Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Tm»: wa Wannaâ€"The Victoria. 3 county council met on Tuesday last, '3 and on Wesnesday, after about a dozen ‘ ballots, Mr. T. H. McQuade, reeve 06 Emily, was elected Warden. for the car‘- reut year. LEFT Omâ€"Iu consequence of the pressure of baptismal English and Greek lore upon our columns, Mr. St. Georges fourth and last letter upon the subject of Equal Rights has been left over,un- I W w bliged Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Berkeley, That the reeve is hereby authorized to select and procure the & l most. desirable site for a road across the w iVUFACTURER OF Gill and 7th concessions north of lot ‘37. _glad::fid.by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Chambers, and resolved, That. J. __ E. Fittal is hereby re-appointed collector I ' of the balance of taxes due on the roll of 1889, and that the said balance of taxes be collected fortiuvitlnâ€"Carried. til next. week. AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Moved b? M"- Chi‘mbe’sv seconded Commaâ€"In our account, last: PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. by Mr. Brown, That John Gillies be week, of the accident to Mt Stephen allowed an abatement of $2 on his taxes Nevisou's “me girl. ,1“, name of Dr. ABridge BOlts Made to Order. for 1389. being for Statute labor Charged Wilson was. bv a mistake, substituted [1’ 0756 Powers, Straw Cutters, .2 and 3-furrow Gang Plough: to himâ€"Camed' for that of Dr. 'H. H. Graham, whom Moved by Mr. Berkeley. seconded by the attendant physician. and a good variety of General Purpose Ploug/zs. A good as- Mr. Graham, That Wm. Hutcliius and anmnwmnFunkh and Mrs James. wife receive 87 out of the poor rate, Gamble and Mr. J. R Campbell 10ft sortmmt of Sprz'Izgstoot/z Har- rows, Steel Harrows, Iron , .H ,-. As I am now putting out -, my yearly accounts, I must " particularly ask my custom- ers to settle the same by the lat of February. I am in ur- gent need of the money to honour my own liabilities. The time is come when all accounts should be settled. ‘ qu' and J. Fieldliouse Mrs. MoInuis Mrs. . . . . .’ - ’ the Falls on Friday. last. During their Jones and NH" MCFarquhar’ 80' each residence of nearly three years in the '“Car'ied' villa e the d ‘- , , , 1 g y ma 0 many friends, by Moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by flom their departure is mmhxregretted. Yours Respectfully, JOSEPH HEARD. O W. MOKE OWN Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITUR at and. e M Below Wholesale Cost of" inannfaoture, in order to Inako room for new «1 resigns and patterns. Call early and secure bargains. as I am selling (cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. Maï¬a awn, FRANCIS STREET WEST. FENELO/V FALLS. All our Winter Goods, Furs, Caps and Heavy Un- der-clothing, will be sold at Cost. OLARIf (b 8 01V. ; FOUR BOOKS FREE! THE RURAL CANADIAN for I890, the leading Agricultural ournal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the followmg ooks for ONE DOLLAR: 1. Dr. anenu. By Georges Ohnct. 2. Lady Audley's Secret. By Miss Braddon. 3. The Tunr‘a Revenge. By Jules Verne. 4. The Strange Caac‘of Dr. Jekyll a: Mr. Hyde. By Robert L. Stephenson. The Death oflvnn llutch. By Count Tolstoi. A Terrible Temptation. By L'hurles R‘cmlc. Tom Brown It Rugby. By'l'hnmas Hughes. The Sketch Book. By \Vashington Irving. u. The Last ofthc Mohicnnl. in. Widow Bedott Papers. ii. Knickerbocker: New York. By \Vashing- {on lning. n. My Husband and I. By Count I._\'of Tolstoi. :3. Jack ofallTrndcs. By Ch.irlcs titanic. H. Grandfather‘s Chair. By Hawthorne. 15. The Cloister and the Hearth. lly Reade. Xu- Spoopcndykc. 831 Stanley llunilcy. :7. Not Like Other Girls. By Ron Carey. is. Rambles from Russia to S ain ‘ or..0ut- door Lifein Europe. llv .. l'. xl'liiving. in. Esther. By Rosa Nouchcttc Carey. .1». Charlotte Temple. Ry Mrs. Rnwson. Ii. The Flying Dutchman; or, The Death Ship. By \\'. Clark Ril‘sdl. n. The Pride of the Paddocks By Harley Smart. :1. The Passenger from Scotland Yard. .1. Twice Told Tales. Ry Nathaniel Hawthorn: :5. Bootlc'a Children. liyjnhn Strange \Vinttf. at. Mann’s Choice. Ily Mn. Alexander. :7. The Travel: and Surprising Adventure: of Baron Munchnuacn. ;R The Hon. Hrs. Vcrckcr. By The Duchess. a. Chris. By W. 1-1. Norris. 