'SIOST IMPORTANT EVIDENCE G FORE THE COMMI“SI(_)NEIIS AT THE CLOS- l mu sesslox. i Psrsnnonougn, Dec. 7.-â€"â€"The Trent '1 Valley canal commissioners yesterday i received the most vital evidence that has been forthcoming so far. .‘Ir. J. 1’. Dunn, C.I’.1{. station agent, was the ï¬rst witness, and gave evidence regard- ing freight rates in sutnmer and winter, a comparison of which showed a lower , rate ln summer tlme, owmg, lt was sup-' posed, to the boat competition. Mr. l W. H. )Ieldruln. ot'tlle ï¬rm of millers' of )Ieldruln .k Davidson, was the next l witness. He said he was engaged iul importing and grindim: wheat. Ills! ï¬rm bought from 75,000 to 100.0(l0 l bushels from the North-West, and if they had cheaper means of transporta- tion they would bring more. Places with water communication got cheaper rates on freight. It cost them 30 to 35 cents a barrel on flour to Montreal, while it was shipped from St. Cather- ines at a cost of 23 cents. The railway rates were arranged so as to shut off shipping to the lake ports. They could certainly ship by the canal unless the railway rates were lowered. Their ex- perience was that there was no competi- tion between the railways here. With the canal they would baing wheat from the west and grind in transit, a privi- lege they could not get from the rail- ways. The facilities for transportation would be better on this route than on the Erie canal, owing to the water stretches. The bulk of the North-west grain would come by this canal, as no Manitoba wheat came by the Welland, and it was carried by rail even to Lake Ontario ports. He had not the least doubt that it would pay the country to build the canal, even if it cost $10,000,- 000. Mr. R. C. Strickland, lumberman, said that if the canal were built the Northern and Georgian Bay lumber trade would be diverted from Tonawan- da and New York to Montreal. The beneï¬t to the lumber trade alone would pay for the canal in ï¬ve years. He re- ferred to the minerals, hardwood, pav- ing and monumental stone that would be given an outlet by the canal. At this morning’s session M r. George Hilliard, ex-M.P., luulberman and mil- ler, told how the milling and lumber industries would be beneï¬ted by the canal, and gave statistics showing the loss on the lakes which would be avoid- ed by this safer route. He referred to the way Ontario millers were injuriously affected by the railway rates discrimin- ating in favor of long hauls, and to the local beneï¬t that would be derived from the canal. At this afternoon's session Mr. Ran- noy, (1.13., gave particulars of extensions that could easily be made on the Gull, Burnt and other rivers. He thought less expensive locks than those at Bur- leigh would serve the purpose. Mr. J. M. Irwin, lumberman, gave testimony regarding the lumber trade and minerals and the extentions, and other valuable information as to the beneï¬ts of the canal. Mr. Brundrett cave rates of freight on the Grand Trunk. The commissioners then adjourned to meet at Lindsay on Jan. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. They will also hold sessions at Y Barrie on Jan. 14 and 15, Orillia on Jan. 16 and 17, and Midland on Jan. 18 and 19. * A Western inventor is endeavoring to interest capital in his electrical magic lantern for casting or reflecting adver- tisements in the dark clouds that often hang low over a city. The inventor claims to have secured contracts from several well-known ï¬rms for displaying their cards in this manner. The smallest, simplest and best pro- tected postoï¬ice in the world is in the Straits of Magellan, and has been there for many years. It consists of a small LARGE STOCK, LOW PRICES keg or cask. and is chained to the rocks of the extreme cape, in‘ the straits oppo- site 'I‘erra del Fuego. Each passing ship sends a boat to take letters out and put others in. The postoï¬ice is self- actiug and unprovided with a postmas- TheTrpp’ECanal. lynx ar- ; l l 2 DOORS Sill'TII 0F lIEAliD'S _â€" s. Nsvson has removed his business to the store HARDWARE S'l‘llliE, l where he has opened out the largest stock of l Christmas Coodsi . ever brought into Fcnelon Falls, consisting , . _ , . ï¬rst-born. Now that Mr. THN‘ 15 lllt‘ llaPl‘F o f CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS, DOLLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, l ARTICLES, A FINE LINE OF PLI'SH GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, WALL PAPER, OIL PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, 5&3†PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. Doa’t forget the place, 2 Doors South of Heard's Hardware Store. 3. NEWSQN. Chris mos Cords Stock Large. _.