Cgt'pets and Oil-Cloths, N o. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street“, Lindsay. 'l‘woâ€"Rowml B.\Rl.EY.-â€"At a meet- ing of the West l’eterboro’Farmers' Institute at Lakeï¬eid, the president advised the members to give the two- rowel barley a fair trial. in order to I v _ \ u P Pr - - ' o 1 ascertain its average weight. per bushel i apostles were living. admit" Z.â€me FT 19 U i? “em fr“. and SW35 the 3C?“ Clear“le ; , , 1 1-. ’- ; , d ' V . - . lent. own 1 01' 10 lo 80 sizes and kinds of buildinn’s &c. (Ye. L‘d‘ Lilo. .miout t l». t lstrlet, as mucll dcpcn - I Irenmus. Bishop of Lyons, in France, who 3,1,1“, per busheL , _ _ _ 30 36 these and ..-. other her a t l , , FROM ed urn that; and the action oi" the suil‘ered martvrdorn under Severus, A. D. rims ' (i 05 06 ‘ ' "3 ‘ “ l _ - _ _ _ . r. :‘ W _ _ . u r *1 _ ‘ 3 No stones hillsor swam on the farms ? ‘ ‘ (l-‘l‘ir-l‘ulllclic to importng the variety 5 “3‘ “a: conicqmmhl mm is!†"0.9; "' P9359: " . - -- 50 0- and the soil’ia guaranteedpdeep. rich. clan; i ENGLISH’ CANADIAN AND i -v- v ‘5."lSr-C .- . r . 1 ~ ‘ for ljiugrluutlou among we farmers was .‘e‘h " 11“": “3 balm“ ‘3 . f“: 0’ (:75 1" ’1‘, R) 9, 41? 4.) loam that never bakes. Money sent If re-l i -,x,.r.,.,-,..e,l l," ., umuimqu; vote \I,. 2“")?va “03‘ W 0 were 0““ “anâ€! 0 Potatoes -- 2o 3') quired as guarantee, for expenses if the: ‘I l' .I .' ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ' r ' ' ' 2 10‘ .‘ Butter. er lb,._... 1-1. 15 farms are not chea and as renr'xsultcdâ€"i - r - 5: ll. f... harbutt said he had grown two- i Tmuninn, A“ D, 200,1,efom he became no,“ ,5, cm 5 00 5 0:, and mtg“,th b,,,.§,.., after .65“; 1 him , All the Latest Dcsrgns ll‘. ' ‘ . , _ ‘ _ . . c~v ..o--o...... - -- A I, _ ~ ~ ~ nut, ' I I . .; rowed barley for two seasops. and it was i a Montamst, spoke of fulï¬lâ€. baptism with Eggs, 1m. dozenflnn 1‘.‘.l left to decide for themselves, arid then; Hau' Dmmg Room! Drawmg Room and a but“. crop man the “x rowed and E as much clearnes: as if he had been :1 dl- llav, per ton,._... , 7.00 S.00i keep 01' return the money as the" thiï¬kl Bedroom Paners Ceiling Papers i b, p - s - vine of the 19th centurv, but after that Hides n ,1, 9",nl ridgm ' , . - n ‘1, Liter or feeding purposes. . . ‘ . - t. r ‘ w . “a. u. s . Corners d D t- _ _ v H _ event he was the first to deny it. The out alleemkms' . . _ t . U . . u 40 1.00 pure spring ware, on even. {arm‘ good, an ecora tons. / \\ onru Ammoâ€"Among the ‘- .\otes ' ‘ for Farmers " in a late number of the Toronto ll'orlvl we find the following: " l‘ w mid be far isb to wish f r an earl . . â€"â€" , . 1 )L, _ 3 do f‘ - by: lleï¬fflme 11 gloomy Montam“ herellc- Notice is hcrcbv given that the partner- "6' . . _ 5 can and 5'39 my 59- Per 1‘0“ P5139“ 5’1"?“ am am. i’ .plcparc. or ",5 3‘ Uring “'110 diEd A- D 355, thus writes: ship hitherto existing between Dr. Archi- neon; Escugz "10"?†to b.'"d the “Miami “ †50. “ “ harm: everything in readiness. The | t: leeury chiler ure baptized into the remis- bald Wilson and Dr. Edward S. Wilson has and the; spd'per‘é'éii'. tgiibngr 2323:5383? l u “ 7G “ “ t n O . . s , - I l I l I lJl‘lll lmplemeuts and machinery should sron of 31113.†And presently after : “and this day been dissolved by mutual consent. of the price will be lertbn the farms, orlesgl “ h‘ gc it u i...