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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Jan 1890, p. 3

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. ll 1 l . ' t \ . flW . ThE IRISH WIDOW... llni. 113300211! Says Something About (‘bnt- lty Bails "thishper, Mrs McGlaggei-ty, {what diz . ye think av them charity bails they dis be afther giviu’, Oi dunno i ’ “1‘0 tall ye the :brnth, Mrs. Magcogin, scrr '. th thing Oiknows about thin, at all, at all. " “No more our me either,” said the widow, "but Oi do be hearin' me daughter Totzy readiu' av them in th paper, an’ id shtrcikes me they’re not charity balls at all, me fried, but th’ very opposite. Divil th‘ soight av a poor craylhure ye’ll see at thim --only th' rich an’ th' hoighchooniss.,that kin shpind their fifty an' a hundherd dollars an doliykatdhreasts an’ mishkitty bar gloves, an’ that wears as many doimonds in their airs an' an th' tops av their heads as Danny Man has warts an his nose, an’ sure an’ God knows it’s many’s th' wan he's got. Begorrv id's change th‘ name av id they shud. an’ inshtead av caliin’ id a charity ball it’s th millionairity ball they’d ought to call id. thotnonsinsikslity in is, Mrs.McGlaggerty an’ fwhat audaciniaty they diz be either perpethraterin’ in th’ name av th’ poor. Th’ oidaya is awful. They goes to wurruk an’ gits u a ball for th' poor an' thin charge tin dollar a ticket to o to id. Now in th name av all that’s ho y fwhat poor person is there. unless id's some dhry goods char]: in Harlim, that kin afi’oord to pay tin dollars to go to a dance? 0i kudn't afoord id mesel' aff Oi had the money. McAIlister’s New Year's ball bushted meâ€"th’ woines there was very hoigh-prciced, Mrs. McGlaggorty I Twinty foive ur hfty cints is enough for any poor person to pay for a ball ticket, an’ thin there ought to be a chance an a shtove ur a clock thrown in besoides. Fab i say Oi, to their charity ball. It’s uawthin’ but foine dhresses and fiapdcodles an an’ thinnicked j node an' the poor don’t git aiven a shmell. That wnrrud charity is gettin’ to be turribly abused, Mrs. McGlagoerty. It ought to be slot to th’ haspitai afwhoile for repairs, so id ought I” A Pet Woodpecker. The goldewwinged Woodpecker, otherwise called the flicker and high-hole, is one of the host known of American birds ; a hand. some creature, somewhat larger than the robin, with a crescent on the back of its head, a black crescent on its breast, and especially noticeable for the yellow lining of its wings and tail. A New York gentleman, some years ago. took a young one from the nest and brought it up, and found it to be a very interesting pet. The bird could thrust out its tongue two or three inches, and it was amusing to see his efforts to eat currents from the hand. He would run out his tongue and try to stick it to the current. Falling in that he would bend his tongue around it like a hook and try to raise it by a sudden jerk. But he never succeeded; the round fruit would roll and slip away everytime. He never seemed to think of taking it in his beak. His tongue was in constant use to find out the nature of everything he saw ; snail-hole in a board, or any similar hole, was care- fully explored. This curious organ gained him the respect of a number of halfgrown cats that were about the house. I Wished them to get so- quainted with him, so that the danger of their killing him might be lessened, and for that reason I used to take kittens and bird on my knee together. At such times the woodpecker's curiosity was sure to be excited by the kittens' eyes, and levelling his bill as carefully as a marksman levels his rifle. he would hold steady for a minute and then dart his tongue at the bright round ob1ect. This was held by the cats to be very mys- terious ; being struck in the eye by some- thing invisible to them. They soon acquired such a terror of the bird that they would run away whenever they saw his bill turned in their direction. My high-hole was never surprised at any- anything nor afraid of anything. He would advance upon the turkey gobbler and the rooster, holding up one wing as high as poossible, as if to strike with it and scoldin all the while in a harsh voice as he she filed along toward them. I feared at first that they might kill him, but I soon found that he was able to take care of himself. His favorite diet was ants. When I turn- ed over stones and dog into ant-hills for his benefit, he would lick up the ants so fast that a constant stream of then seemed to be going into his mouth. He stayed with me till late in the autumn, when he disappeared. Probably he yielded to the migratory impulse and went South. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"oo.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- Buying Good Music by the Yard- One of the most interesting inventions at the great Paris Exposition was 8. “mol- etrops,” consisting of three parts. Aboutita correspondent writes :~~"I improvised on a piano to which the first machine was elec- tigically attached, and as I touched the keys ameries of dots and dashes, representing the notes that I had played, were registered on a continuous strip of paper about six inches In width. After I had finished playing the strip was run through the second machine. which cut out the dots and dashes, giving to the strip the appearance of the perforated paper used on mechanical organs. The strip was then passed into the third machine, which was attached to the keyboard of the piano. By merely turning a crank the strip was carried through [the machine and reproduced the original exactly as it had been played. It is simply wonderful, and bears the same relation to instrumental music that the phonograph bears to the voice. If a celebrated performer should play for you, by connecting the machine to the piano you would be able, after your visitor had left, to reproduce faithfully every note that was struck. I understand that the three machines can be purchased for $250 for the so: Music by all the celebrated _ ._____..____.._-_______.__. ,_____â€".__,_ feats cf Swallowing. ccenzric swallowing on record is that of ohn Cummings, an American sailor, scraps of whose history have been handed dowu in medical records. in the year 1799 Cummings, then 23 years old. was sojourning in a village on the coast of France.where his ship had put into port. He and others of the crew attended a small theater at which a pro- fessional juggler was astonishing the specta- tors by pretending to swallow clasp-knives. The exhibition made a deep impression on Cummings. Besides being credulons he was boastful and also fond of the “cup that inebriates." That evening on shipboard he boldly announced to his companions that he could swallow knives as well as the French- man. He was just drunk enough to be reck- less and promptly accepted a challenge to preform the feat. He placed his own knife in his mouthâ€"not without some misgivings, as he afterward acknowledgedâ€"and, greatly to the surprise of himself and the spectators,it slipped down his thrOat easily. The witness- es of the feat were not satisfied, and asked him if he could swallow another. “All the knives on board the ship,’ he answered, in a spirit of bravado. More knives were pro- duced, three of which were bolted like so many pills. And thus the company was. en- tertained for the night, as Cummir gs himself said, “ by the bold attempt of a drunken man.” His stomach was readily relieved of its unusual burden, and the affair was passed over merely as an episode which had served to enliven a few weary hours. Cummings gave no more attention to knife-swallowing for six years. In March, 1808, while in Bostc n, be related his exploit to a party of sailo-s with whom he was having a carousel. No one believed him and being again drunk and reckless, be swallowed six knives in the comes of the evening. The story of his performance was quickly spread about, and the next day in the presence of crowds of wondering visitors, be swallowed eight more, making fourteen. in all. This exploit nearly killed him. He was taken to a hospital and for a month suffered great torture. He was finally reliev- ed and started on another voyage for France. The course of his wanderings at length took him to England, where, being again under