’IORBIGH NEWS. The population of Japan is just under 40,- 000100. , According to till :13) statistics hi srseilles’s ' trtï¬i: has nearly doubled since 12570. There are seven monuments in the var. ious cities of Italy to Count Cavuur, but not one in Rome. The King of Italy has sent to King )ienelik a carved wooden throne twenty- four feet high. Panlus, the famous singer who started Boulanger. has been singing lately in Vienna with great success. The Dr: zllisns are said to form the largest and riches: foreign colony in Paris. Tuey never baggie over anything. The oldest member of the French Legion of Honor lsa soldier 99 years old, the last survivor of the battle of Trafalgar. The last news of hostilities in Uganda reports the death of Cbambalongo, one of the murderers of Bishop Hanningtcn. The new l’rench seagcing torpedo boat has used her torpedo tubes with success when going at the rate of ‘21.; knots an hour. 1):. Hana Virchow, son of the famous Tirchow, has been made extraordinary professor of anatomy at the University of Berlin. A large tract of tea land in the neighbor- hood of Canton this year yielded per acre one thousand dollars in tea leaves ofzhe ï¬nest quality. A new F.ench invention is a smoke bomb, intended to be ï¬red into the ranks of the enemy who uses smokeless powder, and obscure his view. There are only twenty-nine free traders in the French Parliament, the remainder of the deputies standing up stoutly for the protective home industry creed of the Thiers school. Because there will be hardly any court festivities in Vienna this season, and no State balls, a great many distinguished babitues of that city will spend their winter i r Birlln. A social bomb threatens to explode in Berlin by the report that the Emperor. who intends to make his capital very gay this season, will attend the ball of Herr Bleich- rcder, the banker. The Italian Admiral Albini thinks that the future man-of-rvar will have double screws and a helm at each end, so that: in battle it need waste no time in turning around. Its sides will be unarmored. The proclamation suppressing the Chinese secret societies has been published all through the StraitsSettlements. Theproporty of the societies may be disposed of, though the Governments do not desire to conï¬scate it. The latest rtcensement ï¬xtures set down the population of Berlin at 1,173,853, and of Vienna at 1,110,764, a steady advance being made by both Lcapitals through addi- tions from small towns throughout the two empires. Russia is increasing her ï¬eld artillery. Hitherto each brigade had six batteries of e‘g'nt guns each, but now each brigade will have eight batteries of eight guns, or a total of sixty four guns, instead of forty-eight as hitherto. It is said that the first thing that the new Government of Brazrldid was to send a tele- gram to the Rothschilds asking for their continued ï¬nancial support. and the reply received was favorable. and undoubtedly did much tOWard solidifying the new Gov- s:nment. The main entrance of the Monte Carlo gambling house, which was closed all sum- mer, was reopened a week ago. A new wing, which will be ï¬lled with more tables, has been added, and the vostibule and smok- ing promenade have been enlarged, and lifts have been built to take people up from the railroad. Two or three years ago the Russian Gov- ernment established credit banks for the purpose of assisting the owners of large estates who happened to be pressed for money. The client has been that the num- ber of mortgaged estates is much greater than ever, and many belonging Io high no. bles are to be sold this year for nonpayment of the interest on loans. The press of Italy is discussing the ques- tion of capital punishment, which is at resent illegal, conï¬nement at hard labor for lie being the maximum punishment be- stowed by the Italian laws. 151s contended by many influential papers that a return to death sentences is necessary in view of the great increase in murder since the existing laws went into operation. The l’hilitelisteu Club of Vienna is ar- ranging for an international postage stamp exposition there ntx: year. The year 189‘.) was chosen because it will then be j ist tiity iars since postane stamps were introduced, {arty years since they came into use in Austria, and ten years since the club was founded. The exhibition will take place in the Austrian