Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. â€"__â€"â€".__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_=â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ofa benevolent nature such as is n0w heinro the House, inasmuch as other r'mleties have been allowed to have sim- ilar Bills passed in their favor. m The Ice Harvest. During: the past week the work of Clltilit‘.’ and shipping or storing the (farm-ton Lake ice has been going on witl. not only unabated but increased t-ncuv. more men having been added untii how nearly one hundred are em- plnved; and it is said that some of the Americans who are here grumbled be- eanu: they could not work on Sunday. A.t:-.vlugll opt-rations were commenced a zoo". deal later than they might have been. a vch large quantity of ice has DCLU taken'out and the greater part of ii stored lor want of cars to forward it. The American Co.'s storehouse, was neallv full three or (our days ago, and its capacity was then nearly doubled by adding several feet. to the height of the. wall! Mr. John A. I‘lllis's and Messrs. McDougall and Brandon's storehouses are also rapidly ï¬lling, and, if there be another “cold snap,†they, too, vvlll probably have to increase their accom- modation. Of course speculation is tile as to whether those who have engaged in the enterprise of harvesting the ice crop will make much money out of it, and whether, should next vvlnter prove an " old fashioned " one, Cameron Lake ice will be ill demand. We don’t pre- tend to give an opinion of much value upon these points; but as ice 18. very scarce, and consequently dear, this sea son. and as the facilities hero enable it to be put upon the cars at a very small expenSe, it is only reasonable to infer that the undertaking ought to be at [C'ht fairly proï¬table. If it will pay in ordinary winters to ship ice from‘ the Fans. no doubt others will be anxious to have “ a ï¬nger in the pic,†and this additon to our local industries will prove a boon to working men, to whom it Will give a low wcck's employment at a sea- I...†when many of them can ï¬nd little or nothing to do. W Farmers’ Institute Meeting. The meetings of the members of the East I’lcroria Farmers’ Institute Were hold as advertised on the afternoon and evening of the 0th inst. in Dickson’s hall. :iiid there was- a fair attendance, con~idcring that no. agricultural celeb- rity lruin a distance'was cxpectc<l. Mr. John D. Naylor, vice-preSldcnt,occupied the chair and gavc an address on the l i accepted, and that the clerk be instruct- ed to notify him to that effect, and take the necessary steps to close the matter tipâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. McFarland, seconded by Mr. Nevison, That By-law No. â€". entitled a by-law to appoint a local Board of Health and medical health ofï¬cer, be now introduced and read a ï¬rst timeâ€"Carried. By-law read a second time in com- mittee of the whole, Mr. McFarland in the chair. Moved by Mr. McKeown, seconded by Mr. Xeviscn, That the recve and council be a local Board of Health and Dr. E. S. Wilson be medical health of- ï¬cer for the current year.â€"-â€"Carried. By-law read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McFarland, That the following accounts he paid and the rceve give his orders for the same :â€"F. McDoug- all, one year's salary up to 25th Feb'y. 3100 ; F. McDougall, registering B. D. and M. for 1889, $7.90; Kerr, McDon- ald, Davidson .8; Patterson, law advice, $20 ; Chas. Wise and wife, attendance on J. Somers, Skiâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. McKeown, seconded by Mr. McFarland, That the auditors’ report be referred to the ï¬nance com- mittee and report at the next meeting of council.