the influence of liquor, he boasted of his former feats. Of course no one believed him, and, “disdaining to be worse than his word,” he accepted a challenge to repeat them. This was in December, 1808. and in the course of two days be swallowed nine clasp- kuives of various sizes. A few other feats of the kind brought his record up to a total of thirty~five knives swallowed at difierent times. Now, however, Cummings reaped the natural fruits of his folly. He was taken violently sick, and despite the effort of physicians the greater part of the knives stayed by him.” He sufiered excruciating pains and passed most of his time in Guy’s Hospital, London. After loadings miserable existence for nearly four years he died in March, 1809, literally and emphatically a “total wreck.” _â€"_._._â€"â€"â€"- All Business Alike. First Beggar ~“ 1 tell yer, Bill, it's ewiul hard times this Winter.” Second Beggarâ€"“Seems kinder strange it should be hard times with such warm Weather.” First Beggarâ€"“Any faller can see that you're an amachoor. It’s always so in an open Winter. It’s so blame warm, folks ain’: got no sympathy for a feller." e 7 U l Parhaps the most remarkable case of l l l Eadn’t lJone Anything to It. Jeweler (examining it)â€""What on earth have you been doing to this watch 2" Owner of Watchâ€"“Nothing, sir. Noth- ing at all. I wound is up a while ago, good and tight, and it stopped. I shock is for half an hour andlcouldn’t start it and then I opened it and poked the balance wheel with a toothpick, and still it wouldn’t go. 1 want to know what’s the matter. with the blamed thing." Some remarkable caves have been discov- ered in West Australia. Two of them would afford accomodations for 200,000 men each. After forty-seven years of labor M rs. S. Lizzie Weaver, 9. Bridgetcn, N. Y., woman, has just finished a crazy quilt of 30,075 patches. 480 Acres Free- Dakota offers a tree claim. a pre-emption and a homesteadâ€"in all. 480 acresâ€"free to each settler. The St. Paul. Minneapolis 5: ltiarlitcba Ry. reaches the Devil’s Lake, the Turtle Mountain and Mouse River land dis- tricts. For further information, maps, rates, &:., apply to F. I. ‘thney, G. P. d: T. A... St. Paul, Minn. J. M. Emma's, «l Palmer House, Toronto. Fourteen million clothes pins are made in America every year. All Men, young, old, or middle-aoed, who find them. selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are crcken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight. palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs. dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and fial. by muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be tested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing. loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper. sunken o‘es sur- rounded with LEADKX omens, oily looking skin. etc.. are all symptoms of nervous ! dehility that lead to insaui:y and death un- less cured. The spring or vital force having composers can bopnrchued for the machine; lost its tension every function wanes in can at ebon: live cents a foot."â€"-[Inventive Age. Safe, Sure, and Painless. What aworld of meaning this statement embodies. Jar: what you are looking for, is if not! Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor -â€"thc great surc~pop corn cure-acts in this way. It makes no sure spots: ssfo. not: speedily ani with cartniuty: sure and mildly, without iizfllmiug the parts: psiu- , lesi'y. i): no: he itapxod llpJLl by imita- tions or substitute». W Blinis:ir-â€"“Thie i: li‘l'} wines.- little“. my liar little mun! I‘m: I hope rend-.13 skare cu Sin-livt' l.i::'.e i::".:â€"‘ No, \.':r. i always skate e1: 1:5. ' sequence. Those who through abuse com- mizted in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address Bi. V. 1.13805, 50 Front Street that, Toronto, Ont. Backs sent frcc sealed. ilmilr nismss. ltho symptoms of which are faint spells, par-91,, 1,135, numbness, palpintiou, skip locus, he: dashes, rush of blood to the head, «dull pain in :iie hear: wiz: brats strong, lurid and irregular, the ascend seer: boa: >246. for book. Afiirse M. V. LEROY, 1-? turn: \‘trec: iii-st. lat-33's, 03:. : 12:.3 the lirst, pain smut tn»: irMA-z l-u‘ili'.'