Carpets and OflcCloths, N0. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. ‘ REMOVED l g S. NEVSON ‘ has~removed his business to the store i i 2 DOORS SOUTH OF HEARD‘S i I . Tl. c ,‘c' .11,- ,,' to bol- - ,i [‘93 .Personals ish baenislziidetit 1:108;beiiatjmliï¬ige1ya be- y, cause of Mr. George Kennan‘s famous letters in The Century Magazine. The New York Times recently complained Tm; OLDEST A51) Tm; LEADING LIFE that the Czar had excluded that cxccl- assuancg COMPANY IN CANADA_ lent. daily from Russia, and thereby de- â€" prived it ofits Russian subscription list. Cwltal & Assets as at the 30th of April, From which facts it may be inferred ' “399 0"" 5109000900“ . that American journalism has been hav- Annual Income for the ear ending30th in: a disturbing influence upon Russian April, 1885. 51, .000. affairs. Total Sum assured to 30th April,1885, l __,_â€"â€"-_â€"â€"-â€"â€"_-â€"_--â€"â€"â€"â€" amounts to $41,000,000. FENELON’ FALLS MARKETS. 12.7mm '1 by u..- .\'.n/. Star Roller .in'zz Co} Fenelon Falls, Friday, Jan. 3rd, 1890. Mr. Ilcni'y Junkin returned to Belle- vllle on .‘f‘nnday. Mr. J. W. Fitzgerald, of Parry Har- bour, left for home on Tuesday morning. Mr. Samuel Hooper, of thc “ Bed Store." returned to the Falls on Wed- nes‘lay. Mr. Bradley Mowry, Jr.. of Graven- hurst, was at the Falls from Monday evenin; until Tuesday morning. 511'. a; Mrs. Daniel Gladstone, of Lindsay. have been at the Falls for up- wards of a week, and will leave next Monday. Mr. James Dickson and Mr. Samuel ESTABLISHED IN 1842'. .â€" Thc proï¬ts of this old and reliable Cotu- puny are larger than any other Life Ofï¬ce doing business in the DomlDion. Mid ils l ratio of expenses to income are less than I that ofnny other Canadian or British oilicc. HARDWARE STORE, where-he has-opened out the largest stock . of Barr returned on New Year's Day from Wheat, fall. per bushel. . .. 30-73 t0 , , , _ i _ s u the (“gown District. They had been Wheat: Spring .1. I . ' I 7% if, [‘he pollcrcs of tins Company are indisputn- - f h n j b Ltd v k “rhea,Y Scotch 0,. Flfe 7;, H bio on on) grounds whatever after two mm 1L a ill: ‘9 l 9‘3 3' Bark.“ I,“ bushel. . H _ H. 30 33 years, and policies becoming claims are ever broughtintO'Fenelon Falls: COHSiStiHS" Mr. A: .‘l rs. l an.\o.strand, of Toronto. OMS," n ' . _ _ . I _ . 25 26 paid at once. The rates charged by this Mr. C. J. Logan, of Galt, and Mr. W. pub-.3, u p 55 55 Company are aslowns nnylirst-olnss ot‘ï¬ce. C. C. Logan, of Petcrborough, all spent lye, “ . . . . . . .. 49 45 All forms 0f POllCNS are lulli-‘d- DOLLS OF:ALL DESCRIPTIng two or three days of this week at the I’OWOGS “ 20 30 McDOUGALL a BRANDON, STHIOVERY. PerCUFR ,. _ , ‘ ' . 1b............ 14 15 3.1 ‘ * = “ " ‘ 3* FOH‘ET Rectory. gutter, per t r 00 5 ,_ 4 y. Agents, Fenelon Falls. ARTICLE; Mr. Neil Clark, of Canninrrton and ,‘igf’ per 3W 0‘ - . . - ’ Mr. Donald Clark, of Manner; sons of iiiii’pléirtoriiiilfff1123:: 7.00 8.00 Aï¬ne Lme 0f PluSh GOOdS» Mr. A. Clark, of this village, were here llides . .;:,0 3.09 SECOND DIVISION COURT lllUSICAL.I-NSTRUMENTS, on New Year's Day, and left next morn- Sheel>5li11!9-t- - - - -- -- ~ - - - - - “0 7" ' â€"°F' TFEâ€" ' PICTURES AND; PICTURE FRAMES, mg. Mr. Neil Clark was accompanied -mw. ~ fl_â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- County of Victoria. G'OLDAND SILVER WATCHES, New Advertisements. Annual Meeting. : The next annual meeting of North Victoria E. D. Agricultural Society