Industrial Musenm- A can mitten of five is organ‘z‘ng it. The French professor of chemistry, Dr- Millrfleurs. recently exhibited before a meeting of Parisian scientists several brick:- of petroleum which he has discovered how to solidify by an original process. The pet- roleum bricks were hard enough to be hand led without inconvenience, yet soft enough to be cut with a stout knife. They burned slowly when touched with a lighted match. Milirfleurs says they are non-t xplcsive and inexpensive. :ZThe new regulations for military recap tions in Germany make this distinction between “great†and "email' receptions: \thrc cavalry is available, in the great r..c:ptious, a squadron will accompany the guts: as escort, half in front of the carriage and half behind. The (nicer in command “illride abreast of the right hind whorl. 1f the place be a fortress, asaluic of 3* gun: will be fired by the forts which the Emperor passes: for the royal princes, 21 guns: for the Prince of iiobe: xrilern and other reign ing princes, l‘.’ guns: and the same regula- tions are to be observed for foreign rulers and heirs to threats. -â€"â€"â€"-»â€"~-â€"‘._.._â€"â€"â€" She was Saved From days of agcry ard discomfort, not by great interpctizrcns, but by the use of :hi only sure-pep com cureâ€"Putnam's Painless Corn l‘IX'ractcr. Tender, painful corns art rrmtuu by its use in a few days. without the slightest disc; mitt; Many substitute: in the market make it necusary that only "l’u'.n..n.'n" sixcld be a-ked for and taken. Eur, (3.1:, "‘ ~' a..-o~....-l I military i ï¬lters on their way to the trenches TBBWIHD OF A CANNON. [low It Can Wound and Bruise. Sir Robert Rawliuson, K. C. B., sends us the following striking narrative: "On the morning of tho 10;h of Jane, 1855, I was riding in comp my with some before Sebastopnl, and entering the ravine known as The Valley of the Shadow of Dzath,‘ when in the act of turning round to go back was swept down with my horse by a 42-pouud Russian steel shot. The shot passed in front of me, from left to right, cutting the reins out of my left hand and passing through the thin jacket under my right arm. I had in my right-hand trousers pocket a small leather purse with a steel rim to it and a little silver in it. This purse bruised the strong cloth of the pocket and my flmuol shirt, as also the crest of the pelvis. My own impression was that the shtt had struck me full in the abdomen, and that I was out in two. I fainted and my wound bled copiously, and I was taken to the nearest t- inporary hospital. Now, as to the wind of this sh at. it 0 mid have had nothing to do with my wound. As ex- plained, the shot traversed across the abdo- men and met with nothing solid but the purse and money in my pocket, and the con- tact was sttï¬ilont to break the strong cloth of the pocket under the purseâ€"not above itâ€" the flannel shirt, and the flesh and bone of the pelvis. And remember, so slight must have been the touch of the shot on tny clothes that they were not abraded or mark- ed ; the thin summer coa‘, bsing perforated, bu: the outer edge not broken How could the v. ind perform this freak? The full front force of this shot if only 1,000 feet per second, would have a striking power of about 40,030 pounds; but, cannoning on me in front, the force or blow might be only (qial to a sevnre blow by a man striking below the belt. If this shot had passed ovrr any more solid portion of the body, as the head or the back, sudden death would have been the result ; but as it barely touched the clothes upon the abdomen the r fi‘ct was lessened. At all events, I was severely wounded by a forty- two-pound round shot, and most certainly not by the wind of it ; and by reason of the grand surgery of the late Sir James Fergus- son I am now alive to tell the tale." A medical correspondent quotes PaOf- Sir T. Longmore upon the matter thus : The true explanation of the appearances presented in those cases which were for merly called “wind contusions†appears to rest in the peculiar direction or degree of obliquity with which the missile has hap- pened to impinge against the yielding and elastic skin, together with the position of the internal organs injured between this missile and other hard substances in their neighborhood. The surface itself is not directly torn or cut into, because the im part of the prrj’ctile has not been sufï¬- ciently