â€"Uarried. Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKeown, That the time for the collection of taxes be extended to the 15th of April and no longer.-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Nevison, seconded by Mr. McKeown, That the clerk be auth- orizod to procure proper books for keep- ing the village accounts.-â€"Carried. Council then adjourned, to meet on Tuesday, 18th March inst. m Personals. Mr. Fred Greene returned last Sat- urday from Toronto, where he has re- sided nearly ï¬ve months. Mr. Robert Cain, of Midland, came to the Falls last Tuesday, and yester- day he and Mr. E. R. Edwards went north. Capt. Fremont Crandcll arrived at the Falls from Bobcaygeon yesterday evening. He came to talk “ naviga- tion †with his partner, Mr. W.E.Ellis. Mr. J. W. Fitzgerald, of Parry Har- bour, was at the Falls from Monday until Tuesday afternoon. He says that away off where he lives there is still three feet ofsnow upon the gr0und. Mr. Henry Austin left on Thursday oflast week for Montreal with three carloads of potatoes, which be sold to Gas ! Gas! Gas Sâ€"Don’t fail to call early on Dr. J. Neelands, dwtist, at the McArthur House. Fenelon Balls. on Tuesday, March 28th. Dr. Net-lands will have a complete gas apparatus for extracting teeth. Call in the forenoon if possible. ‘ BAXD CONCERT.â€"The members of, the Fencion Falls brass band gave their, concertâ€"or more properly entertain meatâ€"last Friday evening.r ill Ingram's! hall, which was so well ï¬lled that, al- though the prices of admission were . only l5 and 10 cents, the sum of near- ly 920 over all expenses vvas realized, The drama "’ That Rascal Pat †was very well performed, Mr. E. Chambers making a capital Irishman, and the drama and farce caused no end of laugh- ter. Lovers of music were delighted by Prof. Sylvester’s coronet Solo, to which Mrs. F. McDougall played a soft accom- paniment on the organ. The selections by the band were choice and well ren- dered, and the entertainment was as good as could be expected, as the “ boys †had no help except in the single instance above mentioned. WW Arthur Orton, alias Tichbonrne, was nominated as a candidate for Stoke-on- Trent, but failed to put in the necessary deposit. The latest attraction of the London Zoo is a collection of monitor lizards, the largest animals of their class. They are so large and strong that it is said in India burglars sometimes make use of them, seizing hold of the liaard's tail and being drawn by it to the upper win- dows of a house. A new illustration of an old proverb was afforded by :1 Augusta, Ga., man the other day. He was at work on the ice and proudly remarked :â€"â€"“ I‘ve ' worked twenty-two years on the ice, and have never been in the drink yet.†As he said this be straightened himself up a little more, threw his head back, his feet flew out from under him, and over he went into the canal. A Lancet correspondent furnishes the following list of football casualties in the season from the ï¬rst week in Sep- tember last to the third week in the past January, taken from a carefully tabulated record of such casualties as have been publicly adnounced :-â€"Deaths, 13. Fracturesâ€"Legs, 15; arms, 4; col- lar bones, 11. Injuresâ€"Spines, 3 ; nose, 1 ; knee, 1 ; ankle. 