will be held in the TOWN HALL, VICTORIA ROAD, at the hour of one ol'clock ON WEDNESDAY, JAN’Y 15th, 1890, for the purpose of receiving and disposing: of the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports and the Branch Societics‘ Reports for the year 1889, and electing ofï¬ce-bearers for the ensuing year. W. R. CAN’ANA, Secretary. SALESMEN Wanted for our complete line of Nursery Stock. All new. choice and FAST-SELLING SPECIALTIES. I can furnish PAYING POSITIONS to workers. My large experience in the business enables me to offer special advan- tnges to beginners. I can make a Success- ful Salesman of any one who will follow my instruction. Permanent. employment. Wages paid each week. Outfit free. Apply at once, and secure choice of territory. 131d \vurd 1’ . Snell, Nnrscryinan, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Mention this Paper. byfhis wife and four children, who will , ' 'WAL'nrAPER, remain until next week. OIL'. PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, W†PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER A‘. SPECIALTY. Don’t forget the place, The next sittings of the above Court will. be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls,. ‘ On Tuesday, lreb. 11th, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. E. D.Haso, Clerk' W LEI-‘1' Ovnn.â€"COrrespondence from. Powlcs’s Corner and North- Vcrulam-,. and Layman’s letter,.are unavoidably left over until next week. Enncniox or Tannersâ€"There will be no change in the school board? this year, as Messrs. Austin,i\'ie and I Robson, the retiring.' trustees, were the only persons nominated on Monday lash, and they were accordingly declared re- clectc Tun Wiz.\.'rm:u.â€"â€"-'l‘hcrc seems to be no end to the vagaries of the weather, and everybody is weary of the changes. ' ‘hc proprietor ol‘a goose-hone propltcCy says that. we are to have an. open winter, and at l)l'L‘>CllL the odds appear to be greatly in his favour. ’l‘nnr Din; IN Vatxâ€"Last Saturday l'oreuoon a large otter was seen to swim across the Fenelon liivcr below the falls and land near a. small tree. From there its tracks led to a hole in the rock, at which a number ofmcn worked with picks and shovels until nearly dark; but when they got to the end of the hole the otter Wasn’t. there. 'l‘nr. Caman llon'rtcnmmisr.â€" "his publication improves every year. both in appear-alien, illustrations, colored places and reading matter. Evoryfruit grower, gardener and farmer should have it. The editor is a practical fruit grower, and the other writers are the loading praCiical gurdncrs and fruit gt‘owcrs izt ()ntario. One dollar, ail- ' dressed to the editor, Grimsby, Ont, secures this monthly, the interesting Annual Report of the Fruit Growers, and a. choice. of plants for testing- . PRESBYTERLXN S. llnron'r rou NEALâ€"No. of books in library, 1220; estimated value of library, Sill. Each scholar received one of the. following papers free each sundry : Young: Peo- ple's Weekly, Weekly Magnet, Happy hints or Weekly. Welcome. Total number of papers distributed during the year, 3.700 ; number ot'elasscs for ï¬rst half, 1'3 ; average attendance, 80; average collection. 81.03; number of . classes “r second half, 0 ; average at- tendance, ‘67 ; average collection, 78c. li.‘\i"i‘l.~“l‘ AxxivnitsAitY.â€"â€"'l‘hc Bap- tist Anniversay was held on \‘chnesday evening; ; but we cannot, ï¬nd room for more than every brief notice, as the pastor attire church has appropriated Gno. MANNING, Bailiff. . 