direct to effect an opening ; but the parts beneath are crushed by the pressure to which they have been subjected between the combined influence of the weight and momentum of the shot on one side and of some hard resisting substance on the other. There are no cases 1 havepeeu or read of, our correspondent adds, that cannet be satis- factorin u plained on the theory given above. â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Death of an Indisn_Herc. __ A The Indian papers announce the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry P. Kirke, 12th Bengal Native Infantry. This tfï¬aer was presented with a commission for distin- guished service during the Indian Mutiny in 1857. His father, Colonel Henry Kirke, served in India for upwards of fort years, and when his regiment, the 12: Bengal, Native Infantry, mutinied at J han- st and Nowgong, he, with fourteen other Europeans, had to fly for their lives in the direction of Cawnpore. Several succumbed from (xposure to the intense heat, Colonel Kirke among them. After his father’s death the command of the party was given togoung K'rke. 0f the fourteen who itrrte from Nowgong only four survived. For many days young Kirke carried an orphan baby, slung from his shoulders, whom he managed to bring through alive and well. Travelling by night on one occasion the little band was ï¬red upon from large guns loaded with grape- shot, and though they escaped it jury they in consequence lost the road. \Vhen daylight; appeared Kirke gave a Brahmin a rupee to show them the road : he ran away, refusing to help until he received another rupee. Later, when j ï¬ned by more rebels, he struck Kirke's horse, on which two ladies were riding. The animal reared, and the ladies fell off. The rebel ran up to strike them; Kirke shot him dead through the head‘. The other hostile natives turned the dead man over, and the rupees fell out of his mouth. “ Look," they cried, “ these Faringhees must have lots of money, for they have loaded their guns with rnp aes.’ And they renewed their attack, untu another of their number being shot they desisted. After many such encounters the four survivors reached spines of sifety at Nagode, and young Kirke received his commission in recognition of his services and those of his father. He served almost oontinurusly in India up to the time of his death at Darjeel ing on August 23, 1859. â€"_â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- I‘inding a break in a Cable. The location cf a break in an ocean cable is very acuurately determined by a process known to electricians, and by an instrument which discloses how far an electrical current started on a given line of wire travels before it meets with interruption. The calculation of the distance of the break made on this side if the Azltutic can be checked and confirmed by a similar calculation made on the other side, although such a conï¬rmation ls scarcely necessary. After having found out how far from land the break is, the only other thing the captain or navigator of the cable steamer wants to know is, in what direction that distance is to he travelled ; “id in the course of the cable is perfectly wellkcown, from the fact that when the cable was laid aczurate observations wore uch by the cable layers and records made, the cable steamer starting out :0 do the work on steam directly over the spot where the break is located. w...â€" A Home in the West. Join the great army of houseckers and secure 450 acres of government land in the Devil's Like. Tutti, Mountain or Mouse liver districts of ilikota. For further in iormaticn,maps. rates. its, apply to F. I. Whitney, G, P. 3.: 'I‘. A.,, 5:. Paul, Minn. The pr, er. have announced an earthquake in \ solve. Water-quake that must have stun l is most distressing, not only 90 the person sf- flicted if he have any pride.but to those with whom he comes in contact. matter to speak of, but it has only friends but lovers. Bad breath and catarrh are inseparable. can testify. with a nunknowu man. An Oï¬'cnsive Breath It is a delicate parted, not Dr. Sage’a Catarrh ' Remedy cures the worst cases, as thousands “'hen a nun slopes and marries it is always Yes, he loves you nor. 