___o___ Valley in as _AT_ W. T. Julio’s. BE SURE TO CALL AT MRS. HEELEY’S WHEN SELECTING Christmas AND NEW YEAR‘S PREsjpv'rs. SALESMEN 93-33%??? i . .1. . ' 0n the 1m. inst. the wife of in. John : R.’1«;nze.ofl-‘er;elonFalls,oflriplet daughâ€", :_ r; s,- 3. ters, all girl; , f .1 a, .i has elapscdl ".‘V? 5 iworid at large the precise state of his STATIONERY, I’ERFI‘MERY S: TOILET ‘1 ' STILLâ€"Aâ€"LIVE Something less than a year I sillCe we chronicled the marriage of .‘Ir.l John R. Time and .\Iiss Nina Clock. Happy l as was that event. we believe it has been eclipsed, as seen from the above notice, by )Irs. Time presenting her husband with ,1, three PURE GOLD ALARM Crocus. ‘- As a rule there is always a loud sound- :; ‘-, ing of trumpets. beating of drums, clash- 3..» I ing of cymbals. hoisting offlngs. and a big , l . j I parade gellemllv, on the. advent of the are going to leave Fenelon Falls. father of mass. a great deal is expected of him in the war of demonstrating to the \Ve guarantee to save yon from 25 to 50 per cent. on every dollar you spend with us. mCLEARIN G OUTLZZTJK’ Dress Goods 7%, 10, 12, 150., worth 15 to 300. Plushes in all colors, 350., worth 650. Cretonne 7 930., worth 12%0. , Sheeting, two yards wide, for 180., worth 25c. In Gent’s all-wool Underwear we show the best value in town, and at prices you cannot touch elsewhere. Heavy Top Shirts for 500., worth 750. Heavy Cardigan Jackets 750., worth $1. Terrible Slaughter in Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ Overcoats. See these goods if you want good value for your money. In all lines of clothing we will make a great reduction, now that we intend clearing. Towels, Towelling, grey and white Cottons, at less than you can buy them for where they are manufactured. Lot of Christmas Goods in Plush, Satins and Velvcts, will be placed in our window and cleared out at half price. GROGERY DEPARTMENT. All staple lines reduced to cost, and all fancy goods at less than cost. 16 lbs. good bright Sugar for $51 ; 4 lbs. for 250. 12 lbs. A 1 Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 3 lbs. for 250. 16 lbs. new Currants for $1 ; 4 lbs. for 250. 16 lbs. new Raisins for $1 ; 4 lbs. for 250. 25 lbs. Dried Apples for $1 3 and everything else at equally low prices. GOIII Dollars f0l‘ 500. I Well, you come pretty near it when you buy your Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, &c., at F. KEAN, $0151 86 60.35 “EAMOUS †BANKRUPT STOCK MEN. CORNER STORE, - - - FENELON FALLS. Uldinglish Eondiiion Powder, used by such well known h0rsemen as Joseph Staples, lilanvers; Geo. Worry Fenelon ; Albert Ware, Fenelon ', Wm Hancock, Muriposu; (ico. Skllce, Ops etc.,etc. TESTED AND 'I‘RII'JD. Ilqu or shine, it won’t hurt any animal. BEFORE. dim. 25c. EACH, 0R FIVE FOR. 81. W- 13- ELLIS: AGENT. FENELON FALLS. ‘ P if" , IN Boots and Shoes . . . l . . . AT improper, for ilinl to have a. big blow-out presents. granite skating rink to Fonulon y“ ALL GOODS AT PRICES THAT WILL KNOCK hour on the 12th inst, nor is it. probable he is in duty bound to do something on a any other month this year, despite the low prices and the One thing that Mr. Time should be truly quaintance’s sake, and give hearty greet- nity of his life to enable his Iirstlings to the old, old saint who is so dear to every can be expected †towards her usual state jewellery as before he took her for B or W. this manner, generations yet unborn will and in fact everything kept in a ï¬rst-class FALLS. feelings along this line. with his old bachelor friends; or if he does not wish to show a bad example in his own Falls. What he really will do, to work off his the effects chills heavy shock, occasioned by the three alarms rousing him from his will be in a ï¬t state for some days to con- ur special effort made during the month of N ovcmbcr was centra’te his scattered thoughts on any large scale in fact he can present no or u , n - - - _ , , , ,_ , _ me am wt,†,0, him out, Sh,“ me Time, keen . compentlon in our town, etc. ‘We pole kept boom 111g right along, and why should it. not be so ‘3 thankful for is that Christmas and New Years are so close at hand that he might lugs to the year that will be younger sister to his beauties three, and he will undoubt- form a good opinion of their pa. by invest- ing in a gold watch and chain for each of child‘s heart. He should also assist the good doctor in of good health, in raising her spirits, by showing that although married to her he We might remind him that a town clock would prove a boon to the place, and land him to the skies and speak of him as the happy papa who made all his purchases jewellery establishment from 9 R. J. FROST, "1116 J EWELLER, be led away by encrypts]? It would be quite natural, although very person to his large family, he might donate S I S . $0,000 to found a home for stray cats, or add another $5,000 to that amount and ' 4 excess of