- put l!) order at the ï¬rst avallable i [immile "F" by [130,5acmlmedm Of] balmy“ All accounts mm 0â€â€œ “ems (“mg to “w than than if buyers “isâ€! payabm “'8‘ mi “ “ 90. “ “ p . y . . ‘ v ~ '~ ‘ , ' - :9 . - - : ’tthe buyers in every way. This will be! ' v 0 , on, mt a" m. r “def. m the 1‘ 1L h ti 0' our nativity is ‘al ‘1sne, t lere -ard partnership are to be paid to deard 3": . . . . ; .r l p l 3 0 e 3 lore are liltle children baptized." And clse- S, Wilson. who will my all liabilities of, Put "1 writingand Is the best chance ever, “ “ lOC. “ “ country should cut this out and “ paste it in their hats,†and then, it any of their implements or machines are out of C'l’llt‘l'. they should take them at once to the Cameron Luke foundry, which thoroughly equipped with all necessary tools and materials for repairing thorn at ill-3 >lllll‘lt'5t notice and in the best ‘ï¬NIl‘l‘nilJlC manner. l r . or ‘50 years of age. who had been made disciples of Christ when they were infants.“ Now as infants are incapable of ï¬lirlr. they must have become disciples of Christ by baptism. and if so, their age shows that they must have been baptized while the whisper of the exclusion of infants from a full and free admission to the Church and family of Jesus Christ by baptism, is to be found in the writings of Tertullian after be where, “ To this may also be added, that it should be imagined into what is the cause that, seeing baptism is given to the Church for the remission of sins, according to the observance or custom of the Church, bu l- (ism 1's yirwz also in liltle children ; whereas it' there was nothing in little children that ought to belong to pardon and forgiveness. tllc grace of baptism Would be superfluous." la the time of Cyprian, bishop of Carth- FBNELON FALLS MARKETS. Reporled by the North Star Roller .lll'll Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, April 4th, 1890. Wheat, fall. per bushel. . . . $0.55 to $0.76 N 0 TI 0 EIW the said partnership. Dated at Fenclon Falls this ï¬rst day of April, 1890. ARCIIIBALD WILSON. g E. S. WILSOX. l i WALL PAPERS. New Patterns Arriving Bally Semi for the “Canadian Farm Advertiser" ‘_ to J. J. Dalv & Co.. Guelph P. 0., Out. It! faces; land not hilly nor-flat. Graveli ‘â€" ro.;.ls. cheese factories, creamerics, schools, & churches and post offices near all the farms. . Good waterevery where and healthy coun-r ______ oï¬ered to buyers. All buyers get good, titles and their deeds when they take DOS-r session. ' And all the way to 500. per Roll. tine maple bush, good house Paper ever brought into Lindsav. and but“... market town with railway 2 milcs. Witness : Wu. McAnrucR. 7-lw. House and Lot For Sale. _______- l â€"___._._______i1hav h ‘ .HV 3 110 m ,_ “H, _: , teon antlthelai eststockofWall . acr (DCLILI 1:,tcrcsi g l l 33:“ 5(K). 1(:3Syn-:13;lcï¬ï¬‚t’mpgï¬ REMEMBER THE PLACE : burr, main-{ct tmvn onlv 1 lllllt‘. L "i ~. .' ' v » ‘ 3,00,,» Just opposite New Post-oiilcc. .. ,I . and l‘urn, ncnr markct town. 1(011t Street - ‘ r q . . . . '- l dreaded -\. I). 259 there were some For sale rer- -1 v f - 1 1 1 n .v ,, - r - - r .‘JTH‘ENTS._IIarveiun†we I; a "tg't, .Jt . l . , ... , _\ (10.11) 01 C351,“ Ill f-uCI‘C Q‘sg‘ ) 00 news all clcal'cd, "oodl v .. 1" ’ . 1 r r , a , that thought that children ought not to be corner lot and the building's thereon. 0p- t'DAao‘ ( 0 buildings. neurmm'lwt-a 1.4 I l§ ‘3? q . , u. I - .