Death With the Wolves. ! thmrm, March 24‘.‘â€"A party all loggers a few days ago stumbled over a pile of bones on the south side of Lake of the Woods. The bones consisted of > a human skeleton and the skeletons of seven Wolves. A rerolver and seven empty cartridge shells were lying near, and it is supposed that the man was at- tacked by a pack of wolves and had . made a desperate ï¬ght for life. An old I explorer named )chanus, who has liv- ed at Rat Portage for years, has been absent. on the lake for a longer time o i . than usual. and it is feared that it isl I he who has fallen a victim to the wolves. The revolver and remnants of clothing, it is said, resemble those worn by Me- Mantis. As I am now putting out my yearly accounts. I must particularly ask my custom- ers to settle the same by the lat of February. I am in ur- gent need of the money to honour my own liabilities. The time is come when all accounts should be settled. - . Crazed by a “ Prophet.’ ’ OAKLAND, Cal, March 21.â€"As the time draws near for the iulï¬lment of “ crank †Erickson‘s prophecy of the simultaneous inundation and destruc- tion of'San Francisco, Oakland, Chicago and New York by an earthquake, on April 14, believers here are becoming more and more excited. They are sel- ling real estate at half its value and disposing of other property for a song to second-hand dealers. They will move to the surrounding hills out of harm’s way. There will be an organised hegira under leaders, and daily prayer meetings will be held until the night of the 13th. Yesterday a piccc of proper- ty aescsscd at $10,000 was sold for 86,- 000, and all the furniture in a nine-room house went for 335. One devotee gava away several cords of wood, saying he wouldn't need it. -vâ€" -â€"-o- A Lorne-Fife-Battenberg Alliance. LONDON, March Lilâ€"An amusing story is going the rounds of the clubs to the efftct that a " holy alliance †has been formed between the Marquis of Lorne, the Duke of Fife, and Prince Henry of Battcnborg, the Queen’s three sons-inlztw, in order to protect them- selves against the snubs of their royal relatives. " But I am also a royal , highncss,†poor little Battcnburg is re- ported to have exclaimed when brood- ing over his wrongs. “Yes, plated,†said Fife and Lorne, who chanced to be present, in a breath. It is said that the alliance was suggested one day last week when the Duke of Fife happened to pay an afternoon call on a certain burlesque actress and found her reading a letter from Lorne. On leaving her residence the duke stumbled over Battenburg coming up the staircase. Yours Respectfully, JOSEPH HEARD. O W. MOKE @WN Is Selling I-Iis Entire Stock of FURNITURE at. and Below Wholesale Cost of nutnufacture, in order to make root“ for nowv designs and patterns. Cull early and secure bargains, as I run selling cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, BASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK \VARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. " fl > TREE T W E 8 T. Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept in stock. REPAIRING Done on the Shortest Notice. Kent-stillboy, Ont. The Eanada life Assurance Bu’y, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. THE OLDES’I‘ AND THE LEADING LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. _. Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, 1889, over $10,000,000. : Annual Income for the earending 30th . April, 1885, $1, 40,000. Total Sum assured to 30th April,1385, amounts to $47,000,000. s. Nsvson has removed his business to the store 2 DOIIIIS SOUTII 0F IIIIARD’S HARDWARE STORE, where he has opened out the largest stock of Christmas Goods cvcr brought into Fenclon Falls, consisting of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS CARDS, DOLLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY & 'I‘UILE'I‘ Scalded to Death. LONDON, Ont., March 21.â€"Word has been received in this city from Wads- ‘villc of a shocking occurrence whereby the wife of Hiram Crandcll, a farmer. was the innocent cause of the death of 1 their only child, a. bright little girl of ' .4 years. Some other children were playing hide-and-seek around the prem- ises and placed little Ella Crnndcll in GR 0 C‘ERIES I PROVI 810 NS. I __ , J. MCFARLAND S line fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other THE "E" Joseph Fahy’s groceries, which he will sell Hunung l America: case_ and to which he invites the attention stone Nickel cases of the public. ' and Gem Rings. BIackingbrushcs, Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. EVERY of the very best brands and at the low- s ss'bl "cos. 8 tp†' e p†Spectacles & Watches. and other farm produce. _ â€"_ £6?“ Flour and food kept constantly Silver Plate at Nat COSII No trouble to show goods. I a a N B E R Watches Carefully Repaired. W MANUFACTURER 0F ENGRAVlNG DONE on the PREMISES. to give satisfaction. TRUJKS, “ The Jeweller,†be led (Loony by every/1321,17 and able to COmpete in my own numerous patrons for their kind support for the last ten â€"ANDâ€" has now on hand a splendid stock of 3 Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Cheap for Cash, THE "E" {Maid Ker CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, NEW Samples of Keeper Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, . . THING Banned hsh, hurl ll Vegetables Roll Plate Brooches. Cash Paid for Butter St Egg on hand. ‘ . --â€"- JOSEPH McFARLfl- MPLEASEGALL,M SADDLES’ Ill. llllllll Elllllllllll Ru J. FENELON FALLS. of toch that blows. line of business and thank my years. I have withstood op- ..._u<i1""£l:{.