feeling, remains to be seen, as he peaceful slumbers at a very unchristiau (Mum, mode 0, procedum However, he fully realized in our business, having sold more goods than ill have so improved during the past year. ‘4 shake †with Santa. Claus for old uc- edly avail himself of the grandest opportu- tllem,and presenting them in the name of bringing his better half aIOng “ as well as can still buy her as handsome and valuable should he decide to show forth his joy in of watches, clocks, jewellery, silverware, Opposite the Post-ofï¬ce, of wind that blows. and able to compete in my Own line of business and thank my numerous patrons for their kind support for the last ten years. I have withstood op- position ï¬ve times in the last ten years in Fenelon Falls, and will still be able to give satis- faction, as in the past, after having had thirty years’ ex- perlence. J. aria-run, Watchmaker & Jeweller, FENEL 0N FALLS. 2 Doors South of Mechanics’ Institute. susmrgronor. Notice is hereby given that the business It‘l‘. and is, therefore, under the protec- hitherto carried on by Samuel Swanton as ’ "iuu “f “u the “Mics Ohm} world- UP Wanted for our complete line of Vllrscry 3' dealer m 55553231: l I mmmwomvvwnom“ocuwww « WW I “"W'â€MN to the present time there has not been , Stock. All new. choice and nsr-samsc a single case reported in which any a. , srrzcunrlks. I call furllisll PAYING POSITIONS base of the privilege it affords has been 1 ‘0 W°rk°'5' My “"550 “Pemncc m “"3 P0185. cedar and all km S ,, business enables me to offer special advan- of Timbér Lumber and Shin m‘m' taxes to beginners I can make it Sum-ss- l .a..............l............................gI831... T. 1’. Smythes, who has made impor- rul Salesman of any one who will follow taut geological discoveries in Indiana. , my instruction. Permanent employment, my“ more is a great lake under pan of! \\ :1ch paul each week. Outht free. Apply 0 Railway Ties. Cordwood, Tele raph W... 4.900000... «0.000000 ‘ Puritan Calf’ cork-soled Boots â€"â€"â€"Waterproof, sensible ; ‘ Walkenphast’ and ‘ Common Sense ’ Boots; ‘ Cardigan ’ Over- â€m" f""“‘f.',‘,r hrth ,“Figï¬rfisned. who shoes, something new and something good. German Felt Slip- ' WM“ " u 0’ pers from 250. per pair up ; sec ’cm. ‘ Boss’ and ‘ Climax ’ will be continued on a much larger scale - - l at. onc~ and secure choice of territory. that state. He adds: “ I was srnklng ‘ " - a well on my place in Oran-:e county when suddenly the drill knocked a piece . .‘inrseryman. Ed‘vurd 1’. Snell, Mention :hi: Paper. ROCHESTER, I. Y. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, seamless laced Bootsâ€"nothing to ripâ€"and and payments will be promptly made on out at the bottom and disappeared. i the l5tll of every month for all materials Through the opening cold. clear water 5 Wm, THE ‘ GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY ’ 3001', Eg- Qne of the ï¬rm Wm be regularly on curing Corns, Bunions, Tender and Damp Feet. We show samples of the leather of r v M I a p '1 1 x 3 ' rmmd' ham“ “I “d1 m an dipth or. S the road. which a number of our fine line: are manufactured. DON’T FAIL TI) SEE TIIE - ~ . At tl' ev‘l it stands. I l . . , , , , :‘:::Ignix:xk;c1 wamillsrltr thou†“sin†1 : gait Frnnhcls SII’CQ‘}.FCHfCIO}II Faiths. I mph For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton. ABOI I") NEW STYLES THEY’RE CORKERS our smck 0, Sup,†,3, a! , t -, - s s a . ' r.) " _ r y to raw 1 B Kilt ntlon 0 I II! p“ IC 10 118 , .\0. J- \ ICIO!‘ AVCIIIIL‘. Toronto, 01' IO usual unsurpnsï¬pd a“: or our celpbratcd MGM“ 002109 0003.. Mid Idle “'3'†d0“ ‘ tthatl lave lurchased the liverv busi- B d I: .1 1,“ ’ ' 4 I’ « ' m i i ' m on' em on F3 3 Girls’ School Boots, 3 Beautiful School-bag not lowerian inch. One d3? I drew up ‘ ness latelv owned by Mr. Wm. ROMâ€: and , - - . - - v - . - . - sw.s..\ro.\ nnasnos & 00 ~' - ." x ..5 Is It nts.wll _tt t - . . . . .. , I ï¬sh to a bucket of water. The SLO . haw: mm e no improveme as l mee , N. B, Mr'Swumn than,†his numerous x GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Chorcc and Fresh. Light pounds good Japan for; _ ‘ \ - « ‘ , th" rn uiremcnts of the travellin nblic. ' ‘ ‘ tton whtro [ill lake exists ll hilly, full , 1;“;ther m furnish ï¬rsbchgï¬sphor!“ , customer; for moirnbcml patronage during 1 for SLOO, Two good Brooms for 250. A good Scrubblng Brush for 5c. ofzulcllei and caves“ It i’ were that i and comfortable rigs attbe lowestlivingl “’9 P851 "‘9 PMâ€: and I’CIIR ‘0 50â€?“- R" m. J. J. BRANDON. E cancxsnv & GLASSWARE ' E :53" AT cosr. tau WWmewm Lost river sink: 838] and ï¬nally disap- l price" {continuance of the same for the new ï¬rm. put-1 altogether. 1 GEORGE GOODHAHD Feaelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889...,26-tf. at...