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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Apr 1890, p. 5

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‘. Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. , ings bank deposits from 84,000,000 to N O T I C E. Heard's new advertisement in this $51,000,000; letters and postcards sent .____. week's Grlxlte. He has a full stock of from 18,000,000 in 1868 no 90,000.000 Notice is hereby. given that the partner- everything required for the spring in 1887. Miles of railway in 1368, Ship 111019!“ “151"!!! between Dr- Are!"- tradc, and we needn't tell anybody who 2.500, and in 1887, 12,292. Now, ham W‘ls‘m and Dr'Edward S“ Wilson has , . . . fi d this day been dissolved by mutual consent. has ever bought anythlng at his store ladies and gentlemen, can you n pros- A” “mums and on,” deb” owing ,0 the that he sells at “ rook bottom ” prices. perity to equal that in any part of the said partnership are to be paid to Edward rpm. CHEESE FACTORY _ ‘Ir F world? I say it is a crying shame and S. Wilson. who will pay all liabilities of Sandford, proprietor of the Fenelou an everlasting disgrace for such people the 53“! ParmPYShilL , - ‘ . ~ _ Dated at Fenelou Falls this first day of Falls cheese factory, has secured the aslcauadlzuséo.m(llkqof “ES-“"3 them April, 1890. services of .‘Ir. H. A. McIntosh (bro- so veg wt e [me “mtes' ther of .‘Ir. Wm. )IcIntosh of this vil- lage') as successor to Mr. Joseph Hnight, and the season’s work at the factory will be commenced on the first Monday in May. “ Ox 'rllr: Roan."â€"Mr. Thos. Rob- son, of the Cameron Lake foundry, has set up a horse and spring Waggon, with which Mr. Peter )lofi‘at takes away, every day or two, as large a load of ploughs, barrows &c., as the vehicle Sratxof‘iiaanwaan.â€"See Mr. Joe. ARCHIBALD WILSON. E. S. WILSON. The Gaulois says the Dahomians Witness : Wu. McAnrnt-n. T-tw. have made two vigorous assaults upon the French position in Dahomey. Four French soldiers stationed at outposts SECOND DIVTSION COURT were captured by the Dahomians and â€"°F Tm“: - beheaded. The French retaliated upon county 01‘ VICtOI‘la- the Dahomuius by beheading five 0f the The next sittings of the above Court will female warrior 0f the King who had be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelou Falls, been captured. W... BIRTHS. On Tuesday, Apr. 22nd, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon will hold. )lr. Mofiat is a good man ‘ for the work and as the implements McIernE.â€"In Fenelou Falls, 011 Wed- GEO- M5551un E-D-HANDy are a" of our,“ quality and the prices nesdny, the 2nd inst. the wife of Mr. Thos. Balllff- Clerk. lllclntyre of a. daughter. SHARP.â€"Ill the township of Fenelou, on Friday, the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh Sharp of a daughter. METCALF.-â€"In the township of Fenelou, on Sunday, the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. Metcnlf of a son. IIERE ALREADY. Ruruenronn.â€"In the township ofVeru- 1am, on Tuesday, the 15th inst. the wife of Mr. John Rutherford of a. daughter. GI:I)l)lS.â€"ln Fenelou Falls, on Friday, Q low. he ought toâ€"aud no doubt docsâ€" Feud” F31”: Feb- 27th: 1&0- sell a considerable number of them cv- cry week to the surrounding farmers. “' ELnow ROOM.”â€"- There was not as large an audience as there should have been ill the Methodist chulcll, on Wed- nestlny evening, to hear the lecture on “ Elbow Room ” delivered by the Rev. W. Williams, D. D., of Lindsay; but H the building is so roomy that it takes a ‘considernble number of persons to fill it :1 quarter full. Dr. Williams is :1 very fluent and agreeable speaker, and, al- though he had no notes, never hesitated for a word. The lecture was both in- teresting and instructive, and was lis- tened to with pleasure by all present. BUYERS ARE HAVING A D'A-ILY 'rnsELov Fafligliiinkhrs. __ __ Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Mrs. R. Fenelou Falls, Friday, April 25th, 1890. Wheat, full, per bushel. . . . $0.75 to $0.80 Wheat, spring “ 70 80 Wheat, Scotch or Fife . . . . 85 90 A ‘ <â€"--~~~~â€" --â€"â€"-‘â€"-'â€"* Barley, per bushel . . . . . . . . 