'lli true 1.154 with eyes of violet-blue, lip: as sweet as honey-dew, Bonny little bride I Will he love you as today, When your bloom has Ii:d away, When your golden locks Me grey,â€" Will his love abiie? Yes, if it is the true kind it will survive titlfl the inevitable wastes and changes of i e. But, it is every woman's desire and duty to retain, as long as she can, the ato tractions that made her charming and belov- ed in youth. No one can keep her youth- ful bloom or equable temper if weighed down and sufi‘mng from female weakness and disorders. Dr. Pieroe’s Favorite Pro- soription is a remedy for these troubles. Sold by all druggists. Figured goodsâ€"heiresses. Inventions of the 19:h Century. The steamboat, the reaper, the sewrug ma. chine, Cars running by night and by day, Houses lighted by gas and heated by steam, And bright electricity's ray. The telegraph‘o click speeds like lightning released, Then the telephone comes to excel it; And, to put on the ï¬nish, the last but not least, Is the famed little I’urgativo Pellet. Last but not least is Dr. Piercs's Pleasant Purgative Pellet, because it relieves human suffering, adds to the sum of human comfort and enables the relieved sufferer to enjoy all the blesiings and luxuries of the age we live in. Sign of a hard winterâ€"“Overcan for sale." How to cure Dyspepsiaâ€"Chew Adams’ Tutti Frutti gum before and after each meal. Sild by all Drngglsts and Confec- tioners everywhere, 5 cents. Baits are fashionable with women, but the only man to wear the bolt is Sullivan. Alma Ladiss’ College. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. Graduates of Alma Commercial College are now in lucrative positions in the leading cities of Canada and the United States. Full courses in Book-keeping, Phonography. Penmanship, Typewriting, Certiï¬cates and diplomas granted. Young ladies pursuing either of the above courses can also enter for Music, Fine Arts, or Emotion and. enjoy all the advantages of residence. Rates low. 60 pp. announcement free. Address Princi- pal Austin, A. M. The only walking match Paris has known for some time is Bernhardt. Consumpuon Surely Cured. To the Eiitor :â€" Please inform your readers that I have a pcsitive remedy for the abovenamed disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy man to any of your readers who have consump- tion if they will send their Express and P. 0. address. Resp’y, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 164 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. Simple, yet effective, is a hairpin top that form! one immense circle incrusted wt't pearlfl. The Book of Lubon- A Man With Wisdom Lives in a Fool’s Paradise. A Treatise especially written on Diseases of Man, containing Facts For Men of All Ages! Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plain, forcible and instructive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invallds who are weak, nervous, and ex- hausted, showing new means by which they may be cured, Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science Subjects. Also gives a description of Speci- ï¬c No. S The Great Health Renewer, Marvel of Healing and Koh-i noor cf Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. TheBook will teach you how to make life worth livin . If every adult in the civilized world wou d read, understand, and follow our views, there would be a world of Physical, intellectual and moral giants. This Book will be found a truthful resentation of facts, calculated to do good. he book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health I Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the bod and joy to the heart. It is a message to t 3 Wise and Otherwise. Lubon s Speci- ï¬c No 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeloss wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and testiï¬ed to the virtue of Lubon's Speciï¬c No. 8. All Men Who are broken Down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Treatise, which will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten cunts in stamps. Address all orders to M. V. Lubou, room 15. 50 Front Street E., Toronto, Canada. A third of the deaths in the French army are due to typhoid fever. A Happy Transition. After ï¬ve years' suffering frcm dyspepsia. my wife got cured in one month by the free use of St. Lion Water. “’8 prize it highly, the transition it brings from misery to ï¬ne health is so grand and permanent. To this hour not a pang. Feel so good and hearty will take pleasure in answering any inquir- ies. JOSLl‘il Paras, 349 Dovercourt road, l‘oronto. Place your winter orders now. " Cellezt' r." llox i' 1â€. 