££r ; ". .j._._.,. . a; , an empty churn, putting the cover on .in order to secrete her. The mother .camc to scald out the churn, and poured a kettle full of hot water through the hole in the lid. A piercing shriek from the little one told Mrs. Crandcll what had been done, and she ran raving from - the house. The child's face and hotly , were terribly soaldcd, and it lived but _ a minute after being lifted out. The mother is distracted, at times Calling for the child, and bclicving her experi- to have been an ugly dream. The case is a sad one, and the bereaved parents have much sympathy cxtcndcd to them. â€"o-.â€"â€"'â€"__â€" A Boy’s Awful Deed. Founm'ttmz, 'I‘cnu., March 24.â€" )Irs. Sallie Ilobson (colored) was a ser- vant in the laxnily ot'thc Episcopal min- l>it‘l‘. and lived with her four children in a ~nmll h usc in the rcar of the par- sonage. Yesterday morning hcr hus- Imnd. who had bccn in the country at work, caIch at the house with another Negro. and :tl'tcra short stay started, I out tor a walk. lirturning half an hour izttcr. hc found on one side of the door the d. capitazcd remains of his: wife. and several t‘ct-t away tho hcavl. A stick nt : win vi on wl iclt the ncck ililtl INCH plac- w-i while [In- cutting wa~~ being done >i‘u weal tl't'cv- [II‘IIIIL'I cuts or the axe. Thu woman's Il-ycar-oid sun was piav~ l in; wizit the: other citiirlrcn, his CIOIIIIIIJE S.!'.=‘.i:tlr'tl with blood. Ilc at first claim I . ti liii‘ bio-i s cztnio from :t chicken which l he inni kiliul, but at the inquest admit- I tcd he had committed the crime. He l sail his mother laid her head on the block and (Old itim if he (lid not cut her: head off she would kill him. The boy's story is not believed, and he was [dared I I0 giikll. -., _... .-.m.... _. f In 1546 tizcrc were tiftccn daily news I papers ptli).l>‘lltd in Bustou, now‘ there arc but eight. Horace litecly's sister, who died rc< , :‘cntiy in l'cnnsylvania, was the mother ‘ 93 15. children. l The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Oilicc doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio of expenses to income are less titan that of any other Canadian or British oilicc. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-class ofï¬ce. All forms of policies are issued. McDOlIGALL St BRANDON, 43.1y. Agents, Fcncion Falls. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGS A FULL STOCK A’ TV. T. J UN KI)T ’S. , position ï¬ve times in the last ten years in Fenelon Falls, and will still be able to give satis- faction, as in the post, after having had thirty years’ ex- penance. J. SLATER, Watchmaker & Jeweller, FENEL 0N FALLS. 2 Doors South of Mechanics’ Institute. HoLIDaY PREï¬ENTï¬. HURRAH FOR THE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. l Right now I am ready for busincss with an immense RSSUI‘IIIIL'IIL of Christ- mas gifts. The XEW. the “WEE. the BEAUTIFUL, All are included In tny new stock. FINE BOOKS .IXII NOVELTIES, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS d’l‘. I‘Ircrylmtly should see this elegant nrrayof Christmas ga'otls. Rcmt tnher. I have the right articles at tln: right prices for anyone you wiin to select a present for. I)on’t Bliss tho Chance. Albums. Work Ilnxes. Writing Desks. Tor Books. Photo Frames. I'arlonr Games, - Toilet (.‘asrs, Musical Instruments. I Boy‘s (lwn Annual, Girl's Own Annual,. Sunday at Home. Ilritish Workman. eel BEAUTIFUL LINE OF PRIZE BOOKS-.2:- Just arrived from the Old Country. Teach 'rs. special di<connt. IInrrah for the Ilnlidzzy l’rcscnts at C. A. Met herell’s.. Kent-sh. Opposite New Post-ofï¬ce. Agent for the Beautiful I'xbrtdge Organ i and llctidelmhn Piano. Lindsay, December, lSw. 44-303. i 5 fact that I have purchased the livery hush. Marble WOI‘IiS-z 'Ghai‘ims ‘, house. ’Z ‘i 71') 3N? -,- -- ,5 ' ' 't‘ V 3.. Ensil’rancis Strcct, I’cnclon Falls. I wish Goodhand’s Livery, l o draw the attention of the public to the l ncss lately owned by Mr. Wm. Rontly. and have made such improvements as will lilt-t-l' the requirements of the travelling puliliu, I am prepared to furnish first-class hour-s! and comfortable rigs :tttlic lowestliring prices. , GEORGE (IUUDIIAND‘ LI NDSAY R. CHEâ€"RBERS I ' is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- rll} and surrounding country with l )IIINI'MICNTS AND III'Ii‘tItS'I‘O.‘{IiI\', both Marble and Granite. l 1 Estimates promptly given on all kinds of, cemetery work. ': Marble Table Tops. Wash Tops, Mantel, I‘it'f‘l‘s, Etc.. a stwc'alty. . icing a practical workman. :tiI should‘i see his designs and compare prices litâ€"fore i purchasing elsewhere. A Fine Line of Plush Goods. MUSICAL INSI'I‘RI'MEN’I‘S, PICTURES AND PIC'I‘I.’ RE Ii‘IlA MES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, OIL PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, W PICTURES FRAMED T0 ORIJE ’t A Don’t forget the place, 2 Doors South of Heard‘s Hardware Store. s. havisoto. WMWMMWWW ONWM I... D ARTICLES, WALL PA PE R, SPECIALTY. UN DERTAKER. JUST ARRIVED a large display of and all kinds of FURN IT U RE for the. Xmas and New Years’ trade. Newest. (It-signs, Latest styles in cam: and easy chairs. It will pay you to call and sue them. WORKSâ€"In rear of the market on ('am-i I D i N bridge street, opposne Matthews" packingl ‘ J L , ROBT. CHAMBER8.l Colbornc street.