30 30 â€"â€"â€"-â€" .. . c It 9 GanaoeaLaw-Abldmg Country. (333;, ,, :;;;;;;; g3 23 QUALITIES To SUIT ALL. ‘ R ' “ . . . . . . . . 40 45 . In the course ofa very long speech Piano” u o . . _ . . _ . 25 30 PRICES ASTONISHINGLY Low at an Imperial Federatlon meetlng ln Butter, per 1b”, , , , _ , , , . . 14 15 â€"â€"-â€"--â€" Guelph, UOl. T. DCDISOD, Toronto Hogs, per CWt . . . . . . a ..... 5.00 5.25 P police magistrate, made at least one Eggslpel‘tdozen - - . - - - - - - o 700 8%)?) y u _ a point worthy of note. It contrasted the Big, T)” o" ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ° ' ' ' 2‘25 2‘75 5 lnweabiding dlspOSltion of our settlers '40 1:00 R. m in the North-West with the turbulent nature of the invaders of new territory in the United States. The Colonel said : “ This country has been founded upon the principle of the people being law-abiding and God-fearing. The U. E. loyalists came from the United States to this country because they still wanted to recognize mollarcllical insti- tutions and the authority of the law. If we take our new settlements we find that we have hardly any crime at all in them. that the people are law-abiding and God-fearing throughout the North- West, and that such a thing as outrage is unknown or almost unheard of. On the other hand, look across the line and we find that us that fringe of settlement goes further into the west so the wilder- ness becomes one carnival of crime. wrong-doing, licentiousness and outrage. In one district of the Indian territory sixteen deputy marshals were murder- el in the year 1887. You will find that there are over 900 murders per 101100.000 oftlle population per alluuln, while ill all civilized countries the aver- age is only 250 to 300 and in Canada only 100. You will find that where )nnnd-l had only 125 divorces there have been 375,000 ill the United States. In a country like this that is trying to C:ll‘l'_‘,' out moral and religions prillciphs among :l law-abiding and God-fearing pv‘ople, would there be nothing lost ill going into such a country, which is get- ting worse and worse every day ?" Continuing, Colonel Denison thus re- ferred to the present state of Canada: “ There lll‘t! some people who are ill the habit of finding fault with the prosper- ity of Canada, people who have always been at home, who have never gone outside of Canada, are ill the habit of lamenting that Canada is not prosper- ous. I have been all over Europe and this continent from the gulf oi )vaico upwards. and I cannot find any country to compare with our own. Isuy that there is no country on the face of the earth where the people are as prosper» 2 Doors North of the Post-ofllce New Advertisements. Notice to Store-keepers. Store-keepers and others are hereby for- bidden to give credit to any person whom- soever on my account, as after this date I will not pay for any goods obtained in my name without a printed order from me. EDWIN WOOD. Fenelou Falls, April 24th, 1890.â€"~10-4‘ A Rare Chance l «487 -LOTS- 87e‘ IN FENELON‘ FALLS: FOR SALE, Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J' Sclllly. Will be sold in single lots or in blocks to suit purchasers. Also a. brick house and lot on' Fidler’s Hill. NO‘V IS YOUR TIME q. AS __ THEY MUST BE SOLD Colborne-St.. Fenelou Falls. CHAIRS. CHAIRS. CHAIRS- Just arrived, another large assortment of Kitchen, Dining Room and Parlor CHAIRS. Latest Styles. Lowest Prices. Stock of Furniture complete, as usual. For anything required during House- eleaning time don’t fail to call on me. _â€"., For terms and particulars apply to Barron k McInulglllin, Solicitors for the Estate, Lindsay, or to W. E. ELLIS, Fenelou Falls. April 25111, 1890....10tr ESTABLISH El) IX 1847. â€"â€" TIIE OLDEST AND TIIE LEADle LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. .â€" Capltnl J; Assets as at the 30th oprrlI, lssn, nver $10,000,000. Annual Income for the ear ending“ 30th April. 1885. $1,S40,000. Totnl Sum assured to 30th April,1885, amounts to $l'i,000,000. IN STOCK: PATTEN’S CELEBRATED ADJUSTABLE IIEAD SPRING MATTRASS. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. L. DEYMAN. Mortgage Sale of Farm Lands. Under n. power of sale ill a. certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the sale, from George Shel-hey to E. D. Orde, there will be said By Public Auction, at the )iclrtllur House. in the Village of Fenelou Falls, on Monday, the 25th day of April,1890, at 3 o'clock p. m., the following propertv, namely, The West part of Lot X0. 11 in the 3rd Con. of the Township of Somerville, containing 120 acres more or less. and fully described in said mortgage. There are sold to be about 40 or .30 acres cleared on said land and n. log house partly built thereon. TERMSâ€"Tile purchaser to pay one-third of the purchase money down at the time of sale, and the balance within 30 days there- after. For further particulan apply to F. D. MOORE. Lindsay, Vendor‘s Solicitors. ‘ Dated the 8th of April, 1890.â€"81d The profits of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Office doing business in the Dominion, and its rntio ol‘expellscs to income are less than . . . that of any other Cnlmdluu or British otlice. 01“; “hm.” hm ‘5 “5 “fol ‘Ill‘irc.llr”lmr‘ The policies of this Conlpunynrc indisputm ty 1‘ 3“ “'C‘ll‘t‘. \Vlllfl‘c the law 15 better ble on any grounds whatever after two allln'nistercd. where the people are so yoursnnll policies becoming claims are k:,,,{ ,,,,,| “Mubming as in Canada. pnidnt once. Tillc rntes clllnrgcld byftillis , , V ‘; s u - I , , roulpuny are as ow nsuny lrst-c ass 0 . ce. " ~ A ' . MCDOI'GALL & BRANDON, own .\urlll'\\‘est. I nnl ashamed oi ‘ , , _ 43.1): Agents, Fenelou Falls. l. unadlulls “TTICIOSO away to llve In it for- eign land or who at home, like so many banshecs. go about whining :lnd wailing a. ,-,.,..â€". EGGS FOR HATGHING. Irish wake. That Sort of thing is bad, , because it is not true. Let us see what ‘ am prepared ‘0 Suppl-V eggs from pum- progrcss our country has made since 1808. In lhutyear the clttle sent to England mm“ Sflppm,‘ “my in 185-,- ALL OF THE CHOICEST STRAINS. 85.500 000. Ill the same yiar wheat, 1,400,000 bushels, and in lSST 0.700; boll btl~llc§s. In the same '0 or cheese, $550.00”. and in i887 $7.055t000. In 18155~ bunk circulation in Canada a- mounted ttl$S_llllll,lllll..l. and in 188-? it B, k ._ ‘,. H , ,, ._ . was 3;;lo,nllll.otl0. Bank deposits in; for M imam" “‘1'” {mm licks amounted to $33,ml0_000‘ and in z for While Leghorns. ' if.:i°‘::‘£.‘2f£.i ..L§§3.°;‘;"§:$il ll. ETBEW, Russell-st, llndsay. SUISEBIBE TUB THE GAZETTE. 000,0001rom snowmen 86335av- Lindsay,llarch2§.th,1891â€"43“. $1 PER YEAR. bred lloudlms. Black L'ocbins, Plymouth locks and White Leghorns, The East half of Lot; No. 2. west of Col- borne and north of Francis street, Fenelou Price: 32 for 8. Setting of 13, or $3fm- Falls, Co. Victoria, the property of fMary ' Calder. There is on the premises a mule Two settings. house 2‘2 x 33 feet. For full particulars apply to At the paultry show in Bowmnnvillc last January I tools lst prize for liouxians “rad. Plymouth Rocks; lst and 2nd: prizes MARY" CALDER, Nov.191h,188‘3. ' Omemee I’.O. illâ€"iii???“ P I 0;,N I G tulllllll nnllln Come and be not only suited and pleased R J F I but delighted with your new head attire. I. I ’ . g V be ledaway by every/1916.57 iENGLISH, CANADIAN 'AND l WHEN YOU WANT A 3 Bedroom Papers. Ceiling Papers. PAPERS. CALL 0N Nrw Patterns Arriving; Daily l AMERICAN MARKETS. Corners and Decorations. EU on W CH lPRICES & STYLES ll‘TfillT CUSTOMERS. I. Gall and see my 5c. per ‘roll Paper. FROM R. J. F R 0 S T gliall’, Dining Room. Drawing Room and __..___. “ 60. (l u 7c. (t u A New Line Just Arrived. u 33; If I: I‘ (K U H ALL KINDS OF And all the way to 500'. per Roll. BROOCHES’ RINGS, I have on hand’ mar-gear stock of Wall PIPES Paper ever brought into Lindsay. And SILVERPLATE KEPT IN STOCK. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REMEMBER THE PLACE: * Just Opposite New. Post-other, Iient Street. LINDSA‘ST. G. A. METâ€"HERELL. 