1 ; check, 1. At Mumbles Head, Wales, a crowd awaited at the church the arrival of a bridal party. After a long delay the bi'idcgroom’s friends went to the house of the bride to see why she did not REMQyED l s. NEVlson has removed his business to the store 2 DOORS SOUTH OF HEARD'S HA RDWARE STllRE, where he has opened out the largest stock DOLLS STATIONE ever brought into Penelon Falls, consisting OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, nv, PERFUMERY a TOILET ARTICLES, A Fine Line of Plush Goods. § i g Christmams Goods PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES, AND SILVER WATCHES, WALL PAPER. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GOLD OIL PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS, é W PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. Don’t forget the place, 2 Doors South at Heart’s Hardware Store. 3. NEVlsou. W cactus a ELLIS’s LUMBER snaps, FENElllN FALLS AND llllllilll. â€"â€"-â€" Wc have for sale here and at Lindsay all kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Scantling Plank, Timber, Lath, Pickets, Shingles, Fence Posts and all kinds of Plancd and Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new stock, cut last season, well roofed, dry and bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fcnelon Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, and being builders ourselves, we have a good idea of what is required for ï¬rst class or common building materials for houses, FARMS FOR SALE. The following cheap and good farms are in the ï¬nest section of \Vestcrn Ontario. Send for the “Canadian Farm Advertiser" toj.]. Daly & Co., Guelph P. 0., Out. It is sent free and gives the acres cleared, sizes and kinds of buildings, &c., &c., of these and 275 other farms. No stones, hills or swamp on the farms. and the soil is guaranteed deep, rich. clay loam that never bakes. Money sent it re- quired as guarantee, for expenses if the farms are not cheap and as represented,â€" and intending buyers, after seeing them, left to decide for themselves, and then keep or return the money as they think right. Pure spring water on every farm. good fences; land not hilly nor ï¬at. Gravel roads, cheese factories, crcameries, schools, churches and post offices near all the farms. Good water every where and healthy coun- try. Only enough money to bind the bargain need be paid until taking: possession, ‘~ Position of the Farmers †and mat- . a. . _ barns “m1 outl’uildings- _ and then 60 per cent., sea of every ciao, [I 4. M1. Lin" thereto the l tenchmcn. lIe got home on Wed come. They were warned off, and found we have assorted nndplledhy ,hemselves “the pr,“ w,†bemnonthemrms' 0m,“ L?» It ‘1, n V _- d nesday, bringing With him the cold he that the brides parent-s, being opposed both qualities to suit purchasers. Prices than that. if buyers wish. payable lust to Mr- “I - 11‘ (mills 79“ 3 Paper 0“ had when he started. to the match, had after she was dressed from $3 50 to $5 per M feet and upwards. “it the buyers "1 3V0†“'3†“1'3 W‘" “9 the “Weed Pests of Ontario,†which was discussed by all present. Mr. Henry Daniel propoundcd the query,“ Is lilnc beneï¬cial to land †? and the majority expressed the opinion that it is a good thing to apply on land sown with wheat. Mr. J. l’. Palmer’s subject was “ How to restore worn-out lands,†a thing much more easily talked about than doneâ€" thungh