3:. Paul and Virginia. By 5!. Pierre. 5“} .0‘.‘ 3:. The Talc- of Three Lions. By HT Rider Haggard. 3:. The Devil‘s Die. By Grant Allen. 33. Cleopatra. By H. Rider Haggard. 3s. Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. By Edna Lyell. 35. A Crooked Path. By Mrs. Alexander. 36. Marooned. By “7. Clark Russell. 3:. A Hardy Norseman. By Edna Lynn. 35. Mcrlc's Crusade. By Rosa N. Carey. 39. Sweet Lavender. Ry H. I. “'illiams. 4o. The Beauty of the King. By Dr. Thwing. 4!. Mrs. Caudlc's Curtain Lectures. By Doug- LlSJrrl’Old. 4:. Sniathicl; or. the Wandering Jew. ist vol. liylim(;m.Croly. 43. Salathicl: or. the Wandering Jew. and vol. 44. The Piccadilly Puzzle. Ry Fergus Hume. ‘5. Complete Book of Recitation: and Diu- logucs. ()x-er 2m selections. 46. Complete Book of Etiquette and Letter W'riting. Comprising the Standard Letter Writer, selections for Autograph Albums. 47. The Condensed Cyclopedia ostcful Know- ledge, Familiar Srit‘HCC, and interesting miscellaneous information. 43. Modern Cook Book and Medical Guide. A useful handbook for every household. 4:) Live Stock Manual. l’rofuscly illustrated; u" paces. X.‘"lt‘t‘, handsome cover. so Standard Poultry Book. u“ _ 'cs; haml- saint-l} gum-w up; numerous i Institutions. 5:. Book 0! Home Amuu-rncnt. containing Charade-s, ’l‘aiileaux, Riddles, Games. ctq A whole winter's entertainment. 5:. American Fun. The (mail-st book ever published; 511i laughs in 5.1 minutes. 53. Ladies' Complete Guide m.Fancy.Work. A most cmuplct: work ; soc illustrations. 54. Artistic Embroidery. A charming hook, profusely illustrated. Write your name and pest ofï¬ce distinctly. name your remiums. and inclose 81.00. Register the letter. be not delay. but order at once. Ad resaâ€" RURAL CANADIAN 5 Jordan Street, TORONTO. ALL WORK “VARRANTED. Harrow: and Wood Harrow: ALL 01“ \VHICH WILL BE SOLD AT LOW PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES. THOMAS RQBSON. FeneLora Falls, Out. WILSON a GRAHAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER-S for the County of Victoria. Farm sales a specialty. . JOHN WILSON, J. R. GRAHAM. 3U-tf Lindsay. Fenclon. Fall's. “'l‘lic‘li'ciielen Falls Ga‘iette. .____.'._ w...____.. -â€"_.._..._ ._..__._â€" Friday, January 3lst, 1890. Mail vs... Empire. Next to “ La Grippe,†the chief topic of conversation for some days past has been the suit for libel commenced by the Toronto Mail against the Empire, of the same city, in consequence of the startling announcement recently made by the latter that Mr. Farrer, chief editor of the Mail, had been several .times to Washington with evil intent, and while there had made statements to the Senate committee on- Canadian relations, to the effect that if the United States refused commercial relations necessary to the welfare of Canada She would consent to annexation. The Eilipi're’s revelationsâ€"which are mere- ly enlargements upon hints contained in the Globe some short time agoâ€"have of course made a great sensation, and the result of the libel suit will be looked forward to with the utmost eagerness. If the charges of the Empire be proved true, it will probably give the Mail its death-blow ;' if not, the accused journal will no doubt be awarded heavy dam- ages. The Globe has been congratula- ted upon liaving set the two Tory 0r- gans at each other’s throats ;' but as the {lobe neither sent tlieMuil’s emissary to Washington to hatch plots with the Yankees nor despatched a detective to watch him, its admirer was somewhat premature in his congratulations. The Empire professes to feel. not the slight- est alarm at the legal proceedings com- menced by the Mail, and declares its intention to ï¬ght the matter to the bitter end. Penelon Council. Cameron, Jan. 20thv,.1890. The following gentlemen subscribed the declarations of qualiï¬cation and ofï¬ce '. John Daniel, reeve ; M. H. Berkeley, deputy reeve ; D. Brown, J. Chambers and J. Graham, councillors. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. A petition from R. C. Web- ster, praying for the alteration- of the boundaries of school sections. Nos. 2 , and 9, was read. The reeve appointed ~ Mr. Cundall as his auditor. Moved by Mr. Berkeley, seconded by Mr. Graham, That J. R. Scott is hereby appointed a‘uditor.