.~'13‘ ii: curt-i. Nc' " '3 ‘ 5 i OROXTO Cl' [KG :‘ll T‘L. Bnhh‘e t Jewels iT reliable systleiizs taughrfwhert by m a mother's diadcmh are her fair, healthy poetrfittin: raftllt’nis ere pr:- .'::ed Sens-5;: chfldrm_the pride And omen" of her. as. S. CORRIGAN. I‘r:p., 4.1.«irliideS: Writ. home. ‘ Buss mother cannot hear and nouris' h such children while she is the 3.1.5.???“ victim of suffering and disease. By accurse . H- Mt . c. .g. . . N- - 225‘ .2» of self-treatment wnn Dr. Pierce's Favorite 3 t u Prescription, every woman can thoroughly.I T 51 o on A DAY- I rcspu-mblc \vur: eradicate those excruiating periodical pains. sex. “a at the “me time build up and in t for men and women. Address '1‘. S. SCRIPTL‘KS. iL..' and functional weaknesses incident to her‘ I ( Adelaide Street West. Toronto. , yiporate her whole system. by ts health- ' ____._____.___._._____. imparting influence. A trial bottle will TBACIIBRScan make money duiin vacation confinm H F‘yorite Prescription " {3‘ the by canvassing for one or more of our ast selling "fly medic!“ for women: mm by drnssm- iv”?.%lli‘£lffbf“fifhlel. “.‘Sflls’ .33 and” “Walk? Susgnt“, fr?!“ the “1333' published. prices low, terms liberal Write for facturers, togive satisfactionin every case, illustrated circulars and terms. WM. BRIGGS or money will be refunded. This guarantee Puma"- T°'°°i'° a has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Heâ€"“I don't see why there should be no marriage or given in marriage in heaven!" Sheâ€"“Probably because there won’t be any men there." your druggist for it or write to us. I take no 0: ‘er. R. 0. SNIDEB & moo, Dursists. Toronto - ' . '1'; ,,.-‘r:."“~.~:t~‘ 1.. Bread! Bread! The On for Bread! 5.5".‘ilaf‘it-‘J‘ : ~‘ ' ""‘J‘I’.“'iQNE§ , A * 'll' 1 - I flittiisrR'ATive‘r WOODEN-GRAVEB? mi ion caves, not enough for one city . yAD‘VERflsmgfl iu.K,ing$r.§t:E_r Eap‘r. Five millions, not enough for one State 2 Fifty millions, not- encugh for this country a single day, yet often what sour, soggy stuff it is, nevertheless it is eaten, and the result is dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, im- poverished blood, pimples, blotches and scrofula. For the correction of all this, and as a general tonic for the system, take Golden Medical Discovery preparedby Dr. Pierce, r‘f Bufi'alo. Its action is like a charm, a “benediction that follows after prayer." A remedy for stomachic and liver troubles, as well as a specific for throat and lung dis- orders. .[t is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money refunded. ‘ It’s a pity, girls, that this year isn’t leap year. The prevailing influenza has brought many ahardened old bachelor to his sneeze. lites Poses...@siIbHONFIDilGANKDA |MPROVE PEdIh‘ii’dS-HIP -__.__ â€"_..._. Book-keeping, Shorthand. Type writing, Business Education bv attending‘(day or r venme) CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. Public Library Building Toronto. T1105. “ENGOFGII. - President. (Official Reerter York County Courts.) Livn MEN WANTED To sell our Hardy. Homegrown FRUIT TREES. THE D.W. BEADLE NURSERY COMPANY LTD. ” That Miss Jones is a nice-looking girl, 5" camarme’“ "m' isn't she ’3" “ Yes. and she’d be the belle of the town if it wasn’t for one thing.” “ \Vhat's that ?" “ She has catarrh so bad it is unpleasant to be near her. She has tried a dozen things and nothing helps her. I am sorry, for I like her, but that doesn’t make it any less disagreeable for one to be around her. ” Now if she had used Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, there would have been nothing of the kind said, for it will cure catarrh every time. "Come and see us again, John.” said the police captain to the Chinaman just bailed out. “Yes, clome and see us glain, in a plig’s eye,” retorted John. Le. uripus or Influenza- A preventative and cure. Drink St. Loon Water very freely ; hot if attacked. lfin the head, snufi up the nostrils. .W'ill alloy the malady quickly. Many so declare daily. Reasonsâ€"St. Leon contains the grand ab- sorbents, and so destroys the microbes. Makes pure, rich blood, etc. The food we eat lacks the absorbenis, thus is health im- paired and life seriously endangered. AJ’. 