11$” Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay, A‘pril 2nd, 1890.. The Great Discovery. WRend carefully nnd‘nct wisely. Many valuable lives can be saved by the Kay» use 0f::‘1_::::{“_::: W MOSES COURTEMANCHE’S I! §: “mmwwowoooo omwoowoooov 099m 9 stone avatar: m?WO”QOQQOQmNOOOOQOQMW”“OM”. W'I‘his is undoubtedly the best lung med- nEY’icine in the world, and for Dyspepsia. m’E‘lms no equal. Manufactured by Moses WCourtcmnnohe, Midland, and sold by W. E. Ellis. Fenelou Falls. â€"52-17â€"3m. BCSNESSJIDTICE. Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swnnton as a dealer ill “ The Jeweller,” D ONT of wind that blows. WW0N¢W¢<¢O¢ oooofitoootwmuonouo RailwayTies, Cordwod, Tele raph i Pples, Cedar and all kin s t of Tlmber, Lumber and Shingles, é Wm”owo«mvwwwoo o Ooomooowowoo MOWNH and able to-compete in my own line of business and thank my numerous patrons for their kind support for the last ten years. I have withstood op- position five times in the last ten years in Fenelou Falls, and will still be able to give satis- faction, ns in the post, after having had thirty years’ ex- per1encc.. .r. s 1. an n R, Watchmaker & Jeweller, FENEL 0N FALLS. 2 Dams South of Mechanics’ institute. . will be continued on a much larger scale- thnuformerly by the undersigned, who will pay, ns~hitherto, THE HIGHEST GAS“ PRICES, and payments will be promptly mode on the 15th of every month for all materials delivered. 13%“ One of. the firm will be regularly'onr the road". For particulars apply to Slimlch Swanton, No. 52 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. ll. Brendon, Fenelou Falls. SWANTON, BRANDON .2: Co. N. Biâ€"Mr.Swnnton tllnnks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten. yenrs,nnd begs to solicit :l. continunncc of the some for the new lirln. Fenelou Falls,.Aug. 7th, lSSO.â€"â€"2G-tf. ‘ LINDSAY Marble Works. if? R. CHAMBERS "' is prepared to furnish the people of Lind~ my and surrounding country with ' MONUMENTS AND ill-JADS'I‘ONES, both Marble and Granite. GREENE & ELLIS’S LUMBER YARDS, Estimates promptly given on all kinds of EENEUN Elll_8_l_Nll llNlJSll. We have for sale here and at Lindsay 1111" Marble Tnblc 'I‘ops, u'nsli Tops, )lnntel kinds of Building Lumber. Joist, Scontling pieces, Etc“ 3 smegflhv. Plflnka Timber: lullll- l’it‘kClS' Shinflltsl king :1 practicer workman, all should. Fence PUSIS find “11 kinds 0f P1110011 “"d see his designs and compare prices before Matched Lumber froln one to two years old. purchqzingb15(3“'])(3rc. Olll‘ Common Lllnll’JCI', IJOIII I’ine flllll [our of the market on Cam- IIleOCk) “Nb and (“'0 inc“: l5 mOSUF new bridge street, opposltc Matthew 5' parking stock, out last season, well roofed, dry and : nonsm. bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fenelou Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, “ Fenelou Fans “azoflc ” und being builders ourselves, we have a _ i ' good iden of what is required for first class 13 Imm"d “wry Sfll‘lr‘lny 9" the “m0”: 0’1 or common building materials for houses, the corner of May ti: l-‘mnczs streets. W115 “ml Guthmldmss- , SUBSCRIPTION .51.IYE.Illl.‘i.llll'.lNl'E, \\ e have assorted and piled by themselves , both qualities to suit purchasers. Prices 0" one comp” week WI” he added “5 long from S1: {-0 to $5 per )1 feet and upwards. “3 ii Ecumlns u"lmld- We have ubont two million feet that must A(1v010tisilltr Rates, be sold to make room for new stock. Pnr- '5 nos requiring an). of the above stock will Professional or business cards,_50 cents save money m. caning before purchasing perilnc per annum. Cnsunl advertisements, elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or s “ems ll” lm" for “"3 55" "lscm‘ml {ma 2 to Lindsay for quotations. Bills estimated "ems 1"” 1"": for "cry Subsequwl "’39" 8081'. CHAMBERS. ' and returned for approval. Can ship by car lion- commas by the Fe“: half 5°“ 0" loads to all points. Can get special rates quatter‘l 1°” “ comm" or 1255! up” “3503‘ on to April next. Send on your orders. able “"‘ls' “One Dollar Saved is Two Dollars Efirned." JOB PRINTING TA“ XOT‘CE-jâ€"Tbe “130‘”? IS 3“ ganglum‘ of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor 11": Parana! “"dibs- rectly and reasonable rates. GREE.’E a ELLIS, Fenelou mm, s. n. HAND, SAML PARSONS, Agent at Lindsay. Proprietor: '3. ‘6‘ I“ 9 ~‘ ! i

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