â€"â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Chambers, seconded by Mr. Berkeley, That Mr. Wm. Dow- ner is hereby appointed assessor for the year 1890, and that a by-law to conï¬rm this appointment. and the appointment of auditors be received and read a ï¬rst lime.â€"Carried. By-law received, read and passed in the usual manner, Mr. Berkeley in the chair. .uoved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Chambers, That a by-law to {re vide for the alteration of the bounda- ries of school sections Nos. 2 and 9 in this municipality by the removal of lot No. 20 in the ï¬rst, second and third concessions from section No. 2, and attaching the same to section No. 9, be now received and read a ï¬rst time.â€" Carried. Bylaw received and road and passed in the usual manner, Mr. Chambers in the chair. Moved by Mr. Chambers, seconded by Mr. Brown, That a by-law be now introduced to provide for the opening of the roml allowance on the 9th can. at lot 16.â€"Lost. Mr. Chambers, That H. J. Lytle re- ceive 815, being a part of the money expended by him for maintainance of Mrs. McDonald, this sum to be accepted as payment of all demandsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Chambers, That the following bills be paid: John Wilson, cedar for cull- vert, 83; H. J. Lytle, stationery ac- count 18%, 85.05; H. Wood, coï¬ins for Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. West, $12; Hart &. 00., municipal blanks. $4.81 ; E. H. Cliff, material for shrouds for Mrs. West and Mrs. McDonald, 82.16; J. Ti'eleaven, cemetery dues lor grave for Mrs. McDonald, 31 ; C. Alger, digging grave for Mrs. McDbn- ald, 81;. Cambray post-ofï¬ce, postage account for 1889?, 811; J. Cooper, printing ï¬nancial statements and elec- tion notices, $9.25; Cameron Orange Lodge, use of ball to date, $l ; H. J. Lytle, preparation of ï¬nancial state- ments of 1888 and 1889, $10; 101'. Graham, medicine for James Tripp,.$3; Drs. Wilson & Wilson, medicine ibr J. Tripp, $3.â€"â€"Carricd. The council then adjourned, to meet at Cambray on March 4th next.â€"C'd. W North Verulam. Correspondence of the Gamma. A very pleasing and happy event took place at the residence of Mr. John Dobseu on Tuesday, the l-ltli inst, be- ing the marriage of his third daughter, Libby, to Mr. Johnson h‘ell, son of Mr. C. Fell, of Somerville. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr..Loch- end. We all join in wishing tlicyoung couple-a very pleasant trip over the sea of time, and may all their troubles be little ones. A singing school: has been organized in Lamb’s schoolhouse under the lead- ersliip of Mr. James Billet. We wish him every succass. The Bible class being held in the Presbyterian church here is progressing very favorably under the leadership of Messrs. J. Northey and J. Soutliam. They have just purchased a good selec- tion of books as a library, which will add greatly to its interest. Considerable damage was done in this part in the way of laying fences, blowing down and unronï¬nu buildings, &c., by the high windsoll Monday last. Mr. Vt . J. Killaby, who moved from- on business last week. Mr. M. Leach, formerly of North Vcrulam, but who is at present living at Midland City, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Tlios. Hopkins, this week. He also brought. with him his charming bride. Quite a number of boys assembled at Mr. John Dobsonl's on the evening.' of the 14th, lor the purpose of cliariv- aring Mr. and Mrs. J. ll‘ell. Each one had a gun or something to makea noise, and, on arriving at the spot, to their great disappointment found that the young couple had taken their depart- ure; but Mr. J. Dobcon and T. New- house invited them in, showing them where to leave their guns. When they came out the guns were gone. Say, boys, did you ever get left? More weddings expected here soon. Powles’s Corners. Correwonlcncc of (14¢ Gazelle. Mr. James Knox is feeling alilitle asthma. There seems to be no cure for this disease. The ’aev. Mr. Parker has a Bible class here, which will be a beneï¬t to every one that attends. The temperance lodge is increasing in number. Many more labourers are wanted, for the harvest is