486 . .. -w a... \- For the “IlAXDY” BUTTON- Sillnpic (‘nnl for 10 cunts, or trial Box of 12 Cords 75 cents, by maul pin-paid. Alsu the 'f.\li'l‘lSTlC" ‘lDY liOI.lll-ZIiundlhnpiii" l’iiis ill-st and must cmnplctc llolili-r ever made fnl' all mike and ull furniture. Ilcltvily plzltul, bright and attractive. Agents without experience make money. Sample puir fox-15 melts, sent by mull. Illustrated circulars free. CASSGIIEBN M'F'G 00., 58Vicloria Street, - - Toronto. THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE And still to the frontin regard to the prcvicion mad;- for the safety and comfort of its customers. “reelin Sailings Between liver-poohulus- gow and the at. Lawrence at Fortnight- ly Service from soc-don during Summer Months. via. Hullqu during winter. throughout thuyeur to Boston and Philadelphia, coll- intr at lri~h ports and Halifax en route. For rates of passage and other information apply to H. BOURLIER, cor. King and Yonge Sta, Toronto; your county. E soap that l Osnoslo costs New: For if you do not it may become con- sumptive. For Consulmpti'on, Sm-ofulu, General Debilify and "listing Diseases, . - there is nothing like -' .y. ' --' nus.- '5» was .‘Liii‘e. ' n.1,. ..;.....:.;4,-~-.. -. and i ‘31 ‘ g‘.£SISGS.â€"Seaecn 13$. Xew ~ importatlcns of English Sheeps, . rcr- l Prices low, Good payand stmdy work. Free 01ml“ Wanted AgentS' stalls" sisal RGYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. i id RIETNII‘L BENEFIT ASSOC’N H. it. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or to the local agents of I .>,,~;-_.u'. ' .. . y.--.. Finest American flogr Casio . ,' Onich filled for anydoeired quantity. “‘riteiorp 00 JAHES PQRK 8: $03. 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. Ont. RENNIE‘S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE " FOR AMATEUR GARDBNERS FOR 1890 it ill be mailed free to all intending purchasers upon applicaticln. The list of Vegetable, Flower and Agri- cultural needs is complete, and inciudesevery Novelty Guannwm sure cure {or you“! of merit. Sendfcrit bi‘fcmorslczingasupplyof Seeds. G standing Coughs,Colds, our. Ask KVVL “3‘ Vixen. Y Tonflwvl‘o ' . A C a I MONEYIO IOAN ONTARIO FARMERS desirous of paying ou' be In: high interest-bearing uorlaires, or Inteudimz' hold grain and stack for bower prices, can ohta Honey at Lows. t Current Rules of lniere by applying personauy or by letter to the IONDOII & CANADIAN LOAN & AGENOY UD'l J. P. KIRK. Museum I03 BAY ST, - TORONT) B 0 1° 1‘ c we r 5. Largo loans uni church loans at very low rules, on! smaller sums at 55, 6, 0} jg, according m E"gem-m:'INVESTORS'l‘orcnfil'l mm" ness and hours vl‘pliertv yieldlnr 7. s and 107; to in- vestors and 100 3‘»; to SPRCULATORS. KERR at KLEISEB, J. LATIMER Knits. ' Gxasvinu P KLEISKR. 4 King Streetl‘mst. Toronto. Successcrs to A. E. MINKIJKR & Cc. Ollice establish- , . ed D79 by Mr. 8.11 Jones. Increase in population Toronto 1839 over 1888 (asses- 'sor's returns) 20.380. Provident Life and Live Stock Assoc? CHIEF OFFICE, IlllfiM D,AROAOE, - .IOROIIIO, CANADA (ENCORPORATEDJ SOLID lNVF‘STIIIEZNT-Bv paying to tho abov Association 0?. E onNT PER. DAY, 3. person aged twentitwo, and two (‘FIIES per day a person sized forty-four can scours Fine Dollars per week while disabled through sickness or accident. also for two and three cents per (lav, persons act-«I as above can Mail Steamers run between Liverpool and Portland I Secure “3" the" dependants. Five 11‘1"de DOIIM’S in Glasgow etcmnere sail 0"?