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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Feb 1890, p. 5

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l I depots and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. .‘1 : 3" c , I l . . . - - Mr. South drove to Lindsay yesterday l lctne to cure la :ripne. and another kind evening and Capt. Carter left by this i as a preventative. When we want med» ...â€"â€"â€"-.- ._ as morning's train. icinc we can get it at the drug store. We are pleased to learn that Mr. A. I , .1 IT. Willock, who has sutIcred so long ', , T Vern-am Gonna ' lfrom la grippe, is slowly recovering. l He is a general favourite around here, , l ( v . Council met Feb. 8th according to p d , ., ’ H '. N ,_ , d f_ d’ournment \lembers all )rescnt ’ ‘m u" “emu-l is “‘"r 3‘ lope "r‘ r w in t,” Um“, “ignites 0,3! Mr. N. Dav has returned from )1. W. ,N 9 e ee' t. . . ,‘ " . I. _._ ‘. . . . unh I ll ‘: ~l rulu w ‘:tlli)ll:lll1 cut of). last meeting read and Confirmed. I D a u 5 0' e ' L“ ’5‘ l i --»o R- - L. S. with another Percheron horse. \IH ' ’-. est a" b" ? 'lm'll b) J' 1 5”" m' “conded 'l l )Ir. Day took " l’aulus ” back to Dan J. lircdln That Albert Pague be re-: ,, ‘ .’ i . ,- . ham s. as we learn that he only had the luudcd 8.5 statute labor pettormed, but i ' . horse on trial. ' ' I - v.1 I "~' ‘ . " . . “amid l“ [he “rm” dnuou' Larm'd' The many friends of Miss Ruby In- New Advertisements. r,. ‘Y 00. ‘J/‘ is prepared to furniin the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND llEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Moved by John Kelly, seconded by Estimates promptly given on all kinds of 9W REMoyED! s. Néwson has removed his business to the store 2 DOORS SOUTH OF HEARD’S J. Bredin, That one hundred dollars be expended on quarter line past Fred Stories and on con. line between 8th and 9th con. south from said quarter line being fifty dollars on the quarter line, and fifty dollars on the con. line, and that Jame Lithgow be commissioner lor expending sameâ€"Carried. Moved by J. Bredin seconded by J. Lithgow, That John Dnggan, jr., be gram will regret to learn of her depart are for Argos, Indiana. )liss‘ Ingram will make her home at Mr. George J . Powles's. We wish her a pleasant trip and a safe one. HAWK AND I’lGEON.â€"-â€"Last Monday forenoon a large hawk was seen ap- proaching the main street with a tame pigeon in his talons. Just as he was cemetery work. HARDWARE STORE, where he has opened out the largest stock'- Christmais Goods ever bronghtiinto Penelon'Fall's; consiétihg" of' CHRISTMAS'and NEW YEARS CARDS,- DOLLS OF' ALL DESCRIPTIONS, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY a TOILET! ARTICLES, Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Being a practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"1n rear of the market on Cam- brldge street, opposite Matthews' packing house. ROBT. CHAMBERS. paid forty dollars Compensation for land ,l (we, the smewalk in from. of Twomcy’s HEADQUARTERS Pieces, Etc.. a Specialty. g .. . N A Fine Line of Plush Goods. Nikki" for additional road allowance.â€" l hotel, he dropped his prey, which 3p- Carried. pcared to be too heavy a load for him, Moved by J- Kelly Seconded by J‘land was afraid to follow it to the Lithgow, That the auditors" report be received and adopted and the clerk be instructed to have it printed in detail and also to get 250 copies printed in pamphlet form for circulation among' the ratepayersâ€"Carricd Moved by J. Kelly seconded by J. liredin, That a by-law be read and pas- Sud appointing.r pathmasters.â€"Carried Moved by J. Kelly seconded by J. Lithgow, That the time for the collec- tion of tan-s be extended, to the 22nd of March. «Carried. Moved by J. Patterson seconded by J. Bredin, That the- slerk-be instructed to procure one copy. of Harrison‘s New Municipal. Manual.â€"-Carried. Moved by J.. Lithgow seconded by J. Kelly, That the following accounts- bc paid and orders dnaavn on. the-trons» Ul‘er for the earnersâ€"Tiles. Bell, 1). R; 0.. $~l.50;.5’1 O; Granby,. D. R. O.,. 