<‘ . l 4-. I - 1| . - - ~ . . ' v H I "â€â€â€â€˜ '“‘ '“‘ ' V E†â€"‘ , ripl l‘. . llslln, . .tu- no} altosttatl 1U. I baptized until the eighth day, accordingr to posltc the south ward school house. I-‘euc- got.) {.9 ’ } 65 acres, : ~ lrctlITootl ‘ â€"-_... . flu-1n 'lilll‘lt‘l‘, :ls sour? of those ctlgnucd the time appointed for Circumcision; but lon Falls. The house is [S x2-l feet, l-l ‘j‘dt{»’(){- 0 “‘“l‘HWSv'W'†' ‘0‘?“- i:. it at the Falls have already discover cd. ill: Friday lust .‘ll‘..lohll l). Woods it‘ll from the top ol'nnc of thc inclines to lilc ground. a distance ofnhout twen- ty-livc fur-t, but lbrtunan-ly was so little him that he was able to go to work Zlyfllll on .‘vlouday. On the some day (Friday) a derrick broke and part of it nrnriy dislocated Mr. John )chilli- vruy's 'iulltsllouldcr. On SaturdayJJ. Wilson, Jr., a lad about 16, fcll ncurly lil'lct-ll l'eli-t, without any worse cousc- quencos than a pretty sevcrc shakingr up, and on .‘douday Fred Laliberto, a boy in ace but a man in size, l'cll about twelve feet, anda large block of ice, weighing nearly 400 lbs.. followed him, but did not "’ light on bizn " and he cs- czlpcd unllurt. <0». Henry M. Stanley will leave Egypt April 7th. l’riuco Albert Victor embarked at Bombay for England last; Friday. An English wcckly paper has crossed the Rubicon. and will ilczrrztftcr be cold for :1 half penny. People are already bouiuniu'.r to talk of the possibility oi'a thrilling :izlpcr. none that held that they ought not to be ('wryl'ivl I 11! all w/u'lxl children. And to one that supposed they ought not to be baptized till the eighth day, Cyprian wrote, saying: lut as to the cause of infants, which thou suycst the second or third day after they are born ought not to be baptized, and that the law of the ancient circumcis- ion is to be observed, that thou shouldst think that any one that is born ought not to be baptized or sanctified before the eighth day, it seemed far otherwise to all in our Council ; †(66 in number) “ for in, this that thou thoughtcst should be done, nmleayreml; but rather all of us judged that the mercy and grace of God (in bap- tism) should be denied to no one born of men.†So it seems that this whole council determined that children ought to be bap- tized. And St. Augustine, speaking of this synodical determination, tells us that in this Cyprian did not make any now do- crcc, but kept the faith oftllc Church †(in the baptism of infants) “most fun: and sure.†,St. Augustine, Bishop of Ilippo, who died A. D. 430, spends a whole chapter in prov- ing, That by the price of the blood of Christ in baptism, children are washed, freed, and saved from original sin propu- gaicd from their first parents.†And else- where he says, “ Seeing therefore children do not begin to be the sheep QfVC'hrz'st but only by Jul/disnl.†stories high, on a stone foundation, with a kitchen 13 x ‘20 feet and :t. woo'dsllcd. There are also a workshop H x 20 (feet, a never failing well of excellent WlltCl‘ and a few fruit trees. The buildings were erected about twelve years ago, and are in good condition. Apply at the GAZETTE ofï¬ce, or to the undersigned. GEO. W. MARTIN, IO Pearson Avenue, St. Alban’s Ward, Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"7tf. NOTIGE TO EBTORS. The undersigned hereby notiï¬es all per- sons indebted to him either by note or book account, past due, that they must settle the same by Saturday, the 22nd of March inst., or: costs will be incurred. ALEX. CONNEL,'B1acksmith. Bury’s Grccn, March 12th, 1800.