great. Part of the roof of Mr. Robert Mc- Gee's barn was torn off by the high wind oftlie 13:11. Mr. Geo. Ryley, brakcsman on the G. T. R., has been visiting friends here. Mr. J. R. Ingram spent Saturday and Sunday, the 18th and 19th inst., with his grandparents. LnGrippe has made its appearance, and several have been attacked by it. this place to Ops last spring, was back i better after having a severe attack of MISSIONARY Salmonâ€"We are re- quested to state that the annual mis- sionary sermon will be preached in St. James’s church on Sunday next, Feb. 2nd, by the Rev. Robert Rooney, of Garden Hill, at the usual hour, 10.30 a. m. THE CORNER‘STDRE.â€"-In accordance with an announcement made a few weeks ago, F. Kean, Sou & Co. are re- tiring from business, and the-stock in the “ Corner Store " has passed into the possession of Mr. John St. Lawrence, will lie here from Lindsay on Monday next. Mr. and Mrs. St. Lawrence will be warmly welcomed back to the Falls by their many old friends. CAMPBELL. & GafinLa‘s STOCK.â€" Tllc stock oil the late ï¬rui of Campbell 8': Gamble was sold. last Tuesday by auction at: Toronto, and was bought by Mr. Hugh. McDougall, of the Palace Dry Goodall. Clothing House, who has made an offer for another stock of about the same value (between four and ï¬ve thousand dollars) at Woodvillc. Mr. McDougalllias leased'the store occupied by Messrs; Campbell & Gamble, of which Messrs. Bailey and Mackenzie are to'be placed in charge. Lmerrnâ€"Tlierc is not quite as much talk about lagrippe in this vil-- lage as there was~a week ago, and it is. to be hoped that by this time next week all who now have it will have entirely recovered, and that no more fresh cases. will occur. It kindly refrained from. attacking us until. last Friday's Guzctlc wasoff the press; but since then we have-been in a condition that will be- thoroughly undersmod by those who “ know how it is- themselves,†and of course writing has been almost out of the‘question. Samu‘oan's Munâ€"Mr. Sandford's new grist mill is again in full‘opcration, and is now running night and day. As stated in a previous notice, the ma-- chinery is all new ; but, owing to the shortness of the bolt, whiclaonly DICRS~ urcd ten feet, too much shorts remained in the llour,.whicli gave the bread made from it. a brownish tinge that some this the bolt has been lengthened to eighteen feet. and the bread will. now be not only sweet; and palatable, but as white as- the. most fastidious person. can desire. day of last week, at Mr. Thos. Archer's lumber-shanty in the-township of Long- Fenclonl Falls, met witlna serious: acci- dent. in consequence of-‘ais team running away while going to the’woods from the blacksmith shop, where the sleigh had been taken for repairs. Frightened by ness, they suddenly bolted, and Mr- Dumond, ï¬nding himself unable to hold struck him and knocked him down. and the next instant the hind bob turned and hurting,r his back very badly. Dr. Broad. of Coboconk,. was as soon as possible in- attendance upon the sufferer, who, under his care, is, we are glad to hear, progressing very favourably. A Naaaow Bananaâ€"A few days ago there was a threshing bee at Mr. Yeoman Smith's, in Somerville, and while Mr. Malcolm Smith. one of the persons present, was doing something tothe machine, the gearing caught his clothes and thacw him against a box: with such force that he rolled on to the tumbling-shaft, around which the skirt of his cent was instantly wound, and he- made several rapid revolutions before- the horses could be stopped. lie was, not hurt by the gyrations, as there was plenty of room for him to pass between. the shaft and the floor; but the collision with the box inflicted some slight inter~ nal injuries, from which, liOcher, he is rapidly recovering. He certainly hall a narrow escape, as such accidents ucn~ orally result in broken heaps, and but too frequently in death. mernuca Lianneâ€"lilies Min- nie L. l’liclps, of Philadelphia, l’a., delivered her second lecture under the persons objected to. In consequence of' Accmsnr'm Lcivoroanâ€"On Mon-- ford, Mr. Stephen Dumond, formerly of ' something: going wrong with the bar-- them, jumped from the front bob, which. over on top. of him, breaking three ribs. 3: n