Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. MMW PENELON FALLS MARKETS. auspices of the W. C. '1‘. U. and the Portage LaPrairie. Royal Templars of Temperance in -â€"â€" Dickson's hall last Friday evening, be- A farmer of Bruce County thus writes R‘Pom‘l by W NO"? 5"" Ron" "1"†0°- fore a fairly large and hi:th apprecia- ofa trip to Manitoba :-â€"I spent a month Feud“ “"5: F‘ldl‘l‘" Jan' 315‘: 1590- tivc audience. As “ la grippe " pre- there and like a great deal of the conn- Â¥peaiy fall. PM bushel-m 50?; to 50.2% _ | ' “ . . . I ma m to we my men Somrravsï¬nr- Around wearers .. e. ,M ~ nothing of it from personal knowledge ; Portage la Prairie 18 some of the ï¬nest Barley, per bushel . . _ I . I H 30 36 l but those who were present say it was land I ever saw, and good crops. Fur- Oats, n _ _ _ . _ _ u 24 25 â€" fully as good as. if not better than, her ther west it was very dryI and the go- Pease, ‘-’ _ , , , , . ,, 45 55 â€"_ ï¬rst, which is saying a good deal. The phch made and havoc With the crops. Rye, . . . . . . .. 30 is s N E v hall ought to have been crowded, and It was so dry that water had ‘to be $333615)“ 1b . . . . . . .. I o ' , ‘ y - . . . . . . . . . .. probably would have been but for the drawn from ten to ..welve miles at .Ioose Hogs, per cw, I I I _ . . . . . i H 5.00 5.25 has removal his business†the mm condition of the public health and the jaw. If I‘were young, or wanted land fact that. the lady's two visits to Fene- for a number of my family, I should go lon Falls were somewhat nearer togeth- there. You can do with less labour, er than they should have been, which, and there seems to be more life there pissibly, on me not of her many en. than here. My son has bought three gagemcuts. could not be avoided. hundred and twenty acres of ï¬ne land, ‘ ' about ï¬fteen miles from the Portage, and they like the country well. The Fauliue‘Sll'leefl Dakom- country is very different to what I ex- . pected, and it is a delightful trip. The A great P°.â€â€˜Â°â€œ 9f the pe?ple 0f. Da‘ scenery for a thousand miles is grand k0“ are fammi'smcnp' rum fu'lure beyond description, especially the Lake at the harvest impoverished them, and Superior district. It appears to be one although they tried to weather the cal- grand upheaval of rock, with only a few amitv, yet are they In due 5"“"5- stunted trees killed by ï¬res. I saw sev- The reports from the Slate yesterday are! old friends from Huron and Bruce Show. l‘be people. to be .1" a deplorable counties and all appear to be prospering. condition. Their supplies are all gone, I passed your town on the 0. R R_ cars, their stock has been seized by the sher- and Should have stayed over to see you la" all the farms are heavily mortgaged only that I promised to be home by a and the interest unpaid, and there is a certain time. scarcity of food and fuel. What con- ditions could be worse than these? The land boomers out there will doubtless Royal Feathers 011 a. Potato Cart. deny the stories as they did last year "â€" , when l'nmine was predicted as the result The tradesmen t“ Royalty 378 cm" of the failure of the harvest, but intcnd- tied to Put the royal arm's 0"†trim“ ing emigrants will give the new State a Shops» and those 0* me Prince Of “ ales wide berth until the soil becomes more have the Fight to Show his time" “Pl'lgh‘ productive and its climate modiï¬ed. {ea-311°“ “I’ll†Sallie, W‘W- One night Manitoba is it paradise compared with “allthe lrluce 0’ “l “le’f and the Duke Dakota. On the Canadian side of the 0f Ldmburgh we†returninghome T331" line they get crops and live in houses. ‘31†lme- “1110,35 as El‘ey P3§55d Joe: the On the American side they get drouths Wï¬u'kuowu ' Jaler mu“ 1“ P3†man, which blight the crops, cyclones that th‘é’i’ t°°k 9' fancy *0 “Ste hls‘ “fires; blow the townships all together, and and were accommo‘hted by Joe “Rh 3 Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . 17 Hay, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 8.00 Hides . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. 2.50 3.00 Sheepskins . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 1.00 2 DOORS SOUTH OF HEARD’S HARDWARE STORE, where he has opened out the largest stock. of Christmas Goods ever brought into Fenelon Falls, consisting of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR’S CARDS, DOLLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY a TOILET ARTICLES, A Fine Line of Plush Goods. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES, GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES, WALL PAPER, OIL PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, 18‘ PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER A SPECILALTY. Don’t forget the place, 2. Doors South of Heard’s Hardware Store. 3. NEVlsoal. § W MG IliavaAdvâ€"ertisements.w PUBLIC NOTICE. I hereby caution merchants and others against giving credit to my‘danghter Eliz- abeth on my account; as I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date without a written or verbal order from me. FRANCIS SANDFORD. Fenelon Falls, Jan. 28th, 1890.â€"50-3w. PUBLIC NOTICE. I hereby give public notice that after this date Iwill not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by any person whomsoever, without. my written or verbal order. Parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. NAAMAN EVERSON. Verul‘am, Jan. 27th, 1890.~â€"50-3w w. H.. caoss, DENTIST, LINDSA1*,. will bra-at the “ McAlrthuT. Home,†Fenelon' Fallo,.tlie second Wednesday of such month. Beaudsiful and} durablenrtiliciali teetli made, and stall other dental? work properly done. Neariy 27 yewsï¬expcaicnce- lo-lyr. -0 blizzards compared with which the ice age was tropical. When the cyclones Come on the inhabitants dive into their holes in the ground like the gophers, and are comparatively safe, but the bilzzurds follow them in there, and they can ï¬nd no protection from them. There will doubtless be an appeal for aid for these poor unlortuuatos, but the. occa- sion is one which would justify the Fed- eral Government. in utilizing some of the surplus which it doesn't know what to do Withâ€"News. In Bed for Sixty-two Years. Miss Chloe Lankton died in New Hartford last week in her 78th year. She was born in 1812. At the age of 16 she was attacked by it lnziludy which has kept her in bed ever since. She has lived 62 years in bed. The sick room was cosin arranged, so that she could help herself to many things. A- bout 30 years ago the story of her life was written and published in The Sun- day School Union. When her parents died she was cared for by friends. She never complained, and was ever cheer. ful and patient. One of her great trou- bles was the diliiculty of having her bed made. The late John C. Smith, of New Haven, invented a little derrick. The patient Would have a strong cun- vas placed beneath her, which was at- tached by a simple tackle to the derrick, and she would be swung oil from the bed as it‘ in a hammock. Mr. Smith redliot baked potato from the can, for which they paid a penny each, and pro- cccded on their way. Joe had recog- nised his customers, and on the next day his “' tater can †was decorated with a flaring gilt sign, showing the three feathers and the legend : “ Purvcyor to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.†He stationed his apparatus opposite Marl- borough House, to the Prince's mingled amusement and dismay. The Prince sent an equerry to order him away, but Joe refused to budge, and kept on doing a rushing business. At last the Prince ordered Sir Francis Knollys to buy him off, and the feathers were removed.â€" London Special. Archbishop Fabre, of Montreal, has instructed his clergy to pray that the influenza scourge may be taken-away. Sir William Gull, the eminent Eng- lish physician, died on Wednesday, the 29th inst., of paralysis, aged 74 years. At a recent sale of American-bred merino sheep. at Sydney, the great price of 455gs. was paid for a ram, and the average for sixty-seven rams was £103 123, and £107 188 4d for eighteen ewes. A Maine newspaper has ï¬gured it out that. the people of that State contribute about $600,000 a year to the bunk ac- count of the Louisiana Lottery million- aires, and get back less than 5 percent. of that sum in prizes. The American Museum. of Natural History in Central Park has been offer- ed an egg valued at $300. It is a lit- tle over a foot in length, its holding cup- W Brick 1101150 and ILot on Fidler’s Hill, owned by the late Daniel J-. Scully, and recently occupied by Mr. WWill Be Sold Cheap. SECOND DIVISION COURT GEO. Manama, . . . o I it‘ll§§“l3‘f§s%°.fé‘;‘m"f‘éli'1:§§‘Slwï¬llils Fast Colored Prmts for 10 cents. W The freshest Goods in FOR SALE. Alex. McArtllur, Apply ‘50 W. E. ELLIS, Fcnelon Falls. or to- J. SCULLY, Lindsay. January 16th, 1890.