â€"-1-3w. TO ALL CONCERNED. Parties indebted to the late John Wallace are hereby notified that they must settle with the undersigned on or before rho 10th of April next, or their accounts will be placed in court for collection. 100 acres, \‘ L; 6‘) I d, l: bush (9-D 9 brick house ntl blian burn: , T. ‘ 13». ll. lllETliEllELl. market town with railwav ; mllcs, village near. v 92;? Please call and see my 5c. Pancr. (in, 3 )â€"~10liA;‘lcrc;,â€"go'clt-ilrcd: lo bule g4, , _ 0 large fresh water lake is bouztdarv at back end, «:oodhousnnnd burn, market. town with ra \ay 5 milcs. _~~_ »<<â€"Â¥ -V__' l _ 'â€"â€""â€"_~â€" I 20.) acres, 90 clcarctl, rcst r l l a f ' r , I ( hardwood, house and burns, ‘ '3] ‘ Whirth c miles, market town with ruilway7milcs. 1 I “o f" 165 acres ln'O clcurcd, l'hard- , L}O(). ,,.Ood.g,,,’,,ï¬,o,,sclsunflbam' g chd carefully and act wisely. Man v milk.“ \villti‘ilhvay I milc, large town (i unlcs. 3’ Vallll'blc “"03 on†he quwl I "o b 5') †m“ 100 acres: SS clczfrâ€"ctl, {I‘lill‘tl- l 173 use “tiltâ€"4:“ â€"‘M :â€" fl 3 £10 wood iinc bri ‘k h i 'r: i wa‘mufl †_ . - I L mil ; rigs“ MOSES COURTELIANCHE’S b Shooooqooooooooooooooso...oooooooooooooooooooooo Lindsay, April 2nd, 1890. largo bunk barn, market town with railway 3 miles. ’7) 5) F0 200 acres, 180' cleared $10.4.) . ’ balance hardwood, 2 sets ‘ of line buildings, 2 bank barns and 2 good houses, r market town \vlth railway 2 miles, can be and is OQQO“O§¢OO‘Q§OO000.M..GOQOOOOQOQO¢OOOOMO¢O div i‘dcdâ€"oncfithc best farms in the county. 82 1 ,000. ségoozggccs‘lsï¬â€˜lcipfyl‘.n$liy EEFThis is undoubtedly the best lun :- med- .. r ’ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ° ' iciue in the world, and for Dyspepsia suit purchaser ï¬ne buildings that cost $10 000. ' ~ l‘his form :ldjhins City of Cool ab, and is one of 5 iiiâ€"b11115 no mimil' Manufactured h". 3103â€: l the host grain and stock farms of its size in Ontario“; t’ï¬ï¬â€˜Courtcnmnchc, Midland. and sold 3“: $20,500. 4â€" ‘“ “a; W, Ellis. Fenelon Falls. clcarcd, 90 very fine _ valuable hardwood bush, 1 sets ï¬ne buildings, 2 7 3‘1, . - i . liSlilESï¬jlllTlGE. bank burns, r tine new brick dwelling. ucar good- Noticc is hereby giventhat the. business market town with railways, bcst large farm in the :ounty,.:s feliccd ruins farmsâ€"200 ucrcs, 150 acres, hitherto carried on by Samuel Swanton as a dealer in and Inc acres, will be sold separately or together. Send for the “ Farm Advertiser," it gives full particulars of these and 275 other farmsand valuable information about this country, (Address, J. J. Only a 60., Guelph P. 0., C'Y’.__J . . . . “ Wall‘s Treatise on Infant Baptism †is M \ R W LL C m - _ ' ‘my‘..““m. . It lsallcged that 1113 back district . . i I - “Sum Y A A . 5i: ! W“. _ I .â€â€™â€œâ€œâ€œâ€˜â€â€™W#“0‘ON: . ~ . a work of three large volumes, made up w ‘ _ n A I , , .3 , l. ' I o m Munimba there Is in the tax books almost. entirely of quotations from the “"010†Fallnmmch 2"‘ll’1390'_6'°“ ï¬at 5' "" Ra‘L‘g’fgl’sT‘ggagf’flwgr,Tï¬lfggal’h E thls elltrv referring to some crown Fathers ofthc Church on this subject. . .V 1 _ ‘5 . _ E lands:-â€""N(,)wllcl'.Victoria ; occupation, 200 .-\. 1).: Tertullian lirstobjcots to In- SEQQND DIVISION COURT E‘véï¬BER YARDS, 5 of Tlmber, Lumber and Shingles. ~, _ Quccn ; residence, England.