it can be done if the proper inc-ans be used. The secretary read his report of the proceedings at the Central Farmcrs’ institute at Toronto. which was disâ€" t:ll><t‘tl clause by clause and adopted. Mr. John Campbell. of Woodville, was inlrmlthcd. and delivered an ad drtus on “ How to make our winter w lrk more proï¬table," which occupied the remainder of the afternoon. “'1‘. John St. Lawrence, of the Corner Store, left on Tuesday morning for a business trip to Lindsay and Orillia, and is expected to return this week. During his absence Mr. David Green is acting as his substitute. Mr. Hugh McDougall left on Tues- day for Minnedosa, to visit his parents and other relatives, whom he has not. seen for nine or ten years. He expect- cd to be away about a fortnight, nearly balfof which time will be spent in travelling. Mr. Joseph Heard got. home on Sat- urday from Bowmanville, where he had been on a visit to his relatives. The complaint by which lie was laid up while away from home was inflamma- tory rheumatism (instead of sciatica, as stated in last week's Gazette) and he has not yet entirely recovered from its for the ceremony locked her in her room, while one of the family mounted guard at the door and threatened to shoot. any one who approached. The wedding was postponed. BIR.TI-IS. Townsâ€"In the township of Fcnelon, on Tuesday, Feb. 18th, the wife of Mr. Duncan Tolmie ofa son. SHANEâ€"In Fenclon Falls, on Monday, Feb. 24th, the wife of Mr. John Shane of a son. JEWELL.â€"At Fcnclon Falls, on Tuesday, the lltli inst., the wife of Mr. Frederick Jewell ofa daughter. DIED. Wantâ€"In the Township ofVerulanl, on Saturday, March lst, Mrs. Wm. Wray, Six, aged nearly 71 years. We have about two million feet that must be sold to make room for new stock. Par- ties requiring any of the above stock will save money by calling before purchasing and returned for approval. Can ship by car loads to all points. Can get special rates on to April next. Send on your orders. “ One Dollar Saved is Two Dollars Earned." TAKE Notionâ€"The above is all gang lum- bcr, paralch widths. GREENE d: ELLIS, Fenclon Frills, SAM’L PARSONS, Agent at Lindsay. snslsrgrarlcr. Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto Carried on by Samuel Swanton as a dealer in elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or 110 acres. (i5 clcurt'd. i5 acres to Lindsay for quotations. Bills estimated 1' ’ a ï¬ne muplc l‘lls‘ll, good house put in writing and is the best chance ever offered to buyers. All buyers get good titles and their deeds when they take pos- aession. and burn, nllll‘liL‘l tmvn with r. way .- miles. "in, ,~( ( ioo.~ iElmiliiflia‘luncc b a.) _ )' luisll. brick house, good lmru, market town onlv i mi $3.00’071’f‘13.his, . 2’ '1 ,. ‘0 cleared, llOUt-L’ ht‘! town. .H' m. . 7'0 5) ,E’ ' ï¬ll'nt‘rcs. :lll ('lL‘iIl‘l'ti, good 1;, .J’ O) . buildings. llL‘ilr market. ill t.‘lL'.lrt,'(l, good large tor. ll. $12,800. tilts.“ “A ‘ 100 ucresï¬ l‘lc:12:Cli,l:, l‘l’LTVllv . brick house and bank burn: market town with rallv'uv 5 miles. villa-4r near. ) 101) :it'l‘bk. {Au l‘lt g, , L 7, y 0 large fresh w. boundary at burl; cti.'.. L'OUC. lllrllbtfllltl lull n. market own with railway 5 mine: l (in O )I‘ 20:- .lti‘ijt‘sfi-i) ‘1’" (:3 ), _ T . ll:|l'dwuml.iiliisc : :1 village .: Hllll‘>. ilial‘itct town will; inll ‘87:. 70:. <Vlfie-IVCAICTI 2211;†ï¬tntrtri, | Q“ 'J 9 c . \‘.'