â€"48-tf -â€"OF THEâ€" County of Victoria. The next. sittings of the above C'ourt will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, On Tuesday, Feb. 11th, E. D.HAND, Fenel'on Falls, Dec. 3rd, 1889. FOR SALE 0R T0 RENT. A roomyand commodious Dwelling House on Lot No.3, (half an acre) south of'Louiso. street in the village of Fenelon Falls. The soil is good, and there is a. ï¬ne view 0 Cameron Lake and the village. Apply to Mr. anav AUSTIN, Fenelon Falls. Also, the east half of Lot No. 20 in the 1st Con. of Verulam, with a dwelling and 15°13WWW“Widths?- GR‘EENE & ELLIS, Fenelon Falls, SAlï¬â€™L PARSONS,Agcnt at Lindsay. outbuildings thereon. Apply to Mr. Ronr. Wsnnlzlt on the next l'ot. Fenclorn Falls, Aug. 14th, 1'889.â€"27-t.f. DENTISTRY. GASâ€"(VITALIZED AIR.) LUMBER YARDS, From our long experience in the business, and being builders ourselves, we have a good idea of what is required for ï¬rst class or common building materials for houses, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. hams and Outbundlngs- We have assorted and piled by themselves We have about two million feet that must on to April next. be sold to make room for new stock. Pur- ties requiring any of the above stool; will save money by calling before purchasing elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or to Lindsay for quotations. and returned for approval. Can ship by car f loads to all points. Can get special mica Send on your orders. - » “One Dollar Saved is TwoiDollars Earned.†the Vlflage at Bills estimated TAKE Normaâ€"The above is all gang llam- or.“ &. ELLIS’S‘BEST VALUE. llNElflN lllll AND llNllSAY. We have fer sele here and at Lindsay all kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Scantling Plank, Timber, Latli, Pickets, Shingles, Fciicc Posts and all kinds of Planed and Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new stock, out last season, well roofed, dry and bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fenelon Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. Fast Colored Ging- hams for 100. Fast. Colored Mus- lins for 100. 'W'm. Campbell’s. ‘David Chambers. General Blacksmith, also built for her an ingenious cupboard which wast: great comfort. to her, as she made it hold nearly everything she wanted. About a your ago an attack of crysipelas destroyed the sight of one eye and added greatly to her inï¬rmi- ties. but did not cll’ect her sunny dispo- sition. Opium in one form or another has been llcl' chief medicine. She was taken with the grip :i week ago, which was followed by pneumonia. which re- sulted t'atally.â€"-IIur{;m-tl Dt’31)tl(C]ln Notice is hereby given that the business acity being two gallons, and, in round numbers. it. equals 150 hensr eggs. It is from Madagascar, and is a relic ofan extinct monster bird. A remarkable little animal has been added to the London Zoo. It is a deer, though in size but. a trifle larger than a full grown eat. The eleven hoof's pro- claim its position in the mammalian world beyond doubt, but it has no horns. In the male, two long canine teeth project from the upper lips, and these, perhaps, serve in their stead. When the Czar travels, a little van- guard is sent in advance, consisting of two looksmiths, two carpenters and two masons. all of them being married men, born in the Imperial service, and devot- edly attached to their august master. Go. to J, NEELANJS, Dentist, Lindsay, i=3 hitherto carried on by Samuel Swamton as you. want teeth extracted positively with- ‘1 deï¬lerin out pain. Gas has been given by him with «WMMâ€â€œ.W great success for-over 21 years. He studied - ' with Dr. Colton,“ New York, the inven- I tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers § , . oï¬ persons are wearing artificial teeth made 3 OI Timber, Lumber and Shingles, by Mr. Ncclands '20 years ago, and never ‘WWM required “‘3' Telmilv'i GUM CWWDS: Porcc' will be continued on a much larger scale lain crowns and brldgcwork done. Visits than formerly by the “flaw-signed, who Fenclon Falls, McArtliiir House, on the will pay,aghitherto' third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. and payments will be promptly made on. the 15th of every month for all materials delivered. M H E E 3%“ One of the ï¬rm will be regularly on I 5 the road. IN DF U F1, For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton, “ ’ ‘ ‘ No. 52 Victor Avenue,'l.