†{ A l'rrak who died ill [own a. day or two ago had the body of a two-year old child. but a bond as large as the ordi- nary man. He was 3'3 years old, and w is never able, to speak. For thirty yerrs be was: tied ill a chair and fed with a spoon by his mother, whose con- stzlnt fear was lost she should die before hrr lmy and no one be left to wait on llllll. 'l‘weuty-live years ago )lrs. Ernest Strig. at Crau'i'ordsvillc, Ind, vowed that the sun should never shiuo upon l1-.'l' again, and size kept. her word. Her husband humorcd the whim, and, when the house in which they lived was sold, compelling :1 transfer. she was removed at night in order that. her vow might be kept. intact. Some months =th she bl ca'uc blind and her death occurred last week. The pmple who invent heraldic crests and mortocsare finding plenty to do nowadays in the Slates. The other day a man, who “ recently made a stake "’ in a Western mine. called on one of their establisl‘ments and said 1â€"“ The girls want Some sort of a motter. or crest. as they call it, to put on their (letter paper. 1 think it's all doggonod foolishness, but ‘5 long as they want it. they must l1.1\‘:'ll. So I want you to fix up on - o’ yrr most rxperlsivc crests, likt- what [lll‘lll l‘lllgllsll (looks and counts htvc. a: d send the bill to me. What llmticl‘? Well. I don'tmrc much. ‘ I ain’t prtty. but I got. there all the s:1ruc_' would suit me all ri;ht. Jilst throw it into built or Greek, and twine it around the crest." " Woommuutcarltnsf No. S). ‘ > . ./.=:r-'.r [32:53, [Joplin I’tzsltr, i i {ant Baptism. 360 A. D.: Gregory Nazianzcn advises that children should not be baptized until “ three years old.†1150 A.D.: The Waldonscs refuse Infant Baptism. 1522 A. D. : Stork and Munzen, in Sax- ony, begin to re-baptizc ; hence the name Anabaptists. -â€"OF THEâ€"- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above- Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelcn Falls, On Tuesday, Apr. 3321141, commencingat 10 o‘clock in the forenoon than formerly by the undersigned, who wrll pay, us hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES» and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of every month for all materials r. x. I 0wflmQNOOâ€WMOQOOOO§O¢OO‘O§OQQm‘OOOQ: I i ' will be continued on a much larger scale We have for sale here and at Lindsay all kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Sculltliug Plank, Timber, Lath, Pickots, Shingles, 1 Fence Posts and all kinds of Plaucd and G120. Maxxlxc, Bailiff. Penelon Falls, Feb. 27th, 1800. EGGS FOR HATCHlNG. I am prepared to supply eggs from pure- brcd lIoudans, lllut-k L‘ochins, Plymouth Rocks and White chhorns, ALL OF THE CHOICE-EST STRAINS. l 1375 A. D.: Foxe writes, “ No buptists yet in England.†1633 A. D. : The first baptist congrega- tion formed in England. In 1622, A. D., just ten years before this cvcut, or 263 years ago, a very remarkable discussion took place in England, on this subject, in presence of the King and other notables. The question was not whether infants should be baplized or not, for both dismllunts were agreed on that point; but whether Infant Baptism can be “ demonstra- (r'r'rljr "' proved from Scripture. The dispuan that took the afï¬rmative side selected our Lord's discoursc to Nico- dcmus alone for the purpose, and was thought by the men of that time to have made his point good. I give his exact words : “ ’l‘hat baptism is necessary to the Salvation of iufanls (in the ordinary way of tlze Church, without binding God to the use and means of that Sacrament to rr-lu'r/r, [{r [I'll/l bound Us) is express in St. John, 3, 5 : ‘ Except a man (It's, old and young, male and female) be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the King,- dom of God.’ So, no baptism, no entrance. .\'or can infants creep in any other ordina- ry way. And this is the received opinion ofall the ancient Church of Christ. And secondly. That infants ought to be baptized, is, first, plain by evident and direct conse- quence out of Scripture. For if there be no salvation for infants in the ordinary way of the Church, but by baptism. and this appear ill Scripture. as it doelh, then, out of all doubt, the copywrucncc is mast evident out of that Scripture. that infants are to be baptized, that. their salvation may be certain. For they which cannot help themselves must not be left only to (‘Ifl'dtir- .I‘;.’rl."_’] helps, of which we have no warrant at all in Scripture, while we, in the menu- timn. llz'grlr'r.‘ 1"." origin-v.21 way «in! illul'll run: an": iv! 3-3/ (Kim's-l. Secondly, it is ve-ry near an expression in Scripture itself. For when St. Peter had r-nded that great scr- E. D. HAND, Clerk. Price: $2 for 9. Setting of 13, or $3 for, TWO Settings. At the poultry show in Bowmanvillc last January I tonk lst prize for Houdans and Plymouth Rocks; lst and ‘anl prizes for Black Cochins; and 2nd prize for White Leghorns. l]. Bdlll‘ll, Busse l-il, lindsay. Lindsay, March 25th, lS‘JO.â€"th. Wonderful -_- Bargains _1\_ etc, now mined for CASH and ONLY CASH, ,done on short notice and . . ' . . Iliving prices. Particularattention paid to l “ V ‘ . F'! I,‘ “'1' ‘ 1C†llllllllel’y, DI‘CSS Trllnlnlngs,{homo-shoeing. Give me a calland I “dill-ll“? linen)“ ‘ I S M [a Matched Lumber from one to two years Old. Car Common Lumber, both Pine and! Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new Stock, cut last 3 ‘nson, \vcll roofed, dry and bright, manufactuer cxprcsslv for the local‘ trade of Fontlou Falls and ’Lindsav and surrounding country. ‘ From our longcxpcricncc in the business, and bt'lllg‘ builders ourselves, we have a, good idca of what is required for first class i or common building materials for houses,’ barns and outbuildings. rthc past ten years,nlld bugs to «do delivered. 3-2}? One of the firm will be regularly on the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Sivanton, .\o. 5‘.’ \iclor Avenue. Toronto, or 10.). ii. 1 Brandon, Funclou Falls. SWANTOX,11 lANDOX .‘c (To N. l}.â€".\lr.S\vantonthanks his lilllllt‘l'f‘r‘». customers for their liberal patronage . We1mm.assumcdundpiledhyumnwclvcs, continuance of the same for the new tirn . both qualities to suit purchasers. I’riccst from $3 5') to pcr .ll foot and up vnrds. i We have about two million feet that must} be sold to make room for ncw stock. l’nr-l tics requiringr ally of the above stock will: save money by calling before purchasing; elsewhere, or by sending their bill-.1 hero or to Lindsa ' for quotations. lills ostimntcdl and returned for approval. Cau ship by carl loads to all points. on to April next. Send on your orders. “One Dollar Saved is Two Dollars Earned." TAKE: Normsâ€"The above is all gang lum- bcr, parallel widths. GREEN ‘1 k ELLIS, Femlon Frills, SAM'L PARSONS, .