(H)(i,u(l’v'_i lltllli-t- ,, , ., ‘ ‘1‘ “fl 3‘. a brief discus_ 1 ‘.v I K ‘j. ‘- J:Vr-“ Emowtoowo:vnowooomoooowocoomooum»; ,1,†[)l'L ‘31:}??th bcï¬v ‘ (“ldrcqq ‘1‘“ eIILOLS. FF\ELO\ F XI I S M \RIXLTE : Railway TIES. Cordwod. TBIE l‘aph :lmztrkct with railway i lllllt‘. llll'Jl‘ l4l\\‘ lilc . T h ' I ' ' i i, a ‘ . h H t A a v, , w , . t ' z "7; ’5' ‘ I I» i TDD .lt‘rt-I. $5 t'lt-‘ziretl, hard; ;,.,,1,,:1,,;ll, c!) kg .lvt the bellcilt lltl‘llflli Fowlesys Corners. Ii’ ported by {heNA oath btar Ilolli’r Hill E of s 5,), EA ). \Vutntl. line brick llmistand ['Qc.-i\'\-.l from ;\ Us†to tilt) \[Ullt‘l l‘ 11 fl]! FCUCIOII Fullb, Fl‘ldfly, March 14“), 1590. 3..»«W‘w‘.“‘Lom...m.“â€uâ€â€œLâ€;â€â€;"3 lzirzi: hunk-hurry, niarkctvtor:nvyz'h r'iilv.';lv_t Hillt't. at lint-iph. and it was ï¬nally decided Correspomlrnrr of the Gazette. Wheat, full, per bushel. . . . $0.55 to $0.76 lwill be continued on a much larger scale 30:) acre», aw cleared, lulllllll c llamas nun, 1 «ct» so. ‘ . Wheat s will -~ '0 "l . ~~ a m-ldclol ‘ ' «< v ~ ’l‘“ ‘ †- " ‘ that .ll..l.:_\mt‘lll.\ should in . t i t . Mr. \V in. Mar. hall, who has. been “1mâ€, Scotch 0,. pm, 7;, sol than formerly by the underpigned, who $121,325.33};roman]: um. ll.llll..i.:lll3-~. :lfgltyi..dll.flit,, :lll t‘Xt‘lll‘rlHll to that institution 1113 living about one mile and a half from “may, per bushelnu 30 3.3, will }\11}'.fl3 hitherto, unlit-am..- of n..- l~.» viii. mum». summer. Lindsav, has leased his house and lot Outs, “ '15 cal . l. . - . n *9 ' ' " :w'i .i..r.-_-I"’.~lc:....:’. mil;- , . . . . . . . . . -. . , - l‘- h) ." . . ~ . .' Mr S. Cornell, Oi LnulmF- the“ (19‘ there, and will take up his abode in P0150. “ so 52 ’ l0" A ,f‘l'mimm" MAW ' ' ' ' ~ - - - v. ,-l . i<:‘1~‘.r'l-.:~-r. fr: )ui .‘n'~ l.::‘. t-«t Sltnnn. ll'~'~‘l‘i"l 11 “10“! “ltm‘k‘s‘uuil “"‘l “Dunc†this locality, having rented a vacant l5" 4‘3 4" l and payments will be promptly made on , [Ellis hirin lilj’ï¬lis‘tcilyfli’ ;:..;1,.l.. um! ...'-..‘_-‘..i live address on tilt“ lice Industry 2 :titC‘l‘ [muse of “fagar. \Ve welcome Fti§llt005 lb . . . . . . .. 13:» 3*.) the 15â€, 0f evcyy mom}, for all nmterials lgyflyfit_trr1llil:lwti :‘Tia‘lflilil'll‘1r'IlI‘biii'ifl‘nlIuTl'l- H ‘ r. ..‘ x ' : ..~-.. 'v 1,.“ v1: which Dr. .v Mrs. A. \\ ilson lavom‘i‘d l Mr. Marshall back again. ,l‘f,§f';,§frc,,.,""" 5 (1,3 del‘und‘ ,SZLXS‘N )_ 4,53,,11,“ ,1,†L.,l,.,‘,‘,’,,.. ‘ n . ' I \ . ‘ ~ ~, . . . . . . . . . . .. .. -u I ' .‘ ~ , -" ‘ ' ’ ' , ,' tl..- audience rm which there “010 *9“ l Mr. John Willock has done a few lie 5. per dozen 13 “a? one 0' thctimn will1 be regular!) onlvflml’lc hi'r‘lwflc“ lush. 3 we 5'1" I‘mr'lmr» - . . _ . ,, . . - l . - ‘ ' "'°""" _ .‘ 1'0 . .l»; :r>:‘ ‘ ~Elz'. ‘I L“! (1'3: l'dll'lf-‘l Willi $011)!) CLCL‘llt‘Dt \(K‘ll ‘JODS 0i Eanng 101' some or Ills Delgll' “WV: Per 10".â€... . . . . . . . 7M") BJPOl ‘ 1e 8‘ Q 1Q - itiivii tilriil rli'il'.\“l'.r:l)‘lt'il‘l'l‘fyiciâ€"iziruiritilllm and iu~trumentul music. and a low gou- , boys. win, a sawing machine which be llxdes . ...... . . . . .. 2.5x) 3.oo , ' FQEI‘QDWHIMS al‘l’k‘llor “mue flmnmut =muniy. IS t.m-l-zlnmm25m..-â€"-;.