2 Doors Southof Heard‘s Hardware Store. Fenelon Falls, Dec. 3rd, 1889.. e. mail] sou. FOR SALE OR T0 RENT. A roomy and commodions Dwelling House on Lot No. 3, (half an acre) south oi'Lonisn street in the village of FenelonFalls. The soil is good, and there is 0. [inc view of Cameron Luke and the village. Apply to Mr. HENRY Arsrix, Fenelon Falls. Also, the cast half of Lot No. 20 in the lst Con. ot‘ Ycrnlam, with a dwelling and outbuildings thereon. Apply to Mr. Ronr. Wiznnmt on the next lot. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 14th,1889.â€"-27-t.f. “E § .3. CHRISTMAS‘aud rtgiv man's CARDS, g g t at a. ’3 Dill ll l Flew Bamgaims DURING‘THE LAST OF AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. [ldd lines cl Goods Malkcdlway Down to Clear lhcm llul. BEVEL-ED GED senor BUN us. The undersigned is now manufacturing the above Blinds at 6 AND 7 CENTS PER SQUARE FO0T, all ready fitted. for 100. G-"ood'thite Muslin at Efï¬e. Parasols for 200. and 2:30. All wool Twecds, 1i.) difl'crent pat- terns, for 400., worth from (30 to 800. ' Black and Colored Gloves 50. and I , 100. per Pair- , , A Good Suit' of Clothes for $52.90, men’s sizes. Gent’s Ties, Shirts, &c., at a. Sacriï¬ce. , 30 Ends of Carpet at less than cost to clear. Shirtings, C‘ottonades', 830., &c., the biggest assortment in 3,5}. the County. ‘ Mrs, 351%,, Mcpougau COME ALONG IE You WANT BARGAINS. They will not last 10:19. Remember, this is no chronic 50111113" out, but. a GENUINE CLEARING SALE. ' TE1%DIS', “SPOT CASIVI.†noon cDGUGA-LL. NOTE: Boys’ and Girls’ Cotton Hose for 5 and 100., all sizes. The most substantial lllinds made. Useful and Ornamental. Give good satisfaction wherever tried. Samples at J. llcartl’s Hardware Store. and J. McFarlnud’s grocery. Agents wanted. xv. II. CHURCH. Fenelon Falls, Fob. 15th,1889.â€",l-tf. lrrlicl. . of Fenelon Falls and Vicinity. .‘ Chris an in 5 Stock Large. ____â€"â€"- ‘s -‘ .s'.’ .r \r 0! 090 u 0 ~90 .... I has on hand A MAGNIFICENT ASSUlllMENl .â€"_â€".â€" All \V'ool Dress‘ Goods Worth 2-50. so much ol‘ our space. (living, to the heavy rain the attendance was not as- largc as usual. but the church was fair- littlest Ell trillion Marni __AT_ MPRICES AS LOW AS'ANY HONEST ' ARTICLE CAN BE SGLD FOR ANYWHERE. GREENE. & ELLIS’S ly tilled with th‘ exception of two or three of the front pews. After an ex- cellent tv'a. :id lt‘esst‘s were delivered by Messrs. hatred, of Sunderland. l‘arkcr. of l‘ctt‘t‘l-nrotigil. and Anderson. of Lindsay. Rev. )lr. Fraser, pastor of the congregation, olliciate-l as chairman and spoke liriellv, and plenty of excel- lent. music was furnished by the choir. (hi Thursday a swial was held to dis- rose of the surplus entalilcs. and the proceeds of the two evenings amounted to nearly siltl, EEET EALNE. I Fast Colored Gingu hams for 10C. .' Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new, 1 stock. cut last Season. \vcll roofed, drv and! bright. manufactured expressly fpr thellot-nl trade of Fenelon Falls and Lindsay and, O l barns and outbuildings. l l surrounding: country. ' _ From our long experience in the business, land being: builders onrsclvr-s, we have a , n l ' . - . . 1 ' ' “Q l illllld idea of what is required tor hrs! class C. lilaeksinithin: in all its nliii‘c-rent branches 1 \t'c have {assorted b I. " " s 'i"- 1' '- :- 'vl i". r - -r.~ IOtl (ill-titties .0 st l _ .s :. . .v S 0 S q- , |ll)lll on .hoit .. up. .n. t the lontst "mm $3 m m $5 PM M “Puma ,,,,“.,,,,,S. 1 .