‘lycrll r'ri Lindsay. l'David Chambers, General Blacksmith, ___â€"___ Blacksmithingin all its different branches guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. Can get special rates, Fcnclon Falls, Aug. 71h, l?>‘~!l.â€"-;‘~'}-:;. Lampoon" _ / all) n Works. R. oriï¬BERs , is prepared to furnish the people of l..r;u‘v say and surrounding country with )I(,l.\'L'.\ll'Z.\"l‘fS .‘l.\'l) llEAllS'i‘ONl-JF. both Marble and (ll-unite. if 0090 o... Estimates promptly given on all kinds cemetery work. Marble Table Tops. Wash Tops, .'~l.’t:.lfil iPioct-s, Etc, a specialty. l I CALL AND BE SURPRISE!) AT THE Frauds-st, Fenelon Falls. an...“ nun... v. Doing a practical workman, all six, ..l )see his designs and compare prices but an: Illll'Cll'lrlllg t.-ls<-'.vircrc. WORKSâ€"In tour of the market or; ('4‘ . house. r at the lowest; - l l r l {13812 CHAMBERS. is printed every Saturday at the when, 0:1 the corner of Bitty .‘r. Francis: strr. ‘SCBSCRH’TION $15 YEAR LY .illi’lX-f 1â€"}. -- . . . ’ i . . . . ' ' i ' ° i m0“ 0‘ 1113- AC†'3‘ lie “Fillies 1W0 com- M118. R. S. - ' , or one ccntz-cr wet-k Will no added as long «t: N :.â€" l forts unto them. vr-rse 33: ‘ Amend your see price “5, below _ ' as it remains unpaid. 3 ...ive examined the chief texts in ; lives.:iud be laptizml. and vou shall re- ' IV yum-0m, COL-wry FOR . . ~ - . . l . . . 4 ' I 5 s . .. ' g n v ,- 4 ~ :i .t:“t‘.g on 1l;L‘i.t:t‘Sltulloll :nmut j cure the grit or the Holy Ghost. And I-‘elt Hat for.... ......3llc. worth clJ’lO Ad‘ ('1 “hulk Iz‘ltes‘ ' . although I have by no means «it. then. verse ".0, he infers, ‘ For the promise liuckran Shapes 150. worth :15 ' Professional or business cur-2:. .70 ("-3.23 :l . Lci .5 now look into lllt‘ is made 10 yr. land to your children.’ The! l’lush...... ....-l0e. worth on : Perllnc ll“r “mm!â€- C « - (r.' - ., .. those who came illtnlcdiatcly = promise : \vinlt promise '3 What ! Why. the Feathers ......60c. worth I.-5 .8 cents per line for the ï¬rst luv-room: z: writers of the New Testamcnl, promise ofsauctiticution by the lIolyGhost. Tips ....20c. Worth 40 "ls “- iocnts per line for every Slilï¬'."., .::l.t ; - ‘. ~ “helix we can gather run-liling lly what means ‘3 Why. by baptism. For it litrds . . .. .. . ......3i"c. worth 1.25 ; t‘on. Contracts by the year, half y .. front Ham on lliis subject. either for or is expressly, ‘ lie baptiznd, and ye shall “lugs ......l;'»c. worth 40 ' A' quarter, 10?“ comm†0" 1955;111'0’1 “aim-- '.v i. ....'. ‘1..' :s,- H1! .~.-- ; a ' -‘- ‘ ;~ :9' “ . agamst the guano o: haphsu in recent. And .is, This promise \\ nol C rps and llood. ooc. worth :0 Baker’s Block, Kemp“, Lmdsay. able terms. the early .1ch Mike Church. J'.:-‘1... Martyr. who was beheaded for the cause of Christianity under Marcus Aur- elius .t. 0. 32:7, livul only aboutjhrry you after the apostles. mentions that “ there 9 ded out of Scripture.1 is made to you and to your cltildrcu.‘ And i Trimmed llats at your own prices. therefore A. C. (the disputant on the not!» , hbbons unequalled for low price. tire side) may ï¬nd it if he will. that the ’ Mrs. R. M’Dougall, baptism of infants may be directly conclu- i J'OZB PRINTING Artists' Goods a Spaciallyti of all ordinary kinds executed “2,35,: cm. grectly and reasonable rates. S.D. HAND, Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dyel Wat. LOGAN. Works Agency. were can! among them who were then to l a 5 Doors North or the Post-omce . J’ropmznr .--