54 50; U. E. Tiers, D. R. 0., $4.00 ;: Wm. Dcvitt, I). ll. 0.. $4 00; John. Johnston, D. R. O. 84.00; James Bell, use of ball at election, SlOO; Trustees S. S. No.9, use of school house $4.00; Trustees S. S. No. 7, use ol'sch0ol house, $4.00; Trustees S. S. No. 4, use of school house, Slut); Trustees Betth Church, use of hall, $4.00; Geo. Byng, bilanec on W. )Iilcs's coflin, $4.00; James Akistcr, auditor, $8.00 ; Morgan Johns, auditor, 88 Oil; The clerk, regis- tration l5. M. I), 39.30; 0.: motion of Mr. Patterson, council adjourned to 22nd March. Gobooonk. Uorrrqmndrnrr (3/ [lie Gazette. Our school is filling up again. Sickness. is still prevalent, but not as bad as formerly. 4 Mr. Wilkinson has moved his boiler thinnllis-shingln mill here back to his linden, where he expects to make it hot " for broom. handles, die. The genial l'aco of Mr. John Fell, Bl. l’. l’., might have been seen here on Friday night. He came from To. room to attend a meetingr ol' the Somer- Villc council. Mr. James Wilson, from Kinmount. met him here and drove him over to the council chamber. l’ar- liaoxent seems to agree with him. The annual meeting of the Somer- vi.lc Agricultural Society was held here on 'I‘hursda)‘. the ‘Jth lust. There was quite a large attendance. of farmers, and increased interest was manifested in the all‘uirs ot' the Society. The following otlicers were clvutcll :â€"~l’rvsident. J. H. Carnegie; 1st \‘lui‘ president, 8. Burtch- all ; 2nd vice-presi-ient. tleo. liumucy ; directorafi. Suddaby. J. Daniel ; Sec- -‘ri-asurer, J. U. Morris. Sinco my last letter another has gone I l I I ground, as several persons were around. A moment or two later the pigeon, seemingly unhurt, sprang into the air and flew rapidly away. Tun TENNESSEEANS.â€"'l‘lle concern given in the Methodist church last Tues- day evening by the Fisk Tcnnessceans was well attended; but the prices of admissionâ€"35 cents for adults and 25 cents for chlidrenâ€"were-higher than we are accustomed to- in this village, and the church, therefore was not much} more than-two-thirds full. The concert gave grcatisatisl'action, three or four of' remarkably. fine- thc singers having voices; bun we are informed thatznearly all? the company- have hath la grippe, from which. some of'theml have hardly recovered. A BROKEN!ARM'.-â€"OmTilesday evenâ€" i'ng last our old friend Mr:.‘Vm.1’0wles, ol‘ Fenelon, met; with a serious accident. He was in his cattle shed, which is divided into two compartments, with a door opening from one into the other ; and while he was standing with his left artn around the edge of the door, one of the animals ran against it, crushingr h is arm between the door and the frame, and breaking both the bones a little aboveZ-the wrist. Mr. Powlcs immedi- ately came to the Falls and had the bones set by Dr. Wilson, alter which he went to the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Robert MoCallum, Where he spent the night. ACCIDENT.â€"During the afternoon of Wednesday, tllB‘Iztll inst., Mr. W. H. Brokenshirc, of Islay, in the township of Fenelon, met with a serious accident while skidding logs alone in his own woods. on the skid his handspike slipped, and. the 10,-; rollcd on to. his left leg, break.- ing both bones below the knee. Mr. Broknnshirc was about twenty rods from a ploughed field, which he reachch with his horses by driving them the- leneth of the lines and then stopping: them until he crawled up to them. Out the ploughed ground he could make no progress, and he lay at the cdge of the woods for about an hour, suffering greatly from the cold as well as lrom the pain in his leg, until his mother and a neighbour reached him almost simultaneously, both having noticed that the horses had not moved” for a long time A sleigh was procured; and as soon as Mr. B. chnr‘iirc had‘ been taken to the house a messenger-was sent to Cambray for Dr. Ray, under whose care the patient is doing well. -......_ _a_-‘ O .- An ice famine in Chicago is fared to ho incriiable. The Irish tonants’ defence fund now from our midst to join the great and l exceeds S43.000. Jildllla majority. The late Mr. Pattie l l . Sv-rions damage is feared from tho' IMHO here nearly ten years ago, and by l strollr-u streamsin Western Pennsylvania hisupright Conduct, his business tact, I and l‘) istcrn Ohio. and his interest in the welfare of our, tillage, tron.lbl' himSt-ll' a warm place i have-been arrested in Germany on ac: 3n our beams. and- it was with more , count of their gilded stories. than ordinary feelings oi sadness that: his brother Olldl'ell musigncd him to his last restilig Place“ lie was born- in the oountv of Down, ll‘-3-l.lllll,. iu~ .