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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Feb 1890, p. 8

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(In rain theyttried poetry, lte‘r found the In}. 9..§T. enema. He called himself “Plymouth Rock ” then, you must know, FOR SALE. ers to settle the same by the n 0' key) , i . ‘ u I :Eyzfile.xay.bis.nrsesgmingle. ‘ v.7 To the Editor dune Fender; Fall; Gaelic. t. 3.} .ommmm,.a la “cones GMTITCDI." -. ' 1, euro .rnx _ ls'r. _ _ . _ .1 Sipâ€"Two years egalwrote you some prose fillâ€""hanng you-swm'gr‘ Eglmw’ :7? To help the Church militant here ; r ‘ §°;f&:"&:gf::;?::: gyugu'rg’ , A ‘ ' ' ‘V e 2 . 4 And tntggig‘guso happened to tweak hard And gm him a spell and ham my jaw, I, , , V S I am now putting out f - Of St. George. who up against truthfulness 5° Twuly Yam . ‘ p ‘ . my yearly accounts. I muSt r056 ’ _ _ ' _ To mm his gm, memhappe“ Jim rum. 3 particularly ask my custom N . L I And gave the dear“ Brethren" great hope,‘ ' [Q‘Brick House and Lot: .By saying the Church of England should on Fidler’s Hill, owned by the late Daniel g0 :â€" lu fact he of Protestants then was the foe, And fought for his “ riverance ” the Pope. J; Scully, and recently occupied by Mr. Alex. McArthur, WWill Be Sold Cheap. THE NEW Joseph-Fahy’s Hunting ‘America’ ~Case. 1st of February. I am in ur- gent need of the money to honour my own liabilities. The time is come when all . - - A l to Walkegientlug the Orangemen ready to lick on W. E. ELLIS Fm,” Fans. _ K . ' accounts should be settled. And {eating again to be bumped; or to J. SCULLY, Lindsay. THE NEW lnla I d =. 83,- Yours Respectfully, . JOSEPH HEARD. His conscience began most “ all fired ” to prick him, And so as nought mean, then or ever, could stick him He into their ranks again jumped. And this is how’twas, it was up in the grove, Last summer, when Fairbgirn was there; He made himself busy his smartness to prove, . And showed then the followers of William ‘g -_\C§fil ‘ - . his love . ' -L‘iozag Plate Brooches, y W With the greatest of forethought and care. - «it? 59, 6 And since that again he‘s been very o'licious In a reckless and blundering manner; As an Equal Rights champion he’s shown himself vicious By bunting his head against all that’s per- nlClULlS, And waving the protestant banner. 'IIe cares not a snap whatever it be, The. shamrock, the rose, or the thistle, 'l‘he Mormons, or Dognns, or Protestants, he "(Will follow in turn and have a good spree, Whenever the wind may whistle. ,And I, sir, presumptious, had the great cheek To enter against him to fight; ‘Yes, I had the brazen sift-outcry to speak. Who ought to build walls and be ignorant antimch ; But never dare offer to write. cauro run 281). :St. George is a clerk and uses his pen For a dollar a day or more ; . But is that to say that now and again 1 must not write once to his every ten, Even though I may be poor 7 it's not always those whose salaries are high, That make the best talents appear; \We often observe great abilities shy, "Who never aspire like him till they die, V To get a flaw hundred a year. Such a sum as that is hard on the brain Ofa genius in literature ; 'To him it’s a bubble, a snare and n. stain "l‘o heap up such riches; in short its a strain That his mind.can never endure. cauro 'rna 3RD. “You would take St. George for an aristocrat By the way he scribbles, alas ; 53nd at times like Chicago anarchist Pat; But mostly a booby, and ever a flat, And always a Consummate ass. CANTO 'run 41's. .0? aught I have written I'm not ashamed, And will not blush nor shake ; 1'1! ' ' b and right untamed, Ann’suy to all high». , you be blamed, And into the light awake. Not bigots alone I light and assail, But turn-coat weather-cocks ; Th05c people I like to abuso and rail And snap at their whiskers and pull by the tail, ' With sundry kicks and knocks. oauro 'rnn 5m. St. George may talk about giving you i thanks For pittting my letters in print ; And in “Common gratitude " kicking up pranks, - Like some hypocritical, devilish cranks, With treachery hard as flint. l 5 Mr. Editor. I never 'gainst you wrote Winn the " Record" paper cxisted ; And over your quarrels 1 never did gloat, ________.