- U I’lnnmlur Mmmmn “mi [0 We havi- nbmlt two million lei-t that inn-:1, “in. me n m†and I “m be sold to make room for new stock. l’nr-l Intending purchasers are invited to‘iuspeot before purchasing elsewhere. DRESSES a MANTLES BI‘XD E ’E O OIEDER. All work guaranteed. Mrs. R. M’Dougall, ‘3 Doors North of tlic‘l’ost-otllcc numnna YARDS, FillilllN llllS AND llllllSlll. We have for sale here and at Lindsay all kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Seantliupr l’lnnk. Timber, Lath. l‘ickets, Shingles, I’cnce‘l‘osts and all kinds of Plant-d null )lntchcd Lumber from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and l W. T. Jill’l it’s no was?“ v- Back Countrleavld Chambers, it is said lil'tl, thi- cause of the czar's recent iliip ss was piisvui ill his food. The undersigned have just received the An old man named l‘hillips was fro- zen to death in .“.llll‘.' iay's: storm in my V I V. , Spink county. South llaketa. “"1 to‘mgnmum m The llnn; :‘.i.'.ll.\ living in the Village, of TN ‘1‘. mar Scranton. l‘n.. have sub- stituted “\i litrll l’nr heel". .-\ bright yam; Wâ€"nâ€" ,V._V___m_v , General Blacksmith, or common building materials for houses, ' u . . ’ -.- : ..- 1 ‘ winch they will “0 pleased to show intond- 1““‘9 9â€â€ " I‘m“ on i in; purchasers at tln-ir shou- rooms on horse-shoeing. fol low in ,.. . .. , _ “ ‘ _ - l, ., ‘ ,3- t..'i carn< a into; by writing sperchcs for , the twirllert)! hand and i olhnrno lguarnntec satisfaction. -§-'>-l:v'- 3 W5 rr‘llm‘infé 11â€} “f 1““ “M†“‘0†“.“l \nxlï¬in: l‘. :il'flygis, In England spot-ch. l streets. near the grist mill. L.» .- â€"â€"â€"â€"-.w -â€"~â€" <---' save money l-f-' Collin}; mall“ lâ€â€"l“l“'â€"ri I r ' or - s'i‘i W" “t d liroin tll ' brill "irooni l . . v i I'lr‘““‘llirr’r- 0? l1" WWWâ€; lll‘i†MU": T†or H ‘~ ~ ‘ "‘ ~ '2 We Defy Competition House and Let. For Sale. l i. mi: c-‘mmwll and they are gt-ueranj- very bungling 3 y ‘ , n, hmmzw, rm WWW“, ,3“, Ship M. (m, The frcghcgt G00d4 in .. . -,.:.i ,.- : . ,.....‘.:-.,- .y- . 1-. ~ ; .. Wt", , V . _ . , _ .‘ " - ‘- 5 . ‘ no :4," t . «I .4 32:“er . ' ‘0, I. V "f "5:23,: 2 and“0:";51'3‘13;l 'l l.€: l1!“ lli‘til (it‘llï¬t .'. \"c.‘t'.nf (_.‘nl-: 1mm†1,, “:1 ,,,-,â€H5- (“in “ct :pci'zlt“. l'dlf‘n: ‘» A _\1,.,I,,,F,m ‘ctmohna “m. reported y i. . rim†Ital“! ,l'.‘ V‘ , ,_, rm. my, “M.†,f, I.r_‘:;,-j~: g9rut1i,r:-ll\rl(.lll , N, h, A}.in iith. Fons] on .\'I’)i;l"llrlll'!;'~j:‘, the “111,1er (It devoured wolves. comes up smiliu: 5. ., __ ,,,-‘,;“,,ï¬\‘ï¬â€˜ l-.-t.2=. i‘o. ‘- :ti. r.-i. illl‘} ; rgv in {Jar} , “rim.1;,izgiysmwl 1: Twulll’jllnrs».. , u C t . ' - “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ r‘ ' - i‘ ‘3 “ ~',_ "in u -ra"n::=v‘:vs a. more; _ . , m , ,_; ' .,.. r - ._I 3 “.005; 47:â€. l,,.,. {tapas “Tn. Plckml, and j i. _ uni“, ,u the Ewes: Puss‘h', , l. v- » ) ‘13 i lmr Inulkwau‘, TAM; 30:1. ,, _, lit; (thou. .5 9.11 hanéltltl. , . . . . . mums»- -.. , . '-~ ' l ‘“ -‘. .,.._ _‘ ..:,l-'. ; '7 \SlliaL’H l. :t. 5:20 simply took a week 5 :‘l‘iL‘t‘. v ,h. ,0 5b“: l'*~-*ll‘ ‘ "' "l" , I. ,, l C b . ' A . .v . , . ,i,l _ t ‘ .,,‘,‘.,‘. . . v o Q t, . . V. ; ,' Lti‘it :.- rt married in. It s a shame MCDOUGALL 8t BRANDON. . 1 Limit. ' “kirk-“l- "r M‘l‘l‘l‘s }-â€"‘°" “ ’r l m. e 3 ~ . I .\.l n ) ,.. .Q, ,j'.: .‘ it; alum . '.:.t the public in this fashion. l Fenelon Falls. Dec. trill. rise. +4;an Nov. 1em, 1589. Umemec P. 0. l snatch,- -' :1“! t" Minus-i A» EM .,.,_.,,1;..,_ 4 t