brush for 5c. 0." .............. o. ..... o ..... o o o oooooooo awom. "I' N discus! “10 mm” i" 1* Plibllcf prices. - hom- ‘oeinr: l: w m- I. call and I will 3 cnocksnv .e l;l.Asr~'\v.u:n 3 fashion. GEORGE GUUDHAXD guarantee s:t‘i:’:at::io:l. 45-ly. 3343‘ AT (3051‘, m g ' I l ......... a” WWW . ..x| _. A .1

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