«.r.n~n-.. lsuzlf‘t's. ‘ ‘ ‘ l i O ' ‘ ‘ k - Sheepskins 4O 1 (if) 9 -\0- 'J- ‘10“)? Availva FOI'OUtO, 01 10 J-':1nd tho acres. w;.l in; will btpnrutt' _\' air inertia-r. cm remarks from Mr. (.alnpbolttrml‘ built himself, impressly for cutting ‘ “ Brandon Fenclonpau: """"" " '“ ' ' " " , -. hated tht- procxdinus. Village Council. Fonelotl Falls,. March 12th,1390. Th3 muncil met at the call of the g rcovc. Members present, the rccve.and councillors Ellis, McFarland, McKeown and Nevisou. , Brysou. small timber. It is a 20-inch circular, run by horse-power. There is trouble atCamcron between the Mormons and the post-master, Mr. They are beginning to think i that he knows as much about Salt Lake City as they do themselves. We are glad to learn that Mr. Scott Willook is steadily improving. and we wNew Advertisements. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. The undersigned hemhy notiï¬es all per- sons indebted to him either by note or book account, past due. that they must settle SWANTON, BRANDON «h CO. N. B.â€"â€"-Mr.Swanton thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten years, and begs to solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm. Fcnelon Falls, Aug. 7th, [Salâ€"2641‘. '____________________________.___â€"_â€"â€"- l Send for the “ Farm Advertiser," it gives lfull particulars of these and 275 olhor Harms and valuable imormrition about this ; country. Address. J. J. Only a ’30.. Guelph , P. 0., C'. The “ Felielon Falls llazcttc †is printed every Saturday at the (Alice, on the corner ofMay A: Francis streets. . _.__ -_._____...â€"l SUBSCRIPTION 81A YEAR IN ADVANCE†°f "nr‘yThe Great Discovery. ALEX. CONNEL, Blacksmith. Bun" . . ‘ 2 __ _- say-Read carefully and act wisely. Many ' scrw I valuable lives can be saved by the The minutes of last meeting read and hope ‘0 5,90 bu)†around 333‘" 300‘1- . cumnmld Mr. \I m. I owlcs. who had the mis. K . Moved bv Mr. McFarland. seconded “"1139†bruk ills FYI“: is @3le b\' Mr. Nevisou, That the clerk be in. 31°“? “199133 bat u m“ be 50m“ “we structed to arrange for the transfer of I“ berm" he will be “mad again 33 in l T I . " v ' g 0“ 1 - OMM the south art of subdivision Lot .\0. “I; . h , _ _ . ' « '34 south xbf river from 0'. lligelow to l Ml“ Matâ€"'3“? A' Gill‘s has returned I) T“: Towssmp 0“ ROMERWLLE' “tum, pm M p_ p__(j,m-g,.d_ from visiting friends near Duusford. *â€" - - For Sale-Lot 25 Con. 2 WE) acres more An olfer oi settlement from J. “., w y 1 or less ; something over 80 acres cleared ; Fitnemd in the matter of lands sold? 'l'na S. A.â€"Lient. L.-Ban, of the , 30 acres new seed lut spring. Also. the for use: was submitted to the council v_ Salvation Army, " farewellcd " last Sun- , South half Lot 2'2 Con. 4. 1H0 acres, about for consideration. lday and his next station is to be at- or one cent per week will be added as long,- ns it remains unpaid. Advertising It ates. Professional or llllriHCé‘ cards. no rent: perline per annum. Casual ll‘li'l'rli"-ll'(-lil.-. 3i 8 cents per lint- for the first inset-tongue "J 353- c.cnls per line for every subsequent ill-er- ‘a" El t’uu. Contracts by the year, hall year or . ' .: u : . W 0 quarter, lor a column III' le..., upon rt..1.0!l . W WWO... 0.0m. oooum ab“: terms. Wins a. “ammo the W “"‘E “m†JOB PRINTING ï¬'icine in the world. and for Dyspepsia ï¬ll†no ï¬rm" “Minimumâ€! by Moses of all ordinary kinds Executed neatly, cor 60 acres cleared; 6 acres in fall wheat; Moved by Mr. Novimn, seconded by l St-mtfvillc. Cadet Junkin, of Bobcay- "le hon“ 2; it's. ï¬Courtemaufhe, Midland. and sold by "my 33,, Museum, mm. Mr. Ellis. That J. W. Fitxrerald‘s offer neon. is to come to the Falls to assist "' on". gum" P.“ E. E1115, Fenelon S. D. HAND, of settlement for lands sold for taxes be i Capt. Gator, successor to Capt. Hague. sunning, and. “a, 1390,43,. 42.1mm. 11m, mm