'I'orcr‘ln. 'iilii. Jr... _ GilllD AGENTS Ari-frees. .‘iHYrZrH if we. -.‘ “Lu-(:1 S: _ Tornmo, 'iwi; ï¬rst; {-fiUUi... rc'ta'wle .~' taunt, whereby stilt-h. rxr fnirtti" '1'" III r;.i.'.r.»‘~ Ia. coiriuolix. Prop, 4. Adelaide if. test. 1; Semi for il‘ls- ,Aï¬ Luv) I :ratcd L'atdcgue and terms. Scientific and ww'l frat-cur. causticsâ€"Senor: 1&8. Xe. importsqu of ï¬nish Sheers. Isru'sici e... , Orders filed for any desired quantity. \Vritefer price I Janus PsRIi. & sex, | 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. Ont. IMPROVE p. l NMANSHIP l Book-keeping, S‘crthaud, Tynea'riting, ‘ Business Educa'i n by attending (day or evening CANADIAN Bl ssstzss UNIVERSITY, Public Library Building, 'loron o. 1805 sizscot‘on. - President. (Olinlsl Reporter Yo-k Louuty (To-art) M lâ€"El! low rule of interest on first class security. Apply to 'Bcuutty, Chris'ick, Blacksiock & Gail, Barristers'nnd Sollcltcrs. - Wellington St, cor Church, (over Bank Toronto“ TORONTO ONT. Imus i ONTARIO FARMERS desirous of paying off ling high interest-bearing iiicrtauea, or intending lhv-ld grain and it‘d»; for better prices. can ohm... ‘ ‘.-â€"._'_â€"_‘-_ Money at Lowest Current Rates of Internal: “ it ill“? Womah ‘5 "nl‘l‘ ."‘“"“t at . by up} Inn personally or by lctft‘l' It) the â€"“‘°l' , Lunar & canals will 8. AGENCY cur TLR, 5 Richmond St. W., Tomato. I HVPGPHUSPHITES g of Lime and Soda .; _ V ‘ is a perfect Emulsion. 1f Scoii’s Emulsion is «r u'umii'iy‘ul Flea-Ii I‘mu‘ucr-r. It 1:31,") :Bcst Ifr'uu'tfy for consumprzom, y Scrnf‘nla, Bronchitis,Wasting Dis- ( cases, Chronic Coughs and Colds. PA LA’I‘S. B LE :15 53 i LK. Scott's Emulsion is only put up in salmon color ( wrapper. A large amount of‘TRUST FUNDS to Loan at aver Avoid liiri .tiniisnrszibstilutiuus. i Sold by all Drug: s at 50. \i $103. E SCU l'T I: l)U\V.Ԥi:, lix-llcvlllc. s LADIES r r i I I r I I “‘5‘..- _ " :ï¬ui more)? :mciaiiérmmmco I J- 19- RISK. MANN“- ospitnl. ‘o knife. Book free. %& “ 1 5. ii. MCMICIKAIIL. m. 1).. I '03 BAY 81" ' TORONTG m No.6.- Niagnra Sn, llufl’alo, 2LT. '- ' ' g Q id ii 0 hi it S Large loans and church loans at very low ratm and smaller ‘llllâ€˜ï¬ at El, (l, 6; 7,, - according to scc.rrty.lHVEST0RSTJFM‘ neas and house property yielmm: 7 s and 11 :3 vestors and 1H) per cent to Sl’l‘ICUliA’I‘Oli ‘~. Kliltlt sit liLIZISIllt, J. Larissa Kass. G RKNVILLR P. lincrssr. 4 King Street East, Toronto. Successors to A. E Miuklsr & 0 ~. Office establisth 1879 by Mr. S If. Janus. 1ncreasc in pcpula'icn Toronto 1883 over 1585 (asses- scr's returns), 20 350. ABSOLUTELY Nil LIMIT to the uses of the wonderful . Convertible Basket. 100 articles in one. Used everywhere for ever thing. Sounds big. don‘t it? mt you‘ll suyit's correct. when you see it. Agents experienced or Incxporiâ€" i-iicetl iiiukernoncy. Sample lllilllcll, L'Sc. Circulars free. Cassgreen M'f'g Co., 53 Victoria Street, Toronto. Wig“. u Wanted. W ASTHM com A [ll‘li lJ'.)i.'.il' sen: h‘rsc to any one afflicted. Dss TAFI‘ BROS†Rochester. RY CACHE)!» can make money during vacation by canvassing for one or more clear fast selling slpecially Hiitcry of Canada, by W' II. Withroa, D. .,latest and best edition var published. prices low, terms liberal Write for illustrated circulars and terms. WM. BRIGGS Publisher, Toronto your drucgist'for it. or write to us. 0. G . 0. take no otter. R. O. SNIDER& WOO†D'iselsts. Toronto LIVE MEN WANTED To sell our Early, Home-grown FRUII‘ TREES. Priceslow. Gmd pay andsteady work. Free Oulil'. THE D-W. BEADLE NURSERY COMPANY, [Tl]. “wwwï¬wSt. Catharinesjlut. FARMERS, ATIENTIUN,LDIIK HERE JUST WHAT YOU WANT The Grange Wholesale Supply Co.. I, 3, 5 and 7 Jur- vis 85., Toronto. where you can send \uur Burner. Eggs Poultry. Fruits and Produce If all kinds, and receive back prompt cauli reiniftances when sold. The only Farmers' Company in the Dr- minion. organized, owned and managed by farmers. Cs-oprrate with us. We can supplv you with Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Boots, shoes. Patent Medicines, and any thing or everything you require on the farm at manufactureis’ or whole. sale prices. Write us for catilogue and send in your orders direct, and stve from 10 t; 20 per cent. T he Grange Wholesale Supply Compy R. Y. M ANNING, Manager. T busi- Books and Bibles, e to or Guaranteed sure cure for long standing Couglis,Cold<i. etc. Ask W- in America to bu)‘ Band and Musical Instruments, , [[0 Ad iress, WIIALEY Send for Catalogue. street. Toronto. KNITTING MACHINE .