-., 1b.)... He had more than atusual share. l i l . Two industrious Brazilian boomstcrs DIED. P.\rn:.-In Cobaconk. on Thursday, Feb; tilh. John Pattie, aged 37‘y'rars. Woustsnâ€"In the township of Fenclon,. On Sunday. Feb. 6th, Joseph Wbrsley Sit, ' “ll ‘l‘fil‘rlug- “"l“"'l‘1ll.l Juli“; ill'iw 1-351 and 5'2 Sears and 5 months. two years of his life. andlus. patience audcr pain was remarkable.“ W Fowler’s "Corners. u'llrrgly.s..f .cz' :kr Guam. an.- ‘fllos; .‘doern- .s~ recovering from the measles and la grippe. lie is get. tin: Alon: nicely. l‘Ivtry me is waitin: for snow : and it“ it doesn‘t came a lire! qumtity of uAr-lu‘oml, {Lg pt its, K1, wiil have {0- I- kept until tax. \VL‘lldl'. \\ hy can't 1:..- day s:l.o-:.l be opened at nine «Jean‘s, unit-El is the right time. instead of hail. i ..~‘. :liil’. and a quarter l ten. l'. rl .ip~ this is t' 3 Last _\"~‘.|r. ‘ quick l.~*l‘> ' i:'..r from I. :: 2:;L_‘" l. . bun throttei. t.;~ plr: scour. ari- v I..uls.-â€"ln the township ot Yemlnm. on Tuesday, Feb. 18th, Jo-oph Lamb, aged 84 1 years. \Vllo-ilt. si rim: ... . 7" 7'3 Wheat. Sco'cll or Fife . . T‘.‘ 76 v llt!‘;t‘}‘_ per babel . . . . . . .. 230 226 “iii. ‘ . . . . . . .. 2?.) i’t‘iizl. . . . . . . .. 4." 5'3 “"3. . . . . . . .. ri" -i.| l‘hzstors . . . . . . .. 23 1-11 li:i:'.er.t~r lb . . . . . . . . . . .. l4 l3 li\,:<. 34-: (oh... Suit 5-3.3 l-Y::-¢.'.~.r i=1r=n . . . . . . . .. l? . l“ ""i‘ lull . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73“} S I)" ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.: 'i 3 "o :.‘.‘ FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Kmart! 1' by the North Star Roller Mill (‘0. l-‘enelon Falls, Friday, Feb. 215:. le‘O. Wheat, fall. per bushel. . . . S'Lilu t) Snub As he was putting a small one l l l l l ‘36?” munitions? ’ . Stuck. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR. Boom Paper and Picture Frames â€"-IS ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. A‘rtists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dye Works Agency. The, Great Bindery. WRead‘om-efulljpand'act wisely; Many anluab'lez- lives- can be saved by the ' use of MUSE .â€" I. COURTEMAIlliTHE’S WOQWOMWO WThis is undoubtedly the best lung mcdl Wicine in the world, and for Dyspepsia“ Whns no equal. Manufactured by Moses WCourtemanchc, Midland, and sold by W. E. Ellis. Fenelon Falls. â€"52-17-3m. RS. REEIET, DEALER IN llllLLlllERY ranov Goons OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Enlhlme; Street it‘ll-Elfin" Falls. LISTEN l CALL AN‘D'BE‘SURPRISED-A‘T THE Woollen" l - Bargains ..1N_. llillincry, Dress Trimmings, ctc., now ofi‘c‘rcd for CASH and ONLY' CASH, A t Mrs. R. McDougaH’s. Sec price list below : Felt Hat for . . . . . . . . . . 3%. worth $1.00 Buckran Shapes . . . . . . 15c. worth- 35 Plush...... . . . . . . ...40c. worth: 60 Feathers . . . . . . . . . . . . 60c. worth 1.25 Tips . . . . . . . . ....2oc.- worth 40 llirds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c; worth 1.25 Wings ......l5c. worth 40 Wool Caps and Hoods 330.‘ Worth 80 Trimmed Hats at your own prices. Ribbons unequalled for low price. Mrs.R. M’Dougall, 2 Doors North of the l’ost-omce w. it. cause, DENTISII‘, LINI)S.A.Y. will be at the “ lvi'cArthur House," Fenelon Falls, the second Wednesday ufca ch month. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES, ‘ GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, OIL PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, 36“ PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER A Don't forget the place, 2 Doors South of Heard’s HardwaroStore. s. nsv‘ls‘on. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . s . . .. WALL PAPER, SPE CIALTY. GREENE & ELLlS’S LUMBER. YARDS. FENELUN FAILS All]: llNllSlli We have for sale here and at Lindsay all kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Scuntling Plank, Timber, Lath, Pickcts, Shingles, Fence Posts and all kinds of Plancd and Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new stock, cut last season, well roofed, dry and bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fenelon Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, and being builders ourselves, we have a good idea of what is requiredfor first class or common building materials for houses, barns and outbuildings. We have assorted and piled by themselves both qualities to suit purchasers. Prices from $3 50 to $5 per M feet and upwards. We have about two million feet that must be sold to make room for new stock. Par- ties requiring any of the above stock will save money by calling before purchasing elsewhere. or by sending. their bills here or‘ to Lindsay'for quotations.- Bills estimated and returnedfiat-approval: Can ship by car loads to all points. Can gett special rates on to April next‘. Scndi on your orders. “One Dollar Savcdiis ’l‘wo Dollars Earned? TAKE?-I‘i0TICB.â€"r'-I‘lle above‘is all-gang lumr bcrpparnllcl widths. GREE NEW: ELDIB,‘,Fdnalozr Fall: ,-. S‘A M’LIB A'RSONS,¢1,‘gent 'al Lindsay." lDai/id Chambers, asl'arss routs"; Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swauton as a dealer in l i l i l t l l i RailwayTies. Cordwod, Telegraph Poles, Cedar and all" kinds of Timber, Lumber and Shingles, g M boNHoo Quobnooo~o will be continued on a much larger scale than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, and payments will be promptly made on the l5thof every month for all inatcrials delivered. mmomwvooowwo I Fast. Colored. Gingu hams for 10o. Fast Colored Mus- lins for 10¢. _ Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents“. {Kfi- The-freshest. Goods in ,the' village at Gampboll’s. General Blacksmith, l Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blurksmilhing in all its different branches done on short notice and at the lowest vi "gyrprices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. House and Lot For Sale. , The East half of Lot No. 2, West of Col- horne and north of Francis strcct, Penelon Falls, 00. Victoria, the property of Mary lilaidcr. There is on the premises a frame @- One-of the firm will be regularly-.on- house 22x33 fret. For full particulars the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Sivanton, No. 5'2 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. [It Brandon, Fcuclon Falls. SWANTON, BRANDON a Co. )7. B.-â€"â€".\lr.Swunton thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during l the past ten years, and begs to solicit n‘ continuance of the same for the new firm. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889.â€"-2l3-tf. Beautiful‘nnd durable artificial teeth made, â€"*â€"'â€"â€""“"‘m” and all other dental work properly done. Nearly ‘27 years“ experience. lG-ly. SALESMEN Wanted for our complete line of .VIII‘SPI')‘ s‘l'!"l.\LTl£S. I can furnish l'.n'l.\‘(i rosarloxs to workers. - rage.- to beginners Iran make a Snort-ss- - fl: Salesman of any one who will follow my instruction. a1».',~:ic-:.:lnd secure rimit‘e oftcrritory. lidvvzu‘d 1’. Snell, Knrser) man. J].‘.':t{-vil :r'n'r I’llyvrr. All new, choice and Fxsrâ€"sizl.l..xo, .\ly large t-xperiencc in the ; 6 7 business enables me to Ont-r special adVan-l 3Thc most substantial Blinds made. ) _ ‘ and Ornamental. Give good satisfaction I lt-rmant-nt employment, Wag-s paid each week. (innit free. Apply, l l ! R‘l!‘lll15'l‘lllt,$.l’.l BEVEL-ED GED SP LENT BLIMDS. The-undersigned is now manufacturing the above Blinds at all ready filled. wherever tried. I'=cf'.il apply to MARY CALDER, Nov.19th, 1880. ()mcmce l’ (l. g No MORE JUMPERS. The undersigned have just received the first consignment of Gaaanoqne Gutters, l which they wil'l‘hc pleased to Show intend- ing parclinsers at their show rooms on the corner of Bond and Collier-ac streets, ntar the grist mill. We Defy Competition ‘cit'ucrin quality of malt-rials, or design. “Tall and see them and got our prices l4:- I fore purchasing clscwhcrcmnd depend upon Samples at J'. ilcard's Hardware Stored, :: you will get a cutth that will guts you and J. llcl’arlalzd‘s grocery. Agents wanted w. H. (:11:;RCH.; Fczzclor‘. tantamount,ismâ€"141‘. fp“if'5Ct satislactiun at. the lowest posslblt l price. 7; l‘cn'lon Far... n... mm. 1323. Back Country MCDOUGALL & BRANDON. . ' 'l'l E'Qdfl‘ v

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