‘oronto, or to J.H. Brandon, Fenelon Falls. SWANTO<X,BRA.\'DON &: Co. ' N. B.â€"Mr.Swnnton thunks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during AND the past ten years, and begs to solicit a continuance of the same for the new ï¬rm. Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksmithing in all its diflerenthrnnchea done on short notice and at the lowest vin g; prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. House and Lot For Sale. , The East half? of Lot No. 2. west of Col- horne and north of Francis street, Fcnelon Falls, Co. Victoria, the property of Mary Calder. There is on the premises a frame house 22 x 33 feet. For full particulars apply to 9“ «00.009». 090$. omw Tragedy in a Chinese Laundry. BINGIIAMTON, N. Y., Jan. ilkâ€"Two Chiuumen, named Yce Lee and Sing Lee, for about two years past have con ducted a laundry on one of the leading business strccls. Today a railrmd man T, . d t.) t “ . “q fln . hail occision to call at the laundry lor m" u ""8 are 0 e‘ ‘ mme w“ ‘v or†. . l' a ' . i .s 's ' - a Package. and upon enterâ€); was mm c nmntys,hre plice . lock. and furniture MARY CALDER, Nov. 19th, 1889. Omemee P. 0. NO MORE Back Country ‘ i , ‘ , . i . . . _ cl the Cinnamon and a woman, named T ‘L c “mmys m p‘mcular are the 0b \hmie Qwecuev‘ “in†Clogc mwether JCCLS of special attention. in order that. ‘ ‘ ' .. e a ' 5 on the floor. Bending over one of the table: was the body of the other China- no infernal machine shall be c0ncealcdi in them. FANCY GOODS Fenelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889.â€"26-tf. J UMPERS. The undersigned have just received the man cold in death. The Chinamen Came here from New York about two years ago. Sin: Lee has an uncle nam- cd Wing Wah Cliong. who does busiâ€" ness at 34 Pool street, New York. The Swi-cncl woman has parents living at o â€" GED ï¬rst consignment of SPLINT BUN 05- Gananoque Cutters, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. lolholne Steel. lenelon Falls. 13 IRT IIS. Tantraâ€"In the township- of Fcnelon, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. W. H. Tamlin l of a son. Summitâ€"In the township of Pension. on . . li'l'z ‘t. ‘ ' ‘ Olyphuut, 1‘s. and for a time reSIdcd a}; ms "he '1“ or h “in smelmr i“ >"“‘â€â€œâ€™â€œâ€˜ It is me Opinion or pl)†\‘rvisovâ€"u Fonelon Falls on Thurs- siciaus ii at dcaih “‘11:: caused by the . (lav, Jan. 23rd, the wife of Mr..I.J. Nevison inlizillu; of chlorine gas generated some l ni‘a daughter. wu." from washing materials. The ivoâ€" which they will be pleased to show intend-- ing purchasers at their show rooms on the corner of Hand and Colhorne streets, near the grist mill. We Defy Competition- eitherin quality of materials, or design. The undersigned is now manufacturing the above Blinds at 6 AND 7 CENTS PER SQUARE FOOT, . . , . . . o I b , mind to discover the dead bodies of one \m every mom occuph‘d by the Lzar“ Goodhand’s Livery, E _ Q P I F n I ,l all ready ï¬tted. ' astl’ antisctrect, ene on a 5. ms) . , to drav: the atteiition of llll‘ public to the The most substantial blinds made: Useful ‘ fact that I have purchased the livery busi- “nd 0’9"“me G‘" Eogd “Immcuon can and 5...“. them and get our prices be.~ DH‘D‘ "033 lMelF °“‘“"_‘l hi“ “7' Wm- “mlllyv “ml “ here", we ' fore purchasing elsewhere,and depend'upon- mumâ€"I“ “o‘mmvmtv 0“ Tuesday. ha" made “Ch m‘l‘rmml‘m “5 “l†“‘9‘†‘Samples at J. Heard’s Hardware Store. it )‘ou will get a cutter that will glre you “hp MCBHIL,‘ np Mnmrmp has asked January 2lst. Mary, relict of the late Wm. . the requirements of the travelling public. perfect mustacuon m me you" 9035mm price. McDOUGALL 8 BRANDON. a Deyman. of Dtvoushin‘, England. aged 70 l I am prepared to furnish ï¬rst-class horses “‘1 J°M°FMlandil grocer)“ AEWISWM'IM- Fcnelou Folks, Dec. 12th,1689. (ti-aw man was about :21 years of age. .. . - -... . .. ..-c--._ \ ".r l h .n: ‘Ir '.J ‘ =- W . t . 1ԠU m†u L a b) l w "Dim w? a ’. rears. Deceased was the mother of the and comfortable fills “me low“5ll"""g ‘V- 11- CI'IURCI'I' ‘3: “I. llIlU iiil 0"ch \‘Stabllï¬llmenb ‘ Ktn‘3Pe \"illiflln 1nd Lewis Doyman often V ' " . . ' - . . . , - nets. .1 th . o.-â€"l- . when: liquor is sold by the glass. l elon Falls. l p 0303039009175“) “melon Fungi?“ 5 ’1‘“ if