- Send for Illustrated Catalogue and , this advertisement with your oraerf or “'v‘ our NEW Blltlfluk arid we will - .allow you $10 PREMIUWDISGUUNT Yr Anniuvssâ€" uiiiiiui Bios. ms GEORGETOWN. ONT To: ALBERT TOILET SOAP GOY’S TRANSPARENT GARBOLIC ACID TOILET 50A? is pleasant to use. It heals the skin. and de- stroys Insects and germ: on the hair of man or beast. guys-gen. new. v.‘ Toronto. Nov. lllh, 1589. ALLAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSI] 1P5. THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE And still to the frantic regard to the provision made for the safety and comfort of its customers. Weekly Sailings Between 1 lverpoolJlMs- gow and the at. Lawrence at Fortnlght- 1y Service from I outlon uni-lug Bummer Months. Mall Steamers run between Liverpool and Partlaud via. Halifax during winter. Glasgow strainers sal- throughcut the year to Boston and l'hilw.‘ elphia, call. inn at lrizh ports and Halifax en route. For rates of passage and other information apply H. BOUBLIER. cor. King and Yonge Sta, Toronto : H. s. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or to the local agents in your county. CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM DARCAUE, - TURIlllTIlJlANADA (INCORPORATEDJ A MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOC’N When {any (ltjrtn r do not mean merelyti’ stop them for a rims, and then lime them to sum again. I MEAN A itADlC-AL I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A lifelong study. I WARRANT my remedy t.. CURE the worst cases, Hctxruse mixers have failed is no reason for not new receivinmi cure. Send at once for it treatise find a Fir iii: ilO'l‘TLF of m ' INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Ex "(:39 and ‘cst Office. It costs you nothing or 3 trial, and it will cure you. Address CUBE. 80L“) INVESTMENTâ€"By paying to the abov Issmmuonosn CnNT PER DAY, 0. person aged twentx-two, and two cents per day a personage! fortyfour can secure Five Dollars per week while disabled through sickness or accident, also for two :and three cents le' (lav, persons aged as above can. secure for their dependants, Five Hundred Dollars in ,cvnint of death. LIVE fi'flM‘K O'WNBBB can provide against l by death through disease or accident of their stock ' at. easy rates. Those interested, send for prospectus. let". Reliable Agents wanted In unrepresented dis tiiets. “'ILIJAH Jo'll-Zfi. Managing Director. STANDARD SHOPPE NS M '. L LS. JOSEPH MABDAUGH WRIIES FROM MORRISI'JII P.ll. ussssssrrsu caisussfl ‘75:. V s... 2...... u... at «. ,5, 1‘. ."s \v‘x MKLSIGHES 405.3,. it; x ‘1‘“ Now that l have pureliuwil from you one PNESICRWREE‘VEWE ‘15;th or your Standard l’n-nch Burr s'hoppfn: :SATE‘S‘“:,§,Z‘5§::TK52"†‘ 1°" " '19 .; Hills lurulutrfu on It as part [my nert my /" _ . q. - fruit Iirlurler, l have no ohjcrtloirto tell your :- 1 “HI the Pints-s used in. the Iron (irindtr to: 85.00. and latterly but $l.00 per pair. I u ted over $50.01! worth lust “later. UNI.- ai nnl'y a Plate uoii'tl last it work, but some-limes no! over Use or three- hours. '1 lie price of the Hill was $65.00. much cheaper than yours, but in the l'lld It was s. . not ~‘ Impossible to overrate the value of St. E 3 very much dearer Hill. I um satisfied that Leon," say phyaiciana. 3:: Iron Grinders are only suitable for farmers AJ’. 482 g h. win have a very arrirsil amount ofi'liopplug to do for llu-Irtmu use. r: . . RAVELLIZIH “ItsTI'Dâ€"Sien or Women 3- . 1- , -, _ make to; money bandit: o'ir fad-selling spe‘ QUE" W . duties. Write tr Clll on CLEMENTS 5; CU., Cr; ; 50v. ‘ It‘d. 'xs. Kit; St. East. Innate. .39, I would feel lnrilmcl In apologize for “ ="' Inf writing soont'r but! I not hrs-u II-u busy, â€"Coll.-:ï¬-:n rf Foreign or old L‘ariafitn :9- lil‘ul my desire to glu- the 20-inch Mumford or U vs wanted Address, 3 Mill a (Mr lrrnl brim:- writing I ll" lbs- uio-liinc-pvlmtzru- flan! I union, tin-11v autism-‘- with the nutâ€"it ls doing blifl'ndid work. FOR SALE- Two 360. :5 Iron sirludrr-I :tt moon Hash. 1lirre Sn. '1 Iron Three .10. 2 Iron (.‘rlmfei-r. ‘-| r"'-":"U car's, all in 3"01l only: “lib not: plates. m? I l’ _' BTW: F- » bz-or‘asist iii" as. anthem-â€"