____ . TRUNKS, Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade January 16th, 1890â€"48-tf _________._.â€"â€"â€" MANUFACTURER 0F SADDLES, VALISES. constantly kept in stock. REPAIRING Done on the Shortest Notice. Kent-stinky, Ont. DEN GAS.â€"â€"-(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. NEELANDS, Dentist. Lindsay, if you want teeth extracted positively with- out pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over 21 years. He studied with Dr. Colton, of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial tecthmnde by Mr. Neelands 20 year-sage, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridgework done. Visits Fenelon Falls, McArthur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. The Eanada life Assurance Eu’y, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. 0 Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, 1880, over $10,000,000. Annual Income for the ear ending 30th Apnl, 1885, $1, 0,000. Total Sum assured to 30th.lprtl,1885, amounts to $47,000,000. The profits of this old and reliable Com-e puny are larger than any other Life Ollicc doing business in the Dominion. and its ratio of expenses to income are less than that of any other Canadian or British office. The policies of this Company are indisputa- blo on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-class oilice. All forms of policies are issued. MCDOUGALL & BRANDON, 43.1y. Agents, Fcnelon Falls. one stone Nickel Gases. and Gem Rings. E E g HEW Samples of Keeper " 9 EVERY THEME use __ -131...â€" Spectebles & Watches. ‘ No trouble to show gods. Watches Carefully Repaired. ENGRAVING DONE on the PREMISES. lll llllllll illllllllllli DOORS, to give satisfaction. R. .l. sneer, “ The J ewellen,” Opposite the Post-elite FENELON FALLS. 0‘0 .“l‘ be led magnify every pufi o f wind blows. .m- flawâ€"«www- STILL ALIVE and able 2130 aosnlgeete in my own line of .bnsinessand thank my . numerous gptnrons for their kind .suppc95t for the last ten years. i tits-ye withstood op- position. dis-e flimes in the last ten years is; Fenelon Falls,and will lane able to give satis- faction, :as in the past, after having Thad thirty years’ exâ€" perience. a. seamen, Watchmaker & Jeweller, . FEIVEL ON FA LLS. Is Selling I-Iis Entire Stock of Silver Islamâ€"a: Net Cost! sergLEASE CALLW at and Below Wholesale Cost of Inanufitcture, in order to mnake room for nexv designs and patterns. Call early 1111 (I secure bargains, as I an). selling: cheaper than any .~ai ,. g; Q FRANCIS STREET WEST, FE/l/ELO/V FALLS. dealer in the County. SASH, MOULD INGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ‘ UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ALL WORK WARRANTED. assessing Furs, Caps and Heavy Uta-- der-olofltmg, will be sold at Cost. on English Condition Powder. used by such well known horsemen as Joseph Staples. Munwrs: Geo. Worry lt‘cuclou ; Allwrt Wurv. l’trlwlon ', \l' in fun snubbed your back, uor cut your throat * Â¥Mechanic§ Institute. llnncnuk Murilvusu : 1;. o h‘lmre, “1m N0, “in, .. Impending" enumd. ’ 0 O 2 Doorsâ€"somh 0‘ «etc., He. "inert-1n AND ’l‘lllEll. liniu CANTO ,ms 61,“. p - I I i l or shine, it Won 1 hurt any animal. St. George may have had a line education, For anything I care, or know; He may have been in the best school of his nation, 5 ~ And caused his people great bothcratiou, With some little learning to show : But education alone '3 no use To make us all perfection; It car-mi the a meddlesome fool of a goose, . “'l'ho argues by sopliistry, cunt and abuse, ricusclcss and void oi reflection. “ It can put many words into a head, And jumble them up together; Like powder in guns without any lead: a): L-y to strike a ‘~ sand-bag ” dead ; stud rule the tide, or weather. eeoons ' AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES AND HOLIDAY ennsngs. HURRAH FOR Ellâ€"HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Right now I am ready for business with an in. moan assortment of Christ- mas gifts. The NEW, the unset, the BEAUTIFUL, All urc'inciit 'ud lll my new stock. FINE BOOKS Afl) NOVELTIES, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS &c. BEFORE. AFTER. 