“ 0‘ death- LIVE S'NM‘K OVV‘SEIIS can provide against by death through disease or accident of their stock' at easy rates. Those interested. semi forprcspeotuss, letc. Reliable Agents wanted in unropresentcd dis tricts. WILLIAM JOMES. Managing Director. s as til RED TO THE EDITOR:â€" lease inform your readers that I have a. positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands ofhopeless cases have been ermane ti 5 i shall befgt'iliad taupenddtwo tbottlefis of my rggedyog‘REEAdffi any of your mailers wlioniii::2%ri‘lo sump ion i ey w sen me ieir xpress an cst ice ess. Res cctfull T. M.c.. :86 West Adelaide sr., TORONTO, ONTARIO. p , y' 1" SLOOUM' 9* EOONOMY Home...” 3 01' Fur HYPOPHOSPHITES Of 'Isimo and soda. Ontario better than other sovculled Emulsions. Liabilities, as per Government Valuation Surplus _ - Dealers at 501‘. and $1.00. SCOTT 3; IlO‘vVNII, li-llei'illc. mam l i g It is almoet as palatable as milk. For E l i f l l l l ~nnnanmn..nn try OLlVE BRANCH, the best remedy known for all female complaints. SJ. r pic free. J. TROTTER, 5 Ricli'mcnd St. W., Iorontc. Can. onus AGENT Address, MEYEBS 8805., 87 Canton St., Toronto. “'A‘S'Illl). Send for Lins- ! ‘â€"-â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-~â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ I EQUITY. ritual Life ESTABLISHED l870. - '$e'o,3'37.oo SPECIAL FEATURES mm Catalogue and terms. Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits. Guaranteed Surrender Values and Liberal Policy Conditions. A “Onderml n95” pro‘luce" Assurances in force Jan. 1st. 1890 - - $3,127,400 00 SCOTT’S E)IULSION New ikssuranpes,wr8i§ten in 1889 - ~‘ - - 2,621,800 00 . , Cash ncomo or 18 - - ' ’ - - 393 074 00 17.332152 2312‘ i;§i"’.’,’."..?.°.-’f.’.’l" 133552017; iii Assets. Dec. 31st. 1888 - - - - - 1.313 853 00 1,223,516 00 The Great Ottoman Blood Remedy WM HENDRy, Manager. Guaranteed to cure all diseases of the blood whether brought on by indiscreiion and excess or arisingfrom hereditary causes. \‘l’ill remove pim- STANDARD CHOPPIG M I LI. 5. pies and blotches from the skin and by its invigorat- I- , I . ' , . ing action on the blood restores failing powers And “5‘5 BESTFRCP‘DHBURR m _ “ builds up the system of those suffering from wasting MILLSTUNES , "" disease. Priee 8i per bottle. Address, Ottoman “easy cnmnm mm: r -, : x V l r . P Medicine Cc.. Mall Building. Toronto. waste as RENIWINE 3.}, 7 .. v.5": l“: ELIIESASIHIRONHILLS 532,3; I. {W - v {bf-r“! ' Ln.- KNII HNG MACHINE , Send ior Illustrated Catalogue and " , this advertisement with your order ‘ " .li for our NEW RIBBEB and we will .;‘: allow you us]- A .. ' no PREMIOMDISOOUNT Egan": / l ' silicon BROS. ll'f'gs - -E(:RGE1'0W.\ 051‘. :13- The Albert T011et Soap Coy’s re. Oatmeal Skin Soap MAKES THE HANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXI’FN EEAUTIFUL. See that tho Coy‘o numo is the ‘vfitlljli'a. Beware of Imltuilona. -‘ f - "1 ;l;svc lb“: :;L v _ ._ arailepsv or .. .,. , ,. n..... a .L... lt0m~fl 3v ’3. ;»-.".-.,‘.. ‘ A . . . I ' “.11 l . . % :i1:.-=. Vo’fi(l..h. Rilk'. l'ti.‘((i..l i, W. H. RIDDELL, Secretary. JOSEPH MAODAUOH WRITES FROM MORRISON P.O Nov. 20th. '89. Now that l have purchased from you one of your Standard French Burr Chopping Mills turningin on it us part payment my Iron Grinder. l have no objectlon to tell you the the Plates used In the Iron Grinder co: 82.00. and latterly but $1.00 per pair. I u 60d over $50.00 worth last winter. occa- si nully a Plate would last a week. but someilmcn not over two or three hours. The price of ihe .‘mll was $85.00. much cheaper than yours. but In the end it was a very much dearer Mill. 1 am suilsned that Iron Grinders are only suitable for lnrmers who have. a very small amount or Chopping to do for their own use, J.00MEAU MANIWAKI. QUE" WRITES: Nov. 23rd. '80. I would feel inclined to apologize for not wrlilnz sooner Imd I not been too busy. and my desire to am: the 20-inch standard Hill a fair Irinl lwforc writing- ! am the most happy to aisle. that I am on- iireiy muan with the Hillâ€"it Is dolor: splendid work. FOR SALE. Two .‘b'n. 1: Iron Grinders at $15.00 Bloch. Three So. 5: Iron Three So. 1: Iron Grinders at 335000111“), nil in good order wiih new plates. ‘ .suusssos OF BOTTLES OIVEIl AWAY YEARLY. n ‘i'ihen 1 say Cure 1 do not mean {'1’in [y to stop {it"C’l for s. time, and then ' . ll ‘ “ e disease of Fits, ’ ' edy to Cure the cure. Send at . e Express and ll}: .. mole Remedy. , I .22! it wif: 2...": you. A:idress:~Hn G- ROOT. gun-1'. 'fi)‘;;:70. -..-.._. -. . . so... , sausageâ€"st, .55 2::3'.‘ aura}.st eraser, ‘roaouro. A: marksman: ~' * ‘.

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