25c. EACH, 0R FIVE FOR $1. VV. E. ELLIS, JLGENT, 1*“I*31\l.ltlll'n()7\~ INA IJLH. 25 hhiESh‘iEll NV rt N'l‘ I‘ll) in your district. Good Salary and expenses paid to the ri-Iht lllt'n. I want. men 25 to 50 years of age to sell a full line of first- » class Nursery Stock. All stock guaranteed. Veterinary Surgeon, lenelon Falls. V. Apply at once, stating age and reference". Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary U. L. llllll'l‘llllY, Rochester, N. Y Goodhand’s Livery, College. Toronto. 1884. Diseases of Domes' Lcai ul Animals Trent- Evervbodv shoul". sec this elegant array of. Cbl‘la'lm‘ul‘? Z‘iOdé Remember-.1 have the East Francis StreetJ’enr-lon Falls. 1 wish rill!” “middut “‘0 Ill-5m Prices for g to draw the attention of the public to the allylllle u “'H‘ ‘0 Sela“ 9' l fact that l have purchased the livery busi- ll'cscnt for- l nch lately owned by Mr. Wm. ltoullly, and a - . .. V have made such im movements as wi l rum-t Don’t, Ding-b the Chance. the requirements oi the travelling public. l lam prepared to furnish firstâ€"class horses 1 and comfortable rigs at the lowcstliving prices. ed on scltllllm,‘ Principles. Equine Dentistry a Specialty. it cart make a jacknnapes of a man With his nose in every dish ; It can misc a hurricane with a fan ; Make mclcdy with an old tin pan, llr whales from minnow fish. DRUGS A FULL STOCK Residence, Corner Cinhornc & Louisa eta. it can make a clerkjust able enough To master his boss's figures ; Can make an 0H 5.70an enjoy Im- an}, (Jr teach a pig been but to gray, 0r polish up the triggers. N. ILâ€"WILI. AT'I'LNIJ A'l‘ llolu‘AYthu‘ EVlilt‘x' Htl l).\ Y. Albums, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Toy Books. Photo l-‘rumcs. Parlour Games, Toilet Cases, Musical Instruments. 1 I Boy’s Own Annual, Girl's Own Annual,i Sunday at Home, British Workman. sh BEAUTIFUL LINE 01’ PRIZE BOOKSs Just arrived trom the Old Country. Teachers, special discount. . Hurrah for the Holiday Press-w“ Cameron thke and the village. Apply to ’ . To GI AI 5' Mr. llzsm‘ Austria. Fonelon Falls. JU K first. opposim Newrostmffice. g Also, the cast half of Lot No. 20 in thr l l . . lst Con. of Verulum. with a dwalling and Agent for the Beautiful Unbridge. Organ App" m ML no“ and Hendelcohn Piano. Lindsay, December, 1889. l cortisfl'll‘llms' GEORGE GOODllAND run sail on T0 RENT. A roomy and commodions Dwelling lions:- on Lot No. 3, (half an acre) south of Louisa street in the village of Fenclon Falls. The soil is good. and there is a line view m" ilut u you can‘t make a silk purse out of the ear Ofa sow ; " no matter what too], .Or method, or system you try ; I leer ’Tn‘olt id be like trying to make (drop a tear) A wire man out of I soon. Buns Ens 13‘ ONE )1 N. Wrim fur nusrrl . containing wettinonlala 1mm tau-Ar l at W)“ '3' the named from t to 9nd. out , new no! em 10”! mod. Aqenc can be had where than: u a vacancy. A In! 1:! 85110! for tiling saws “nth-u with each putt-q by the use of this tool everybody can file their own “we now and no It. betterthna the greatest export can Without it. Adapted to an coco-cut In". Every one who man a can small have one. uc-tyupcnu Iullmunll (2....“ an: kw dialer or write POL!)th BAWth I I 00.. 808 to!“ 3. Canal St... cue-co. canto m has. i f know nothing rhymes to know-nothing, and see rhymes to sea, And crazy to Tengney does jingle ; Then Shakespenrc,nnd Byron and Tennyson 3 ' must be t 3] the tide ofSt. George as mall and“, . outbuildings thcreon. ; Wznasn on the next lot. (t-3m- : Fenclun Falls, Ang. ltth,1889.â€"-27-t.f.

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